Yes I believe it doesn’t matter what our religious beliefs are in the context of all that is at stake. Spiritual and religious vary worldwide because we humans are diverse!
I can tell you are not a Christian ... respectfully Jesus Christ taught that only he is the way, the truth, and the life. I have read over 20 other religious scriptures and I can tell you that only the Christian bible is from God, although many other holy books have God in them too ... for example, Jesus was God, but Bhudha, Muhammad were only human, and other Gods were acknowledged to exist (by Jehovah -The Christian God) but they were not always out for mankind's best interest. Also, Jehovah made us in HIS image. I do also really like the Bhagavad Gita. My advice would be to fully read the Christian bible (preferably with a Jehovah witness who has great bible studies for free, or a good scholar) to understand it, and compare to other religions. Finally, only the Christian bible has actual prophecies that you can see happen TODAY in society, such as the NWO, Mark of the Beast, etc...
I guess you have not read the following scripture: John 10: 9 I am the door (of the sheep) : by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 11: I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. 13: The hireling flees, because he is a hireling, and cares not for the sheep.
John 14: 6 Jesus said unto him (Thomas), I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.
The "many paths" you refer to are nothing but hirelings who are devoted to the dark side, and to death. If you were truly a Christian, you would understand the urgency of understanding these concepts. But we are in the midst of a great apostasy, which is why the dragon is coming for those who do not believe on the one true God in triune manifestation. God have mercy on your soul.
No such thing as soul inside your body, you're deluded if you think that. This means something non physical has a physical location.. which is the dumbest shit of all time.. There is no locus for the soul 'inside the body' why the hell would something so stunning reside inside a shitting pissing meat sack of crap? Honestly were are the LAST thing 'made in God's image'.. nothing is made anyway in any image, just more bad sci-fi gobbeldy gook crap from word salad generators who cling to a book they don't even fathom. That book explains nothing, not a single effing phenomena in the universe is explained at all. Just word salad bs with no real meaning only put in place to scare you into submission..
Hey Ar Zano, who have no idea who I am and you don't know how I think. But, from your statements I can see you are ignorant, and even worse, a godless lost person. My advice is to repent to Him, and ask for his forgiveness, as I forgive you now for your ignorance.
The 'divine' the absolute, the infinite dyad, the aryistos dyas, the ONE, the God head, is NOT an entity who knows shit, not a person, not a God that you identify with at all. No entity exists above you, God is dielectricity which terminates as magnetism which is the creation of space itself.. The absolute is an expression, not a being at all. We are the beings, not he, he does not sit above you and you are not judged on your life's desires at all. That book is pure evil in the end and stops you living the life you were meant to live!
Si le-a zis Iisus: Adevarat, adevarat zic voua, daca nu veti manca trupul Fiului Omului si nu veti bea sangele Lui, nu veti avea viata in voi.
54. Cel ce mananca trupul Meu si bea sangele Meu are viata vesnica, si Eu il voi invia in ziua cea de apoi.
55. Trupul este adevarata mancare si sangele Meu, adevarata bautura.
56. Cel ce mananca trupul Meu si bea sangele Meu ramane intru Mine si Eu intru el.
57. Precum M-a trimis pe Mine Tatal cel viu si Eu viez pentru Tatal, si cel ce Ma mananca pe Mine va trai prin Mine.
58. Aceasta este painea care s-a pogorat din cer, nu precum au mancat parintii vostri mana si au murit. Cel ce mananca aceasta paine va trai in veac.
Sfanta Evanghelie dupa Ioan
Sfanta Biblie ortodoxa
Dieu vous a livré à un esprit dépravé. J'espère que vous avez des amis pour vous sauver, car lorsque votre esprit est envahi par le mal, vous ne le savez pas parce que votre esprit est perdu. je prierai pour toi
Praying nah please don't do that. Talking to yourself in your own head is a sign of dementia really.. Nobody is listening only you lol.. If prayer worked buddy the world would be a good place, clearly you missed the 2000 wars in 3000 years and nobody helping in anyway shape or form?
ok thanks Dad lol. Yeah nah I understand what's going on, what that book was and is. A warning system for the next geomagnetic pole reversal. No such entity as God exists, if you think there is some grey bearded old dude sitting in a chair in heaven how magically makes stuff like planets and people then you're a little slow! It's an expression of the absolute against itself in discharge that produces the space in front of your face.. But meh whatever you like bro just leave me out of your twisted little mind virus ok!
You are in a serious error and you are far from the Lord Jesus Christ God. Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to My Father except through Me."
"And Jesus said to them: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you.
54. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will resurrect him on the last day.
55. The body is the true food and My blood, the true drink.
56. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me and I in him.
57. As the living Father sent Me and I live for the Father, so he who eats Me will live through Me.
58. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not as your fathers ate manna and died. He who eats this bread will live forever.
Holy Gospel according to John
Holy Orthodox Bible
Cette phrase : ""I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to My Father except through Me."" a 1000 couches et 1000 sens... The first deity was female, not Male as this Yahvé...
Jesus Christ is God. English has no nuances and you say that the first god was a woman, but those who believed in this god were pagans, not Christians. I understand that you have no idea about this, my friend.
Lol ! Arrête de me prendre pour un con, espèce de c... Pour moi, c'est la Vierge Marie qui est Dieu... Je suis païen, Madame, et Dieu m'aime autant que vous.
