I respectfully disagree, Mr. Shapoval. The practice of "visualization/subconscious reprogramming" CAN hurt you...as well as the misapplication of the act of prayer. To whom are you praying? To whom are you submitting your soul? What you suggest is nothing less than playing into the hands of monists/New Age spiritual counterfeits/even demons who like to appear very kind and nurturing...until you die and rendezvous with them in Hell.
Don't meet your last moment without seeking the LORD: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is your Creator, Redeemer and true Friend.
"Acknowledge the God of your fathers and serve HIM with wholehearted devotion and a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever. Consider now..." (I Chronicles 28:9,10)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
Please we can do without this kind of spiritual terrorism, it does nothing to solve the situation, is all based on fear , fabricated , forged, mistranslated made up churchianity that is the ultimate psyop and the corrupted leaders of these organizations and the hidden families behind them are the source of these agendas and have been torturing and murdering humanity for a long time . Suggest you try reading Tony Bushby s "THE CHRIST SCANDAL" and stop trying to terrorize everyone with your fears of eternal suffering what kind of Supreme being would do that?
Our religions have been weaponized. By the same pseudo religious group who are weaponizing the nano.
The Jews have been expelled from more than 1,000 countries. The most notable expulsion was from England in 1291 by Edward Longshanks. What else happened in 1291? Switzerland was formed. Oh my, what a cohencidence.
One Thousand Thirty jewish Expulsions Throughout History...http://www.renegadetribune.com/juden-raus-one-thousand-thirty-jewish-expulsions-throughout-history/
Almost all of these expelled Jews moved to Switzerland in 1291 because there was nowhere else for them to go. Indeed, Switzerland is still at the heart of Jewish financial slavery to this day - they keep all their dirty cash there in secret Swiss bank accounts and swindle the world via institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements, which is the central bank for all the other Jewish central banks.
Switzerland founded in 1291...https://www.myswissalps.com/aboutswitzerland/culturehistory/historyswitzerland
Bible was collated by John Knox and John Calvin, both of whom were Jews, so the KJV Bible is a Jewish publication.
"The result, in England, was the publication of translations starting with William Tyndale’s 1526 Bible and culminating in the so-called “Geneva Bible” completed by Calvinists whom Queen Mary had exiled to Switzerland"...https://time.com/4821911/king-james-bible-history/
Calvin and thousands of other Jews had gathered in Switzerland between the 13th and 16th century after evading justice for crimes they had committed in a multitude of countries (the Jews commonly refer to these forced expulsions as "persecution"). From their base in Switzerland they would spearhead the Protestant Reformation movement which they used to divide catholic Europe against itself.
Pretending to be Protestants is how the Jews managed to introduce their pseudo KJV Bible into England in 1611.
Calvin the Jew was the leader of the Genevan Church & Academy which was responsible for translating and collating the Geneva Bible. The Geneva Bible eventually became the King James Bible. The Jews had been expelled from numerous countries due to Blood Libel and Usury charges and so they moved their monetary operations to Switzerland where they created massively destructive institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements(BIS).
To counter the extreme antisemitism of the times the Jews formed various clandestine crypto social and religious movements, Protestantism being just one of them. This allowed them to operate undetected throughout Europe for centuries.
Short version...http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/marrano-jews.htm
Long version...https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php?c=read&author=pinay&book=plot2&story=infiltration
The KJV biblical texts were plagerized from older texts, but only after the leading actors and authors names had been swapped out for Jewish names.
The Jew John Calvin had everyone killed that didn't go along with his Jewish sky God narrative...https://www.reenactingtheway.com/blog/john-calvin-had-people-killed-and-bad-bible-interpretation-justified-it
Calvin Geneva Church...https://hbu.edu/museums/dunham-bible-museum/tour-of-the-museum/past-exhibits/from-geneva-the-first-english-study-bible/
Ancient mind control, deceptions, the hidden hand...https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/how-the-ashkenazi-jews-conquered-the-west/
Who founded the Jesuits and the illuminati...https://watch-unto-prayer.org/reformation-2.html
5,000+ Years of Unrelenting Warfare Between Jews and Their unfortunate victims. This war never ended. It is ongoing even now, especially now...http://www.renegadetribune.com/5000-years-of-unrelenting-warfare-between-parasitic-jews-and-their-unfortunate-victims/
All leading edge transhumanist scientists Geordie Rose, Kurxweil, Geortzl etc... ALL JEWISH.
The jews Behind The Killer Covid Vaccines...http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/
Reptilians hacked the matrix,created religion and there's a lot of evidence behind this attack on us all now,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0Yo0cGm75g
Jews hail from a class 3 planet,The Earth considered a class 1 planet.The Rothschilds paid Cyrus Scofield to create the Scofield bible.All he did really was copy the KJ and add many,many favorables about Rothschilds Israel.The Archons created organized religion.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdjFoKwOjHk
Im aware of all this info and other as well , but its more complicated than just to call it "Jews' or converted Khazar "Jews , because all this goes back even further than that , many of the Black Nobility families are not Jews and go all the way back to Babylon and possibly Sumeria, and maybe beyond , though much of this history is lost or confused or hidden away. Everyone and everything has gotten mixed together over time , and anyone can intermarry and or have BUSINESS partners who are not those people . Look at the Chinese CCP, I understand the role of whom and how they have been financed and built into the weaponized military empire they are now , and determined to be world dominant. But Rockefeller and Kissinger have praised them as the "model" they want for the total world. John V below is onto THE NEXT LEVEL of this scenario , but is too hard for most to comprehend , so they disbelieve all such possibilities.
Why did the ADL go after Icke when he never mentioned Jews? Never has,always either reptilian or lizards.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFJR1AFmFcI
I think David Icke may be confusing alien dragons with shape shifting theomorph's. See Terence McKenna DMT trip for more information...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8veXhlhXBjQ
yes , alot more people need to move to this understanding and live it this alone would change the world Humans have been so deeply programmed to be believe in a man made , old man with a beard in the clouds , with a laptop dispensing reward or punishment, always a vengeful "he " very primitive understanding. All formal man made religions are for control.
Yup,I think the Archons created organized religion,God is internal not external,external is a money making control matrix.People need to understand that our spirits are as immortal as creation itself because we are part of creation.I understand this because I have had out of body experiences.They say our thoughts are powerful,have to believe it based on all the mind control.That's what religion is,all 43 to 45 hundred of them.The Gods were all ET and then they changed it to one god,divide and conquer
While man made religion has failed God has not. You are tragically confusing the two as one and the same.
You choose heaven or hell. God does not choose it for you. Grownups know this truth and teach it to children.
Im not confusing anything , you are , if thats your belief , live it and stop terrorizing others that know differently. What an abusive thing to teach to children , thats why they live in fear , guilt confusion , and never really live . That is why so many humans are under these maniacal control agendas, same people same lies , same control schemes
Perhaps you have a limited/ failed understanding of God. We all do. You are just projecting your own juvenile understanding. Since you are interested in the reality of evil/ aliens/ reptilians why not try to understand? decryption of hieroglyph akhenaten neffertiti and their three daughters. look.keystothekingdomofheaven.com/about.htmljust a messenger part 7, this evil exists.
A very loving and just God who gives you a choice to follow him, but at the same time must one day stop the evil that we brought into his perfect creation. I sincerely pray Thomas that you find His love before it is too lateβ€οΈ
I find nothing about "the christ scandal", could you sum it up. Many years ago, something terrible happened to me, and before the Christ image in a church, I said : "you are a lie"...
