I find your research to be fascinating and spot on from a deeply personal level.
I have spent the last two plus years for the most part with these “Morgellons” type wounds on my face primarily. I have so so many bizarre samples of non-biological things that have emerged from my skin that I would love to have tested further or better explained at some point.
I believe your findings one million percent because I have LIVED it and SEEN it with my own eyes.
One of the most bizarre specimens was a small silver strip that worked its way to the surface from behind my knee. But the list could go on and on...
I spent years going to dermatologists which only added to the psychological torture as they labeled me with “delusional parasitosis” and other labels equally damaging. None of them would listen or give credence to my own experience and knowledge base. And their recommendations were counseling and anti-psychotic or anti-anxiety drugs. Most wouldn’t even physically come close enough to me to do a thorough examination let alone look at what was emerging from my skin under a microscope.
As I was in my deep dive with all things Covid, I came across the US patent websites. And when I searched Morgellons low and behold a patent came up for it. One pointing directly to this foreign technology now being injected into society by any means possible.
I did not get the C-19 vaccine, and haven’t had a vaccination in my recollection since I was young. But when I gathered my medical records after finding these patents, I saw on my dermatological medical record there was a T-Dap vaccination showing from Feb of 2021, of which I would have NEVER knowingly consented to receiving. Interestingly, this did not show up on my other medical records.
I am a mama to 3 daughters ages 6, 7, and 19. My oldest daughter has Lissencephaly and is very medically fragile and has required care in every facet of her life since the day she was born. Her health has declined and we recently brought on hospice care to help during this hard and confusing “dusk” of her life.
I am a woman of deep faith, and truly believe God has a plan and a story to be written through all of this. But my ability to focus on and fight for my own health and understanding of such complicated things has been competing with the ever present needs of my 3 children.
If I could ever be of use through sending on my samples, or giving more to my story to aid in your research, I would consider it an honor.
Either way please know how much I admire your courage, and respect the deep waters you and those along side you are willing to swim in to find answers. You are a warrior for the truth, and I will continue to follow and learn as much as I can to understand and advocate in my own small corner of this crazy world. May God bless you Dr. Ana.
I find your story compelling.
Did your morgellons symptoms show up before or after the T-Dap? If after, that would seem to implicate that jab. I've written about that PEGylated hydrogels have been used in jabs for years. Did you kids take the c-19 jabs? If so, did your daughters disease show up after taking them?
It sounds like you may have some exceptionally strong EMF's in your home. Have you done everything you can to mitigate them in your home? Do you live near a cell tower? If so, when was it constructed?
If you are up for it, I'd like to look into your story further and maybe write a post about it on my Substack.
Thank you for your interest in my story. The complexities of my story and situation are too much to write here, but I will give clarity on a few of the questions you asked.
The skin lesions showed up before the date of supposed T-Dap immunization listed on my medical records. And I need to correct my own memory on this statement. I had some other oddities show up on my dermatological records, but when I double checked after my first comment, the T-Dap immunization WAS on my medical records associated with the hospital system and doctors records. But it is accurate that it showed up in Feb of 2021 and I had no visit or procedure attached anywhere to that date that I could find.
I was required to get a nasal swab Covid test at some point during this time for a schedule surgery I had upcoming, but I can’t say with certainty that this was the date that test happened, for full disclosure.
A naturopath I found confirmed the Morgellons diagnosis this past February after two years of battling these lesions. On my own I had learned about Morgellons, and really believed this described what I was experiencing, and he confirmed this sentiment.
None of my children have had the jab and my daughter’s Lissencephaly was caused my a mutation on the 17th chromosome. She is 19 and was given a life expectancy of 3-5 years by a “top specialist” (eye roll) in this field. I was tested to see if I was a carrier for the mutated gene and I was not, this took the risk of recurrence from 30-40% down to minuscule. This information was given to me almost two decades ago now when she was under a year old, and so I would hope the research in this area has improved since then. My other two children were born neuro-typical and have no major health issues.
I have done some research on EMF’s, and I am sure there is more I could do here in my home to help mitigate the effects. But I am one person, and there is only so much time and energy in the day to fight all of the threats coming against us.
My interest in all of these things runs deep, but I have had to pull back on many levels on the intensity of research and study because the ongoing and ever changing needs of my children have taken front seat. And the toll on my mental health has been heavy with so many dumpster fires in the world to focus on...
Right now, I am focused on the dignity and comfort of my special needs daughter for whatever time she has left with us. And the protection and health of my two littles with all they are shouldering.
I have stood in the gap for the vulnerable my whole life. And the past two decades I have operated as the hands, feet, and voice for my daughter with every ounce of strength I have. Additionally working as a behavioral therapist for other special needs children before hitting pause on outside employment to be “employed by my kiddos” I say tongue in cheek because I loathe the term “stay at home mom”. π
I apologize for the novel as this truly is a space for the aforementioned research to keep the spotlight. I watch and learn as I can while doing my best to keep my tribe as healthy and well-loved as I can.
