Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 02, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image 1: C19 Unvaccinated Blood -CDB Lower Layer Extraction after Voltammetry. 1600x Magnification. Filament and CDB seen
In this preliminary data release we continue the replication of observation of transformation of unvaccinated blood via Chronopotentiometry. We now have documented five separate events in which filament growth in C19 unvaccinated blood was observed. As we described before, the unvaccinated blood showed no evidence of contamination upon initial microscopic evaluation. The experiment was repeated to to confirm the profound electrochemical transformation of blood and to establish specific controls over current, voltage and time. It has also led, most importantly, to the development of a rapid and efficient CDB culturing method. As explained in other posts, CDB’s appear to be the origin of genesis of the filaments that were previously known as Morgellons. These are a synthetic artificial intelligent biology - combining complex biology and metals with features of all three domains of life - archaea, eucaryotes and bacteria. I have extensively explained the correlations between the C19 nanotechnology and the historical and current findings of CDB’s and filaments in blood. Research teams around the world have called these filaments hydrogel, graphene oxide and even parasites. They have been found in human blood, meat, rain water, masks, medical injectables and more.
Image: C19 unvaccinated blood shows CDB synthetic biology filaments in live blood.
Please review my many substack posts that have documented all the previous experiments including electrical conductivity studies, infrared spectroscopy, blood cultures and more.
Chronopotentiometry is an electrochemical technique in which the effects of an electrical current and voltage are observed over time. Dilute fresh C19 unvaccinated blood was used, 0.1ml of blood in 2 ml of water. The energy applied was 3 milliamps of DC current for 2 hours with an approximate resulting voltage of - 3 Volts. This process was described in detail in the six paper series published by Clifford Carnicom in 2022. Blood alterations - 6 part series .
A foamy layer forms at the top of the surface that emanates from the working electrode. In addition, there is a settling of a layer at the bottom. The upper foam is a dark grey brown color. The bottom is a bright dark red layer.
Both layers are investigated by microscopy. The foam layer did not show many filaments or CDB’s. From the lower level, 100 microliters from the bottom of the vial were extracted with a micro pipette.
In image 1 seen above, the two red circles mark the classic structures of CDB’s with visible filament structure. We have shown that the filaments grow from the CDB’s. Please note that the magnification of images 1 and 2 is 1600x. Our previous images showed magnification of 160x. We are documenting genesis of filaments at a smaller scale.
Image: C19 Unvaccinated Blood -Lower Layer after Voltammetry. 1600x Magnification. Filament and CDB seen
Chronopotentiometry appears to be a method that quickly can isolate from the blood the minute CDB’s and the filaments that grow from them. Historically the culture work took weeks and months. The application of an electrical current can accelerate the process for further investigation. We encourage other scientific teams to replicate our experiments to identify the concerning live blood changes seen in humanity.
Cultures developed from the CDB contain DNA. The C19 vials have been shown to contain plasmid bacterial DNA. If there is any overlap between this synthetic organism and what is in the vials, the proof of this correlation would advance our understanding significantly.
In previous historical documentation Clifford showed how the CDB’s affect red blood cells.
Image: CDB’s infecting red blood cells
An organism and a method that damages the condition of the blood has now been identified and it has been directly observed. The blood variations reported here are in direct association with the existence of and the severity of the so-called “Morgellons” condition. The degradation occurs, at least in part, as a result of the existence of a chlamydia-like organism that has been repeatedly called to attention within the research during the past several years. This organism, along with a pleomorphic form tentatively identified as a mycoplasma variation, as well as certain filamentous forms, have been identified as common denominators in past and active biological and environmental examinations. It will be recalled from earlier studies that essentially all individuals observed thus far display the presence of these blood anomalies to varying degree; statistically it would certainly appear as though the general population is subject to these forms. It has also been stated that the severity of the damage to the blood appears to occur in direct correlation with the manifestation of symptoms of the Morgellon’s condition.
We showed that it is this organism that is responsible for the transformation of the blood to this unrecognizable filament network under the influence of electrical current:
Image: Unvaccinated blood, extensive filament network seen under 10 micro amp electrical current. Magnification 160x
In a following post, I will be describing new infrared spectroscopy findings on the organic and inorganic chemical nature of the CDB that has direct implications upon the health and state of human blood.
If you would like to support our research to help humanity, please donate to the Carnicom Institute to fund our need for scientific research equipment and a facility. Your generosity is much appreciated. Flipcause
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Natalie Joy - May 2, 2023
I find your research to be fascinating and spot on from a deeply personal level.
I have spent the last two plus years for the most part with these “Morgellons” type wounds on my face primarily. I have so so many bizarre samples of non-biological things that have emerged from my skin that I would love to have tested further or better explained at some point.
I believe your findings one million percent because I have LIVED it and SEEN it with my own eyes.
One of the most bizarre specimens was a small silver strip that worked its way to the surface from behind my knee. But the list could go on and on...
I spent years going to dermatologists which only added to the psychological torture as they labeled me with “delusional parasitosis” and other labels equally damaging. None of them would listen or give credence to my own experience and knowledge base. And their recommendations were counseling and anti-psychotic or anti-anxiety drugs. Most wouldn’t even physically come close enough to me to do a thorough examination let alone look at what was emerging from my skin under a microscope.
As I was in my deep dive with all things Covid, I came across the US patent websites. And when I searched Morgellons low and behold a patent came up for it. One pointing directly to this foreign technology now being injected into society by any means possible.
I did not get the C-19 vaccine, and haven’t had a vaccination in my recollection since I was young. But when I gathered my medical records after finding these patents, I saw on my dermatological medical record there was a T-Dap vaccination showing from Feb of 2021, of which I would have NEVER knowingly consented to receiving. Interestingly, this did not show up on my other medical records.
I am a mama to 3 daughters ages 6, 7, and 19. My oldest daughter has Lissencephaly and is very medically fragile and has required care in every facet of her life since the day she was born. Her health has declined and we recently brought on hospice care to help during this hard and confusing “dusk” of her life.
I am a woman of deep faith, and truly believe God has a plan and a story to be written through all of this. But my ability to focus on and fight for my own health and understanding of such complicated things has been competing with the ever present needs of my 3 children.
If I could ever be of use through sending on my samples, or giving more to my story to aid in your research, I would consider it an honor.
Either way please know how much I admire your courage, and respect the deep waters you and those along side you are willing to swim in to find answers. You are a warrior for the truth, and I will continue to follow and learn as much as I can to understand and advocate in my own small corner of this crazy world. May God bless you Dr. Ana.
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Rod Johnson - May 2, 2023
Rod Johnson
Thank you for this. The immediate question is: What are the characteristics of live blood from a person that has not received a single "vaccination" or perhaps has not received one in the last 20 years? Morgellons was named in 2002. There are troubling similarities between the regulatory regime for seasonal influenza products and the CV19 products. The entire pediatric schedule must also be part of this broad question of where these contaminants are coming from.
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