Given that these entities respond to Wi-Fi, etc., they respond to frequencies. in that particular frequencies or waveforms will interact with the entities.
Given that each body organ has a frequency of its own and that each material vibrates at its own frequency would it be possible to direct a frequency at a particular entity (sphere, filament, etc.) that affects only that entity (if each entity is individually addressable via some encoded ID)? If so, then it should be possible to direct the frequencies of potent substances at the entity without affecting the body. These might include strong acids that would otherwise destroy human tissue.
Just spitballing in my amateur armchair.
Hello TreeTomato: You and other readers may consider that folded DNA structures within biological cells function as fractile antenna. That is: These exquisitely complex electro-chemical mechanisms oscillate and/or vibrate to a wide range of electromagnetic stimulant. This stimulation is a primary function of cellular communications. Listen carefully to Mr Blanks discussion here: >>> Martin Blank - EMF & DNA >>> Published on Sep 5, 2012 >>>
Key into comments starting at approximately 7:45 into the presentation. This "fractal" antenna process is apparent in all living biological cell functions.
Ana, a Ted Talk from 2013 on the nanotech, describing the various structures you and others are finding, and their purposes. Very helpful for identification
EDTA, Bromelain, ALA, citrate and Vitamin C, in as high of doses as you can stand.
Thats the best mix I have found, they all cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain even gets into the reproductive system, which is important now.
Yeah, that will work. ALA is alpha-linolenic acid.
You can buy it standalone or organic hempseedoil pills are a great natural source that is cheap in bulk.
The purpose with these organisms is control, experimenting, possibly sickness and death! We must not think the "they" care one bit for us, as they see for example wars as a method. These people are totally unscrupulous, inhuman and potentially another race? They have managed to gather lots of money, but are they, the inner ones, very intelligent? Not so much, having had to await the coming of AI to deal their final blows on us....question remains then what??
I agree, they’re just having some fun with us all. I fun little experiment to see if they can read our minds, remote control us all using Bluetooth / 5G whatever. As you say, if a few hundred million get harmed or killed when it goes wrong, so be it. They don’t think we deserve to live anyway.
The problem for them is, they’ve been rumbled now, and more and more people are growing sick of the abuse they keep subjecting us to. Have you wondered why all these people are spending their fortunes on building and equipping survival bunkers?
They know how this ends, and it’s not going to be on their terms this time around.
" The untimely breakdown of red cells (hemolysis) is along these lines a delicate pointer of damage inspired by graphene.""
Thank You for You're research Angel.
This is a small quote from my behalf from a publication I post below with quote and source .
"Graphene is a substance produced from unadulterated carbon, with atoms composed and arranged in an exceptionally standard hexangular example relatively like graphite. The particular portrayal gives potential employments of the material, and an expansive change of therapeutic forte applications are at present anticipated together with their potential part in medicinal claim to fame conveyance, which has pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, and hereditary material making it a sharp side inside the field of physician-endorsed medications and restorative applications. Two-dimensional graphene offers interesting electronic, warm, and mechanical properties that are by and by being investigated for cutting-edge material science, layers, and composites. The key test in creating human services arrangement of the graphene– organic interface is whether reactions to totally unique graphene-based generally nanoparticles normally appear to be opposing. As of late, graphene has been found to create extraordinary commitment in little biomolecules distinguishing proof, macromolecule and deoxyribonucleic corrosive conveyance, picture warm treatment, tumor treatment medicinal guide, and tissue designing. In any case, in some logical work as of now, supposed fundamental reactions are inspired by graphene. Graphene can cooperate intensely with cell films, and it may instigate layer harm through the arrangement of responsive concoction component species responsive to oxygen species. Red platelets need fundamental repair capacity and have lessened the ability to answer to high-impact pressure. The untimely breakdown of red cells (hemolysis) is along these lines a delicate pointer of damage inspired by graphene."
Source :
The "nanotech" mimics what the body does with protein folding and docking, and the transformation that occurs with enzymes, etc, via epigenetic signaling. Adaptive tech- DARPA's lil pet project. π
I've been asking for more temperature experimentation and Clifford C was the only one that seemed to recognise the significance. The "signal" required to "disable" will, at this point, be different for each person, unless we can get some better-designed experiments. At this point we are simply clocking numerical evidence, not solution data.
"Tree Tomato" mentioned frequencyπππ― - has anyone attempted any rigorous experiments with frequency range testing on the slides as yet? I would suggest getting a Cymatics expert in like John Stuart Reed and EMF scientist Dr Olle Johannsen at the Karolinska Institute.
But keep in mind, how these things respond/behave in the slides is not how they will behave in the human body.
I’m posting this here too as it may possibly be relevant?
Has anyone else read about the Belarus scientist George Lakhovsky’s 20th century research on using electromagnetic fields to build the electrical differentials of cells to revitalize them? And to successfully treat cancer. In one of his slide photographs I noted a reversal of the Rouleaux formation in red blood cells.
