Russian Study Finds Self Assembly…

Dec 15, 2023

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Bee Gee - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Bee Gee

Good for the Russians, although most of the world will probably never see it.
I now think sars-cov2 was like the firmware that was required to install the fake vaxx software and everyone got it, because they were and are actively spreading it. Anyone who did not get sars-cov2 couldnt get the shedding, but all the tests were intentionally fake and things like fake masking just helped spread it.
In kirkland Wa in Nov and Dec of 2019 I started noticing chinese people in the grocery store would walk right up to whatever you were looking at, literally less than 12 inches from you, then pick it up and spin it around like a game show host and then put it back down and not actually buy anything. And I worked in tech in Seattle for decades, I dont think all asians look the same but when I took pics or video of it they would immediately pretend to leave the store.
Then as masking and social distancing started, it kept happening over and over. One day I was talking shit about it in the checkout line at the Safeway on 85th, how these chinese were all inside my personal space and picking up what I was looking at and not buying it.
And what do you know, another guy and his wife in line said 'hey, that just happened to me too' and then some in the next line over said it happened to them too.
Ive seen this happen in multiple states, and it happened just the other day in fact. Im in a red state, no masks anywhere but we pull up in the store parking lot and see an asian chick with a mask on walking all the way across the huge parking lot, like she parked at the store next door off camera.
My wife was going in, so I told her watch, I bet you that chick makes a beeline to the meat department and starts picking up all kinds of meat but not buying any.
She didnt want to believe me, she never does but I had told about it in Kirkkland of course and she knows Im pretty observant so she went in and damn if that wasnt exactly what the Only masked person in the entire store was doing.
No cart, no basket, just picking packages up, spinning them around and handling but not reading anything on it, just pick it up and repeat. Over and over and over.
So I think without sars-cov2 there is no shedding.
Also if you look at kevin mckernan/anonymous japanese dudes RNA map of the ring, there is a big portion in the top right corner no one can identify.
Its not in Any of the RNA mapping databases, which pretty much means it is unknown on earth because they have mapped pretty much everything known now.
I think that is what causes the magnetism that isnt magnetism and that can shed from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.
An unknown unmapped chunk of RNA spreading to unvaxxed people and some kind of previously unknown effect afflicting them are not a coincidence, imho.


Tatjana - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited


Sorry, this has very little to do with the topic - did you read the article? I recommend everyone to READ DR ANA'S REPORT again, with attention. The summary from Thailand is very comprehensive even for non-doctors. (If I can understand the essence, English native speakers will be able to understand it even better.)
1. To repeat the findings of dr. Ana and others: All the injections (not only covid jabs, children vaccines, insulin, etc.), eyedrops and other farmaceuticals are being produced by the WESTERN farmaceutical companies. (Russia is under sanctions, and Chinese farmaceutical products are not available in the USA.)
2. Meat does not get contaminated by people touching it, but put there intentionally by big FOOD PROCESSING COMPANIES - in USA that means US COMPANIES.
3. And behaviour of Chinese immigrants can be quite easily explainable: they don't have enough money to buy the products (when I don't have enough money, I do the same - pick the product, see the price and put it back; sometimes I check different groceries in search of lower prices). And it is a well known fact, that personal space in different cultures can vary a lot. Anglosaxons have quite wide personal space (i.e. quickly feel that someone is breaching their space). In my country we don't mind standing close to each other or touching each other.
4. I put metal objects to my forhead and nothing sticks to it, not even a needle. I was vaccinated 1 year ago (unfotunatelly, I was so busy that I wasn't able to pay enough attention to warnings). Now, I just came back from outside where I was contaminated with the nanoparticles spread via geoengeniring. Next time, please document your claims (e.g. film the phenomenon with your smartphone), post it on Twitter or Telegram and copy the link here, as evidence.
5. Picking on Chinese, making claims without presenting any evidence, and ignoring the topic of dr. Ana's article make me think that you might be an agent trying to distract people from really important findings of Russian researchers. (It is no true that only the Russians can be informed. In the West, we just found out about this thanks to dr. Ana's research.)


