Open AI Whistleblower Suicided - The Common Terminal Method To Get Rid Of Truth

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 04, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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OpenAI whistleblower death: Autopsy suggests murder, not suicide Former OpenAI employee Suchir Balaji made headlines for his revelations about ethical concerns surrounding generative AI

It is extremely common in our world, that important truthtellers and whistleblowers get suicided - murdered to shut them up. What is so interesting is that police investigations never find foul play as was proclaimed in this case. Corruption exists everywhere and our legal and justice system is a joke at this point, as we have seen with all of the dismissed court cases that refuse to bring justice to the COVID19 bioweapon genocide.

Suchir’s brave family members, who understood that their perfectly happy son would not just commit suicide, stood up against the false police reports. At this point, many people in our slowly awakening society are smart enough to reject the criminal cover up propaganda.

No awake individual believes Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.

Many people also do not believe that the doctors who found cures for cancer, chronic diseases and who had major breakthroughs in medical understanding - which could have benefitted all of humanity but would have threatened the profit of Big Pharma - suddenly had the thought to blow their brains out, hang themselves from a tree or just randomly get gunned down.

Unintended Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 100 Dead

Or what about Pathologist Arne Burkhart who went public about his autopsy findings showing that COVID19 vaccinations were the cause of death and who suddenly was found floating dead in a lake?

Or what about that airplane crash of eight cancer doctors flying to a conference and their findings about mRNA bioweapon safety?

Or what about Dr. Robert Duncan, DARPA and CIA whistleblower who knew he was on a hit list for exposing the Cybernetic hive mind AI and CIA targeting program?

Or what about Dr. Peter Garaiev, nominated for the Nobel Prize in physiology for his holographic DNA model and gene wave laser modality of curing incurable, even genetic diseases who was suddenly found dead?

Or what about all of the top microbiologists who were killed?

Why are these 80 scientists now dead? Why are they all microbiologists?

The list is seemingly endless here…


Humanities progress and the discovery of truth has been undermined for centuries. Those in control own the judicial system, the police, the intelligence communities - assassins for hire or electronic targeting can easily get rid of a whistleblower, genius, inventor, truth loving politician. We suppose that those who were just cancelled, their careers ruined through a smear campaign but got away with their lives are the lucky ones?

At least many people are smart enough to not believe the lies about these murders. If you want to know the real truth about the biggest topics of our time, look at who was suddenly suicided and study what they were working on. You will find more truth than anywhere in any mainstream or even alternative media. If you want to know about what healing can really be like, study what the dead doctors did and how many advanced cancer patients they cured, for example the amazing work of Dr Nicholas Gonzales.

Big corporations, big institutions, big governments, big religions covering up pedophilia rings all have their network of assassins and coverup modalities. They are the organized crime network and the main stream media and justice system complicity covers these cases up. This is why our progress is so painstakingly slow - blackmail and murder are very effective ways of keeping the destructive status quo.

The most recent example is this Open AI whistleblower and his family deserves all respect to not let his death be covered up by propaganda lies.

The parents of Indian-American techie Suchir Balaji, who was found dead in his San Francisco apartment on 14 December 2024, have rejected the official suicide ruling, alleging that their son was murdered.

Suchir Balaji, a former OpenAI employee, had made headlines for his whistleblowing revelations about the ethical concerns surrounding generative AI. In an interview with NDTV , his parents claim that the second autopsy report indicates "signs of struggle," including a head injury and trauma, which contradict the suicide verdict by the medical examiner's office. Suchir's mother, Poornima Ramarao, expressed disbelief at the suicide ruling, citing the absence of a suicide note and the findings of the second autopsy.

"We have facts with the second autopsy — head trauma and signs of struggle. This is not a suicide; it's a murder," she stated.

His father, Balaji Ramamurthi, recounted their last conversation on 22 December 2024, when Suchir returned from a trip to Los Angeles in good spirits. "He seemed happy," he said.

When asked if Suchir picked up another job, his mother said, "No, he didn't. They (OpenAI) probably threatened him. They didn't allow him to work somewhere else. He also consulted a copyright attorney and figured out that he was not doing anything wrong and they were just suppressing him. That made him give the New York Times interview and resulted in his death."

"He was working in the core group of the ChatGPT; he was kind of an architect of the whole thing. He knows a lot of information about ChatGPT. There were some restrictions on him to not work in other AI companies," the father added.

His mother mentioned that Suchir was working on personal research which he wanted to get published. In his work, he did reportedly include a comparison of how ChatGPT functions.

"Additionally, the work of artists and journalists were all stolen, which is unethical. This is what we talked about the last time I met him," she mentioned.

The parents are demanding an FBI investigation to uncover the truth. "There was a struggle; he did not take his life. Now, who and why need to be explored," Poornima said, urging the Indian government to support their cause.

They also welcomed Elon Musk's support but said they had not reached out to him — although she did tag him on an X post on 29 December.

Describing Suchir as a caring and brilliant individual, his parents said his death is a "loss to humanity and the tech industry." Suchir had worked at OpenAI for nearly four years before resigning over ethical concerns.

In an October 2024 post on X, he criticised the misuse of copyrighted materials in generative AI, stating, "Fair use seems like a pretty implausible defence for a lot of generative AI products."

An OpenAI spokesperson expressed condolences, "We are devastated to learn of this incredibly sad news today. Our hearts go out to Suchir's loved ones during this difficult time."

Suchir, a University of California, Berkeley graduate, was a prominent figure in the tech industry, with his whistleblowing revelations sparking global discussions on AI ethics.


We are in an ongoing war and any human life is expendable to those shadow figures in power. The solution to our civilizations predicament is not to be fearful, but it is for more and more people to take the risk to come forward for a better future. Imagine the 18 to 20 year old B17 bombers pilots and crews in World War 2 who were blown to pieces in the skies over Germany for freedom. How is the choice of a whistleblower different in our times? It is not.

People like Suchir Balaji and the many named and unnamed heroes are fallen soldiers in the “Army of Righteousness”, fighting the beast of human enslavement. They should be honored and remembered for their sacrifice in the name of Truth and Justice. Where our system of justice is corrupt, the justice, honor and truth in our hearts will not fail us.

The ideals within us, that allow us to make the most difficult and most dangerous choices, so that other people or civilization as a whole has a better future - is the loving light within humanity that no criminal deep state player can destroy.

This light and strength, regardless of our creed, skin color, religion, education, income, gender, political persuasion or any other identifier that is used to illusionarily separate us from each other - is an indestructable force, that eventually will win this war to the glory of humanity as a whole. It is OUR UNIFYING COMMON DENOMINATOR - HUMAN GREATNESS.

I am touched by this brave warrior, Suchir Balaji, and wish to honor him and his surviving family with rememberance.

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AnnR - Jan 4 - Edited

And Matthew Livelsberger was just suicided. He was about to blow the whistle on military misdeeds, as well as the drones. Have you read his "manifesto"? It's so contrived, it's laughable. Edit: in watching the interview between Sam Shoemate and Shawn Ryan, maybe something else is going on. Either way, there seems to be evil afoot.

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Vic Hughes - Jan 4

No Treaty Medicine

You're a brave warrior also. I would suggest another way at looking at WW2. There was absolutely no need for the West in general and the US in particular to get in that war. We were lie into the war by FDR and it had nothing to do with freedom. It was a setup for a One World Government (think The WHO) and continuing wars for the War Mongers. I suggest looking up the McCollum Memo and the book "The Unnecessary War" by Pat Buchanan. I learned at an early age our Government has lied us into every war and a Government that will lie you into war, will lie you into anything. Like the Covid Scam and so much more.

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