Septocaine Dental Anesthetic Mixed With Live…

Oct 18, 2023

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I had received multiple vials of dental anesthetics.


BlazeCloude3 - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited


This author reports of Ai/Bioweaponry found within blood of the living, dead, vaxxed and unvaxxed; but now the reports indicate an escalation. There is a greater quantity, intensity, frequency apparent in this 'Dental Anesthetic' with people becoming ill IMMEDIATELY instead of hour or days later.
Something greater is coming; a direct and irrefutable attack upon the whole population of the world with a greater focus upon the west who won't make good slaves for the 1000 Year Old Establishment now moving towards REGRESSION INTO TOTALITARIANISM WITH SUBJECTS SUFFERING DNA MUTILATION on a planet where organic life is extinct. In a twisted way; this indicates greater feelings of threat within the Establishment as 'Depopulation' with multiple methods has become the pandemic. It's impossible not to imagine the 'Human Body Being Prepped/Primed' for some tyrannical and deadly catastrophe beyond what's now been perpetrated...Just as the United States, itself, is being deliberately weakened and hallowed-out for some greater drama of destruction by evil.


NewAmericanPioneers - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited


They may have stepped up the amount of toxic ingredients in all injectables. My observation is that the aerial spraying has increased significantly in my area, and there is CDB and graphene, at the very least, in addition to metals in the toxic soup they dump on us. The acceleration of contamination is alarming. I wish I knew it would be safe to use an electric anti-nano device, but I' had dental anesthetic injections 10 months ago. I have dermatitis on my hands if I even look at dishwashing detergent, or get neem spray on my hands Post the dental work. I have faith we will eventually find a means of remediating this. In the meantime, I do what I can. Living well is the best revenge. God wins.


zeb11 - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited


food grade diatomaceous earth may be useful....taken orally. Its high in silica and has a negative charge so it can 'detox' positively charged heavy metals.


Marty - Oct 18, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Correct. That's what i use, and you can give it to pets as well. Every time they spray, take any form of silica (DE by weight is over 80% silica), and when they stop and the air gets less contaminated with nanoaluminum, take silica again. Silica binds to the aluminum and forms a compound that is harmless and will be excreted. Always use a wooden spoon (no metal) to mix the DE and the water.


zeb11 - Oct 18, 2023


good tip about the wooden spoon; I didn't know that!


Carolyn Sheridan - Oct 25, 2023

I didn't know about the no-metal spoon, either. I've been taking 1 Tbsp 2 x day, of D. E., since May. I've been mixing it in smoothies in the blender with veggies, fruit, and other supplements; have I wasted it all that time because of the stainless steel blades? It was easy to take that way. Now I am trying to mix it separately, using a Field of Greens mixing cup...because that is already in my smoothie. Was still easier to take, in the smoothies, though.


Christina Gerrard - Oct 21, 2023

The Wailing Banshee

I just got a delivery of this....I’ll see if it does any good! Thanks for the tip... we need to help each other now as much as we can... check out my page, I just posted some info links to a guys YouTube channel... lookoutfacharlie
He’s been researching what’s being done to us all for the last At years and publishing his findings in short videos... very very informative... filled in some gaps in my own research and everything makes sense. No nonsense approach and cohesively put together. Share the information he is uploading, it’s imperative we all help those who still believe the governments have our best interests at hear to wake up and smell the coffee! If we don’t stand up for each other now it will be too late.


Robert D. - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited

Robert’s Substack

Ive been taking Zeo-lita Clinoptilolita.. which is a mineral good for Chelation of heavy metals.. nobody does EDTA in my area of southern Baja.. There is one that does NAC instead.. not sure if that would do the trick.. I guess it couldn't hurt to try it out.. ?


Carolyn Sheridan - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited


The EDTA EZ Detox Cream (Soma Health) that soaks into the skin is supposed to work because it does not go through the digestive system. Somebody posted that they were working on an enteric coated oral. Dr. Ardis has a new liquid out (Dr. Ardis Show). I'm going to try that and see if I can get it to absorb through the mouth tissues, because I THINK it is oral.
I also use the Zeolite Spray and drops, that Karen Kingston said she takes.
My 3rd line of defense is Good Earth brand food grade Diatomaceous Earth (Amazon), that I now mix seperately in a Field of Greens mixing cup instead of adding it to my smoothie in the blender...because of the metal blades.
Then 4th, is C60 , which IS real expensive; but a new liquid drops is out, that is much cheaper (The Medical Rebel Shop).
I THINK the last 3 all are negatively charged, and bind to the positively charged heavy metals to excrete them. Sure hope they grab the Nanotechnology Particles.


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 7, 2023 - Edited


EDTA can be purchased on ebay and placed in empty Vegetable Capsules which are ENTERIC, yourself. Been doing this for months now and it works great including providing the ability to measure the correct dose. Always take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and wait 20 min. for it to pass into the duodenum in the small intestine.


TheNarrowPathway - Nov 8, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Be careful of buying from eBay - without researching the sellers.
Contamination and cutting of other things into these products is a problem since they don’t get FDA verified.
I try purchase from companies who third party test with certificates. Health Ranger has his own expensive equipment and he tests all his products for contaminants. consumer labs also tests.
Not sure who tests Diatomaceous Earth products and may explore that soon.


Carolyn Sheridan - May 18

I use the liquid now, but did buy some EDTA capsules from Swanson, Arizona Natural brand. I ordered "00" Enteric empty capsules, and just dropped the "0" AZ Naturals right in. That brand is 600 mg per capsule. The Super Smart brand I bought in the past was only 250 mg per capsule, and it says nothing on the bottle about them being enteric coated, even though I was told to be sure and get that brand.


E. Wood - Oct 20, 2023


Any kind in particular that you would recommend ?


