Many of the people who refuse to acknowledge this have got to be mind controlled. Idk how many individuals I have spoken and shown evidence to whose eyes just glaze over and have the same apathetic zombie reaction. It makes me angry. I try not to be angry with them, as I know it is probably beyond their control. Honestly though I want to slap them awake. It does seem to be a program though like the information is wiped before they process it.
Yes! My sister who is very pro-clot shot made some remarks recently about the drugs on the market that shouldn’t be because of their terrible side effects. I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry. She is totally blind to what is going on!
I feel your pain.
I warned all three of my siblings with articles, videos and the like in the very beginning and even told them about three former work mates that died within days of each other after taking the shot. They didn’t want to look or hear it and asked me to stop.
They all got jabbed, along with their children, anyway and all three got side effects. Two had serious heart issues one having to go to hospital for surgery. After all that they still don’t get it.
It’s beyond any rational thinking.
All we can do is warn them. It’s unfortunate they didn’t listen.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’m sure there are tons of us with similar stories.
It is! I’m so sorry. You did the Right thing though - you can be proud. I had an unique thing happen where my sister who knew about the dangers did not warn me at all and I was skeptical. Now I’m V injured. Most stories I see are of those begging their loved ones not to take it as it should be.
I am truly sorry to hear of your injury.
All of these injuries and deaths ways heavy on the hearts and souls of many as it does mine.
I pray we all can find solutions to heal our minds, bodies and our relationships with others despite the decisions each of us made.
May the Lord Bless you Nanette and give you peace and strength to overcome your adversity’s.
Remember, they don't think they are blind, they think we is a dead-end thanx to mainstream manupilation. But srill, WHAT are we suppose to do. What can we do, if dr ana can't seem to find ears to listen to.. what exactly could we do, everything that is said is just gaslighted, ignore or ridiculed... i see even momo sight on excess deaths in europe is owned by WHO, is that even legal that they own this site. We all know there is on average 17 +% excess dearhs all over the world in vaxxed countries, but on this momo site it says germany excess deaths extremely low, italy, belgium, france etc NO excess deaths. What CAN we do if these criminals own every opportunity to silence evidence
They know it's prophecy they fake the glass over. While some are legit most know. Pray about it it's about all we can do for them... Pray they repent and change their ways and come out of her my people...
The trumpets are sounding or have, not long from now The mark of the beast will be implemented then they will have boils and pain and die then be thrown into the lake of fire so...
BILLGATES111 ■ Is Six hundred threescore and six in ASCII code. His patent 060606 he chose after the number of his name. Lead us not into temptation is experiment in Greek, REV 3:10. The QR image was/is required for buying and selling, all worldwide operated by Microsoft on cell phones, Greek word phone means voice/speech. MAC addresses from injection or some forehead, Greek word for "between the eyes," are already being bluetooth/frequency. He causeth all to recieve a mark to buy and sell, Greek is he manufactures/produces. I do not believe the beast nor the false prophet, I believe Fauci makes a great false prophet, that these two should have a second chance to repeat these abominations, because the Church was blind and had to play a part of being false teaching and false prophets at this end. If Christ suffered once, why would the beast be given a second chance to fulfill and repeatly fulfill prophecy? I accept the abomination and start my watchful count on December 14, 2020 the middle night of Hanukkah just before sundown and 1260 days end at sundown the end of Shavot 2024; July 14. 2024 being the next day. Half the virgins were rejected at the arrival of the Bridegroom parable, they were watching, but did not quantify; they had their lamp, but no oil - no light, it was gone/no return/no repentance offered. M
i didn't lipstick it I know it's Armageddon. It's the wicked versus the righteous.
Gangstalkers are the wicked and these who do this plus those using v2k to try and get us killed...
I did say pray they turn it's what scripture say its our duty to pray for our duty to pray they turn God don't take pleasure in the wickeds death so we are to not to as well..
No I didn't lipstick it or sugar coat it...
We do have to do stuff though pray not just for them but us pray against them as well for God to take vengeance for us...Just forgive them and let God do his thing.. Don't take pleasure when they die or get things happening to them. Proverbs tells us if God sees us taking glee over the wicked he will stop... It's harder on us since it's human to say good riddance but we have to show some temperance...
I we need if your a believer need to begin to rise as the Two witnesses. It wont be just two Jews that's false it's true believers all over the world with faith and begin to pray daily or hourly if you can. pray these.... The lords Prayer, psalms 31, 52, 58, 94, 109, 120, 140 then close with the lords prayer all out loud. watch God work.
Put on this though first and I found this armor in Isiah. The cloak of Zeal...
add that to the belt of truth, the shoes of the Gospel, the helmet of Salvation, the chest plate of righteousness, and the sword of the spirit and shield of faith, and the cloak of zeal...
If what I wrote later is true about the sea turning black as a mans blood then we are dying now... and we need to repent and turn come out of her my people NOW...
The lawsuits Targeted Justice has support and join. ICATOR too...
add AI to the mix against the wicked AI is highly involved in our demise and the kicker is they aren't held to Gods rules, you can't just simply say begone you I command you gone in the Name of Jesus but you can still pray against it and it's good spiritual warfare for they have no soul they are not flesh and blood so...
Revelations where is says do to her twice as she did to us is not about what God is going to do. It doesn't violate the take no revenge for yourself so we may need to use force at some time so... They violate it AI gangstalkers these so called Dr's who say your just nuts and look the other way and those who created these nano bots etc...
James Giordano is a monster needs taken out...
My disclaimer is I am not pushing violence not breaking any kind of law but telling truth...
So yeah... But yeah it is most certainly...
No! and obviously my words are wasted on you so I won't bore you no more.
prayer works it's all God will and praying in his will not praying for sports cares and selfish things it's praying in his will and his timing...
but yeah all i have to say on that...
I had a response just like that last week from someone. After being in their company for a while, I was feeling the energy drain from me too... even with all the ways I know of to protect and mitigate that.
Well... Erm... Thank the video gaming industries and Hollywood, California film companies for grinding down frontal lobe functions till they're duller than a fence post. You can lead a dead horse to water, but...