Grateful for the good doctors and scientists stepping up all over the world, and for all of the good and decent people still out there giving a rip about others and our collective journeys through this crazy thing called life.
I love “director of operations”, and will use it hence forth. π Thank you for the kind words. It’s a world full of dumpster fires out there and I so enjoy interacting with intelligent and kind people like you all. βΊοΈ
Praying for you, Natalie. π
Look into Dr. Ana's chelation if you can find the time. Keep reading, and stay close to your faith. You're tough, you'll get through all of this. π
I have continued to follow her research closely, and had the same thought of looking into chelation. Thank you for your kind words and prayers. There is no doubt spiritual warfare going on at a global level the likes of which I have never seen before.
It is so encouraging to see brave doctors thinking outside the box and doing original research to help so many whom are hurting on such a catastrophic level.
My ongoing symptoms line up very closely with the man she described in her last article. I would be elated to find some relief and have some sense of “normal” within my body and brain again.
Again, God bless you for your kind words and encouragement. We all need each other, that’s for sure. π€ππΌπ€
I’m sorry you are dealing with morgellons with all you have going on with family. I had dermatologist & dr stand across the room diagnosing me with “ a psoriasis flare up “ . I actually had scabies also and was ignored. I went to the loony bin ( refused the medication for delusional parasitosis) & they gave me a premithirin treatment but didn’t record it so I didn’t know to repeat it in 2 weeks. I had a box of samples of the crazy fibers that came out. Finally threw them away because nobody was taking me seriously.
I’m glad you left your comment here. Thank you & stay strong, (God bless)
I too am sorry for what you have been through as well. Somehow the fear has been built into the dermatologists that we are somehow “unclean” and should be treated as such.
At this point, I have just stopped the true craziness of putting myself under their care to continue being treated that way.
Places like Substack, and doctors like Dr. Ana are much more sound places to find current and accurate information on what is truly going on with Morgellons, and why it is being subverted in main stream medicine.
It would seem that they don’t want us to truly look into this and understand what is being done behind closed doors. But the psychological damage runs as deep as the physical damage when we are made out to be “crazy” for our own lived experience. One more glaring example of how main steam medicine has lost its credibility in their oath to “first do no harm” βΉοΈ
Thanks & stay strong. At its worst, I had a bad roommate and my 5 days in the loony bin was a nice break from him. After the nurse didn’t put my treatment in the chart, I spent months with my counselor searching my records. It’s then that I slowly started weaning off the 7 of 8 prescriptions I was on to appease the specialists. ( everything but thyroid hormone med ) . I had been doing reiki and other new age stuff in search of relief. I repented from all that. A few years later, I found my integrative medicine doctor & he worked with me in upstate New York and he’s in central Florida. (I’m a Florida resident now.)Too many people have committed suicide because of the lack of help and gaslighting over morgellons.
Rosalind and Natalie...thank you for sharing you experineces and words of warning...you both have amazing experineces and demonstrate strength and determination necessary in the current system of things. You KNOW you are not unstable...
Thank you very much! I did a heavy metal detox with my doctor from Metagenics ( prescription) and the reduction in heavy metals and parasites got much better. I’m assuming it’s still within my body but it’s manageable for now. Diet changes ( non gmo) and reverse osmosis water helps as well. I still need to watch that film, thanks for mentioning it. God bless.
Doing voluntary deep research for a Health group in UK, (Feb2020 - Oct 2021, and I remember a building Contractor being interviewed on ?? he built underground Bunkers in USA, and had done so for some years before this Plandemic. He said that his Orders for new Bunker had increased exponentially before the Plandemic and he could not keep up with them. Also many of the bunkers were luxurious and fully contained. The Interviewer mentioned a very large Bunker under San Diego Airport I think that was the Airport.
Gumnut123 Also recently viewed some sort of series on Netflix airing just prior to 2019- My guy would watch and asked me to join him. After watching these episodes, I kept on repeating to him, "These are BUNKERS" these are rich people building BUNKERS?!" I refused to watch these episodes anymore. It was blatant advertising for and display of obnoxious weath. I kept on repeating the $$$ these people are investing in THEMSELVES, I could not figure out WHY? Less than 12 months later 2020...a revelation!
Just who are all these people/pilots? They can’t be ignorant as to what they are doing. No person in their right mind would spray the skies incessantly and think it was for good.
Why not more whistleblowers? Here in Florida, the blue skies and puffy white clouds have all but disappeared. I’ve taken tons of chemtrail photos. The sky has a strange haze and is white/grey in color. Very unnatural low storm /dark clouds are present even when the blue color tries to show through. So again, who are all these people in every state and country doing this???
