It can be so overwhelming for those of us not familiar with all the scientific lingo. I get the jest of it, but overall, I am left believing it’s so ingrained in every single aspect of our lives, that it will be nearly impossible to avoid or stay separate from all this madness from these power hungry egotistical madmen. I come across so many supplements that people suggest, that I’m not even sure what is the best ‘regimen’ to follow. How long are those products available to purchase anyway? Not to mention the personal loan to afford them all on a yearly basis. As i appreciate all the hard, tedious work of these doctors and those who risk everything to announce their findings to the public, as a simple person just living their life, helping raise grandchildren and working at strengthening their faith, I am left angry, sad for our future, and unsure how to maneuver this boat now without a compass, knowing there is a storm approaching that we have never experienced before, and knowing life as we knew it, is forever changed going forward. My heart breaks for my fellow humankind.
I’m right there with you, & I also have a son with type 1 diabetes (now realizing likely caused by vile childhood vaccines, after seeing the correlation in rate increase right in step with the huge increase in the shot schedule the past 20+ years), which means he is entirely dependent upon insulin…which Dr Ana has shared previously has unnecessary hydrogels in it now.
I feel like most of us are fighting a losing battle, & can, at best, just slow down the process with the metal detoxing supplements that will have to be taken in perpetuity. They’re hitting us from so many directions. Purely evil & the fight against it is both exhausting, financially draining & discouraging, but I’m doing my best to keep up a good fight.
I’m so sorry Karen. My son also has chronic eczema, which I believe started from the shots. He is 30 now, but has dealt with that miserable ailment since he was 6 mos old. The creams, oatmeal baths and dermatologist appointments - were his childhood. He doesn’t know life without it. He also had asthma and allergies, which seems from what I’ve read, the combo of immune deficiency. It wasn’t until gardisil came on the scene and computers to research, did I start to push back. My kids never got the gardisil, but got all the childhood vaccines up to that point because I didn’t know then, what I know now. No covid jabs for any of us either, but like you said the meds he uses, we all use, etc. it’s so overwhelming, and a uphill battle.
Now there are grandchildren to think of. I have read several books on vaccines and it’s been an eye opener for sure. Between ignorance and experimentation, to just pure evil, they’ve been messing with us since the late 1800’s. Generations are now affected.
Thanks for commenting! Hang in there!
Karen and Leslie, start researching MMS aka chlorine dioxide. telegram has great resources for this. extremely inexpensive. cleans out all bad pathogens leaves good pathogens alone. what the body does not use turns into salt. Jim humble wrote a book I will see if I can find the link from YouTube it’s called the universal antidote.
you can find Jim humbles book at bluebird publications but you can also download his book for free do a search in Telegram. One shot I follow is MMS drinking buddies. also universal antidote.
Yes… I’m overwhelmed too, however, I find Dr. Ana’s info. amazing and as valid as one could get. Looking up some terminology in a Dictionary has helped and increased my knowledge about things I could only speculate about. Thank you Dr. Mihalcea.
Let me help you out. I read a lot of peer-reviewed periodicals that are way out of my pay range. Spend a little time focusing on a noun. CDB is bad, from context. Also discover by looking in the previous paragraphs what that acronym means. Cross Domain Bacteria. We then discover early on that an electrochemical isolate fingerprint shows us information from near infrared spectrum analysis; probably a very expensive looking digital microscope of some sort.
Pick your way through things like that, usually at the beginning. Even for advanced readers the author will likely spell out acronyms as they are first introduced into the text. If you are short on time focus mainly on the Abstract and the Summary.
You are likely finding the graphs pretty meaningless but notice that the black line in the second graph bears the exact signature as the red line in the first graph. That is the CDB isolate from the reading of the expensive machine in Clifford's laboratory. Since it shows up twice, in the beginning and Dr Ana is warning us about something, pay attention to that if you like evidence instead of just believing her on her word.
I have been "led" for a few weeks now, and its starting to get weird.
