What do you mean? Natural immunity doesnt stop you from getting whatever the vaxxed/infected are shedding.
And the infected are everywhere and at least some of them are still shedding so I think you are a little premature in your prediction. The battle is not yet won but EDTA and vitamin C can get us a lot closer.
I listened and have shared it all over x. Thank you.
I listened to a video today and it was Sasha Latypova & she was saying reg anesthetic was ok but not sustained release as it had hydrogel in it & also does sustained release insulin. Is this true? Is regular ok? Also is hydrogel the graphene & nanoparticles?
I’m asking because I need about $20,000 worth of work done on the bottom and I have put it off for over a year because I saw David Nixon‘s Substack last year regarding nanoparticles and graphene in the anesthetic. My mother and I talked about it and she knew as well , but she was having a lot of pain with her teeth and felt like she didn’t have a choice so she went ahead and had extensive work done over the course of a few months. Months later, she was sick with everything under the sun…gout, back to back UTIs, stage four kidney disease, CDF, sepsis, and several other things. She died Aug 3.
Naturally, now I’m even more terrified to have my work done and I just keep praying that I don’t have any pain. So far I don’t, but I know it’s just probably a matter of time.
I see a holistic dentist, but she teamed up with my old periodontist across the street from her, and he has no idea about any of it, but told me that he would order whatever anesthetic that I felt comfortable with. Is there one left that doesn’t have ☠️ in it? That video I watched today with Sasha speaking was also 6 months old so idk what to believe now. Thank you in advance.
[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz glasses or more of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
Still taking the dosage One Bottle of 100 capsules vitamin C is gone and ½ bottle of the EDTA is gone. Feeling better by far then before this EDTA program I have been on for a month. I drink the water and take my dosage upon waking in the morning.
I would need look threw the work of Dr Anna Maria and she has the patent info. It is also listed in the Patent Office USA under Bill Gates Covid-19 patent. Any way when I heard that and saw there was something I could do I went to Piping Rock and got their EDTA capsules. Come in a bottle with 200 capsules and cost about $24, I just went onto their website and will be ordering 6 bottles of their vitamin C with wild rose hips for $1.99 each. I am fugal since am on Social Security 100% and food stamps. I have never had the bio-weapon shot and refused to wear a mask and for that was made a enemy of the People here in Oregon and refused to even enter most stores here. I was asked to leave my only source of medical the VA Hospital and was forced not to have glasses or any health care for over three years. Made me irritated so got two shot guns to protect my home if they came to force me to take the Covid-19 bio-weapon shot. During this period the TV was spouting LIES about how safe and effective these Bio-Weapon shots were on every station in the whole world, and no one had even any clue to what was in these Bio-weapon shots; but all lined up to receive them to save Grandma. The gender stuff was happening then also and most folks here in parts of Oregon think men have periods and can bear children. I have also de-banked and that was difficult and made worse by the fact I have no income other then Social Security and food stamps. I am 100% into privacy coins and they are dirt cheap right now. The reason there is the government wants to trace every transaction and these make me invisible. That is my super power the USA government and their lackeys can not see me or my spending habits. The Commercial banks are not good folks and will be and are draining 100% of all the value out of our counterfeit paper currency that is backed by nothing. I have been very fugal these last 4 years and put the 100% of what little I had left after rent and food into privacy crypto. Last fall I traded them and had a 10X + increase; so now have some skin in the game. I also have a few silver coins. That is my story.
Dr Anna Maria offers some very interesting liquid EDTA and that is supposed to work better then what I am currently taking. She is my source for information and she has a very cool microscope and has noticed many things with it. I have done the best I could with the resources I have had. "ARRR" Matey.
“ARRR” Matey
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's
Completed My 28 Day Water Fast
Water Fasting
Breakfast 18 Days Post Water Fast
Water Fasting
Sorry, but his area of expertise is in biology. He has no background in electronics or engineering, and is not qualified to have an expert opinion on the issue of self-assembly.
Seems to me he might have controllers, as well. It was really manipulative for him to have a lengthy intro, and then cast a shadow, in some nebulous fashion, having the last word which seemed to distort some of the information she was presenting. I don't trust him.
