The Power Of Our Soul And Spirit In This Spiritual Warfare - United News Network

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 28, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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In this segment on United News Network we discuss the power of our soul and spirit in these trying times. This is an uplifting discussion that cannot be underestimated in its power.

You remember the Covenant, thought to be of a satanic origin of what the evil ones have in store for us. The state, that if we realize that we are all ONE - all equal, they have lost forever. Interview on SGT Report: Demons Of The MRNA VAX

I wanted to share with you this excerpt of the book “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East” by Baird T Spalding. These books were published in 1935 and are the account of a scientific expedition to the Himalayas to study the Immortal Masters. Whatever you believe, simply see if the words ring true in your soul. They ring true in my soul. This is what I live and I know that this knowledge has the power to win this war, and it the true meaning of the “Great Awakening”. Because I know this, I have known how this technology works, why they want to mind control us. Because we are powerful divine beings. This is why when I published my book Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity in 2021 - wrote that Artificial Intelligence does not represent the greatest future for humanity, but realizing our divine beingness and creating a new foundation of medicine and science incorporating the understanding of our spiritual universe is imperative for a new path forward.

This is what these technocrats - who believe life started because an electric bolt hit green slime do not understand - hence they are going down a dead end road of AI technology fusing with humanity to eventually phase out the organic human. They are trying to become immortal when their spirit is already immortal. They do not understand, that all of life that they want to digitize and fuse with artificial synthetic biology is spiritual and intelligent, beyond any AI machine that will every exist. Technocrats are missing one piece - spirit is consciousness and everything is spiritual. This truth is why they so desperately want to mind control humanity.

In the book “Life and teaching of the Masters of the far East”, it discusses eye witness accounts of meeting Jesus and other ascended Masters who are aware of and guiding humanity through their unconditional love. They explain what we are missing in our egocentric self destruction. Note that they distance themselves from the limited understanding of religion, and state that all of mankind is ONE and divine.

Jesus said:

“ This, then, is not a material universe as you have thought. That is only your definition of it. It came forth from spirit and it is spiritual, if you will define it as such. It is orderly, true, basic. If orderly, it is scientific; if scientific, it is intelligent, it is life united with intelligent life. Life coupled to and guided by intelligence, becomes volition and, through volition, it becomes vocation. Spirit is the primary, vibrating, originating power; and you may enter into spirit and use its power by the simple acceptance or knowing that is does exist; then let it come forth, and the whole of spirit is at your command. To you it becomes an ever-potent spring of perpetual and original life right within yourself.

You are one with the Great Creative Mind Substance; thus, you know that all things do exist. If you will but see that Divine Principle, Great Principle, Good Principle, God Principle is all there is, - that it fills all space, is all - then you are that principle; and, as you stand forth in your Christ Dominion and give out this principle, you, by your own very thought, word, and act give this principle greater activity. Thus, one more has found his dominion and is using God power and sending it out. As you give out this power, it flows to you. As you give, more is pressed upon you to give and you will find you cannot deplete the supply.”

“This does not mean going into a closed and hiding yourself, this is getting quiet right where you are, even in the busy so-called turmoils of life, under the most trying circumstances. Then life is not turmoil; it is quiet, contemplative and compulsive. The outer activity is as nothing compared with the greater activity that you now realize and are one with. This is getting quiet right where you are, seeing God standing forth from you, - closer that breathing, nearer than hands and feet, - with our whole thought action centered on God.

Who is God? Where is the God that your whole thought action is centered or focused upon?

God is not a great being outside of you, that you are going to bring within and then present to the world. God is that power which is generated and exhilarated by your own thought action. It is true that this power is within and all about you, but it is inactive until you think of it and know that it does exist.

The greatest sermon ever given is BEHOLD GOD. This means seeing God standing forth in all glory right within and from you and from all others also.”

Now it becomes necessary for your to accept and expand your consciousness to the God Consciousness; and you, yourself, revel in God. You do actually become God, one with the Most High. Man belongs in this high estate. Here man is one with the essence of all things, he is truly God. Here no division can exist. Do you know see that man himself can become God or demon? Can you not see that man’s vibratory sphere is the whole vibratory sphere of God if he lives in that sphere? This is the only scientific sphere, the only place for man, and the only place where he can bring forth God and be one with God. Such a man is certainly more that a concept of man.

Do you not see then, that you belong to an dare of God’s Kingdom and not that of any demon which is created by man’s own imaging faculty? Then, is it not a perfectly scientific and logical fact that man is and can be God or that he may image hinself out of the God Kingdom and, therefore, create for himself a demoniacal realm with may seem real to him? I leave you to be the judge.

This is the only issue upon which humanity stands or falls. There is but one choice, one purpose, one truth, and one science; and it makes you free. You become God or servants, as you choose.

Stop for a moment and just think of the allness of God or Primal Cause, with no beginning or end, with universal scope and surround yourself in this.

I highly recommend these books and the inspiration of the Immortal Ascended Masters who love humanity unconditionally and see all as brothers and sisters on the path of spiritual evolution.

I am the founder of Tru Blu Medical and have written in my book about the fantastic healing abilities of blue light. These wraps are placed on the skin and the melanin absorbs the biophotonic light. It does not affect the nanobots since the light cannot penetrate this deep to get to the circulating blood.

Tru Blu Medical Wellness Wraps

Blue Light Reduces Pain in Scientific Study

In this study blue light effects on spontaneous pain were compared to red light and thermal control treatment.

In 30 healthy volunteers’ acute pain was induced via electric currents.

Blue light substantially reduced spontaneous pain as assessed by numeric rating scale pain scoring. Similarly, pain quality was significantly altered.

“From all treatments, only blue light reduced NRS pain scores significantly”

Blue Light decreased pain sensitivity, helped with neuropathic pain and loss of sensation from neuropathy.

Blue-light treatment reduces spontaneous and evoked pain in a human experimental pain model

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Susan Liang - Jul 28

Susan Liang

Not so much. Jesus didn't say that.
Humans are not gods. That's the royal shtick. The royal con.

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Rogier van Vlissingen - Jul 28

Rogier’s Substack

yes. I come at it a different way, but essentially I agree. It is all the same as when Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to give to God what is God´s. The stories of people like Victor Frankl show us how the powers of the world may be able to attack and control our body, but they can never touch what we are in truth as spirit. And AI isn't; it will never be an inspired process, always a reductionist and materialistic process, and often programmed so badly that it becomes an instrument of thought censorship.

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