The nuns taught that we are part of God and that God also is within us. In the nineteen forties. So this teaching is not new. Whether you believe it or not.
ONLY in the sense that we are A PART OF HIS CREATION and in His Image,
We are to see our identity as HIS children and He as Our Father. But NEVER EVER HIS EQUAL
could be! First I've heard that one! But always happy to realize I know how to read and write, spell, compose sentences and paragraphs, write books, practice journalism, on top of learning how to paint..... what's your story?
I'm telling my story on my substack if you want to read it.
I like similar things to you.
Catholicism is paganism. It was established by Emperor Constantine of Rome around 300 years after Christ's crucifixion. He mashed paganism up and mixed it with a little bit of Christian doctrine and created Catholicism. This is why the Vatican is in Rome. Volumes have been written on the subject and many documentaries if you want to know more.
The Catholic Church teaches the pagan doctrines created by Constantine. That's where my statement comes from.
I would suggest everyone read Tony Bushby s THE CHRIST SCANDAL there are 20 miles of hallways , floor to ceiling filled with 500,000 books , scrolls artifacts , tech and more of 10,000 years of human history HIDDEN IN VATICAN SECRET ARCHIVES dont you think we are all missing lots of essential info
Who can know who or if He ever was, as mortal or divinity, but I elect to love Him as one who shows the way to God. And, if a God-revering mortal in special relationship to the Divine Consciousness was completely fabricated, he lives in hearts, nonetheless, and so is eternal and a balm and boon to our souls.
Let's not shun the Spirit which manifests in myriad, miracle ways and succumb to dusty perspectives of those we cannot really know. History can be written by any victor or powerful interest, but His-Story is special and only knowable through personal connection and belief, which supersede material fact that is almost impossible to know, given the all of the manipulations and counterfeit truths promulgated throughout this civilization on vellum, papyrus, wood pulp, and now pixel.
It's enough to know the Church is getting prepared to renounce Him for the New Age, for the Great Reset and its One-World Masonic Luciferian or Satanic religion.
God made us in His image, and,, so, we are part of manifestation. Let's not cede any strong and loving connections to God in and around us, just because the manipulators change their stories for the worse!
We can't know the absolute material truth, ever, and our soul's aren't weighed by our knowing it or not, but we adjudge ourselves by our inclinations to love a merciful God in our entirety or not.
You're right. These are certainly not the words of Jesus. The alleged authors of the Gospels, Mark, Matthew, Luke. John and Paul are not the people who are usually passed off as disciples. Nobody knows the authors of the Gospels! They are piecemeal and draw on texts themselves. The names only represent the age of the texts. “Mark” wrote at the beginning of the 70s, Luke and Matthew at the end of the 1st century.
There is one common source, which is referred to as the Sayings source and abbreviated to “Q”.
Only a small proportion of the words attributed to Jesus actually originate from Him. The best source for His true words, in my opinion, is the book “The Ur Gospel, What Jesus Really Said.” By Herbert Ziegler and Elmar Gruber.
yes. I come at it a different way, but essentially I agree. It is all the same as when Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to give to God what is God´s. The stories of people like Victor Frankl show us how the powers of the world may be able to attack and control our body, but they can never touch what we are in truth as spirit. And AI isn't; it will never be an inspired process, always a reductionist and materialistic process, and often programmed so badly that it becomes an instrument of thought censorship.
Thomas, that Jesus never said such a thing is likely probable, because the Church wanted its due in gold and allegiance and compiled the Bible in its image, but the germ of Rogier's comment re eternal spirit vs. materialism rings so true!
Maybe but remember what Steiner told the world way back in 1917 /18 , these SHOTS and allied tech would disconnect people from their soul connection and from the divine WITHIN THEM, and make them like robots , Im seeing this already, we are dealing with alien level tech. and its hard to say at this point just what are full consequences. I hope he is correct and IM WRONG, but not sure at this point. I would say AI as programmed and developed at this point is CONNECTED with demonic realm. So its conesquences maybe worse that we think .
That Steiner foresaw this terrible shot so long ago is beyond amazing. Their aims are no less than sending us all to a hell of their choosing in this realm.
Although the AI nano appears to be a self-spreading tech and we're really given no choice but to be exposed to it, our best hope may lie in exposing the truth and refusing its demonic aims by working to raise consciousness through honest science and prayer-guided healing of all of us.
They want to snuff the God divinity in us and in all of Creation, and we have to find and celebrate it like never before. This is really difficult for most of us, but we're being forced to declare ourselves for God and the good in ways requiring strong focus and intention and in ways that supersede a lot of life as we know it, even the fact of material determinism. I say this, but after a lifetime of indoctrination and without child-like innocence, it's really tough. Some are further along this journey than most of us, but I'm going to keep trying.
At least, growing numbers of us are seeing the truth through the miasma of coordinated deception. There is much more deception to come, as they appear to be using the Book of Revelation as an apocalyptic war plan against us, such as more "pandemics" via 5G frequency attacks this fall and a long, dark winter, war drums banging, food supply chains being burned and poisoned, the economy imploding, and so forth.
There'll be hardship, but staying with God and God-inspired knowing and God-given life force is the only way I can think of to refuse the techno-separation of our souls from the Divine. At the very least, they will not have had our permission, which is important, don't you think?
They may be legion and have to be, but we can stand as one or many if only we will.
EXTRAORDINARY COMMENT , and yes. Revelation as its known in bibles was stolen from prophecies made in 500 bc by a female Oracle in what is now Italy , Catholic church got a hold of the 3 remaining books and rewrote it to suit the agendas of Black Nobility AND WHOM OR WHAT THEY SERVE. But since so many believe it , your correct they can use in a weaponized way. Stay strong and safe .
I read the first 3 books almost 40 years ago. It’s a fascinating expedition to India by a group of researchers who encounter guides who do what is considered the impossible such as traveling a distance of thousands of miles in a few minutes, preparing a buffet of food out of nothing and meeting Jesus.
I forgot this particular passage and probably would not have grasped its meaning back then at the age of 18.
The evil doers believe they can imitate and control creation but that will never be possible. All they can do is try to subdue and hide our creation power which they fear so much.