Very interesting observations. Thank you. I don't do videos, so I haven't watched. I have a hearing loss, and I lack time and patience. My bandwidth allotment is also limited. Any time someone asserts a view that is outside their expertise but inside mine, and I know it's false, I stop trusting that person in general. My own extensive broad-based expertise in science and engineering is coupled with that of my husband, a genius in both computer hardware and software, with whom I collaborated for 54 years. PhD in electrical engineering, founder of a company that is now a household word.
Thanks for that feedback. My father had a master's in electrical engineering, and started his own company too. Provided instrumentation for Space Shuttle that would measure the microgravity of planetary orbits. So when I hear "IEEE," I know what that means. Blessings.
I know what IEEE stands for, too! People who lack expertise in electronics should not be going around spreading myths. At one point, my husband was hoping to get hooked up to SpaceX, but in retrospect, I'm glad he didn't.
On the flip side, I read a book by a fellow who did a lot of testing for the space program. He opined that the Christian faith has parallels in quantum mechanics. Very interesting ideas. Where he fell down was when he started opining about cosmology, taking cues from Hugh Ross, who has conflict of interest problems. Outside his field.
Personally, I've been involved in both sides. I started studying nuclear physics when I was in 6th grade, and continued to study through high school. Years later I did a rather massive project in ethnobotany. In the past 15 years, I've been working as a field ornithologist.
Yes, probably a good thing about the SpaceX. And I have to wonder about the whole NASA thing that is being shown to be fake? Well, my Dad did a whole lot of business with them back in the day, was that an illusion? Ethnobotany, awesome. I live in South America, very good for such things....and for birds! Except now, they are dessicating the Amazon with HAARP/Chemtrails et al. Extremely sad. Waiting on the new heaven and earth, without a doubt. Book of Revelation lays it all out.
Some people say we never went to the moon. They're wrong. We went. We don't have that capability anymore, thanks to government mismanagement. NASA has been all but totally destroyed by Wokeness. I benefited from the panic of Sputnik !, got a more intensive education as a result. As for ethnobotany and South America, well, that's why I did a lot of my research in Spanish. I don't know enough to know what Revelation means, and a lot of it is frightening, so I leave it alone. I don't buy into popular versions of eschatology. As a Lutheran, and specifically agreeing with their position, I am amillennial.
It didn't work for me the first time I tried it. As a matter of fact, it seemed to shut down my internet coverage. I was thinking that this was deliberate, since it is sensitive information, being provided by a more mainstream presenter. The next day, I was able to access it.
A very concise overview of the nuts and bolts of this bio weapon, and how it is transforming people into cyborgs, which is the agenda. And the antidote for blood full of nanotechnology. I really did not understand what Gary Null had concerns about, seems like he was giving a shout out to his controllers, perhaps Also, at the very end, he states that she gives an antidote for vaxxed people, and doesn't include non-vaxxed as part of that equation. For myself, I never understood the whole spike protein thing, that it seemed to be running parallel with the nano technology premise. But now I understand, they are operating in the same fashion, using nano technology to overlay the biology. I also have just found out recently (Holy Spirit led) that taking B12 - can improve the amount of oxygen in the body. I was in the middle of a lot of forest fire smoke last weekend, and I took a 5,000 mcg tablet of B12. Immediately, my dizziness stopped. Since the B12 makes more red blood cells, which give more oxygen. When I heard her describe how a red blood cell is dismantled by the nanotechnology leaving just a husk of the cell after being harvested for iron, made my blood run cold. Pun intended.
Dr. Ana,
Audio was nice, but where is video for this interview? If we had video of this interview, it would be easier to get vaxed to watch it, and use chelators, Vit. C, and methylene blue to counter government's nanobot takeoever.
She has TONS of other interviews/videos with the visual. This was kind of refreshing to not see them, but to focus on the information given, which is critical. People should go to her substack to see the visuals, there are so many.
Hi Ana, with the Nanotechnology needing an electric field I’m wondering if you have thought or know Ionized water can contribute to this and wether it was set into a new craz for this.
I’m wanting to run an Ionized after a Osmosis and now wondering.
Forgot to add a hats off and thank you to Dr Mihalcea for your phenomenal findings and very hard work. You are an unsung hero and national treasure! in my book.