First I come upon Dr Ana and this substack, despite never looking or searching for anything vax related, as I am a "pure blood" (Apparently not anymore).
Tuesday May 9th, I take afternoon off for a 4 hour root canal and crown appointment at my dentist for a broken tooth...I come home its after 5pm so I click on Dr Ana's substack bookmark and home page article published day before is about "Nanotech in vaxx also in dental drugs".
Tonight, I am simply moving my bookshelf...I come to a book by Cara St Louis called "The Imagination Chronicles: Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation" a strange book I remembered. I open the table of contents and see a chapter titled "Chemtrails Redux". In lieu of what I have been reading here the past 2 weeks I decided to check it out and remember what Ms. St. Louis had to say on the topic. I flip to the back of the book, and it opens right to page 281 where I have written in pen at the top "Clifford Carnicom" "New Mexico". I had no recollection of that name when I read it here, only after I saw it in the book I had read a year ago.
It was captivating and, for me personally, an important piece to receive and process.
I look back at how information pertaining to this, now overwhelming, situation has found me over the years...and I'm so grateful.
Certainly seems our Good God above is watching and guiding through. I don't have a medical background except for having Lupus for 35 years and diagnosed back in 1991 as a last ditch chance by my GP to send me to a rhemy when other docs had said it was in my head. I did well for the most part after diagnosis but the last 8 years have been brutal. Didn't get the shot, as a Christian the Good Lord told me to hold off even though with age and disease should have been at the front of the line. Having autoimmune diseases gave me a better idea into all that has been said. I woke up to this wicked government almost 18 years ago. Our days are written in the Bible. Jesus died in place of us and gave the power of that resurrection as a promise of eternal life. I feel from now on, we have a part to play, uniting man to God since the Fall. Resist the Devil and he shall flee. Love to all those awake and about to awaken to a eternity of Love in Christ.
It's been awhile since my lab tech days, but those peaks correspond pretty well to me.
From the article
"We again call attention to the urgency of these results and express our concern about a potential human extinction level event."
I concur.
My Dad feels his physical mortality now, he had funeral at the weekend, and an extended family member just passed away. Still he's apathetic, so is my Mum and Step Dad.
It may take the older generation to leave us, before those younger feel the wrongness and start to care or panic. I pray not though.
Dr. Ana What do you think about taking CL02 and DMSO as a daily regimine and EDTA and Zeolite every 2 to 4 weeks? That's what I'm currently doing and I feel great, ask along with my son. Been doing this for over 6 months. 🤔😎👍
Bravo for establishing your own regimen. I understand if you’re taking EDTA as an oral chelator it doesn’t work... digestive enzymes break it up unless taken IV. Is CLO2 chlorine dioxide? If so... What acid activator are you using? Thanks for info on your regimen.
I would probably start off woth 2 or 3 drops of DMSO
I went up to 5 drops. Trying to determine if it's too much. 2 and 3 worked fine but not sure if it's enough but it's safe for me.
I prayed for a real doctor for a decade and it got answered suddenly and unexpectedly a few years ago, 6 or 7. ( my brain fog is slowly improving, haha)
So lean on your faith concerning your wife, my only ( unsolicited) advice.
Diet changes make a huge difference with me as well. Non gmo and gluten free.
I think it helps. I was on them before covid for other issues.
(My husband noticed that his neuropathy in his feet was a bit improved when he takes NAC. )
Pretty sure the toxic Enbrel I took briefly for psoriasis just got repackaged slightly & a new name. It was horrible and my dermatologist kept pushing back my appointment to get help with the leaky gut . He avoided me like I was going to sue him. I was too ill to do anything!
Have you tried taking CL02 5 drops and 2 to 3 drops of DMSO a day with 10 ounces of distilled water, both are food grade only. Perhaps even apply some with a cotton ball for a week or so to see if that helps. Colloidal silver cream. Dr. Kaufman did a podcast on psoriasis. I didn't watch it cause I don't have that issue. But I think he remmonded CL02 but not sure but couldn't hurt. I think when you get excess toxins in the body is starts coming through the skin.