Esti pagan si Dumnezeu te iubeste si pe tine. DA! Normal, pentru ca a murit si pentru pacatele tale. Dar te iubeste numai cat esti pe cale, pe pamant, asteptand intoarcerea fiului risipitor. Daca vei muri pagan, vei ajunge acolo unde iti este locul: printre demonii tai.
C'est votre opinion... multumesc pentru promisiunile tale minunate.
Nu, am văzut deja portalul raiului și voi fi lângă animalele mele iubite. Aceasta este promisiunea pe care mi-a făcut-o Dumnezeu.
Dr Ana, If i try to make a comment there is no post option. Did you or TPTB block me? Please answer as Im not sure it was you or why id be blocked? thanks.
Very interesting post touching on some great info
There is something very wrong with the Catholic Church, Ratzinger himself has recently said that 'an elegant demon is roaming the Vatican' which according to Bob Mitchell's book 'Antichrist, The Vatican & The Great Deception' translates as 'Divining Serpent' built on the hill Vaticanus which means 'the hill of prophecy or sooth saying', (bottom of page 99)
Doesn't sound very Christ like to me & I was appalled to hear Ratzinger approve ConVid injections that contain not just fetal matter of aborted babies which Celeste Solum describes as 'Soul Theft' but also huge amounts of random DNA which co-joins with the recipients to turn them into 'something else'. How is that not flying in the face of God who made us in his own image ???
The Black Monks of Tibet who were rumoured to have acquired fantastic abilities from 'Ascended Masters' or dark entities have always fascinated me & they fascinated the Nazi's who sent expeditions into Tibet looking for Occult knowledge to augment their Thule Society dabblings.
I also remember seeing a snapshot of an interview with that Banker who recounted how he was wooed by the elites & invited to exclusive parties in Castles & mansions until the day he attended one & was invited to murder a child to progress his career - he was in tears telling his story & obviously refused & was invited no more.
American Lawyer & Resesrcher William Ramsey did a wonderful (if harrowing) 2hr interview with Pedophile profiler Carine Hutsebaut about the Detroux case in Belgium - not for the faint hearted. It used to be on youtube but seems to have been cropped to an hr.
Interestinly Mitchell says Israel has granted all the holy sites in Jerusalem to the Vatican & agreed to place them all under international jurisdiction. . . . . very strange indeed
Catholicism IS NOT Christianity. Why do you think that Constantine co-opted the faith and diverted it into the monstrosity we know today as the RCC? This is the work of Satan. Only those who know Jesus intimately will see him and know what his message is, only by reading his book. (Geneva or KJV) There are so many agents of death and chaos at large in the land that are known by different names and methodologies, but these are ALL FALSE. Just use the name of Jesus Christ in the presence of any and all of these entities, and you will see that they will flee immediately. Go ahead, I dare you to try this ultimate test of truth and spirituality. As Jesus says "test the spirits." Maranatha.
I do not subscribe to the King James Bible
You might want to do a bit more research on that
I know full well that Catholicism is a reinvention of Pagan Babylonian Sun God worship & I dont need you to tell me to call on Jesus Chrust
But thanks for tip anyway
Well, in my opinion, KJV is still better than most of the reprobate versions that are so ubiquitous these days, ie, NIV, et nauseum where the words of Jesus are being deliberately deleted. And I got saved using the KJV, so, that worked for me. Geneva would be best. But let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, as they say.
Honestly those yellow robed guys running around south east Asia don't even understand their own teachings! If you want the exact translations of Gotoma then see Ken Wheelers work he's the most prolific transcriber of all that stuff and including ancient Pali! of these monks acquired anything mate, all those videos of them floating and shit is nonsense. To meditate means to burn lol, burn what? burn away objective synthesis.. There is also no such thing as 'a soul inside your body' because that implies something non physical has a locus or location, and there is no location for such a thing.. So no such thing as 'soul theft' most of these people are influenced by new age woo woo glitter throwing crystal rubbing bs.. even phds get sucked into this stuff... Ghosts just sit at the bottom of the river watching life go by trying to manifest back to what they identify with, being a human... And yep the C church are messed up Mums first cousin is the head of the catholic church here in Australia I went to his thingy where he had to lay on the ground to become a priest.. early 80's I still remember how stupid that idiot looked too.. I was the only one there laughing at what I was witnessing lol.
Your entitled to your views & so is everyone else
We all see the world through our individual experiences, beliefs & intuitions.
I do believe in Soul Theft, I have come across this concept before from other sources & it's a big thing in the Black Occult.
There's obviously something hideous about putting aborted fetal matter into injectables otherwise these evil bastards wouldn't keep on doing it, it's obviously going to damage, alter & corrupt your Spiritual vibration & is completely un-natural. I do not want other ppl body parts circulating in my blood.
Some ppl can appreciate this & others cannot - we're all different & ultimately responsible for ourselves alone
They were admittedly used as Guinea Pigs for big pharma by their political leaders & probably racially targeted through DNA sampling under the lie of PCR testing as was everyone else subjected to it & possibly infected with other nasty substances on those swabs
I always wondered about that since many of the Globalists, if not the better or worse part, are Jews and should have objected to the mass injections, knowing well about the deadly substanceds?
There are many different Jewish subsects inc Ashkanazi (Germanic), Sephardic (Hispanic),
Mizrahim inc Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Egyptian Jews, Sudanese Jews, Tunisian Jews, Algerian Jews, Moroccan Jews, Lebanese Jews, Libyan Jews, Syrian Jews, & various others & the rather evil
followers of Shabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) known as Sabbateans who practice vice as a means to salvation including anything bad no matter what.
