Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 21, 2025 ∙ Source
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I get so many emails from targeted individuals from around the world who are being tortured daily. I have no way of helping to stop their suffering, other than medically support the body to endure the torture and decontaminate them as best as I can. This never stops the attacks, however. This is why it brings me great joy to announce this project - because this is something that can stop this program!
I am happy to support Project Archimedes as an expert witness. It has taken a lot of work for Todd Callender’s and his team to bring about this legal worldwide platform that is so needed for so many targeted individuals and people harmed by directed energy weapons and other forms of electronic torture - individuals whose numbers are rising exponentially worldwide - including children that are being tortured and subjected to V2K.
If you are targeted or harmed by directed energy weapons, have experienced Havanna Syndrome or “Anomalous Health Incidents” - fill out the criminal complaint template and application that will form the basis of world wide class action lawsuits through a global network of litigators.
Todd Callender was on my show to explain this class action lawsuit last summer.
Watch on rumble: Worldwide Class Action Lawsuit – Conversation with Todd Callender, Esq- EP 27
It has taken this long to assemble the infrastructure for this fight, but now Project Archimedes is ready for you. Fill out the templates and join this effort to stop human torture and enslavement - and bring an end to this evil and draconian system of global control.
Are you a whistleblower who is willing to be an expert witness? - Contact Project Archimedes
Are you a volunteer who understands that the fate of the targeted individuals is the future of all humanity if we do not resist and fight the Transhumanist Technocratic military intelligence surveillance and torture prison? Contact here
This is an international effort, whatever country you are in, Project Archimedes wants to hear from you!
What is Project Archimedes?
The Remnant Ministry is a collaborative organization of churches united to advance shared Heavenly missions. The Remnant Ministry honors and applies the Word of God to “Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; and deliver them out of the hand of the wicked” according to Psalms 82:3-4. Operating as an “association of churches” they provide crucial support in border operations, child trafficking recovery through Operation Millstone, and church ministry training. By partnering with leading Child Rescue Teams and providing resources to strengthen local and nationwide Partner Churches, they work to articulate and advance a family—and church-centered worldview.
The Remnant Ministry engages in ministry activities across the United States and internationally, sharing resources and expertise with their Partner Churches to accomplish their shared mission. Their dedicated team approach ensures successful recoveries and impactful ministry, supported by valued partners like ARC, VaxxChoice, Ltd, Mercury DID, Crossrifle Solutions, America’s Black Robe Regiment, and Banners 4 Freedom. Together, we strive to make a meaningful difference in their communities and beyond.
Criminal Complaint Templates
The 10 templates are free and open-source to empower us with information on crimes against humanity and how they are being used on every person on the planet. Use each template to file an incident report with local law enforcement of a named defendant in your local community. Sit down for coffee to educate county and city employees, state legislators, and Congress so they know you know too. It is suggested to build a community team to stand together to fight for truth, justice, and frankly because the human-being is now an endangered species.
For videos on the templates visit @ProjectArchimedes on Clouthub and share updates on @Vaxxchoice.
Project Archimedes is for the people and by the people. Participation in our Movement against 5G, and using our Complaint templates to educate, and protect yourself, loved ones, and our communities are our modern-day tools to win the war on truth
5th Generation Warfare has begun by using weapons you cannot see like bullets and bombs. Directed energy weapons are affecting each one of us. Whether we’re subjected to radiation poisoning from the onslaught of the mix of electromagnetic frequencies from space to underground, directed energy assaults, or social engineering and mind control.
Besides radiation in the lower atmosphere in Template 7, Template 8 discusses technologies in the upper atmosphere that locks the earth in a digital prison of radiation killing the cells of all living things with oxidative stress, aerosolized graphene oxide and polymers that bind to the metal in order to float in the atmosphere longer.
Have you or your family been directly impacted by harmful 5G frequencies? Tell us your story!
Project Archimedes unites the world’s population and steers the course of worldwide public interest advancement through various means which may include, but is not limited to, supporting the filing and prosecution of one or more class action lawsuits. The information that you provide in the Join Our Movement Against 5G Survey will be used to help determine and evaluate possible courses of action to accomplish significant public policy changes and when deemed appropriate communicate with you.
If you have factual documentation to share, please complete the form below. Expert witnesses and whistleblowers from the following sectors are welcome: all government agencies (local, state, federal) and contractors. Engineers in computer science, semiconductor, electrical, nanotechnology. Experts are needed from the telecommunications sectors from installation to CEO’s. Experts are needed from academic institutions on optogenetics – neuroscience, gene therapy, protein therapy, or precision medicine.
Please complete the expert witness form and a member of the team will be in touch.
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Angelina Perkins - 7d
Angelina Perkins
Thank you. I was hit with a microwave in 2020 because I was getting involved with the election . Because I have MS & damage on my central nervos system it causes neuroligical disabilties that after that hit from the invisable weapon it has made my codtion progress in the extreme where I have constant battles where I can't live a normal life. I tried to make people aware of what happened to me no one believes me when I was trying to warn them of what they can do to you.
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Dana Sauder - 7d
Dana Sauder
Once again, thank you Ana for your work!❤️
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