Ron Panzer - Dec 16, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

I agree with Bee Gee, you have no idea what you are talking about. (no offense intended).
Aside from European BioNTech, he Pfizer corporation had another partner in the creation of its COVID 19 "vaccine": a Chinese partner that made the lipid nanoparticle contained in its COVID 19 "vaccine".
WuXi Biologics Do some research.
So, your statement that the vaccines here or all or most of the pharmaceuticals here are made by Western pharmaceutical companies is utterly false. The ingredients of many, many medications are made elsewhere, many, many in China, some in Mexico or India, among the top sources.
In fact, that China makes many medications and also makes parts for our military has been raised as a national security risk as well as a medical risk for people who depend on those medications for their health.
For example, just one of many articles:
"China Is the Top Source of U.S. Pharmaceutical Imports, With India and Mexico Also Major Sources" APRIL 7, 2020 Public Citizen


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

"raised as a national security risk" disinfo by bankster design, as both countries wotk for and are controlled by the cabal


Bee Gee - Dec 15, 2023

Bee Gee

You have no idea what you are talking about, but this is why I sometimes dont mention the chinese aspect. Of course I think if Anyone is doing something like that you should at least notice but most people dont ever notice anything...
Like all the warning signs the fake vaxxes were bad. Whoops!
Also Kirkland Washington is one of the most affluent zip codes in America and there are no price tags on Anything in any store, because its 2023 and I live in America. The prices are on the tag affixed to the shelf or at costco, on a huge tag so they dont need to pick it up, and also as you failed to comprehend from my comment, they dont actually read anything on it. That might be a reasonable explanation... that I have already discounted by evidence.
Also I have never seen a vaxxed person who was magnetic on their forehead or chest, its always been their injection site but then it fades over time. Thats just what I have seen though.
I do have Extensive evidence of my statements, ALL OF THEM, but I dont really care enough to try to convince you, I already did far far far far far far far far far more than your shitty reply suggests.
SFYVM and good luck with your affliction, hopefully you didnt give it to too many people who were smart enough not to take it.


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Could Chinese as CCP agents do it effectively and timely globally? Chemtrails or mass vaxing death-scared masses seem better to accomplish the same.


Bee Gee - Dec 18, 2023

Bee Gee

I only know what I have seen... I do not know the hows or whys.
Its a binary bioweapon, like the two tubes of epoxy, so I think the fake vaxxes needed people to have gotten the Sars-cov2 'virus'/'firmware' before they can get the shedding 'software' from the vaxxed and subsequent ADE reactions.
Seems like a pretty efficient way to spread something directly to many people if one were so determined but I can think of many potential problems with planes or chemtrails that would no be present in this method. UV, wind, hit or miss erratic dosing, etc.
Americans are especially stupid with their niceness and fake equality and always trying to make excuses as though the world were all fair and nice and there are no bad people in the world.
Nuh Uh, those people I didnt bother to see doing that thing I think they wouldn't do must not have did that. Sure.
I pray God gives them a gentle awakening.


VJCBingham - Dec 30, 2023


2 epoxy tubes - right! The evidence shows there are 2 parts involved in the scheme. Among the duos - I believe that when enough of the population has the crap within them, (whether by shot or chem trail or tainted food and water) they'll announce a 'new variant', then throw the high power radiation swtich from the ubiquitous 5G towers; killing so many people simultaneously, that survivors rush (again) to the vaccines. There is a chapter in the book 'The TYRANNY of MASKS - Lambs to the Slaughter' (2020) that is entitled 'Covid is a Binary Weapon', (Starts on page 411) that you might find interesting. The link


VJCBingham - Dec 30, 2023 - Edited


Russia is under sanctions, and still sells its oil to the US through India.
Venezuela is under sanctions and still sells its oil to the USA.
China is a huge resource of US pharma products, not to mention the masks and PCR test swabs were made there.
"..when I don't have enough money, I do the same - pick the product, see the price and put it back." Are you joking? If I don't have money to shop, I stay home.
No one is 'picking on the Chinese' or 'presenting claims without evidence'. Nor are they an 'agent'. Really, you can't be serious. This sounds like an Inspector Clouseau skit..