Carolyn Sheridan - Oct 25, 2023


I use Good Earth brand D. E.; on Amazon for 17.07. The listing says for animals, but the bag says Food Grade. This is a different seller than I bought from the first time. That seller was out. It better be the food grade. Someone on a different posting, back in May, recommended the brand; said it was white, light & fluffy...which it is. I've been on it, 1 Tbsp. 2 x day, since May; but I have been blending it in my smoothie with metal blades, of course, so guess it wasn't working like it should. Mixing it separate now, in a Field of Greens mixing cup. It has a plastic ball in the cup, which helps to mix it smoother than just stirring it, it seems. I do use a thick liquid, not thin, though.


rachel - May 17


Just be careful. I bought some DE on amazon and when I got it, the label stated it was made in china. I recommend earthworks brand, I use it...


Carolyn Sheridan - May 18

I did change to a better brand myself, but not sure it is going to help me much after my husband has to get his front tooth capped. They have to get permission from the Ins. Co., so it isn't until next month, but I don't know how to stay far enough away from him, and for how long, to not get shed on. I take too many different detoxes, for them to all be for nothing.


zeb11 - Oct 20, 2023


food grade - there are good on-line sources in NZ and Australia.


Reply (3) - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Cliff Taylor

Comment removed.


Christina Gerrard - Oct 21, 2023

The Wailing Banshee

Check out this guy.... lookoutfacharlie YouTube channel with 15th ears worth of research videos... just short ones but absolutely spot on. Filled in all the gaps in my own research over the last 4 years. He’s right about everything he talks about and has come up with ways to combat certain aspects of what the military and governments are up to. I’ve posted some links on my page... Please share his info... We need to help each other or nobody will survive what’s coming next! My daughter and 3 grandchildren deserve to live a free and healthy life.... as do everyone else’s. 🌺πŸ₯°β˜ οΈ


Robert D. - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited

Robert’s Substack

Are you in Shasta County too.. I used to live up there where Dane broadcasts from on KQMS.. I don't know about the whole climate change thing.. Its probably more localized weather systems we can affect right now.. or are doing. But in Baja we don't have the chemtrails, due to it being outlawed in Mexico.. luckily.


TheNarrowPathway - Nov 8, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Mexico is doing some awesome globalist defensive moves!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘
They are also under attack due to resisting Monsanto and GMO rejection. They want to grow ORGANICALLY! Imagine that. So what does the USA do - they attack them for that! It is VERY revealing we have a satanic group running the show.
But MORE people are waking up and realizing the matrix we are living in
A MINORITY are making this world a NIGHTMARE for the MASSES.
What will the masses do about it?…


Robert D. - Nov 8, 2023

Robert’s Substack

If they awaken to that true reality.. I hope its not too late, but I don't think it ever is.. my faith keeps me moving forward always.. without it.. we are all doomed.. Keep the faith, with positive actions, because he helps those who help themselves and others!


TheNarrowPathway - Nov 8, 2023

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Yeshua and YHWH are where my faith rests.
So many prophecies are unfolding before our eyes - Book of Revelation , and Old Testament prophesies .
Keep our eyes and hearts on Him and endure.
Be a light in the darkness of evil times and a reflector of His Light and Love pointing to Him always as the One who CAN save.


TheNarrowPathway - Nov 8, 2023

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

My faith is in YeshuaπŸ™Œ and YHWH.
Everything in book of Daniel and Revelation is happening before our eyes.


TheNarrowPathway - Nov 8, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Yes, Dane is well known here in California. Good watchman of the skies.
We are really under attack.


TheNarrowPathway - Nov 7, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Search for Expose News .Uk and look at their article on Deagles report and who deagle worked for (Rockefeller and the USA gov)
It show MAJOR depop by 2025 for USA (65%) approx and for UK major decrease in pop and Australia. NZ is already experiencing MAJOR deaths post vax as manysubstack.comwriters expose like Lioness of Judah.
We have a coop of people in gov worldwide, who have been promised goodies and protection if they cooperate with this depop plan.


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 7, 2023 - Edited


Yes, you're correct about Deagle and more specifically, the U.S. State Dept. INTEL and CIA; captures of the Crown Corporation and Rothschild's Central Bank of England.
Don't believe it's going as they wished; mass death and extinction of organic DNA not fast enough considering the numbers of people awakening from psychologically comatose condition...Not fast enough as there remains tremendous numbers of their 'useless eaters' to take them out as in the French Revolution who are ARMED...THEY DO NOT CONTROL. THAT is the fact terrifying to them....Not the millions and millions murdered by Lenin, Stalin, Mao which THEY DID CONTROL AND FUND.
They're escalating quickly to eradicate and disable as many ENEMIES or 'THE WESTERN MIDDLE CLASS' they defined, 'The Greatest Enemy of all time,' as possible and replacing the populations with murderous, ignorant cultists accustomed to severe poverty from the Muslim and Central American Jungles...Those knowing nothing of Inalienable Rights or Constitutional Republics.
The increase with their geo-engineered Chemtrails and poisoned meats, water and vegetation is nothing short of DESPERATION.


Chris - Oct 18, 2023


I agree.


Reply (2) - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Cliff Taylor

Comment removed.


