One show might end, but the horror show is about to begin…
WHO Pandemic Treaty and
International Health Regulations.
These psychos will kill large parts of the world population if we can't stop them.
There is more than meets the eyes! Those already have the jabs all will be capture by AI and prison them into the 15 minutes city and turn them into a reptilian. Quantum computers will be controlling those who got the beast mark (jabs) and the beast mark is “The reptilian” half machine half beast (reptilian!)
Those top leaders and their bodyguards and Hollywood celebrities are no longer human! Please do a research on it! God bless.
According to Pfizer's documentation, their jab doesn't stop infection or transmission BUT it does transfect via skin contact and inhalation.
So how can any unjabbed person avoid it? Would God allow the unjabbed to be infected simply by coming into contact with friends or family (or doctors, etc.) who were foolish enough to believe in the plandemic scam?
as it is an unconventional war, God is allowing some components of the bioweapon like the grafene, to infect us. I had experience with this, and also for us to know how to neutralize it. It is better to get in contact with the tools of the enemy in inital battles early in the war.
Dr. Ana — We should talk. My friend, Dr Christina Rahm, formulated a detox while at Harvard studying nano biotechnology engineering. She was personally invited, as were military generals and heads of pharmaceutical companies. The other 19 were there to develop bioweapons. She was the ONLY one to reverse engineer them to protect our health. She applied for her patent while in the Harvard three-year program. Her patent was approved.
It breaks apart the nano tech and heavy metals, binds them, and this is key — as you would know — simultaneously replenishes micronutrients.
Thank you for speaking out and breaking down all the specifics on this bioweapon.
Would you like more information?
Her products are somewhat expensive. I saw an interview with her husband & he spoke about her speaking at every year at the WEF meetings. Her resume shows years of experience working for big Pharma. Just whose side is she on? Are her products just to make money off of us unjabbed?
Do I think she might be controlled opposition to mislead the unjabbed, mislead Christians & make money of of us? Folks we have to be careful. It is NOT easy to find truthful people in this spiritual warfare. Why did her husband say that she was an invited speaker at WEF for many years?
Amy Fotis
just now
Well, she’s undoing what’s being done to ALL of us. Eradicating the nano tech, graph ene and heavy metals, restoring our health. It even appears that PFOS is being given the boot. Pretty clear to see by those with dark field microscopes doing live blood analysis... It’s ALL GOOD, GOOD. No bad.
The first bottle goes quite far. Start low and slow, one drop in water. It’s enough for a family.
Even horses start on one drop.
It’s like 3 products in one: detox, binder, micronutrient replenisher
She tried to do good while at pharmaceutical companies. She saw that real solutions were being shelved. Her husband offered to start a nutraceutical company where she would not need to compromise what God created and the ingredient qualities.
She consults with many countries and companies. She has 3 doctorates and has done nutrition research. She is working on her MD.
She is remarkable, loving, kind, and humble. She desired to be a missionary in college. She is protecting our DNA, God’s signature on us.
She is able to connect with other remarkable scientists and physicians around the world that are truly making a difference helping people reclaim their lives and health.
I understand the hesitation. I admire her boldness and bravery to travel extensively. She told me about even being kidnapped. God has a purpose that He is seeing done through her.
Naturopaths using live blood analysis have seen her products impact quickly. Dr. Norbert Ketskés uses live blood analysis and has shared his slides showing Blood stacked and then clean and fluffy — utilizing her products.
I interviewed a local naturopath before doing a podcast on detoxing bioweapons and heavy metals. She said blood had graphene in it prior to Covid. Other naturopaths did as well. Dr. Ana has an excellent article on chemtrail whistleblower’s report. Frankly, everyone needs to detox it one way or another. This is an easy, simple one. Drops in water. Easy to do daily. Especially great to do in evening. Our glymphatic system does it’s remarkable work while we sleep.
At minimum supplement with Lugol’s Iodine. Inexpensive. When we’re deficient in iodine, heavy metals mimic it and are taken Into our cells. Also, use Celtic, Redmond’s, Himalayan or Sea Salt for many essential minerals. Not the toxic processed iodine salt.
Wishing you peace and good health.
Yes, I am a baptized Christian. Raised four children in the faith and pulled my 11th grade daughter from public school to homeschool her. I facilitated a Bible study at my church for 10 years. We are fighting demons, evil. This war is base. God wins. Trying to minimize losses. 💕🙏
I’m a member of ISNS, physicians track results using her formulations.