Four years ago I was having conversation with friend Christopher Earl Strunk, who along with Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr Vladimir Zelenko authored NY Supreme Court Action against many defendants due to the Bioweapon VAXX (Coincidently both died within close proximity of each other well before any court decision was reached). I was Investigator years ago and In 2020 I suggested to Chris i thought they were experimenting with various mixes, administering it to people in order to fine tune mechanisms within the BIOWEAPON. As it turned out Karen Kingston revealed, via scientific papers they used a substantial amount of different lots with different mixes including placebo (water) I believe Graphene Was found in some of the lots as well as least 20 ingredients that should never enter the veins. Have much respect for Gary Null (i went through two different sessions of his health Support Groups tears ago). I surmise Mr. Null possibly not aware that different lots were used in the genocide attempt thus they could cull targeted groups, individual people or what they consider undesirables maybe even " deplorables" while progressively experimenting and tweaking their transhumanism walking breathing lab experiments. Gary Null should consider inviting Karen Kingston on for her research finding that they used a substantial amount of different mixes (lots) as she termed it in their dissembling of USA all deserving of pervasive Nuremberg 2.0 type trials
if the nanopartikel is transmitted, I would be interested to know what the blood of a sex worker looks like? They have several intimate contacts every day and most likely 80% are vaccinated or unvaccinated people who are already contaminated.
And they don't do any detoxification.
How have centenarians lived so long without any jabs and survived two pandemics? The terrain. Theory is far more effective for herd immunity than any jab.
Thomas Lewis - Nov 16
Useless Liberal
This Has Been A 100 Year War
On Natural Immunity.
It Is High Time Someone Declare Victory
For Natural Immunity
And End This War.
Bee Gee - Nov 16
Bee Gee
What do you mean? Natural immunity doesnt stop you from getting whatever the vaxxed/infected are shedding.
And the infected are everywhere and at least some of them are still shedding so I think you are a little premature in your prediction. The battle is not yet won but EDTA and vitamin C can get us a lot closer.
joe stuerzl 85 - Nov 16
joe’s Substack
Yes Bee Gee ,,my wife alone must have shed a ton of vaxx poison on me ..Why because that's how I feel .
Susannah - Nov 21
Then use the EDTA/Vit C protocol. Unless you enjoy suffering.
Thomas Lewis - Nov 16
Useless Liberal
Bee Gee - Nov 16
Bee Gee
Oh, you're one of those. Nm, you've got it all figured out.
Christian deBlanc - Nov 16
Christian deBlanc
Light is medicine and Death to all vampires!
Dana Mccubbin - Nov 16
Dana Mccubbin
I listened and have shared it all over x. Thank you.
I listened to a video today and it was Sasha Latypova & she was saying reg anesthetic was ok but not sustained release as it had hydrogel in it & also does sustained release insulin. Is this true? Is regular ok? Also is hydrogel the graphene & nanoparticles?
I’m asking because I need about $20,000 worth of work done on the bottom and I have put it off for over a year because I saw David Nixon‘s Substack last year regarding nanoparticles and graphene in the anesthetic. My mother and I talked about it and she knew as well , but she was having a lot of pain with her teeth and felt like she didn’t have a choice so she went ahead and had extensive work done over the course of a few months. Months later, she was sick with everything under the sun…gout, back to back UTIs, stage four kidney disease, CDF, sepsis, and several other things. She died Aug 3.
Naturally, now I’m even more terrified to have my work done and I just keep praying that I don’t have any pain. So far I don’t, but I know it’s just probably a matter of time.
I see a holistic dentist, but she teamed up with my old periodontist across the street from her, and he has no idea about any of it, but told me that he would order whatever anesthetic that I felt comfortable with. Is there one left that doesn’t have ☠️ in it? That video I watched today with Sasha speaking was also 6 months old so idk what to believe now. Thank you in advance.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 16
P.’s Substack
[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz glasses or more of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
Still taking the dosage One Bottle of 100 capsules vitamin C is gone and ½ bottle of the EDTA is gone. Feeling better by far then before this EDTA program I have been on for a month. I drink the water and take my dosage upon waking in the morning.