Thank you for this. The immediate question is: What are the characteristics of live blood from a person that has not received a single "vaccination" or perhaps has not received one in the last 20 years? Morgellons was named in 2002. There are troubling similarities between the regulatory regime for seasonal influenza products and the CV19 products. The entire pediatric schedule must also be part of this broad question of where these contaminants are coming from.
It would be telling to differentiate between the younger generations which have been injected 72 or more times in their lives with 'vaccines', to those of us who received 'just' polio injections as kids (which we know that they injected SV40 into entire generations). There are a lot of variables (general health, vitamin D-C-Mg, zinc levels, life styles, etc.), INCLUDING the injectables themselves.
I assume all controls were taken, ie potentials applied to water no blood. Control descriptions along with reproducibility of phenomenon would be helpful.apologies if I missed this in previous posts.
Humor me, "dude". The reference designator for the term "unvaccinated blood" should be on the first appearance of this term. The term is used a dozen or more times in the article without a reference that I saw. You have zero knowledge of what digging I do or don't do. But now I know a little about you from your comment. You went with pointless display of ego so a reasonable response it to ignore it, and you.
I’ve seen some videos on frequencies used destroy cancerous cells. If there is one that can detect the clots in blood there has to be one that can destroy these structures in the blood. Is anyone looking this?
first you have to identify *what* needs 'zapping' and where on the chain of development. This is what they are doing.
I maintain that others have already found that EMF jammers can at least disable the growth, whether for a limited time or permanently is unknown until experimentation discovers what length of time. That I know. But first, as I say, *what* needs disabling must be isolated as the cause before the rest of the cure can be found.
Thanks for link s. I started having issues a few years before you. Carnicom’s website helped me stay sane. & it’s a very physically painful ‘illness’ on top of the gaslighting.
are they coming from the chemtrails?? It must be something common to all...water or air as food is variable depending on culture/availability.
I will keep you in mind when I get my funding for my Center (for self-reliance), as we will have a healing center within that project- perhaps we can figure something out to assist your research.
Thanks Dr. Ana. I’ll echo another request for what sort of microscope we might buy that can detect these things in our bloodstream.
I’ve read most of your excellent book light medicine. For detoxification do you recommend zeolite?
if it's bacterial that's why the second treatment worked whenthe first didn't when i had shedding symptoms. the second treatment works on bacteria, prions, aoebas the first only on spikes covidspiketreatment dot weebly dot com so weird but so working and free
Dr. Robert W. Malone
Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone
c/o The Malone Institute
Dear Robert,
You have done everything right. To this point. Everything. You have been kind in your love for others. Not brutal, as in my love for you.
I never have, and never will speak for you. Only to you:
Drop this vaccine platform nonsense. Immediately.
It cannot, nor will it ever be, “of your doing”.
It’s “undoing” however, is yours to lead and to achieve.
You are the last man standing with nothing but turtles upon your head.
You are not without compass. Listen for your Mother’s voice. You will hear it in the wind when you are headed in the right direction. It is always there.
Vaccines can, and very well may, have a lasting importance for the uniquely vulnerable: Those whose own natural immunity has been, itself, compromised. But not like this. We have to test the tests. We have to grade the tests. Before their data points can be plotted underneath the curve of Natural Immunity.
Turn around. And look down at the broken shoulders of those you have been forced to stand upon. Those that despise you; those that despise criticism; and those that hate themselves more than they could ever hate you. They suffer from Mass Formation Neurosis:
They envy you. You that are able to do what they themselves cannot.
It is in every cry and every whimper of theirs. Easily recognized within their every utterance:
“We’re concerned”. Damn right they are.
Put your full weight upon those broken shoulders:
Expose what they don’t know. What they have never known. And consequently the inevitable mistakes that they have made.
The Greatest Reset. It is time for you to go back and expose every false malevolent assumption that has ever been made in your field. Every assumption, upon assumption, upon assumption. Because, and here’s the thing, at every point, at every node, at every decision that was made by assumption, was a scientist that didn’t know what to do next. They didn’t. If they did they would not of had to make assumptions. At each decision node they had available to them other choices, other known choices available to them. Tell us what they did at each of those junctures. The choices that were made are the dots connecting motive with outcome. Similarly, and even more germane: The choices not made are evidence of malfeasance, and in a court of law, criminality.
The errors. Their errors. Are in the choices not made.
Doubt me? They wrote it all down. It’s right in front of us. In front of us all. You, me, the barber down the street.
Bring it home. Bring it home for us.
WEF: They are followers. Rubber for brains. Let them follow themselves in a self-annihilating concentric circle. Leave them to lead only those that don’t matter. People that don’t matter - to themselves. Money can own lies. Surely. Certainly, But it is the truth that will bankrupt them.
Your truth. Our truth. The truth of what they have done. The truth that you must expose. With a vengeance.