They were instructed to hide their true religion & take on the appearance of any other religion (to avoid persecution) but to practice their abominations in private. Zevi is described as a false prophet who deluded thousands to follow him - in fact it was more like millions as he was incredibly popular for a time.
From what I've read about him, he seems to have been a manic depressive front man, bankrolled by Aristocrats who egged him on & encouraged him for their own ends but he still has many followers today
See Robert Sepher's writing's on Zevi 'Redemption 1666'
I recall hearing Dutroux's father
Victor was a missionary or teacher in Burundi where the locals called him 'big dick' because he constantly had sex with everything that moved - men, women, children & animals
Poisoned fruit doesn't fall far from the tree
Well, all the holy sites in Israel do not belong only to the Jews, just check the church of the grave. Also, the site of the grave of the family of Crist has been found, bone chests, name, address and all, and would certainly not belong only to Israel, although so is claimed. I agree the granting to the Vatican is highly improper as there are many Christian denominations. So what right would the Vatican have to put these sites under international jurisdiction, which in itself might be good but also bad.....?
In Bob Mitchell's 'Antichrist, The Vatican & The Great Deception'
Chapter 9, page 85/6
'Jerusalem Betrayed To The Vatican'
1994 April
'Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Shmuel Meir announces at a Jerusalem press conference that he had received information that properties promised to the Vatican (& the UN) in Jerusalem would be granted extraterritorial status.'
'In early 1996 Meir was killed in a very suspicious car crash whereby the driver, who drove a UN truck into Meir's car, was not even charged'.'
1994 May
'Marek Halter, a French intellectual/philosopher & a close friend of former Israeli president Shimon Peres, tells the Israeli Weekly magazine 'Hashishi' that he personally delivered a letter from Peres to the pope in September 1993, in which Peres promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political control of The Old City Of Jerusalem & The Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within'.
Everything leads to the UN
a few quick important notes:
"The only “Christ consciousness” the Bible teaches is found in Philippians 2:5–7, “Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”
Followers are "Becoming “conformed to the image of Christ” (Romans 8:29) comes through the power of the Holy Spirit, given to those who repent and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord (John 1:12; Mark 6:12; 2 Corinthians 5:5). "
I’m right there with you, Dr. Ana.
Jesus knew all about #fake news and it’s one reason that he taught in parables. He knew there would be editing of his words; words put in his mouth, but the parables mostly retained his message.
Someone said they were like energetic vaults, carrying the truth of Jesus’ teachings down through the ages.
One of the scholars who deccoded the Nag Hammadi Library was Elaine Pagels who has written many books for public digestion. I think you would really appreciate “Beyond Belief” which may have been her final book.
There’s a personal aspect that drove her research.
As all biblical scholars know, the Bible is not the inerrant Word of God, (How could it be? It’s filled with contradictions) and you have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Pagels, of course knew that, and yet she could not dismiss the power of the New Testament and the comfort it brought to people. Also knowing that the gospels were written many decades after the Ascension and not by Jesus’ apostles, she wanted to find out what the earliest Christians believed - long before Constantine Christianized Rome (and Romanized Christianity) and decided on the books to be included in the official canon.
At the time of the Nicea Council, there were around 350 Christian communities in the Roman Empire, each practicing The Way according to their own understandings. One group, however, organized itself into a hierarchy of bishops, priests and deacons, known as the Orthodox Christians back then, which morphed into the Catholic Church that remains today.
This military-style structure appealed to Constantine and so at the end of it all, they were the ones who decided on keeping only 4 gospels, and which ones. They had prepared the Creed.
Constantine had grown weary of arguments and those not with the Orthodox were hardly in a position to push the Emperor too far since there they were on the brink of de-criminalizing Christianity, and that’s how the official Church got started, 300 years after Jesus.
It was captured from the start.
(12 years of Catholic school right here. 🙋🏻♀️)
We are absolutely living in the end times but it's not them, it's the sun and what it does. The greatest secrets ever kept was what the Sun does during a geomagnetic pole reversal and what happens to the planet! This happens with or without humans present on the planet and it's a nasty event.. the biggest event of them all.. called God days of judgement or 'the great and terrible day of the Lord'..
There is no spiritual war going on.. more woo words and terms that mean nothing like quantum which means to count, count what? There is only good and evil humans and how it plays out here in this hell realm.. Nothing else, no jesus dude coming back not ever.. 2000 wars in 3000 years tells me he's one dead and gone dude!
Once you see the deep sea canyons you will know the legend of the great flood!
Because magnetism is rotation itself, magnetism is natures force vector and is the cause of the rotation of our planet, all planets, all stars, all galaxies spin at the larmore frequency which is magnetism.. When this field snaps polarity it's not the field that turns around it pulls the entire planet around and reverses it's spin in a single day!
So with or without this poison being injected, this happens regardless, even if we all start wearing hemp skirts and have hairy armpits and love nature, nothing stops it. They were closer to nature 12,000 years ago, and they too got swept into the oceans and torched. This time is no different so the bible bashers need a reality check big time! As nothing in it has anything to do with a person, it's all about an event! Nothing else.
Congratulations on your books! ■ But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
26¶If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
27Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:25-27, KJV, blueletterbible
Hi Ana, thanks for sharing your journey. I used to be a traditional Lakota pipe keeper. It was only after extremely difficult circumstances that I cried out in desperation to Jesus for help. I was shocked that Jesus helped! Jesus is the Son of God, God in the flesh. He suffered, died and resurrected from life, and now sits on high. The Bible is the Word of God. The NKJV is a good translation. Pastor Jeff. ;)
I purchased your Solutions book and read it straight through. Interesting and pertinent, especially for the Times we are in now. Your medical advice was outstanding, along with Dr's Madej and Merritt. Definitely a keeper book that goes in my library!
