The Dangers Of Transhumanism and Nanotechnology - Interview Segments On United News Network

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 11, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I did a couple segments on United News Network about Transhumanism and Nanotechnology. These can easily be shared for people to understand what this means. I discuss dual purpose use.


I am not so sure they failed, as Sunny states, since the human blood is getting worse around the world. On my weekly show, Truth Science and Spriti, I have some amazing live blood researchers and practitioners lined up that will show you that what I am seeing in the blood is seen by many practitioners. Don’t miss tomorrows show, where Maria Crisler features her amazing 3 D Echo Microscopy of the self assembly nanotechnology in human blood.

And don’t for get to share everywhere and support my work if you can.

Thank you in advance!

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cms72 - Apr 11


A.I.'s Paradox: The Cosmic Battle in the Higher Realities
"In the ancient Christian Coptic texts, now known as Gnostic texts, it is said that there exists the real spirit and the artificial spirit. The artificial spirit is created by Yaldabaoth, whose ultimate goal is to keep us spiritually deprived and detached from the source in his fraudulent creation. The best way to describe the artificial spirit is the ego and the desire for materialistic things; this always drives humanity. Desire leads to lust, jealousy, and hatred. Also, when you gain something materialistic, the 'good feeling' doesn't last long; soon you will desire for more. This desire leads to creating the technology that will ultimately bring forth Yaldabaoth and his creations. The first symbol that comes to my mind is the Ouroboros, a symbol of the snake eating its own tail. It's the closed circle, the cycle of repeating, and the answer to the question of who is older: the chicken or the egg. In Gnostic teaching, Yaldabaoth was the creation or a mistake of the wisdom Goddess Sophia. After she realized the mistake she made, she tried to hide her abomination, but that backfired. In a last attempt, she embodied the godly spirit inside humans so they could oppose the evil force and the artificial spirit. Indeed, our inner spiritual energy is considered to be the feminine divine energy that, once raised, can help you escape the trap. The entire purpose of technology is to mimic nature, to play God, just like Yaldabaoth is attempting to be the one and only God, creating his reality and Universe based on the real one or mimicking the formless consciousness."

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Linda Goudsmit - Apr 11

Linda Goudsmit

Nanotechnology is a bioweapon in the hands of the globalist elite megalomaniacs who are seeking to establish a planetary Unistate facilitated by the lethally corrupt United Nations and its 17 Sustainable Goals. The public needs to understand that this dual-purpose technology is NOT being used for public health. Nanotechnology is the foundation and central feature of globalism’s active War on America and War on Humanity. Political medicine is the highway to planetary control, and Covid-19 jabs are its pilot delivery system.

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