Jan 4
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OpenAI whistleblower death: Autopsy suggests murder, not suicide Former OpenAI employee Suchir Balaji made headlines for his revelations about ethical concerns surrounding generative AI
AnnR - Jan 4 - Edited
Mabel Parrilla
And Matthew Livelsberger was just suicided. He was about to blow the whistle on military misdeeds, as well as the drones. Have you read his "manifesto"? It's so contrived, it's laughable. Edit: in watching the interview between Sam Shoemate and Shawn Ryan, maybe something else is going on. Either way, there seems to be evil afoot.
Jay Em - Jan 4
Mabel Parrilla
yah.....gunshot to the head BEFORE the explosion......right?
Mabel Parrilla - Jan 4
Mabel Parrilla
That was a self driving Tesla. So, shooting himself was possile while the truck was driving up. Also, he could have used another person and got away somewhere. The DNA of the driver did not match the DNA of his child. Lots of questions and we are never told the truth, so its all suposition..
Karen Amos - Jan 4
Karen Amos
Or someone else could’ve offed him before sending the truck off on a self-driving mission. And with the DNA issue…couldn’t it be questioned that it was even him at all? Hopefully the facts are actually being sought & well vetted. Given what’s been exposed about the investigation agencies, I certainly wouldn’t flat out believe anything they say without a LOT of 3rd party thorough verification.
Mabel Parrilla - Jan 4
Mabel Parrilla
I agree whole heartedly with you!!
athena26 - Jan 4
Adriana J. Garces
Seems like a common theme in our faces
Adriana J. Garces - Jan 5
Adriana J. Garces
And an insult all rolled into one. Creep city.
SophiYah - Jan 4
Guys like him are mk ultra type programmed. Super soldier type programming, one trigger word spoken to him and that programming kicks in and tells him what to do. Very sad!
Kim - Jan 4 - Edited
Here is a good article with further information if you're interested. There is also an interview on Shawn Ryan with the guy who Livelsberger emailed before his "suicide."
Here is the interview with Sam Shoemate:
"Sam Shoemate - Cybertruck Bomber Matt Livelsberger’s Email Reveals NEW Evidence"
AnnR - Jan 5
Do those sound like the words of a man about to commit suicide? Or does it sound like the words of a man who is about to blow the deep state/military industrial complex out of the water and is going to be "terminated". God, how much more can they piss on us and tell us it's rain.
Kim - Jan 5
I just watched the video with Shawn Ryan. They put a lot of information together and it makes more sense. According to Sam Shoemaker and Shawn Ryan, they think that Matt Livelsberger's whole motive was to bring attention to a cover up in Afghanistan, as well as information about the drones in NJ. They also believe that the "suicide" was staged and that the dead, burned up, shot guy in the Tesla was somebody else ( i.e. that body's DNA does not match Matt Livelsberger's son's DNA so they are not related by blood) and that Matt Livelsberger is still alive. So, it sounds like you are definitely on the right track.
Karolina - Jan 5
Maybe these criminals want to turn people's attention away from Dr.Steven Greer, who will blow myths about "bad" so-called aliens with his army of whistleblowers.
AnnR - Jan 5 - Edited
OMG, that is one hell of an interview. There is evil afoot and it looks like Matt Livelsberger was desperately trying to get the information into the public domain. God help us, will we (the people) ever find out the truth?
Kim - Jan 5 - Edited
Definitely. I think that was his motive and he didn't quite know how else to get someone to pay attention. And indeed, very scary about the missiles from Iran coming right through a port of entry. And very interesting that Matt Livelsberger mentioned the "anti-gravitational propulsion" something or other that neither Shawn nor Sam has ever heard of before. He obviously wanted that information out there too.
These 'Agencies' have got to be MORE Versatile in their 'Thinking' - SAME Vehicle rental Company, as Dude in New Orleans! Once A Grunt - Always a Grunt! AND, A Tesla no less! Not a RAM/Ford or GMC!
Folks can't do SitComs like Acronym Agencies!! Empathy for the Victim/ Family= If you're Operating in a World of Shadows & ZERO Moral standings, & have 'Something to Report' - Nett result = Only while you're still Breathing!