As attested too by those Replying to you just before me, there are a whole lot of lost Souls who continue to deny Christ and His Dominion.
Praise the Lord for those of us like Roman, Heidi, James, etc., whom 'do' see the Light of the impending Return of the Lord who protects us and is coming soon :-)
Prayerfully, He will be able to finally reach them before it is too late π
Far too many people trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system. Guess who has not been let down?
That same man was involved in putting pen and words to paper as it relates to the good books and need I remind you the above, man lies and manipulates.
It never made sense to me that our Creator, our God, who made us and knows full well we are imperfect would send His only son to earth to die for imperfections that He knew already existed.
I do believe God sent a messenger and the evil ones murdered Him and created a story to cover up their crimes.
Thats my coles note version but I know this much, evil has very clearly infiltrated religions or even created said religions to control and enslave humanity.
I don't think Spain or Portugal are any better. Some Middle American countries seem better, seem! I think in Europe the only 'better' countries would be Hungary, with its impossible language, and Croatia, a bit better linguistically. But there too the injections have been given. An uninhabited island. But how to survive?
I am 66 - came to the US 20 years ago. Living in a quiet place in the woods, trying to live out my years here I guess. Wishing you well ! I am sure we will survive.
Logical thinking imo! They are blocking the sun for a reason!
chlorine dioxide can oxidize GO!
So imo from 8 -11am synergistic vitamin supplements in high dosage and after that a CDS protocol C until diner and that should keep us alive until the fall of this corrupted religious war ... π
www.andreaskalcker.comfor all things CDS π
Gob bless You all.
Now that the entire world knows that the vaccine is a bioweapon desinged to kill and Nanotechnology is found in the food water air and medication that causes mind control and physical pain, it is important we learn how to remove the poisons that they spray on us daily causing death and disease.
The fastest way I know how that helped me the most is Chlorine Dioxide Solution CDS 3000ppm byhttp://www.AndreasKalcker.com
The second fastest way I know how to detoxify poison and graphene oxide is the vitamins NAC and Zinc take with BioAstin Astaxanthin
The 3rd and possibly the best way to remove nanotechnology from the body is called EDTA Chelation, more information can be found online.
If you have any questions, I am always happy to help, I have been studying nanotechnology poisoning and microchip mind control torture for over 10 years now and I know a few solutions that work.
Below are some videos of patents of mind control and nanotechnology patents and proof the vaccine is a bioweapon desinged to kill.
The Bioweapon is Graphene Oxide and Spike Protein
Graphene Oxide is causing us to be Human Cell Towers
Proof the WHO preplanned the COVID pandemic to poison of society with the vaccine
Mind control nanotechnology
Mind control patents
CDC knew it was killing people
Vaccine companies knew their products harmed and killed
Andreas Kalcker
Andreas Kalcker | Web Oficial | Official Website
Sitio web oficial de Andreas Kalcker
Chlorine dioxide is another trap. As you say, it oxidizes graphene oxide, but you don't know that further oxidized graphene oxide becomes reduced graphene (rGO), which has an even stronger inflammatory charge and therefore burdensome for the human body. Furthermore, many unvaccinated people are still sick, because they have used surgical masks, which also contain graphene oxide.
Dr Rima seems to be a trusted source of truth. She talks about Super patches that clean blood is it true.. who knows but many seem to trust her. They are called SUPER PATCHES
100% Gum spirits of turpentine 1/2 teaspoon a day with a teaspoon and a half of organic castor oil. Also begin taking and iodine and vitamin d3K supplement. Lugols iodine 10 drops a day. Liquid vitamin d3K 5000iu a day. Drink only distilled water and start taking a good multi mineral supplement try piping rock chelated mineral supplement. Cutting out gluten and gmo is very helpful along with cutting sugar way down. Pray without ceasing.
You should see my slideshow of shocking comparisons in which I have matched dozens of microscopic structures to their respective patents and published literature. See it for yourself; it is pinned to my substack!
Rebecca, have you sent this to Dr. David Martin???
You should. Even if he is working for the deep state.
Show him. Anonymously. He holds all the patent info.
Stop freaking out and dig deep to find your real self. Someone explained today that the highest frequency broadcast by humans is not love but authenticity. 40x higher. Know thyself and all fear subsides because we are eternal spirits of pure energy. We are not in these bodies or are we the mind. We are consciousness looking to grow wiser. Experiencing all that physical life has to teach us. This is a long game that’s why they winning and controlling our bodies and these primitive brains. We’re outmatched no doubt because they hid the instruction manual that came with this body and planet. We’re all one so if your gonna spread this information we should also
Spread some encouragement and light.we can even the field. They live off of the fear and low frequency. Let’s not spread it for them.
Best comment I've seen yet. We all need to use our common sense, do what we can to mitigate, and beyond that not live in fear, because yes, I believe it does feed them and lowers our immunity.
Would you recommend anything to read on this subject? From a theoretical point of view, it makes sense, but I read a lot about Soviet Union and Nazi Germany and when you are starving to death or in a death camp, it's kind of difficult to feel as a "consciousness".
What you wrote... The only other place I have seen something written like this, it's in David Icke's books, which I like a lot.
Fasting cleans your body of all toxins. Including your pineal gland in the brain. This will allow for connections to happen again to knowledge your spirt and the courage we’re looking for. Less us more. One of the few things in all bibles that seems true. I’m not versed in them. I just fast and know it has done wonders for me.
SOLZHENITSYN. DEFYING communism and the STATE new "orthodox" church millions of orthodox christians were persecuted and martyred. Blessed Father Seraphim Rose- image/ photograph of him in repose. ALL true. What it MEANS to you is personal/FREE WILL.
Blessed Father Seraphim Rose who sought truth at all costs . His brilliant writings. His life as a monk in the california wilderness of purification. The image of his face in repose- of peace light and beauty. YET. ppl say there is no hope........
I am an unvaccinated nurse and I’ll tell you what, I have ribbons in my blood and strange shit coming out of my skin. It’s not normal and I really think everyone is being affected by this. I didn’t take the vax cause I never believed in it and I know how greedy the pharmaceutical industry is. There’s definitely an issue when they don’t want to disclose what is in it for 30 something years. I did however, wear the masks (made in China) and took a zillion c nasal swab tests thinking I was keeping my patients safe. What bullshit.
That can be a cause , but they have been spraying everyone in the chemtrail spray programs for a long time , in food , in water and 5g and YOUR CELL PHONE . LISTEN PEOPLE , IVE TRIED TO TELL EVERYONE since day one , human resonance, and EMF transmission, are also happening not just shedding. Listen to Sabrina Wallace, your cell phone is the most deadly covert weapon ever created. Never owned or used one never will .
I've had Morgellons/CDB for fifteen years. I didn't wear a mask or have a swab stuffed up my nose or take the injection. It's not your fault. It's in everyone and it's in everything and there is nothing you could have done better to protect yourself. I applaud your courage to care for the sick. God Bless.
The bible reads "even the elect would be deceived if that were possible." Not that the elect ARE deceived. There are some souls God has kept from being deceived regardless of the strength of the deception. To help everyone see the truth because the deception is that strong. God Bless.
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
I rely on the Angels who have superior mastery over the atomic and subatomic energy fields.
I know they are REAL and their protection WORKS!
