Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 13, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Bravo ONE AMERICA NEWS for reporting on the Italian study of Live Blood Analysis in vaccinated - a technique that many hematologist and conventional medical doctors belittle - despite the fact, that none of them have any better way of diagnosing abnormalities in vaccinated blood.
OAN is showing the horrifying videos of people spasming to death and the rubbery clots embalmers find in the C19 deceased. This is genocide in progress. At least one major news network is brave and truthful enough to mention Live Blood Analysis and Graphene.
Most others are trailing behind and are still pushing the spike narrative. If many the vials have defective mRNA in them or no RNA at all, then how is spike protein supposedly being produced in everyone? And how come the rubbery clots have Aluminum and Tin in them? It is as illogical as people pushing the virus narrative with endless variants despite the fact that there is no record anywhere in the world that anyone has isolated the virus.
NO records of virus found in Freedom of Information Act requests
Security cameras from around the world are capturing frightening new footage of people collapsing in spasms on the ground in what may be the latest symptom of exposure to the COVID-19 vaccines. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.
Here is the video, please watch:
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OUTRAGED HUMAN - Oct 13, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
You are my FAVORITE! I have done my own studies and ALL what you are reporting aligns 100 % with my findings on so many levels. Thank you for this!
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OUTRAGED HUMAN - Oct 14, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
BioNTech stands for bionanotechnology: Biological application of nanotechnology
It is injected for IoT, IoB and IoV. It is used for blockchain, and this is a lethal weapon
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