Some of the top physicians in the world are using Dr Christina’s formulations. Gastroenterologist, Dr Norbert Ketskés of Hungary has helped Olympic athletes overcome myocarditis. They couldn’t work out. After 4 months on Rahm’s formulations their labs normalized and they were able to exercise as Olympians again. Ketskés has helped people get great gains post stroke, even helped a patient reduce dementia symptoms.
Dr. Tina of Slovenia has amazing results with her autism patients, and more.
Dr. Rahm is a Christian that overcame a brain cancer, spinal tumors, 2 skin cancer. She was hospitalized with Lyme at age 19 and lost her memory. Her CV is 38 pages long. She has a child who had cancer as a toddler. She has created these formulations for her family, herself, and all of us. She knew what was coming and she knows what is coming. Her formulations also help ward off fungi. They protect our DNA.
"Dr. Rahm has worked as a medical, clinical, and research scientist in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and biotechnology industries for Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Biogen Idec/Biogen, UCB, Bristol Meyers Squibb, and Alexion. Additionally, she worked on the corporate side for Pfizer, Biogen, and Janssen and is currently the Chairman of International Science Nutrition Society and Chief Science Officer for ROOT Wellness. Dr. Rahm has also served as a formulator for several companies and manufacturing labs, including her own. She has created multiple provisional patents, proprietary formulas, and trade secrets in addition to authoring her first book, Cure the Causes: Live the Life you Want, Not the One Prescribed. Through years of laboratory research and ethical observations, she has developed a personalized and predictive consulting company working on everything from the environment to DNA and detox wellness plans in which Dr. Rahm helps clients reset their bodies and minds to be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically balanced." ~
Biotech? Does that include the massive increases in electro-magnetic radiation from telecommunications and surveillance? Does Dr Rahm acknowledge the cumulative impact of microwaves on all life?
Thanks for that info. Yes, it is very serious. However, we can't spray or clothe every living thing, can we? Furthermore, why should we need to?
If I had the opportunity to speak at Davos that is the issue I would want to raise because those corporate moguls and their Great Reset depend on the Internet of Things & Bodies for their future business interests. It is their responsibility to discontinue with any technology which damages life.
I agree with you. No, we can’t. I believe in the power of prayer too. I pray for the protection of all our loved ones and their loved ones, etc. I pray the scales fall from the eyes of people in leadership and that they make decisions that benefit humanity and our world. Amen.
She is entirely on our side. Blood of both vaccinated and unvaccinated is looking similar, unfortunately. She went to Davos to know what is coming next and how to be proactive.
I was scared for her safety there and here, frankly. We cloak her in prayers.
She has developed effective products that pharma hasn’t introduced due to bottom line decision$. Her husband, Clayton, offered to create the company so she wouldn’t have to compromise on quality of ingredients. She uses labs to track the plant DNA. She now has her own lab to ensure quality standards.
You may friend request me on Facebook, Amy Fotis (Gillis) Michigan. I’d prefer people on Dr. Ana’s page wait for Dr. Ana to share her free referral link, so she earns the product credits, etc. If you search online, you’ll likely be ordering from corporate and she won’t get any credit.
thank you ana for being in the end of the covid 19 event it would not be the same without you ---------- i trust you completely and look forward to reading your substack post and videos-------your the best keep up the great work
WEF say “ You will own nothing but be happy” means no money no assets including your body all will be own by them! That is the demons (reptilians) occupying human body. They want to depopulate until 500 millions means they want all humans turn into their own reptilian species! This is their end game!
Very good lineup.
Very happy to find Dr. Mihalcea in the mix with the people who l believe are real truth tellers and closest to the truth - that COVID has nothing to do with a so-called "virus".
Noteworthy, Kaufman, Cowan, the Baileys, Stone, David Icke, Palevsky, Northrup.
Missing: Kingston, Celeste Solum, Carrie Madej.
Very impressive 👍
.....SO gratifying to see that JERRY's a PART of this initiative, Ana - his work has been a HUGE path to realizing my OWN these past 6 years or so, since I read 'The Fourth Phase Of Water'......
I first learned about Dr. Ana last week on Karen Kingston's her daily report. In it, Dr. Ana mentioned an EDTA cream you apply on your ankles. Has anyone (vaxxed on unvaxxed) tried this formula to remove the lipid nano particles in their blood?
Has Dr. Ana compared the effectiveness of the cream to her 90 minute EDTA chelation therapy?