I wrote a respectful review on Amazon, and gave it 4 stars. The only reason I didn't give it a perfect 5 was because of the abundance of Religious Information in the book. Which didn't really provide any useful "Solutions." I carefully expressed my disagreement with the Rapture Theory, which is one of the most dominant themes in the book. Amazon disallowed my review and said it violated "Community Standards." Uh-Oh! I guess you can't disagree?
I'm glad you accepted the offer and contributed a chapter. Thank you for persevering, on many levels, and especially for having the courage to do battle with the Red Dragon.
Yep if you haven't Repent now...
But there are many more than one facet of Evil and Satan it seems...
Hmmm yeah I watched that interview with that Bernard guy.
I got to say it I think the holy spirit guides me.
Are we seeing the rise of the Antichrist here???
I am glad Pastor McCloud included you in the book! We appreciate you and your important work! I also would like to mention that the prophecies in the Jewish scriptures are extremely accurate. There are over 300 prophecies written hundreds even thousands of years beforehand, about Yeshua HaMashiach and what his purpose would be for humanity. In the book of Genesis, God tells Adam and Eve that HER seed would be bruised by Satan but that Yeshua would crush his head. Yeshua came to destroy the works of the devil by living a life without sin, performing many miraculous signs (raising people from the dead and healing lepers) and willingly going to the cross to redeem mankind. Jesus claims in John 14:6, "I AM the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me. " If we want to know who Yahweh is, we have only to look at Jesus. He was fully God. John 1:1, " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. " He also put on flesh to redeem mankind from sin and death. In Hebrews 8, God says "Your throne, O God will last forever and ever; You rule Your Kingdom wih a scepter of equity; You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness, Therefore, O God, Your God has anounted You with the oil of joy in preference to your companions." Our God is a very personal God and calls us to get to know Him. Our sin separates us from God until we repent and accept Christ as payment from our sins. The rapture of the church will also be a sign to the world, that the Bible is the living Word of God, as this too is foretold in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. This event is imminent.
Hi Dr. Mihalcea,.
I would love to be speak with you regarding Nanotechnology poisioning as well as being Targeted . I have been Targeted for 12 years , I have formal reports from a private investigator as well as a Toxicology Dr.
I suffer with computer Brain Interface .I am super electromagnetic and have severe tinnitus . I have written 3 books on having Morgellons /Nnaotechpoisioning.Mybooks explain,becoming Targeted and how I interacted with CIA as well as other spies .These people helped me survive , as well as other methods that I use to cope .
Please see my substack , as I have written several articles on this . I have appeared on a podcast with Dr . Carrie Madej as well in may of thisyear.mylatest book "Transhuman was recent;y released in may of this year as well .Previous books were "Metamorphosis , Nano and finally Transhuman.I also have microscpopic images and videos from 5 years ago , as I have been investigating this for many years .
my website
Thank you again Dr. Ana, for your great, incredible research. And I appreciate so much your ‘religious’ views, somewhat similar to my own. The Religion I have followed for fifty plus years also tells us that we are really Light and Sound and Energy beings. Our own individual experiences in our true state, Soul, are possible right here and now, outside our physical body consciousness, and is where we find Truth. God has no Religion. All of us are on our own right path of unfoldment to greater Consciousness.
Heidi Lynn - Oct 13, 2023 - Edited
FMRVR’s Newsletter
Yes I believe it doesn’t matter what our religious beliefs are in the context of all that is at stake. Spiritual and religious vary worldwide because we humans are diverse!
Brent Erskine - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
FMRVR’s Newsletter
I can tell you are not a Christian ... respectfully Jesus Christ taught that only he is the way, the truth, and the life. I have read over 20 other religious scriptures and I can tell you that only the Christian bible is from God, although many other holy books have God in them too ... for example, Jesus was God, but Bhudha, Muhammad were only human, and other Gods were acknowledged to exist (by Jehovah -The Christian God) but they were not always out for mankind's best interest. Also, Jehovah made us in HIS image. I do also really like the Bhagavad Gita. My advice would be to fully read the Christian bible (preferably with a Jehovah witness who has great bible studies for free, or a good scholar) to understand it, and compare to other religions. Finally, only the Christian bible has actual prophecies that you can see happen TODAY in society, such as the NWO, Mark of the Beast, etc...
Heidi Lynn - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Yes I am a Christian who believes there are many paths to the divine including Dr Ana’s path.
Susannah - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I guess you have not read the following scripture: John 10: 9 I am the door (of the sheep) : by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 11: I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. 13: The hireling flees, because he is a hireling, and cares not for the sheep.
John 14: 6 Jesus said unto him (Thomas), I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.
The "many paths" you refer to are nothing but hirelings who are devoted to the dark side, and to death. If you were truly a Christian, you would understand the urgency of understanding these concepts. But we are in the midst of a great apostasy, which is why the dragon is coming for those who do not believe on the one true God in triune manifestation. God have mercy on your soul.
RALOS - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
No such thing as soul inside your body, you're deluded if you think that. This means something non physical has a physical location.. which is the dumbest shit of all time.. There is no locus for the soul 'inside the body' why the hell would something so stunning reside inside a shitting pissing meat sack of crap? Honestly were are the LAST thing 'made in God's image'.. nothing is made anyway in any image, just more bad sci-fi gobbeldy gook crap from word salad generators who cling to a book they don't even fathom. That book explains nothing, not a single effing phenomena in the universe is explained at all. Just word salad bs with no real meaning only put in place to scare you into submission..