Resistance Within The Resistance: Never you mind. No one is wrong. No one that is doing the work is wrong. The mistakes that continue to be made concerning this full-on assault against us are too colossal to at all times comprehend. That’s why others have been screaming at you, even when they can’t explain why. You and I are no different as people. We are of them.
5GW: We get it. We all get it. There is no there … there. Because it’s everywhere. Okay. Institutions that have gutted themselves, of actual virtue: They lie, they smear, and they obfuscate because they are not of our equal.
Big screens, little screens, the Jumbotron. Worthless. We beat them with pencil and paper. Each word carefully articulated. Thanks be to Jill.
They all forgot about one thing. These plastic geniuses. People still talk to one another. People of integrity, and of dignity, that form communities. Everywhere. Each one a walking-talking Gutenberg Press. There are more people -people everywhere - listening and talking with one another than will ever listen to these cretins again. They’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. And that’s to our advantage. They are each, constituted of their own lies, which they themselves have come to believe. It’s what’s killing them. Let it.
If you think you have to write it down. Do it. Do it quickly. It’s time to move.
Go see Del. He’s waiting for you. Go see Del. Alone. And sit under that Big Tree with him. We will gather the horses; the tack; everything that you need. We will be joining Mikki Willis and Company. They are two days ahead of us.
Go see Del. And you know why:
That man doesn’t need a saddle.
And he always rides ahead.
π’ Pinned @ Thomas Lewis
Thank you. We are navigating quite a global set of ground attacks, obstacles and challenges. I do not believe that there is widespread mental illness, but a widespread of the disenfranchised, confused and targeted individuals displaying symptoms of that targeting. The infrastructure and the vaccines are all about that. The wifi, social media, lies and government corruption all feed that. When we empower people to know they have the divine ability to find truth away from the narrative that will protect them we will then see a major shift. Nature has a way of pushing humans to act in ways that threaten their poisoners.
Most interesting and amazing work! I wish we could have more detail with reference to the source of the un-vaccinated blood. Are these subjects ones that were infected with C19 or in some way cross contaminated by those millions who have been injected? Or, are all organisms on the planet right now being constantly exposed and contaminated with CDBs. We commonly find Morgellons in river and creek water.
The more I see these pictures the more I think of them as synthetic parastites. Getting rid of biological parasites that derived from nature are hard enough to get rid of (speaking from my own experience). I second that chelation with removes these structures. Will do my next live blood analysis soon to see if these filaments returned to the same degree before getting my 4 chelation sessions. Another very important questions is: "What about agonistic autoantibodies that also contribute for a variety of problems such as chest pain?" Afaik EDTA can't remove them. Dialysis and certain oligonucleotides can do this, and I'm wondering if anyone has some experience about these treatments.
I will share this in hopes that scientists will take up the call to rescue humanity. This information may be too much for those still struggling with the psyop to take in. It’s maleficence is mind boggling in it’s EVILNESS! Pray for the survival of HUMANITY & share TRUTH!
Natalie Joy - May 2, 2023
the secular heretic
I find your research to be fascinating and spot on from a deeply personal level.
I have spent the last two plus years for the most part with these “Morgellons” type wounds on my face primarily. I have so so many bizarre samples of non-biological things that have emerged from my skin that I would love to have tested further or better explained at some point.
I believe your findings one million percent because I have LIVED it and SEEN it with my own eyes.
One of the most bizarre specimens was a small silver strip that worked its way to the surface from behind my knee. But the list could go on and on...
I spent years going to dermatologists which only added to the psychological torture as they labeled me with “delusional parasitosis” and other labels equally damaging. None of them would listen or give credence to my own experience and knowledge base. And their recommendations were counseling and anti-psychotic or anti-anxiety drugs. Most wouldn’t even physically come close enough to me to do a thorough examination let alone look at what was emerging from my skin under a microscope.
As I was in my deep dive with all things Covid, I came across the US patent websites. And when I searched Morgellons low and behold a patent came up for it. One pointing directly to this foreign technology now being injected into society by any means possible.
I did not get the C-19 vaccine, and haven’t had a vaccination in my recollection since I was young. But when I gathered my medical records after finding these patents, I saw on my dermatological medical record there was a T-Dap vaccination showing from Feb of 2021, of which I would have NEVER knowingly consented to receiving. Interestingly, this did not show up on my other medical records.
I am a mama to 3 daughters ages 6, 7, and 19. My oldest daughter has Lissencephaly and is very medically fragile and has required care in every facet of her life since the day she was born. Her health has declined and we recently brought on hospice care to help during this hard and confusing “dusk” of her life.
I am a woman of deep faith, and truly believe God has a plan and a story to be written through all of this. But my ability to focus on and fight for my own health and understanding of such complicated things has been competing with the ever present needs of my 3 children.