I just learned of Dr. Rahm today and wonder about her liquid detox. How does the cream Dr. Ana recommends compare to Dr. Rahm's liquid drops, and should we be using both?
Thank you, Bill
Bill, I have been using the cream along with many other natural molecules. I don't check my live blood, but feel better than I have in a while. Have no clue if it's the cream or the other substances I consume on a daily basis.
Thank you Jeb. Good to know. I think Dr. Ana's reference to the EDTA cream is a good enough recommendation for me. I am looking for a blood specialist in the Salt Lake area to perform a before and after EDTA comparison.
If you don't mind me asking, what issues were you dealing with, and for how long before you tried different products?
What other substances are you using that may have contributed to you feeling better?
Thank you, Bill
I have no comment on Dr Christina Rahm, however this just came in on the Telegram feed of The Expose News, UK, posted by a person called Dr John Anderson and advertising something called ASEA Redox. But I do ask myself why he uses so many capital letters: : "It has been demonstrated that Graphene Oxide Toxicity causes Intracellular Oxidative Stress, leading to Cytotoxicity and the Inhibition of Cell Proliferation. Glutathione is one of the main Body Anti Oxidants that eradicates Free Radicals and Poisons from your Body. Glutathione is a Cell Signaling Molecule created by our Cells and used by our Bodies at the Speed of Light. Glutathione is Vital in the Regulation of Oxidative Stress Levels to maintain Normal Cellular Function. However, its Concentration Decreases with Age, and People are already Deficient in Glutathione..........ASEA has the Power to potentially save the Lives of the Vaxxed and will Detox Transmission in the Unvaxxed. It’s potentially the Strongest Single Treatment that’s mentioned in this Article.
I welcome anyone who wishes to spread this Information far and wide. DM me for details."
Was really encouraging to learn that the scientist Dr. Robert Malone (complete psyop, controlled opposition and possibly co-perpretator of this unfathomable crime) and even the German politician and Member of European Parliament, Christine Margarete Anderson, (avoids the rabbit hole and by continuing to push the "virus" narrative, creates a serious obstacle in getting to the bottom of this crime) are not featured among the features.
The list is impressive.
Couldn´t have done it better myself :-) - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
One show might end, but the horror show is about to begin…
WHO Pandemic Treaty and
International Health Regulations.
These psychos will kill large parts of the world population if we can't stop them.
T. Ho - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
T. Ho
There is more than meets the eyes! Those already have the jabs all will be capture by AI and prison them into the 15 minutes city and turn them into a reptilian. Quantum computers will be controlling those who got the beast mark (jabs) and the beast mark is “The reptilian” half machine half beast (reptilian!)
Those top leaders and their bodyguards and Hollywood celebrities are no longer human! Please do a research on it! God bless.
NolaD - Jun 7, 2023
Every human has a 'reptilian brain' - it is the name, given by neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean in the 1960s, for the basal ganglia part of the brain.
solutions - Jun 6, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
NolaD - Jun 7, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
According to Pfizer's documentation, their jab doesn't stop infection or transmission BUT it does transfect via skin contact and inhalation.
So how can any unjabbed person avoid it? Would God allow the unjabbed to be infected simply by coming into contact with friends or family (or doctors, etc.) who were foolish enough to believe in the plandemic scam?
solutions - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
as it is an unconventional war, God is allowing some components of the bioweapon like the grafene, to infect us. I had experience with this, and also for us to know how to neutralize it. It is better to get in contact with the tools of the enemy in inital battles early in the war.
solutions - Jun 6, 2023
solutions’s Substack
The mark of God vs the beast:
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023 - Edited
Marcia K.
Dr. Ana — We should talk. My friend, Dr Christina Rahm, formulated a detox while at Harvard studying nano biotechnology engineering. She was personally invited, as were military generals and heads of pharmaceutical companies. The other 19 were there to develop bioweapons. She was the ONLY one to reverse engineer them to protect our health. She applied for her patent while in the Harvard three-year program. Her patent was approved.
It breaks apart the nano tech and heavy metals, binds them, and this is key — as you would know — simultaneously replenishes micronutrients.
Thank you for speaking out and breaking down all the specifics on this bioweapon.
Would you like more information?
Marcia K. - Jun 6, 2023 - Edited
Marcia K.
Her products are somewhat expensive. I saw an interview with her husband & he spoke about her speaking at every year at the WEF meetings. Her resume shows years of experience working for big Pharma. Just whose side is she on? Are her products just to make money off of us unjabbed?