I view Lakhovsky’s work as going on the offense (strengthening the body cell by cell) while Royal Rife’s work cured cancer using light energy at specific frequencies to morph particles back to less damaging forms as defense.
Lakhovsky was killed in a strange auto accident in NYC while Rife was destroyed by a lawsuit backed by the AMA - dying penniless.
Collectively, I view these men as Teslas of medicine. Now, virtually unknown to most.
Hi Peter. If I were a (any) grade Chem student, and realised what is going on within these linked science lab's, I would do my utmost to warn other students (a) not to let their ego run away with their common sense, and (b) to think very carefully about what discoveries they may share.
Has anyone else read about the Belarus scientist George Lakhovsky’s 20th century research on using electromagnetic fields to build the electrical differentials of cells to revitalize them? And to successfully treat cancer. In one of his slide photographs I noted a reversal of the Rouleaux formation in red blood cells.
I view Lakhovsky’s work as going on the offense (strengthening the body cell by cell) while Royal Rife’s work cured cancer using light energy at specific frequencies to morph particles back to less damaging forms as defense.
Lakhovsky was killed in a strange auto accident in NYC while Rife was destroyed by a lawsuit backed by the AMA - dying penniless.
Collectively, I view these men as Teslas of medicine. Now, virtually unknown to most.
Hi Gary. We call this Qigong or "Chee gong"! It has been around for centuries, is part of the Taoist Arts that goes hand-in-hand with T'ai Chi Ch'uan and natural health practices. The Ch'i or Bio-energy is regulated and enhanced through well developed breathing exercises and dietary control, then it creates a stronger energy. And, as you know, energy is stored in the Mitochondria for later use, but can also be stores "en masse" in areas such as the Dantien/Tanden/Hara, if a Yogi. This is part of the problem, people studying nuts-and-bolts science, possibly to achieve fame and fortune, when they miss the whole picture.
Hi Mr. Symonds,
I appreciate your sage comments. I think the paths you mention are superior but don’t know if they are perceived as being any more accessible to the average Westerner? From my admittedly limited perspective they are all obscured by most peoples’ lack of understanding of who, and what we are.
My intention in posting this was to provide ideas, and maybe hope, to those with cancer or their families who might be open to alternative treatments but I was not thinking such treatments would supplant the greater paths. Hopefully, they are not mutually exclusive?
Hi Gary. Nice to hear back from you, and I hope all is as well as can be for you and yours. You are very correct when you say "they are all obscured by most peoples’ lack of understanding of who, and what we are." Most people are so busy doing work and other things, that they simply do not spend time studying 'Life', or indeed, what the human animal is. It can be a long-term study. However, the Life Skills that the Taoist Sages have passed down over the centuries are available very widely; almost every town or village these days has someone teaching Qigong or T'ai Chi Ch'uan; which should be done alongside Qigong. Albeit, some are better or more circumspect than others, so teach to varying degrees of efficacy. But, a little is better than none.
Some forms of Yoga breech the breathing and energy circulation methods too. The problem is, SCIENCE, of the modern kind. Scientists reinvent the proverbial wheel and Marketeers make people think that this is the only way to go. They make it sound like people will be moving forwards, not backwards. If we want to understand ourselves, and have something that actually works though, then we should look to the past. Proverbially "unborn" methods are untested, whereas Traditional health and exercise methods have been tried, tested and improved. What I teach has been around for over 2,500 years, and has roots way back to the earliest forms of health and medicinal practices that actually worked; without drugs or surgery. The problem we have now is that people throw excessive amounts of money at selling obscenely crude "things" at ignorant people who believe everything they are told on TV/Media. As I have said before, one thing is needed for so many differing issues, 'Education.'
She doesnt have time to answer
omments anymore.
Oral EDTA, ALA (in hempseed oil pills), bromelain (in fresh pineapple), vitamin C (in fresh orange juice) and sodium citrate (you can make it on the stove).
Im on a 3 day chelation fast taking all those things right now.
They are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier though. EDTA, ALA, bromelain, Vitamin C and sodium citrate.
I also happened to find this in one of Dr. Ana's articles on methylene blue and thought it might give you some idea what to use along with what Bee Gee is telling you (I guess it is pretty much saying the same thing).
"Methylene Blue should be considered as a preventative and therapeutic option in combination with high dose Vitamin C, EDTA and other supportive treatments for the inhibition and dissolution of the rubbery clot formation, C19 bioweapon induced prion disease and amyloidosis, as well as a potent dissolver of the self assembly nanotechnology assault on humanity."
I use Med Five EDTA which is an oral pill that has Vitamin C in it as well as alpha lipoic acid and another molecule that helps rebuild the cell membrane. It is enteric coated so that it passes through the stomach acid and isn't absorbed until it reaches the small intestine. It is recommended by Dr. Ana. It is kind of expensive but I think it is worth it. We need to do something to get this stuff out of our bodies. Here is the link. for both Med Five and Methylene Blue.