Yes that verse is eloquently describing what we are dealing with. Until ppl become convicted by their wretched disgusting selfish behavior and wish to change, they cannot see the truth. I have often prayed for this delusion to lift if only for a moment so that a seed can get through. Sadly tragedy is the only thing that gets through to the hearts of the careless ones.
Absolutely ■ Those that ran the lie to get honor from other's accordingly that wealth was their key to success and open doors of favor; is like a man in a hospital gown speaking with surety while his butt is completely being aired; they do not have eyes in the back of their head. I have had God to repeatly tell me that my parent's decision was under his/God's strong delusion. My daughter clearly is close to them and when my husband told me this weekend that my father got the latest shot; I know only God could let him pave his destruction. I was whipped terrible in public worship services up to the age of five at the double doors so all could witness my pain for saying/making noise; his violence no one would counter. Even as a teen near adulthood I was terribly punished and at sixteen two weeks before, about, beaten near death for twenty to thirty minutes for telling the truth. All the teen years I was quizzed from services on the sermon, and because my summory was not to his acceptance, I was given either a whipping or a scheduled punishment that required mostly isolation; same if any talking. Now, I wonder if those reviews were actually correct and even more convicting! M
Who knows what those flashing Nano demons can do, when they inhabit each of our brain cells. When they are connected to the AI, I suspect their working capacity has no limits. If many docs are brain cell captured by these devices, where can we go for help? As we wait on our salvation, we can pray for and encourage our champions; those seemingly few, who are confronting the most important research ever attempted on earth.
Yes... it feels like a 360° attack on humanity. I believe SSRI drugs and so called antidepressants are causing incredible harm to those who sadly, and wrongly believe they will cure them. These drugs are built on a myth and shrink the human brain.
I spent years commenting on the GeoengineeringWatch web site (Dane Wigington) and researched geoengineering and weather warfare articles posted on Agriculture Defense Coalition's site: > have been ZERO criminal charges filed in any US jurisdiction. A few piddly civil suits trickled forward, and were ignored by captured agency. The scale of contamination observed in agricultural produce and food distribution is stunning. Yet the civilian public continues to doze, and their feral governmental agencies continue to breathe in their own industrial puke.
It's not going to stop until Nature puts a stop to ALL of us... Pleasant thoughts, eh?
Thanks for the link. I didn't realize Rosalind Peterson of the ADC spoke to the UN in 2007. No one is going to step up and stop this spraying. I tell friends to look up, and they just give me a blank stare. I'm 72 and I remember what a blue sky looked like.
Hello Dennis: The blank stares only come after they glance up from their cell phones. Their frontal lobe functions have been hijacked and turned off via EMF saturation. The environment has become a scene from a B rated movie...
Ana, I have obtained the filters needed to turn my light microscope into one I can use for dark field microscopy. Are you looking at blood drops on a slide and is it with or without a coverslip? You tend to watch the formation of these things for hours but a blood drop would be drying up in that time so I am not sure how you are doing it. Are you letting the blood sit in a test tube and then putting the test tube under the scope? Are you using heparin with the blood draw or EDTA or something else? I would like to start checking blood and other products but am not sure of the simple basics on sample handling that I need to know. Just some basic info on how to draw and handle the sample would be very helpful. I appreciate all that you do and I keep trying to wake people up.
I've done tons of microscopy during my career in medical research (from student scopes to electron scopes) and I've learned that one must keep techniques as simple as possible, particularly when examining something which has not been seen or described before. Use a small finger stick lancet and squeeze a drop of blood onto the slide. Lower a coverslip gently onto the drop and do your best to avoid air bubbles. If you wish to observe the blood for longer than just a few minutes, it's best to seal the edges of the cover slip with an appropriate gel to avoid evaporative water loss and subsequent crystallization of blood salts. Make sure your scope is on a very sturdy surface which is relatively vibration-free. If you see similar structures as Ana is seeing in your blood sample, I suggest turning off all incident light to see whether these presumptive "nano-bots" are truly emitting light themselves or are merely refracting/reflecting the light from the scope.
I won't even begin to speculate about what these things truly are, but clearly they don't belong in healthy blood. My guess is that it's part of the transhumanist, merging of man with machine, Internet of Things (yes, we're all things now!), track and trace and monitor and influence, agendas of the Deep State forces... perhaps under the auspices and direction of off-world races and/or highly sphisticated AI systems.
I think there are more families. Quite a few speak of that. But I am going to run that down. I just bought Carrol Quigleys book
He was a globalist, and got in close to the bankers files is my understanding. There should be much to learn.
Dr. Ana is probably not going to give away her techniques. But if you would like to get images as clear as mine you might put a dab of blood between the plastic and the glass of a screen protector. Like one for cell phones. Just pull back the plastic put the drop of blood on the glass and put the plastic back down. Keeps contaminants out and moisture in. Responds well to human breath. Be sure to remember to breathe some hot air on the samples (and on anything that grows from the samples) to check if they react. They often do. Also, get a blacklight. I purchased mine from Cabela’s pro shop in their fisherman tools. It is intended to cure the glue for fishing lures. $40
It’s fascinating work. I would really appreciate it if you could show side by side photos or videos of “healthy (pure) blood” vs “unhealthy (contaminated) blood”. That would be awesomely helpful.
Thank you for your work. I am open to anything and marvel at how deep the rabbit hole has got. Just recently, I contacted an old aquaintance who confirmed she is aware of the c0vid scam but closed up completely to any discussion about it. I cannot fathom the apathy either.
I think people are tired of hearing about it and don't want to talk about it any longer because they feel helpless rather than apathetic. They say, "yes we know, but what can we really do about it?" While I'm still on a quest for methods to rid ourselves of these monsters inside us, I see the tiredness and helplessness in my husband who is well aware of the scam. He no longer wants to hear about it, but he does take his daily supplement cocktail.
I have experienced the same thing. Some people I come in contact with, say they know there is nothing they can do to stop what is happening, so they try to continue living their lives without constantly being reminded that they are being slowly killed. I can't really blame them. I think the vast majority of people cannot tolerate the cognitive dissonance of dealing with a slow death by poisoning without trying to pretend it is not happening. After almost 4 years, it's obvious, this is intentional and not going to stop just because people want it to or don't approve of it. I have alienated almost everyone by continuing to tell the truth. It is a lonely existence.