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack'You-should-not-worship-only-one-Jew,-you-should-worship-every-single-one-of-us':5LOL'You-should-not-worship-only-one-Jew,-you-should-worship-every-single-one-of-us':5
Christian - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I do not buy either the Bible crap, nor your vision. Of course, mon chéri, we have a soul...among these filthy feces...
Christian - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Brent Is a very bad christian who only cares about ancient jewish scriptures, but not about real people...
Brent Erskine - Oct 22, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
Hey Ar Zano, who have no idea who I am and you don't know how I think. But, from your statements I can see you are ignorant, and even worse, a godless lost person. My advice is to repent to Him, and ask for his forgiveness, as I forgive you now for your ignorance.
RALOS - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
The 'divine' the absolute, the infinite dyad, the aryistos dyas, the ONE, the God head, is NOT an entity who knows shit, not a person, not a God that you identify with at all. No entity exists above you, God is dielectricity which terminates as magnetism which is the creation of space itself.. The absolute is an expression, not a being at all. We are the beings, not he, he does not sit above you and you are not judged on your life's desires at all. That book is pure evil in the end and stops you living the life you were meant to live!
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
On this very point, "That book is pure evil", you may be right...
Brent Erskine - Oct 22, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
You are both wrong …
According to Deuteronomy 28, and common sense
Manuela - Oct 14, 2023
Si le-a zis Iisus: Adevarat, adevarat zic voua, daca nu veti manca trupul Fiului Omului si nu veti bea sangele Lui, nu veti avea viata in voi.
54. Cel ce mananca trupul Meu si bea sangele Meu are viata vesnica, si Eu il voi invia in ziua cea de apoi.
55. Trupul este adevarata mancare si sangele Meu, adevarata bautura.
56. Cel ce mananca trupul Meu si bea sangele Meu ramane intru Mine si Eu intru el.
57. Precum M-a trimis pe Mine Tatal cel viu si Eu viez pentru Tatal, si cel ce Ma mananca pe Mine va trai prin Mine.
58. Aceasta este painea care s-a pogorat din cer, nu precum au mancat parintii vostri mana si au murit. Cel ce mananca aceasta paine va trai in veac.
Sfanta Evanghelie dupa Ioan
Sfanta Biblie ortodoxa
Brent Erskine - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
FMRVR’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Brent Erskine - Oct 15, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
I will pray for you
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Priez pour eux !'You-should-not-worship-only-one-Jew,-you-should-worship-every-single-one-of-us':5'You-should-not-worship-only-one-Jew,-you-should-worship-every-single-one-of-us':5
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Ah non, pas un témoin de Jéhova comme vous !
Brent Erskine - Oct 22, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
Dieu vous a livré à un esprit dépravé. J'espère que vous avez des amis pour vous sauver, car lorsque votre esprit est envahi par le mal, vous ne le savez pas parce que votre esprit est perdu. je prierai pour toi
Brent Erskine - Oct 15, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Brent Erskine - Oct 15, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
I do not agree, but I’ll pray for you too.
RALOS - Oct 15, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
Praying nah please don't do that. Talking to yourself in your own head is a sign of dementia really.. Nobody is listening only you lol.. If prayer worked buddy the world would be a good place, clearly you missed the 2000 wars in 3000 years and nobody helping in anyway shape or form?
Brent Erskine - Oct 22, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
You clearly don't understand the word of God. It takes an open mind, and some humility to learn about it. Good luck ... I hope you change one day.
RALOS - Oct 22, 2023
ok thanks Dad lol. Yeah nah I understand what's going on, what that book was and is. A warning system for the next geomagnetic pole reversal. No such entity as God exists, if you think there is some grey bearded old dude sitting in a chair in heaven how magically makes stuff like planets and people then you're a little slow! It's an expression of the absolute against itself in discharge that produces the space in front of your face.. But meh whatever you like bro just leave me out of your twisted little mind virus ok!
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Picasso peint justement comme un gamin de 3 ans. Le Picasso, c'est la mort de l'art !
Manuela - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
You are in a serious error and you are far from the Lord Jesus Christ God. Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to My Father except through Me."
"And Jesus said to them: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you.
54. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will resurrect him on the last day.
55. The body is the true food and My blood, the true drink.
56. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me and I in him.
57. As the living Father sent Me and I live for the Father, so he who eats Me will live through Me.
58. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not as your fathers ate manna and died. He who eats this bread will live forever.
Holy Gospel according to John
Holy Orthodox Bible
Christian - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Cette phrase : ""I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to My Father except through Me."" a 1000 couches et 1000 sens... The first deity was female, not Male as this Yahvé...
Manuela - Oct 16, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Jesus Christ is God. English has no nuances and you say that the first god was a woman, but those who believed in this god were pagans, not Christians. I understand that you have no idea about this, my friend.
Christian - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Lol ! Arrête de me prendre pour un con, espèce de c... Pour moi, c'est la Vierge Marie qui est Dieu... Je suis païen, Madame, et Dieu m'aime autant que vous.
Manuela - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Esti pagan si Dumnezeu te iubeste si pe tine. DA! Normal, pentru ca a murit si pentru pacatele tale. Dar te iubeste numai cat esti pe cale, pe pamant, asteptand intoarcerea fiului risipitor. Daca vei muri pagan, vei ajunge acolo unde iti este locul: printre demonii tai.