It’s time humanity comes to realize its power and take it back for the benefit of all.
Just because some people wrote some things forty years ago doesn't mean it's the truth.
It's time to realize God's power and live as His children. Your own power will always fail as it always has. Nothing new under the sun.
What you read and are now promoting is the same old lie - people can be their own god.
We can see what you're saying, but perhaps it's a matter of semantics in the way here. Doesn't sound as if becoming one's own god is being encouraged in the post, at all, the way Luciferians and other psycho creeps espouse, but, rather, in realizing that since we are of God, and God is indivisible, that we are God. God's love, truth and power must be fractal and scalable in unimaginable ways.
God is within us and without, in and around all of us. We are of the Divine Spirit, but too many of us forget our true nature of powerful love and creative positive potential, individually and collectively. The Lucys know this and are trying to convince us we are separate from an uncaring god and powerless, so that their own embrace of Not God darkness will make them gods over us. It's difficult to fathom their choices to reject God for gold, blood sacrifice, and dominion, when the real and exquisite power lies within us as God, as part of God, if you will, but always living, praying, and co-creating with Spirit and Creation.
A one-world New Age or Luciferian religion isn't a unity of God, but an imposition of dark worship and a yoke for the beasts enslaved to the bigger Beast.
"This is the only issue upon which humanity stands or falls. There is but one choice, one purpose, one truth, and one science; and it makes you free. You become God or servants, as you choose." QUOTE FROM ARTICLE.
This is a quote from Dr. Ana's article. I copied it directly from the text in the article.
Once again and I quote, "You become God or servants, as you choose."
You are not following Jesus Christ. Though I notice you don't state you are a believer in Christ. Just some vague notion of what you think god is. You are saying exactly what the New Age One World Religion says. You are espousing Satanism.
"...when the real and exquisite power lies within us as God, as part of God, if you will, but always living, praying, and co-creating with Spirit and Creation."
That is the New Age religion's doctrine.
You are not God. God is God. You are not a "co-creator" on equal footing with God.
You are a New Age person who is trying to confuse people. I urge you to let go of doing Satan's dirty work and repent and ask forgiveness of Jesus Christ and follow Him. So you stop practicing "dark worship and a yoke for the beasts enslaved to the bigger Beast.
There is One Way to God and it is not by becoming your own god or through any pretty words about being god or being equal to God or not understanding your own power.
If you want to make up your own mismash set of beliefs, you are free to do so. Or defend some woman you don't even know over Jesus' teachings, you are free to do so. But don't say you understand what I've said since it's clear you don't.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Period.
And you are you a person who shows the way to Christ? I did not attack you and impute ugly motives on your part as you have me, whom you do not know at all.
Are you only on Dr. Ana's site to defame a woman who is clearly doing God's and Christ's work, as we all should be doing, wrt the poisons being foisted upon us in a global genocide?
I know plenty of Christians who'd say you aren't a true believer due to x, y, and z. Separating the wheat from the tares isn't about adhering to particular prescribed beliefs and words, but about what is truly in the heart. You don't know such things about others, clearly, since the people you attack love God and Christ. but perhaps not necessarily your masonic KJV version verbatim.]
Francis Bacon rewrote and encoded the Bible for the King with all sorts of Masonic symbols in the verses and drawn in the margins, because he and the King were venerated Masons. Before them, the Vatican and its interests compiled the bible by accepting and rewriting certain Gospels and editing out others. And before them, ...
You clearly find comfort in their Book (which still holds so much truth in beautiful passages} that only a certain way of loving Jesus and God means salvation, and you state so without grace. But accusing me of "doing Satan's dirty work" is the joke of the day and at least a bit funny.
Take care.
You either serve God or serve Satan and when you are promoting false New Age doctrine because you have some kind of emotional attachment to a woman you don't know instead of following Jesus you are doing Satan's dirty work.
If you don't like it you can change.
"You become God or servants, as you choose." QUOTE FROM ARTICLE.
"You become God." Satanism. And an enormous lie.
It cannot be clearer. This is New Age doctrine. Same as it ever was.
I agree completely. Many are fooled by this due to mind control in movies, etc., where a "lesser" or "good" evil can defeat a "bad" evil. Like "white" witches and "black" witches. All witches. Like in the Wizard of Oz. Or Wiccan.,Organizedreligions have been put in place as the primary Mind Control method to serve the ultimate objective and purposes of the Negative Alien Agenda, to gain control over earth during the Ascension Cycle. The people of earth have been manipulated for centuries into warring and killing each other in the name of the False Alien Gods in order to constantly carry out human Blood Sacrifices and help to maintain division between the 12 Tribes. Violent Religions and the New Age hijack have constantly been using humans as pawns in the negative alien’s conquest game, which is designed to generate consistent fears and spiritual terrorism into the minds of the earth population in order to attempt to eventually manifest the Armageddon scenario. [1],Organized
No Nicholas,you've been fooled,I learned of Tavistock 10 yrs ago and they did not create thistechnology.Youbelieve the controllers told you the truth about something?You control the mind you control the soul,Here's some tangible proof we have been lied to,hundreds of existing free energy architecture buildings and angelic humans with wings.We are their food source,our energy,they created organized religion.I am a jealous god,thout shall have no other gods beforeme.Notrue creator gods would ever do that,demand to be worshipped by immortal beings of light like us.Oh yeah,you are a sinner,sounds like Yuval Harini calling us useless eaters.And of course if you believe Romans 13,that the authorities were appointed by god then go get your boosters.
I wouldn't say nothing is impossible but I would say all things are possible.The evil doers have replaced much of our organic world with synthetic,they have hacked the matrix so to speak and the true creator gods are here repairing the damage done to mother earth and by extensionhumanity.Asimmortal souls we are gods ourselves,a whole lot of the human race has been mind controlled to believe we are the exact opposite.
Be careful trying to “speak with God” channeling; mediums, spirits, speaking with angels, demons, etc.
God is not the only one that broadcasts on that frequency.
