Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 15, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I wanted to post not just the Budget but the actual progress report of the National Nanotechnology Initiative. This is to explain to people how much the military is working on human augmentation and transhumanist technologies under the auspices of increasing soldier capabilities. I have been writing about the technologies of the military and their push for the Cyborg future for a long time.

Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD

Please see that biosensing capabilities, brain computer interface and MEDICAL DEVICE DEVELOPMENT is all part of this. As the world is under the 2030 Agenda, the National Defense Strategy and Air Force 2030 Science and Technology Strategy is all about the nanotechnology development, specifically metamaterials, quantum materials, energy harvesting technologies, nanochemistry, bio-nanotechnology, nanoelectronics. Please note it is all about bioelectronics and how cells can be fused with technology.


These approaches include the development of “protonic” devices for actuating cells and self-assembled nanoscale transducers that can wirelessly control living cells.


All of these have been deployed against humanity as is visible in human blood. Last night I went out on my balcony with a UV light looking at the fog… and it is fluorescent dancing particles, that we get to inhale. Do the test yourself, 365nm flashlight will show you what is in the air. Then go to the mirror and look at your face or after a hot shower at your skin. You will see the same fluorescent filaments and particles come out of your skin.

I wrote about this here in relationship to the Covid 19 bioweapons and shedding:

Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Vaccinated Individuals Skin Glowing Under UV Light: Darkfield Microscopy

C19 Uninjected Individuals Expelling Fluorescent Filaments Through Skin - Similar To C19 Injected - Darkfield Microscopy Of Filaments And Correlation To Live Blood

Recognizing the revolutionary impact that nanotechnology and nanomaterials may have on our future warfighting capabilities, the Department of Defense continues to pursue foundational research in these technologies to support the modernization of the current force. Nanotechnology shows great promise to allow the ability to design unique materials to achieve improved properties and capabilities, including novel sensing capabilities/modalities, lightweight, stronger materials for protective applications, and expanded uses in medical devices, environmental remediation, and additive manufacturing.

Air Force


Nanoscience underpins innovations that are critical to future air, space, and cyber capabilities outlined in the Air Force (AF) 2030 Science and Technology (S&T) Strategy and the 2018 National Defense Strategy, such as universal situational awareness, the delivery of precision effects anywhere, protection of our airmen, and ability to access and survive in the battlespace. Due to extensive global investment, research in nanoscience has exploded over the past two decades, creating many new self-sustaining research communities, such as metamaterials, quantum materials, energy harvesting technologies, nanochemistry, bio-nanotechnology, nanoelectronics, etc.

· Physiological and biological sensors in the form of disposable patches to monitor human performance in stressful missions, improve airman-machine interface, and enable autonomy for operators such as pilots, air traffic controllers, and first responders.

· Increased security, bandwidth, data storage, and processing through miniaturized electronic and optical devices to enable encryption, as well as seamless spatial and temporal fusion of diverse sensor streams with trust.

· Agile intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) components with increased broadband data transfer including radio frequency (RF) systems and hyperspectral electro-optic sensors through the use of nanostructured materials and structures to increase resolution, spectral performance, operating temperature, and autonomous distributed analysis of extremely large data sets to obtain meaningful and actionable information.

Goal 1. Advance a World-Class Nanotechnology Research and Development Program

AFRL scientists, in collaboration with Ohio State University, the Indian Institute of Technology (Madras), and Western Digital, recently demonstrated a new method for detecting magnetic dynamics using incoherent relaxation of nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. This technique enables high-resolution imaging of magnetic dynamics at the nanoscale, potentially uncovering new mechanisms for, and elucidating existing mysteries in, how energy moves in a ferromagnetic system. This capability will be instrumental in the improvement of technologies relying on low-damping magnetic materials, such as conventional microwave and RF components for ISR and electronic warfare (EW).

An AFRL-funded program at the University of Southern California established mechanisms that mediate energy conversion and charge transmission at the interface between living cells and synthetic surfaces. These findings have implications for cell physiology and bioelectronics, and may lead to the development of new hybrid materials and renewable energy technologies that combine the exquisite biochemical control of nature with the synthetic building blocks of nanotechnology.

An AFRL-funded international program, including activities at the University of Texas at Dallas and multiple Asian institutions, has resulted in the invention of several types of strong, powerful artificial muscles using materials ranging from high-tech carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to ordinary fishing line. Concepts such as sheath- run artificial muscles, or SRAMs, provide even greater design flexibility, allowing for the replacement of CNT yarns with less expensive yarns. These muscles are very attractive for intelligent structures, such as robotics and comfort-adjusting clothing.