I would need look threw the work of Dr Anna Maria and she has the patent info. It is also listed in the Patent Office USA under Bill Gates Covid-19 patent. Any way when I heard that and saw there was something I could do I went to Piping Rock and got their EDTA capsules. Come in a bottle with 200 capsules and cost about $24, I just went onto their website and will be ordering 6 bottles of their vitamin C with wild rose hips for $1.99 each. I am fugal since am on Social Security 100% and food stamps. I have never had the bio-weapon shot and refused to wear a mask and for that was made a enemy of the People here in Oregon and refused to even enter most stores here. I was asked to leave my only source of medical the VA Hospital and was forced not to have glasses or any health care for over three years. Made me irritated so got two shot guns to protect my home if they came to force me to take the Covid-19 bio-weapon shot. During this period the TV was spouting LIES about how safe and effective these Bio-Weapon shots were on every station in the whole world, and no one had even any clue to what was in these Bio-weapon shots; but all lined up to receive them to save Grandma. The gender stuff was happening then also and most folks here in parts of Oregon think men have periods and can bear children. I have also de-banked and that was difficult and made worse by the fact I have no income other then Social Security and food stamps. I am 100% into privacy coins and they are dirt cheap right now. The reason there is the government wants to trace every transaction and these make me invisible. That is my super power the USA government and their lackeys can not see me or my spending habits. The Commercial banks are not good folks and will be and are draining 100% of all the value out of our counterfeit paper currency that is backed by nothing. I have been very fugal these last 4 years and put the 100% of what little I had left after rent and food into privacy crypto. Last fall I traded them and had a 10X + increase; so now have some skin in the game. I also have a few silver coins. That is my story.
Dr Anna Maria offers some very interesting liquid EDTA and that is supposed to work better then what I am currently taking. She is my source for information and she has a very cool microscope and has noticed many things with it. I have done the best I could with the resources I have had. "ARRR" Matey.
“ARRR” Matey
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's
Completed My 28 Day Water Fast
Water Fasting
Breakfast 18 Days Post Water Fast
Water Fasting
Desert Nomad - Nov 16
Desert Nomad's Substack
Sorry, but his area of expertise is in biology. He has no background in electronics or engineering, and is not qualified to have an expert opinion on the issue of self-assembly.
Susannah - Nov 21
Desert Nomad's Substack
Seems to me he might have controllers, as well. It was really manipulative for him to have a lengthy intro, and then cast a shadow, in some nebulous fashion, having the last word which seemed to distort some of the information she was presenting. I don't trust him.
Desert Nomad - Nov 21
Desert Nomad's Substack
Very interesting observations. Thank you. I don't do videos, so I haven't watched. I have a hearing loss, and I lack time and patience. My bandwidth allotment is also limited. Any time someone asserts a view that is outside their expertise but inside mine, and I know it's false, I stop trusting that person in general. My own extensive broad-based expertise in science and engineering is coupled with that of my husband, a genius in both computer hardware and software, with whom I collaborated for 54 years. PhD in electrical engineering, founder of a company that is now a household word.
Susannah - Nov 22
Desert Nomad's Substack
Thanks for that feedback. My father had a master's in electrical engineering, and started his own company too. Provided instrumentation for Space Shuttle that would measure the microgravity of planetary orbits. So when I hear "IEEE," I know what that means. Blessings.
Desert Nomad - Nov 22
Desert Nomad's Substack
I know what IEEE stands for, too! People who lack expertise in electronics should not be going around spreading myths. At one point, my husband was hoping to get hooked up to SpaceX, but in retrospect, I'm glad he didn't.
On the flip side, I read a book by a fellow who did a lot of testing for the space program. He opined that the Christian faith has parallels in quantum mechanics. Very interesting ideas. Where he fell down was when he started opining about cosmology, taking cues from Hugh Ross, who has conflict of interest problems. Outside his field.
Personally, I've been involved in both sides. I started studying nuclear physics when I was in 6th grade, and continued to study through high school. Years later I did a rather massive project in ethnobotany. In the past 15 years, I've been working as a field ornithologist.
Susannah - Nov 22
Desert Nomad's Substack
Yes, probably a good thing about the SpaceX. And I have to wonder about the whole NASA thing that is being shown to be fake? Well, my Dad did a whole lot of business with them back in the day, was that an illusion? Ethnobotany, awesome. I live in South America, very good for such things....and for birds! Except now, they are dessicating the Amazon with HAARP/Chemtrails et al. Extremely sad. Waiting on the new heaven and earth, without a doubt. Book of Revelation lays it all out.