Dr. Ana is becoming increasingly suspect as she unfolds her New Age doctrines. This is exactly where the NWO, The United Nations, The Freemasons, The Kabbalists, The Pope, etc. want everyone headed.
I am a follower of the One True God - Jesus Christ. You cannot follow two masters.
I've been pointing this out for some time about Dr. Ana. Please pay attention. Your eternal life is on the line. Everyday.
In the book that is entitled "The Psychology of totalitarianism," the statistician and professor of clinical psychology Mattias Desmet reports that, in a statistical study that he conducted, he discovered that those people who mistook a "complex" physical system for a "non-complex" physical system in the construction of a model of this system shared a "mechanistic-materialistic world view whereas those people who did not make this mistake shared a holistic world view. It sounds to m as though the holistic thinkers had what one calls"souls" while the non-wholistic thinkers lacked them.
I eschew what Desmet has to say because he sees a "herd" mind and not individual, powerful, eternal, indestructible, spirits. A body without a spirit is dead. A spirit without a body …. well… that’s another subject. What I read you as saying is that “non-wholistic thinkers lack souls.” So, if you believe Google Ai: “More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population.” Unless I read you wrong you are saying that 72.3 percent of the world population lacks souls?
Desmet got the situation in front of his eyes wrong. Refer to search for “Desmet.” Dr. Peter R. Breggin’s river runs deep!
Perhaps, holistic thinking is a matter of being cognizant of soul and the Divine Mystery, which modern alchemical science discourages and too many reflexively follow through mass brainwashing and "education", unfortunately.
Many or even most of the jab recipients have souls, of course, but they've forgotten to rely on any direct knowing from God, or have sacrificed their health to hold down jobs for the family or to see their grandchildren. All the best to them and to all of us. The demonic serums are transmissible, and whether to inject them was a false choice, of course.
We should all remember the miracle of life cannot be discovered through autopsy or combining elements or even saved with potions. Our only hope and constant truth is to realize the Divine Spirit transcends the material and that we are of that Spirit, thank God!
Hello Ana, thank you, I truly see your heart. I'm so grateful for your words to help more of humanity to wake up. God is Light, bottom line. We as humanity need to wake up more and more in turning to God and ask him what is his will in all that is taking place, their is a purpose, and it's for the good, God is above and we are below. Spirit is first, and materialism is no longer priority as we have lived and cultivated in the past. I do believe our creator is trying to direct us to him. We must first of all apologize for Rebelling against God so we can have things our way and be grateful for him showing us we have taken things to far in science, religion, medicine, politics and education and opened Pandora's box. I pray that people will see God's heart in all he is trying to show us and in guiding us back to him. We were born to serve our creator not ourselves. I will leave you a private message, so please look for it. Much love and great gratitude to you.
"This is the only issue upon which humanity stands or falls. There is but one choice, one purpose, one truth, and one science; and it makes you free. You become God or servants, as you choose."
Imagine a world with billions of little self willed "gods" running around.
New Age garbage. Same as it ever was since the Fall. Lies told by Satan. Dr. Ana is lost.
We become God, not a god. By realizing and living through our Divine Spirit given us by God, we become one in God, not at all separate from God. God is indivisible but expressed in so many ways through all of us.
"We become God..." to quote you.
No we don't. That is a lie. God is a living entity, not a part of you. He gave you the spirit of life, a soul, a body.
He expresses Himself in any way He wills.
You believe we are separate from God, and I believe God can be both entity and
Spirit diffused throughout Creation. The challenge for me lies in doing deep quiet prayer trying to exist, even for a moment, in better union with God, with the Divine Spirit, for guidance and inspiration., for healing and protection for all of us, and me, too, of course.
The notion of only discrete consciousnesses somehow seems at cross purposes to what our Creator has manifested and logically unlikely; if there was only God before existence, then everything would have to be made by God's Consciousness and from God's spiritual essence.
The creep controllers of this world certainly are endeavoring to convince us we cannot be one with God and are attacking our physicality in a transhumanist way to prevent affinity for and union with the Divine Consciousness. Instead, they will be more openly offering and then coercing post-cull peons to worship and prostrate themselves before a demonic god who calls for blood sacrifice and slavish devotion in their one-world cult of the profane.
Our God gifted us with free will, as we're made in His image. Many of us will decide to keep seeking refuge in union with the Divine and not lay the blame for our soulless mortal choices on our Creator.
Are you seperate from your loved ones or are they within you and diffused throughout creation?
If yes, that is nothing more than narcissism. Others are separate from you. They are not "in" you. We can share ourselves with one another but that does not mean they are one with you.
God is not diffused like lavender oil in an atomizer. Nowhere does The One True Living God state or teach He will become a part of you.
To those who love Him and follow Him He sends the Holy Spirit to live within them yet the Holy Spirit is not a part of you. It is a separate entity that comes to aid those who believe.
What you are describing is gnosticism which is paganism.
He is a living supreme being. You are His creation.
He has commanded we believe in and follow Jesus Christ who is a Living Being. Not your consciousness. You will never be God.
Jesus is the only escape. We serve God. We do not become Him or become reabsorbed into Him in "union".
My inbox is showing the following comment from you and the link leads here, Odd, it's quite different than the above:
Pirate Studebaker replied to your comment on The Power Of Our Soul And Spirit In This Spiritual Warfare:
"Are you seperate from your loved ones or are they within you and diffused throughout creation? If yes, that is nothing more than narcissism. Others are separate from you. They are not "in" you. We can share ourselves with one another but that does not mean they are one with you. God is not diffused like lavender oil in an atomizer. Nowhere does The One True Living God state or teach He will become a part of you. To those who love Him and follow Him He sends the Holy Spirit to live within them yet the Holy Spirit is not a part of you. It is a separate entity that comes to aid those who believe. What you are describing is gnosticism which is paganism. He is a living supreme being. You are His creation. He has commanded we believe in and follow Jesus Christ who is a Living Being. Not your consciousness. You will never be God. Jesus is the only escape. We serve God. We do not become Him or become reabsorbed into Him in "union". I can see you don't mention Jesus. I know why."