I’ve used dmso . (When I first discovered colloidal silver, I felt so good & overdid it, I interfered with my thyroid medicine. When I was trying anything Willy nilly, fed up with no help from insurance doctors)
It’s improving as my leaky gut and biotoxin mold illness improves. Thanks for the suggestions.
( I do have some silver on hand, used sparingly)
There is such a thing as minimal dose and overdose. I don't take it regularly usually after brush my teeth a cap full. Some people are very foolish when comes to alternative medicines.
& the insurance company had it sent in a cooler to my house. That should have been my first red flag. & a 5$ copay, second red flag. It was like what I imagine chemotherapy to be like. But my legs were clear & pretty. Even though I could barely leave my home. ( “success “in the records)
Thanks! My stomach is turning. I’ve lived through having morgellons. It’s awful. A heavy metal detox with my integrative medicine doctor helped. Just as an aside, thank you for having this stack free and available to everyone in comments. If I had to pay for every substack, my reading would be so much more limited. & the comments are often so enriching and it’s a thinking & kind little haven . As we battle the evil upon us all.
Thank you for sharing your research. Is finding polyethylene glycol in a health supplement reason to be alarmed or do other things need to be added to it in order to make it toxic?
I have to go through this slowly, as someone who’s had “ morgellons “, thank you both very much.
(It’s a very painful & scary experience & heartbreaking that our government is doing it to us, as far as I can tell. It’s not of God)
It would be good to get a somewhat simple but comprehensive explanation of what we know about these shots in full- from Karen Kigston Dr Bryan Ardis and DR Ana- using all the research. Also since the 5G elf wont stop nor the depositing of the components- is there an explanation of HOW this stuff grows? Its w the frequencies but how? If it can b prevented from growing .... thank you DR Ana.
@Ana is there a specific chemical formula for these hydrogel filaments? If there is please post it we need to know exactly what we are fighting against thank you!
This is a good time to take manna from heaven seriously. It is cover-to-cover in the Bible in many forms and once you realize gold is fine white powder you hold the keys to understanding central banking as well.
I was diagnosed years ago with immune deficiency and was prescribed immunoglobulin IV. For the last year that I was using it, (2021) I was having strange symptoms that concerned me. I found out
from the specialty pharmacist that vaccinated and unvaccinated blood is used to collect the immunoglobulin. I freaked out! I quit using the drug and happily my immune system is good without it now, but I am concerned about what junk may be in my body now. I am using a anti parasitic protocol that Dr. Lee Merritt suggests and I am also using the EDTA cream that Dr Ana recommends. I hope it will clear out of my body. The hydrogel totally creeps me out. I can't stand to think that people are putting that in their God given bodies. I really appreciate Dr. Ana's newsletters.
I too have been taking IViG or iv sub-q for two decades. The company that makes it offered to pay for it in full. Red flag there. I have gone weeks without it but start having trouble being run down. After getting my thyroid healthy the last three years, my immune system perked up. But it’s still not capable of making enough IgG. Knowing this evil mess is in me is downright scary. I will be looking up the info you listed above to see what I can do to clear my system.
I was diagnosed 25 years ago with CVID, but I just recently found out that was an incorrect diagnosis. I had CVID, but it was caused by longterm exposure to toxic mold in a water damaged house. I had many health symptoms that were from the toxic mold but I did not realize it. I thought my illness was CVID, but CVID was actually a symptom caused by CIRS which developed from mold sickness. I think in most cases immune deficiency is not a disease but a symptom. I know in my case it was. Something to consider.
