Self-Assembly Nanostructures in C19 vials …

Sep 20, 2022

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My Interview with Dr. Shimon Yanowitz


Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 20, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

I just want to say that ultimately we can already declare this nano tech a failure at building anything good...but it did bring us the nanothermite that took down at least two of the three world trade center 7 two and one...
I don't like the shit being shoved under the skin of my foolish friends who had no idea what they got, thanks a lot...
The use of Womanity for depopulation and transhumanism is vile filthy crime


Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 21, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Comment removed.


Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 21, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Sometimes you have to set the boundaries as you did by banning that spammer man.
Tis your stack to allow to speak as you see fit, and I understand the need.
I am grateful I get positive responders to my stack so no need to delete nor block....yet.
But I did get a weird sort of copycat of my stack address that ain't me, oh well.
Digital is kind of like a built in loser that goes not very far for the actual needs of folks...


Eris - Sep 21, 2022

So very disturbing....yet the anayzing of the vaxxes didn't become a priority, we just talk in circles, speculating, about how bad they are, ignoring to officialy explore the main subject: what's in the shots. That would be the answer for all the problems which would stop all this crazyness, killing and their bs reset.
I bet you knew about this, but i still let you the link, is interesting.


Sally Gould - Sep 21, 2022

Sally’s Newsletter

Thank you!.... A friend is having a medical test today, and just I re-sent the video link to your interview with Dr.. Laibow. Such a lovely, memorable interview that I am hoping will infuse my friend with cheer. Thanks again!


2FollowHim - Oct 23, 2022

2FollowHim related topics

Just how long have any of us or experts who have equipment, care, how long have we had to deal with all this 'advanced AI?' if that's it, or nanoparticles?
Many are scrambling trying to help, analyze, try to get some idea.
Do the perpetrators actually know, or they don't care and are experimenting on people.
I laud their tireless efforts. The enemies know some things we don't and time, maybe we don't have, is needed.
I can't take this level of atrocity in, can you?


Nathan - Sep 23, 2022 - Edited

Sandy K

Vaccinated people are emitting random unknown bluetooth MAC codes. I see this every day on my phone.
Here is my post on TS with the screen recording from my phone earlier this week.


Sandy K - Oct 19, 2022 - Edited

Sandy K

Has been removed....


Nathan - Oct 20, 2022 - Edited

Sandy K
Try this one lol They dont like the truth even on Truth Social


Sandy K - Oct 20, 2022 - Edited

Sandy K

Nope...its been removed....


Nathan - Oct 22, 2022 - Edited

Sandy K

OMG lol. this one on Gettr


Sandy K - Oct 22, 2022 - Edited

Sandy K

Got it! People have refused to even try looking to see if they emit a signal. I think they know in the back of what's left of their minds that it is true.... And I think they are scared sh!tless about what's been done to them. They won't even go to the '' to look up their injection number. I would think that would be the first action, to KNOW what you were injected with, so you could find treatments (if there are any...)...<sigh>Thanks, Nathan.


Linda Ray - Jul 19, 2023

HOW do we check to look for the MAC address transmission on our phones? TY!


Reply (5) - Sep 20, 2022 - Edited

Michael Kowalik’s Philosophy Jo…

Comment removed.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 20, 2022

Why don't you watch it first before you proclaim your skepticism. And what have you contributed to the revelation of this issue compared to the scientists who have risked their life analyzing these vials? Save your comments if your work does not match their courage. Remain skeptical and ignorant all you want. We warn humanity regardless of danger and your opinions.


Anna Lyst - Sep 20, 2022 - Edited

To those saying review is not necessary...
It is through the collapse of scientific standards that we:
1. Created and leaked SARS-Cov-2
2. Jabbed 70%+ of western civilization with poorly studied experimental cocktails
An immediate and strict adherence to sound scientific process and review is the only way we will ever make it through the next 20 years; otherwise we will keep digging a deeper grave for all human life on the planet.
If the last 3 years have taught me anything, it's that poorly excercised, documented, and reviewed science is an immediate existential threat.


SomeDude - Sep 20, 2022


Peer review has become a sham due to TheScience brand censorship of unapproved views, and can't be relied on for validation.


Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 20, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

This is way old news by at least a year or more on my radar, so probably a decade thereby


jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 20, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Micheal - which medical journal is not compromised? Really asking.


Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 20, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

All medical viruganda is compromised and the journals they ride in on.
Only the highlights kiddy mags In the doctors offices are of any use as colouring books.


Reply (1) - Sep 20, 2022

Michael Kowalik’s Philosophy Jo…

Comment removed.


jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 20, 2022

Michael Kowalik’s Philosophy Jo…

You are welcome to pursue the course you suggest.


Reply (1) - Sep 20, 2022

Michael Kowalik’s Philosophy Jo…

Comment removed.


jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 20, 2022

Thank you Michael. I think you are right on one hand, but I cannot blame them for publishing this for the greater and immediate good, with your criticism, vs. waiting about unknown months (to maybe never) to get this word out. The journals are more than 90% captured, a bad risk. These women know what they are doing, have chosen to ignore the path you recommend. I am sure they appreciate your criticism, and are used to it by this time. I congratulate you for your publication in the NEJM re masking. would appreciate a link. But they are light years ahead of you because they have let go of the shackles of a captured system. They are literally helping more people as a result. The therapies they recommend will not hurt anybody, and help many.



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