My response to your comment in my inbox is that somehow it's your business that I declare my love of Jesus. Yes, I love Jesus. Now, it will be your business that I love Him the way you do, because you're some kind of judge of others' love of God and His incarnations.
Last, as attacker and judge of your fellow mortals, you certainly aren't shy about appending truly objectionable "isms" to their belief in God, such as Satanism, Gnosticism, paganism, narcissism, and more. You don't have the gift of discernment that you think you do. You can bother to respond, but I'm no masochist for your accusations and elect to bow out of further, I was going to say conversation, but pulpit excoriation may be more apt.
Hallelujah, you know the way, and truly must love God per your theology, but I'll keep on loving God and Jesus and all of Creation, despite being such an "ism" transgressor to you. Others here on this site subscribe to different spiritualities, but nearly all seem to care very deeply about humanity, God and Creation, and the spiritual-techno war being waged against us all, which is a marvelous blessing in the midst of battle for all the ages.
In my experience it matters a great deal more to God that we follow His ways and His wisdom than our own.
Jesus called people hypocrites, liars, demons, the synagogue of Satan and the children of Satan.
Discernment doesn't mean what one sees when using it only fits in a Facebook post.
I understand you don't like what I see. That doesn't mean I lack discernment. It only means you don't like it.
And what I see is you and many others mixing New Age doctrine in with Jesus teachings and that is confusing to others and leads them astray.
That is how many will fall away.
If the blatant lies attributed to Jesus in this article are palatable to you, if you feel it's fine for people to fabricate false teachings and these lies illustrate a love for humanity, I am saying you are not following Jesus.
If you truly love and follow Jesus and love His people you will have no problem renouncing the lies for exactly what they are. If you endorse them, you are serving Satan.. It's not complicated. It's simple.
Jesus was God, and a most beautiful expression of Love, Truth, and Creative Power. He encouraged us not to separate ourselves from God, as we are made in His image. Demon gods are possessed egos who control and hurt others, forcing the worst out of their slave followers, in a rejection of the Divine Spirit and soul they may have been born with. Sometimes, one has to wonder if all people are born equally.
Thank you for liking my comment. Please visit (less than 5 min)
Sukyo Mahikari - True Light intro
Over 1 million people globally are participating. Seems you are awake. With love and blessings
Then why are you here?You seem to like labeling so I label you full of crap something like mainstream media,constantly regurgitating every time you speak.Write that down!
alice bailey-lucis trust UN. anyway i dont know anything bout her except if she channels she looks to b in a permanent trance- sorry 4 judging. just by glancing at her- weird
peter deunov- of the great white brotherhood- 'in the beginning of 1944 during heavy air bombardment over sofia he said 2 his disciples there r no more conditions 4 a person 2 maintain his relationship with god- lets get out of here. orthodox church said he excommunicated himself. - so u want to criticize the church. go to gregory decapolite on yt on the catacomb saints during russian revolution who resisted the new state ortho church and suffered persecution and martyrdom- truly heroic lives. -
I've always been aware that we possess extraordinary power and have been searching through life for a clue to help me find this. But as I have suffered so much loss and physical well being due to this current agenda, actually having to fight for my own survival, have I found my spirit. It's kind of like getting something really cool, and fascinating just figuring out how to use it!
I think some of these remarks have taken this literally out of context.
When I was young, I felt so alive and vibrant, but as I was subjected to the world and evils within, I seemed to have lost myself. Doing what I,and most people are manipulated into thinking of how to live. A lie.
I have a totally new perspective of the world and who I really am. I wish you all well being and let your soul shine.
Susan Liang - Jul 28
Susan Liang
Not so much. Jesus didn't say that.
Humans are not gods. That's the royal shtick. The royal con.
viva (Hoffmann) - Jul 28
Pirate Eyes
The nuns taught that we are part of God and that God also is within us. In the nineteen forties. So this teaching is not new. Whether you believe it or not.
Nick Arons - Jul 28
ONLY in the sense that we are A PART OF HIS CREATION and in His Image,
We are to see our identity as HIS children and He as Our Father. But NEVER EVER HIS EQUAL
Alina - Jul 28
I would still delineate very clearly between being his creation and his children. Not the same.
Nick Arons - Jul 28
I would be in complete agreement with you Alina, but not in this Peculiar Scenario!
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 28
Pirate Eyes
Catholicism is paganism. So you were taught pagan doctrine.
Viva Hoffmann - Jul 28
Viva’s Substack
could be! First I've heard that one! But always happy to realize I know how to read and write, spell, compose sentences and paragraphs, write books, practice journalism, on top of learning how to paint..... what's your story?
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 29
Pirate Eyes
I'm telling my story on my substack if you want to read it.
I like similar things to you.
Catholicism is paganism. It was established by Emperor Constantine of Rome around 300 years after Christ's crucifixion. He mashed paganism up and mixed it with a little bit of Christian doctrine and created Catholicism. This is why the Vatican is in Rome. Volumes have been written on the subject and many documentaries if you want to know more.
The Catholic Church teaches the pagan doctrines created by Constantine. That's where my statement comes from.
Susan Liang - Jul 28
Susan Liang
Nah, I just read the whole Bible, is all.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 28
Thomas’s Substack
I would suggest everyone read Tony Bushby s THE CHRIST SCANDAL there are 20 miles of hallways , floor to ceiling filled with 500,000 books , scrolls artifacts , tech and more of 10,000 years of human history HIDDEN IN VATICAN SECRET ARCHIVES dont you think we are all missing lots of essential info
Miss Parker - Jul 28
Miss’s Substack
Who can know who or if He ever was, as mortal or divinity, but I elect to love Him as one who shows the way to God. And, if a God-revering mortal in special relationship to the Divine Consciousness was completely fabricated, he lives in hearts, nonetheless, and so is eternal and a balm and boon to our souls.
Let's not shun the Spirit which manifests in myriad, miracle ways and succumb to dusty perspectives of those we cannot really know. History can be written by any victor or powerful interest, but His-Story is special and only knowable through personal connection and belief, which supersede material fact that is almost impossible to know, given the all of the manipulations and counterfeit truths promulgated throughout this civilization on vellum, papyrus, wood pulp, and now pixel.