I understand completely, but alone you are not. We are members of a community still speaking up regardless. If it all falls on ears that have been closed for some reason or another, it's not on us, it's on them. Hard as we might try to save them all, we just can't. You know the saying, "you can lead a horse to water..."
It's too bad all of us who are committed to continuing to speak the truth can't get together and form an actual community, geographically. It would be nice to live among like-minded people.
You are not alone. Most realize the corruption is so rampant our only hope is to continue to shine the light of truth so no one in their right mind would consider taking these injections. Even today the CDC is still promoting these injections and reporting false numbers of the amount of citizens that "have taken the new flu vaccine". False reports all around.
Perhaps we are more powerful than we realize.
Our words/thoughts are powerful. Is that Quantum?
If we do not consent to this technological hijacking, will it cease to be?
If they didn’t really need for us to get the vaccine, why was the fake pandemic played in front of us, forced and pushed, with lying and deceit? Perhaps consent. Beyond consent. Our Begging for it.
Would you consider selecting a group of people to use mind medicine/spiritual healing techniques? Ask them to do the following, then check their blood?
To meditate on health, vitality, pristine blood within their bodies?
Another to rebuke the evil that has entered their living vessel? Command it to flee, never return.
Another to state their intention that no such technology is allowed in their vessel, that they have not given consent,?
And lastly to speak the 91st Psalm for a period of time, perhaps 30 days, calling out that God is protecting their body?
Thinking out of the box. Your work is amazing. Thank you.
I would love to be a part of that. Beyond what is clearly apparent in the physical domain, this is an energetic battle for the human soul. We need to call on source and our highest aspects.
I've recently found myself drawn to Psalm 23 as part of my wider spiritual practice and fortification.
Dr. Ana…many people became aware when Stew Peters and Karen Kingston exposed the patents with this and you and your colleagues have taken this to the next level!! Being aware along with some of our friends and I say just some friends find this so bizarre that any human would do this to humanity just to become a global god! I will work and stand till my last dying breath to spread this for my children and grandchildren!! Saying thank you I realize isn’t enough for how you have put your life on hold to help save humanity but there are more of us out here that know that but you don’t hear from them❤️standing with you❤️❤️
I think anyone who is in denial should be presented with the facts by Dr. David Hughes. He has shown this list in his discussion with Dr. Ana:
Nanotech Hesitancy – “Seems to me there’s quite a few nanotech hesitant people out there; i.e.. people who just don’t want to recognize the possibility that nanotech might actually be in the shots”
1. It sounds preposterous, like sci-fi, too far outside the spectrum of acceptable opinion. This is not scientific inquiry.
2. Even if they question the “Covid-19” official narrative, their perceptual parameters are the “virus, the spike protein, and other dangers in the “disclosed” ingredients”. An effect of propaganda.
○ Perhaps the propaganda here is to get people to focus on those things that nobody thinks to look elsewhere, and even if they do, it’s so far outside their mindset, that it’s almost impossible to process.
3. Some commentators know nothing about bio-nanotechnology; they’ve never read anything about nanotechnology, so are not qualified to comment.
○ We’re typically looking at Doctors, virologists, and microbiologists to help us explain what’s going on here, but let’s imagine for a second that there is nanotechnology in the vials, would any of these scientists know what they are looking at; even if they saw it?
○ We need people who work in this area to bring forward their specialist knowledge too.
○ We need a joint-effort multi-disciplinary approach.
4. Fear of reprisal e.g. hit pieces by the Mainstream media, losing their licence to practice, threats to life, etc. prevents people from publicly expressing certain opinions.
○ We’re living in an age of political fear and intimidation, and you know that if you speak out, the mainstream media will come for you.
○ Doctors are losing their licences to practice.
○ Some people’s lives have been threatened. It’s interesting that out of the 26 cases I look at – Noack is dead and Carrie Madej’s plane went down and she could’ve died as well.
It seems like that literally every nanotech specialist is not willing to help with the investigation. I mean what's going in these people's minds. Do they even care about themselves and their family?
With respect to: "Seems to me there’s quite a few nanotech hesitant people out there; i.e.. people who just don’t want to recognize the possibility that nanotech might actually be in the shots." My sense is that the vast majority of people who claim a commitment to the so-called MFM refuse to admit/discuss the fact that nanotechnology has been intentionally placed in the shots. It now seems self-evident that NT infestation is the primary if not only reason for the entire last 4 years. Presumably, the technology serves the dual purpose of depopulation and connection to the AI that appears to be running things. The perpetrators have made it abundantly clear that they intended to do what has actually transpired. They have spent decades writing and speaking about their plans. Whether through invincible ignorance or intentional malevolence of those who do not admit NT infestation, the result is the same.
I spoke to a Dr not long ago, other Drs are losing their jobs, so some must be speaking up. Then there's many Drs who are now retiring early, probably out of disgust. This will lead to allopathic health system crisis eventually, as many new Drs entering the system will not be as competent, and there'll be staff shortages, which there already is. They don't like the WHO treaty either.
I've also been speaking to everyday people, I get to them now, cause I start with my military experience, show the microscopy. Then explain the extent of the technology and surveillance, and how their taxes, own spending on wireless devices, has paid for this biosynthetic technological surveillance enslavement.
Some are open and interested, others get really scared, as they don't like what's happened.
So the apatheticness, does seem to be a mix of apathetic despair. As much as the political and lawfare has come a long way in the medical freedom movements favour. The information, and Alt media is still suppressed from the msn and the major social media platforms.
Yet the truth is still leaking through,via direct link sharing and word of mouth.
It just takes a little longer, it is happening.
Hi Rebecca,
Optogenetic research is turning out to be an interesting field that includes our old friends the zebra fish and drosophila. I have been watching for hours what appears to be one bot dishing out bits of light to a posse of worker bots that go somewhere with them and return at unbelievable speeds.
Might be a key in there somewhere.
