Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 16, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I am a Board Member of the National American Renaissance Movement. Our President, Attorney David Meiswinkle has written a Grand Jury Petition Of Covid Crimes against Humanity with shocking evidence of injury and deaths. Above you can see the response we got from the WA State Attorney General - who feels sorry that we are misinformed. These people mock the American public, they care not about the genocide that is going on. It is disgusting. See our Grand Jury Petitions here: List of National ARM legal actions.
So far 24 US States were served with a Grand Jury Petition for Covid 19 Crimes Against Humanity. In my home state, the pathetic response by the Attorney General made me nauseated. They still peddle the narrative that the Covid 19 bioweapons - that have injured and killed an estimated 17 Million people so far worldwide - are safe and effective. Not to speak of the shedding of self assembly nanotechnology that is endangering everyone’s health and life.
Nobody cares if people die, they just continue the narrative until they do. Unless you overthrow these criminals, they will keep killing people. That is the truth.
Our inquiry to the EPA of New Jersey is similarly insulting to any intelligent human being. You can read about the inquiry here: National ARM EPA Letter
They sent what seems to be a standard letter, which on page 2 they did not even care to change the original date of June 24th, 2021. The first 13 questions they ignored. You can read more about this here: National ARM EPA response
They sent some information on Condensation trails. I kid you not. The poisenous heavy metals, Graphene Oxide, smart dust, pathogens, pharmaceutical toxic drugs that are daily in our skies and kill the species of this earth, including humans, are ice crystals.
We at National ARM will not give up. If you want to support our fight, please do so here: National ARM
What does it take for the public to get outraged? What does it take for people to wake up? What does it take for YOU to get involved? Don’t you care about your family and children’s life? What happened to the American spirit? Why is cowardness and near comatose lethargy the modus operandii of this nation? What happened to the Patriots? What they fell asleep behind a computer key board?
Are you still believing the CIA psyop that some white hats will come and rescue you? You believe in some military tribunal that is happening behind the scenes? What military, the one that is conspiring within the technocratic military industrial complex and intelligence apparatus to kill you and has been in charge of rolling out the bioweapons?
Well folks, I still have more than two neurons firing upstairs, and I tell you - I don’t think so. If you do not wake up and fight for your freedom, nobody else will.
Slovakia Prime Minister was shot after a month ago he spoke out against Covid 19 bioweapons and the WHO. If that does not look like war to you, I don’t know what does.
Just friendly talk will no longer do. We are in a war, and they are doubling down, not letting up. The self assembly nanotechnology in our air, food, water and people’s blood will do the rest. Digital ID’s are being implemented around the world. If they are, its game over for humanities freedom. Because if you are a dissident and need food, they just turn of your access to your electronic money. You get to starve to death if you are not othewise prepared.
Hence, you get to be a slave race, if you even survive this depopulation effort.
If anybody tells me “we’re winning” - I just look at the fool standing in front of me.
Because at some point even I run out of words.
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Barbara Charis - May 16
Barbara’s Newsletter - Journey …
When I read Vaccination is Not Immunization, I was appalled that I had ever permitted my children to be given shots, when I saw the list of toxic matter in them. I trusted the doctor and never thought to ask what was in these shots. I knew that aluminum caused brain damage; I knew that mercury caused Mad Hatter's Disease. I knew that formaldehyde was used in embalming corpses. and the list of toxic matter went on and on. Aluminum and mercury had to have been known to cause brain-damage...why were they mass injected into children's bloodstreams starting in the 1950s?. These very toxic substances have lowered the mental and physical health of all recipients. America used to be at the top scholastically; today it is almost at the bottom. America is also the unhealthiest of all countries. It spends more on medical treatments than any other country in the world. The CV-19 vax is even more dangerous with graphene oxide, SV-49 DNA, 200 billion DNA from aborted fetuses, nanoparticles, genetically modified, amyloid-producing bacteria, etc. Who would put these things in their bodies, if they knew what was in these so-called vaccines? The ignorant doctors injecting them into the shoulder didn't know that the bloodstream circulates and would carry the matter right into the brain. This matter wiped out the pineal gland, the pituitary and the hypothalamus, and damaged every cell in the body. These crimes against humanity started in the 1950s in America and are on-going with the help of our government and the entire medical community.
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Patrick S - May 16
Patrick S
It is all 100% a registered corporation posing as a government. Since the country is bankrupt (since 1933)..the law form was changed effective 1938 with Tompkins v. Erie Railroad and an over 100 year decision founded in common law was hijacked and the law form moved to (color of law) Admiralty Maritime law (of contracts)....and since the country is bankrupt, the only remedies for civil or criminal is in the form of "colorable money" known as federal reserve notes...there is no remedy or redress in this system for a living man or woman....we are only corporate (and unratified) 14th amendment economic debt slaves under control of the money changers...the only remedy at this point is the elimination of all corporate governments local to fed and elimination of usury and the fake federal reserve notes...everything we are seeing take place is due to these treasonous "governments" perpetuating their criminal system and will do so at all costs...the same was true for the War for Independence at the founding of this country. Suggest viewing a 9 part video series that covers a wide variety of topics that connect dots...and also a 2 part video presentation on usury. Here is the link to the 9 part series and the 2 vids on usury ----
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