The Polyphenol Flavonoid Family – Natural…

Jul 14, 2022

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Finding the purposeful good in all things – if we look at the entire pandemic, it has been great to bringing awareness to nutritional health and the medicinal properties of natural supplements and Vitamins.


Leonard Murphy - Jul 14, 2022

Leonard Murphy

This has a useful table at the end for each type of flavonoid and the corresponding plants.!po=13.3028!po=13.3028


Free Human - Aug 24, 2022

Free Human

Along with guinea pigs & bats, humans are the only mammals whose livers do not typically produce their own mega-doses of Vitamin C from glucose when they're ill or encounter some kind of environmental toxin. This is thought to be an epigenetic mutation affecting most but not 100% of humans. New studies have found supplementation with a specific polyphenol ( hydroxytyrosol ) can turn this ability back on, at least for a time, if not permanently. This is very important info. Keep some on hand if/when you get ill, or if you have been vaccinated (voluntarily or not) as it will be a force-multiplier for any Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants (NAC, Quercetin, Glutathione, et. al.) you may take to try to combat vax damage or illness.


Kristen - Jul 14, 2022

Thank you for this information! Are there retailers or brands you’d recommend for the flavonoid supplements (or things consumers should look for when purchasing)?


Gary McCollom - Jul 14, 2022

Good stuff, you may like this article as well as it includes L-Lysine, something I now use daily as well as a few scoops of another amino acid glycine.



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