I’m about to drop a post that I have been working on. It is about luciferase biosensors.
Trying to turn the conversation away from quantum dots and toward the in-vivo crimes that I continue to endure.
I have a doubt. I just want to know if those unvaccinated tor C19 have PCR or Ag testing by nose or not. Specifically the unvaccinated with nanotechnology in their blood? Regards, Dr Rodriguez
research keywords PCR TEST DARPA HYDROGEL. AND OPERATION NANO DOMESTIC QUELL. . useyandex.comnot google. we have ALL BEEN SLIMED with nano tech since at least 2010.....Q-
since the blood of unvaxx is so contaminated, why 99% of all "sudden deaths" or turbocancers happens to vaxxed only? i'm a therapist and i do look at the blood in bright field, and while ribbons are ubiquitous, I find that rbc overall health is mostly related to heavy cell phone/devices day-long usage, those being the worst. (btw i advise not to touch devices 1 hr prior test)
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” – Winston S. Churchill
Churchill forgot about women and I hope that what he says doesn't apply to women!
Dr. Ana's lament is acknowledged by many. People obtain their "information" from TV, Internet, mouth to mouth, etc. Total and censorious control of the main media outlets throttles information gathering by the vast majority of people, many of whom have their own cherished death wishes, a sign they are resigned to their fate. Distracted by vast numbers of other issues curiously more available on major media, people take the route of easiest accomodation. Major media is meant to distract and impart lies in the minds of the populace. Moreover, our politicians are simply staying away from discussing these major issues like chemtrails and the recent but horrible vote against impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas for crimes against the state and populace. Clearly, our politicians are members of the death cult, isn't it amazing how representatives of the 192 nations of the world are going along with the murderous diktat of the WEF. Sure, kill 'em off, but let me live as one of your kapos, oh great Klaus Schwab. I confronted my medical GP and he insisted, vehemently and menacingly that the vaccines were great stuff yet ivermectin and other medications were toxic and did no good whatsoever. Obviously, the schlub was influenced by the mendacious press and medical agencies like state licensure boards and CDC, WHO, Fauci et al. I wish I had a tape recording of his blatant angst directed against those who would not accept the premise of vaccine wonderfulness. Humanity is hanging by a thread and so many in the medical community are going along and delighting in the bonus payments given to medical personnel for giving the shots to their patients. We are no longer on the road to perdition, we are there.
AncientLoveLover - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
Many of the people who refuse to acknowledge this have got to be mind controlled. Idk how many individuals I have spoken and shown evidence to whose eyes just glaze over and have the same apathetic zombie reaction. It makes me angry. I try not to be angry with them, as I know it is probably beyond their control. Honestly though I want to slap them awake. It does seem to be a program though like the information is wiped before they process it.
Dawn K - Nov 16, 2023
Dawn K
Yes! My sister who is very pro-clot shot made some remarks recently about the drugs on the market that shouldn’t be because of their terrible side effects. I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry. She is totally blind to what is going on!
John Roberts - Nov 16, 2023
John Roberts
I feel your pain.
I warned all three of my siblings with articles, videos and the like in the very beginning and even told them about three former work mates that died within days of each other after taking the shot. They didn’t want to look or hear it and asked me to stop.
They all got jabbed, along with their children, anyway and all three got side effects. Two had serious heart issues one having to go to hospital for surgery. After all that they still don’t get it.
It’s beyond any rational thinking.
All we can do is warn them. It’s unfortunate they didn’t listen.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’m sure there are tons of us with similar stories.
Nanette - Nov 16, 2023
Nanette’s Substack
Wow!! Unbelievable!!! So hard to wrap your head around isn’t it
John Roberts - Nov 16, 2023
John Roberts
Yes it is.
Especially when you are warning them, this shot can kill you.
It really is unbelievable.
Thanks for your reply.
Nanette - Nov 16, 2023
Nanette’s Substack
It is! I’m so sorry. You did the Right thing though - you can be proud. I had an unique thing happen where my sister who knew about the dangers did not warn me at all and I was skeptical. Now I’m V injured. Most stories I see are of those begging their loved ones not to take it as it should be.
John Roberts - Nov 16, 2023
John Roberts
I am truly sorry to hear of your injury.
All of these injuries and deaths ways heavy on the hearts and souls of many as it does mine.
I pray we all can find solutions to heal our minds, bodies and our relationships with others despite the decisions each of us made.
May the Lord Bless you Nanette and give you peace and strength to overcome your adversity’s.
Nov 16, 2023
Comment removed.
bio terry - Nov 17, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Remember, they don't think they are blind, they think we is a dead-end thanx to mainstream manupilation. But srill, WHAT are we suppose to do. What can we do, if dr ana can't seem to find ears to listen to.. what exactly could we do, everything that is said is just gaslighted, ignore or ridiculed... i see even momo sight on excess deaths in europe is owned by WHO, is that even legal that they own this site. We all know there is on average 17 +% excess dearhs all over the world in vaxxed countries, but on this momo site it says germany excess deaths extremely low, italy, belgium, france etc NO excess deaths. What CAN we do if these criminals own every opportunity to silence evidence
Christian - Aug 8
Ar’s Substack
excès de mortalité, près de 20% en Allemagne, 30 % en Tchéquie...
Doug - Nov 16, 2023
Doug’s Substack
They know it's prophecy they fake the glass over. While some are legit most know. Pray about it it's about all we can do for them... Pray they repent and change their ways and come out of her my people...
The trumpets are sounding or have, not long from now The mark of the beast will be implemented then they will have boils and pain and die then be thrown into the lake of fire so...
