The Reality Of Shedding - Truth, Science And…

Jan 25, 2024

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Humanity United Now Rumble


Roman S Shapoval - Jan 25, 2024 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Dr Ana, have you studied blood samples for those who were grounded vs not grounded?
Grounding barefoot especially by red granite can regulate blood flow and improve our overall threshold for stress, shedding those inflammatory positive ions back into the Earth!


ThreeArchBay - Jan 25, 2024


Grounding is great... but I am quite sure it doesn't remove nano-bots or hydrogels, PEG or any of the vaxx poisons.


klp - Jan 27, 2024


Mir - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited


Roman, I think your field of expertise is the very answer to all this "shedding" as I very much suspect this "shedding" to be the perfect cover-up for what is actually happening to us all; being prematurely radiated to death! Well I finally got it (I think! ;). So I came to the (final) conclusion that this entire "shedding thing" as brought by about every freedom authority in the world is to say the least BS if.. and only IF we disregard the bluetooth/digital signals coming from the jabbed (man as source of radiation / man as cell tower). So yes, let's call this pure radiation exposure from the jabbed to the unjabbed "shedding" for a moment - but ofcourse we then are also being shed by our WIFI and by our cell phones etc. so we have to eradicate it all.
Roman, if you get what I mean with the above, then do you have any idea what a jabbed human being as a source of radiation might radiate compared to let's say a cell phone? And let's then visualize a public encounter with many many jabbed people all radiating the shit out of everyone (while being radiated to death from the inside out themselves) which might be an utter overload of radiation exposure ... no wonder health issues gain a foothold!
A ^ not surprising cover-up, nah?
2 Links of sources I trust, both combined got me to this eureka moment. First I was confused about why dr Sam was debunking things that are sold all over the place .... but I just needed our Jeff (2nd link) putting my both feet on the ground to let it fall at its place.
Dr Sam Bailey debunking the entire shedding thing;
And second a less "conventional source" but.. no nonsense;


Pirate Studebaker - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited

Pirate Eyes

Shedding is most definitively not BS. All you have to do is take a look at the unbiased research of independent researchers who have found irrefutable proof.
I know it's hard to realize the attack we are experiencing on our bodies is multi-pronged, yet it is. Radiation is harming us, yes, but it is working on us synergistically with shedding and other methods of delivering other poisons.
The enemy means to win. If only one method, such as radiation, was being used and a solution as simple as grounding on red granite were the cure, their success would be very unlikely.
Eventually we will come to see this is a spiritual war. There is no physical remedy.
Independent researchers on Substack :
Carnicom Institute
matt's microscopy
Karl C. Man Against Microbes
David Nixon Nixon Lab
Will The Micronaut


Telestai Nexus - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited

Telestai Nexus

I can confirm that - I had the strangest illness, graphene based, hot cold shivers - aching bones, after drinking San Pellegrino mineral water for a week (I had no idea it was a nestle product...) , that I later tested (2 grams of GO in there, it's disgusting, you can coagulate it yourself with electrolysis, the device costs 10 bucks or so) - So I was sick to the bones, then my GF got it from me - I was better, and I got it back from her .... then I got better and she got worse again ......


Pirate Studebaker - Jan 26, 2024

Pirate Eyes

Oh, Lord! What you describe is happening to so many people.
I don't know what to say other than people are trying various remedies and for some they work and some they don't. It seems to be different for different people - what helps to get over the "hump".
You may want to give a variety of things a try. If you don't get relief within a week, move on to something different. Ask people how to clear GO specifically.
I live alone but have had a "cold" unlike any "cold" I've ever had for over a month. I get a few days when I'm better and then it comes back. Right now I'm better and so grateful.
I now loath Pellegrino with every fiber of my being. Thanks for telling me.
Praying and asking God for help does help. I am at peace with this insanity.


AncientHeart369 - Nov 16

AncientHeart369’s Substack

I agree about the human cell tower thing for sure, Mir! We would all do well to actively be on anti-radiation supplements for sure. Now, with the proliferation of Starlink & it's constant beaming of 5G onto our planet, especially post-Hurricane Helene for emergency comms, Moringa is a superior anti-radiation supplement!
My experience of shedding or whatever it is being called has happened at least twice in no uncertain terms. When a multi-jabbed good friend stayed with me for about 4 solid days, in very close proximity due to being in a car together for hours, and of course in the house, about two days in to her visit, my sense of taste went totally off the rails. And a severely impacted gut.
A better description is that absolutely EVERYTHING tasted like death warmed over.
I knew that being in the close proximity of a multi-jabbed person will cause that in me like clockwork. So something she is emitting simply by BREATHING (exosomes?) is causing these reactions.
What turned it around was slapping on a nicotine patch for the next several days. It reversed in about two days.
From what I understand, exosomal biota (what's being "shed") like weaponized e coli, yeast, self-assembling bio-organic nanotech comes out in the breath, sweat, skin, etc. These things then get inhaled or absorbed in to our bodies, and they go to work to create venoms, etc. that are causing all of the problems we see today!