There have been a Plethora of Dodgy 'Investigations/Cover-ups' by 'Official' Agencies = It AIN'T like the Movies! THE 'Investigators' are ALL Good looking, mainly athletic, Smart, Intelligent, Diligent, Mainly Moral - Reality, as a Collective - a 180 Degree opposite!
Wellness From OZtopia (Australia)
Vic Hughes - Jan 4 - Edited
No Treaty Medicine
You're a brave warrior also. I would suggest another way at looking at WW2. There was absolutely no need for the West in general and the US in particular to get in that war. We were lie into the war by FDR and it had nothing to do with freedom. It was a setup for a One World Government (think The WHO) and continuing wars for the War Mongers. I suggest looking up the McCollum Memo and the book "The Unnecessary War" by Pat Buchanan. I learned at an early age our Government has lied us into every war and a Government that will lie you into war, will lie you into anything. Like the Covid Scam and so much more.
M.O of President FDR Administration, to Leverage the Japanese to War with the U.S., IS exactly the same as Needling Russia today for same effect = FDR to an adviser;
"We've Frozen Japanese assets & Bank accounts. Trade Embargo'd their commerce, What else can we do, to get the Japanese to Attack us - But, still make it look like we're the Victims?"
As for U.S 'Involvement' in Euro WW2 = Corporate Profit & Control - Business is Always where you Find it, OR, 'Stimulate demand'! The 3rd Reich Nazi regime, Is/Was just another Globalist 'installed Govt'. Exercise, with the Soul aim of TOTAL destruction of German National Spirit (Still intact even after WW1,), Denegration of Stoic Euro Breeding Stock (Both sides of Conflict), Control of Central Banking & Commerce By the Globalist Instigators (In their own Vision), Leverage from Central Geo Political located State 'Central' Europe- For Future (Gnomes of Zurich, just next door!). THE Rockefeller Group 'Lend-Leased' 500,000 Gals of Aviation Fuel to the German Luftwaffe in 1940, used to bomb London.(Through out the WHOLE of WW2, Rockers provided the Necessary oil additives for German aircraft operations!). General Motors & Ford, built Vehicles & trucks for the 3rd Reich in Occupied France. U.S. Comms Companies provided inputs for German Rocket guidance & help develop The Focke Wulf FW-190 Fighter - To shoot down allied aircraft. U.S. Steel ball bearing Manufacturers - Via the U.S Dept of State, sent Bearings into Germany via Spain to Continue Military effectiveness - Due to shortages from Allied Bombing campaigns. AND ON, AND ON! THE U.S Dept of State + Allied, & Other Govt Agencies + Corporations, Dealt with the SS Reichsbank & SS State, During/post Euro WW2. (See Operation 'Gladio' for Oversight, plus Operation 'Paperclip' amongst others, to see entities 'ties'. Check NAZI Personnel operating top echelon posts in NATO, post WW2).
There IS NO 'Enemy' - Contrived for the Temporary 'Convenient Mob', Depopulation & Weakening of General Human genome, & Control of ALL! Actual 'Coin' comes by Default, after control is gained.
aprayerformonkey - Jan 5
Correct. So gratifying that you brought up the deliberate destruction of human genome. Habits change neural passageways, Behavior and food change DNA. DNA is passed down to endless generations. This is a sore subject [ as it was meant to be ] as we can no longer say the obvious.
Adriana J. Garces - Jan 5
Adriana J. Garces
Very well stated! It is a sad world we have to face and fight for, through so many levels of illegal authority. And yes. THEY have literally walked us to our deaths! Trust what from the lot of those criminally minded psychopaths? Nothing is certain. Thank you.
Liberty Liz - Jan 4
Liberty Liz
Very well said.
E. Grogan - Jan 4
David’s Substack
Excellent comment, thank you! I just ordered Buchanan's book, very glad you recommended it, sounds fascinating.
David Westerlund - Jan 5
David’s Substack
Anther GR8 book "Day of Deceit" with 60% documents showing FDR knew about Dec. 1st 1941 the Jap fleet was headed for Pearl Harbor.
E. Grogan - Jan 5
Thank you for the book, will check it out - I have heard this but I really like having documents to back up info!! I read a comment few yrs ago by someone whose uncle received communication that Japs were going to attack Pearl Harbor next day (which they did) and FDR got the communication but did nothing to prevent it. FDR did a lot of things that were NOT good for America. My parents were born in 1920/1921 and both were in WW2 (mom was WAC) and absolutely hated FDR for many reasons. FDR was a bad name in our household.