Seems it's time to shut down the 5G. This is insane and it's only logical to KNOW there has to be a universal prophylactic and/or cure of some type because those perpetrating this horror do not fear it for themselves and their families.
Watched a pod that discussed the towers etc and mentioned ….none are insured. Interesting, so if they all accidentally fell it would be a financial catastrophic nightmare to rebuild them.
Have We The People had enough ? Or will it take more death and destruction of people to wake up? Oh wait, even in the 7 yrs trib and the 1000 yr rein of Christ on earth, some people still won’t wake up or believe!
Oh yea it was from Stop The Crime…..listing tower locations w locator app. I’m all for going back in the phone Stone Age. No where the towers are near you and decide.
Accidentally, a Play on words. Let your imagination work on details. Try once and if that doesn’t work try try again by other means. Like some have supporting cables, hmmm? All have electrical transfer boxes, hmmm? I know several ranchers w bulldozers, hmmm?
Grow your local community….We The People!
The only truly effective means of controlling the number and placement of wireless facilities in a jurisdiction is a well-drafted local ordinance. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 gives local governments considerable power to control the placement of new wireless facilities; they just need to know how to use this power to their advantage.
Like what we suppose to do. I have 6 members in my family. 4 children. I cant afford all.of us on all.of that. What do we do. Dr ardis said edta cream size of a pea for babies with 1000 mg c and us nicotine gum, nac etc. when around vax. We diffently need pray psalm 91
Apple Pectin β Dr. Ardis states. When the Hebrews put the blood of a lamb on their doorpost/entry, even the Egyptians that did, all were safe and lived. Now, putting a dead animal's blood on a door frame is a most particular way to keep your first born children and animals alive, but when the death angel comes, that angel is God's servant and God is a most interesting being. I have found him to be the biggest badass I know. M
I think this is another way of saying what Margie is saying...The blood on the doorways was Old Testament actions people took to protect themselves. We are now under the covenant of the New Testament and the blood of The Lamb, His grace and mercy protect us. There is no amount of apple pectin or any other physical or material substance that will save anyone.
This is a Spiritual War. Jesus is the only escape.
Amen β That was the reason I offered the Plagues and the obedience of instruction. The end of the escape accelerates to miracles over reality. It is an example of 'was' in Moses time to 'is' as in our time, and yet 'to come'; the blood on the door post, the blood on the cross, and the blood* of passover to the Millennium. I hope to be a Remainer, Revelation 19 through 20.
*Revelation 12:11 KJV — And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. BLB
AMEN. I don't mean to be your translator, but I read people were misunderstanding you and I think the message it too important to afford being missed. I thank you for writing it. All Glory to God.
Jesus (I believe) would send two out β and I remember from the best Prayer leaders asking, "What is it?" I would say, "It's the heaviness." Remember when the man of God had to raise his hands and arms to heaven, for the battle to be won, and there at his side he was aided with his hands held up by other/s due to the heaviness of the time during the battle. As we approach battle and wrap/clothe in miracles we are going to need agreement, and agreement is not singular, but plural! M
Duchess - I am laughing! β The comment above was reviewing what one could take/suggest and Apple Pectin is what Dr. Ardis has said to cure all Covids. The peel, the cord, the seeds he says are highest in Apple Pectin; the fleshy/meat of the apple does have it as well. When there is many doors to this house/covid/injections, the problems to this bioweapon many people have different communications/words, test, trials, different parts/substances.
The plaques in Egypt are near parallel to where we are currently, and are headed. The way out of some on the death in Egypt was to obey God, even if it sound or looked ridiculous. However, when the Hebrews trusted God and some of the Egyptians as well, those that obeyed lived. Time is narrowing and faith is going to have to out balance reality. So, it is not the method that says a person, but is their God that saves. I believe this is the insult that God hates about covid, that the people looked to man and took their own/the authorities/drugs abomination, while it was only God that could save whether there was a covid or not. It is a two point statement. 1. Apple Pectin was not listed in the above comment. 2. The animal sacrifice of the Hebrews, was and is the Passover, one of the Feast of God forever; and Jesus his Son fulfilled that sacrifice during Passover. The shedding of innocent blood and a gift from God, is what and how he/God made peace and life/abundant for mankind. It is his way. Most interesting. Today I taught one Grandson this, if his father saw some children living in the woods, hungry, eatting out of the trash cans, and it was getting cold heading into winter; if his father offered the children a home, food, and a warm place to live, his father would want those children to "accept" his son (like my grandson). Because what type of father would take in children that rejected the father's son? This was our study today; receiving/accepting the Son of God, Jesus. M
Je ne me moque pas de Dieu. You consider Jesus as God, not me. As someone who is very reluctant to the jewish people, I would never consider a jew being a god... even for muslims, Jesus is pure idolatry... It is your faith, by the way, and you are very lucky to have one., but understand that as a non christian, this is weird. I am a celtic. We have other gods... Bonne chance à vous...Mon Dieu est la Lumière...
I can assure you that there is graphene in some capsules, (with black inscriptions) for instance Omézoprazole for the stomach. I melted them into water, ans I used a magnet ! The graphene demon took 20 seconds to form itself !
While what you recommend will work against a "normal" illness, this is biosynthetic and not killed with organic cures like an organic bacteria or virus (if those exist...).
It would be like trying to strip the paint from your car with ACV. It might dull the finish a little, but it won't strip the paint. They are bioweapons composed of biosynthetic organisms.
God Bless.
I have been 'afraid enough' for 2+ years, but I agree folks don't seem to grasp the core issues here. The young Homecoming Queen (17) who dropped dead this past week, look at the ruddiness of her skin tone, I see this ruddiness in so many daily. They are having oxygen issues and much more I imagine.
I think I read a comment you wrote about a vax attack. I had the same dream. I posted in a comment somewhere and felt odd. searched exorcist father chad ripperger on wounds/ forgiveness. Its almost like posting my issues helped. i really strived for guidance and grace of God. not sure i can say more but faith is matter of life/ death now.
Thank you β When I go out side to do yard work, I have to take my boots off when I enter the home; dirty. Since I am aware of shedding, I will continue to detox, but I will remember that "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." M
Had this unvaccinated person also done any fasting to induce Autophagy I wonder???
Seems like there is debris to clear post-treatment. Dr. Ealy and Dr. Marik have really had good results when employing fasting - yet to assess this we would have to have live blood analysis before and after periods of fasting. Dr. Ealy has been doing protocols where he nutrifies then goes into rather strict fasts, which then get repeated. It would be very interesting to correlate this with live blood analysis.
I’m retired, live alone with my puppy of nearly 8 years and have a reticence to mingling socially.
I do go to activist meetings like My Place but keep to myself.
I’ve also smoked cigarettes for 63 years, my last vice.
I expect there are many other semi-reclusive folk like me so I do wonder about my particular population sample’s blood?
Then, does blood type play a factor in contamination?
For example B-.
There is a cure - it just hasn't been found yet, when it is, it will probably be by accident & the result will be a shock because no one was expecting it. . . .& maybe ppl had given up hope.
Maybe there is some electronic way to destroy or disable the nano tech - it may transpire that you'll need to blast it with Frequencies or some other method & that supplements are not going to be the route to destroying it - not much is beyond destruction.
Have Faith
Manifest The CURE
Will It Into Being
God Is With Us
A while ago I heard that borax (tiny amounts ingested) disabled nanobot activity. In some countries borax is not allowed for sale only BORAX (substitute) be sure to read any small print on the label.