If I could ever be of use through sending on my samples, or giving more to my story to aid in your research, I would consider it an honor.
Either way please know how much I admire your courage, and respect the deep waters you and those along side you are willing to swim in to find answers. You are a warrior for the truth, and I will continue to follow and learn as much as I can to understand and advocate in my own small corner of this crazy world. May God bless you Dr. Ana.
Kyle Young - May 2, 2023
the secular heretic
I find your story compelling.
Did your morgellons symptoms show up before or after the T-Dap? If after, that would seem to implicate that jab. I've written about that PEGylated hydrogels have been used in jabs for years. Did you kids take the c-19 jabs? If so, did your daughters disease show up after taking them?
It sounds like you may have some exceptionally strong EMF's in your home. Have you done everything you can to mitigate them in your home? Do you live near a cell tower? If so, when was it constructed?
If you are up for it, I'd like to look into your story further and maybe write a post about it on my Substack.
Natalie Joy - May 3, 2023
Thank you for your interest in my story. The complexities of my story and situation are too much to write here, but I will give clarity on a few of the questions you asked.
The skin lesions showed up before the date of supposed T-Dap immunization listed on my medical records. And I need to correct my own memory on this statement. I had some other oddities show up on my dermatological records, but when I double checked after my first comment, the T-Dap immunization WAS on my medical records associated with the hospital system and doctors records. But it is accurate that it showed up in Feb of 2021 and I had no visit or procedure attached anywhere to that date that I could find.
I was required to get a nasal swab Covid test at some point during this time for a schedule surgery I had upcoming, but I can’t say with certainty that this was the date that test happened, for full disclosure.
A naturopath I found confirmed the Morgellons diagnosis this past February after two years of battling these lesions. On my own I had learned about Morgellons, and really believed this described what I was experiencing, and he confirmed this sentiment.
None of my children have had the jab and my daughter’s Lissencephaly was caused my a mutation on the 17th chromosome. She is 19 and was given a life expectancy of 3-5 years by a “top specialist” (eye roll) in this field. I was tested to see if I was a carrier for the mutated gene and I was not, this took the risk of recurrence from 30-40% down to minuscule. This information was given to me almost two decades ago now when she was under a year old, and so I would hope the research in this area has improved since then. My other two children were born neuro-typical and have no major health issues.
I have done some research on EMF’s, and I am sure there is more I could do here in my home to help mitigate the effects. But I am one person, and there is only so much time and energy in the day to fight all of the threats coming against us.
My interest in all of these things runs deep, but I have had to pull back on many levels on the intensity of research and study because the ongoing and ever changing needs of my children have taken front seat. And the toll on my mental health has been heavy with so many dumpster fires in the world to focus on...
Right now, I am focused on the dignity and comfort of my special needs daughter for whatever time she has left with us. And the protection and health of my two littles with all they are shouldering.
I have stood in the gap for the vulnerable my whole life. And the past two decades I have operated as the hands, feet, and voice for my daughter with every ounce of strength I have. Additionally working as a behavioral therapist for other special needs children before hitting pause on outside employment to be “employed by my kiddos” I say tongue in cheek because I loathe the term “stay at home mom”. π
I apologize for the novel as this truly is a space for the aforementioned research to keep the spotlight. I watch and learn as I can while doing my best to keep my tribe as healthy and well-loved as I can.
Grateful for the good doctors and scientists stepping up all over the world, and for all of the good and decent people still out there giving a rip about others and our collective journeys through this crazy thing called life.
Gumnut123 - May 4, 2023
No need to use "sty at home mum" you are "The Director of Operations" and you certainly have earnt that title!! The very best to you and family.
Natalie Joy - May 5, 2023
I love “director of operations”, and will use it hence forth. π Thank you for the kind words. It’s a world full of dumpster fires out there and I so enjoy interacting with intelligent and kind people like you all. βΊοΈ
Carol_007 - May 15, 2023
Praying for you, Natalie. π
Look into Dr. Ana's chelation if you can find the time. Keep reading, and stay close to your faith. You're tough, you'll get through all of this. π
Natalie Joy - May 15, 2023
I have continued to follow her research closely, and had the same thought of looking into chelation. Thank you for your kind words and prayers. There is no doubt spiritual warfare going on at a global level the likes of which I have never seen before.
It is so encouraging to see brave doctors thinking outside the box and doing original research to help so many whom are hurting on such a catastrophic level.
My ongoing symptoms line up very closely with the man she described in her last article. I would be elated to find some relief and have some sense of “normal” within my body and brain again.
Again, God bless you for your kind words and encouragement. We all need each other, that’s for sure. π€ππΌπ€
Rosalind McGill - May 3, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I’m sorry you are dealing with morgellons with all you have going on with family. I had dermatologist & dr stand across the room diagnosing me with “ a psoriasis flare up “ . I actually had scabies also and was ignored. I went to the loony bin ( refused the medication for delusional parasitosis) & they gave me a premithirin treatment but didn’t record it so I didn’t know to repeat it in 2 weeks. I had a box of samples of the crazy fibers that came out. Finally threw them away because nobody was taking me seriously.