Vic Hughes - Jan 5
No Treaty Medicine
an equally interesting book is "The Chief Culprit". It is by a former Soviet intelligence officer that proves pretty conclusively that Stalin was planning to attack all of Europe, including Western Europe, with overwhelming force. His goal was a continuation of the Commies 1920 European invasion that got stopped by the Polish Army in the battle called "the miracle of the Vistula" (river). Stalin helped put Hitler in power and to get the West to declare war on Germany in the hope that those combatants would so weaken each other that Stalin's invasion on July 8th 1941 would be a cake walk. Fortunately for the West and unfortunately for Stalin, Hitler attacked first on June 22, 1941 and caught Stalin flat footed, capturing millions of Russians and destroying armies. Fascinating book and serious of event that are just not reported.
E. Grogan - Jan 5
No Treaty Medicine
Thank you for the suggestion! Looks like a fascinating book and reviews are very good so I just ordered it and am looking forward to reading it. WW2 is a period of history I'm very much interested in.
Vic Hughes - Jan 5
No Treaty Medicine
not to overload you but you really can’t understand WW2 without understanding it was part of the Milner Groups plan to destroy an up and coming Germany and make sure they didn’t align Germany industry with Russian natural resources (called the Heartland theory). that natural combination would not only have greatly benefited each of those powers, it would have negated the value of British seapower. As a result the Brits caused WW1, ran the Russian revolution, and ultimately insured that the Versailles Treaty lead directly to WW2 to finish the job of destroying Germany as a rival power. It is not coincidental that one of the first things that went in the Ukraine Russian war was Nord Stream, damaging both Russia and Germany while relatively benefiting the UK and USA. a good start on all this is “Prolonging the Agony, How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WW1 by Three-and-a Half Years” by MacGregor & Gerry Docherty. The UK could have blockade Germany and end the war in 6 months but instead let it go on to destroy Germany and make huge war profits. Because they never invaded Germany, they needed WW2 to finish the job.
E. Grogan - Jan 5
That sounds exactly right - Churchill was no hero in my book. Thanks for this info, much appreciated!
VJCBingham - Jan 6
The all time classic exposing FDR is 'Back Door to War - The Roosevelt Foreign Policy', by Charles Callan Tansill. 1952. Tansill is gone, so buying the very long tome that leads up to the denouement on page 652 (the last page), is only necessary if you are looking for scholarly information. Otherwise, here's the punch line of the extraordinary account found on page 652:
'When Colonel Bratton, on the morning of December 7, saw the last part of the Japanese instruction to Nomura, he realized at once that "Japan planned to attack the United States at some point on or near 1 o'clock that day". To Lieutenant Commander Kramer the message meant "a surprise attack at Pearl Harbor today." This information was in the hands of Secretary of Defense Knox by 10:00 A.M., and he must have passed it on to the president immediately.
It was 11:25 when General Marshall returned to his office. If he carefully read the reports on the threatened Japanese attack (on Pearl Harbor) he still had plenty of time to contact Honolulu by means of the scrambler telephone on his desk, or by the Navy radio or the FBI radio. For some reason best known to himself, he chose to send the alert to Honolulu by RCA and did not even take the precaution to have it stamped, "Priority." As the Army Pearl Harbor Board significantly remarked: "We find no justification for a failure to send this message by multiple secret means eitehr through the Navy radio or the FBI radio or the scrambler telephone, or all three."
Was the General under Presidential orders to break military regulartions with regard to the trnamission of important military information"? Did he think that the President's political objectives outweighed considerations of national safety?
Was the preservation of the British Empire worth the blood sweat and tears not only of the men who would die in the agony of Pearl Harbor, but also of the long roll of heroes who perished in the epic encunters in the Pacific, in the Medierranean, and in teh famous offensive that rolled at high tide across the war-torn fields of France? New cemeteries all over the world would confirm to stricken American parents the melancholy fact that the paths of mlitary glory but lead to the grave.
But the President and Harry Hopkins viewed these dread contingencies with amazing equanimity. In the quiet atmosphere of the Oval study in the White House, with all incoming telephone calls shut off, the Chief Executive calmly studied his well-filled stamp albums while Hopkins fondled Fala, the White House Scottie.