That's the case, that's why it's a good detergent, when ingested, it destroys the nanobots in the digestive tract (what you get from the chemtrails), i take it almost daily. See terral's substack for more infos on the protocol.
You can still get it but you have to look a bit harder because sellers are listing it under different names to get round the imbargo (but calling it Borax in the small print)
I recently bought 3kgs, I take Boron but will be adding the Borax Salts too
Doc have you looked into chlorine dioxide? People do call it the universal antidote which you say there isn’t one, but it did wonders for me, saved me from shedding injuries and put me back on my feet.
21 drop solution(22.4% sodium chlorite solution I made myself + 5% HCL) daily for three weeks, 30-40 drops in bath ~once a week, now I do a maintenance routine a few times a week by drinking 10-15 drop solution. I also take oral EDTA daily that helped but not as much.
I haven’t because it isn’t available near me. During my worst, I was heavily fatigued and weak, with bruises on my limbs and a clot on my arm vein I had to massage loose. They have since been gone and my veins feel stronger and no longer collapsed. I understand this is anecdotal, but the fact that I no longer feel like everything is wrong is proof to me my blood is much better. It might be contaminated again like Doctor said here, but I’ll keep using my protocol if it had results.
There are premade solutions on Amazon, but making it myself is way cheaper using sodium chlorite flakes(also sold on Amazon). There are how-to instructions in the telegram channel I posted, as well as on a site I trust:https://eartheracademy.com/course/making-cd-for-pathogens-and-parasites/(takes money to see some content)
nothing complicated about trying it for yourself. Buy online a kit consisting of one bottle of sodium chlorite and one bottle of hydrochloric acid. take the sodium chlorite and put 5 drops in a glass then put five drops of hydrochloric acid in the same glass. Wait twenty or thirty seconds, add 4 oz of water (some use distilled water) and drink it. There are different prescriptions of use and amounts for different maladies. There are books by Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble and a lot other stuff on the internet.
If we focus on it it becomes reality says the physics. We bring it to life. What about if we attract the technology with high frequency like. A trap. See if it gravitates toward it. I’ve read posts that are. Saying they put high frequency hemp with other natural herbs in the tub for detox and it’s attracting black sludge and other matter like long strings and other hard to describe stuff.
Give it something better than red blood cells. ???
Everything has a frequency let’s find its and cancel it out just like your headphones.
This really requires much prayers and innovative thinking to resolve!
Has anyone look in to using Chlorine Dioxide to see how effective it keeps blood clean?
Gold is fine white powder. Carbon 60 seals the DNA against the poisoning. My Doped C60 Nanoparticle Pump is for injecting transition metallofullerenes into the third ventricle.
I would like to show you my blood. I am nearby but your receptionist says I must show you my driver license and give you a SSN. Since I am paying cash and leaving the car in the parking lot I fail to see what those credentials have to do with the blood situation you describe.
I love the beautiful photography! That one photo looks like a little nanoweaponry angel of death.
Lioness3* - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
The truth is in the blood. Damn right it is, and to me, this looks like an extinction level event.
Roman S Shapoval - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Prayer and visualization/ subconscious reprogramming can never hurt. Have you heard of Joe Dispenza?
Scribe 53 - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
I respectfully disagree, Mr. Shapoval. The practice of "visualization/subconscious reprogramming" CAN hurt you...as well as the misapplication of the act of prayer. To whom are you praying? To whom are you submitting your soul? What you suggest is nothing less than playing into the hands of monists/New Age spiritual counterfeits/even demons who like to appear very kind and nurturing...until you die and rendezvous with them in Hell.
Don't meet your last moment without seeking the LORD: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is your Creator, Redeemer and true Friend.
"Acknowledge the God of your fathers and serve HIM with wholehearted devotion and a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever. Consider now..." (I Chronicles 28:9,10)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Please we can do without this kind of spiritual terrorism, it does nothing to solve the situation, is all based on fear , fabricated , forged, mistranslated made up churchianity that is the ultimate psyop and the corrupted leaders of these organizations and the hidden families behind them are the source of these agendas and have been torturing and murdering humanity for a long time . Suggest you try reading Tony Bushby s "THE CHRIST SCANDAL" and stop trying to terrorize everyone with your fears of eternal suffering what kind of Supreme being would do that?
psychoNWO - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Our religions have been weaponized. By the same pseudo religious group who are weaponizing the nano.
The Jews have been expelled from more than 1,000 countries. The most notable expulsion was from England in 1291 by Edward Longshanks. What else happened in 1291? Switzerland was formed. Oh my, what a cohencidence.
One Thousand Thirty jewish Expulsions Throughout History...http://www.renegadetribune.com/juden-raus-one-thousand-thirty-jewish-expulsions-throughout-history/
Almost all of these expelled Jews moved to Switzerland in 1291 because there was nowhere else for them to go. Indeed, Switzerland is still at the heart of Jewish financial slavery to this day - they keep all their dirty cash there in secret Swiss bank accounts and swindle the world via institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements, which is the central bank for all the other Jewish central banks.
Switzerland founded in 1291...https://www.myswissalps.com/aboutswitzerland/culturehistory/historyswitzerland
Bible was collated by John Knox and John Calvin, both of whom were Jews, so the KJV Bible is a Jewish publication.
"The result, in England, was the publication of translations starting with William Tyndale’s 1526 Bible and culminating in the so-called “Geneva Bible” completed by Calvinists whom Queen Mary had exiled to Switzerland"...https://time.com/4821911/king-james-bible-history/
Calvin and thousands of other Jews had gathered in Switzerland between the 13th and 16th century after evading justice for crimes they had committed in a multitude of countries (the Jews commonly refer to these forced expulsions as "persecution"). From their base in Switzerland they would spearhead the Protestant Reformation movement which they used to divide catholic Europe against itself.
Pretending to be Protestants is how the Jews managed to introduce their pseudo KJV Bible into England in 1611.
Calvin the Jew was the leader of the Genevan Church & Academy which was responsible for translating and collating the Geneva Bible. The Geneva Bible eventually became the King James Bible. The Jews had been expelled from numerous countries due to Blood Libel and Usury charges and so they moved their monetary operations to Switzerland where they created massively destructive institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements(BIS).
To counter the extreme antisemitism of the times the Jews formed various clandestine crypto social and religious movements, Protestantism being just one of them. This allowed them to operate undetected throughout Europe for centuries.
Short version...http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/marrano-jews.htm
Long version...https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php?c=read&author=pinay&book=plot2&story=infiltration
The KJV biblical texts were plagerized from older texts, but only after the leading actors and authors names had been swapped out for Jewish names.
The Jew John Calvin had everyone killed that didn't go along with his Jewish sky God narrative...https://www.reenactingtheway.com/blog/john-calvin-had-people-killed-and-bad-bible-interpretation-justified-it
Calvin Geneva Church...https://hbu.edu/museums/dunham-bible-museum/tour-of-the-museum/past-exhibits/from-geneva-the-first-english-study-bible/
Ancient mind control, deceptions, the hidden hand...https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/how-the-ashkenazi-jews-conquered-the-west/
Who founded the Jesuits and the illuminati...https://watch-unto-prayer.org/reformation-2.html
5,000+ Years of Unrelenting Warfare Between Jews and Their unfortunate victims. This war never ended. It is ongoing even now, especially now...http://www.renegadetribune.com/5000-years-of-unrelenting-warfare-between-parasitic-jews-and-their-unfortunate-victims/
All leading edge transhumanist scientists Geordie Rose, Kurxweil, Geortzl etc... ALL JEWISH.