Christina Gerrard - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

The Wailing Banshee

We don’t have to worry about nuclear threats anymore... it was superseded by ultra, infra Ann millimetre wave tech weapons systems quite some time ago.... we just aren’t being told about it all . The British are meant to have rolled out this shit on warships and for ‘sonic rifle’ equipment at some stage this year, but it’s not been press released as yet. They may have decided to ‘keep it schtum’ and just implement its use without feeling the need to inform the public at large, like so much of their equipment over the last 40 years!
The huge ‘mobile phone ‘ masts that have suddenly sprung up all over the country every few hundred metres since covid lockdown in 2020 are military equipment.... NOT mobile phone masts at all... neither are they for television aerial reception. It’s all frequency equipment used to transmit to the tech now taking over our bodies. We can be tortured, debilitated, fragmented physically and mentally, influenced mentally, and even murdered with this equipment and the frequencies emitted from the towers. Take a look at them...... One main tower is always high up at the top of all towns and cities. It is then connected to an array of shorter towers a few hundred metres away that are ALL very short distances away from each other and triangulated. Every living organism within those triangulated areas is being physically and mentally affected 24/7. Especially at night. Our bodies are hit the hardest during the hours of sleep to prevent us realising what is going on.
Arthritis, Fybromyalgia, Sciatica, Joint issues, Muscle soreness and tightness, Weight gain, Bladder weakness, Circulation issues, Headaches, Eye sight weakness, Rapid onset hair loss, Eyelashes dropping out, Ear infections, hearing loss, Numb spots all over the body....these are only noticed if you run your fingers or nails accross all parts to see how badly you are being affected! Insomnia...constant sleep disturbance every night. Heart palpitations, nerve pain in legs, spine, hips, arms. Lumps appearing throughout lymphatic system all over body. Acne. Severely dry skin, nails and hair. Cracked peeling and ridged finger and toe nails. Tooth decay and brown staining that appears out of nowhere and spreads rapidly around base of teeth near gums and has to be scraped off. Nerve pain in face and teeth. Stroke, Angina, Dementia, Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Sudden change in appetite, loss of sex drive, or too much of a sex drive (this is usually dependant on age and attractiveness)…
This is ALL military controlled through 77th Brigade of British army working together with highest level of intel services and police authorities.... Blanket terror attack on entire population by government and military decree. Organised terrorism and genocide. Worldwide.
I’ve spent 4 years investigating them all and have so much evidence it’s unbelievable! I’m doing a uni degree as a very mature student and will be making a documentary in due course to showcase what I have found. I have evidence for every single aspect of what is involved. It goes back over 70 years to the war and what hitler was involved with experimentally with the 116 scientists that the UK and US took under their wings..... the experiments never stopped. We just weren’t informed about any of it!
All the nano bot tech now taking over our systems works via wifi connecting to all the tera masts everywhere. If you live in the central London area and its peripheries you will see that there are no masts there... this is because of the royal palaces and diplomatic residences... they are the only ones not exposed to this vile treatment.
I’ve noted the positioning of these towers all over the country over the last 18 months or so during my travels to and from certain areas, both here in England, Wales, and northern Ireland.
Military bases are all involved...everywhere. All senior police from rank of sergeant upwards are in full knowledge of ‘the program’. As are all senior councillors and civil servants. Housing assoc management, NHS boards, school and education boards etc.
Most primary schools and colleges have these towers either on their property or adjacent to them..... all children being affected by this tech. It’s criminal.


Dr Kay - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

Isn't it great how the mythology behind "the military" has created a wizard-of-oz smokescreen to lull the population into believing that it's a protective force there to save humanity, when it is actually responsible for deploying and controlling the entire democide infrastructure. The so-called elites could do nothing without endless armies (literal) of willing stooges following their orders....all recent world events of genocide, mass culling and tyranny have been perpetuated by men and women carrying out "orders" and either not questioning them or believing in master race ideology.


Christina Gerrard - Oct 18, 2023

The Wailing Banshee

We now have a system run by degenerate monsters, employing more degenerate monsters who have no moral ethics or compassion. These people are paid immense sums of money to oversee entire populations being controlled, manipulated and often tortured.
We are all subjected to inconceivable degradation, de-humanisations, humiliations, physical and mental manipulation and mutilation…. Most have absolutely no idea it is happening. Doctors are now required to routinely lie to their patients and diagnose fake illnesses to disguise the effects of ‘the program’. Medications relating to those fake diagnosis’s are prescribed to attenuate the physical and mental side effects of the frequency equipment . The frequencies can mimic almost every known ailment. The ‘virus’ that was created by the military decades ago and perfected over time via constant testing and release via chemtrails, in operating theatres, dental injections, vaccines, air con systems in public buildings, transport systems etc. has been used to house the nano tech we are now discovering in our blood streams.
The Germans were experimenting with this stuff on the Jews…. It’s the real reason Germany was invaded…. The US and UK wanted access to the scientists conducting the research! The Jews were used as test subjects….its why they were starved en masse…… the frequency equipment has trouble penetrating through solid tensed muscle tissue. It interferes with the wifi signal as far as I have determined with my own body and 4 years worth of constant attacks since police decided to try to silence me.
I have a wealth of information and data. I was going to begin contacting both yourself and some others now involved in investigating what our blood has in it and also those investigating the entire ‘targeting’ issue…. UK has totally banned anyone getting legal help despite massive amounts of hard evidence for corruption and lies. I have so much! Documented, recorded, video footage, voice recordings,photographs, official documents etc…. I can prove everything the governments and military are doing and have been doing for decades.πŸ€—


Kathy M. - Oct 18, 2023

Kathy M.

Note to Christina Gerrard: It breaks my arm to recommend this booklet, but in case you haven't found it yet . . . Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. Online or on Amazon.


Paul Black - Oct 18, 2023

Paul Black you read Frances Leader stack. She is on it ref EMFs and the cabal


Christina Gerrard - Oct 18, 2023

The Wailing Banshee

I have a lecture to attend this afternoon but will read this tonight... thank you.🌺


BlazeCloude3 - Oct 19, 2023 - Edited


Considering the fact of this group being that actually developing TOTALITARIANISM of the 20th Century, supporting and funding it as well as both sides of all their Wars For Profit, we should NOT be surprised. It's the same group starving the slaves they euphemistically called 'serfs/peasants', exposing them to the elements through isolation if there was complaint, keeping them ignorant and poverty-stricken, raped, tortured and murdered through disease if not outright. THIS WAS THE PLIGHT EXISTING UNTIL THE U.S. REVOLUTION AND CONSTITUTION.
When they couldn't occupy the U.S. during the Civil War when the Russian Navy refused to allow the united British/French Navies from entering U.S. Ports...They KNEW they couldn't Militarily take the U.S.; thus the Eugenicist Peerage at Oxford/Cambridge began their Master Plan of intrigue involving INFILTRATION TO SATURATION to being-down the U.S.
The abridged Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer or the original by Carroll Quigley was magnificent with outlining this whole scheme...And, if not for Trump's victory in 2016; we would NOT have been warned with them exposing themselves with their fury, rage and murderous intentions.