At one o'clock Death stood in the doorway.
The Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. America had suddenly been thrust into a war she is still fighting.'
Chilling to the bones.
Vic Hughes - Jan 6
No Treaty Medicine
another great book is the 50th Anniversary Edition of John T Flynn's "The Roosevelt Myth"
Vic Hughes - Jan 6
No Treaty Medicine
on nov. 25th 1941 Secretary of war Stintson quoted the President to expect an attack at Pearl Harbor. If you haven’t read the fairly short MacCullom memo laying out the plan to get Japan to attack to get in a war with Germany. Of course by then FDR had been conducting an illegal war with Germany in the North Atlantic. We even occupied Iceland because FDR wanted to provoke a German attack.
Zorost - Jan 6 - Edited
Quo Bono?
If you look at who benefitted and who suffered as a result of WW2, it becomes clear that 2 rising nationalist powers were crushed in order to make way for 2 struggling communist powers. Which doesn't negate what you said, as communism is just one of the tactics (not goals) of the One World Government scheme.
If UK/FR really wanted to be safe from scary neighbors, the tried and true method isn't to destroy 1 of 2, allowing for the survivor to become much more powerful, it is to pit those 2 against each other. Then keep that conflict going by helping whichever side is losing. Like what the US did in the Iran/ Iraq war.
Why did Germany recover from the Great Depression so much faster than everyone else? They went off the international banking standard for trade, which was a parasite skimming off the top of every cross-border transaction. That is what sealed Germany's fate, as it meant almost the entirety of the world would be mobilized against them.
Another great piece of writing by Buchanan is the article "Whose War?" which discusses who was really behind the Iraq war.
240Gordie - Jan 4
Adriana J. Garces
And let's not forget Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test who conveniently died a few months before the start of CONvid.
Adriana J. Garces - Jan 5
Adriana J. Garces
Only convenient to the murderers, but not coincidental.
JaneR - Jan 5
the poster obviously means it wasn't a coincidence.
Amy Harlib - Jan 4 - Edited
Amy Harlib
Suchir Balaji, martyr in the noble cause of whistle blowing about THEM!
Can't say this often enough!
All life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT!dhughes.substack.comTechnocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
So thankful for everything you do! Blessings!
Matt Circus - Jan 11
Matt’s Substack
I feel you but I have to bring you back to reality. There is no way to survive in this modern world without being on the grid. I think we need to be realistic about that fact. Money is necessary to pay for permission to sleep on the land, somewhere somehow. Being homeless (and without a car which requires money) is not a pragmatic nor a realistic solution, living in slab city is no better. We really need to hold onto the right to NOT have a cell phone or need internet access for public services; its debatable if we can even function now without those things. A lot of jobs today require time clock apps online, etc. Mike Adams today is promoting AI, saying anyone who doesn't use these new tools will be left behind. Idolizing off-grid living is nice for idealists and thought experiments but increasingly there is nowhere that is "off grid." Who is going to have children without government registration, who can live rural-ly without a car registration? I think the most realistic solution is actually open- source hardware, we can move into de-googled phones and linux, and privacy and security methods but in the end we need to take back total control of our hardware, even to the point of remaking it. So maybe I can reframe what your saying and not reject technology but take full ownership of the tech we do use. I think the above article is a big can of worms for any researcher to dig into and continue the work of any of these victims. AS they prove some of the advanced science is useful (again not rejecting advanced science outright, remember its easy to out of laziness), these characters were martyred for. Yes, most of industry and academia is fake science to prop up the status quo.
Wendy Lee Hermance - Jan 4
It is so very difficult for normal, healthy human beings to believe these others can possibly conceive of, let alone perpetrate such evil. Your ability to stare down the monsters, and present their deeds in such clear terms is so precious, reminding us we are sane, normal and healthy and also strong and in community to stand against the madness.
Sus - Jan 4
The usual story with whistleblowers so sickening! Please check your dates regarding his death and the call with his father.
Gayle Wells - Jan 4
Gayle Wells
So many and they not only have a special place in the heavens, but are working in our favour from the other side. THAT is what the pirates and death cult has and will never have.
william schneider - Jan 4 - Edited
william’s Substack
Dr. Mahalcea, I love your courage and love for the truth but I continue to feel profoundly sad that you seem so distant from the ultimate victim of truth , justice and love-our lord Jesus Christ -the creator of the universe. He is the one who is glorified by heroic people who are dying for truth and justice. Jesus is greatest martyr for truth , justice and love.