ThreeArchBay - Jan 25, 2024 - Edited


Sounds like we all are doomed... really.
Unless... we do IV Chelation with EDTA... I know that oral doesn't hardly work at all.
And after chelation. which is expensive and can be problematic... we go to the gym or market, and get next to a few vaxxed and boosted clowns... and hey presto!! We are back to square one. Would we not need weekly IV chelation with EDTA to survive?
Dr. Ana... please explain how this is not true.


Pirate Studebaker - Jan 26, 2024

Pirate Eyes

We are all bodily doomed from conception.
If you want to live forever in your current body, you can join the fantasy being nurtured by the transhumanists.
Otherwise, understand the wisdom - No one is guaranteed tomorrow.
Love God and those around you.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited


Comment removed.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited


So she believes these methods would be effective?
You agree, if around vaxxed people, this would pretty much need to be a constant protocol?
Would that not become problematic?
Is Zeolite or bentonite clay not advisable?


Rachel - Jan 26, 2024


re-Contamination of nanotec occurs through air, water and food, not only shedding. How to reduce the unavoidable danage according to my understanding today. It's not medical advice, everyone is responsible for doing his/her own research and decisions: 1.- Reducing entry of nanotec is important: air ionizers, reverse osmosis for water, non processed food (still contaminated but less) 2.- getting the nanotec disoriented, clumped and out through disrupting engineering devices such as "triangle" and spike machine + heavily charged salt baths (4 different salts) 3.- getting the nanotec disrupted, clumped and out through protocols of molecules such as sodium citrate, activated charcoal and others which are beeing currentky studied. The EDTA (IV, cream or suppositories is only one of those). Careful with EDTA if you have had dental amalgams (moves mercury around). My understanding is that Zeolite can be loaded with aluminium. Any natural chelator such as chlorella or coriander can be contaminated. 4.- boosting the immune system with antioxidants (vit C, vit E, magnesium, zinc) NAC , getting parasites out through an array of possibilities 5.- oxigenation of the body through various means, (for example CDS) improving respiration and blood circulation through movement, Wim Hof method 6.- reducing acidity in body through food choices (sugar produces acidity and additionally seems to primote the construction of hydrogels)


ThreeArchBay - Jan 26, 2024


Are you taking Sodium Citrate? Dosage?
I take Ivermectin for prevention and it is great for removing parasites.
I've been taking liquid zeolite for a while, several time/week... I have a few amalgams still, but have had no problems, I think the amalgam mercury scare is overhyped. JMHO. I understand zeolite is a "binder" so should not be a problem with dispersing, no?


ThreeArchBay - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited


Comment removed.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited


I use CDS pretty often... I take 2-3ml 1-2X/week. I find using CDS pre-made is far less of a hassle and much more agreeable to my stomach. I have some of the stuff you have to mix, in case the CDS becomes unavailable. I also have a good amount of MMS2... but that stuff is really strong and I hope I never have to use it. I buy CDS here:
I also take Ivermectin 2X/month for prevention... I think it would be effective against most of the shedding poisons, but not sure. Some say Sodium Citrate is effective too... but that is speculative currently.


EAMBDGC - Jan 27, 2024

MBlue helps


ThreeArchBay - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited


Comment removed.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 26, 2024


Yes, I am familiar and very impressed with Dr. kalcker... here is a great video to send to "Newbies":
I am also familiar with the many protocols... but I take 2-5ml of CDS in distilled water, on an empty stomach, a few times/week. I am hoping this is sufficient for maintenance/prevention... I do not think the 10ml/day protocol is necessary unless either you are vaxxed... or getting sick with something. JMHO. NO anti-oxidants on same day!!
I would stick with Ivermectin (I take one dose 2X/month)... unless I was jabbed and had symptoms from the death-jabs... then I would probably take weekly.
I think wormwood (Artemisinin) is very powerful... but has many potential really bad side effects... I have read that it possibly could completely detox the death-jab's spikes and other poisons, but would only consider it as a last resort and would certainly not take it regularly.
Yes, Sodium citrate is new to the Covid vaxx remedy world... might be a game changer... but... I'll hold off until more is known... but I doubt in small amounts it would hurt anything 2-4grams...