Christian - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
C'est votre opinion... multumesc pentru promisiunile tale minunate.
Nu, am văzut deja portalul raiului și voi fi lângă animalele mele iubite. Aceasta este promisiunea pe care mi-a făcut-o Dumnezeu.
Lisa - Oct 13, 2023 - Edited
As always, thank you for your work, for transparently sharing your beliefs and for continuing to fight for humanity.
kaal - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Dr Ana, If i try to make a comment there is no post option. Did you or TPTB block me? Please answer as Im not sure it was you or why id be blocked? thanks.
Odessa - Oct 13, 2023 - Edited
Modern Healthcare
Very interesting post touching on some great info
There is something very wrong with the Catholic Church, Ratzinger himself has recently said that 'an elegant demon is roaming the Vatican' which according to Bob Mitchell's book 'Antichrist, The Vatican & The Great Deception' translates as 'Divining Serpent' built on the hill Vaticanus which means 'the hill of prophecy or sooth saying', (bottom of page 99)
Doesn't sound very Christ like to me & I was appalled to hear Ratzinger approve ConVid injections that contain not just fetal matter of aborted babies which Celeste Solum describes as 'Soul Theft' but also huge amounts of random DNA which co-joins with the recipients to turn them into 'something else'. How is that not flying in the face of God who made us in his own image ???
The Black Monks of Tibet who were rumoured to have acquired fantastic abilities from 'Ascended Masters' or dark entities have always fascinated me & they fascinated the Nazi's who sent expeditions into Tibet looking for Occult knowledge to augment their Thule Society dabblings.
I also remember seeing a snapshot of an interview with that Banker who recounted how he was wooed by the elites & invited to exclusive parties in Castles & mansions until the day he attended one & was invited to murder a child to progress his career - he was in tears telling his story & obviously refused & was invited no more.
American Lawyer & Resesrcher William Ramsey did a wonderful (if harrowing) 2hr interview with Pedophile profiler Carine Hutsebaut about the Detroux case in Belgium - not for the faint hearted. It used to be on youtube but seems to have been cropped to an hr.
Interestinly Mitchell says Israel has granted all the holy sites in Jerusalem to the Vatican & agreed to place them all under international jurisdiction. . . . . very strange indeed
Susannah - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Catholicism IS NOT Christianity. Why do you think that Constantine co-opted the faith and diverted it into the monstrosity we know today as the RCC? This is the work of Satan. Only those who know Jesus intimately will see him and know what his message is, only by reading his book. (Geneva or KJV) There are so many agents of death and chaos at large in the land that are known by different names and methodologies, but these are ALL FALSE. Just use the name of Jesus Christ in the presence of any and all of these entities, and you will see that they will flee immediately. Go ahead, I dare you to try this ultimate test of truth and spirituality. As Jesus says "test the spirits." Maranatha.
Odessa - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
I do not subscribe to the King James Bible
You might want to do a bit more research on that
I know full well that Catholicism is a reinvention of Pagan Babylonian Sun God worship & I dont need you to tell me to call on Jesus Chrust
But thanks for tip anyway
Susannah - Oct 14, 2023
Well, in my opinion, KJV is still better than most of the reprobate versions that are so ubiquitous these days, ie, NIV, et nauseum where the words of Jesus are being deliberately deleted. And I got saved using the KJV, so, that worked for me. Geneva would be best. But let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, as they say.
Susannah - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Blessings, sister in Christ. Good to hear that you and I are on the same page, for the most part.
Odessa - Oct 14, 2023
Thank you & the same to you
I am & always will belong to Jesus & his father, the Lord 🥰
Chris Cable - Oct 14, 2023
here is a great resource exposing these differences.
RALOS - Oct 14, 2023
Honestly those yellow robed guys running around south east Asia don't even understand their own teachings! If you want the exact translations of Gotoma then see Ken Wheelers work he's the most prolific transcriber of all that stuff and including ancient Pali! of these monks acquired anything mate, all those videos of them floating and shit is nonsense. To meditate means to burn lol, burn what? burn away objective synthesis.. There is also no such thing as 'a soul inside your body' because that implies something non physical has a locus or location, and there is no location for such a thing.. So no such thing as 'soul theft' most of these people are influenced by new age woo woo glitter throwing crystal rubbing bs.. even phds get sucked into this stuff... Ghosts just sit at the bottom of the river watching life go by trying to manifest back to what they identify with, being a human... And yep the C church are messed up Mums first cousin is the head of the catholic church here in Australia I went to his thingy where he had to lay on the ground to become a priest.. early 80's I still remember how stupid that idiot looked too.. I was the only one there laughing at what I was witnessing lol.
Odessa - Oct 14, 2023
Your entitled to your views & so is everyone else
We all see the world through our individual experiences, beliefs & intuitions.
I do believe in Soul Theft, I have come across this concept before from other sources & it's a big thing in the Black Occult.
There's obviously something hideous about putting aborted fetal matter into injectables otherwise these evil bastards wouldn't keep on doing it, it's obviously going to damage, alter & corrupt your Spiritual vibration & is completely un-natural. I do not want other ppl body parts circulating in my blood.
Some ppl can appreciate this & others cannot - we're all different & ultimately responsible for ourselves alone
Laura - Oct 14, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Makes sense, since most Israelites are jabbed with Brain Computer Interface and can be hacked.
