C19 Uninjected Individuals Expelling Fluorescent Filaments Through Skin - Similar To C19 Injected - Darkfield Microscopy Of Filaments And Correlation To Live Blood

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 31, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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After I had posted the articles about fluorescent filaments coming out of the C19 injected and the orange tatoo on the skin, some of my C19 uninjected patients who had been exposed to shedding as well as environmental sources like breathing the air contaminated by geoengineering - were investigating their skin. In the above video you can see a flourescent filament coming out from behind the ear of patient A. This was a Darkfield Live blood analysis done by this patient previously, showing filaments in the blood.

Here you can see the use of a UV light on a fluorescent filament that is coming out of the skin of patient A on another spot of the body and it is clearly reacting to the ambient energy field of the finger, trying to attach to it:


This is another C19 uninjected patient B with orange fluorescent spots and fluorescent blue filaments coming out of the skin.


Patient B also had significant live blood contamination in a previous exam:

Image: C19 uninjected blood, constructions site building polymer filament on the left ( 200x) and large polymer construction on the right ( 2000x).

Image: C19 uninjected blood, constructions site building polymer filament on the left ( 2000x) and large polymer filament on the right ( 2000x).

I was given a sample of the filament that came out of patient A’s skin. Without UV light the filament looks exactly as what we are seeing in the blood on the left side. Then I turned on the UV light and you can see the blue violet glow.

Here is a video of the fluorescent glow right as I turn on the UV light:


Here are my previous reports of the analysis after Dr Justin Coy shared with me his observations and filaments.

I have had many other C19 unvaccinated individuals without a history of Morgellons that reported the filaments to be coming out of their skin. Strange crawly sensations or intense itching can accompany it but does not have to happen. The extreme itching has also been reported to me in the area of the orange spots. Some people have no symptoms.

Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Vaccinated Individuals Skin Glowing Under UV Light: Darkfield Microscopy
Fluorescent Skin In C19 Vaccinated - Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 7: Conversation with Former DOD Contractor Justin Coy, PhD
Fluorescent Orange Face Tattoo Under UV Light In C19 Vaccinated And Eye Of Horus Phenomenon - Are Humans Limbic Systems Being Altered For Behavior Modification?

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EK MtnTime - May 31

EK MtnTime

Is there any hope left for us? Death jab or no death jab, it appears the geo-engineering is the thing we cannot escape. They spray that graphene oxide poison nearly daily where I live. It’s criss-cross low, altitude strings and then it spreads until the sun disappears.
In my state we are conservative everywhere except for a couple big cities which are totally libtard whack-jobs and they make the state blue. I think they are hitting hard the states and counties where conservatives live. But the wind carries it elsewhere…so no one is actually spared.

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Marcie - May 31

There were many people with filaments/fibers coming out of their skin way before the Covid shots. Those in the Morgellons community have been quite aware of this, as they not only checked their own skin, under a microscope, but the skin of individuals that were supposedly “healthy.”Whatever is going on with these filaments, it’s been here for a much longer period of time but has gone undocumented, except for those that were actively looking at the skin of others.

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