Have you looked into Trans-humanism, Internet of Things, Internet of Behavior, Internet of Thoughts, Internet of Everything? Oh and Eugenics. I am not being facetious, but it should help to answer your question.
The shots from my research, appears to be an 'upgrade' from what was already implemented over the years.
Here Sophia Smallstorm held a lecture back in 2011 which provides a broader brush stroke on what has been implemented, inclduing what Dr Ana is talking about here. I highly recommend the 1hr 51 minute watch, actually about to go back and watch it again now.
Hi Ana Maria. Thank you for sharing. May I suggest something that would be helpful to many more people? I have studied health, especially diet related & qigong, for over 55 years now. However, this does not include Orthodox Latin and words like "MDM2". Further to this, I feel that studies, as beneficial as they are, are excluding Diet/Lifestyle/Age, for example; are the non-vaxed with blood contaminates eating meats, fast foods, fresh veg, or what? I worked out the 'Trojan Horse' part in 2022/3. Obvious. Information also seems to be lacking on Race or Genealogy in connection with specific types of shots. If my suspicions are correct, there may be some very unsavoury links to race and ethnicity or certain genes. Prof. S.
From my latest post today - I see I touched on a subject discussed below: DARPA and Moderna pioneered the idea behind mRNA vaccines
By Rhoda Wilson on October 15, 2022
DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program.
Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
Karen Kingston-The only problem is that everything we were told about what the mRNA ‘vaccines’ ARE; is a misnomer and a lie, down to the very term mRNA vaccine. The COVID-19 injections are not mRNA vaccines. The COVID-19 mRNA shots are nanotechnology injections.
For example, the lipids and phospholipids in the mRNA injections are not lipids. Lipids are are naturally occurring molecules that make up fatty compounds such as fats and cholesterol. Lipids are part of our cells’ membranes to help control what goes in and out of cells. The ‘lipids’ in the mRNA injections are electronically charged synthetic molecules (not natural) and can host electromagnetic fields. They are electronic devices.
Pfizer’s website states that without the cationic lipid (electronic nanotechnology) there, “could be no Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine.” Electronic Nanoparticles are Not Lipids, They’re Nanotechnology
BTW- a synthetic substance that carries an electronic charge is NOT a lipid. It’s a nanotechnology/electronic device. Being injected with lipids just sounds a heck of a lot better than being injected with electronic nanotechnologies. We were told electronic nanotechnologies are lipid encapsulated mRNA vaccines because no one in their right mind would agree to be injected with an electronic nanotechnology device.
Have Cationic Liposomes Ever Been Considered a Nanotechnology?
According to the December 2020 paper, Nanomedicine for COVID-19: The Role of Nanotechnology and Diagnosis of COVID-19, liposomes were considered nanotechnologies/(nano-medicine delivery devices) per the FDA’s 2007 Nanotechnology Task Force Report.
The vaccinated now have a genetic computer and plug in's wired via a genetic transmitter directly into their brains, which is transmitting by 5G - I am here, I am here, I am here.
The Receiver can transmit as well as receive and can control what people think and what they will do.
Studies from the University Of Almeria in Spain conclude that the vaccines + Graphene + 5G = Brain Control.
NanoGrafi Company (check them out on Google) developed an intranasal Covid vaccine and PCR Tests with nanoparticles which make graphene nanotubes.
At 5G frequencies of 42.6 Hz per second, the 1.2mm nanotubes injected into the vaccines resonate and propagate a high energy signal at the average speed of human thought., the precise nanotube length of 1.2 nanometers of 1.2×10.9m
These graphene nanotubes are injected with the vaccines and act on the microwaves emitted by a 5G antenna at the same frequency that human beings think, so through these nano particles, 5G antennas can modify the thoughts of those vaccinated.
Like Robots or Zombies, controlled by 5G Transmissions
Well, that's a very helpful review, because the confusion generated by use of the term 'nanoparticle' has rendered most discussion - including this one - almost fruitless.
Firstly, the confusion exists over how to classify those particulate adjuncts - are they 'bio' or 'syth,' are we to use terms from 'biology' or 'chemistry' in discussing them, etc., etc. Yet these false dichotomies drop away when we realize that these distinctions do not exist in the laboratories where these 'products' are being created and then tested for clinical use. As this study "Nanotechnology Platform for Advancing Vaccine Development against the COVID-19 Virus" puts it - "Polymeric nanoparticles can be divided into two categories: natural polymeric nanoparticles and synthetic polymeric nanoparticles. Two of the most widely used natural polymeric NPs in pharmaceuticals and medical fields are chitosan and alginate."
