The Dangers Of Transhumanism and…

Apr 11, 2024

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I did a couple segments on United News Network about Transhumanism and Nanotechnology.


cms72 - Apr 11


A.I.'s Paradox: The Cosmic Battle in the Higher Realities
"In the ancient Christian Coptic texts, now known as Gnostic texts, it is said that there exists the real spirit and the artificial spirit. The artificial spirit is created by Yaldabaoth, whose ultimate goal is to keep us spiritually deprived and detached from the source in his fraudulent creation. The best way to describe the artificial spirit is the ego and the desire for materialistic things; this always drives humanity. Desire leads to lust, jealousy, and hatred. Also, when you gain something materialistic, the 'good feeling' doesn't last long; soon you will desire for more. This desire leads to creating the technology that will ultimately bring forth Yaldabaoth and his creations. The first symbol that comes to my mind is the Ouroboros, a symbol of the snake eating its own tail. It's the closed circle, the cycle of repeating, and the answer to the question of who is older: the chicken or the egg. In Gnostic teaching, Yaldabaoth was the creation or a mistake of the wisdom Goddess Sophia. After she realized the mistake she made, she tried to hide her abomination, but that backfired. In a last attempt, she embodied the godly spirit inside humans so they could oppose the evil force and the artificial spirit. Indeed, our inner spiritual energy is considered to be the feminine divine energy that, once raised, can help you escape the trap. The entire purpose of technology is to mimic nature, to play God, just like Yaldabaoth is attempting to be the one and only God, creating his reality and Universe based on the real one or mimicking the formless consciousness."


Linda Goudsmit - Apr 11

Linda Goudsmit

Nanotechnology is a bioweapon in the hands of the globalist elite megalomaniacs who are seeking to establish a planetary Unistate facilitated by the lethally corrupt United Nations and its 17 Sustainable Goals. The public needs to understand that this dual-purpose technology is NOT being used for public health. Nanotechnology is the foundation and central feature of globalism’s active War on America and War on Humanity. Political medicine is the highway to planetary control, and Covid-19 jabs are its pilot delivery system.


Robert Childs - Apr 11

Robert’s Substack

Thank you for the doctors and research being implemented for the good of humanity. It does,in fact give me a bit more faith in humanity. Everyone are not "out to get us" . Special thanks for the ones who have the courage and education to show us the way. You are very special to me. Much love! ๐Ÿ˜˜


E.C. - Apr 11 - Edited

Bee Gee

I bought a GoDark cell phone faraday bag. It worked only when not around cell towers. When my phone pinged i looked around me and each time there was a cell tower. It even actually RANG on two different days in church which had me concerned about the elementary aged children in school on same property. How does one know if the radiation is too high? Who is in control of the cell towers output?
GoDark is exchanging my cell faraday bag for another.


Bee Gee - Apr 11

Bee Gee

You can get decent EMF meters that show various facets of radio frequency, like from Trifield or GQ. Some of those meters can also measure magnetic attraction fields in milliteslas, and they can detect the various magnetic attraction levels in body parts of people wĥo have found they have the magnetism like phenomenon.
You can also find better professional models like for cell tower climbers that get all specific cellular frequency bands and are calibrated and certified but they are of course much more money for better quality.
I have an older one but it doesnt get 5g frequencies, but that matters less to me since I live far from 5g towers and 5g uses a software defined antenna to beam form the 5g signal to your specific device, not an everywhere omnidirectional antenna like 3g and 4g.
I think more people need meters, I have lots for various things but then I like to know I know what I think I know.


E.C. - Apr 11

Thank you so much Bee Gee for all that information. I like to "know" things too. I will purchase a meter and still need a RO (reverse osmosis) water filtration system.


Kim - Apr 11 - Edited


Hi E.C. I heard Mark Steele in a video with Maria Zeee talking about something called "quantum tunneling" which is why, according to him, there is no such thing as complete "black out" for lack of a better word due to AIR being within the Faraday bag. As long as there is air in the bag, there will be the opportunity for the EMF to get into the bag since frequencies travel through the air and can penetrate the barrier of the Faraday bag itself. You would have to completely have the phone in an airless vacuum in order to not have the tunneling.
Also, on a side note, I left you the link to Dr. Ana's testimony of when "she died" and her experience as a targeted individual. Did you see that message I sent?


E.C. - Apr 11

No,i havenet! Very important for me. I will go back into my inbox and recheck. I will also get back to you. Many thanks!