Stephanie - Dec 15, 2023

Stephanie’s Substack

Look up US Patent 2020 #060606- Microsoft (Bill Gates). It’s happening.


Olympio Justian - Dec 18, 2023

Olympio’s Substack

Firstly do you mean everyone who was vaxxed ?
Secondly, I saw through the circus from day one.
When you know you know !
Is there such a thing as sars covi 2 ?
They say it’s been proven but no evidence ?


VJCBingham - Dec 30, 2023


The German molecular biologist - Dr Stefan Lanka, wrote the book 'The Virus Misconception' on exactly that point - No one has ever proven his research wrong, that says basically - that viruses as we have been led to believe them - do not exist. I have a chapter on his findings in the 2020 book 'The TYRANNY of MASKS' page 256 and following; The free online book may be read or downloaded


Olympio Justian - Dec 30, 2023

Olympio’s Substack

Hey Beegee,
I’ve read this too.
Your not wrong.
The facts are this was all planned.
The fact is whoever is responsible knew exactly what they were doing.
How it would effect society globally.
One thing for sure try not to panic.
All that you buy try to buy natural and organic.
Distill your own water.
Stop drinking and using anything out of a tap.
By natural fruit and vegetables or try to grow your own.
The fact is and this is the sinister part which makes it even more evil.
To plan this one would have to see how it would effect society
If you remember in the beginning how it was played out on msm on the spreading.
If it’s true China stopped internal flights but not international flights.
But again this was the plan.
Regardless of what’s taken place these last 4 years
And it was long planned before the plan was put into action.
Information has been made public that it may have been dropped airborne wise also for it too spread if in deed that is true.
They have been many angles used in the pantomime movie of fear and lies.
The world now knows what is reality.
The narrative was created and the damage is done and cannot be undone.
What’s needed now is justice globally.
But in the meantime all they are trying to do is throw everything they can at the population of the world to keep instilling the fear that’s negative.
This keeps our frequencies low and this is where people make mistakes from the fear.
My advice stop watching tv,
Switch your cell
Phones off or start to use it less.
Any Wi-Fi related implements that require this use stop using.
Do you have a smart meter ?
That powers your property ?
That’s not a good move.
Regardless the damage has been done
All people can try to do is protect them selves.
As much as they know how too.
Have faith in your own ability to survive through this genocidal bullshit.
Stay strong 💪 and never give up to this tyranny.
But people around you need to wake up.
Who don’t believe in whats taking place.


Olympio Justian - Dec 18, 2023

Olympio’s Substack

It’s all about the programming.
Say and show it enough it then becomes someone’s truth.
You think about it enough !
You’re giving it power to manifest !