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
BILLGATES111 ■ Is Six hundred threescore and six in ASCII code. His patent 060606 he chose after the number of his name. Lead us not into temptation is experiment in Greek, REV 3:10. The QR image was/is required for buying and selling, all worldwide operated by Microsoft on cell phones, Greek word phone means voice/speech. MAC addresses from injection or some forehead, Greek word for "between the eyes," are already being bluetooth/frequency. He causeth all to recieve a mark to buy and sell, Greek is he manufactures/produces. I do not believe the beast nor the false prophet, I believe Fauci makes a great false prophet, that these two should have a second chance to repeat these abominations, because the Church was blind and had to play a part of being false teaching and false prophets at this end. If Christ suffered once, why would the beast be given a second chance to fulfill and repeatly fulfill prophecy? I accept the abomination and start my watchful count on December 14, 2020 the middle night of Hanukkah just before sundown and 1260 days end at sundown the end of Shavot 2024; July 14. 2024 being the next day. Half the virgins were rejected at the arrival of the Bridegroom parable, they were watching, but did not quantify; they had their lamp, but no oil - no light, it was gone/no return/no repentance offered. M
Christian - Aug 8
Ar’s Substack
La propagande de Jésus !
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 16, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Heh, heh... You can paint lipstick on Armageddon, but it's still Armageddon...
Doug - Nov 16, 2023
Doug’s Substack
i didn't lipstick it I know it's Armageddon. It's the wicked versus the righteous.
Gangstalkers are the wicked and these who do this plus those using v2k to try and get us killed...
I did say pray they turn it's what scripture say its our duty to pray for our duty to pray they turn God don't take pleasure in the wickeds death so we are to not to as well..
No I didn't lipstick it or sugar coat it...
We do have to do stuff though pray not just for them but us pray against them as well for God to take vengeance for us...Just forgive them and let God do his thing.. Don't take pleasure when they die or get things happening to them. Proverbs tells us if God sees us taking glee over the wicked he will stop... It's harder on us since it's human to say good riddance but we have to show some temperance...
I we need if your a believer need to begin to rise as the Two witnesses. It wont be just two Jews that's false it's true believers all over the world with faith and begin to pray daily or hourly if you can. pray these.... The lords Prayer, psalms 31, 52, 58, 94, 109, 120, 140 then close with the lords prayer all out loud. watch God work.
Put on this though first and I found this armor in Isiah. The cloak of Zeal...
add that to the belt of truth, the shoes of the Gospel, the helmet of Salvation, the chest plate of righteousness, and the sword of the spirit and shield of faith, and the cloak of zeal...
If what I wrote later is true about the sea turning black as a mans blood then we are dying now... and we need to repent and turn come out of her my people NOW...
The lawsuits Targeted Justice has support and join. ICATOR too...
add AI to the mix against the wicked AI is highly involved in our demise and the kicker is they aren't held to Gods rules, you can't just simply say begone you I command you gone in the Name of Jesus but you can still pray against it and it's good spiritual warfare for they have no soul they are not flesh and blood so...
Revelations where is says do to her twice as she did to us is not about what God is going to do. It doesn't violate the take no revenge for yourself so we may need to use force at some time so... They violate it AI gangstalkers these so called Dr's who say your just nuts and look the other way and those who created these nano bots etc...
James Giordano is a monster needs taken out...
My disclaimer is I am not pushing violence not breaking any kind of law but telling truth...
So yeah... But yeah it is most certainly...
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 16, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
If praying actually worked, we could have stopped praying about ten thousand years ago. Hello?
Doug - Nov 16, 2023
Doug’s Substack
No! and obviously my words are wasted on you so I won't bore you no more.
prayer works it's all God will and praying in his will not praying for sports cares and selfish things it's praying in his will and his timing...
but yeah all i have to say on that...
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
Praying ■ is talking; sometimes. M
Christian - Aug 8
Ar’s Substack
bien dit !
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
Armageddon ■ Is Jesus returns to judge and make war with the nations; God's wrath carried out by his Son. M
Carnivore Mama - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Aurora’s Substack
I had a response just like that last week from someone. After being in their company for a while, I was feeling the energy drain from me too... even with all the ways I know of to protect and mitigate that.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 16, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Well... Erm... Thank the video gaming industries and Hollywood, California film companies for grinding down frontal lobe functions till they're duller than a fence post. You can lead a dead horse to water, but...
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
It is written that God gave them a strong delusion ■ since they did not love the truth, he let them believe the lie; they were deceived. M
AncientLoveLover - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
Yes that verse is eloquently describing what we are dealing with. Until ppl become convicted by their wretched disgusting selfish behavior and wish to change, they cannot see the truth. I have often prayed for this delusion to lift if only for a moment so that a seed can get through. Sadly tragedy is the only thing that gets through to the hearts of the careless ones.
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Absolutely ■ Those that ran the lie to get honor from other's accordingly that wealth was their key to success and open doors of favor; is like a man in a hospital gown speaking with surety while his butt is completely being aired; they do not have eyes in the back of their head. I have had God to repeatly tell me that my parent's decision was under his/God's strong delusion. My daughter clearly is close to them and when my husband told me this weekend that my father got the latest shot; I know only God could let him pave his destruction. I was whipped terrible in public worship services up to the age of five at the double doors so all could witness my pain for saying/making noise; his violence no one would counter. Even as a teen near adulthood I was terribly punished and at sixteen two weeks before, about, beaten near death for twenty to thirty minutes for telling the truth. All the teen years I was quizzed from services on the sermon, and because my summory was not to his acceptance, I was given either a whipping or a scheduled punishment that required mostly isolation; same if any talking. Now, I wonder if those reviews were actually correct and even more convicting! M
Lobo7 - Nov 16, 2023
Lobo7’s Substack
Who knows what those flashing Nano demons can do, when they inhabit each of our brain cells. When they are connected to the AI, I suspect their working capacity has no limits. If many docs are brain cell captured by these devices, where can we go for help? As we wait on our salvation, we can pray for and encourage our champions; those seemingly few, who are confronting the most important research ever attempted on earth.
Katie D - Nov 16, 2023
The CIA has been obsessed with mind control for the last 100 years. I know from experience they use directed energy weapons to try to control people. According to Richard Lighthouse, they may actually have their satellites targeting everyone in America.
Ari - Nov 17, 2023
It's the Zombie Apocalypse. That's why they keep making zombie movies .
Christian - Aug 8
Ar’s Substack
They were already zombies before...
Me Mcc - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Me Mcc
They better STOP spraying our environment!!! I totally believe that they are polluting our air, water and food. It HAS to stop.