Jeb - Jun 6, 2023
I don't like to hear that! Thought it might sound too good to be true.
Marcia K. - Jun 6, 2023 - Edited
Marcia K.
Do I think she might be controlled opposition to mislead the unjabbed, mislead Christians & make money of of us? Folks we have to be careful. It is NOT easy to find truthful people in this spiritual warfare. Why did her husband say that she was an invited speaker at WEF for many years?
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
Amy Fotis
just now
Well, she’s undoing what’s being done to ALL of us. Eradicating the nano tech, graph ene and heavy metals, restoring our health. It even appears that PFOS is being given the boot. Pretty clear to see by those with dark field microscopes doing live blood analysis... It’s ALL GOOD, GOOD. No bad.
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023 - Edited
She consults with countries and corporations. She has 2 or 3 PHDs and is working on her MD.
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023 - Edited
I am grateful for her steadfast work
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
3 doctorates and currently working on her MD
Jeb - Jun 6, 2023
If what you say is true, evidently Dr. Ana may not want to talk to you cause it may compete with her EDTA practice??????
Amy Fotis - Jun 7, 2023
It’s a good way to help people that can’t meet with her in person. This allows her to help many more people around the world. 🤍
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
The first bottle goes quite far. Start low and slow, one drop in water. It’s enough for a family.
Even horses start on one drop.
It’s like 3 products in one: detox, binder, micronutrient replenisher
Catherine - Jun 6, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
Any relation to big Pharma or WHO-- no bueno!!!
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
She tried to do good while at pharmaceutical companies. She saw that real solutions were being shelved. Her husband offered to start a nutraceutical company where she would not need to compromise what God created and the ingredient qualities.
She consults with many countries and companies. She has 3 doctorates and has done nutrition research. She is working on her MD.
She is remarkable, loving, kind, and humble. She desired to be a missionary in college. She is protecting our DNA, God’s signature on us.
She is able to connect with other remarkable scientists and physicians around the world that are truly making a difference helping people reclaim their lives and health.
I understand the hesitation. I admire her boldness and bravery to travel extensively. She told me about even being kidnapped. God has a purpose that He is seeing done through her.
Naturopaths using live blood analysis have seen her products impact quickly. Dr. Norbert Ketskés uses live blood analysis and has shared his slides showing Blood stacked and then clean and fluffy — utilizing her products.
I interviewed a local naturopath before doing a podcast on detoxing bioweapons and heavy metals. She said blood had graphene in it prior to Covid. Other naturopaths did as well. Dr. Ana has an excellent article on chemtrail whistleblower’s report. Frankly, everyone needs to detox it one way or another. This is an easy, simple one. Drops in water. Easy to do daily. Especially great to do in evening. Our glymphatic system does it’s remarkable work while we sleep.
At minimum supplement with Lugol’s Iodine. Inexpensive. When we’re deficient in iodine, heavy metals mimic it and are taken Into our cells. Also, use Celtic, Redmond’s, Himalayan or Sea Salt for many essential minerals. Not the toxic processed iodine salt.
Wishing you peace and good health.
Jeb - Jun 6, 2023
Amy, I hope you are an honest, Christian person!!! If so, Dr. Ana needs to talk to you asap.
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
Yes, I am a baptized Christian. Raised four children in the faith and pulled my 11th grade daughter from public school to homeschool her. I facilitated a Bible study at my church for 10 years. We are fighting demons, evil. This war is base. God wins. Trying to minimize losses. 💕🙏
Jeb - Jun 6, 2023
Praise the Lord! I went to Dr. Rahm's website and saw her patents. Looks very promising! I hope Dr. Ana reaches out to you. May God Bless You!
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
Thank you. I accept all blessings.
Jeb - Jun 6, 2023
Amy, is she playing both sides, or a true WEFFER? Are you just her salesperson? The truth is important.
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
I’m a member of ISNS, physicians track results using her formulations.
Some of the top physicians in the world are using Dr Christina’s formulations. Gastroenterologist, Dr Norbert Ketskés of Hungary has helped Olympic athletes overcome myocarditis. They couldn’t work out. After 4 months on Rahm’s formulations their labs normalized and they were able to exercise as Olympians again. Ketskés has helped people get great gains post stroke, even helped a patient reduce dementia symptoms.
Dr. Tina of Slovenia has amazing results with her autism patients, and more.