Wow that’s great that you found out! Unfortunately, I seem to have been born with primary immune deficiency. I got extremely sick when I was 9 months old. Constantly fighting off upper respiratory infections. I was 31 when I was diagnosed! The IgG worked so well that I really haven’t gotten sick since beginning the IVs. I also have Hashimoto’s and Sjogrens. So my immune system has always had a weakness. Maybe someday I can figure it out. My immunologist tells me if I stop taking it, my insurance company won’t allow me to start back again. I don’t really believe him. My infusion is sitting in the fridge now but I don’t think I can bring myself to take it.
I completely understand about not wanting to put that stuff in your body. I had a years worth in my fridge. I was afraid to cancel it, but I didn't want to put in my body any longer. Try going without but don't cancel your subscription. Keep storing in your fridge. I hope you do ok without it, or find an alternative to it.
Babel - May 15, 2023
It can be so overwhelming for those of us not familiar with all the scientific lingo. I get the jest of it, but overall, I am left believing it’s so ingrained in every single aspect of our lives, that it will be nearly impossible to avoid or stay separate from all this madness from these power hungry egotistical madmen. I come across so many supplements that people suggest, that I’m not even sure what is the best ‘regimen’ to follow. How long are those products available to purchase anyway? Not to mention the personal loan to afford them all on a yearly basis. As i appreciate all the hard, tedious work of these doctors and those who risk everything to announce their findings to the public, as a simple person just living their life, helping raise grandchildren and working at strengthening their faith, I am left angry, sad for our future, and unsure how to maneuver this boat now without a compass, knowing there is a storm approaching that we have never experienced before, and knowing life as we knew it, is forever changed going forward. My heart breaks for my fellow humankind.
Karen Amos - May 20, 2023
Karen Amos
I’m right there with you, & I also have a son with type 1 diabetes (now realizing likely caused by vile childhood vaccines, after seeing the correlation in rate increase right in step with the huge increase in the shot schedule the past 20+ years), which means he is entirely dependent upon insulin…which Dr Ana has shared previously has unnecessary hydrogels in it now.
I feel like most of us are fighting a losing battle, & can, at best, just slow down the process with the metal detoxing supplements that will have to be taken in perpetuity. They’re hitting us from so many directions. Purely evil & the fight against it is both exhausting, financially draining & discouraging, but I’m doing my best to keep up a good fight.
Babel - May 20, 2023
I’m so sorry Karen. My son also has chronic eczema, which I believe started from the shots. He is 30 now, but has dealt with that miserable ailment since he was 6 mos old. The creams, oatmeal baths and dermatologist appointments - were his childhood. He doesn’t know life without it. He also had asthma and allergies, which seems from what I’ve read, the combo of immune deficiency. It wasn’t until gardisil came on the scene and computers to research, did I start to push back. My kids never got the gardisil, but got all the childhood vaccines up to that point because I didn’t know then, what I know now. No covid jabs for any of us either, but like you said the meds he uses, we all use, etc. it’s so overwhelming, and a uphill battle.
Now there are grandchildren to think of. I have read several books on vaccines and it’s been an eye opener for sure. Between ignorance and experimentation, to just pure evil, they’ve been messing with us since the late 1800’s. Generations are now affected.
Thanks for commenting! Hang in there!
teagangirl - Jul 5, 2023
Karen and Leslie, start researching MMS aka chlorine dioxide. telegram has great resources for this. extremely inexpensive. cleans out all bad pathogens leaves good pathogens alone. what the body does not use turns into salt. Jim humble wrote a book I will see if I can find the link from YouTube it’s called the universal antidote.
teagangirl - Jul 5, 2023
teagangirl - Jul 5, 2023
you can find Jim humbles book at bluebird publications but you can also download his book for free do a search in Telegram. One shot I follow is MMS drinking buddies. also universal antidote.
eternalMax - May 20, 2023
Yes… I’m overwhelmed too, however, I find Dr. Ana’s info. amazing and as valid as one could get. Looking up some terminology in a Dictionary has helped and increased my knowledge about things I could only speculate about. Thank you Dr. Mihalcea.