It's enough to know the Church is getting prepared to renounce Him for the New Age, for the Great Reset and its One-World Masonic Luciferian or Satanic religion.
God made us in His image, and,, so, we are part of manifestation. Let's not cede any strong and loving connections to God in and around us, just because the manipulators change their stories for the worse!
We can't know the absolute material truth, ever, and our soul's aren't weighed by our knowing it or not, but we adjudge ourselves by our inclinations to love a merciful God in our entirety or not.
Alina - Jul 28
Susan Liang
Thank you for saying that. It’s appalling to read that Jesus said that. Well, maybe, but which Jesus? Of the New Age, of course.
Susan Liang - Jul 28
Susan Liang
Yes, before I became a Christian, I was a New Ager. I know that scam very well.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 28
Thomas’s Substack
ALL FORMAL RELIGIONS ARE A SCAM all have removed their gnostic roots and practices.
John Vargo - Jul 29
John Vargo
You just traded one scam for another
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 29
Pirate Eyes
The False Light. The False Awakening.
dr.astro - Jul 28
Ye Are Gods Children of the most high... Not everyone will realize this in their lifetime, you apparently have not had this realization yet.
michael68 - Jul 28
michael68’s Substack
You're right. These are certainly not the words of Jesus. The alleged authors of the Gospels, Mark, Matthew, Luke. John and Paul are not the people who are usually passed off as disciples. Nobody knows the authors of the Gospels! They are piecemeal and draw on texts themselves. The names only represent the age of the texts. “Mark” wrote at the beginning of the 70s, Luke and Matthew at the end of the 1st century.
There is one common source, which is referred to as the Sayings source and abbreviated to “Q”.
Only a small proportion of the words attributed to Jesus actually originate from Him. The best source for His true words, in my opinion, is the book “The Ur Gospel, What Jesus Really Said.” By Herbert Ziegler and Elmar Gruber.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 28
Thomas’s Substack
closer to the truth nothing written in the bible was from anyone alive at that time or any where near that time .
dr.astro - Jul 28
Yet Im still able to cast out demos and heal in Christs name... For F'SAKE what have I been doing/reading/following...
Rogier van Vlissingen - Jul 28
Rogier’s Substack
yes. I come at it a different way, but essentially I agree. It is all the same as when Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to give to God what is God´s. The stories of people like Victor Frankl show us how the powers of the world may be able to attack and control our body, but they can never touch what we are in truth as spirit. And AI isn't; it will never be an inspired process, always a reductionist and materialistic process, and often programmed so badly that it becomes an instrument of thought censorship.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 28
Thomas’s Substack
He NEVER SAID such a thing , or the vast majority attributed to him all creations of the unholy roman empire catholic church.
Miss Parker - Jul 28
Miss’s Substack
Thomas, that Jesus never said such a thing is likely probable, because the Church wanted its due in gold and allegiance and compiled the Bible in its image, but the germ of Rogier's comment re eternal spirit vs. materialism rings so true!
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 28
Thomas’s Substack
Maybe but remember what Steiner told the world way back in 1917 /18 , these SHOTS and allied tech would disconnect people from their soul connection and from the divine WITHIN THEM, and make them like robots , Im seeing this already, we are dealing with alien level tech. and its hard to say at this point just what are full consequences. I hope he is correct and IM WRONG, but not sure at this point. I would say AI as programmed and developed at this point is CONNECTED with demonic realm. So its conesquences maybe worse that we think .
Miss Parker - Jul 28
Miss’s Substack
That Steiner foresaw this terrible shot so long ago is beyond amazing. Their aims are no less than sending us all to a hell of their choosing in this realm.
Although the AI nano appears to be a self-spreading tech and we're really given no choice but to be exposed to it, our best hope may lie in exposing the truth and refusing its demonic aims by working to raise consciousness through honest science and prayer-guided healing of all of us.
They want to snuff the God divinity in us and in all of Creation, and we have to find and celebrate it like never before. This is really difficult for most of us, but we're being forced to declare ourselves for God and the good in ways requiring strong focus and intention and in ways that supersede a lot of life as we know it, even the fact of material determinism. I say this, but after a lifetime of indoctrination and without child-like innocence, it's really tough. Some are further along this journey than most of us, but I'm going to keep trying.
At least, growing numbers of us are seeing the truth through the miasma of coordinated deception. There is much more deception to come, as they appear to be using the Book of Revelation as an apocalyptic war plan against us, such as more "pandemics" via 5G frequency attacks this fall and a long, dark winter, war drums banging, food supply chains being burned and poisoned, the economy imploding, and so forth.
There'll be hardship, but staying with God and God-inspired knowing and God-given life force is the only way I can think of to refuse the techno-separation of our souls from the Divine. At the very least, they will not have had our permission, which is important, don't you think?
They may be legion and have to be, but we can stand as one or many if only we will.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 29
Thomas’s Substack
EXTRAORDINARY COMMENT , and yes. Revelation as its known in bibles was stolen from prophecies made in 500 bc by a female Oracle in what is now Italy , Catholic church got a hold of the 3 remaining books and rewrote it to suit the agendas of Black Nobility AND WHOM OR WHAT THEY SERVE. But since so many believe it , your correct they can use in a weaponized way. Stay strong and safe .
Miss Parker - Jul 29
Miss’s Substack
Thank you so very much. You, too!
Professor Anita Baxas,MD - Jul 28 - Edited
Anita Baxas MD Substack
I read the first 3 books almost 40 years ago. It’s a fascinating expedition to India by a group of researchers who encounter guides who do what is considered the impossible such as traveling a distance of thousands of miles in a few minutes, preparing a buffet of food out of nothing and meeting Jesus.
I forgot this particular passage and probably would not have grasped its meaning back then at the age of 18.
The evil doers believe they can imitate and control creation but that will never be possible. All they can do is try to subdue and hide our creation power which they fear so much.
It’s time humanity comes to realize its power and take it back for the benefit of all.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 28 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Just because some people wrote some things forty years ago doesn't mean it's the truth.
It's time to realize God's power and live as His children. Your own power will always fail as it always has. Nothing new under the sun.