Odessa - Oct 14, 2023
Anita’s Substack
They were admittedly used as Guinea Pigs for big pharma by their political leaders & probably racially targeted through DNA sampling under the lie of PCR testing as was everyone else subjected to it & possibly infected with other nasty substances on those swabs
Anita Söderman - Oct 14, 2023
Anita’s Substack
I always wondered about that since many of the Globalists, if not the better or worse part, are Jews and should have objected to the mass injections, knowing well about the deadly substanceds?
Odessa - Oct 14, 2023
There are many different Jewish subsects inc Ashkanazi (Germanic), Sephardic (Hispanic),
Mizrahim inc Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Egyptian Jews, Sudanese Jews, Tunisian Jews, Algerian Jews, Moroccan Jews, Lebanese Jews, Libyan Jews, Syrian Jews, & various others & the rather evil
followers of Shabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) known as Sabbateans who practice vice as a means to salvation including anything bad no matter what.
They were instructed to hide their true religion & take on the appearance of any other religion (to avoid persecution) but to practice their abominations in private. Zevi is described as a false prophet who deluded thousands to follow him - in fact it was more like millions as he was incredibly popular for a time.
From what I've read about him, he seems to have been a manic depressive front man, bankrolled by Aristocrats who egged him on & encouraged him for their own ends but he still has many followers today
See Robert Sepher's writing's on Zevi 'Redemption 1666'
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
dutroux is also known in america ? so have a look on the castle in belgium : "la mère des ténèbres". The satanic network.
Odessa - Oct 15, 2023
I recall hearing Dutroux's father
Victor was a missionary or teacher in Burundi where the locals called him 'big dick' because he constantly had sex with everything that moved - men, women, children & animals
Poisoned fruit doesn't fall far from the tree
Anita Söderman - Oct 14, 2023
Anita’s Substack
Well, all the holy sites in Israel do not belong only to the Jews, just check the church of the grave. Also, the site of the grave of the family of Crist has been found, bone chests, name, address and all, and would certainly not belong only to Israel, although so is claimed. I agree the granting to the Vatican is highly improper as there are many Christian denominations. So what right would the Vatican have to put these sites under international jurisdiction, which in itself might be good but also bad.....?
Odessa - Oct 14, 2023
In Bob Mitchell's 'Antichrist, The Vatican & The Great Deception'
Chapter 9, page 85/6
'Jerusalem Betrayed To The Vatican'
1994 April
'Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Shmuel Meir announces at a Jerusalem press conference that he had received information that properties promised to the Vatican (& the UN) in Jerusalem would be granted extraterritorial status.'
'In early 1996 Meir was killed in a very suspicious car crash whereby the driver, who drove a UN truck into Meir's car, was not even charged'.'
1994 May
'Marek Halter, a French intellectual/philosopher & a close friend of former Israeli president Shimon Peres, tells the Israeli Weekly magazine 'Hashishi' that he personally delivered a letter from Peres to the pope in September 1993, in which Peres promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political control of The Old City Of Jerusalem & The Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within'.
Everything leads to the UN
Peter70x7 - Oct 13, 2023
Wonderful brothers and sisters involved with this book. Blessings to you and “Behold, I shew you a mystery...”
Chris Cable - Oct 13, 2023
a few quick important notes:
"The only “Christ consciousness” the Bible teaches is found in Philippians 2:5–7, “Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”
Followers are "Becoming “conformed to the image of Christ” (Romans 8:29) comes through the power of the Holy Spirit, given to those who repent and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord (John 1:12; Mark 6:12; 2 Corinthians 5:5). "
Mrs.Major Joe - Oct 20, 2023
I’m right there with you, Dr. Ana.
Jesus knew all about #fake news and it’s one reason that he taught in parables. He knew there would be editing of his words; words put in his mouth, but the parables mostly retained his message.
Someone said they were like energetic vaults, carrying the truth of Jesus’ teachings down through the ages.
One of the scholars who deccoded the Nag Hammadi Library was Elaine Pagels who has written many books for public digestion. I think you would really appreciate “Beyond Belief” which may have been her final book.
There’s a personal aspect that drove her research.
As all biblical scholars know, the Bible is not the inerrant Word of God, (How could it be? It’s filled with contradictions) and you have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Pagels, of course knew that, and yet she could not dismiss the power of the New Testament and the comfort it brought to people. Also knowing that the gospels were written many decades after the Ascension and not by Jesus’ apostles, she wanted to find out what the earliest Christians believed - long before Constantine Christianized Rome (and Romanized Christianity) and decided on the books to be included in the official canon.
At the time of the Nicea Council, there were around 350 Christian communities in the Roman Empire, each practicing The Way according to their own understandings. One group, however, organized itself into a hierarchy of bishops, priests and deacons, known as the Orthodox Christians back then, which morphed into the Catholic Church that remains today.
This military-style structure appealed to Constantine and so at the end of it all, they were the ones who decided on keeping only 4 gospels, and which ones. They had prepared the Creed.
Constantine had grown weary of arguments and those not with the Orthodox were hardly in a position to push the Emperor too far since there they were on the brink of de-criminalizing Christianity, and that’s how the official Church got started, 300 years after Jesus.
It was captured from the start.
(12 years of Catholic school right here. 🙋🏻♀️)
RALOS - Oct 15, 2023
We are absolutely living in the end times but it's not them, it's the sun and what it does. The greatest secrets ever kept was what the Sun does during a geomagnetic pole reversal and what happens to the planet! This happens with or without humans present on the planet and it's a nasty event.. the biggest event of them all.. called God days of judgement or 'the great and terrible day of the Lord'..