Which simply opens up a new can of worms, since it's been known for some time that Chitosan
is derived from chitin, and instead of being what those same authors call 'biocompatible, biodegradable, and non-toxic" is actually treated by our bodies as a toxin, when they try to force us to eat their 'insect derived protein' "foods." Anyways, the division between 'bio' and 'synthetic' is just a false construct which the main enemy uses to advance their control over the terrain.
I say that because what this analysis of Anna's - and virtually all others - fails to recognize is the use of these polymers is simply an attempted duplication of the POLYMORPHIC stages which fungal disease parasites employ both to AVOID DETECTION and to adapt themselves to the environment of their host.This 'biological' polymorphic process is no different in its goal of seeking control over the host's life force than the putative purpose of 5G 'technology.'
Until we back up and begin to refashion the dialogue with this in mind, it will continue to be a futile exercise in misapprehension of what's really going on.
I highly recommend this Substack for corroboration of information. >>> Cov - Id Project Substack >>> History of a Genocide (XXVI) >>>>>> There are numerous related pages offered, and the research is excellent.
Resistance against Technocracy & Technocrats & their implementation via
transhumanism is NOT futile.
Do what you can to reject gentic engineering/biological human enhancement through their implementation via the use of technology.
Most hospitals & Pharmaceuticals today are scientific playgrounds to further eugenics or rather genocidal tools.
Scientism has profoundly influenced schools of thought and thinking & has led to the downplay of sentiment, emotion, art, music, creativity, and that of their being Creator Almighty God and worship of Him. The understanding of good and evil God and Satan given over to toxic Scientism wants to relegate such to mere superstition to be replaced by a speculative metaphysical upside down worldview about the nature of the universe and man's relation to it. Into prenatal conditioning, propaganda, progressivism, human reasoning through vain wild imaginations & imaginings, perfect applied psychology, to deceive and manipulate the power of man to make other man into what they please. the final conquest of man is the ultimate abolition of man.
Scientism via technocracy delivers only:
The Destruction of man
As manifestations of Oneness become more evident and rooted, we will inevitably find ourselves in a situation hostile to the message of absolutes, of sin and salvation, and the need for the exclusive Redeemer. Those who do will become increasingly marginalised and even demonized as the dangerous other.
Resistance against the dragon, the beast and standing against the devil is NOT futile!
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
We must Obey God as ruler rather than men! Acts 5:29 (Gods authority takes precedence over & above human authority especially through technocracy and Oneness through mother Gaia earth worship, and pagan spirituality)
Don't Drink Your Pee- People Promoting This Disgusting Practice Need To Be Called Out -
In this video Tim Truth talks also about methylene blue and how dangerous this stuff is. Doesn't Dr. Ana use it to get rid of the nanostuff?
TreeTomato - May 11
Arlene’s Newsletter
Given that these entities respond to Wi-Fi, etc., they respond to frequencies. in that particular frequencies or waveforms will interact with the entities.
Given that each body organ has a frequency of its own and that each material vibrates at its own frequency would it be possible to direct a frequency at a particular entity (sphere, filament, etc.) that affects only that entity (if each entity is individually addressable via some encoded ID)? If so, then it should be possible to direct the frequencies of potent substances at the entity without affecting the body. These might include strong acids that would otherwise destroy human tissue.
Just spitballing in my amateur armchair.
Paul Vonharnish - May 11
Paul Vonharnish
Hello TreeTomato: You and other readers may consider that folded DNA structures within biological cells function as fractile antenna. That is: These exquisitely complex electro-chemical mechanisms oscillate and/or vibrate to a wide range of electromagnetic stimulant. This stimulation is a primary function of cellular communications. Listen carefully to Mr Blanks discussion here: >>> Martin Blank - EMF & DNA >>> Published on Sep 5, 2012 >>>
Key into comments starting at approximately 7:45 into the presentation. This "fractal" antenna process is apparent in all living biological cell functions.
TreeTomato - May 11
Arlene’s Newsletter
Thanks. I'll listen to it.
Leon - May 11
Arlene’s Newsletter
Hey, TreeTomato; This Darkfield Live Blood Analysis doc does exactly that:
Note, you will need to spend some time to learn how to do it yourself.
TreeTomato - May 11
Arlene’s Newsletter
Ooh! Thank you!
The BarefootHealer - May 11
Keep spit balling. Follow that path.ππ€
PaulieG - May 11
Ana, a Ted Talk from 2013 on the nanotech, describing the various structures you and others are finding, and their purposes. Very helpful for identification
420MedicineMan - May 11
420MedicineMan’s Substack
That's correct, the polymers change back into the precursor form. Which is why chelating the best you can is so important.
Bee Gee - May 11
Bee Gee
EDTA, Bromelain, ALA, citrate and Vitamin C, in as high of doses as you can stand.
Thats the best mix I have found, they all cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain even gets into the reproductive system, which is important now.