Kim - Apr 12 - Edited


Hi again, E.C.
I came across this past article from Dr. Ana regarding the use of Zeolite and she cites an article that talks about "quantum tunneling." Specifically, she says...
"The building blocks of the nanotechnology comes from our bodies, it harvests the toxic metals in us, uses the polymer nanoparticles, graphene oxide and other materials like silicone to assemble themselves. The software program determining self assembly is clearly on a quantum level. The best visual evidence for this is Dr. David Nixon’s darkfield microscopy showing self assembly and disassembly of the microchips growing from Pfizer C19 vial contents. This assembly program is quantum, and it is well known that graphene based hydrogels have QUANTUM TUNNELING and cloaking capabilities. I have previously explained how this is VACUUM engineering, for the potential of the assembled microchip still exists in a non material information state - hence it is able to re- assemble itself under the direction of external EMF frequency."
I understand that she is talking about the quantum tunneling happening within the body here, but I think that it is the same principle happening whether it is in the body or within the Faraday bag.
I know that it is a VERY complex topic but I thought that I would share it anyway so you could read it for yourself.


E.C. - Apr 12

Many thanks!


Michael Folks - Apr 11

Michael’s Substack

Will there be true "Cyborgs" melding Man and Machine, with free wills, only a memory? Marching to the beat of the 5G, and higher G Cell towers?


Jeffrey Osborne - Apr 11

Jeffrey Osborne



Linda Goudsmit - Apr 11

Linda Goudsmit

No vacation, he has unremitting IT issues. He is going to enter your name in a filter and then should be able to see your emails. Try again, and good luck!


Linda Goudsmit - Apr 11 - Edited

Linda Goudsmit

How very lovely of you to tell me that - much appreciated. Terry Hulbut is fine, he has just had some massive technology issues with his website. Try contacting him again through CNAV


Bruce Hartnett - Apr 11 - Edited

Bruce Hartnett

I knew he had some, I think, Russian hackers several times early in the mornings. Also, he started including several authors from RealClearPolitics/etc. But durn it, he's been gone for over a month. And, that is the email address I've always used with him.
And, I think he really needed a vacation, just not this long.


Mike Hoehn - Apr 11

Mike Hoehn

Dr. Ana, you are getting really good at these interviews!! Very confident and natural. Keep it going please!!!


Bob Blake - HWSS - Apr 11

HWSS Newsletter & Healthcare Ne…

Are there any EDTA Chelation Therapy Practitioners here in the UK?


Red Hawk - Apr 11

If there are not you can at least get the EDTA lotion on Amazon.


Linda Goudsmit - Apr 11 - Edited

Linda Goudsmit

Linda Goudsmit
just now
Nanotechnology is a bioweapon in the hands of the globalist elite megalomaniacs who are seeking to establish a planetary Unistate facilitated by the lethally corrupt United Nations and its 17 Sustainable Goals. The public needs to understand that this dual-purpose technology is NOT being used for public health. Nanotechnology is the foundation and central feature of globalism’s active War on America and War on Humanity. Political medicine is the highway to planetary control, and Covid-19 jabs are its pilot delivery system.


Bruce Hartnett - Apr 11 - Edited

Bruce Hartnett

Just to let you know, I've been reading you for years, and have a special folder(s) for your articles, including your new book! I really appreciate all that you do!
Do you have any idea what has happened to Terry Hurlbut and CNAV? He hasn't answered any of me emails, as he used too!
May God our Father and Jesus Christ continue to Bless You


Linda Goudsmit - Apr 11

Linda Goudsmit

Nanotechnology is a bioweapon in the hands of the globalist elite megalomaniacs who are seeking to establish a planetary Unistate facilitated by the lethally corrupt United Nations and its 17 Sustainable Goals. The public needs to understand that this dual-purpose technology is NOT being used for public health. Nanotechnology is the foundation and central feature of globalism’s active War on America and War on Humanity. Political medicine is the highway to planetary control, and Covid-19 jabs are its pilot delivery system.


j smith - Apr 11



E.C. - Apr 11

Thank you Dr Ana.


Renita Dykstra - Apr 11

A public discussion definately needs to be had. I don't know if nano is good for anything related to inside the human body. Even if you have an emergency or pre existing condition, it is still a very big
decision to use nano. Once you use it, it seems impossible to get rid of it. Outside the body as long as it doesn't shed is hugely beneficial. The Kalio patches for example. Excellent idea and outside the body. They WORK with our electric field from the outside.


Mary Dunn - Apr 11

Mary Dunn

Good one Dr Ana,
Concise and fresh, truth, it will crack open the window wider so people can grasp it and discuss it. Be more open because we need awareness to
participate in and influence our future and humans on the planet and in outer space ๐Ÿช
We are not to be used as experiments as well animal or protection and our environment
Shall not be abused in this way.
Money making and abusive spending. End of lecture๐Ÿ™๐Ÿš€โค๏ธ



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