Bee Gee - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Bee Gee

Yeah, thats a long convoluted comment blurring points, sorry, too much coffee.
Many Unvaxxed people have found they are 'magnetic' on their forehead, sternum and collarbone but it is not normal 'magnetism' because many of the things that stick to people are not 'magnetic', like keys or coins or even plastic. Magnets dont stick to those things but they stick to some people now. It sounds crazy but yet its undeniably true to anyone who sees it in real life. I used to have it and I showed a lot of people.
The guy three houses down from me back then has a masters in Electronic Engineering and one in Computer Science and was working on his Phd and he didnt believe me when I told him over text.
Then he came over and saw it for himself... he didnt know what it was but he knew it wasnt fake. He tried to play it off but I could stick a 3.4 ounce solid brass pog slammer to my forehead and I could bend over and jump up and down and it wouldnt come off. And like most people when they realize its not a trick... he looked scared.
Many people found this was happening since 2020 and it was totally censored from everywhere by govtech. There are receipts proving it but no one pays attention to those.
The rest of my comment is about how I think the sars-cov2 virus is like the firmware required for people to get what the vaxxed are shedding.
What the vaxxed shed is like the virus 'software'... that requires the sars-cov2 virus 'firmware' to be able to infect the unvaxxed.
And I think sars-cov2, the virus 'firmware', was and Is being intentionally spread by people within the US. They go in a grocery store, touch a Ton of meat but never buy any... over and over and over. You dont really need to be Harriet The Spy to see it either.
Is there someone with a mask on picking up food and then putting it down over and over and Over again? Do they walk up and physically touch you while picking up the exact thing you were looking at and then put it back down? Have you ever left the store, forgot something and came back an hour or two later and the exact same person or couple are still there doing the exact same thing? Well, hmm.
I think thats why it is still on-going, they need people to get the new updated 'firmware' to accept the new updated 'software' from the newest vaxxes.
And I think it can't shed to unvaxxed people unless they have the newest firmware.
Thats my current theory until I have newer or better information.


Miss Parker - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Comment removed.


Miss Parker - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Too tired to look it up, but have read that Chinese and Ashkenazi genetic lines are less vulnerable to SARS. or some such, having to do with receptors and uptake. What I just wrote likely makes no sense, but I did read something to this effect in medical papers which weren't about casting any kind of ethnic aspersions, but intent on explaining variances in susceptibility.


Jackson - Dec 16, 2023

Spend your time studying UN Agenda 2030 and 2050. Stick with the tangibles and lay off the LSD.


VJCBingham - Dec 30, 2023


I did see where they were developing the 'virus' to afflict certain populations over others. The Slavs, for example - have to go; They are 'uncontrollable', independent, strong. Ditto the rest of the caucasion races. The Chinese and oriental races are most obedient, and may be allowed to stick around to 'serve'. I'd rather not talk too much about the other, as then we get into the muddy waters of who is behind all of this.


Julie Stander - Dec 18, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

I read this too.


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Which of the Chinese lines? Chinese Jews called Haka (ca. 100M world-wide) derive from Ashkenazi migration to China centuries ago.
One of the world's highest c19 vax rate in Israel raises a question: was it an antidotum and via a different batch an occasion to get rid of anti-Zionist opposition in the country at the same time? Netanjahu signed a secret contract for c19 Pfizer vax made for Israel.
If I recall, Israeli firm tried ethnically selective c19 vax in Ukraine during the worldwide rollout -- on non-Jew Ukrainians or on Ukrainian Jews?.


Jackson - Dec 16, 2023

Bee Gee

I was in the Kirkland area for years up to 2021. I always saw Asians being Asians and pretending like they are examining something thoroughly before purchasing it, to make sure it’s not damaged or tampered or whatever. They wear the masks because they are anal retentive and a bit paranoid. Nothing else going on. It’s a cultural thing.


Bee Gee - Dec 18, 2023

Bee Gee

Haha, Its not a 'cultural thing', and they weren't inspecting it for 'damage', as you try to make excuses for... That Might Be A Reasonable Explanation.
Again, dismissed by evidence.
This is not the only suspicious behavior we observed, there are multiple other examples but most people just didnt realize what they were observing at the time. Its actually quite common with people who actively observe things but c'est la vie.
Also 'Asians being asians' might sound a little racist to some, and "they" dont All do anything.
Maybe you should learn to identify different ethnic groups among Asian peoples before you try to tell me anything else you also don't know about.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

This is exactly what I have been learning for two decades now. Nomenclature allows scientists to hide things under multiple names so they're harder for people to find. When I look up a term plus nomenclature I find it is listed under many things, sometimes a dozen or more names, although sometimes there is not even a connection. It requires more research to uncover.
For example genetics continues to rename genes and make alternative names, not listing all of them in the same description allowing confusion over function and purpose.
This is what I've been suspicious of with things like infectious clones they may be re-naming forms of gain of function to hide it from people.
Then people on substack say things like viruses don't have lipid envelopes confusing everyone more by lying about what viruses do how they are formed and what they are capable of


Anonymous New Mexico - Dec 16, 2023

Anonymous New Mexico

Reminds me of Joe Biden's multiple pseudonyms and email address.