AFRL's Nano-Bio Materials Consortium (NBMC), including industrial, academic, and venture capital partners, is advancing aeromedical monitoring capabilities for En Route Care and Aeromedical Evacuation missions.

$5.7 million in R&D activities, and an associated $6.1 million in member cost share, will advance technologies and components that enable stress monitoring, tissue-level oxygen/biochemical monitoring, AI for multi-modal physiological monitoring, and wireless vital sign monitoring devices for ambulatory patient monitoring. These efforts focus on establishing a foundation for new dual-use products in digital health and personnel medicine that address strategic requirements within the AFRL Operational & Aeromedical Health Product Line.

An AFRL-funded program at Harvard University demonstrated nanoscale devices for intracellular recording, the first nanotechnology developed to record electrical chatter inside a live cell. The team has recently designed a way to make thousands of these devices at once, creating a nanoscale army that could speed efforts to find out what’s happening inside our cells.


NRL Nanoscience Program

FY 2021 Plans and Priorities

Signature Initiatives and Grand Challenge (PCA 1)

In the area of nanoelectronics, NRL is developing heterostructures of 2D materials for spintronic applications. For the Sensors Nanotechnology Signature Initiative (NSI), NRL plans to investigate chemical sensor platforms for detecting the cellular signals that control wound healing. In the area of the Future Computing Grand Challenge, NRL is investigating nanophotonic approaches to quantum information processing and reservoir computing.

Foundational Research (PCA 2)

NRL anticipates continued efforts in the area of foundational research. This research includes efforts in phonon-polariton lattices, controlling magnetism in metamagnetic nanostructures, enhanced optical properties in hybrid nanostructures, and quantum-coherent networks in DNA origami structures.

Nanotechnology-Enabled Applications, Devices, and Systems (PCA 3)

NRL is developing new approaches to interface with and control biological systems. These approaches include the development of “protonic” devices for actuating cells and self-assembled nanoscale transducers that can wirelessly control living cells. Additionally, NRL is developing dimensionally-confined biological catalysts and multiscale architectures for chemical catalysts.

NRL scientists are exploring methods to exploit DNA as both a structural and informational molecule to develop modular transducers that convert enzyme activity into DNA signals, which can subsequently be amplified, combined, or processed, e.g., to reduce false positives. A new class of transducers has been devised and demonstrated based on small circular DNA oligomers (~80 bases). In operation, these assemblies undergo a rearrangement if and only if the target enzyme is present, and this has been shown to occur with high fidelity. This new approach to enzyme sensing has promise for future DNA-based “smart” sensors that can operate both in vitro and in vivo.

Photonic quantum information technologies such as computing, communication, and sensing have a critical need for integrated quantum optics platforms. A long-standing challenge in developing such platforms is integrating more than one or two solid-state quantum bits (so-called qubits). NRL scientists have developed a technique that overcomes this challenge for semiconductor quantum dots—one of the most advanced solid-state qubits—by tuning multiple quantum dots into resonance with micro-laser processing. They demonstrated photon-mediated quantum interactions between multiple dots, a critical test of an integrated quantum optics platform

Scientists from three divisions at NRL have developed self-assembled nanoparticle enzyme systems that exploit channeling processes and are capable of overcoming diffusion limitations and increasing enzyme pathway activity by several orders of magnitude. This advancement paves the way for creating designer enzyme clusters that are capable of synthesizing molecules such as nutraceuticals, drugs, critical chemicals, and food from common simple molecule feedstocks and even waste at points of need such as a deployed ship, submarine, or forward operating base. Such systems are critically needed to enable Navy distributed maritime operations, increase autonomy, and reduce supply line dependency.

Given the significant challenge of traumatic brain injury, DOD has a continued interest in the development of new technologies (for both imaging and modulating brain activity) for new diagnostics and therapeutics. NRL materials scientists have developed small gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) that bind to the plasma membrane of neurons, harvest incident visible light, and heat the plasma membrane just enough to open ion channels and activate neurons. This is a fundamentally new application of these types of materials and demonstrates the fine degree of control that can be elicited over cells using functional nanomaterials.

NRL scientists have verified a new mechanism for modifying chemical reaction rates. Specifically, by flowing reactive chemicals through a tuned optical cavity, reaction rates could be modulated by ~80%. This capability represents a new tool for energy collection and storage (solar- or bio-fuel) and toxin remediation (for countering chemical or biological weapons).