I pray your search for the truth brings you to the ultimate source of truth-Jesus Christ the son of the living God.
E. Grogan - Jan 4
william’s Substack
How would you know what she believes? Just because she doesn't mention Jesus, doesn't mean she isn't a believer. She reports on medical issues and current events, not religious beliefs/dogma. IMO it isn't a good thing to judge another person, especially when you don't know them. Just my 2 cents.
william schneider - Jan 4
william’s Substack
I have been following Dr. M for many years now and the mere fact that she has not mentioned Jesus with all her talk of spirituality speaks plenty of volumes. Jesus repeatedly says that his followers should not hide their faith but shout it from the rooftops so to speak. I love Dr. M but desperately want her to come to know her creator and savior.
E. Grogan - Jan 5
David’s Substack
I was raised in Christian religion, went to Christian schools and churches as a child; I never heard anything about Jesus telling us to "shout it from rooftops" - what I was taught was the phrase from the Bible "to go into your closet and pray quietly". IOW, don't try to appear holy by talking loudly about your religion, by your deeds you will know them. I totally disagree with you and many people are like me, I don't announce my religious beliefs, to me the people that do that are trying to appear to be holy and pure, which is boastful. I've seen lots of people do that who are really not very nice people. Please leave Dr. Ana alone, her religious beliefs or lack of them are NONE of your business. That's all I'm going to say about this.
David Westerlund - Jan 5
David’s Substack
Very nicely worded Grogan. I would disagree with your last sentence though. We must speak out about truth, and you have.
E. Grogan - Jan 5
Thank you for the nice remarks, appreciated! I figured I'd get all kinds of negative comments from folks but instead I've gotten quite a few "likes", a very pleasant surprise. Hope you have a lovely evening!
David Westerlund - Jan 5
David’s Substack
William: There is STRONG evidence J.C. is a SCAM. There is NO RECORDED HISTORY of J.C. before ~300 except in the Bible. J.C. of Nazareth? Nazareth was unknown until about 200.
mothman777 - Jan 5
mothman777’s Newsletter
Excellent read:
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold - Revised edition
D. M. Murdock
revision includes extensive updates such as new credible evidence, a multitude of highly respected academic sources.
Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka - Jan 5
Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka
Jesus never did
the following:
•Ezekiel 37:21. Bring the Jewish people back to Israel
•Ezekiel 37:22 one nation with a king
•Ezekiel 37:24 Jewish people will all do the teachings of G-d.
•Isaiah 11:9-10 world wide knowledge of G-d.
•Ezekiel 37 & 47 building of the third Temple which will stand forever.
•Isaiah 2:4 No More war
•Deuteronomy 17:8-11 Jesus did not fullfil the Law. He was never recognized as a prophet or Messiah.
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
mothman777 - Jan 5
mothman777’s Newsletter
Jesus is going to burn everyone alive unceasingly for all eternity if they don't suck up to him just right. Only cowards and sadists believe in Jesus out of fear that he will burn them alive forever if they don't. Jesus is only a fictitious demonic character invented for Jewish political purposes anyway. Only mentally defective sadistic Mossad sayanim and CIA agent types push 'Jebus' anyway. Nobody with an ounce of real common sense or actual spiritual awakening pushes that Jesus crap.
Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka - Jan 5
Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka
Take ownership of your own people promoting silly ideas. the Jew is a crutch idea is ludicrous inconsistent incoherent illogical and laughable and it's deep-rooted stupidity.
Own your debauchery
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
mothman777 - Jan 5
mothman777’s Newsletter
Your ill-directed comment just blows back right in your own face.
Christianity is a politically-purposed Jewish psy-op created by the Jewish Piso family, it has nothing whatsoever to do with any Gentile spiritual culture or belief system.
Christianity is a false flag controlled opposition crypto-Jewish imposition that was violently enforced by means of slaughtering scores of millions of Gentiles by the sword, the rack, by burning alive and by garrotting, especially using the typical Communist methodology of making Gentile people so insane they would kill each other like 'Manchurian candidates'.