Dr. Rahm is a Christian that overcame a brain cancer, spinal tumors, 2 skin cancer. She was hospitalized with Lyme at age 19 and lost her memory. Her CV is 38 pages long. She has a child who had cancer as a toddler. She has created these formulations for her family, herself, and all of us. She knew what was coming and she knows what is coming. Her formulations also help ward off fungi. They protect our DNA.
Frances Leader - Jun 6, 2023
"Dr. Rahm has worked as a medical, clinical, and research scientist in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and biotechnology industries for Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Biogen Idec/Biogen, UCB, Bristol Meyers Squibb, and Alexion. Additionally, she worked on the corporate side for Pfizer, Biogen, and Janssen and is currently the Chairman of International Science Nutrition Society and Chief Science Officer for ROOT Wellness. Dr. Rahm has also served as a formulator for several companies and manufacturing labs, including her own. She has created multiple provisional patents, proprietary formulas, and trade secrets in addition to authoring her first book, Cure the Causes: Live the Life you Want, Not the One Prescribed. Through years of laboratory research and ethical observations, she has developed a personalized and predictive consulting company working on everything from the environment to DNA and detox wellness plans in which Dr. Rahm helps clients reset their bodies and minds to be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically balanced." ~
Biotech? Does that include the massive increases in electro-magnetic radiation from telecommunications and surveillance? Does Dr Rahm acknowledge the cumulative impact of microwaves on all life?
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
Yes, she has developed a skin spray and clothing line to protect us from EMF. Envirom was introduced at NY Fashion Week early this year.
It’s serious.
Frances Leader - Jun 6, 2023
Thanks for that info. Yes, it is very serious. However, we can't spray or clothe every living thing, can we? Furthermore, why should we need to?
If I had the opportunity to speak at Davos that is the issue I would want to raise because those corporate moguls and their Great Reset depend on the Internet of Things & Bodies for their future business interests. It is their responsibility to discontinue with any technology which damages life.
Amy Fotis - Jun 12, 2023
I agree with you. No, we can’t. I believe in the power of prayer too. I pray for the protection of all our loved ones and their loved ones, etc. I pray the scales fall from the eyes of people in leadership and that they make decisions that benefit humanity and our world. Amen.
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
She is entirely on our side. Blood of both vaccinated and unvaccinated is looking similar, unfortunately. She went to Davos to know what is coming next and how to be proactive.
I was scared for her safety there and here, frankly. We cloak her in prayers.
She has developed effective products that pharma hasn’t introduced due to bottom line decision$. Her husband, Clayton, offered to create the company so she wouldn’t have to compromise on quality of ingredients. She uses labs to track the plant DNA. She now has her own lab to ensure quality standards.
bradley brooks - Jun 6, 2023
bradley’s Substack
Amy Fotis - Jun 7, 2023
It is mind blowing. It seems like there’s mind blowing information every week.
Catherine - Jun 6, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
I would!!! How do I get more info please 🙏
Amy Fotis - Jan 4, 2024
Catherine, you may access the Clean Slate detox from my referral link:
Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
You may friend request me on Facebook, Amy Fotis (Gillis) Michigan. I’d prefer people on Dr. Ana’s page wait for Dr. Ana to share her free referral link, so she earns the product credits, etc. If you search online, you’ll likely be ordering from corporate and she won’t get any credit.
Val - Jun 9, 2023
How do people who are not on facebook contact you? Not about to get a FB account for any reason.
Amy Fotis - Jan 4, 2024
Val, you may access the Clean Slate detox from my referral link:
Amy Fotis - Jun 12, 2023
You may email me
Amy Fotis - Jun 9, 2023
Comment removed.
Amy Fotis - Jun 12, 2023
You may email me
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
Does Covid exist?
How can something that never existed end?
Is Covid a TV show?
bradley brooks - Jun 5, 2023
bradley’s Substack
thank you ana for being in the end of the covid 19 event it would not be the same without you ---------- i trust you completely and look forward to reading your substack post and videos-------your the best keep up the great work
T. Ho - Jun 5, 2023
T. Ho
WEF say “ You will own nothing but be happy” means no money no assets including your body all will be own by them! That is the demons (reptilians) occupying human body. They want to depopulate until 500 millions means they want all humans turn into their own reptilian species! This is their end game!
Thomas Lewis - Jun 6, 2023
Useless Liberal
So What's The Count ?