The jews Behind The Killer Covid Vaccines...http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/
John Vargo - Oct 4, 2023
John Vargo
Reptilians hacked the matrix,created religion and there's a lot of evidence behind this attack on us all now,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0Yo0cGm75g
psychoNWO - Oct 4, 2023
I have seen no evidence that proves there are reptilians.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 8, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
see my comment above in regard to yours
Christian - Oct 4, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I DO agree...
John Vargo - Oct 4, 2023
John Vargo
Jews hail from a class 3 planet,The Earth considered a class 1 planet.The Rothschilds paid Cyrus Scofield to create the Scofield bible.All he did really was copy the KJ and add many,many favorables about Rothschilds Israel.The Archons created organized religion.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdjFoKwOjHk
psychoNWO - Oct 4, 2023
Do you have any proof that Jews come from another planet? Or are you just trying to hijack the conversation?
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 8, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Im aware of all this info and other as well , but its more complicated than just to call it "Jews' or converted Khazar "Jews , because all this goes back even further than that , many of the Black Nobility families are not Jews and go all the way back to Babylon and possibly Sumeria, and maybe beyond , though much of this history is lost or confused or hidden away. Everyone and everything has gotten mixed together over time , and anyone can intermarry and or have BUSINESS partners who are not those people . Look at the Chinese CCP, I understand the role of whom and how they have been financed and built into the weaponized military empire they are now , and determined to be world dominant. But Rockefeller and Kissinger have praised them as the "model" they want for the total world. John V below is onto THE NEXT LEVEL of this scenario , but is too hard for most to comprehend , so they disbelieve all such possibilities.
John Vargo - Oct 4, 2023
John Vargo
Why did the ADL go after Icke when he never mentioned Jews? Never has,always either reptilian or lizards.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFJR1AFmFcI
psychoNWO - Oct 4, 2023
I think David Icke may be confusing alien dragons with shape shifting theomorph's. See Terence McKenna DMT trip for more information...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8veXhlhXBjQ
Webe1 - Oct 4, 2023
π I believe that my creator is love, pure and simple; I now refuse to subscribe to anything to the contrary.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
yes , alot more people need to move to this understanding and live it this alone would change the world Humans have been so deeply programmed to be believe in a man made , old man with a beard in the clouds , with a laptop dispensing reward or punishment, always a vengeful "he " very primitive understanding. All formal man made religions are for control.
John Vargo - Oct 8, 2023
John Vargo
Yup,I think the Archons created organized religion,God is internal not external,external is a money making control matrix.People need to understand that our spirits are as immortal as creation itself because we are part of creation.I understand this because I have had out of body experiences.They say our thoughts are powerful,have to believe it based on all the mind control.That's what religion is,all 43 to 45 hundred of them.The Gods were all ET and then they changed it to one god,divide and conquer
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
While man made religion has failed God has not. You are tragically confusing the two as one and the same.
You choose heaven or hell. God does not choose it for you. Grownups know this truth and teach it to children.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Im not confusing anything , you are , if thats your belief , live it and stop terrorizing others that know differently. What an abusive thing to teach to children , thats why they live in fear , guilt confusion , and never really live . That is why so many humans are under these maniacal control agendas, same people same lies , same control schemes
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 5, 2023
Pirate Eyes
You didn't even read what I wrote. It's obvious. Now I understand your confusion.
kaal - Oct 5, 2023
Perhaps you have a limited/ failed understanding of God. We all do. You are just projecting your own juvenile understanding. Since you are interested in the reality of evil/ aliens/ reptilians why not try to understand? decryption of hieroglyph akhenaten neffertiti and their three daughters. look.keystothekingdomofheaven.com/about.htmljust a messenger part 7, this evil exists.
Jon M. - Oct 5, 2023
John Vargo
A very loving and just God who gives you a choice to follow him, but at the same time must one day stop the evil that we brought into his perfect creation. I sincerely pray Thomas that you find His love before it is too lateβ€οΈ
John Vargo - Oct 8, 2023
John Vargo
You think your God is very just and loving,how about everybody else,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Religious_Violence
Christian - Oct 4, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I find nothing about "the christ scandal", could you sum it up. Many years ago, something terrible happened to me, and before the Christ image in a church, I said : "you are a lie"...
Bruce Hartnett - Oct 4, 2023
Bruce Hartnett
As attested too by those Replying to you just before me, there are a whole lot of lost Souls who continue to deny Christ and His Dominion.
Praise the Lord for those of us like Roman, Heidi, James, etc., whom 'do' see the Light of the impending Return of the Lord who protects us and is coming soon :-)
Prayerfully, He will be able to finally reach them before it is too late π
Mike Holloway - Oct 3, 2023
Mike’s Substack
Amen and call it out Gal220…No None other than Jesus .
james feraca - Oct 8, 2023
james feraca
So forgiveness is not an option. ?
Gary McCollom - Oct 5, 2023
Far too many people trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system. Guess who has not been let down?
That same man was involved in putting pen and words to paper as it relates to the good books and need I remind you the above, man lies and manipulates.
It never made sense to me that our Creator, our God, who made us and knows full well we are imperfect would send His only son to earth to die for imperfections that He knew already existed.
I do believe God sent a messenger and the evil ones murdered Him and created a story to cover up their crimes.
Thats my coles note version but I know this much, evil has very clearly infiltrated religions or even created said religions to control and enslave humanity.
Christian - Oct 4, 2023
Ar’s Substack
His only son ? BS... We all are his/Her son/daughter. And God is also Mother.
Christian - Oct 4, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I am fed up with Jesus, this big je.wish Lie !
Arcanus Aethereal - Oct 3, 2023
The Wizard's Tower
I resemble that statement!
Heidi Lynn - Oct 3, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
If you study the history of Joe Dispenza, you would find out why Ana is not going to look to him for wisdom.
Roman S Shapoval - Oct 4, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Thanks for your comment Heidi. Could you elaborate on why Ana isn't going to look to JD?
james feraca - Oct 3, 2023
james feraca
Yup. And it still hurts my brain when I think about what I’ve learned. Wake up call
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
New Age woo-woo is an abysmal failure and dangerous. You and Russel Brand..."What The BLEEP Do We Know" is a piece of woo-woo propaganda.
Dan Corl - Oct 6, 2023
It's already too late. All that's left is to enjoy your remaining time & lay low.
Duchess - Oct 3, 2023
Comment removed.
Duchess - Oct 3, 2023
I think you need to move.
ACroneintheWoods - Oct 4, 2023
Any idea how expensive moving is? Housing is out of control, another issue created by design.
Duchess - Oct 4, 2023
Not a cluIe, I must admit...except houses are too expensive...Even looked at pre-fabs...
INGRID C DURDEN - Oct 4, 2023
Comment removed.
INGRID C DURDEN - Nov 24, 2023
I don't think Spain or Portugal are any better. Some Middle American countries seem better, seem! I think in Europe the only 'better' countries would be Hungary, with its impossible language, and Croatia, a bit better linguistically. But there too the injections have been given. An uninhabited island. But how to survive?
Dan Corl - Oct 6, 2023
The truth is in the blood. Damn right it is, and to me, this looks like an extinction level event.
Lioness3* - Oct 7, 2023
Copied my comment exactly.