David Merrill - May 17, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Let me help you out. I read a lot of peer-reviewed periodicals that are way out of my pay range. Spend a little time focusing on a noun. CDB is bad, from context. Also discover by looking in the previous paragraphs what that acronym means. Cross Domain Bacteria. We then discover early on that an electrochemical isolate fingerprint shows us information from near infrared spectrum analysis; probably a very expensive looking digital microscope of some sort.
Pick your way through things like that, usually at the beginning. Even for advanced readers the author will likely spell out acronyms as they are first introduced into the text. If you are short on time focus mainly on the Abstract and the Summary.
You are likely finding the graphs pretty meaningless but notice that the black line in the second graph bears the exact signature as the red line in the first graph. That is the CDB isolate from the reading of the expensive machine in Clifford's laboratory. Since it shows up twice, in the beginning and Dr Ana is warning us about something, pay attention to that if you like evidence instead of just believing her on her word.
Babel - May 17, 2023
Thanks for your help.😊
OrWe'll - May 15, 2023
I have been "led" for a few weeks now, and its starting to get weird.
First I come upon Dr Ana and this substack, despite never looking or searching for anything vax related, as I am a "pure blood" (Apparently not anymore).
Tuesday May 9th, I take afternoon off for a 4 hour root canal and crown appointment at my dentist for a broken tooth...I come home its after 5pm so I click on Dr Ana's substack bookmark and home page article published day before is about "Nanotech in vaxx also in dental drugs".
Tonight, I am simply moving my bookshelf...I come to a book by Cara St Louis called "The Imagination Chronicles: Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation" a strange book I remembered. I open the table of contents and see a chapter titled "Chemtrails Redux". In lieu of what I have been reading here the past 2 weeks I decided to check it out and remember what Ms. St. Louis had to say on the topic. I flip to the back of the book, and it opens right to page 281 where I have written in pen at the top "Clifford Carnicom" "New Mexico". I had no recollection of that name when I read it here, only after I saw it in the book I had read a year ago.
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Synchronicity? Glad you’re here!
OrWe'll - May 16, 2023
Thanks - glad to be here
Diane Strutz - May 20, 2023
I have that book as well.
OrWe'll - May 21, 2023
It was captivating and, for me personally, an important piece to receive and process.
I look back at how information pertaining to this, now overwhelming, situation has found me over the years...and I'm so grateful.
Cheryl Turner - May 24, 2023
Certainly seems our Good God above is watching and guiding through. I don't have a medical background except for having Lupus for 35 years and diagnosed back in 1991 as a last ditch chance by my GP to send me to a rhemy when other docs had said it was in my head. I did well for the most part after diagnosis but the last 8 years have been brutal. Didn't get the shot, as a Christian the Good Lord told me to hold off even though with age and disease should have been at the front of the line. Having autoimmune diseases gave me a better idea into all that has been said. I woke up to this wicked government almost 18 years ago. Our days are written in the Bible. Jesus died in place of us and gave the power of that resurrection as a promise of eternal life. I feel from now on, we have a part to play, uniting man to God since the Fall. Resist the Devil and he shall flee. Love to all those awake and about to awaken to a eternity of Love in Christ.
420MedicineMan - May 15, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
It's been awhile since my lab tech days, but those peaks correspond pretty well to me.
From the article
"We again call attention to the urgency of these results and express our concern about a potential human extinction level event."
I concur.
My Dad feels his physical mortality now, he had funeral at the weekend, and an extended family member just passed away. Still he's apathetic, so is my Mum and Step Dad.
It may take the older generation to leave us, before those younger feel the wrongness and start to care or panic. I pray not though.
John Caleo - May 15, 2023 - Edited
Sandy K
Dr. Ana What do you think about taking CL02 and DMSO as a daily regimine and EDTA and Zeolite every 2 to 4 weeks? That's what I'm currently doing and I feel great, ask along with my son. Been doing this for over 6 months. 🤔😎👍
Sandy K - May 16, 2023 - Edited
Sandy K
Mike Adams posted an article a long time ago claiming that zeolites have more contaminants than help.
