Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Gary Null Progressive Commentary Hour
Gary Null is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on the Progressive Radio Network.
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Thomas Lewis - Nov 16
Useless Liberal
This Has Been A 100 Year War
On Natural Immunity.
It Is High Time Someone Declare Victory
For Natural Immunity
And End This War.
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Dana Mccubbin - Nov 16
Dana Mccubbin
I listened and have shared it all over x. Thank you.
I listened to a video today and it was Sasha Latypova & she was saying reg anesthetic was ok but not sustained release as it had hydrogel in it & also does sustained release insulin. Is this true? Is regular ok? Also is hydrogel the graphene & nanoparticles?
I’m asking because I need about $20,000 worth of work done on the bottom and I have put it off for over a year because I saw David Nixon‘s Substack last year regarding nanoparticles and graphene in the anesthetic. My mother and I talked about it and she knew as well , but she was having a lot of pain with her teeth and felt like she didn’t have a choice so she went ahead and had extensive work done over the course of a few months. Months later, she was sick with everything under the sun…gout, back to back UTIs, stage four kidney disease, CDF, sepsis, and several other things. She died Aug 3.
Naturally, now I’m even more terrified to have my work done and I just keep praying that I don’t have any pain. So far I don’t, but I know it’s just probably a matter of time.
I see a holistic dentist, but she teamed up with my old periodontist across the street from her, and he has no idea about any of it, but told me that he would order whatever anesthetic that I felt comfortable with. Is there one left that doesn’t have ☠️ in it? That video I watched today with Sasha speaking was also 6 months old so idk what to believe now. Thank you in advance.
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