How Many Died From The Sniffles ?
And How Many Died
Because They Were Afraid Of The Sniffles ?
Marcelo Araujo - Jun 5, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Very good lineup.
Very happy to find Dr. Mihalcea in the mix with the people who l believe are real truth tellers and closest to the truth - that COVID has nothing to do with a so-called "virus".
Noteworthy, Kaufman, Cowan, the Baileys, Stone, David Icke, Palevsky, Northrup.
Missing: Kingston, Celeste Solum, Carrie Madej.
Very impressive 👍
LONG In The TRUTH - Jun 5, 2023
Hamish625’s Substack
.....SO gratifying to see that JERRY's a PART of this initiative, Ana - his work has been a HUGE path to realizing my OWN these past 6 years or so, since I read 'The Fourth Phase Of Water'......
Bill Weldon - Jun 6, 2023
I first learned about Dr. Ana last week on Karen Kingston's her daily report. In it, Dr. Ana mentioned an EDTA cream you apply on your ankles. Has anyone (vaxxed on unvaxxed) tried this formula to remove the lipid nano particles in their blood?
Has Dr. Ana compared the effectiveness of the cream to her 90 minute EDTA chelation therapy?
I just learned of Dr. Rahm today and wonder about her liquid detox. How does the cream Dr. Ana recommends compare to Dr. Rahm's liquid drops, and should we be using both?
Thank you, Bill
Jeb - Jun 6, 2023
Bill, I have been using the cream along with many other natural molecules. I don't check my live blood, but feel better than I have in a while. Have no clue if it's the cream or the other substances I consume on a daily basis.
Bill Weldon - Jun 14, 2023
Thank you Jeb. Good to know. I think Dr. Ana's reference to the EDTA cream is a good enough recommendation for me. I am looking for a blood specialist in the Salt Lake area to perform a before and after EDTA comparison.
If you don't mind me asking, what issues were you dealing with, and for how long before you tried different products?
What other substances are you using that may have contributed to you feeling better?
Thank you, Bill
Frances Leader - Jun 6, 2023 - Edited
A bunch of people on the internet are not in a position to declare Covid has ended.
5G is still rolling out, causing horrific CUMULATIVE health impacts on ALL living things.
I note that electro-magnetic radiation was not mentioned in the blurb.
StellaMaris - Jun 6, 2023
BREAKING: WHO, EU announce partnership creating ‘global system’ of digital vaccine passports
The digital system 'will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics,' according to the WHO.
John Biggins - Jun 9, 2023
Just the ability to modulate and tamper with our bodies blood sinister beyond anything.
elendur - Jun 9, 2023
I have no comment on Dr Christina Rahm, however this just came in on the Telegram feed of The Expose News, UK, posted by a person called Dr John Anderson and advertising something called ASEA Redox. But I do ask myself why he uses so many capital letters: : "It has been demonstrated that Graphene Oxide Toxicity causes Intracellular Oxidative Stress, leading to Cytotoxicity and the Inhibition of Cell Proliferation. Glutathione is one of the main Body Anti Oxidants that eradicates Free Radicals and Poisons from your Body. Glutathione is a Cell Signaling Molecule created by our Cells and used by our Bodies at the Speed of Light. Glutathione is Vital in the Regulation of Oxidative Stress Levels to maintain Normal Cellular Function. However, its Concentration Decreases with Age, and People are already Deficient in Glutathione..........ASEA has the Power to potentially save the Lives of the Vaxxed and will Detox Transmission in the Unvaxxed. It’s potentially the Strongest Single Treatment that’s mentioned in this Article.
I welcome anyone who wishes to spread this Information far and wide. DM me for details."
Marcelo Araujo - Jun 6, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Was really encouraging to learn that the scientist Dr. Robert Malone (complete psyop, controlled opposition and possibly co-perpretator of this unfathomable crime) and even the German politician and Member of European Parliament, Christine Margarete Anderson, (avoids the rabbit hole and by continuing to push the "virus" narrative, creates a serious obstacle in getting to the bottom of this crime) are not featured among the features.
The list is impressive.
Couldn´t have done it better myself :-)
James Mangano - Jun 6, 2023
Common Sense Thinking / Thought…
This is awesome news, inform the people before it's too late to stop this tyranny. Thank you, Dr. Ana
420MedicineMan - Jun 6, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
GP's are receptive to the message now, they're scared of consequences and of the technology. At least it's getting somewhere now.
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anaunited anacom