Joe - May 12
Joe’s Substack
What’s ALA and I have a vitamin C that has 100mg of EDTA the vitamin C has 4000 per scoop that should be good for the edta right
Bee Gee - May 12
Bee Gee
Yeah, that will work. ALA is alpha-linolenic acid.
You can buy it standalone or organic hempseedoil pills are a great natural source that is cheap in bulk.
Joe - May 16
Joe’s Substack
Oh okay thanks
Anita Söderman - May 11
Anita’s Substack
The purpose with these organisms is control, experimenting, possibly sickness and death! We must not think the "they" care one bit for us, as they see for example wars as a method. These people are totally unscrupulous, inhuman and potentially another race? They have managed to gather lots of money, but are they, the inner ones, very intelligent? Not so much, having had to await the coming of AI to deal their final blows on us....question remains then what??
Adler1919 - May 11
I agree, they’re just having some fun with us all. I fun little experiment to see if they can read our minds, remote control us all using Bluetooth / 5G whatever. As you say, if a few hundred million get harmed or killed when it goes wrong, so be it. They don’t think we deserve to live anyway.
The problem for them is, they’ve been rumbled now, and more and more people are growing sick of the abuse they keep subjecting us to. Have you wondered why all these people are spending their fortunes on building and equipping survival bunkers?
They know how this ends, and it’s not going to be on their terms this time around.
Sergiusz Statkiewicz - May 11
Sergiusz Statkiewicz
" The untimely breakdown of red cells (hemolysis) is along these lines a delicate pointer of damage inspired by graphene.""
Thank You for You're research Angel.
This is a small quote from my behalf from a publication I post below with quote and source .
"Graphene is a substance produced from unadulterated carbon, with atoms composed and arranged in an exceptionally standard hexangular example relatively like graphite. The particular portrayal gives potential employments of the material, and an expansive change of therapeutic forte applications are at present anticipated together with their potential part in medicinal claim to fame conveyance, which has pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, and hereditary material making it a sharp side inside the field of physician-endorsed medications and restorative applications. Two-dimensional graphene offers interesting electronic, warm, and mechanical properties that are by and by being investigated for cutting-edge material science, layers, and composites. The key test in creating human services arrangement of the graphene– organic interface is whether reactions to totally unique graphene-based generally nanoparticles normally appear to be opposing. As of late, graphene has been found to create extraordinary commitment in little biomolecules distinguishing proof, macromolecule and deoxyribonucleic corrosive conveyance, picture warm treatment, tumor treatment medicinal guide, and tissue designing. In any case, in some logical work as of now, supposed fundamental reactions are inspired by graphene. Graphene can cooperate intensely with cell films, and it may instigate layer harm through the arrangement of responsive concoction component species responsive to oxygen species. Red platelets need fundamental repair capacity and have lessened the ability to answer to high-impact pressure. The untimely breakdown of red cells (hemolysis) is along these lines a delicate pointer of damage inspired by graphene."
Source :
mary - May 11
Bruce’s Substack
Do you examine your own blood. Scary.
BPOP - May 12
Bruce’s Substack
Yes I want to know too.
Curious minds want to know!
The BarefootHealer - May 11
Gary’s Substack
The "nanotech" mimics what the body does with protein folding and docking, and the transformation that occurs with enzymes, etc, via epigenetic signaling. Adaptive tech- DARPA's lil pet project. π
I've been asking for more temperature experimentation and Clifford C was the only one that seemed to recognise the significance. The "signal" required to "disable" will, at this point, be different for each person, unless we can get some better-designed experiments. At this point we are simply clocking numerical evidence, not solution data.
"Tree Tomato" mentioned frequencyπππ― - has anyone attempted any rigorous experiments with frequency range testing on the slides as yet? I would suggest getting a Cymatics expert in like John Stuart Reed and EMF scientist Dr Olle Johannsen at the Karolinska Institute.
But keep in mind, how these things respond/behave in the slides is not how they will behave in the human body.
Gary - May 11
Gary’s Substack
I’m posting this here too as it may possibly be relevant?
Has anyone else read about the Belarus scientist George Lakhovsky’s 20th century research on using electromagnetic fields to build the electrical differentials of cells to revitalize them? And to successfully treat cancer. In one of his slide photographs I noted a reversal of the Rouleaux formation in red blood cells.
I view Lakhovsky’s work as going on the offense (strengthening the body cell by cell) while Royal Rife’s work cured cancer using light energy at specific frequencies to morph particles back to less damaging forms as defense.
Lakhovsky was killed in a strange auto accident in NYC while Rife was destroyed by a lawsuit backed by the AMA - dying penniless.
Collectively, I view these men as Teslas of medicine. Now, virtually unknown to most.