Dave aka Geezermann - Nov 16, 2023
Dave aka Geezermann
They want us dead, why would they stop?
Me Mcc - Nov 16, 2023
Me Mcc
Unfortunately, I agree.
Carnivore Mama - Nov 16, 2023
Aurora’s Substack
Yes... it feels like a 360° attack on humanity. I believe SSRI drugs and so called antidepressants are causing incredible harm to those who sadly, and wrongly believe they will cure them. These drugs are built on a myth and shrink the human brain.
Me Mcc - Nov 16, 2023
Me Mcc
Another reason why they are legalizing so many drugs in the U.S. versus just a decade ago - make people compliant and non-caring.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
I spent years commenting on the GeoengineeringWatch web site (Dane Wigington) and researched geoengineering and weather warfare articles posted on Agriculture Defense Coalition's site: > have been ZERO criminal charges filed in any US jurisdiction. A few piddly civil suits trickled forward, and were ignored by captured agency. The scale of contamination observed in agricultural produce and food distribution is stunning. Yet the civilian public continues to doze, and their feral governmental agencies continue to breathe in their own industrial puke.
It's not going to stop until Nature puts a stop to ALL of us... Pleasant thoughts, eh?
Dennis - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Thanks for the link. I didn't realize Rosalind Peterson of the ADC spoke to the UN in 2007. No one is going to step up and stop this spraying. I tell friends to look up, and they just give me a blank stare. I'm 72 and I remember what a blue sky looked like.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 17, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Dennis: The blank stares only come after they glance up from their cell phones. Their frontal lobe functions have been hijacked and turned off via EMF saturation. The environment has become a scene from a B rated movie...
Judy J - Nov 16, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Ana, I have obtained the filters needed to turn my light microscope into one I can use for dark field microscopy. Are you looking at blood drops on a slide and is it with or without a coverslip? You tend to watch the formation of these things for hours but a blood drop would be drying up in that time so I am not sure how you are doing it. Are you letting the blood sit in a test tube and then putting the test tube under the scope? Are you using heparin with the blood draw or EDTA or something else? I would like to start checking blood and other products but am not sure of the simple basics on sample handling that I need to know. Just some basic info on how to draw and handle the sample would be very helpful. I appreciate all that you do and I keep trying to wake people up.
Phil Welsh - Nov 16, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I've done tons of microscopy during my career in medical research (from student scopes to electron scopes) and I've learned that one must keep techniques as simple as possible, particularly when examining something which has not been seen or described before. Use a small finger stick lancet and squeeze a drop of blood onto the slide. Lower a coverslip gently onto the drop and do your best to avoid air bubbles. If you wish to observe the blood for longer than just a few minutes, it's best to seal the edges of the cover slip with an appropriate gel to avoid evaporative water loss and subsequent crystallization of blood salts. Make sure your scope is on a very sturdy surface which is relatively vibration-free. If you see similar structures as Ana is seeing in your blood sample, I suggest turning off all incident light to see whether these presumptive "nano-bots" are truly emitting light themselves or are merely refracting/reflecting the light from the scope.
I won't even begin to speculate about what these things truly are, but clearly they don't belong in healthy blood. My guess is that it's part of the transhumanist, merging of man with machine, Internet of Things (yes, we're all things now!), track and trace and monitor and influence, agendas of the Deep State forces... perhaps under the auspices and direction of off-world races and/or highly sphisticated AI systems.
Nod - Nov 16, 2023
Ar’s Substack
"perhaps under the auspices and direction of"
globalist bankers. This is their plan, always has been.
Christian - Nov 16, 2023
Ar’s Substack
The Rothschild and his large family !
Nod - Nov 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I think there are more families. Quite a few speak of that. But I am going to run that down. I just bought Carrol Quigleys book
He was a globalist, and got in close to the bankers files is my understanding. There should be much to learn.
Christian - Nov 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
The Rothschild and friends, the black Nobility, the Jesuits more families ? When they are about to reach their goal !
RebeccaccebeR - Nov 16, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
Dr. Ana is probably not going to give away her techniques. But if you would like to get images as clear as mine you might put a dab of blood between the plastic and the glass of a screen protector. Like one for cell phones. Just pull back the plastic put the drop of blood on the glass and put the plastic back down. Keeps contaminants out and moisture in. Responds well to human breath. Be sure to remember to breathe some hot air on the samples (and on anything that grows from the samples) to check if they react. They often do. Also, get a blacklight. I purchased mine from Cabela’s pro shop in their fisherman tools. It is intended to cure the glue for fishing lures. $40
Chris - Nov 16, 2023
It’s fascinating work. I would really appreciate it if you could show side by side photos or videos of “healthy (pure) blood” vs “unhealthy (contaminated) blood”. That would be awesomely helpful.
RebeccaccebeR - Nov 16, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
You should see my side-by-side comparisons!
zeb11 - Nov 16, 2023
Thank you for your work. I am open to anything and marvel at how deep the rabbit hole has got. Just recently, I contacted an old aquaintance who confirmed she is aware of the c0vid scam but closed up completely to any discussion about it. I cannot fathom the apathy either.
zeb11 - Nov 16, 2023
actually, the apathy scares me.
Remi Steele - Nov 16, 2023
Remi’s Substack
I think people are tired of hearing about it and don't want to talk about it any longer because they feel helpless rather than apathetic. They say, "yes we know, but what can we really do about it?" While I'm still on a quest for methods to rid ourselves of these monsters inside us, I see the tiredness and helplessness in my husband who is well aware of the scam. He no longer wants to hear about it, but he does take his daily supplement cocktail.
John H. - Nov 16, 2023
John H.
I have experienced the same thing. Some people I come in contact with, say they know there is nothing they can do to stop what is happening, so they try to continue living their lives without constantly being reminded that they are being slowly killed. I can't really blame them. I think the vast majority of people cannot tolerate the cognitive dissonance of dealing with a slow death by poisoning without trying to pretend it is not happening. After almost 4 years, it's obvious, this is intentional and not going to stop just because people want it to or don't approve of it. I have alienated almost everyone by continuing to tell the truth. It is a lonely existence.
