Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 05, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I am part of “The End Of COVID” Educational Campaign, the series finale of Virology. This massive worldwide event now has 90 sessions of world experts who came together to educate the world. We present topics from Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory, masks, PCR’s, the lack of evidence for any Covid 19 virus based on FOIA requests worldwide, what is in the C19 shots, the Great Reset, Remdesivir, Ventilators, Hospitals, historical background of Pfizer, Rockefeller Medicine, Nanotechnology, Hydrogel and more. We touch on every aspect of the so called “Pandemic”. By doing this, we can prevent it from happening again in the future. By bringing the granular concepts of this to the masses, we can put an end to the fictional reality show once and for all.
As Reiner Fuellmich recently said correctly: “The Pandemic was created for the vaccine.”
Many world renown colleagues join together for this event. I will be giving two presentations, one with Dr. David Nixon on what is in the C19 shots, and one where I present the treatment options for the synthetic biology and nanotechnology that I have found in live blood.
Other colleagues include:
Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Mark Bailey, Todd Callendar, Dr. Sam Sigoloff, Dr. Theresa Long, Dr. Christiane Northup, Dr. Pete Chambers, Alec Zeck, David Icke, Dr. Kevin Corbett, Christine Massey, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Barre Lando, Dr. Ben Tapper, Dr. Stefano Scoglio, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Kelly Brogan and many more…
Do not miss this world changing event! Please sign up for free to get on the list for this event:
Likes: 166 | Comments: 66 | Reposts: 13 | Share Options: Copy Link - Jun 5, 2023
One show might end, but the horror show is about to begin…
WHO Pandemic Treaty and
International Health Regulations.
These psychos will kill large parts of the world population if we can't stop them.
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Amy Fotis - Jun 6, 2023
Dr. Ana — We should talk. My friend, Dr Christina Rahm, formulated a detox while at Harvard studying nano biotechnology engineering. She was personally invited, as were military generals and heads of pharmaceutical companies. The other 19 were there to develop bioweapons. She was the ONLY one to reverse engineer them to protect our health. She applied for her patent while in the Harvard three-year program. Her patent was approved.
It breaks apart the nano tech and heavy metals, binds them, and this is key — as you would know — simultaneously replenishes micronutrients.
Thank you for speaking out and breaking down all the specifics on this bioweapon.
Would you like more information?
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