Oct 13, 2022
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Bravo ONE AMERICA NEWS for reporting on the Italian study of Live Blood Analysis in vaccinated - a technique that many hematologist and conventional medical doctors belittle - despite the fact, that none of them have any better way of diagnosing abnormalities in vaccinated blood.
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Oct 13, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
You are my FAVORITE! I have done my own studies and ALL what you are reporting aligns 100 % with my findings on so many levels. Thank you for this!
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Oct 14, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
BioNTech stands for bionanotechnology: Biological application of nanotechnology
It is injected for IoT, IoB and IoV. It is used for blockchain, and this is a lethal weapon
jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 16, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Thank you for letting me know it's connected to blockchain, I will see if I can research that. What about bitcoin, I wonder? Will check your page as well...best from OR
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Oct 16, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
https://dailycoin.com/nano-nano-could-lead-mastercards-crypto-development/Nano (NANO) Could Lead MasterCard’s Crypto Development — DailyCoin On February 10th, 2021, Mastercard unveiled its plan to introduce cryptocurrencies on its platform to enable customers, merchants, and businesses to transact better as the world goes fully digital. (...)Nano: Tiny, Yet So Powerful Nano (NANO) formerly known as RaiBlockd is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency based on the direct acyclic graph (DAG) architecture. Using a block-lattice data structure, it operates without third parties. Payment gateway giants, Mastercard recently announced on its platform that it will begin supporting crypto-currencies that meet its criteria on its network. The company decided to make this move having observed the trend of consumers using their Mastercard debit cards to buy crypto assets. Seeing the world rapidly embrace digitization, Mastercard wants to make the process seamless for its users. While the company did not explicitly announce which cryptocurrencies will be supported on its platform, it gave certain criteria that must be met. IBM, R3, Mastercard join open source digital identity consortium - Ledger Insights - enterprise blockchain
US Firm Integrates Nanotechnology, Blockchain For Covid-19 Immunity Passports! (blockchainmagazine.net)
jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 16, 2022
Thank you Outraged. At least I do not have such credit cards, but I do wonder about the future of transactions. Everyone says barter wont work (and to some degree I agree) but I do not see a lot of safe alternatives. Humans are kinda crazy it seems. Best
bss.org - Oct 15, 2022
well said
Jimychanga - Oct 14, 2022
Smurfing the New Normal
The "Clots" aren't Blood It changes everything for the worsehttps://jimychanga.substack.com/p/the-clots-arent-blood
D.K. Fynn - Oct 13, 2022 - Edited
D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts
Thanks, Dr. Ana, for your efforts to alert others about this.
I had seen that video a few days ago. Warning: there's one part where it's a bit...not graphic per se, but...disturbing. (Actually, a few parts can be unsettling, but we have to face reality.)
As for the images of the vaccinated blood, I've been meaning to take action on this. On my Substack, I recently began a series called The Activist Reports. The aim of that series is to publicly document my efforts to inform officials about important things that affect a lot of people.
This is definitely one of those things I need to act on. In fact, it's probably the single most important piece of information that I need to alert others to.
wendy perzow - Oct 16, 2022
wendy perzow
Here is Part 1 of the latest reports from Karen Kingston's findings in the blood of the jabbed...https://rumble.com/v1npix4-part-1-covid-is-a-parasite-biotech-analyst-has-proof-covid-and-vaxx-are-bio.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Stew+Peters+Network&ep=2
D.K. Fynn - Oct 16, 2022
D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts
Thanks Wendy!
Yes, Karen Kingston's a good source of information. She has a level of knowledge that I need to delve into, but I think I understand the essence of what she's saying.
wendy perzow - Jan 17, 2023
wendy perzow
Sorry, tardy response.
Here is Scientist and Pharmaceutical Analyst Sasha Latypova along with Lara Logan in a most recent video explaining what is really going on...https://odysee.com/@AussieFighter:8/Lara-Logan---Sasha-Latypova-on-DoD-vaxx-coverup-w--FDA-theater:a
Charles Tortise - Oct 14, 2022
Charles’s Tiaki Hauora Newslett…
Dear Dr Mihalcea please can you provide contact details to me atcharles.tortise@govt.maori.nzas I am seeking to invite you to participate in the COVID Inquiry currently underway under the auspices of the Wakaminenga Maori Government? If you can email me there I can provide the invitation and more details, thank you.
Moonspinner - Oct 17, 2022
Kia ora. You might want to get in touch with this Kiwi doctor, who is part of the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science, a group that has valiantly been fighting against the mandated/forced jabs and educating the public about the dangers of these mRNA jabs. Here is his substack:
Charles Tortise - Oct 17, 2022
Charles’s Tiaki Hauora Newslett…
Kia ora, thank you and that's good to know. We are already in touch with Matt Shelton and Mark of NZDSOS. We also have confirmation from Brenton Faithfull so anticipate thete will be useful information provided. Thank you again for the message.
RosiJami - Oct 14, 2022
I hope this posts. This is a blood stain on a mattress pad. I always use peroxide to remove blood stains. 3 different bottles were used between the mattress pad and sheet and the blood stain did not bubble. This blood was from a woman who had her booster 12 days earlier.
bss.org - Oct 15, 2022
Thank you for your work Ana, you are a Genius and Oracle. I will continue to learn based science from you
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