Darrell - Dec 15, 2023

Psychopaths have finally found a way to destroy humanity without the consent or knowledge of the people, we shouldn't be talking about this but taking drastic actions against those who perpetrated this horrendous act against humanity and hold them accountable no matter who they are.


kaal - Dec 15, 2023


The test swabs introduced XNA and polymerase engineering and reverse transcription of synthetic genetic polymers and rna into dna. perhaps someone scientific can pick up on the info from comments from last few articles and be able to type better than me and explain...-


Anonymous New Mexico - Dec 16, 2023

Anonymous New Mexico

Another one of my substack's has just made - 3 days ago- a remarkable discovery that everyone on this substack needs to know about.


kaal - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited


SO- abbots covid ID test utilizes nicking endonucleatic lease isothermal amplicationrelies on utilizing 3rd strand displacement dna synthesis in presence of BST DNA POLYMERASE!!!article fromnature.comI have made comments with terms- someone scientific can put them together and explain this. told you! XNA- xenobiology. just typed in bst dna polymerase covid test- and there!


kaal - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited


polymerase engineering. bst dna polymerase from geobaccilus stearothermophilus reverse transcribes xna[synthetic genetic polymers} and rna into dna. xna is xenobiology. aka directed evolution. combine syn bio and tech 2 create a lien {not of this world} life.


Anonymous New Mexico - Dec 16, 2023

Anonymous New Mexico

You will find this very recent discovery very interesting.


Tatjana - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited


In combination with dr. Ana's microscopy of injections content and contaminated live blood, this is proving that both the SARS-COV-2 "virus" and jabs are a man-made bioweapon!


Moxyp - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

News Paradigm

So what I’m understanding is they are ascribing this nano particle presence to the VIRUS as opposed to the vaccine? Did I read that right? Is this just another way to hide what’s in the vaccines?


Harold Saive - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

News Paradigm

Viruses are a hoax - THE GATEKEEPERS - Dr. Peter McCullough Promotes Adolescent Viral Nonsense -


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Chrisitne Massey leads on non-existence of ANY viruses, see e.g. her newest bulletin on the firstly "discovered" "virus":


Harold Saive - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited

News Paradigm

Yes....She is super. The movement is getting out-of-hand for the no-virus "deniers"


Lee - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited


Yes, that is exactly my reading as well: they are ascribing the self-assembling nanoparticle presence to the virus, not the "vaccine."


kaal - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited




kaal - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited


FROM REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE TEST SWAB. with XNA. directed evolution aka xenobiology.


