Project Archimedes Launched: Join Us In The…

Feb 21

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Project Archimedes


Angelina Perkins - 7d

Angelina Perkins

Thank you. I was hit with a microwave in 2020 because I was getting involved with the election . Because I have MS & damage on my central nervos system it causes neuroligical disabilties that after that hit from the invisable weapon it has made my codtion progress in the extreme where I have constant battles where I can't live a normal life. I tried to make people aware of what happened to me no one believes me when I was trying to warn them of what they can do to you.


Ernie Rockwell - 7d

Ernie Rockwell

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I don’t personally know any targeted individuals but I believe the testimony of TIs.
If you don’t mind elaborating a bit it might help others understand how you know this was an attack and not just an unfortunate natural progression of your illness. I’d say the same to other TIs since most people find this tough to believe. For me it is much easier, seeing their evil with Covid and so many other attacks and PSYOPS.


Angelina Perkins - 7d

Angelina Perkins

microwave weapon*


Dana Sauder - 7d

Dana Sauder

Once again, thank you Ana for your work!❤️


FreeAssange-FreeSpeech - 7d

FreeAssange-FreeSpeech’s Substa…

1.) Judges are briefed to dismiss remote-controlled tech abuse:
"During Supreme Court Justice Robert’s swearing in, he was made aware that he would be hearing cases on Americans being targeted and possibly micro-chipped." (2005)
2.) Is Ana aware of the stellar achievements of former military police, BSc IT & Digital Forensic Investigations summa cum laude Amy Holem?
=> Documenting technical details such as weapons companies, weapon specifications (microwave, ELF, laser, drones, satellites, cell towers, electric grid), criminal networks, and assaulted body parts (via Thermal Tomography). This is most useful and should be part of Ana's advice what TIs can do.
Please vote Digital Forensic Investigation expertise into the MAHA administration:


Wink - 7d

Bee Gee

To individuals that suffer from microwave attacks… consider wearing aluminum made chain mail head and body gear… aluminum is a very cheap material and it is highly conductive, effectively shielding you from radiation…. You can buy an aluminum hard hat on Amazon for $30… you can buy a full chain mail, head and body set for $100 on Amazon… as an experiencer of directed emf… this helps… I wear the hard hat in the car when driving on the highway as the roads are lined with towers ever 2-3 miles… if you’re concerned about what people think… most probably just assume you work in construction… take your safety seriously… these towers are being weaponized with AI


Bee Gee - 6d

Bee Gee

You know what, never mind... whatever helps.


Amy Harlib - 7d

Amy Harlib

This is so desperately needed.
Thank you.


NanFree - 7d

Thank you for this enlightening information! RFK Jr has said the following:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr | MAHA (Commentary only) @RFKJr_Official • 1d in My First 6 Months as HHS Secretary:
- I'll ban mRNA vaccines.
- I'll ban glyphosate and pesticides from our food.
- I'll ban harmful food additives that are banned in other countries.
-I'll ban fluoride from our water.
- I'll ban chemtrails.
- I'll make Ivermectin available over-the-counter.


TriTorch - 7d

Out Here On the Perimeter

Sounds dramatically amplified, music playing same chorus over and over and over and over at different volumes... Not fun.


J.-J. - 7d

crapshoot farmer

I am a TI. It started during the night at the end of August last year. I had to move out and now I live like a refugee. But I am not going to join you guys even if I would love to get justice because I don't believe there is justice out there anymore. I think you are wasting your time and energy. If there is justice it isn't on this plane of existence. I believe it is rather the time to do ceremony and pray together for the protection and continuation of Life


crapshoot farmer - 7d

crapshoot farmer

JJ, sadly I have to agree with you. Joining a movement or organization makes for feeling good, but I think, with the chemtrailing at advanced levels worldwide, nano crap in food supplies and municipal water, that we're in the bottom of the ninth inning and there's 2 outs.
It's too late for any movement to overturn this damage.
Individually, some may improve and recover their health through trial and error, whether from EDTA or some other source, but the majority will not.
Sorry to be pessimistic but the evidence is everywhere.


Akgrrrl - 7d


Here is what I do not understand. Even in northern India and Peru, the people see that the towers are damaging their herds of animals, crops, and famikies. They have taken measures under dark of night to cut a tower leg and pull it down with a truck, smashing it to pieces. Seems pretty simple to me, but America sits on the sofa as trained spectators that the SportsMachine has taught them for 90 years.