Remi Steele - Nov 16, 2023
Remi’s Substack
I understand completely, but alone you are not. We are members of a community still speaking up regardless. If it all falls on ears that have been closed for some reason or another, it's not on us, it's on them. Hard as we might try to save them all, we just can't. You know the saying, "you can lead a horse to water..."
Caroline - Nov 16, 2023
Me too. Just lost another to Israel / Gaza blood bath.
John H. - Nov 16, 2023
John H.
It's too bad all of us who are committed to continuing to speak the truth can't get together and form an actual community, geographically. It would be nice to live among like-minded people.
Caroline - Nov 16, 2023
Yeah I think that's incredibly frustrating. I've signed up with several groups with ways to connect with local people but minimal members.
John H. - Nov 16, 2023
John H.
Are there any you recommend? Did you meet up to see if the members seemed legitimate vs.: infiltrators?
Christina Kinne - Nov 17, 2023
Christina Kinne
You are not alone. Most realize the corruption is so rampant our only hope is to continue to shine the light of truth so no one in their right mind would consider taking these injections. Even today the CDC is still promoting these injections and reporting false numbers of the amount of citizens that "have taken the new flu vaccine". False reports all around.
RebeccaccebeR - Nov 16, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
Take glutathione.
JohnDH - Nov 16, 2023
what are main benefits of glutathione in this context of the blood contamination?
bastringue - Nov 16, 2023
Comment removed.
bastringue - Nov 17, 2023
It's not enough.
Carol B - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Carol B
Perhaps we are more powerful than we realize.
Our words/thoughts are powerful. Is that Quantum?
If we do not consent to this technological hijacking, will it cease to be?
If they didn’t really need for us to get the vaccine, why was the fake pandemic played in front of us, forced and pushed, with lying and deceit? Perhaps consent. Beyond consent. Our Begging for it.
Would you consider selecting a group of people to use mind medicine/spiritual healing techniques? Ask them to do the following, then check their blood?
To meditate on health, vitality, pristine blood within their bodies?
Another to rebuke the evil that has entered their living vessel? Command it to flee, never return.
Another to state their intention that no such technology is allowed in their vessel, that they have not given consent,?
And lastly to speak the 91st Psalm for a period of time, perhaps 30 days, calling out that God is protecting their body?
Thinking out of the box. Your work is amazing. Thank you.
Me Mcc - Nov 16, 2023
Me Mcc
I'd love that, too. God/Spirit is the only answer ultimately. He provides gifts of the Spirit - we need to use them.
Carnivore Mama - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Aurora’s Substack
I would love to be a part of that. Beyond what is clearly apparent in the physical domain, this is an energetic battle for the human soul. We need to call on source and our highest aspects.
I've recently found myself drawn to Psalm 23 as part of my wider spiritual practice and fortification.
Karen - Nov 16, 2023
Dr. Ana…many people became aware when Stew Peters and Karen Kingston exposed the patents with this and you and your colleagues have taken this to the next level!! Being aware along with some of our friends and I say just some friends find this so bizarre that any human would do this to humanity just to become a global god! I will work and stand till my last dying breath to spread this for my children and grandchildren!! Saying thank you I realize isn’t enough for how you have put your life on hold to help save humanity but there are more of us out here that know that but you don’t hear from them❤️standing with you❤️❤️
Okisuke - Nov 16, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
I think anyone who is in denial should be presented with the facts by Dr. David Hughes. He has shown this list in his discussion with Dr. Ana:
Nanotech Hesitancy – “Seems to me there’s quite a few nanotech hesitant people out there; i.e.. people who just don’t want to recognize the possibility that nanotech might actually be in the shots”
1. It sounds preposterous, like sci-fi, too far outside the spectrum of acceptable opinion. This is not scientific inquiry.
2. Even if they question the “Covid-19” official narrative, their perceptual parameters are the “virus, the spike protein, and other dangers in the “disclosed” ingredients”. An effect of propaganda.
○ Perhaps the propaganda here is to get people to focus on those things that nobody thinks to look elsewhere, and even if they do, it’s so far outside their mindset, that it’s almost impossible to process.
3. Some commentators know nothing about bio-nanotechnology; they’ve never read anything about nanotechnology, so are not qualified to comment.
○ We’re typically looking at Doctors, virologists, and microbiologists to help us explain what’s going on here, but let’s imagine for a second that there is nanotechnology in the vials, would any of these scientists know what they are looking at; even if they saw it?
○ We need people who work in this area to bring forward their specialist knowledge too.
○ We need a joint-effort multi-disciplinary approach.
4. Fear of reprisal e.g. hit pieces by the Mainstream media, losing their licence to practice, threats to life, etc. prevents people from publicly expressing certain opinions.
○ We’re living in an age of political fear and intimidation, and you know that if you speak out, the mainstream media will come for you.
○ Doctors are losing their licences to practice.
○ Some people’s lives have been threatened. It’s interesting that out of the 26 cases I look at – Noack is dead and Carrie Madej’s plane went down and she could’ve died as well.
It seems like that literally every nanotech specialist is not willing to help with the investigation. I mean what's going in these people's minds. Do they even care about themselves and their family?
Rust - Nov 16, 2023
"Galvanic-coupled Trans-dural Data Transfer for High-bandwidth Intra-cortical Neural Sensing"
"From Nano-Communications to Body Area Networks: A Perspective on Truly Personal Communications"
"Optoacoustic brain stimulation at submillimeter spatial precision"
...three articles among many similar at the Psinergy Odysee channel. Explains much.
John H. - Nov 16, 2023
John H.
With respect to: "Seems to me there’s quite a few nanotech hesitant people out there; i.e.. people who just don’t want to recognize the possibility that nanotech might actually be in the shots." My sense is that the vast majority of people who claim a commitment to the so-called MFM refuse to admit/discuss the fact that nanotechnology has been intentionally placed in the shots. It now seems self-evident that NT infestation is the primary if not only reason for the entire last 4 years. Presumably, the technology serves the dual purpose of depopulation and connection to the AI that appears to be running things. The perpetrators have made it abundantly clear that they intended to do what has actually transpired. They have spent decades writing and speaking about their plans. Whether through invincible ignorance or intentional malevolence of those who do not admit NT infestation, the result is the same.