BlazeCloude3 - Oct 19, 2023 - Edited


Hope you have built a 'Scalar Generator'...We made several for every bedroom to deactivate the Ai Technology in everybody's bodies for at least a third of the day and we have them in the Classrooms and Barn for the animals. We implemented this following the EDTA Chelation Therapy to purify the blood after finding a Physician owning Labs and having technology to perform the testing Dr. Ana was describing with the 'Darkfield Method'.
So far...The Ai Tech is not coming back with using the Supplemental Protocol, EDTA Enteric Oral and Transdermal in concert with the 'Scalar Generators' even though we're certain it's in the soil and water which we also purify with system taking metals out of the water. Since the barns all have the tech in all pens and stalls...The animals are deactivated at night as well.
Your research is right on target...All the way around. My son was an engineer working in many areas of influence for the Military. We KNOW you're correct.


Carolyn Sheridan - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited


I never heard of them before. They have some listed on Amazon, but they say something about putting them on speakers...none of it makes any sense to me, and the people in the reviews say they don't have 'instructions' with them. Any possibility of getting more information, to go with the idea of what it does? I understood what you wrote, but not what a 'Scalar Generator' is or how to use one after you got it.
...found the new post below.


BlazeCloude3 - Oct 25, 2023


This a reasonably good explanation of what we're discussing. It was discovered by Nicola Tesla and is becoming more popular with the benefits of healing offered. If you go to the link provided to the Avatar 'Theara' below this 'Comment Section'; and watch the video about how to build a simple 'Scalar Generator'; you will understand the technology behind this. I'm going to include other links for you to peruse and they're VERY DETAILED requiring at least 3 to 5 hours to read only once. In the links, you will learn the reason 5G is so POISONOUS to biological beings and the only literal protection from it that there is.
As with all 'simplicity' as tremendous number of words and information is necessary to explain it...It's that basic and genius. Good Luck!!!


Morpheus - Oct 29, 2023


How do you build a scalar generator?


BlazeCloude3 - Oct 29, 2023


There are directions in YouTube for simple ones made with a MP3 Player, glass jar, jar lid, insulated wire, connectors and a drill...It's not very difficult. I'm not very mechanical; but can follow directions and managed to get several going. Whole house was protected. Required a couple of weeks to determine the Frequencies used as they differ for different times of the day...A fact learned in this process.
They also are known by the Name of 'Tesla Generator'...And, other names as well.
Here is a Common Machine for Protection...Coming in different models. We're currently experimenting with several machines from different companies. They are not difficult to find.


Theara - Oct 24, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

how or where do you find a scalar generator.?please
i leave in France


BlazeCloude3 - Oct 24, 2023 - Edited


If you wish to experiment with the technology before putting-out all the money on one without knowing it's impact on the environment; here's a Homemade variety we used before the expenditure with professional generators. It was very informative towards learning about the technology, the Quantum Physics behind them and how to use them before using more complex systems covering more area. This one covered dimensions roughly 12x8x12...Square in all actuality. It covered the bedroom area.
There are many fairly decent machines on the market. We purchased several of he more inexpensive models to determine the best for our money found Online.


Theara - Oct 24, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

wow, too bad im really not at the level of technic to try to do that ! i would try to find a guy to build it and try. But what do you do with it once its finished? u have to plug it somewhere?


Theara - Oct 24, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

Blushield USA is a good one ? a friend in Canada told me it worked so wel for him and his children and hiis wife, yet he was very sick for 30 years from cell towers and ELF etc.. and he also knew evth about the crimimal vaxxs technologies


Carolyn Sheridan - Oct 25, 2023

Amazon has some listed, but I didn't really understand what I was looking at....but check there. Most were complete, I think; one said it was a kit.


Kathy M. - Oct 18, 2023

Kathy M.

What a dear you are to spell this out for us. You picked a good place to post it! It is very helpful to have present time data and not just the memory of the fact that “we are under attack.”


Christina Gerrard - Oct 18, 2023

The Wailing Banshee

Get close up to one of these tetra towers... notice how your body reacts to its frequencies the closer you get. If you have pets are they constantly affected with ear infections, fur shedding, dry nails that chip easily, growths on their nipples that turn black after a certain period, black spots on skin.... so much to list..... not enough time or space I’m afraid!


TheNarrowPathway - Nov 8, 2023

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

We were TOLD who the prince of this world is…
He’s managed to convince the masses he doesn’t exist - just a conspiracy theory…
Let’s pray the blind come to see his lies and deception before it’s spiritually too late.


Alexandra - Oct 18, 2023

Alexandra’s Substack

Thank you thank you for your wisdom, persistence, focused energy, and caring for all of us. God bless you. xo


Bruce Hartnett - Oct 18, 2023

Bruce Hartnett

Replying to you here, Just so others will see my post approx 23 Hrs later, concerning using the old "Wive's Tale" of Ground Cloves Powder, to Numb and take away Tooth Pain!
It really does work. Don't know if it would take away the need for Novocaine during a painful procedure?


E. Wood - Oct 20, 2023

I have thought about this as well. I may get my cavity drilled with no anesthesia at all.


Daniel927 - May 6

Good luck with that, buddy.


Robert Westover - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Sick people who launched plandemic are making sure air,food,and medicine are loaded so nobody can isolate legal cases. It’s how they roll. Years ahead in scheming. Now you know why Trump disrupted plans. Some farmer guy too. LoL


Lee - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Are you kidding? Trump is for all this! Don’t let him hugging a flag think he not.