I’m glad you left your comment here. Thank you & stay strong, (God bless)
Natalie Joy - May 3, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I too am sorry for what you have been through as well. Somehow the fear has been built into the dermatologists that we are somehow “unclean” and should be treated as such.
At this point, I have just stopped the true craziness of putting myself under their care to continue being treated that way.
Places like Substack, and doctors like Dr. Ana are much more sound places to find current and accurate information on what is truly going on with Morgellons, and why it is being subverted in main stream medicine.
It would seem that they don’t want us to truly look into this and understand what is being done behind closed doors. But the psychological damage runs as deep as the physical damage when we are made out to be “crazy” for our own lived experience. One more glaring example of how main steam medicine has lost its credibility in their oath to “first do no harm” βΉοΈ
Rosalind McGill - May 3, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks & stay strong. At its worst, I had a bad roommate and my 5 days in the loony bin was a nice break from him. After the nurse didn’t put my treatment in the chart, I spent months with my counselor searching my records. It’s then that I slowly started weaning off the 7 of 8 prescriptions I was on to appease the specialists. ( everything but thyroid hormone med ) . I had been doing reiki and other new age stuff in search of relief. I repented from all that. A few years later, I found my integrative medicine doctor & he worked with me in upstate New York and he’s in central Florida. (I’m a Florida resident now.)Too many people have committed suicide because of the lack of help and gaslighting over morgellons.
Vinnie - May 5, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Rosalind and Natalie...thank you for sharing you experineces and words of warning...you both have amazing experineces and demonstrate strength and determination necessary in the current system of things. You KNOW you are not unstable...
Rosalind McGill - May 5, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Appreciate that! Many days, nobody but God understood . I do joke about my tinfoil hat now. Proudly earned it.
Lisa@eatrealfood - May 3, 2023
Watched skin deep movie on prime yesterday. In thuis movie Long term use of Doxy worked for some m-patients. Best to you all.
Rosalind McGill - May 3, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thank you very much! I did a heavy metal detox with my doctor from Metagenics ( prescription) and the reduction in heavy metals and parasites got much better. I’m assuming it’s still within my body but it’s manageable for now. Diet changes ( non gmo) and reverse osmosis water helps as well. I still need to watch that film, thanks for mentioning it. God bless.
Gumnut123 - May 3, 2023
Comment removed.
Gumnut123 - May 4, 2023
Doing voluntary deep research for a Health group in UK, (Feb2020 - Oct 2021, and I remember a building Contractor being interviewed on ?? he built underground Bunkers in USA, and had done so for some years before this Plandemic. He said that his Orders for new Bunker had increased exponentially before the Plandemic and he could not keep up with them. Also many of the bunkers were luxurious and fully contained. The Interviewer mentioned a very large Bunker under San Diego Airport I think that was the Airport.
Vinnie - May 5, 2023
Gumnut123 Also recently viewed some sort of series on Netflix airing just prior to 2019- My guy would watch and asked me to join him. After watching these episodes, I kept on repeating to him, "These are BUNKERS" these are rich people building BUNKERS?!" I refused to watch these episodes anymore. It was blatant advertising for and display of obnoxious weath. I kept on repeating the $$$ these people are investing in THEMSELVES, I could not figure out WHY? Less than 12 months later 2020...a revelation!
Hazel - Jan 28, 2024
Just who are all these people/pilots? They can’t be ignorant as to what they are doing. No person in their right mind would spray the skies incessantly and think it was for good.
Why not more whistleblowers? Here in Florida, the blue skies and puffy white clouds have all but disappeared. I’ve taken tons of chemtrail photos. The sky has a strange haze and is white/grey in color. Very unnatural low storm /dark clouds are present even when the blue color tries to show through. So again, who are all these people in every state and country doing this???
Rod Johnson - May 2, 2023 - Edited
Rod Johnson
Thank you for this. The immediate question is: What are the characteristics of live blood from a person that has not received a single "vaccination" or perhaps has not received one in the last 20 years? Morgellons was named in 2002. There are troubling similarities between the regulatory regime for seasonal influenza products and the CV19 products. The entire pediatric schedule must also be part of this broad question of where these contaminants are coming from.
Sandy K - May 2, 2023
Sandy K
It would be telling to differentiate between the younger generations which have been injected 72 or more times in their lives with 'vaccines', to those of us who received 'just' polio injections as kids (which we know that they injected SV40 into entire generations). There are a lot of variables (general health, vitamin D-C-Mg, zinc levels, life styles, etc.), INCLUDING the injectables themselves.