Martin - Jan 26, 2024

Friends With God

It sure is scary!
I know it sounds like a cliché but, the only sure thing is that God will sort it out eventually!
Without some hope of life beyond death we don't have anything worth living for, no matter how clean we live or isolate ourselves away from others.
For the upright will inhabit the land,
and those with integrity will remain in it,
but the wicked will be cut off from the land,
and the treacherous will be rooted out of it.
(Prov 2:21-22)


Bee Gee - Jan 25, 2024

Bee Gee

Thanks for this, I think it is vital more people learn this is really occurring.
I am curious if anyone has been actually able to keep their blood clean or if everyone always gets reinfected and the blood contamination always comes back?
Has anyone been ever able to successfully isolate from shedders and stay clean?


ThreeArchBay - Jan 25, 2024


Good points... if the crap is being sprayed by chem-trail planes... or put into our water and food... just how do we avoid it... without doing chelation constantly, which I imagine would NOT be healthy either!


Pirate Studebaker - Jan 26, 2024

Pirate Eyes

Not to my knowledge. No one has successfully cleared their blood and been able to keep it that way.
For more on this topic see the work of SS independent researchers :
Carnicom Institute
matt's microscopy
Karl C. Man Against Microbes
David Nixon Nixon Lab
Will The Micronaut


Justin Coy - Jan 26, 2024

Justin Coy

Dr. Ana now has a new toy to play with. I have been doing some things myself over the past year and I have recently met with her. I will post a few things on my Substack for you. It is not good, but with the ALMIGHTY, all triumph is possible.
Praise God.


Elizabeth - Jan 26, 2024

Elizabeth’s Substack

In the Bible Jesus said that the life is in the blood!!! Why are they so obsessed with attacking our blood and making our temples ( bodies ) poisoned and desolate definitely making it uninhabitable for the Holy Spirit to live in. I see what they are doing and it’s all about leaving no true human DNA left to save!!!!


Dee (Mustard Seed ) - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited

Dee (Mustard Seed )

I found some information links that might help Dr Ana and her team to check out or anyone that might want to check out. God bless ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™everyone on Substack that share knowledge to help save humanity . It all for our children ‘s future. We must Speak up ! Stand up ! Show up !!!
The link at the bottom that is a conference that all doctors may want to checkout .
source -
Sabrina Wallace Connects the Dots for us in this extraordinary educational video. Unfortunately, she appears to be correct. I have personally looked up all the sources she provided, which I have included and made some comments.
Your body is a computer network transmitting signals to the Cloud Wirelessly and it is doing so with internal Biosensors that are Monitoring:
1. Temperature
2. Respiration
3. Blood Pressure
4. Pulse
5. ECG – Electrocardiogram
6. EEG – Electroencephalogram
7. EMG – Electromyogram
8. GSR – Galvanic Skin Response or Electrodermal Activity
9. Impedance
10. Movement
11. Blood Gas (O2, CO2, N2) – Electrogastrogram (EGG)
12. EOG – Electrooculogram - The electrooculogram (EOG) measures the cornea-positive standing potential relative to the back of the eye. By attaching skin electrodes outside the eye near the lateral and medial canthus, the potential can be measured by having the patient move the eyes horizontally a set distance.
13. ERG – Electroretinogram – Electroretinography measures the electrical responses of various cell types in the retina, including the photoreceptors, inner retinal cells, and the ganglion cells. Electrodes are placed on the surface of the cornea or on the skin beneath the eye to measure retinal responses.
14. EGG – Electrogastrogram – An electrogastrogram is a computer generated graphic produced by electrogastrography, which detects, analyzes and records the myoelectrical signal generated by the movement of the smooth muscle of the stomach, intestines and other smooth muscle containing organs.
You would think that Doctors attending the 2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference focusing on Artificial Intelligence Biomedical Circuits and Systems for Health would know what is going on just by seeing the topics below.
1. Biosensor Devices and Interface Circuits
2. Body Area/Sensor Networks and Wireless Health Monitoring
3. Implantable and Wearable Health Devices and systems
4. Bio-Inspired and Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems
5. Electronics for Neuroscience
6. Innovative Circuits for Medical Applications
7. Biofeedback, Neuromodulation, and Closed-Loop Systems
8. Assistive, Rehabilitation, and Quality of Life Technologies
9. Biotelemetry and Energy Harvesting/Scavenging Circuits and Systems
10. Lab-on-Chip / BioMEMS / Point-of-Care Devices


Webe1 - Jan 30, 2024


Makes sense. They’ve no doubt figured out a way to manipulate the embedded tech (there’s likely a kill switch as well).