Desert Nomad - Nov 22
Desert Nomad's Substack
Some people say we never went to the moon. They're wrong. We went. We don't have that capability anymore, thanks to government mismanagement. NASA has been all but totally destroyed by Wokeness. I benefited from the panic of Sputnik !, got a more intensive education as a result. As for ethnobotany and South America, well, that's why I did a lot of my research in Spanish. I don't know enough to know what Revelation means, and a lot of it is frightening, so I leave it alone. I don't buy into popular versions of eschatology. As a Lutheran, and specifically agreeing with their position, I am amillennial.
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Nov 16
The link to listen to your interview with Gary null does not work. Looks like a podbean app is required?
Susannah - Nov 21
It didn't work for me the first time I tried it. As a matter of fact, it seemed to shut down my internet coverage. I was thinking that this was deliberate, since it is sensitive information, being provided by a more mainstream presenter. The next day, I was able to access it.
Bee Gee - Nov 16
Bee Gee
Just click the orange Play button under the image on his page and it will play in the browser.
Susannah - Nov 21 - Edited
A very concise overview of the nuts and bolts of this bio weapon, and how it is transforming people into cyborgs, which is the agenda. And the antidote for blood full of nanotechnology. I really did not understand what Gary Null had concerns about, seems like he was giving a shout out to his controllers, perhaps Also, at the very end, he states that she gives an antidote for vaxxed people, and doesn't include non-vaxxed as part of that equation. For myself, I never understood the whole spike protein thing, that it seemed to be running parallel with the nano technology premise. But now I understand, they are operating in the same fashion, using nano technology to overlay the biology. I also have just found out recently (Holy Spirit led) that taking B12 - can improve the amount of oxygen in the body. I was in the middle of a lot of forest fire smoke last weekend, and I took a 5,000 mcg tablet of B12. Immediately, my dizziness stopped. Since the B12 makes more red blood cells, which give more oxygen. When I heard her describe how a red blood cell is dismantled by the nanotechnology leaving just a husk of the cell after being harvested for iron, made my blood run cold. Pun intended.
some guy - Nov 20
Dr. Ana,
Audio was nice, but where is video for this interview? If we had video of this interview, it would be easier to get vaxed to watch it, and use chelators, Vit. C, and methylene blue to counter government's nanobot takeoever.
Susannah - Nov 21
She has TONS of other interviews/videos with the visual. This was kind of refreshing to not see them, but to focus on the information given, which is critical. People should go to her substack to see the visuals, there are so many.
Nidge Wat - Nov 20
Nidge’s Substack
Hi Ana, with the Nanotechnology needing an electric field I’m wondering if you have thought or know Ionized water can contribute to this and wether it was set into a new craz for this.
I’m wanting to run an Ionized after a Osmosis and now wondering.
jj - Nov 18
Forgot to add a hats off and thank you to Dr Mihalcea for your phenomenal findings and very hard work. You are an unsung hero and national treasure! in my book.
jj - Nov 18
Four years ago I was having conversation with friend Christopher Earl Strunk, who along with Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr Vladimir Zelenko authored NY Supreme Court Action against many defendants due to the Bioweapon VAXX (Coincidently both died within close proximity of each other well before any court decision was reached). I was Investigator years ago and In 2020 I suggested to Chris i thought they were experimenting with various mixes, administering it to people in order to fine tune mechanisms within the BIOWEAPON. As it turned out Karen Kingston revealed, via scientific papers they used a substantial amount of different lots with different mixes including placebo (water) I believe Graphene Was found in some of the lots as well as least 20 ingredients that should never enter the veins. Have much respect for Gary Null (i went through two different sessions of his health Support Groups tears ago). I surmise Mr. Null possibly not aware that different lots were used in the genocide attempt thus they could cull targeted groups, individual people or what they consider undesirables maybe even " deplorables" while progressively experimenting and tweaking their transhumanism walking breathing lab experiments. Gary Null should consider inviting Karen Kingston on for her research finding that they used a substantial amount of different mixes (lots) as she termed it in their dissembling of USA all deserving of pervasive Nuremberg 2.0 type trials
michael68 - Nov 17 - Edited
michael68’s Substack
if the nanopartikel is transmitted, I would be interested to know what the blood of a sex worker looks like? They have several intimate contacts every day and most likely 80% are vaccinated or unvaccinated people who are already contaminated.
And they don't do any detoxification.
Geoffrey Newton - Nov 16
Geoffrey’s Newsletter
How have centenarians lived so long without any jabs and survived two pandemics? The terrain. Theory is far more effective for herd immunity than any jab.
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