The BarefootHealer - May 11
Gary’s Substack
Do you have any of Lakhovsky's work? Or please point me to it? Id be very much interested in reading it.ππ
Gary - May 11
Gary’s Substack
Here’s a succinct introduction to his work:
Hephzibah - May 11
Hephzibah’s Substack
This may help answer your question:
The BarefootHealer - May 11
I hadn't seen this one, mucho gracias.π
Peter - May 11 - Edited
MR’s Substack
I get a sense (as a C- grade Chem student) that devaxing treatment is going places. For real world health.
Prof. M Symonds, Shih-Jo. - May 12
MR’s Substack
Hi Peter. If I were a (any) grade Chem student, and realised what is going on within these linked science lab's, I would do my utmost to warn other students (a) not to let their ego run away with their common sense, and (b) to think very carefully about what discoveries they may share.
Gary - May 11 - Edited
Gary’s Substack
Has anyone else read about the Belarus scientist George Lakhovsky’s 20th century research on using electromagnetic fields to build the electrical differentials of cells to revitalize them? And to successfully treat cancer. In one of his slide photographs I noted a reversal of the Rouleaux formation in red blood cells.
I view Lakhovsky’s work as going on the offense (strengthening the body cell by cell) while Royal Rife’s work cured cancer using light energy at specific frequencies to morph particles back to less damaging forms as defense.
Lakhovsky was killed in a strange auto accident in NYC while Rife was destroyed by a lawsuit backed by the AMA - dying penniless.
Collectively, I view these men as Teslas of medicine. Now, virtually unknown to most.
Gary - May 11 - Edited
Gary’s Substack
If of interest, here’s the best description of Rife’s work that I was able to identify -includes perspectives from modern day scientists:
Prof. M Symonds, Shih-Jo. - May 12
MR’s Substack
Hi Gary. We call this Qigong or "Chee gong"! It has been around for centuries, is part of the Taoist Arts that goes hand-in-hand with T'ai Chi Ch'uan and natural health practices. The Ch'i or Bio-energy is regulated and enhanced through well developed breathing exercises and dietary control, then it creates a stronger energy. And, as you know, energy is stored in the Mitochondria for later use, but can also be stores "en masse" in areas such as the Dantien/Tanden/Hara, if a Yogi. This is part of the problem, people studying nuts-and-bolts science, possibly to achieve fame and fortune, when they miss the whole picture.
Gary - May 12
Gary’s Substack
Hi Mr. Symonds,
I appreciate your sage comments. I think the paths you mention are superior but don’t know if they are perceived as being any more accessible to the average Westerner? From my admittedly limited perspective they are all obscured by most peoples’ lack of understanding of who, and what we are.
My intention in posting this was to provide ideas, and maybe hope, to those with cancer or their families who might be open to alternative treatments but I was not thinking such treatments would supplant the greater paths. Hopefully, they are not mutually exclusive?
Prof. M Symonds, Shih-Jo. - May 13
MR’s Substack
Hi Gary. Nice to hear back from you, and I hope all is as well as can be for you and yours. You are very correct when you say "they are all obscured by most peoples’ lack of understanding of who, and what we are." Most people are so busy doing work and other things, that they simply do not spend time studying 'Life', or indeed, what the human animal is. It can be a long-term study. However, the Life Skills that the Taoist Sages have passed down over the centuries are available very widely; almost every town or village these days has someone teaching Qigong or T'ai Chi Ch'uan; which should be done alongside Qigong. Albeit, some are better or more circumspect than others, so teach to varying degrees of efficacy. But, a little is better than none.
Some forms of Yoga breech the breathing and energy circulation methods too. The problem is, SCIENCE, of the modern kind. Scientists reinvent the proverbial wheel and Marketeers make people think that this is the only way to go. They make it sound like people will be moving forwards, not backwards. If we want to understand ourselves, and have something that actually works though, then we should look to the past. Proverbially "unborn" methods are untested, whereas Traditional health and exercise methods have been tried, tested and improved. What I teach has been around for over 2,500 years, and has roots way back to the earliest forms of health and medicinal practices that actually worked; without drugs or surgery. The problem we have now is that people throw excessive amounts of money at selling obscenely crude "things" at ignorant people who believe everything they are told on TV/Media. As I have said before, one thing is needed for so many differing issues, 'Education.'
Lisa o k - May 11 - Edited
Bee Gee
Dr Ana, can you recommend some chelating protocols please? Thank you for your never ending fight x lisa
Bee Gee - May 11
Bee Gee
She doesnt have time to answer
omments anymore.
Oral EDTA, ALA (in hempseed oil pills), bromelain (in fresh pineapple), vitamin C (in fresh orange juice) and sodium citrate (you can make it on the stove).
Im on a 3 day chelation fast taking all those things right now.
They are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier though. EDTA, ALA, bromelain, Vitamin C and sodium citrate.
rrodynmac - May 12
Where do you see in literature that EDTA crosses the blood brain barrier? I can’t find it !