Joseph Federighi - May 8, 2023
I would like to know if there can be a test group of the unvaccinated/who has not been tested with PCR. Some patents show Pcr can distribute the vax.
Lisa@eatrealfood - May 3, 2023 - Edited
I assume all controls were taken, ie potentials applied to water no blood. Control descriptions along with reproducibility of phenomenon would be helpful.apologies if I missed this in previous posts.
DrLatusDextro - May 5, 2023
Loitering On The Edge
Same thought.
Benjamin Thomas - May 3, 2023
Benjamin Thomas
Look up dude. There is your answer. Do a little digging into her references in this exact paper you are commenting on.
Rod Johnson - May 3, 2023
Rod Johnson
Humor me, "dude". The reference designator for the term "unvaccinated blood" should be on the first appearance of this term. The term is used a dozen or more times in the article without a reference that I saw. You have zero knowledge of what digging I do or don't do. But now I know a little about you from your comment. You went with pointless display of ego so a reasonable response it to ignore it, and you.
Elsa - May 2, 2023
Elsa - Thought Creativity Passi…
Thank you.
FreeWill - May 2, 2023
Triumph Over Absurdity
I’ve seen some videos on frequencies used destroy cancerous cells. If there is one that can detect the clots in blood there has to be one that can destroy these structures in the blood. Is anyone looking this?
Domcrin - May 3, 2023
Triumph Over Absurdity
Rife frequency generators like the Spooky2 - look them up!
salialioli - Jul 12, 2023
first you have to identify *what* needs 'zapping' and where on the chain of development. This is what they are doing.
I maintain that others have already found that EMF jammers can at least disable the growth, whether for a limited time or permanently is unknown until experimentation discovers what length of time. That I know. But first, as I say, *what* needs disabling must be isolated as the cause before the rest of the cure can be found.
Paul Vonharnish - May 3, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
I acquired a lovely case of Morgellon disease in 2012. It was not fun... Doctors were worthless, and most remained attached to their own incompetent nonsense. I did extensive research on the disease, and concluded the disease was related to Bacillus thuringiensis - a widely utilized insecticidal bacterium. >
Here are a couple articles to ponder: >
Rosalind McGill - May 3, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for link s. I started having issues a few years before you. Carnicom’s website helped me stay sane. & it’s a very physically painful ‘illness’ on top of the gaslighting.
Wei (Ray) Chang, Ph.D. - May 15, 2023
Wei’s Substack
Breakthrough with great clinical research on CDB to identify the root cause of clotting. Thank you, MD Ana. God bless.
Laura Rich - May 7, 2023
are they coming from the chemtrails?? It must be something common to all...water or air as food is variable depending on culture/availability.
I will keep you in mind when I get my funding for my Center (for self-reliance), as we will have a healing center within that project- perhaps we can figure something out to assist your research.
Ernie Rockwell - May 3, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
Thanks Dr. Ana. I’ll echo another request for what sort of microscope we might buy that can detect these things in our bloodstream.
I’ve read most of your excellent book light medicine. For detoxification do you recommend zeolite?
Duchess - May 2, 2023
I'm sorry what does CDB stand for?
Commoncents - May 2, 2023
Cross Domain Bacteria
Frances Leader - May 2, 2023
I am curious about that too.
futurehumanity - May 2, 2023
if it's bacterial that's why the second treatment worked whenthe first didn't when i had shedding symptoms. the second treatment works on bacteria, prions, aoebas the first only on spikes covidspiketreatment dot weebly dot com so weird but so working and free
Lynda Craig - May 3, 2023
What is the second treatment?
Thomas Lewis - May 2, 2023
Useless Liberal
Dr. Robert W. Malone
Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone
c/o The Malone Institute
Dear Robert,
You have done everything right. To this point. Everything. You have been kind in your love for others. Not brutal, as in my love for you.
I never have, and never will speak for you. Only to you:
Drop this vaccine platform nonsense. Immediately.
It cannot, nor will it ever be, “of your doing”.
It’s “undoing” however, is yours to lead and to achieve.
You are the last man standing with nothing but turtles upon your head.
You are not without compass. Listen for your Mother’s voice. You will hear it in the wind when you are headed in the right direction. It is always there.
Vaccines can, and very well may, have a lasting importance for the uniquely vulnerable: Those whose own natural immunity has been, itself, compromised. But not like this. We have to test the tests. We have to grade the tests. Before their data points can be plotted underneath the curve of Natural Immunity.
Turn around. And look down at the broken shoulders of those you have been forced to stand upon. Those that despise you; those that despise criticism; and those that hate themselves more than they could ever hate you. They suffer from Mass Formation Neurosis:
They envy you. You that are able to do what they themselves cannot.
It is in every cry and every whimper of theirs. Easily recognized within their every utterance:
“We’re concerned”. Damn right they are.