INGRID C DURDEN - Nov 24, 2023
where to Duchess? it is the whole world over. May be some African country but I am a single white woman. Does not seem like a very good idea either.
Duchess - Nov 24, 2023
I think about where to every day. I am too a woman...an old one. I think my time
for upping sticks has past.
INGRID C DURDEN - Nov 24, 2023
I am 66 - came to the US 20 years ago. Living in a quiet place in the woods, trying to live out my years here I guess. Wishing you well ! I am sure we will survive.
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
That's not helpful.
Gary McCollom - Oct 5, 2023
The very first thing to do is stay off this page, do NOT let fear consume you.
Get this vitamin d and you can order fromiherb.ca. Get some 5000 iu and some 50,000 iu.
Get a couple bottles of Super K vitamin k and some magnesium, doctors best is ok but a good liquid one is better.
You take all 3 together and always take the super k when taking 50,000iu vitamin d.
When you get it all and order quick, take 50,000iu a day for 2 weeks and as mentioned always with vitamin k and magnesium. If you don't have adequate magnesium in your body your body will store the vitamin d in your fat.
Don't worry about money its going to soon mean nothing but you have to make sure you can at least pay the minimum on your card of credit line until our God goes to work.
After doing this for 2 weeks go and get your vitamin d tested and come back and let me know your level.
Chlorophyllus - Nov 17, 2023
Logical thinking imo! They are blocking the sun for a reason!
chlorine dioxide can oxidize GO!
So imo from 8 -11am synergistic vitamin supplements in high dosage and after that a CDS protocol C until diner and that should keep us alive until the fall of this corrupted religious war ... π
www.andreaskalcker.comfor all things CDS π
Gob bless You all.
Chlorophyllus - Nov 17, 2023
Now that the entire world knows that the vaccine is a bioweapon desinged to kill and Nanotechnology is found in the food water air and medication that causes mind control and physical pain, it is important we learn how to remove the poisons that they spray on us daily causing death and disease.
The fastest way I know how that helped me the most is Chlorine Dioxide Solution CDS 3000ppm byhttp://www.AndreasKalcker.com
The second fastest way I know how to detoxify poison and graphene oxide is the vitamins NAC and Zinc take with BioAstin Astaxanthin
The 3rd and possibly the best way to remove nanotechnology from the body is called EDTA Chelation, more information can be found online.
If you have any questions, I am always happy to help, I have been studying nanotechnology poisoning and microchip mind control torture for over 10 years now and I know a few solutions that work.
Below are some videos of patents of mind control and nanotechnology patents and proof the vaccine is a bioweapon desinged to kill.
The Bioweapon is Graphene Oxide and Spike Protein
Graphene Oxide is causing us to be Human Cell Towers
Proof the WHO preplanned the COVID pandemic to poison of society with the vaccine
Mind control nanotechnology
Mind control patents
CDC knew it was killing people
Vaccine companies knew their products harmed and killed
Andreas Kalcker
Andreas Kalcker | Web Oficial | Official Website
Sitio web oficial de Andreas Kalcker
Gary McCollom - Nov 21, 2023
How much NAC and Zinc and BioAstin friend.
Want to give right info to people.
TagiosItaly - Nov 28, 2023
Chlorine dioxide is another trap. As you say, it oxidizes graphene oxide, but you don't know that further oxidized graphene oxide becomes reduced graphene (rGO), which has an even stronger inflammatory charge and therefore burdensome for the human body. Furthermore, many unvaccinated people are still sick, because they have used surgical masks, which also contain graphene oxide.
Fayanne - Oct 6, 2023
Dr Rima seems to be a trusted source of truth. She talks about Super patches that clean blood is it true.. who knows but many seem to trust her. They are called SUPER PATCHES
Michelle - Oct 5, 2023
I have 300 5 g in 3 miles of my house
wilson - Oct 4, 2023
Comment removed.
wilson - Oct 5, 2023
for what it's worth here are some MMS testimonials.
AncientLoveLover - Oct 20, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
100% Gum spirits of turpentine 1/2 teaspoon a day with a teaspoon and a half of organic castor oil. Also begin taking and iodine and vitamin d3K supplement. Lugols iodine 10 drops a day. Liquid vitamin d3K 5000iu a day. Drink only distilled water and start taking a good multi mineral supplement try piping rock chelated mineral supplement. Cutting out gluten and gmo is very helpful along with cutting sugar way down. Pray without ceasing.
RebeccaccebeR - Oct 3, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
You should see my slideshow of shocking comparisons in which I have matched dozens of microscopic structures to their respective patents and published literature. See it for yourself; it is pinned to my substack!
Duchess - Oct 3, 2023
Rebecca, have you sent this to Dr. David Martin???
You should. Even if he is working for the deep state.
Show him. Anonymously. He holds all the patent info.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
If he is working for the deep state why send him anything? Dont you think he knows?
RebeccaccebeR - Oct 4, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
I would love to send this to #Dr. David Martin but I don’t know how. Any insight would be helpful.
Greg - Oct 5, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
One way to contact David Martin would be herecontact@prosecutenow.comAttn: Stan Graham and Dr David Martin or herehttps://www.fullyliveacademy.com/contact
RebeccaccebeR - Oct 5, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
Thank you!
james feraca - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
james feraca
Stop freaking out and dig deep to find your real self. Someone explained today that the highest frequency broadcast by humans is not love but authenticity. 40x higher. Know thyself and all fear subsides because we are eternal spirits of pure energy. We are not in these bodies or are we the mind. We are consciousness looking to grow wiser. Experiencing all that physical life has to teach us. This is a long game that’s why they winning and controlling our bodies and these primitive brains. We’re outmatched no doubt because they hid the instruction manual that came with this body and planet. We’re all one so if your gonna spread this information we should also
Spread some encouragement and light.we can even the field. They live off of the fear and low frequency. Let’s not spread it for them.
Lanky Lisa - Oct 3, 2023
Best comment I've seen yet. We all need to use our common sense, do what we can to mitigate, and beyond that not live in fear, because yes, I believe it does feed them and lowers our immunity.
bastringue - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
james feraca
Would you recommend anything to read on this subject? From a theoretical point of view, it makes sense, but I read a lot about Soviet Union and Nazi Germany and when you are starving to death or in a death camp, it's kind of difficult to feel as a "consciousness".
What you wrote... The only other place I have seen something written like this, it's in David Icke's books, which I like a lot.
james feraca - Oct 8, 2023
james feraca
Fasting cleans your body of all toxins. Including your pineal gland in the brain. This will allow for connections to happen again to knowledge your spirt and the courage we’re looking for. Less us more. One of the few things in all bibles that seems true. I’m not versed in them. I just fast and know it has done wonders for me.
Christian - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
La version officielle de "l'holocauste" est un mythe ! Comme Le Lune (69), le 9/11 etc.
kaal - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
SOLZHENITSYN. DEFYING communism and the STATE new "orthodox" church millions of orthodox christians were persecuted and martyred. Blessed Father Seraphim Rose- image/ photograph of him in repose. ALL true. What it MEANS to you is personal/FREE WILL.
kaal - Oct 5, 2023 - Edited
Blessed Father Seraphim Rose who sought truth at all costs . His brilliant writings. His life as a monk in the california wilderness of purification. The image of his face in repose- of peace light and beauty. YET. ppl say there is no hope........
kaal - Oct 4, 2023
Solzhenitsyn. And commentary on him by Seraphim Rose.
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
You don't know nor can you prove any of what you're saying. You are going on faith that it's true. Find God.