Kim - May 11 - Edited
I also happened to find this in one of Dr. Ana's articles on methylene blue and thought it might give you some idea what to use along with what Bee Gee is telling you (I guess it is pretty much saying the same thing).
"Methylene Blue should be considered as a preventative and therapeutic option in combination with high dose Vitamin C, EDTA and other supportive treatments for the inhibition and dissolution of the rubbery clot formation, C19 bioweapon induced prion disease and amyloidosis, as well as a potent dissolver of the self assembly nanotechnology assault on humanity."
Kim - May 11
I use Med Five EDTA which is an oral pill that has Vitamin C in it as well as alpha lipoic acid and another molecule that helps rebuild the cell membrane. It is enteric coated so that it passes through the stomach acid and isn't absorbed until it reaches the small intestine. It is recommended by Dr. Ana. It is kind of expensive but I think it is worth it. We need to do something to get this stuff out of our bodies. Here is the link. for both Med Five and Methylene Blue.
Alexandra - May 11
Alexandra’s Substack
Thank you, Dr. Ana, for not giving up. xo
Ross S - May 11 - Edited
What is the purpose of these organisms? What are they trying to do with them?
Cos - May 12 - Edited
Have you looked into Trans-humanism, Internet of Things, Internet of Behavior, Internet of Thoughts, Internet of Everything? Oh and Eugenics. I am not being facetious, but it should help to answer your question.
The shots from my research, appears to be an 'upgrade' from what was already implemented over the years.
Here Sophia Smallstorm held a lecture back in 2011 which provides a broader brush stroke on what has been implemented, inclduing what Dr Ana is talking about here. I highly recommend the 1hr 51 minute watch, actually about to go back and watch it again now.
Prof. M Symonds, Shih-Jo. - May 12
MR’s Substack
Hi Ana Maria. Thank you for sharing. May I suggest something that would be helpful to many more people? I have studied health, especially diet related & qigong, for over 55 years now. However, this does not include Orthodox Latin and words like "MDM2". Further to this, I feel that studies, as beneficial as they are, are excluding Diet/Lifestyle/Age, for example; are the non-vaxed with blood contaminates eating meats, fast foods, fresh veg, or what? I worked out the 'Trojan Horse' part in 2022/3. Obvious. Information also seems to be lacking on Race or Genealogy in connection with specific types of shots. If my suspicions are correct, there may be some very unsavoury links to race and ethnicity or certain genes. Prof. S.
Christine - May 11
Christine’s Newsletter
From my latest post today - I see I touched on a subject discussed below: DARPA and Moderna pioneered the idea behind mRNA vaccines
By Rhoda Wilson on October 15, 2022
DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program.
Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
Karen Kingston-The only problem is that everything we were told about what the mRNA ‘vaccines’ ARE; is a misnomer and a lie, down to the very term mRNA vaccine. The COVID-19 injections are not mRNA vaccines. The COVID-19 mRNA shots are nanotechnology injections.
For example, the lipids and phospholipids in the mRNA injections are not lipids. Lipids are are naturally occurring molecules that make up fatty compounds such as fats and cholesterol. Lipids are part of our cells’ membranes to help control what goes in and out of cells. The ‘lipids’ in the mRNA injections are electronically charged synthetic molecules (not natural) and can host electromagnetic fields. They are electronic devices.
Pfizer’s website states that without the cationic lipid (electronic nanotechnology) there, “could be no Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine.” Electronic Nanoparticles are Not Lipids, They’re Nanotechnology
BTW- a synthetic substance that carries an electronic charge is NOT a lipid. It’s a nanotechnology/electronic device. Being injected with lipids just sounds a heck of a lot better than being injected with electronic nanotechnologies. We were told electronic nanotechnologies are lipid encapsulated mRNA vaccines because no one in their right mind would agree to be injected with an electronic nanotechnology device.
Have Cationic Liposomes Ever Been Considered a Nanotechnology?
According to the December 2020 paper, Nanomedicine for COVID-19: The Role of Nanotechnology and Diagnosis of COVID-19, liposomes were considered nanotechnologies/(nano-medicine delivery devices) per the FDA’s 2007 Nanotechnology Task Force Report.
The vaccinated now have a genetic computer and plug in's wired via a genetic transmitter directly into their brains, which is transmitting by 5G - I am here, I am here, I am here.
The Receiver can transmit as well as receive and can control what people think and what they will do.
Studies from the University Of Almeria in Spain conclude that the vaccines + Graphene + 5G = Brain Control.
NanoGrafi Company (check them out on Google) developed an intranasal Covid vaccine and PCR Tests with nanoparticles which make graphene nanotubes.
At 5G frequencies of 42.6 Hz per second, the 1.2mm nanotubes injected into the vaccines resonate and propagate a high energy signal at the average speed of human thought., the precise nanotube length of 1.2 nanometers of 1.2×10.9m
These graphene nanotubes are injected with the vaccines and act on the microwaves emitted by a 5G antenna at the same frequency that human beings think, so through these nano particles, 5G antennas can modify the thoughts of those vaccinated.