Joseph Robinson - May 15, 2023 - Edited
Bravo for establishing your own regimen. I understand if you’re taking EDTA as an oral chelator it doesn’t work... digestive enzymes break it up unless taken IV. Is CLO2 chlorine dioxide? If so... What acid activator are you using? Thanks for info on your regimen.
John Caleo - May 16, 2023 - Edited
I would probably start off woth 2 or 3 drops of DMSO
I went up to 5 drops. Trying to determine if it's too much. 2 and 3 worked fine but not sure if it's enough but it's safe for me.
John Caleo - May 16, 2023
I was using hydrochloric acid but switched to citric acid. Taking Dr. Betsy protocal 4 drops of ClO2 and 5 drops of DMSO a day.
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
My dr told me to avoid zeolite with my still slightly leaky gut.
John Caleo - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
My wife has Crohns disease. She likes putting her faith in Big Pharma poisons. 🤔😕👎
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I prayed for a real doctor for a decade and it got answered suddenly and unexpectedly a few years ago, 6 or 7. ( my brain fog is slowly improving, haha)
So lean on your faith concerning your wife, my only ( unsolicited) advice.
Diet changes make a huge difference with me as well. Non gmo and gluten free.
John Caleo - May 17, 2023
Rosalind McGill
According to Dr waterman from jbwells. Bromelain and NAC removes spike protiens and brain fog. I belief it's medically documented.
Rosalind McGill - May 17, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I think it helps. I was on them before covid for other issues.
(My husband noticed that his neuropathy in his feet was a bit improved when he takes NAC. )
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Pretty sure the toxic Enbrel I took briefly for psoriasis just got repackaged slightly & a new name. It was horrible and my dermatologist kept pushing back my appointment to get help with the leaky gut . He avoided me like I was going to sue him. I was too ill to do anything!
John Caleo - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Have you tried taking CL02 5 drops and 2 to 3 drops of DMSO a day with 10 ounces of distilled water, both are food grade only. Perhaps even apply some with a cotton ball for a week or so to see if that helps. Colloidal silver cream. Dr. Kaufman did a podcast on psoriasis. I didn't watch it cause I don't have that issue. But I think he remmonded CL02 but not sure but couldn't hurt. I think when you get excess toxins in the body is starts coming through the skin.
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
His podcasts look good , many guests I’ve followed. Thanks for pointing it out.
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I’ve used dmso . (When I first discovered colloidal silver, I felt so good & overdid it, I interfered with my thyroid medicine. When I was trying anything Willy nilly, fed up with no help from insurance doctors)
It’s improving as my leaky gut and biotoxin mold illness improves. Thanks for the suggestions.
( I do have some silver on hand, used sparingly)
Alex - May 16, 2023
For Gods sake don’t take any colloidal silver. Google for Rosemary Jacobs, “Blue Lady”- she is a victim of silver and wrote a book.
John Caleo - May 16, 2023
There is such a thing as minimal dose and overdose. I don't take it regularly usually after brush my teeth a cap full. Some people are very foolish when comes to alternative medicines.
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
& the insurance company had it sent in a cooler to my house. That should have been my first red flag. & a 5$ copay, second red flag. It was like what I imagine chemotherapy to be like. But my legs were clear & pretty. Even though I could barely leave my home. ( “success “in the records)
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks! My stomach is turning. I’ve lived through having morgellons. It’s awful. A heavy metal detox with my integrative medicine doctor helped. Just as an aside, thank you for having this stack free and available to everyone in comments. If I had to pay for every substack, my reading would be so much more limited. & the comments are often so enriching and it’s a thinking & kind little haven . As we battle the evil upon us all.
FreeWill - May 15, 2023
Thank you for sharing your research. Is finding polyethylene glycol in a health supplement reason to be alarmed or do other things need to be added to it in order to make it toxic?
Rosalind McGill - May 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I have to go through this slowly, as someone who’s had “ morgellons “, thank you both very much.