Amy - Oct 3, 2023
I am an unvaccinated nurse and I’ll tell you what, I have ribbons in my blood and strange shit coming out of my skin. It’s not normal and I really think everyone is being affected by this. I didn’t take the vax cause I never believed in it and I know how greedy the pharmaceutical industry is. There’s definitely an issue when they don’t want to disclose what is in it for 30 something years. I did however, wear the masks (made in China) and took a zillion c nasal swab tests thinking I was keeping my patients safe. What bullshit.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
That can be a cause , but they have been spraying everyone in the chemtrail spray programs for a long time , in food , in water and 5g and YOUR CELL PHONE . LISTEN PEOPLE , IVE TRIED TO TELL EVERYONE since day one , human resonance, and EMF transmission, are also happening not just shedding. Listen to Sabrina Wallace, your cell phone is the most deadly covert weapon ever created. Never owned or used one never will .
bastringue - Oct 4, 2023
Would you share some interesting links please? Thank you.
Mike Holloway - Oct 3, 2023
Mike’s Substack
They didn’t want to disclose information for 75 yrs. Why do you think the medical info on the jabs paper was “blank” ?
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
I've had Morgellons/CDB for fifteen years. I didn't wear a mask or have a swab stuffed up my nose or take the injection. It's not your fault. It's in everyone and it's in everything and there is nothing you could have done better to protect yourself. I applaud your courage to care for the sick. God Bless.
Amy - Oct 5, 2023
I’ve seen the same ribbons on masks and c nasal swabs.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Oct 4, 2023
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
I'm interested in the "strange things " coming thru your skin...
Amy - Oct 4, 2023
Looks like glitter and ribbons
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Comment removed.
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
The bible reads "even the elect would be deceived if that were possible." Not that the elect ARE deceived. There are some souls God has kept from being deceived regardless of the strength of the deception. To help everyone see the truth because the deception is that strong. God Bless.
Scott Albrecht - Oct 3, 2023
Margie Chism
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
I rely on the Angels who have superior mastery over the atomic and subatomic energy fields.
I know they are REAL and their protection WORKS!
Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023
Margie Chism
Amen β Amen
Scott Albrecht - Oct 3, 2023
I really like your evaluation of the VAX!
Odessa - Oct 3, 2023
That's the Spirit!!
Scott Albrecht - Oct 3, 2023
GOD bless you Odessa!!
Odessa - Oct 3, 2023
God Bless & Protect You Too Scott : )
Scott Albrecht - Oct 3, 2023
I'm positive about that!!!
Scott Albrecht - Oct 3, 2023
I liked her's too!
Christian - Oct 4, 2023
Ar’s Substack
How can you believe in the christian jewish faith ?
Arcanus Aethereal - Oct 3, 2023
The Wizard's Tower
You may like my art:
BlazeCloude3 - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
Seems it's time to shut down the 5G. This is insane and it's only logical to KNOW there has to be a universal prophylactic and/or cure of some type because those perpetrating this horror do not fear it for themselves and their families.
Mike Holloway - Oct 3, 2023
Mike’s Substack
Watched a pod that discussed the towers etc and mentioned ….none are insured. Interesting, so if they all accidentally fell it would be a financial catastrophic nightmare to rebuild them.
Have We The People had enough ? Or will it take more death and destruction of people to wake up? Oh wait, even in the 7 yrs trib and the 1000 yr rein of Christ on earth, some people still won’t wake up or believe!
Oh yea it was from Stop The Crime…..listing tower locations w locator app. I’m all for going back in the phone Stone Age. No where the towers are near you and decide.
Duchess - Oct 3, 2023
More info please...how to have them accidntally fall?
Mike Holloway - Oct 3, 2023
Mike’s Substack
Accidentally, a Play on words. Let your imagination work on details. Try once and if that doesn’t work try try again by other means. Like some have supporting cables, hmmm? All have electrical transfer boxes, hmmm? I know several ranchers w bulldozers, hmmm?
Grow your local community….We The People!
kaal - Oct 4, 2023
Comment removed.
kaal - Oct 4, 2023
Its destruction of DNA replace with "freedom" tower NEEDLE.
Duchess - Oct 3, 2023
Afraid there is no way to shut it down legally.
We have to find out how to become blade runners...and shut them down illegaly.
Anyone know how?
RebeccaccebeR - Oct 4, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
I think it should be as easy as cutting the support cables to the towers...
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Cutting live electrical cables? Yeah...that's the ticket. Simple, right? You go first, Rebecca. I'll loan you the cable cutter.
RebeccaccebeR - Oct 5, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
I said to cut the SUPPORT cables, not electrical cables.
RebeccaccebeR - Oct 4, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
Putin had all the 5G towers in Russia destroyed but we don’t have a real leader anywhere in our country that would ensure such measures are taken.
Webe1 - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
The only truly effective means of controlling the number and placement of wireless facilities in a jurisdiction is a well-drafted local ordinance. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 gives local governments considerable power to control the placement of new wireless facilities; they just need to know how to use this power to their advantage.
BlazeCloude3 - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Seems the Criminals Against All Life On the Planet most certainly know how to use the Wireless Facilities to their advantage; depopulation, slavery, disease based upon 5G Frequency Excitable Quantum Dots, Graphene Oxide and Heavy Metals obtained through Ai/Bioweapon Injections, other people shedding, simply breathing-in materials placed in the air now contaminating the water, Earth and all life on the planet.
THEY NEED NOT LEARN HOW TO USE IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE...'The People' need to grow some 'Courage of Conviction' only found through faith in God to TAKE-OUT THE WEAPONS THEY'RE USING TO MURDER, DISABLE AND ENSLAVE.
This came just last week to describe Wireless as Weapon Technology.
This came today...Dr. Ana Mihalcea Posts Daily to document and inform the public of her research and while is fascinating; it also stunningly freezes the soul with horror.
karen - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Like what we suppose to do. I have 6 members in my family. 4 children. I cant afford all.of us on all.of that. What do we do. Dr ardis said edta cream size of a pea for babies with 1000 mg c and us nicotine gum, nac etc. when around vax. We diffently need pray psalm 91
Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Apple Pectin β Dr. Ardis states. When the Hebrews put the blood of a lamb on their doorpost/entry, even the Egyptians that did, all were safe and lived. Now, putting a dead animal's blood on a door frame is a most particular way to keep your first born children and animals alive, but when the death angel comes, that angel is God's servant and God is a most interesting being. I have found him to be the biggest badass I know. M
karen - Oct 3, 2023
Amen amen
Gods protection. Just guess fear sometimes takes hold.
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
I think this is another way of saying what Margie is saying...The blood on the doorways was Old Testament actions people took to protect themselves. We are now under the covenant of the New Testament and the blood of The Lamb, His grace and mercy protect us. There is no amount of apple pectin or any other physical or material substance that will save anyone.
This is a Spiritual War. Jesus is the only escape.
Margie Chism - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Amen β That was the reason I offered the Plagues and the obedience of instruction. The end of the escape accelerates to miracles over reality. It is an example of 'was' in Moses time to 'is' as in our time, and yet 'to come'; the blood on the door post, the blood on the cross, and the blood* of passover to the Millennium. I hope to be a Remainer, Revelation 19 through 20.
*Revelation 12:11 KJV — And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. BLB
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 5, 2023
Pirate Eyes
AMEN. I don't mean to be your translator, but I read people were misunderstanding you and I think the message it too important to afford being missed. I thank you for writing it. All Glory to God.