Put your full weight upon those broken shoulders:
Expose what they don’t know. What they have never known. And consequently the inevitable mistakes that they have made.
The Greatest Reset. It is time for you to go back and expose every false malevolent assumption that has ever been made in your field. Every assumption, upon assumption, upon assumption. Because, and here’s the thing, at every point, at every node, at every decision that was made by assumption, was a scientist that didn’t know what to do next. They didn’t. If they did they would not of had to make assumptions. At each decision node they had available to them other choices, other known choices available to them. Tell us what they did at each of those junctures. The choices that were made are the dots connecting motive with outcome. Similarly, and even more germane: The choices not made are evidence of malfeasance, and in a court of law, criminality.
The errors. Their errors. Are in the choices not made.
Doubt me? They wrote it all down. It’s right in front of us. In front of us all. You, me, the barber down the street.
Bring it home. Bring it home for us.
WEF: They are followers. Rubber for brains. Let them follow themselves in a self-annihilating concentric circle. Leave them to lead only those that don’t matter. People that don’t matter - to themselves. Money can own lies. Surely. Certainly, But it is the truth that will bankrupt them.
Your truth. Our truth. The truth of what they have done. The truth that you must expose. With a vengeance.
Resistance Within The Resistance: Never you mind. No one is wrong. No one that is doing the work is wrong. The mistakes that continue to be made concerning this full-on assault against us are too colossal to at all times comprehend. That’s why others have been screaming at you, even when they can’t explain why. You and I are no different as people. We are of them.
5GW: We get it. We all get it. There is no there … there. Because it’s everywhere. Okay. Institutions that have gutted themselves, of actual virtue: They lie, they smear, and they obfuscate because they are not of our equal.
Big screens, little screens, the Jumbotron. Worthless. We beat them with pencil and paper. Each word carefully articulated. Thanks be to Jill.
They all forgot about one thing. These plastic geniuses. People still talk to one another. People of integrity, and of dignity, that form communities. Everywhere. Each one a walking-talking Gutenberg Press. There are more people -people everywhere - listening and talking with one another than will ever listen to these cretins again. They’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. And that’s to our advantage. They are each, constituted of their own lies, which they themselves have come to believe. It’s what’s killing them. Let it.
If you think you have to write it down. Do it. Do it quickly. It’s time to move.
Go see Del. He’s waiting for you. Go see Del. Alone. And sit under that Big Tree with him. We will gather the horses; the tack; everything that you need. We will be joining Mikki Willis and Company. They are two days ahead of us.
Go see Del. And you know why:
That man doesn’t need a saddle.
And he always rides ahead.
π’ Pinned @ Thomas Lewis
Gayle Wells - May 2, 2023
Gayle Wells
Thank you. We are navigating quite a global set of ground attacks, obstacles and challenges. I do not believe that there is widespread mental illness, but a widespread of the disenfranchised, confused and targeted individuals displaying symptoms of that targeting. The infrastructure and the vaccines are all about that. The wifi, social media, lies and government corruption all feed that. When we empower people to know they have the divine ability to find truth away from the narrative that will protect them we will then see a major shift. Nature has a way of pushing humans to act in ways that threaten their poisoners.
Rosalind McGill - May 3, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for your comment.
LONG In The TRUTH - May 3, 2023
Hamish625’s Substack
......he NEEDS to LOUDLY renounce Michael Callahan's machinations (among OTHERS) and DROP his lawsuits against the Breggins, others.....
Painter14 - May 15, 2023
Most interesting and amazing work! I wish we could have more detail with reference to the source of the un-vaccinated blood. Are these subjects ones that were infected with C19 or in some way cross contaminated by those millions who have been injected? Or, are all organisms on the planet right now being constantly exposed and contaminated with CDBs. We commonly find Morgellons in river and creek water.
David Merrill - May 10, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
I am on a similar journey. How long are these filaments?
Andy Bunting - May 5, 2023
Andy’s Skint/Broke. Older Bloke…
Thanks Dr. Ana.
Okisuke - May 3, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
The more I see these pictures the more I think of them as synthetic parastites. Getting rid of biological parasites that derived from nature are hard enough to get rid of (speaking from my own experience). I second that chelation with removes these structures. Will do my next live blood analysis soon to see if these filaments returned to the same degree before getting my 4 chelation sessions. Another very important questions is: "What about agonistic autoantibodies that also contribute for a variety of problems such as chest pain?" Afaik EDTA can't remove them. Dialysis and certain oligonucleotides can do this, and I'm wondering if anyone has some experience about these treatments.
Lioness Blanc - May 3, 2023
I will share this in hopes that scientists will take up the call to rescue humanity. This information may be too much for those still struggling with the psyop to take in. It’s maleficence is mind boggling in it’s EVILNESS! Pray for the survival of HUMANITY & share TRUTH!
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