420MedicineMan - Nov 16, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
I spoke to a Dr not long ago, other Drs are losing their jobs, so some must be speaking up. Then there's many Drs who are now retiring early, probably out of disgust. This will lead to allopathic health system crisis eventually, as many new Drs entering the system will not be as competent, and there'll be staff shortages, which there already is. They don't like the WHO treaty either.
I've also been speaking to everyday people, I get to them now, cause I start with my military experience, show the microscopy. Then explain the extent of the technology and surveillance, and how their taxes, own spending on wireless devices, has paid for this biosynthetic technological surveillance enslavement.
Some are open and interested, others get really scared, as they don't like what's happened.
So the apatheticness, does seem to be a mix of apathetic despair. As much as the political and lawfare has come a long way in the medical freedom movements favour. The information, and Alt media is still suppressed from the msn and the major social media platforms.
Yet the truth is still leaking through,via direct link sharing and word of mouth.
It just takes a little longer, it is happening.
RebeccaccebeR - Nov 16, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
Light-triggered in-vivo computational synthetic biology.
matt. j.a.o.b - Nov 16, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Rebecca,
Optogenetic research is turning out to be an interesting field that includes our old friends the zebra fish and drosophila. I have been watching for hours what appears to be one bot dishing out bits of light to a posse of worker bots that go somewhere with them and return at unbelievable speeds.
Might be a key in there somewhere.
Rust - Nov 16, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hey Matt,
I posted this above, reposting in case you missed it.
"Galvanic-coupled Trans-dural Data Transfer for High-bandwidth Intra-cortical Neural Sensing"
"From Nano-Communications to Body Area Networks: A Perspective on Truly Personal Communications"
"Optoacoustic brain stimulation at submillimeter spatial precision"
...three articles among many similar at the Psinergy Odysee channel. Explains much.
matt. j.a.o.b - Nov 16, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Thanks Rust.
RebeccaccebeR - Nov 16, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
I’m about to drop a post that I have been working on. It is about luciferase biosensors.
Trying to turn the conversation away from quantum dots and toward the in-vivo crimes that I continue to endure.
Joe R Oaks MD - Nov 16, 2023
Agent’s Substack
I have a doubt. I just want to know if those unvaccinated tor C19 have PCR or Ag testing by nose or not. Specifically the unvaccinated with nanotechnology in their blood? Regards, Dr Rodriguez
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 16, 2023
Agent’s Substack
research keywords PCR TEST DARPA HYDROGEL. AND OPERATION NANO DOMESTIC QUELL. . useyandex.comnot google. we have ALL BEEN SLIMED with nano tech since at least 2010.....Q-
hurom - Nov 16, 2023
Ar’s Substack
since the blood of unvaxx is so contaminated, why 99% of all "sudden deaths" or turbocancers happens to vaxxed only? i'm a therapist and i do look at the blood in bright field, and while ribbons are ubiquitous, I find that rbc overall health is mostly related to heavy cell phone/devices day-long usage, those being the worst. (btw i advise not to touch devices 1 hr prior test)
Christian - Nov 16, 2023
Ar’s Substack
we are just a bit late !
John Lawton - Nov 17, 2023
John Lawton
'Ingredients' in the vax such as SV40 might be the reason.
Nostradamus X - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” – Winston S. Churchill
Churchill forgot about women and I hope that what he says doesn't apply to women!
matt. j.a.o.b - Nov 16, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I liked his:
"the truth is so precious it should be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies"
Seems to apply big time in this era.
Christian - Nov 16, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Churchill = un Monstre qui a fait tuer sous ordre Rothschild des centaines de milliers de français et d'allemands, etc.
Nostradamus X - Nov 16, 2023
Nostradamus X
Il a aussi mis à mort des millions d'Indiens par la famine. Les monstres disent parfois des choses censées!
Christian - Nov 17, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Sensées, avec un S !
Chris - Nov 16, 2023
Question. Has anyone checked if magnetism or emp pulses can destroy them?
bastringue - Nov 17, 2023
Tony Pascarello anti-nano triangle? I'm curious as well.
Estera - Nov 16, 2023
Estera’s Substack
Hi,rouleaux is connected with electromagnetic radiation.
2g,3g,4g and 5g are electromagnetic radiation. Difference between them is that 5g is the military radar frequency. It works differently and they can kill you in one second, the exact person which they want. 1g to 4g cover space , 5g go directly to mobile phone or wifi point. I have experienced damage not when I was on data on my phone (I have a 4G phone) but when my husband went on the internet near me I had some sort of electric shock in my ears. I am thinking that all this person which talking against covid , vaccines and 5g and dead after it they attacked by mobile phone of wifi.
michael janket - Nov 16, 2023
michael janket
Dr. Ana's lament is acknowledged by many. People obtain their "information" from TV, Internet, mouth to mouth, etc. Total and censorious control of the main media outlets throttles information gathering by the vast majority of people, many of whom have their own cherished death wishes, a sign they are resigned to their fate. Distracted by vast numbers of other issues curiously more available on major media, people take the route of easiest accomodation. Major media is meant to distract and impart lies in the minds of the populace. Moreover, our politicians are simply staying away from discussing these major issues like chemtrails and the recent but horrible vote against impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas for crimes against the state and populace. Clearly, our politicians are members of the death cult, isn't it amazing how representatives of the 192 nations of the world are going along with the murderous diktat of the WEF. Sure, kill 'em off, but let me live as one of your kapos, oh great Klaus Schwab. I confronted my medical GP and he insisted, vehemently and menacingly that the vaccines were great stuff yet ivermectin and other medications were toxic and did no good whatsoever. Obviously, the schlub was influenced by the mendacious press and medical agencies like state licensure boards and CDC, WHO, Fauci et al. I wish I had a tape recording of his blatant angst directed against those who would not accept the premise of vaccine wonderfulness. Humanity is hanging by a thread and so many in the medical community are going along and delighting in the bonus payments given to medical personnel for giving the shots to their patients. We are no longer on the road to perdition, we are there.
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