What you read and are now promoting is the same old lie - people can be their own god.
Miss Parker - Jul 28
Miss’s Substack
We can see what you're saying, but perhaps it's a matter of semantics in the way here. Doesn't sound as if becoming one's own god is being encouraged in the post, at all, the way Luciferians and other psycho creeps espouse, but, rather, in realizing that since we are of God, and God is indivisible, that we are God. God's love, truth and power must be fractal and scalable in unimaginable ways.
God is within us and without, in and around all of us. We are of the Divine Spirit, but too many of us forget our true nature of powerful love and creative positive potential, individually and collectively. The Lucys know this and are trying to convince us we are separate from an uncaring god and powerless, so that their own embrace of Not God darkness will make them gods over us. It's difficult to fathom their choices to reject God for gold, blood sacrifice, and dominion, when the real and exquisite power lies within us as God, as part of God, if you will, but always living, praying, and co-creating with Spirit and Creation.
A one-world New Age or Luciferian religion isn't a unity of God, but an imposition of dark worship and a yoke for the beasts enslaved to the bigger Beast.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 28
Pirate Eyes
"This is the only issue upon which humanity stands or falls. There is but one choice, one purpose, one truth, and one science; and it makes you free. You become God or servants, as you choose." QUOTE FROM ARTICLE.
This is a quote from Dr. Ana's article. I copied it directly from the text in the article.
Once again and I quote, "You become God or servants, as you choose."
You are not following Jesus Christ. Though I notice you don't state you are a believer in Christ. Just some vague notion of what you think god is. You are saying exactly what the New Age One World Religion says. You are espousing Satanism.
"...when the real and exquisite power lies within us as God, as part of God, if you will, but always living, praying, and co-creating with Spirit and Creation."
That is the New Age religion's doctrine.
You are not God. God is God. You are not a "co-creator" on equal footing with God.
You are a New Age person who is trying to confuse people. I urge you to let go of doing Satan's dirty work and repent and ask forgiveness of Jesus Christ and follow Him. So you stop practicing "dark worship and a yoke for the beasts enslaved to the bigger Beast.
There is One Way to God and it is not by becoming your own god or through any pretty words about being god or being equal to God or not understanding your own power.
If you want to make up your own mismash set of beliefs, you are free to do so. Or defend some woman you don't even know over Jesus' teachings, you are free to do so. But don't say you understand what I've said since it's clear you don't.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Period.
Miss Parker - Jul 28
Miss’s Substack
And you are you a person who shows the way to Christ? I did not attack you and impute ugly motives on your part as you have me, whom you do not know at all.
Are you only on Dr. Ana's site to defame a woman who is clearly doing God's and Christ's work, as we all should be doing, wrt the poisons being foisted upon us in a global genocide?
I know plenty of Christians who'd say you aren't a true believer due to x, y, and z. Separating the wheat from the tares isn't about adhering to particular prescribed beliefs and words, but about what is truly in the heart. You don't know such things about others, clearly, since the people you attack love God and Christ. but perhaps not necessarily your masonic KJV version verbatim.]
Francis Bacon rewrote and encoded the Bible for the King with all sorts of Masonic symbols in the verses and drawn in the margins, because he and the King were venerated Masons. Before them, the Vatican and its interests compiled the bible by accepting and rewriting certain Gospels and editing out others. And before them, ...
You clearly find comfort in their Book (which still holds so much truth in beautiful passages} that only a certain way of loving Jesus and God means salvation, and you state so without grace. But accusing me of "doing Satan's dirty work" is the joke of the day and at least a bit funny.
Take care.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 29
Pirate Eyes
You either serve God or serve Satan and when you are promoting false New Age doctrine because you have some kind of emotional attachment to a woman you don't know instead of following Jesus you are doing Satan's dirty work.
If you don't like it you can change.
Professor Anita Baxas,MD - Jul 28
Anita Baxas MD Substack
Thank you. You eloquently expressed what I meant to say.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 28
Pirate Eyes
"You become God or servants, as you choose." QUOTE FROM ARTICLE.
"You become God." Satanism. And an enormous lie.
It cannot be clearer. This is New Age doctrine. Same as it ever was.
kaal - Jul 28
dark or light occult- 'great awakening' both sides of same coin.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 28
Pirate Eyes
I agree completely. Many are fooled by this due to mind control in movies, etc., where a "lesser" or "good" evil can defeat a "bad" evil. Like "white" witches and "black" witches. All witches. Like in the Wizard of Oz. Or Wiccan.
John Vargo - Jul 29
John Vargo,Organizedreligions have been put in place as the primary Mind Control method to serve the ultimate objective and purposes of the Negative Alien Agenda, to gain control over earth during the Ascension Cycle. The people of earth have been manipulated for centuries into warring and killing each other in the name of the False Alien Gods in order to constantly carry out human Blood Sacrifices and help to maintain division between the 12 Tribes. Violent Religions and the New Age hijack have constantly been using humans as pawns in the negative alien’s conquest game, which is designed to generate consistent fears and spiritual terrorism into the minds of the earth population in order to attempt to eventually manifest the Armageddon scenario. [1],Organized
Nick Arons - Jul 29
John Vargo
No, John! That’s the Tavistock Institute for human relations in great Britain and you’ve been pawned!!!
John Vargo - Jul 29
John Vargo
No Nicholas,you've been fooled,I learned of Tavistock 10 yrs ago and they did not create thistechnology.Youbelieve the controllers told you the truth about something?You control the mind you control the soul,Here's some tangible proof we have been lied to,hundreds of existing free energy architecture buildings and angelic humans with wings.We are their food source,our energy,they created organized religion.I am a jealous god,thout shall have no other gods beforeme.Notrue creator gods would ever do that,demand to be worshipped by immortal beings of light like us.Oh yeah,you are a sinner,sounds like Yuval Harini calling us useless eaters.And of course if you believe Romans 13,that the authorities were appointed by god then go get your boosters.
Nick Arons - Jul 29
OK “G_D , whatever you say!
John Vargo - Jul 29
John Vargo
You're the one worshipping aliens masquerading as gods.I am God,I am sovereign,I am free.