WrittenintheStars - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

So right. They are ZIONISTS! Trumps grandkids are Jews ! His two daughters married to the Apartheid state of Israel !!! Damn these Rothchild infiltrators !!! Damn them all!


Seeking Truth - Oct 18, 2023

Seeking Truth

Not all Jews are Zionists. Stop spreading hate.


WrittenintheStars - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Did I say “ all”
Jews??? I believe I referenced Rothchild. And the JEWS who own our country, our media, our institutions, our medicine , our freakin congress are ZIONISTS. I’m calling THOSE out. So maybe you ought to read carefully before you defend these PARASITES I call out. In a matter of fact Jesus himself called them “ vipers” as does Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9. So, get a life.


Seeking Truth - Oct 18, 2023

Seeking Truth

well then call out Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Obama, Biden, The Clinton’s, Pelosi, all WEF members, the committee of Rome, The Black Nobility Family, and so on


Seeking Truth - Oct 18, 2023

Seeking Truth

Jesuits of Rome


Just an Old Man - Oct 18, 2023

Just an Old Man

We've done our best but the ilk of the many John Hagee minions have done their damage to society.
Only the current judgment of the Almighty as it ramps up daily will bring them to their knees to repent.
For the 501c3 churches and the Ezekiel 34 hirelings they have will soon be weeping.....
Pray that God Almighty will turn them (Ps80) to repent.


WrittenintheStars - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Yes. So true. The Christian churches are the worst . I pray every day . Keep praying … and bless you, brother . Stay strong and faithful. Our Elohim will deliver us ✌🏼


Christian - Oct 18, 2023

Ar’s Substack

I do not trust the Bible either...


WrittenintheStars - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

I do think you may have a point as it’s not the Bible you don’t trust, but the translation and those who translated it. Why are 72 books left out. Who gave them the authority to leave them out? Have you ever read the Founding Father’s Book …the Geneva Bible? It is very different than any other version … including King James … who actually created genocide on people . Study him and then think about the version of that Bible. The founding fathers Bible says GOD wants a relationship with us. He is not a violent GOD but a all loving Father. Just sayin


Just an Old Man - Oct 18, 2023

Just an Old Man

Read the scriptures!!!
Jesus calls them VIPERS and the Sin-oh-gog of Satan.
The semitic lost tribe are scattered over the earth and only Yahusha will bring us back together.
The Born Again believer IS Israel, study to show yourself approved, this is the deception of Matt. 24 spoke of by Jesus! WE are the 3rd temple, not the one being foisted upon an ignorant world.
If truth is hate then you really don't know anything about Jesus and hate Him as well, whether you realize it or not.


Seeking Truth - Oct 18, 2023

Seeking Truth

stop your babble.,.This is ridiculous. There are evil people & there are good people. Not all Jews are bad just as not all Christians are all bad. Yes there are bad Jews, satanists, but there are satanists found in all religions.
You cannot put the evil doings of a select few on an entire group of people. Bill Gates is evil as is Klaus Schwab . And this goes back. to Roman times. Look up the Black Nobility family.


Just an Old Man - Oct 18, 2023

Just an Old Man

"stop your babble.,this is ridiculous. There are evil people & there are good people."
That alone reveal your total IGNORANCE and PRIDE......
Jesus said "There is none good but one, speaking of His Father.
IF one is not Born Again then they are all wicked.
You lack serious grasp and understanding of scripture. They are spiritually discerned and are hidden to those that are perishing.
Paul wrote it, you can find it.
Even the Jewish web sites openly tell you they are ashkenazi, khazarian NOT semites. So how ignorant can one willfully be????
Know who are semites??? The Arabs and Palestinians. Satan has cleverly played many for fools with a 180 because he owns and runs all in this world.
Jer. 33:3 one has to want to live in truth to grasp what is unfolding.
So carry on. But my hands are now clean I have obeyed and warned and educated. what the reader does it not my concern, it's above my pay grade.
Daddy will deal with all of us one on one....


WrittenintheStars - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Amen. We are all the chosen ! Those who are the real Jews are the one’s of the spirit . And as you said, we are scattered every where !! Bingo!!
“What is a true Jew?” A true Jew is not a physical child of Abraham, but a Spiritual child of God. It is not the physical circumcision made by man that counts, it is the heart circumcision made by the Spirit that matters.
Paul returns to a variation of this theme in Romans 4:11-12. Again the question is, “Who is a true son of Abraham?” Again Paul answers that physical circumcision is meaningless, but that whoever has the faith that Abraham had can claim Abraham as “father.” This is also the argument of the entire chapter of Galatians 3. The precise statements include:
Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. (3:7-9)


SoCalGal - Oct 18, 2023

Just an Old Man

Oh stop


Just an Old Man - Oct 18, 2023

Just an Old Man

seriously have you done 35 years of research or only read lines and drink the latest kool-aid????
I speak from experience on many levels with those that call themselves the chosen ones. They will lie straight to your face in church and laugh at your ignorance....I weep at your ignorance for I've been shown the presence of God Almighty and do not wish anyone to experience it!
Your hubris will not stand the eyes of the King of Kings.......
I say this from first hand experience...when I angered Him it was all I could do to get the word out.....MERCY!
I pray your arrogance will not be a stumbling block.


Christian - Oct 18, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Le judaïsme est pire que le sionisme ! zionism is only a branch.


E. Wood - Oct 20, 2023

No he isn’t at all. There’s ample research and detail in showing he isn’t. Everything is not always how it appears.


Lee - Oct 20, 2023

Trump is an actor! He plays his part in the new world order.


I Want Change - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

I'm in Canada and I have had a few dental procedures and my children as well.. what can I do to help myself and my children I'm worried.


Christian - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

A lot of dental work too...
Try to detox EDTA (suppos) + Vit C + NAC... I started to get better and went to the ER, bingo ! Worn out again... Hospîtals are totally polluted...