ONR Bionanotechnology Program

FY 2021 Plans and Priorities

PCA 2. Foundational Research

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) will continue to support bionanotechnology research with emphases on fabrication techniques for hierarchical, biologically-based materials with defined properties, DNA nanotechnology and applications for functional device platforms, synthesis and patterning of materials by

microorganisms, and design and fabrication of bio-inspired and biomimetic materials and devices using nature’s design principles.

Key Technical Accomplishments by Goal

Goal 1. Advance a World-Class Nanotechnology Research and Development Program

Researchers supported by ONR developed and validated a new algorithmic approach for the autonomous design of all DNA staple sequences needed to fold any free-form 2D scaffolded DNA origami wireframe object from a long single strand of DNA scaffold. Such nanostructures offer the ability to organize secondary molecules, such as dyes, nucleic acids, proteins, and semiconductor nanocrystals, for applications in fields such as nanophotonics, nanoscale energy transport, and biomolecular sensing. The algorithm is available online as a stand-alone software tool, and complements recent advances in DNA scaffold generation to bring the use of scaffolded DNA origami to the wider scientific community.5

Researchers supported by ONR fabricated 3D self-rolled biosensor arrays of either active field-effect transistors or passive microelectrodes and used them to demonstrate, for the first time, 3D multisite and simultaneous electrophysiological recordings from a 3D multicellular system, specifically stem-cell-derived engineered cardiac spheroids. The arrays provided continuous and stable multiplexed recordings of field potentials with high sensitivity and spatiotemporal resolution, supported with simultaneous calcium imaging. Use of this approach can enhance our basic understanding of signal transduction in complex cellular assemblies, the relationship between signals and disease (e.g., arrhythmias), and tissue maturation. Additionally, the approach can be used in the development and assessment of the efficacy of drugs for disease treatment .6

Researchers supported by ONR engineered a microbial process to produce covalently linked repeats of mussel foot proteins (Mfp), specifically Mfp type 5, and characterized the adhesive properties of those recombinant proteins. A positive correlation between the molecular weight of the Mfp5 oligomers (i.e., longer protein chain) and underwater adhesive properties was detected. Additionally, modification of the Mfp5 oligomers with 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine was shown to yield comparable or higher force of adhesion and work of adhesion values for a 200 second cure time than those of previously reported Mfp-mimetic adhesives. This research demonstrates the power of synthetic biology in exploring the mechanisms that control underwater adhesion.7

Researchers supported by ONR fabricated activators from dormant bacterial spores suspended in water-resistant, UV-curable adhesives that achieve work densities an order of magnitude higher than synthetic humidity-responsive polymers, and respond directly to liquid water, increasing their actuation speed and power by nearly 100-fold. Potential applications of this material include humidity-driven and water-driven actuators for robotics, adaptive textiles and architectures, and energy harvesting


The military is front and center in the transhumanist technocratic agenda, and considering the aerogel fog, the saturation of our air with polymer filaments, metals and other materials that make people sick a warfare field that people need to be aware of. Couple that with directed energy weapons destroying large areas in California, Hawaii for smart grid progression purposes and one can now begin to see war against the civilian population with open eyes.

Support your health and wellbeing during this aerogel chemical assault by detoxification and nutritional optimization. Remember Vitamin C is a chelator and universal antidote for toxic exposures and doses of 10000mg, as Linus Pauling recommended are certainly indicated in these times.

I also highly recommend Dr Tennants Restore for full mitochondrial optimization in the morning which also contains all the minerals you need and Global healings microsomal EDTA in the evening. For more details on detox protocols see my book Transhuman Vol 2.

Tennants Restore

You can also use Chlorophyll in your water for DNA protection and Methylene Blue to help prevent the rubbery clots and improve mitochondrial function.

Global healing CaEDTA

Liquid Chlorophyll

Methylene Blue

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Roman S Shapoval - Jan 15

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Once we realize that the technology within ourselves is more powerful than what we've built outside of ourselves, then only do we have a chance of survival - the spiritual kind that can only be obtained by first cleaning our body of the nanotech.
This starts with Sunlight, and the UV wavelength that builds melanin.

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David Peterson - Jan 15

Love your comment Roman. Here in Hood River Oregon the geoengineering is heavy. Another day of extreme dimming, no sun, fake weather really. Snow like concrete in the forest. Yesterday I took pictures of the sky early in the day and by late afternoon all those little so called harmless contrails turned into a sun obliterating cloud layer. Many of my ponderosa pines are dying...I am sure Dr. Evil has some new GMO trees that will survive as well as food crops too.

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