John Vargo - Jul 29
John Vargo
I wouldn't say nothing is impossible but I would say all things are possible.The evil doers have replaced much of our organic world with synthetic,they have hacked the matrix so to speak and the true creator gods are here repairing the damage done to mother earth and by extensionhumanity.Asimmortal souls we are gods ourselves,a whole lot of the human race has been mind controlled to believe we are the exact opposite.
NJ Election Advisor - Jul 28
NJ Election Advisor
Be careful trying to “speak with God” channeling; mediums, spirits, speaking with angels, demons, etc.
God is not the only one that broadcasts on that frequency.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 28 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Dr. Ana is becoming increasingly suspect as she unfolds her New Age doctrines. This is exactly where the NWO, The United Nations, The Freemasons, The Kabbalists, The Pope, etc. want everyone headed.
I am a follower of the One True God - Jesus Christ. You cannot follow two masters.
I've been pointing this out for some time about Dr. Ana. Please pay attention. Your eternal life is on the line. Everyday.
Gene - Jul 28
Jesus did NOT say that. He was never that unclear.
Terry Oldberg - Jul 28
Modeling a physical system with…
In the book that is entitled "The Psychology of totalitarianism," the statistician and professor of clinical psychology Mattias Desmet reports that, in a statistical study that he conducted, he discovered that those people who mistook a "complex" physical system for a "non-complex" physical system in the construction of a model of this system shared a "mechanistic-materialistic world view whereas those people who did not make this mistake shared a holistic world view. It sounds to m as though the holistic thinkers had what one calls"souls" while the non-wholistic thinkers lacked them.
Kathy M. - Jul 28
Kathy M.
I eschew what Desmet has to say because he sees a "herd" mind and not individual, powerful, eternal, indestructible, spirits. A body without a spirit is dead. A spirit without a body …. well… that’s another subject. What I read you as saying is that “non-wholistic thinkers lack souls.” So, if you believe Google Ai: “More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population.” Unless I read you wrong you are saying that 72.3 percent of the world population lacks souls?
Desmet got the situation in front of his eyes wrong. Refer to search for “Desmet.” Dr. Peter R. Breggin’s river runs deep!
Miss Parker - Jul 28
Miss’s Substack
Perhaps, holistic thinking is a matter of being cognizant of soul and the Divine Mystery, which modern alchemical science discourages and too many reflexively follow through mass brainwashing and "education", unfortunately.
Many or even most of the jab recipients have souls, of course, but they've forgotten to rely on any direct knowing from God, or have sacrificed their health to hold down jobs for the family or to see their grandchildren. All the best to them and to all of us. The demonic serums are transmissible, and whether to inject them was a false choice, of course.
We should all remember the miracle of life cannot be discovered through autopsy or combining elements or even saved with potions. Our only hope and constant truth is to realize the Divine Spirit transcends the material and that we are of that Spirit, thank God!
Robert Sun - Jul 28
Robert Sun
Thanks Dr Ana Mihalcea!
kaal - Jul 28
btw who what is god- described here? certain powers/ principles etc- weird. sigh.
Sue Long - Jul 28
Hello Ana, thank you, I truly see your heart. I'm so grateful for your words to help more of humanity to wake up. God is Light, bottom line. We as humanity need to wake up more and more in turning to God and ask him what is his will in all that is taking place, their is a purpose, and it's for the good, God is above and we are below. Spirit is first, and materialism is no longer priority as we have lived and cultivated in the past. I do believe our creator is trying to direct us to him. We must first of all apologize for Rebelling against God so we can have things our way and be grateful for him showing us we have taken things to far in science, religion, medicine, politics and education and opened Pandora's box. I pray that people will see God's heart in all he is trying to show us and in guiding us back to him. We were born to serve our creator not ourselves. I will leave you a private message, so please look for it. Much love and great gratitude to you.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 28 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
"This is the only issue upon which humanity stands or falls. There is but one choice, one purpose, one truth, and one science; and it makes you free. You become God or servants, as you choose."
Imagine a world with billions of little self willed "gods" running around.
New Age garbage. Same as it ever was since the Fall. Lies told by Satan. Dr. Ana is lost.
Miss Parker - Jul 28 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
We become God, not a god. By realizing and living through our Divine Spirit given us by God, we become one in God, not at all separate from God. God is indivisible but expressed in so many ways through all of us.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 29 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
"We become God..." to quote you.
No we don't. That is a lie. God is a living entity, not a part of you. He gave you the spirit of life, a soul, a body.
He expresses Himself in any way He wills.
Miss Parker - Jul 29 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
You believe we are separate from God, and I believe God can be both entity and
Spirit diffused throughout Creation. The challenge for me lies in doing deep quiet prayer trying to exist, even for a moment, in better union with God, with the Divine Spirit, for guidance and inspiration., for healing and protection for all of us, and me, too, of course.
The notion of only discrete consciousnesses somehow seems at cross purposes to what our Creator has manifested and logically unlikely; if there was only God before existence, then everything would have to be made by God's Consciousness and from God's spiritual essence.
The creep controllers of this world certainly are endeavoring to convince us we cannot be one with God and are attacking our physicality in a transhumanist way to prevent affinity for and union with the Divine Consciousness. Instead, they will be more openly offering and then coercing post-cull peons to worship and prostrate themselves before a demonic god who calls for blood sacrifice and slavish devotion in their one-world cult of the profane.
Our God gifted us with free will, as we're made in His image. Many of us will decide to keep seeking refuge in union with the Divine and not lay the blame for our soulless mortal choices on our Creator.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 29 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Are you seperate from your loved ones or are they within you and diffused throughout creation?
If yes, that is nothing more than narcissism. Others are separate from you. They are not "in" you. We can share ourselves with one another but that does not mean they are one with you.
God is not diffused like lavender oil in an atomizer. Nowhere does The One True Living God state or teach He will become a part of you.
To those who love Him and follow Him He sends the Holy Spirit to live within them yet the Holy Spirit is not a part of you. It is a separate entity that comes to aid those who believe.
What you are describing is gnosticism which is paganism.