SherryD4871 - Oct 18, 2023


I’m scheduled to get two teeth pulled and replaced with implants next month. And now after reading this, I’m totally freaking out. 😳 It’s not exactly a procedure that can be done without a local anesthetic. And even if I opted to have it done without any anesthesia (which I can’t imagine doing!), I don’t think any dentist would agree to that, anyway.
I’m not sure what to do! 🀷🏼‍♀️


Mrs.Major Joe - Oct 20, 2023


May I suggest (not only to you but for all of us) to bring Dr. Ana’s article to your dentist? Explain your concerns and suggest he have his anesthesia tested.
In the meantime, alkalized silver is pretty miraculous stuff. Unlike colloidal silver, the body excretes it fast. No build-up.
It comes in liquid and gel and can be taken internally.
If you swish it around your mouth for 6 minutes, all bacteria will be wiped out which will keep you from getting a toothache. It will also restore your gums and clean your tongue, of course.
Recently, the hygienist seemed surprised my gums were in such good shape. I’m in my late 60’s and they expect more receding every time you go. And all I did was the 6-minute routine for a couple of days prior to the appointment.
I get the silver from Ameo Life and buy it by the gallon. It’s really great stuff but not cheap (what is?) so I buy it on Black Fridays when it’s half off. Regular price last Nov was $350/gallon. So I paid $175. I use it a lot and still have some.
You can get a 16-Oz bottle, of course for much less (maybe $40) then wait for Black Friday if you want more. The gallon is more economical.
My friend was undergoing chemo & radiation on his throat and the silver lozenges were his only relief.
Its uses are endless. Nausea, any kind of bug you’re coming down with. I just drink 2-3 tsp a few times a day and take herbs depending on symptoms. For food poisoning, 2 tsp every 2 hours until you feel better.
The gel is great for cuts instead of neosporin. You can put it in your mouth, too (or any opening if something itches or burns). It takes care of viral, bacterial & fungal infections anywhere and everywhere.
(No, I do not work for the company. Lol.)
If we ever have to bug out, the silver comes with us!


Carolyn Sheridan - Oct 25, 2023

I was going to try the silver, but the directions say it has to be taken 2-3 hrs apart from any other supplements. I already have as many detox supplements with the empty stomach and no other supplements, as I can handle right now. There are just so many hours in a day. But I am keeping the info, thanks.


Carolyn Sheridan - Oct 25, 2023

I took the first article Dr. Ana put out about the Dental Anesthetic to MY Dentist, when I had my cleaning a month or so back. He didn't know about it, and grabbed it and started reading it right then and there. I was already finished with my cleaning, and I wouldn't let her take the annual X-rays, so i was on my way out. Don't know what he did about what he read, but he was sure interested and thanked me for bringing it to him. I meant to take a copy to him today when I was out, including most of the comment section, and I forgot it. I will do it very soon.
I've been feeding all of this stuff to the Doctors who live close, especially the ones from India. I'm sure they don't need to be doing searches on their computers.
Had a discussion with the Urologist neighbor, who isn't from India, and the only one with a fancy place down on the water. He's all sold on MRNA. He asked me if I really believed it about the Nano Particles; I told him yes, because I had seen it in the Patents, even. He has some fancy County Title; he's a good neighbor, but he's WRONG.


SherryD4871 - Oct 20, 2023


Thank you for your reply. Yes, I thought about taking this to my dentist and showing them. However, I have a feeling I’ll be met with the same “we see your tin foil hat” type of rhetoric that I get on a regular basis. I’m not really sure what to do. As crazy as this sounds, I’ve considered trying to get the two teeth that need to be extracted, out myself. But I don’t want to end up with an infection. You know we’re living in really bizarre and f’ed up times when one has to consider performing their own dental procedures in an effort to remain healthy and maintain bodily autonomy.
I’ll have to look into the alkalized silver. I know people that use colloidal silver, and they swear by it, so I’m assuming alkalized is just as good, if not better. Another Substack content creator has also recommended swishing with coconut oil, which I thought was kinda odd, but worth a try, I guess.


Mrs.Major Joe - Oct 20, 2023

Yes, chances are you will get the tin-foil-hat treatment.
Ugh! As if things weren’t difficult enough...
Someone here mentioned finding a holistic dentist.
It’s a thought.
I’m not entirely sure an extraction needs the needle.
Maybe call the office and ask.
There may be nothing that worry about.🀷🏻‍♀️
I wish you peace, sister.


Diana Rodriguez - Oct 18, 2023

I am so sorry that you are in this predicament πŸ˜”.
I hope it can wait for a while until hopefully there's a solution πŸ™
Unbelievable what the evil one's are putting us through!
Pray about it, get The Lord's guidance.


Marty - Oct 18, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Start with antioxidants. Can you buy hemp flowers in your area ? CBD is good against this tech and non-psychoactive, it's an even more powerful antioxidant than vit C.


I Want Change - Oct 18, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

I'm not sure where to buy
Hemp flowers.. can I use cbd oil instead with edta and nac? What to use to help children that went to the dentist. Thanks!


Marty - Oct 18, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Yes, CBD oil is good as well, and it's safe to give to children in the recommended dosage (do a search on the many health conditions that have been cured in children with CBD oil). I mention hemp flowers because in raw hemp flowers, there's a lot of CBDa (CBD acid, the uncarboxylated version of CBD) which has interesting medicinal properties as well.
It's best to take NAC early in the day, let the body produce glutathione, and take CBD oil later in the day. By taking NAC and CBD (and also Vit C), you are giving the best antioxidants to the body. I don't know anything about EDTA therefore i can't comment on that. If you're able to do a live blood analysis you'll have a better idea, maybe there's nothing to worry about. Did you suffer from any serious symptoms after the dental procedure ?