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Kaal, we think alike, but no expertise here, pls see Qs at he end of my comment. Wiki:
"Xenobiology (XB) is a subfield of synthetic biology, the study of synthesizing and manipulating biological devices and systems.[1] The name "xenobiology" derives from the Greek word xenos, which means "stranger, alien". Xenobiology is a form of biology that is not (yet) familiar to science and is not found in nature.[2] In practice, it describes novel biological systems and biochemistries that differ from the canonical DNA–RNA-20 amino acid system (see central dogma of molecular biology). For example, instead of DNA or RNA, XB explores nucleic acid analogues, termed xeno nucleic acid (XNA) as information carriers.[3] It also focuses on an expanded genetic code[4] and the incorporation of non-proteinogenic amino acids, or “xeno amino acids” into proteins.[5][6]"
Wiki defines:
"expanded genetic code" = "artificially modified genetic code in which one or more specific codons have been re-allocated to encode an amino acid that is not among the 22 common naturally-encoded proteinogenic amino acids.[1]"
"Nucleic acid analogues" = "compounds which are analogous (structurally similar) to naturally occurring RNA and DNA, used in medicine and in molecular biology research. [...] also called Xeno Nucleic Acid and represent one of the main pillars of xenobiology, the design of new-to-nature forms of life based on alternative biochemistries."
From the xbio point, I glanced the pre-publication review version of the Russian paper, dated Oct 16, 2023. The final one (dated Dec 9, 2023) is being blocked. Dated Dec 14, 2023, the Thai article about the paper is likely based on the now-blocked version.
The Oct 16, 2023, Russian paper version download:
Suggest download in case this version, too, is blocked. I find the Authors adhere to rockefellerian fraud:
- An approving language on "SARS CoV-2" virus and "covid-19", as if both were not a fraud. Re. non-existence of any viruses, see e.g. the newest bulletin on the firstly "discovered" "virus":
- Russian paper, section 2.1: "SARS-CoV-2 RNA was isolated from the nasopharyngeal swabs of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in Moscow in Spring 2020 using the TRIzol LS Reagent kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA)". The kit and procedure infected the patients with the bio-weapon, or they became "infected" e.g. via earlier mRNA flu vax, containing also nanobots?
- According to paper end note, SARS-CoV-2 "proteins purification" for the study was done by Russian genetic tech institute: "We thank the Center for Precision Genome Editing and Genetic Technologies for Biomedicine, Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency for SARS-CoV-2 proteins purification."
- Testing by multiple, sophisticated instruments, all requiring isolated and purified bio-assay sample, but only a small one was taken. I can't tell if it would suffice. Can you?
Neither can I telli at what stage of the study the saNPs showed up, from where and how. Can you?


kaal - Dec 18, 2023


great comment you have taken it further. xeno-xna polymerase added to host cell 2 ensure gene expression and stable inheritance of xna genome and daughter cells alongside hosts dna. final step would b elimination of hosts dna and complete takeover of the cell bt the xna genome. chemical synthesis of xna genome that encodes 4 its polymerases xna binding proteins. living organisms utilize nucleic acids in storing and transmitting genetic info. the creation of a synthetic self replicating organism that can incorporate a 3rd base pair made xy into its genetic polymers. the x and y must b paired in the helical structure as well as during nuleic and synthesis by polymerases. synthetic cells comprising chemically orthogonal xna genomes or transcripts provide test bed 4 synthetic genetics. xna- fana adapters 2 the recepters binding domain of sars cov 2 protein block ace 2 binding. engineering and applic of polymerases 4 synthetic genetics. organic chemistry produced chemical determinants of function in nucleic acids by variation 2 the nucleobasesugar and back bone moieties 2 build synth genetic polymers concomit PROTEIN engineering allowed discovery of polymerase capable of using modofied nucleotide analogues. conjunction of nucleotide chemistry and molecular bio gave rise 2 synthetic genetics. self replicating catalytic micells as nanoscopic protocell precursors. self assembling polymeric micells. you did better than me and am really too tired to fully investigate your comment because im trying to break from this frankly! someone should look into the tests swabs. i cant retype my comments but what i was saying turned up in those test swabs kits-------