Dimitar Dermendziev - Jan 26, 2024

Dimitar’s Substack

Does Hydrocortison-1% and Acetic Acid 2% Otic Solution USP has nanoparticles in it?


Interest of Justice - Jan 26, 2024

Interest of Justice

Sharing Ana! Today we filed a criminal complaint on this very topic & we hope they take it seriously when we prove it! We will updatewww.stopcovidvaccinesnow.orgabout all the actions in CR and global to help stop the madness.
Heres the shedding charge:
DEFENDANT(S) creates a common danger to persons, through the emission, propagation, or impact of covid-19 "vaccine" toxic or dangerous substances or chemicals, agents or toxins of a biological nature.
In the opinion of the complainant the above facts could constitute the crime of attempt with chemical materials or radioactive, which is contemplated in article 253 Bis. of the Penal Code.
Side question: Are a lot of people reporting the symptoms of POTS - maybe from the shedding - the brain fog, vertigo, dysautonomia? Got a feeling they are shedding stuff that creates POTS... Psychos!


Nigel Cockain - Jan 26, 2024

Black Sheep in Exile

Thanks for yet another brilliant explanatory video, jam-packed with mind-warping information on hideous invasive nano technology. It's hard to grasp how we can possibly tolerate this relentless evil onslaught of synthetic nano pollution when it's being breathed in everywhere we go. Hardy organic humanity must endure this poisonous storm, ingeniously adapt and prevail. Somehow.


Interest of Justice - Jan 26, 2024

Interest of Justice

It is truly INTOLERABLE. Enough is enough!!!


Pirate Studebaker - Jan 26, 2024

Pirate Eyes

That humans "adapt and prevail" is exactly what the transhumanist psychopaths are hoping for. So you and your progeny live on as human robots who only live to do their bidding.
Do you honestly think that is a goal worth achieving? Dream bigger.
Love God and one another.


Nigel Cockain - Jan 26, 2024

Black Sheep in Exile

You've misinterpreted my comment. The 'poisonous storm' is the transhumanist threat from synthetic nano-tech biology. Obviously. 'Hardy organic humanity' is native 'Humanity 1.0' - not transhumanist adaptation 2.0.
By ingeniously adapting and prevailing I was suggesting that we must find ways to live beyond or amidst the transhumanist threat - by repelling the technology and protecting ourselves against it. Somehow.
I'd say that dream is big enough under the dire circumstances.


Sumari Porter - Jan 26, 2024

Sumari’s Substack

Ana! Joe Ladipo ( FL Surgeon General ) looks like he is being targeted. Maybe you & Karen Kingston can help. He is on Lou Dobbs tonight. I'm starting to recognize the energy pattern. Thanks for your amazing work!!


Kathleen Serra - Jan 26, 2024

Kathleen Serra

This is interesting and it proves to me, even though I've been told by chemists in the pharma industry that it is completely and utterly impossible! Thank you for your hard work on this subject. But like I read in the comments, no matter what we try to do to cleanse our bodies of this horror, it's not going to work.. I am not vaxed but now I know for sure that means nothing.


Pirate Studebaker - Jan 26, 2024

Pirate Eyes

Not being vaxxed does mean something. It means you are not infested with the billions of parts per milligram of this crap as the vaxxed are and have a chance.
Love God and one another.


Webe1 - Jan 30, 2024


By the time the general population finds out, it’s likely been happening long before the latest j a b. They no doubt took into account that there would be a segment of society that refused the jungle I’m guessing they left no stone unturned.


Dusty - Jan 27, 2024


A teenager at church had dental work - (numbing then multiple fillings) this past Thursday. Thursday night he had a seizure. Never has had any such issues before. Doctors are baffled. I believe it was the dental anesthetics. What do you all think?


Webe1 - Jan 30, 2024


It’s been found in many, many common household products, food, water, j a b s, meds, the air, dental anesthetics, wild and domestic animals, etc. Could be any and/or all of the above.