Brent Rice - Oct 18, 2023

Brent Rice

They're still active, can travel to the eyes, brain and spinal cord, and destroy those cells.
For those that do not know, doctors never look at your blood. They've been taught that blood analysis is a waste of time since the early 80s. Laboratories process & analyse blood with machines. No one is looking at blood. So of course Pharma could pull stuff like this off.


Just an Old Man - Oct 18, 2023

Just an Old Man

Much truth!!!!
My annual check up for BP meds will have the lipids tested and done within an hour, all machine work and digital read outs.
No human looks at blood, too busy with tik tok dances...../S...well no sarcasm.....
stinking truth.....the medical industry has gone industrial alrighty industry of profit$ and death$.


Peter - Oct 18, 2023

Seeking Truth

Ana: I would like to see an experiment performed where Colloidal Silver is introduced into the blood specimen in proximity with the "Nanobots" to see what effect there is.


Seeking Truth - Oct 18, 2023

Seeking Truth

chlorine dioxide too, and chlorella, & charcoal


Kat - Oct 18, 2023

John H.

I ended up sick after my last two times at the dentist. I was thinking that I was shed on. I had deep cleaning so they did numb me. Ugh, this whole thing is a nightmare. Every freakin thing is poisoning us. Crazy psychopath cabal needs to be hung.
I’m now on nano silver and borax regimen plus my vitamins and a few other things like LifeWave and the wavwatch. 🀷‍♀️


Shelly - Feb 25, 2024

I would get off LIFEWAVE, immediately


Mrs.Major Joe - Oct 20, 2023

I just got the WavWatch! Still trying to figure out which frequencies I need most. (Feels like I could use them all! Lol)
I’m also into silver. Great stuff.
But I never heard of Life Wave. What’s that?


Kat - Oct 29, 2023


John H. - Oct 18, 2023

John H.

Where do you get your nano silver and borax? How can you determine if it actually works?


Kat - Oct 29, 2023

Borax is in any store


Kat - Oct 19, 2023


Daniel Peck - Oct 18, 2023

PuzzlPEACE Substack

Thank-you! Thank-you! Dr Ana
Well, upcoming dental appt. -CANCELLED!!
Getting some help from Naturalists such as Marjorie Wildcraft (tgn). I'm going to have to dig in deep and come up with alternatives, meanwhile I'll keep chewing on Silicon rich horsetail plants! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ❀️❀️❀️


Paul - Oct 18, 2023

These evil malfeasances must and will be stopped— this is all out warfare upon humanity… Any and all means necessary to eradicate this evil…


scout - Oct 18, 2023

Serious problem. Ana, have to source manufacturers of dental anesthetics and alert dentists. Has to be pharma links to the numbing serums. Devious.


SoCalGal - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Just an Old Man

I had dental work done this past January. It was a small filling that needed to be replaced. I had a numbing shot, didn’t feel sick then, but the numbing sensation lasted for 6 hours, which is very unusual. I told the dentist about it and she said she hadn’t changed anything or used more than usual. Next time I think I’ll do without if I need another filling procedure.


Just an Old Man - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Just an Old Man

also had two cavity repairs today. three shots and numb for over 7 hours!
I entered into spiritual warfare before going into the clinic.
Blood of Jesus fight for me and cleanse all drugs used on me.
We are now into the time where we all best learn how to build our faith and trust in the Word of God Almighty, there is nothing else.
We do our part as well as we can and trust Jesus to fight for us when we call upon Him.
In Agape I pray ALL seek Him like your life depends on it, because it does!


Dee Win - Dec 4, 2023

Agree! And I pray over all my food/meals as well as drinks and water πŸ™


SomeDude - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


SomeDude - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited


oh, you can do no anesthesia, but it don't feel so great.
if you have a good toothsmith, they can use nitrous oxide instead of injections, and that'll take care of the pain just fine.
don't look at me as a reference for getting shots though, I find the luxury bone maintenance tech prices to be prohibitive as well as extremely offensive, just like the exponentially increasing cost of the rest of the medical-industrial complex. considering I've removed my own bad teeth since the first one broke in 2009, I'd say I'm qualified to claim you don't need anesthetic for dental work... but it isn't a pleasant process.


Frank - Oct 18, 2023

research online magnets can be used to test/seperate out the nano-bots from the anesthetic vial then decant, graphene oxide [just one of meta-nano material incl.] a known WELL published poison published in the peer-reviewd papers do these dentists not read anymore?
Walked past my local dentists regular during the plandemic all were wearing face diapers self inducing bacterial pneumonia etc whats wrong w/ these peoples critical thinking skills reqd and obligated by ANY health pro??


Mrs.Major Joe - Oct 20, 2023

That’s brilliant! Magnets! πŸ‘


SoCalGal - Oct 18, 2023

Everyone in my dentist’s office wears a mask and insist I use hand sanitizer, which I regularly refuse.


Frank - Oct 19, 2023

kudos to you divine inalienable rights are from Creator and not written upon a piece of paper by any man, they are self-evident the LAW of nature.
All men / womb-men born w. equal rights.
Weaponized masks and sanitizers are unlawful, verifiable toxic poison.


Seeking Truth - Oct 18, 2023

Seeking Truth

is a numbing shot the same as a dental analgesic?


Mrs.Major Joe - Oct 20, 2023

Yes, it’s the same thing.


Marty - Oct 18, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Try CBD.


Susan J Carkin - Oct 18, 2023

Susan J Carkin

Please share with Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri.


Will - Oct 18, 2023

Will: Micronaut

I'd like to help you examine your other medications. My name is Will, I live in WA and I've been attending David Nixons weekly meetings since they began. If that would be helpful, please let me know.


Chris M - Oct 18, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

So what don’t go to the dentist ? What anesthetics are safe ? More information please


Pamela Raditsch - Oct 18, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

As Dr. Ana has said, she is only one of a few doctors doing research and trying to figure this stuff out. She's reporting her findings here. There aren't any answers yet.
There is no room for impatience with her or with any one of these brave researchers , IMHO


Margie Chism - Oct 18, 2023

Margie Chism

We need to pray β–  pray continuously. M


John H. - Oct 18, 2023

John H.