(It’s a very painful & scary experience & heartbreaking that our government is doing it to us, as far as I can tell. It’s not of God)
Universal Healing Solutions - May 15, 2023
“MicroFilaria Parasites Found In The Live Blood of 95%+ of ALL CV VAXXXinated!” Robert O. Young ND,…
kaal - May 15, 2023
It would be good to get a somewhat simple but comprehensive explanation of what we know about these shots in full- from Karen Kigston Dr Bryan Ardis and DR Ana- using all the research. Also since the 5G elf wont stop nor the depositing of the components- is there an explanation of HOW this stuff grows? Its w the frequencies but how? If it can b prevented from growing .... thank you DR Ana.
TheNarrowPathway - Sep 1, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
CDC quietly deactivated the VAERS reporting system…why when they are still pushing the shots?
futurehumanity - Jun 30, 2023
@Ana is there a specific chemical formula for these hydrogel filaments? If there is please post it we need to know exactly what we are fighting against thank you!
John Caleo - May 29, 2023
David Merrill - May 18, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Hi Ana Maria;
Perhaps you have seen some of the early observations?
David Merrill - May 17, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
This is a good time to take manna from heaven seriously. It is cover-to-cover in the Bible in many forms and once you realize gold is fine white powder you hold the keys to understanding central banking as well.
John Caleo - May 16, 2023
My wife trust pharmakeia as spoken on in the Book of Revelation. Which means sorcery and is a Christian. 🤔😭
anna burns - May 16, 2023
I was diagnosed years ago with immune deficiency and was prescribed immunoglobulin IV. For the last year that I was using it, (2021) I was having strange symptoms that concerned me. I found out
from the specialty pharmacist that vaccinated and unvaccinated blood is used to collect the immunoglobulin. I freaked out! I quit using the drug and happily my immune system is good without it now, but I am concerned about what junk may be in my body now. I am using a anti parasitic protocol that Dr. Lee Merritt suggests and I am also using the EDTA cream that Dr Ana recommends. I hope it will clear out of my body. The hydrogel totally creeps me out. I can't stand to think that people are putting that in their God given bodies. I really appreciate Dr. Ana's newsletters.
Kim - May 17, 2023
I too have been taking IViG or iv sub-q for two decades. The company that makes it offered to pay for it in full. Red flag there. I have gone weeks without it but start having trouble being run down. After getting my thyroid healthy the last three years, my immune system perked up. But it’s still not capable of making enough IgG. Knowing this evil mess is in me is downright scary. I will be looking up the info you listed above to see what I can do to clear my system.
anna burns - May 17, 2023
I was diagnosed 25 years ago with CVID, but I just recently found out that was an incorrect diagnosis. I had CVID, but it was caused by longterm exposure to toxic mold in a water damaged house. I had many health symptoms that were from the toxic mold but I did not realize it. I thought my illness was CVID, but CVID was actually a symptom caused by CIRS which developed from mold sickness. I think in most cases immune deficiency is not a disease but a symptom. I know in my case it was. Something to consider.
Kim - May 17, 2023
Wow that’s great that you found out! Unfortunately, I seem to have been born with primary immune deficiency. I got extremely sick when I was 9 months old. Constantly fighting off upper respiratory infections. I was 31 when I was diagnosed! The IgG worked so well that I really haven’t gotten sick since beginning the IVs. I also have Hashimoto’s and Sjogrens. So my immune system has always had a weakness. Maybe someday I can figure it out. My immunologist tells me if I stop taking it, my insurance company won’t allow me to start back again. I don’t really believe him. My infusion is sitting in the fridge now but I don’t think I can bring myself to take it.
anna burns - May 17, 2023
I completely understand about not wanting to put that stuff in your body. I had a years worth in my fridge. I was afraid to cancel it, but I didn't want to put in my body any longer. Try going without but don't cancel your subscription. Keep storing in your fridge. I hope you do ok without it, or find an alternative to it.
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