Charlie - Jan 27, 2024

Derisive:shedding vs vaxx, red vs blue, ect.
Please refrain as it’s everywhere, mainly geoengineering our food and water intentionally!!! Find the enemy and dwelling on that whilst focused on Solutions! Ignoring the enemy is foolhardy as it has to stop. It is great, Dr Ana is formidable in her research on the blood.
Until the “Source” is literally attacked nothing stops! And yes at the core is sacrificial humanity destruction!!!!!
Fundamentally is comes back to this as said with sadness! Human trafficking, sacrifice of our fellow humanity by a very select group of occult individuals is at the core of this human dilemma!!
Shall I say it again? What is going on is ritually human sacrifice via biological experiments on us as chattel by occult groupthink of “nonhuman” thinking entities.
This leads to underground entities, aliens, Elohim entities ect.
Are we going to be permanently changed?
We are at a pivotal point which unfortunately an extreme minority recognizes! Any duality in debates gives a victory to our common enemy!
United we have all the power...


richard h. - Jan 26, 2024

Thx for the reponse. what do you think of this paper, it's from my business partner who's an orthopedic surgery? only attached a small section.
2. Biological Responses to Bulk Implant Materials
The normal host response to all types of implanted biomaterials, which is also known as the foreign-body response, becomes aberrant and prolonged. This response is initiated when the biomaterial is implanted and often causes local tissue damage where proteins, fluid, and blood cells escape from the vascular system via the exudation procedure, leading to the formation of an avascular, collagenous membrane at the tissue-material interface, which isolates the foreign material from the surrounding tissue [16]. During this procedure, proteins such as fibrinogen, the von Willebrand factor, and IgG are instantaneously adsorbed onto the implant surface. The interactions at the blood-material interface activates a complex series of events including protein adsorption, platelet, and leukocyte activation/adhesion, and the activation of the complement and coagulation systems, as well as inflammation [17,18]. Platelets are the first cell fragments to interact with the implant [19] and are activated by adsorbed proteins, leading to the release of bioactive molecules including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), serotonin, and histamines. Subsequently, histamines and neuropeptides increase vascular permeability, allowing plasma proteins to enter the tissue, which in turn activates the complement and kinin system, resulting in the attraction of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) such as neutrophils [20]. The expression of P-selectin on the endothelial cell membrane aids platelet adhesion to neutrophils, monocytes, and leukocytes. Furthermore, platelet activation initiates changes in its cellular morphology, which allows the expression of coagulation factors prothrombinase and tenase [18]. The formation of the fibrin clots at the implant surface is the provisional matrix, which contains a plethora of signalling molecules such as cytokines, mitogens, growth factors, and chemoattractants [16].
Inflammation is the body’s normal protective response to any injury (including surgery) or foreign bodies. Acute inflammation usually follows the early stage (protein adsorption) of the foreign-body response, as previously described [20,21]. Chemotactic agents within the provisional matrix play a key role in controlling the emigration of neutrophils from the vasculature. The travelling leukocytes surrounding the implant become activated in response to the cytokines released by the platelets, e.g., PDGF and β-thromboglublin [22]. Following localisation and activation of macrophages and neutrophils to the site of injury, enzymes are released, and then the neutrophils mediated phagocytosis occurs. Theoretically, this phagocytosis should include the procedures of firstly recognising and attaching to the foreign materials, then engulfing and degrading them. However, due to the materials size, engulfment and degradation are often not possible, although the process of recognition and attachment occurs. Instead, the implant materials are coated with opsonins such as complement activated fragments C3b and IgG, which aid the adhesion and activation of neutrophils and macrophages [21]. Macrophages assemble at the implant site, leading to further production of chemoattractive-signalling molecules such as PDGF, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α), Interleukin 6 (IL-6), granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), leading to further recruitment of macrophages to the implant site [23].
At the end-stage of the foreign-body response, or when the chronic inflammation occurs, mononuclear cells such as monocytes, lymphocytes, and/or macrophages can present at the implant site. These macrophages, which are aided by the production of IL-4, IL-13 from Th2 lymphocytes, can fuse together to form a multinucleated foreign body giant cell (FBGC) at the implant surface [24,25]. Also, they can secrete different factors, which attract the activated fibroblast to produce excessive amounts of extracellular collagen matrix.


theodore Mainzer - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited

I do the EDTA 850 milligram suppositories highly absorbent, 5000 milligrams of freeze dried Camu Camu vitamin C, Curcumin extract from Tumeric, supercharged C60 from Global Health, and I have a nebulizer for hydrogen peroxide and/or collodial silver. I use 6 drops CDS solution every night at bedtime. This is war people. Choose to be with the loving empaths who will live, or die or be slaves. No sitting on the sidelines.



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