Agreed. We pray, fast, act with charity and mercy to all who are in need and above all, speak only the truth. We resist the Devil and all his minions. Christ in His eschatological discourse taught that 'he who perseveres/endures to the end will be saved’, Matthew 24:13, Mark 13:13. He was not commanding us to be placid or to submit to evil, He was insisting that we do His Will until relieved of duty. So many scriptures speak to the necessity of resisting the evil of the final "Beast System" which we are being attacked by, day and night. See Revelation 13:16-17 for a description of what is being put in place.
‘For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved (some renderings say no flesh would be saved), but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened’, (Matthew 24:21-22, Mark 13:19-20).


Margie Chism - Oct 18, 2023

Margie Chism

John - Beautiful. Thank you! β–  This morning, as I enjoyed coffee looking out my windows at the fresh cool autumn on my terrain, I felt a touch of guilt for the moment as an unmerited moment of rest and pleasure. Reflecting on the actions and words of my neighbors for decades, measuring the effort it took them to congregate and plot their distruction toward me. Summing that this was my coffee for the morning, no excess; whereas my seat/dwelling is located by the Lord God's instruction/assignment. He speaks to me, within in me, moving my affection that he is with me says, "They did not love me, if they did, they would have loved you." M


WrittenintheStars - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

But more than pray… G-d wants us to SHOUT IT !!! FIGHT BACK. Make flyers of this and pass out at random!!


Margie Chism - Oct 18, 2023

Margie Chism

Have you β–  notifed your Dentist with Dr. Ana's video's and have sent these findings through email? I have. I also receiced a certified letter to my home notifying me they could no longer service me in Dental care. Have you called your Insurance, Insurance for the State? Detailed this information? I have. There are other actions I plan and need to do, but Prayer constantly is necessary whether there is a problem or not, prayer constantly was need before this problem, during this problem, and needed after this problem. M


Margie Chism - Oct 18, 2023

Margie Chism

Like what Mary, Jesus's mother said, "Do as he says." β–  Some may have different callings in this war, not all are cooks, nor privates, supply, or officers, but whatever you are do your best; like the parable of the talents, one was given five, another two, and one was given one. The one given five doubled his masters assets, the one given two as well, but the one given one did nothing and buried it. When the master/gentleman returned and found the one that doubled the five and the same for the one with the two, yet the one that did nothing was harshly discipline.
β–  For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
15And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
16Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
17And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
18But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
19After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
20¶And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
21His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
22He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
23His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
24¶Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
25And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
26¶His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
27Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
28Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
29¶For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
30And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 25:14-30, KJV, blueletterbible


Just an Old Man - Oct 18, 2023

Just an Old Man

Since we all have different gifts: I'm reaching out to a prayer warrior.
Join me on Fridays for a 24 hour fast and intercessory prayer.
If you don't know where to start, Derek Prince, Win Worely videos help. Also John Eckhardt and Gene Moody and Pastor Prayer Madueke.
From end of supper Thursday until supper time Friday. Take meds and lots of water.
Allow Holy Spirit to lead how how to come to the throne and plead our case.
The book of Psalm is a book of war, Imprecatory prayer. The King David tells us the wicked have always been here. Psalm 58, read it everyone and marvel at the hidden truth in plain sight!
Psalm 28:4 Is the same as Galatians where Paul speaks of whatsoever a man sows he will reap.
THIS IS how we bless our enemies!!!
In Agape to all...


John H. - Oct 18, 2023

John H.



Christina Gerrard - Oct 21, 2023

The Wailing Banshee

None at the moment... everything is tainted.


BECKY PERDUE - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Katie’s Substack

Outrageous, that dental anesthetics and probable injectables (ie used in endoscopy, colonoscopy , insulin Rx’s etc) are adulterated with unknown substances that can cause more complicated medical conditions for the citizens of this planet. Any known manufacturers? This needs to be more widely known to us all. Pls continue your important work for analyzing samples of blood, Rx’s


WrittenintheStars - Oct 18, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Make flyers and pass out the link! We must get this out😑


Sandy K - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited

Sandy K

Comment removed.


Sandy K - Oct 18, 2023

Sandy K

That was Dr Ealy.


The BarefootHealer - Oct 18, 2023


Tell your dentist that you don't want anesthetic. Most of the light procedures, anesthetic is not necessary, fillings etc.
Not because I'm some tough guy, but you can always say you don't want it, try it and if the pain gets too bad, then ask to have it. You'll be surprised at the lack of pain for most light procedures.πŸ€”πŸ˜‰


Moonspinner - Oct 18, 2023


I declined anesthetic for my recent not-very-deep fillings, as I absolutely hate the needle in my gum inserting the stuff. My dentist was floored, as very few people decline, and he himself couldn't stand going without it, but I said I wanted to try it. It wasn't that bad. You just need to "take your mind elsewhere".


E. Wood - Oct 20, 2023

I wonder if lidocaine has been influenced. I went for a filling yesterday and told my dentist I was allergic to septocaine and carbocaine and didn’t she have a topical on a swab she could use? She seemed mindblown. So, we cancelled the appointment and I left. I ordered a natural toothpaste with nano silver and was looking into pro dentim and came across medfive. I will treat it naturally until the cavity can heal somewhat and then I guess get it drilled without anesthesia. What jerks they are to do this to us!


Carolyn Sheridan - May 24

They found it in lidocaine too. It's in one of the Substacks; probably David Nixon or one of his compadres. It MIGHT have been a Dr. Mihalcea Substack, not sure.


Carolyn Sheridan - May 24

My Mother did that, but I can still feel the pain some, even WITH the shot. Glad the dentist says I am taking good care of my caps. I brush with we did when I was growing up.



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