There is no spiritual war going on.. more woo words and terms that mean nothing like quantum which means to count, count what? There is only good and evil humans and how it plays out here in this hell realm.. Nothing else, no jesus dude coming back not ever.. 2000 wars in 3000 years tells me he's one dead and gone dude!
Once you see the deep sea canyons you will know the legend of the great flood!
Because magnetism is rotation itself, magnetism is natures force vector and is the cause of the rotation of our planet, all planets, all stars, all galaxies spin at the larmore frequency which is magnetism.. When this field snaps polarity it's not the field that turns around it pulls the entire planet around and reverses it's spin in a single day!
So with or without this poison being injected, this happens regardless, even if we all start wearing hemp skirts and have hairy armpits and love nature, nothing stops it. They were closer to nature 12,000 years ago, and they too got swept into the oceans and torched. This time is no different so the bible bashers need a reality check big time! As nothing in it has anything to do with a person, it's all about an event! Nothing else.
Michael Hunt - Oct 14, 2023
Shared on my 10th jewtube channel in the description of my latest video description @ Awakening SOULdier, much love and respect y'all 💝🙏.
Margie Chism - Oct 13, 2023
Margie Chism
Congratulations on your books! ■ But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
26¶If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
27Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:25-27, KJV, blueletterbible
Jeff - Nov 25, 2023
Hi Ana, thanks for sharing your journey. I used to be a traditional Lakota pipe keeper. It was only after extremely difficult circumstances that I cried out in desperation to Jesus for help. I was shocked that Jesus helped! Jesus is the Son of God, God in the flesh. He suffered, died and resurrected from life, and now sits on high. The Bible is the Word of God. The NKJV is a good translation. Pastor Jeff. ;)
RBI - Nov 2, 2023
I purchased your Solutions book and read it straight through. Interesting and pertinent, especially for the Times we are in now. Your medical advice was outstanding, along with Dr's Madej and Merritt. Definitely a keeper book that goes in my library!
I wrote a respectful review on Amazon, and gave it 4 stars. The only reason I didn't give it a perfect 5 was because of the abundance of Religious Information in the book. Which didn't really provide any useful "Solutions." I carefully expressed my disagreement with the Rapture Theory, which is one of the most dominant themes in the book. Amazon disallowed my review and said it violated "Community Standards." Uh-Oh! I guess you can't disagree?
I'm glad you accepted the offer and contributed a chapter. Thank you for persevering, on many levels, and especially for having the courage to do battle with the Red Dragon.
Brent Erskine - Oct 22, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
I know you haven’t even read the full Bible, I hope you are blessed soon with its knowledge and May Jehovah have mercy upon you.
Doug - Oct 16, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Yep if you haven't Repent now...
But there are many more than one facet of Evil and Satan it seems...
Hmmm yeah I watched that interview with that Bernard guy.
I got to say it I think the holy spirit guides me.
Are we seeing the rise of the Antichrist here???
YeshuaFaith - Oct 15, 2023
I am glad Pastor McCloud included you in the book! We appreciate you and your important work! I also would like to mention that the prophecies in the Jewish scriptures are extremely accurate. There are over 300 prophecies written hundreds even thousands of years beforehand, about Yeshua HaMashiach and what his purpose would be for humanity. In the book of Genesis, God tells Adam and Eve that HER seed would be bruised by Satan but that Yeshua would crush his head. Yeshua came to destroy the works of the devil by living a life without sin, performing many miraculous signs (raising people from the dead and healing lepers) and willingly going to the cross to redeem mankind. Jesus claims in John 14:6, "I AM the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me. " If we want to know who Yahweh is, we have only to look at Jesus. He was fully God. John 1:1, " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. " He also put on flesh to redeem mankind from sin and death. In Hebrews 8, God says "Your throne, O God will last forever and ever; You rule Your Kingdom wih a scepter of equity; You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness, Therefore, O God, Your God has anounted You with the oil of joy in preference to your companions." Our God is a very personal God and calls us to get to know Him. Our sin separates us from God until we repent and accept Christ as payment from our sins. The rapture of the church will also be a sign to the world, that the Bible is the living Word of God, as this too is foretold in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. This event is imminent.
Isabella MacLeod - Oct 14, 2023
Isabella’s Substack
Hi Dr. Mihalcea,.
I would love to be speak with you regarding Nanotechnology poisioning as well as being Targeted . I have been Targeted for 12 years , I have formal reports from a private investigator as well as a Toxicology Dr.
I suffer with computer Brain Interface .I am super electromagnetic and have severe tinnitus . I have written 3 books on having Morgellons /Nnaotechpoisioning.Mybooks explain,becoming Targeted and how I interacted with CIA as well as other spies .These people helped me survive , as well as other methods that I use to cope .
Please see my substack , as I have written several articles on this . I have appeared on a podcast with Dr . Carrie Madej as well in may of thisyear.mylatest book "Transhuman was recent;y released in may of this year as well .Previous books were "Metamorphosis , Nano and finally Transhuman.I also have microscpopic images and videos from 5 years ago , as I have been investigating this for many years .
my website
Stella - Oct 14, 2023
Thank you again Dr. Ana, for your great, incredible research. And I appreciate so much your ‘religious’ views, somewhat similar to my own. The Religion I have followed for fifty plus years also tells us that we are really Light and Sound and Energy beings. Our own individual experiences in our true state, Soul, are possible right here and now, outside our physical body consciousness, and is where we find Truth. God has no Religion. All of us are on our own right path of unfoldment to greater Consciousness.
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