He is a living supreme being. You are His creation.
He has commanded we believe in and follow Jesus Christ who is a Living Being. Not your consciousness. You will never be God.
Jesus is the only escape. We serve God. We do not become Him or become reabsorbed into Him in "union".
Miss Parker - Jul 29 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
My inbox is showing the following comment from you and the link leads here, Odd, it's quite different than the above:
Pirate Studebaker replied to your comment on The Power Of Our Soul And Spirit In This Spiritual Warfare:
"Are you seperate from your loved ones or are they within you and diffused throughout creation? If yes, that is nothing more than narcissism. Others are separate from you. They are not "in" you. We can share ourselves with one another but that does not mean they are one with you. God is not diffused like lavender oil in an atomizer. Nowhere does The One True Living God state or teach He will become a part of you. To those who love Him and follow Him He sends the Holy Spirit to live within them yet the Holy Spirit is not a part of you. It is a separate entity that comes to aid those who believe. What you are describing is gnosticism which is paganism. He is a living supreme being. You are His creation. He has commanded we believe in and follow Jesus Christ who is a Living Being. Not your consciousness. You will never be God. Jesus is the only escape. We serve God. We do not become Him or become reabsorbed into Him in "union". I can see you don't mention Jesus. I know why."
My response to your comment in my inbox is that somehow it's your business that I declare my love of Jesus. Yes, I love Jesus. Now, it will be your business that I love Him the way you do, because you're some kind of judge of others' love of God and His incarnations.
Last, as attacker and judge of your fellow mortals, you certainly aren't shy about appending truly objectionable "isms" to their belief in God, such as Satanism, Gnosticism, paganism, narcissism, and more. You don't have the gift of discernment that you think you do. You can bother to respond, but I'm no masochist for your accusations and elect to bow out of further, I was going to say conversation, but pulpit excoriation may be more apt.
Hallelujah, you know the way, and truly must love God per your theology, but I'll keep on loving God and Jesus and all of Creation, despite being such an "ism" transgressor to you. Others here on this site subscribe to different spiritualities, but nearly all seem to care very deeply about humanity, God and Creation, and the spiritual-techno war being waged against us all, which is a marvelous blessing in the midst of battle for all the ages.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 29 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
In my experience it matters a great deal more to God that we follow His ways and His wisdom than our own.
Jesus called people hypocrites, liars, demons, the synagogue of Satan and the children of Satan.
Discernment doesn't mean what one sees when using it only fits in a Facebook post.
I understand you don't like what I see. That doesn't mean I lack discernment. It only means you don't like it.
And what I see is you and many others mixing New Age doctrine in with Jesus teachings and that is confusing to others and leads them astray.
That is how many will fall away.
If the blatant lies attributed to Jesus in this article are palatable to you, if you feel it's fine for people to fabricate false teachings and these lies illustrate a love for humanity, I am saying you are not following Jesus.
If you truly love and follow Jesus and love His people you will have no problem renouncing the lies for exactly what they are. If you endorse them, you are serving Satan.. It's not complicated. It's simple.
Miss Parker - Jul 28
Miss’s Substack
Jesus was God, and a most beautiful expression of Love, Truth, and Creative Power. He encouraged us not to separate ourselves from God, as we are made in His image. Demon gods are possessed egos who control and hurt others, forcing the worst out of their slave followers, in a rejection of the Divine Spirit and soul they may have been born with. Sometimes, one has to wonder if all people are born equally.
Sue Long - Jul 28
Thank you for liking my comment. Please visit (less than 5 min)
Sukyo Mahikari - True Light intro
Over 1 million people globally are participating. Seems you are awake. With love and blessings
kaal - Jul 28 - Edited
white brotherhood- theosophy/////// the UN religion is theosophy i think.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 28 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Yes. What Dr. Ana is promoting is exactly the same luciferianism as the Untied Nations, etc.
John Vargo - Jul 29 - Edited
John Vargo
Then why are you here?You seem to like labeling so I label you full of crap something like mainstream media,constantly regurgitating every time you speak.Write that down!
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 29 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Your spewing means nothing.
I am here because people's choices matter to God.
You seem to be here to spew garbage that is meaningless. Flush.
kaal - Jul 28
alice bailey-lucis trust UN. anyway i dont know anything bout her except if she channels she looks to b in a permanent trance- sorry 4 judging. just by glancing at her- weird
kaal - Jul 28
peter deunov- of the great white brotherhood- 'in the beginning of 1944 during heavy air bombardment over sofia he said 2 his disciples there r no more conditions 4 a person 2 maintain his relationship with god- lets get out of here. orthodox church said he excommunicated himself. - so u want to criticize the church. go to gregory decapolite on yt on the catacomb saints during russian revolution who resisted the new state ortho church and suffered persecution and martyrdom- truly heroic lives. -
kaal - Jul 28
lets get out of here------
kaal - Jul 28
russias catacomb saints-
kaal - Jul 28
david spangler/ UN one world religion- theosophy- which 4 him is luciferianism.
kaal - Jul 28
just ???? no accusation- sorry.
kaal - Jul 28
great white brotherhood- look it up-
Crosby Guy - Jul 28
I don't always comment, but I always listen, thank you for leading us to this knowledge. Chance favors the prepared mind.
Robert Childs - Jul 28
Robert’s Substack
I've always been aware that we possess extraordinary power and have been searching through life for a clue to help me find this. But as I have suffered so much loss and physical well being due to this current agenda, actually having to fight for my own survival, have I found my spirit. It's kind of like getting something really cool, and fascinating just figuring out how to use it!
I think some of these remarks have taken this literally out of context.
When I was young, I felt so alive and vibrant, but as I was subjected to the world and evils within, I seemed to have lost myself. Doing what I,and most people are manipulated into thinking of how to live. A lie.
I have a totally new perspective of the world and who I really am. I wish you all well being and let your soul shine.
Mike Hoehn - Jul 28
Mike Hoehn
I KNOW you are right
Mike Hoehn - Jul 28
Mike Hoehn
I KNOW you are right dr. Ana. I can't thank you enough for all you do for humanity. God speed baby !!!!
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