Jesus never existed, and the violence introduced between Gentiles by this Jewish political method was a means of instituting a proto-Bolshevik Pitesti Experiment mind control mechanism that would be used by the Jews pulling the strings in the background to have various Christian factions steadily annihilate even each other as in The 30 Years' War.
Marianne Agnello - Jan 5
Marianne Agnello
Totally agree
Loving Jesus is total freedom
The opposite is Satan
Liberty Liz - Jan 4 - Edited
Liberty Liz
Christ works through different people in different ways at different stages of their journey. Perhaps instead of judging someone's "distance from the ultimate victim...", you should be grateful that Christ uses those HE sees fit for the tasks they undertake and the guidance they're given. A pure heart and painstaking work for humanity's survival is much more Christ-like than your judgemental, insulting, arrogant comment.
Wendy b. - Jan 5 - Edited
Wendy’s Substack
And her work puts her life in danger, too, like the ones she tells of who lost their lives for standing up with the truth for us all - as did Jesus. We should be so brave!
kaal - Jan 5 - Edited
how many times has dr ana denigrated christianity and those of faith? can one count? multiple times. here u have william making a LOVING comment and the backlash is hate, why/ because u believe differently and it makes u hate. his comment was not judgemental insulting or arrogant. yes Christ works thru different ppl in different ways. I can b grateful for her work but still state the TRUTH. if I WANT. lay off-
Wendy b. - Jan 4
Wendy’s Substack
Jesus did not create the Universe. His Father and ours did.
David Westerlund - Jan 5
David’s Substack
Perhaps "The big bang" is the closest idea of a god. Man created god in his own image. Think of the world today, if religion $$$ was spent on helping instead of indoctrination.
kaal - Jan 4 - Edited
appreciate this comment.4 myself. beautiful. ty
Morpheus - Jan 4
How sad…the parents look to the FBI “to uncover the truth.”
James Griffin - Jan 4
James Griffin
Not to be nit picky but to be correct, I noticed in this article about Suchir Balaji, he was found dead in his San Francisco apartment on December 14, 2024. A little further down in the article it states his Father, Balaji Ramamurthi, last spoke to Suchir on December 22, 2024.
Nancy Anderson - Jan 5
Hi James, I read a LOT and I notice those crazy typos everywhere lately. I think they may have something to do with slight neural damages, perhaps from the nanotech in our blood and the aluminum in the air??? All I know is I see typos and errors like that all the time now. I've always been an avid reader but this is def new. N.
mothman777 - Jan 4 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
"Imagine the 18 to 20 year old B17 bombers pilots and crews in World War 2 who were blown to pieces in the skies over Germany for freedom. How is the choice of a whistleblower different in our times? It is not."
What is this??? Come on Dr Ana, I find your scientific work very interesting and convincing, but you really need to sharpen up on your politics, as your idea here that fighting against Germany was somehow defending freedom is way off the actual truth.
Do not be afraid of the human skin-suit-wearing Jew parasites who are really the ones attacking the entire planet to seize it for themselves alone to live on.
American and British bomber pilots and crews never got blown to pieces for freedom, the Jews used them to destroy the freedom of all Gentiles. The Jewish Rothschilds caused both WWI and WWII and instigated the Communist takeover of Russia and China.
The non-human Jews created the COVID ethnobomb bioweapon and effectively say so themselves without the slightest doubt.
Some Jewish vaxxx history deleted onrense.comupdated
The Germans actually fought for freedom, the Americans and British fighting in the Allied armies were duped into fighting for their own human skin-suit-wearing Jewish slavemasters. You need to know properly who (and what) to oppose.
David Westerlund - Jan 5 - Edited
David’s Substack
Although I agree with you Mothman, I, as a born again National Socialist (joo word Nazi) visit Dr. Ana's Yelm office every 2 weeks. Her staff allows a freedom of speech I've rarely seen before. I've had some GR8 conversations with other patients. There are usually 4 to a room getting chelation, and I mention many times my view of WWII, which I mostly learned from Zundel's 28 minute tapes which I showed on cable TV.
mothman777 - Jan 5 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
It is good to hear that. I do hope Dr Ana will come to be freed from the political misconceptions that she currently expresses about WWII Germany though, but I like her scientific stuff. A great book for anyone to read is
'This Is Germany' by Charles Domville Fythe with a foreword by Lord Queenboroughhttps://ostarapublications.com/product/this-is-germany/
Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka - Jan 5 - Edited
Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka
Smart people shed their stupidity fuck off with yours
mothman777 - Jan 5
mothman777’s Newsletter
Just found your post supporting:
Mission Statement: Jewish Defence League USA
'A Tikkun Project of Great Proportions'
Get back to Tel Aviv you slimy creep.
mothman777 - Jan 5 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
I really do not see what that video about some white man having a friendship with a black woman and then having a swastika removed from his chest has to do with me. You are maliciously trying to create a false impression about me.