Piotr Bein - Dec 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Thx, Kaal. I'm surprised you aren't a scientist. You grasp things and the jargon better than most of us, and post significant, helpful explanations. Me think your typing manner hinders easy read. Why can't you capitalize first letter in each sentence, use 2 as "to" and "2" (similarly 4)? Do you have pain in fingers? When I moderated large forums, I applied similar keystroke-saving.
Exotic acronyms could be typos to inexperienced reader. You know what else since you are aware of the problem. Back to the merit:
- "complete takeover of the cell bt the xna genome". Some observers fear this about the mRNA weapon. Changing the vaxed into a diff being? Others say this process nullifies human rights etc. legal implicarions. The cabal must be sure this would work since they obliterate constitutions and charters of rights wholesale. Already implemented in the autisric and mongoloid victims of vax? Similar process in deformed infants due to isotopic irradiation? Someone posted (I don't recall where) that the autistic kids are the best candidates for cyborgisation.
- "synthetic cells comprising chemically orthogonal xna genomes or transcripts provide test bed 4 synthetic genetics" and later: "synthetic genetics. self replicating catalytic micells as nanoscopic protocell precursors. self assembling polymeric micells."-- Vast xenoorganism synthesis potential? Hence the merdia trend to show deformed human-like beings? What do the psychos have in store for the rest of God-created Life?
- "ace 2 binding." -- What does it mean?
- "genetic polymers concomit PROTEIN engineering allowed discovery " -- Full stop missing before "concomit"?
- "someone should look into the tests swabs" -- I will ask Christine Massey, she rebukes agency bs on isolation/purification of "viruses" and proteins.
Substack has clumsy functionality. I can't find on the forum my comment you respond to. I thought I glanced it but lost again and the Qs I posed at the end of it weren't there. From memory:
1. At which point in the Russian strudy did the nano units get into the sample: before swabs, were in the swabs,.added to the sample by whatever means incl. shedding by lab personnel?
2. Multiple euipment, each requring a sample mass, but only a tiny quantity was isolated/purified. Was it sufficicient for the tests described?
But you came out with more fascinating stuff. Never mind then.


kaal - Dec 15, 2023


there are articles on this TEST.


Markker - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited


Does not state if these SARSCov2 people got ill AFTER jabbination, does it? So, could be result of that as infection was 3rd on list of reactions after sore arm and fever (Daily Clout).


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

The Thai article is junk. read the pre-puublication version of Oct 2023:
which states "SARS-CoV-2 RNA was isolated from the nasopharyngeal swabs of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in Moscow in Spring 2020"
C19 jabbing started in Dec 2020, but mRNA existed before e.g. in flu shots (US Army, some communities in northern Italy that showed the highest fatality rate in early 2020). Who knows, maybe beside mRNA tech also nanobot tech was in those vax... Remember fraudulent PCR "tests" were rushed in by WHO, Trump, and Slovak scientists uncovered some swabs contained hydrogel in graphene nanotubes. Did they look for other nanobots and xenobiosynthetics? Their technique (if I recall* one type of microscope, far from the arsenal on the Russian paper) may have made it impossible or too difficult?
The method involved in the Russian paper leaves the possibility of spiking the sample bioassay with nanotech when the "SARS Cov2 virus" proteins underwent isolation/purification by a third party:
"We thank the Center for Precision Genome Editing and Genetic Technologies for Biomedicine, Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency for SARS-CoV-2 proteins purification."
The study took a few years since 2020; shedding by vaxed/tansfected personnel onto the sample material was possible?. Page 12: "the saNP remained stable after multiple freeze-thaw cycles in deionized water, physiological phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and in the elution and storage buffer for 3 years at -20 [degree] C". I'm not qualified to analyse the possibility.
* I can't cite the Slovak work, the psychos have destroyed my blog recently.


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Putin's Russia from plandemic's start was overzealous follower of the globalist program piped down by corrupt WHO. Former intel officer and supposed opponent of "Western" evil, Putin should have figured the fraud out in advance. Even at the BRICS summit a few months ago Putin staunchly stood by the globalist c19 agenda, suggesting it for BRICS program. .


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Your question begs more questions:
1. Do the Authors pretend they don't know sars cov2 is a fraud, to conceal thei motive of revealing some truth about the scamdemic?
2. They do know, and as pharmafia/bankster lackeys, sow disinfo. ?


Kathleen Pimentel - Dec 18, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

Blockbuster Revelations from a country uniquely poised to track and apprehend those implicated worldwide to face justice. ⚖⚓⌛🍿🥤


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Dream on with the other dupes. If anything, you can expect a guise, show trial like Nuremberg process of the victors over their own criminal lackeys (IG Farben chemists and other scientists, eugenists, nuclear scientists, mind control researchers...) who shortly after WW2 were released and transferred to USrael in Operation Paperclip to continue work. The horrific fruits of their and followers'work unfold into our face.