J.-J. - 7d

You're not being pessimistic. This is being realistic about the situation. That being said, it doesn't make me feel good at all. In fact I'm having trouble managing my anger


Zofia Filipiak - STOPZET - 7d

Zofia’s Substack

Thank you Dr. Ana, you are great, your views on the existence of Man in the Universe and his possibilities of Creation are very close to me. And I believe in our Success. Kind regards


Mark peter - 7d

Mark peter

LFG, where do I sign??


Lucky 1 - 7d

Lucky’s Substack

I had a friend who was targeted. Was always hearing voices. The only thing that stopped it was Blue Body dance or Blue Body C&E.. She had to do this every day to keep it from happening.


Rick Oringer - 7d

Rick’s Substack

Beautiful and genius moves by u young lady. You are endowed. Onward toward the light.


Roger Christie - 7d

Roger Christie's writing from H…

Hi there Dr. Ana, aloha!
Big thanks for your sincerity, courage and for your great help to uplift humanity.
I've been making the holy anointing oil of Moses and the christening oil of "Jesus" since 2004. See Exodus 30:23 for the recipe. The 'fragrant cane' in the mixture is Kaneh Bosm in Hebrew, or Cannabis. Yes, "marijuana" is in the sacred blend along with myrrh, cinnamon and cassia in olive oil. It's made with, and applied with loving intention and prayer. (Thanks Dr. Emoto).
The HAO has, among many other things, helped to heal four out of four cases of severe gangrene (!) in a few hours, or a few days, depending. I'm a first person witness to three of those cases. The HAO is special and it might be helpful during these times with what you find out and what you know of.
'The yoke of bondage will be broken by the anointing oil.' Isaiah 10:27.
That's a big promise. Spiritual, mental, emotional, physical bondage?
Return of Messiah, Christ and Mahdi all translate to return of the anointed.
We believe anointing is a literal thing. Anoint your crown with holy oil and hear the angels sing!
Please contact me for more details of the HAO; how to make it, how to apply it, etc. Maybe it can be helpful now.
May unexpected blessings and love keep coming to you and from you and everyone right now.


Akgrrrl - 7d


Roger please let ppl know it cant just be any "essential oil". Just because it smells like the plant you think, 96% of what is out there is not distilled for therapeutic action or intent. Its diluted with synthetics or grown with pesticides or boiled to death trying for every last moneymaking drop. Every plant is distilled differently, as the worldwide research of Gary D. Young showed us decades ago while he fought the fda to bring oils back to theforefront.Myoil is so powerful you cannot put a drop on a toothbrush without melting the plastic.


David Merrill - 6d

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

You should start at the origin:


Janitta - 6d

I still have one question for a long time.
And it rise again watching the video.
You mention Nurenberg and wining the war first before having trials.
So here is my question - don't you think that there are these controlled opposition media that seed in everyone's mind that we have to fight it through lawsuits. Yeah I agree laws and lawsuits are good I just have to ask - was any enemy in war (and we are in war) defeated in the court room.
I believe that this is the tactic and why those "lizard people" still can travel around because they persuaded masses that everyone must remain calm.
In my opinion people have to understand that we already were attacked and that is absolutely stupid to rely on courts and allow to kill more people while nobody is taking them out.
We already know who are the enemies - why they are left free to go???


Bee Gee - 6d - Edited

Bee Gee

I wonder if any Targeted Individuals have actually Taken EDTA and ascorbic acid? And taken it properly?
It seems some of the biotechnology is similar, so it stands to reason a chelator and an antioxidant could likely deactivate it in TI's as well, just like it does on the slide. And like Nothing Else Does.
It works great, as long as you take it Hours away from anything it will bind with. A lot of people are scared of EDTA though, for no reason.
I know if I had multiple health issues and nothing else was working, I sure would try it. I dont have health issues but I take it all the time, because I'm no waiter and I know the shedding is real.
Im more of a leader than a follower but that's how I know its Great.... and that you can take a lot without issues. Not because I read it on the internet or listened to someone else who Also hasn't taken it.
And I have taken far more than the tiny typical dosages, although in some of those 100 year old studies, some people took 27 Grams a Day for Years.
Don't do that, I've only taken like 15 grams a day myself (while fasting for 3 or 4 or 5 days) but They were fine. I'm just saying, its nothing to be scared of.
But follow the directions, otherwise it Will Not work.
And you need to take it With an antioxidant, and some like these are the best for this purpose... just plain old C as ascorbic acid crystals (dissolved into water).
Good luck to you all in any case... I think it could really help.


Piotr Bein - 6d

Piotr’s Substack

Bee Gee
What do you think about home-made hydroxychloroquine (minute 16:20 )
and pine needle tea



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