There are black people who proudly wear swastikas, and I speak with a lot of black people who agree that the real racists are the Jews. There were a lot of black men who were National Socialists who fought in German uniform in the German army in WWII, and a National Socialist movement run entirely by black people existed in Africa also, it was never an anti-black thing, so you are the ignorant one.
49 out of 50 KKK members in one KKK group were later revealed to be FBI agents, that is where you get your mentally subnormal race hate generated from, the Jewish-controlled state.
God created different races for a good reason, if he wanted us all one colour, he would never have bothered making different races, and he would already have made us all one colour in the initial instance.
The Jewish idea however is for all Gentile peoples to be interbred exactly like farm animals for the convenience of the Jews so the Jews to be able to use us more easily as slaves. Jewish scriptures state that the Jews look upon Gentiles as upon cattle in the fold, we are seen by the Jews as their mere livestock and we are classed literally as animals in their scriptures.
Maintaining the existence of different races is not an act of hatred, all different Gentile races can be National Socialist, and get alone fine with each other from within their own nations without having to interbreed under forceful malevolent Jewish political influence.
The Jewish religion states that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be enslaved and then ultimately exterminated and sent to hell, you agree with the perps, so you are one of them posing as a Gentile. Rabbi Maimonides (RamBam) states that Negros are halfway between an ape and a human being.
Read the book 'Black Nazis' by Veronica Clark to see photographs of Negro black men and men of other coloured races wearing German army uniforms, some of them American blacks who had been working as jazz musicians for instance in Germany when war broke out and sensibly chose to fight on the good side.
It was America who practiced racist racial segregation in armed forces units, never the Germans, and during WWII, all German armed forces units with coloured people in them were mixed units, but American units were all racially segregated.
The Belgian SS war hero Leon Degrelle stated that of the 1 million SS service men, only 400,000 were native German-born, the other 600,000 were volunteers from 30 other nations. The German armed forces contained not only Christians, but Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, but men of various different races, all fighting alongside each other as brothers on the Axis nation side against the real common enemy of all humanity, Jewish Communist world domination and Jewish usury-based Capitalism, with National Socialism thus opposing both left and right on the political spectrum.
Germany never wanted war at at all, Jews like Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt did, one prominent Jewish rabbi stated "three sons of Israel will destroy Germany for us", those were the three Jewish sons of Israel. But the plan to destroy Germany existed even before 1905, when prior attempts by an elite secretive group of powerful news magnates and politicians in all political parties funded and organized by Natty Rothschild to initiate war against Germany first occurred, with successive attempts to cause chaos through initiating WWI and the Boshevik Jewish terrorist takeover having occurred in 1914 and 1917 respectively.
Churchill himself stated that he could have accepted peace offers by Hitler at any time and stopped the war, but Churchill, an agent of Natty Rothschild, merely wanted to preserve the Rothschild creation of Communist Russia that was intended to sweep through Europe and enslave it for the Jews under Communism.
Churchill stated that WWII was only intended to complete the-as-yet uncompleted program to destroy Germany in WWI, and that it was actually nothing to do with Hitler or National Socialism, Churchill stated that war would still have been forced on Germany even if a Jesuit priest were to have been running it.
Only Germany was powerful enough and culturally cohesive enough to resist such a Communist advance right through Europe, and alone stood in the way of the planned completion of Jewish Communist plans to take all of Europe, so it was planned for Germany to be destroyed so as to permit an easy sweep for Jewish Communism right through Europe.
Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka - Jan 5
Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka
You fucking depraved losers
Stephen - Jan 5
“Almost all of the 12 holistic doctors that were found dead believed that a GcMAF inhibitor called nagalase was being injected into the American population by means of vaccines.”https://www.naturalnews.com/053289_GcMAF_holistic_doctors_mysterious_deaths.html
O/T: have you seen this?https://web.archive.org/web/20200414101702/https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-further-evidence-virus-originated-us/5706078
Betsey - 5d
There NEVER WAS a "covid " virus, the biggest part of the psyop! Why do you think all those politicians partied without masks, etc.??? Because they KNEW it was a monumental SCAM!!! And, by the way, religion is a total mind control program. Ana is right, spirituality is the way. ps...viruses have never been isolated or proven to cause disease and contagion is a total LIE!!! Want the proof? Read "Can you catch a cold" by Daniel Roytas. 200 experiments done since the 1850's unable to show contagion. Rockefeller medicine since creating the AMA and medical schools in 1913 is the root of the "virus" theory. Want to trust that Satanist?????
DAVY Udal - Jan 5
DAVY’s Substack
More and more I am moving toward the concept of Eugenics.
I believe that the Megalomanic Psychopaths who think it is their right and responsibility to control the population of humans on earth be introduced to some procedural testing. Perhaps at Gitmo they could be test the strength of hemp rope, on a structure designed for that purpose.
The test subjects would include Pope Francis, Gates, Schwab and thousands of others who are not following the teachings of Abraham, Jesus, Mohammad, Budda etc.
Gandhi to the British, "What can you do if millions of people do not comply?" (Just Say NO!)
Gandhi, "There are only two days when you can't do anything to solve a problem. Yesterday and Tomorrow."
Crixcyon - Jan 5
The A/i demons want us dead so they can take over.
Paul Talbot-Jenkins - Jan 5
Alison Wunderland’s Newsletter
I wrote a short book back in the 80s exposing the true nature of the “Globalists” behind the scenes controlling operators by blackmail bribery and corruption and fear. Attempts were made on my life, such as attempts to involve me in car accidents, poisoning with unidentifiable bacteria, destroying all my records so I had no pension when I retired, contrived debt, contrived court cases, contrived bankruptcy, arrested by 24 armed police intended to put the fear of god into me according one sergeant years afterwards. Oh yes, and setting fire to my home then my solicitor destroying my insurance claim. I’ve been followed, photographed, libelled many many times, my bank deprived me and my business of funds. Most servants of the state are involved in fraud and this the tool by which they are controlled, most judges are involved in the fraud, therefore all judgments are invalid when given by such a judge, this is a very powerful weapon in the fight against THEM. My book is available free for all of humanity:-https://www.dropbox.com/s/46ivz0y7p8rlzl3/MASTERS%20OF%20TRUTH%20FATHERS%20OF%20LIES.pdf?dl=0
mothman777 - Jan 5
mothman777’s Newsletter
You got this absolutely right: 'ORIGINS OF A RACIAL PSYCHOSIS'
They are a race, but a race of lower dimensional origin souls occupying bodies that appear outwardly to be of various different races in origin (in the timeless spiritual origin of all that has no beginning, I believe all souls originally started off on the divine plane within the true God), but in reality, a unique haploid genomic sequence that is specific and unique to Jews alone is commonly shared by all Jews, they are a race of souls quite different to the race of souls that inhabits all the different human races on Earth, not one single Jew is actually a human being, they just wear human skin suits and appear human, some even being blatantly shape-changing non-humans.
What you describe happening I can accept as quite plausible, the things like gang-stalking that the Jewish terrorist mob do are so outrageous and utterly unbelievable to the average locked-down conditioned mind of the average Gentile that it is quite impossible for them to entertain any understanding other than that anyone making any allegations of having been persecuted by some vast shadowy organization is quite deluded.
But they run something akin to their own special branch surveillance system and have unlimited funding, and can do just that with absolutely no financial constraints or limits on available resrources, so whatever they desire to do, material resources are available without limit, we are looking at something exactly like SPECTRE in the James Bond spy novels in the scope of its complexity, organization, connection with the official system on all levels, connection with any and all types of criminal activity, and unremitting total hostility against all Gentile humanity, they are here purely to seize the entire planet, by the same methods they are using in Gaza, total extermination of all others.
Lynette Ackermann - Jan 5
Lynette Ackermann
Dr Andreas Novak was killed with kinetic energy 3 days after he identified the graphene in the covid shots. His pregnant wife witnessed his last moments.
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