Margie Chism - Dec 18, 2023

Margie Chism

14:00 Dental injections
25:00 Parasites/Mold


Joy Lucette Garner - Dec 15, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

It's EVERYWHERE now. Jabs increase exposure, but un-jabbed MUST also detox, deploy countermeasures.


Lisa - Dec 15, 2023


Thank you, Ana!


Anita Söderman - Dec 15, 2023

Anita’s Substack

Well wasn`t that interesting. Other vocabulary but lots of coinciding phenomenon. I suppose you will take contact and further the discussion with them. Russians, supposedly are good scientists and nice people at t hat so that will not be hard. Says a neighbour of the Finns, who know them very well.....


Piotr Bein - Dec 18, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Russians are nice, but not their regime, foreign-run as everywhere under banksters.
Russian dissidents incl. researchers iate punished/controlled/restrained, vide the army refusniks and political opponentes (many true patriots) whom Putin sent to the U war for death. Any Russian researcher residing in Russia, colaborating against Kremlin's official lines will attract security service agents. Since Putin's regime onset, Dr. Wojtkowiak is under their surveillance, be it during conferences or not. Earlier, post-Soviet Russia was still free to do the science, until a gatekeeper was installed to thwart it. Russian science under Putin is under bankster cabal control. I wrote an article about it based on Russian patriotic scientists, now destroyed with my blog.


Margie Chism - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Mind/G3563 - nous ■ Outline of Biblical Usage:
the mind, comprising alike the faculties of perceiving and understanding and those of feeling, judging, determining
the intellectual faculty, the understanding
reason in the narrower sense, as the capacity for spiritual truth, the higher powers of the soul, the faculty of perceiving divine things, of recognising goodness and of hating evil
the power of considering and judging soberly, calmly and impartially
a particular mode of thinking and judging, i.e thoughts, feelings, purposes, desires
■KJV Translation Count: 24x
The KJV translates Strongs G3563 in the following manner: mind (17x), understanding (7x).
■Strong's Definitions: νοῦς noûs, nooce; probably from the base of G1097; the intellect, i.e. mind (divine or human; in thought, feeling, or will); by implication, meaning:—mind, understanding. Compare G5590.
Mind/G1106 - gnōmē ■ Outline of Biblical Usage:
the faculty of knowledge, mind, reason
that which is thought or known, one's mind
view, judgment, opinion
mind concerning what ought to be done
by one's self: resolve purpose, intention
by others: judgment, advice
■KJV Translation Count: 9x
The KJV translates Strongs G1106 in the following manner: judgment (3x), mind (2x), purpose (with G1096) (1x), advice (1x), will (1x), agree (with G4160) (with G3391) (1x).
■Strong's Definitions: γνώμη gnṓmē, gno'-may; from G1097; cognition, i.e. (subjectively) opinion, or (objectively) resolve (counsel, consent, etc.):—advice, + agree, judgment, mind, purpose, will.
■Revelation Chapter 17, KJV, blueletterbible
The Doom of Babylon
■And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
2With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3¶So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
7¶And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
9¶And here is the mind/G3563 - nous which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
12¶And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13These have one mind/G1106 - gnōmē and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
Victory for the Lamb
14These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
15¶And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
18And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.


Andi Hofmann - Dec 24, 2023

Andi Hofmann

The full pdf is available on ResearchGate. I wonder why Elsevier has hidden it behind a paywall. No free CoV research any more? Probably just “by chance” a mistake …


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Dec 18, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

So what about graphene? Delivering it into the body requires LNPs, and they can hook up to the neural system through protein-based interfaces. Where are all these particles from, what are they doing, and are they pre-programmed or remotely controlled?


liam - Dec 18, 2023

Guardian of the Threshold

I would definitely call the C-19 jab a Bio-weapon...



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