Like Robots or Zombies, controlled by 5G Transmissions
the LastManStanding - May 12
Rusyn’s Substack
Well, that's a very helpful review, because the confusion generated by use of the term 'nanoparticle' has rendered most discussion - including this one - almost fruitless.
Firstly, the confusion exists over how to classify those particulate adjuncts - are they 'bio' or 'syth,' are we to use terms from 'biology' or 'chemistry' in discussing them, etc., etc. Yet these false dichotomies drop away when we realize that these distinctions do not exist in the laboratories where these 'products' are being created and then tested for clinical use. As this study "Nanotechnology Platform for Advancing Vaccine Development against the COVID-19 Virus" puts it - "Polymeric nanoparticles can be divided into two categories: natural polymeric nanoparticles and synthetic polymeric nanoparticles. Two of the most widely used natural polymeric NPs in pharmaceuticals and medical fields are chitosan and alginate."
Which simply opens up a new can of worms, since it's been known for some time that Chitosan
is derived from chitin, and instead of being what those same authors call 'biocompatible, biodegradable, and non-toxic" is actually treated by our bodies as a toxin, when they try to force us to eat their 'insect derived protein' "foods." Anyways, the division between 'bio' and 'synthetic' is just a false construct which the main enemy uses to advance their control over the terrain.
I say that because what this analysis of Anna's - and virtually all others - fails to recognize is the use of these polymers is simply an attempted duplication of the POLYMORPHIC stages which fungal disease parasites employ both to AVOID DETECTION and to adapt themselves to the environment of their host.This 'biological' polymorphic process is no different in its goal of seeking control over the host's life force than the putative purpose of 5G 'technology.'
Until we back up and begin to refashion the dialogue with this in mind, it will continue to be a futile exercise in misapprehension of what's really going on.
Paul Vonharnish - May 11
Paul Vonharnish
I highly recommend this Substack for corroboration of information. >>> Cov - Id Project Substack >>> History of a Genocide (XXVI) >>>>>> There are numerous related pages offered, and the research is excellent.
Hephzibah - May 11
Hephzibah’s Substack
Resistance against Technocracy & Technocrats & their implementation via
transhumanism is NOT futile.
Do what you can to reject gentic engineering/biological human enhancement through their implementation via the use of technology.
Most hospitals & Pharmaceuticals today are scientific playgrounds to further eugenics or rather genocidal tools.
Scientism has profoundly influenced schools of thought and thinking & has led to the downplay of sentiment, emotion, art, music, creativity, and that of their being Creator Almighty God and worship of Him. The understanding of good and evil God and Satan given over to toxic Scientism wants to relegate such to mere superstition to be replaced by a speculative metaphysical upside down worldview about the nature of the universe and man's relation to it. Into prenatal conditioning, propaganda, progressivism, human reasoning through vain wild imaginations & imaginings, perfect applied psychology, to deceive and manipulate the power of man to make other man into what they please. the final conquest of man is the ultimate abolition of man.
Scientism via technocracy delivers only:
The Destruction of man
As manifestations of Oneness become more evident and rooted, we will inevitably find ourselves in a situation hostile to the message of absolutes, of sin and salvation, and the need for the exclusive Redeemer. Those who do will become increasingly marginalised and even demonized as the dangerous other.
Resistance against the dragon, the beast and standing against the devil is NOT futile!
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
We must Obey God as ruler rather than men! Acts 5:29 (Gods authority takes precedence over & above human authority especially through technocracy and Oneness through mother Gaia earth worship, and pagan spirituality)
REPLY - May 11
Don't Drink Your Pee- People Promoting This Disgusting Practice Need To Be Called Out -
In this video Tim Truth talks also about methylene blue and how dangerous this stuff is. Doesn't Dr. Ana use it to get rid of the nanostuff?
Kim - May 11
I don't think methylene blue is dangerous at all if it is USP grade. I use it every day and I have had no problems with it. Plus, it is used in medicine, and has been around for a long time. Here are just two articles disproving that it is dangerous. And Dr. Ana has shown that it not only inhibits the hydrogel from forming but also helps dissolve it.
Here is her article and research on methylene blue. I personally can't recommend it highly enough. It gives me energy, increases my oxygen and helps me think more clearly.
REPLY - May 12
Did you watch the part of Tim Truth's video, where he quotes some studies? That's really frightening.
BPOP - May 12
Bruce’s Substack
Is this the Tim Truth from Charlottesville fame?
If not , please disregard.
REPLY - May 13
It's this Tim Truth:
Wolves In Our Midst: The Quacks' Pushing Of Poisons (+Urine) Worse Than I Thought! (Chlorine Dioxide) -
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