Margie Chism - Oct 5, 2023
Margie Chism
Jesus (I believe) would send two out β and I remember from the best Prayer leaders asking, "What is it?" I would say, "It's the heaviness." Remember when the man of God had to raise his hands and arms to heaven, for the battle to be won, and there at his side he was aided with his hands held up by other/s due to the heaviness of the time during the battle. As we approach battle and wrap/clothe in miracles we are going to need agreement, and agreement is not singular, but plural! M
Duchess - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
What does apple pectin have to do with animal blood on the doorway?
Margie Chism - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Duchess - I am laughing! β The comment above was reviewing what one could take/suggest and Apple Pectin is what Dr. Ardis has said to cure all Covids. The peel, the cord, the seeds he says are highest in Apple Pectin; the fleshy/meat of the apple does have it as well. When there is many doors to this house/covid/injections, the problems to this bioweapon many people have different communications/words, test, trials, different parts/substances.
The plaques in Egypt are near parallel to where we are currently, and are headed. The way out of some on the death in Egypt was to obey God, even if it sound or looked ridiculous. However, when the Hebrews trusted God and some of the Egyptians as well, those that obeyed lived. Time is narrowing and faith is going to have to out balance reality. So, it is not the method that says a person, but is their God that saves. I believe this is the insult that God hates about covid, that the people looked to man and took their own/the authorities/drugs abomination, while it was only God that could save whether there was a covid or not. It is a two point statement. 1. Apple Pectin was not listed in the above comment. 2. The animal sacrifice of the Hebrews, was and is the Passover, one of the Feast of God forever; and Jesus his Son fulfilled that sacrifice during Passover. The shedding of innocent blood and a gift from God, is what and how he/God made peace and life/abundant for mankind. It is his way. Most interesting. Today I taught one Grandson this, if his father saw some children living in the woods, hungry, eatting out of the trash cans, and it was getting cold heading into winter; if his father offered the children a home, food, and a warm place to live, his father would want those children to "accept" his son (like my grandson). Because what type of father would take in children that rejected the father's son? This was our study today; receiving/accepting the Son of God, Jesus. M
Duchess - Oct 4, 2023
Thank you! I am old and getting stupid :_)
Christian - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Jésus, blablablablabla...
Margie Chism - Oct 4, 2023
Margie Chism
Ar - Have I not asked you to leave me alone for/from now on? If not, then do. M
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Mocking God is dumb and unnecessary unless you are an imaginary demon trying to possess a little girl like in the movie The Exorcist.
Christian - Oct 5, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Je ne me moque pas de Dieu. You consider Jesus as God, not me. As someone who is very reluctant to the jewish people, I would never consider a jew being a god... even for muslims, Jesus is pure idolatry... It is your faith, by the way, and you are very lucky to have one., but understand that as a non christian, this is weird. I am a celtic. We have other gods... Bonne chance à vous...Mon Dieu est la Lumière...
Lucia P - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
Lucia’s Substack
Comment removed.
Lucia P - Oct 3, 2023
Lucia’s Substack
Research which conglomerates have purchased supplement manufacturers. They are carpet bombing any possible cures.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Graphene is in gel caps in supplements dont use them empty them out or get powders , tinctures or make you own stuff .
bastringue - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
What is your source about graphene being in the gel caps??
Christian - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I can assure you that there is graphene in some capsules, (with black inscriptions) for instance Omézoprazole for the stomach. I melted them into water, ans I used a magnet ! The graphene demon took 20 seconds to form itself !
bastringue - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
So tab pills would be fine, but gel capsules bad?
I'd like to see someone with a microscope test many of them ...
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
GO can be put in anything.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Recent substack comments by people testing with Dark field microscopes .
Christian - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I can vouch for that... not all capsules, but some, I made the experiment with a magnet...
bastringue - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited
What about some links? I'd like to read about this...
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
While what you recommend will work against a "normal" illness, this is biosynthetic and not killed with organic cures like an organic bacteria or virus (if those exist...).
It would be like trying to strip the paint from your car with ACV. It might dull the finish a little, but it won't strip the paint. They are bioweapons composed of biosynthetic organisms.
God Bless.
Tony - Oct 4, 2023
Have you live blood tested before and after to show any perceived differences.
jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
Mike’s Substack
I have been 'afraid enough' for 2+ years, but I agree folks don't seem to grasp the core issues here. The young Homecoming Queen (17) who dropped dead this past week, look at the ruddiness of her skin tone, I see this ruddiness in so many daily. They are having oxygen issues and much more I imagine.
Mike Holloway - Oct 3, 2023
Mike’s Substack
Chlorine Dioxide…adds oxygen into the blood. Lack of O2 was/is a symptom of C19 and the Bioweapon jab(s).
Susan P ... - Oct 4, 2023
Susan P ...
We just ordered 'Chlorine Dioxide' - grateful for the confirmation ...
kaal - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
I think I read a comment you wrote about a vax attack. I had the same dream. I posted in a comment somewhere and felt odd. searched exorcist father chad ripperger on wounds/ forgiveness. Its almost like posting my issues helped. i really strived for guidance and grace of God. not sure i can say more but faith is matter of life/ death now.
kaal - Oct 3, 2023
healing and deeper commitment.
Christian - Oct 4, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Quelle reine, là je ne comprends pas !?
Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023
Margie Chism
Thank you β When I go out side to do yard work, I have to take my boots off when I enter the home; dirty. Since I am aware of shedding, I will continue to detox, but I will remember that "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." M
Cindy Weidner - Oct 3, 2023
Had this unvaccinated person also done any fasting to induce Autophagy I wonder???
Seems like there is debris to clear post-treatment. Dr. Ealy and Dr. Marik have really had good results when employing fasting - yet to assess this we would have to have live blood analysis before and after periods of fasting. Dr. Ealy has been doing protocols where he nutrifies then goes into rather strict fasts, which then get repeated. It would be very interesting to correlate this with live blood analysis.
Grant Wickham - Oct 3, 2023
Grant Wickham
I’m retired, live alone with my puppy of nearly 8 years and have a reticence to mingling socially.
I do go to activist meetings like My Place but keep to myself.
I’ve also smoked cigarettes for 63 years, my last vice.
I expect there are many other semi-reclusive folk like me so I do wonder about my particular population sample’s blood?
Then, does blood type play a factor in contamination?
For example B-.
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
I've wondered the same. I don't think anyone has specifically tested the blood of people with a profile like yours. It would be interesting.
Mike Holloway - Oct 3, 2023
Mike’s Substack
Blood type doesn’t mattter.
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 4, 2023
Pirate Eyes
How do you know?
Odessa - Oct 3, 2023
NJ Election Advisor
There is a cure - it just hasn't been found yet, when it is, it will probably be by accident & the result will be a shock because no one was expecting it. . . .& maybe ppl had given up hope.
Maybe there is some electronic way to destroy or disable the nano tech - it may transpire that you'll need to blast it with Frequencies or some other method & that supplements are not going to be the route to destroying it - not much is beyond destruction.
Have Faith
Manifest The CURE
Will It Into Being
God Is With Us
NJ Election Advisor - Oct 3, 2023
NJ Election Advisor
Marty - Oct 4, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Colloidal gold can disable the nanotech but it's not affordable enough to be a realistic cure for everyone affected.
candtalan - Oct 5, 2023
A while ago I heard that borax (tiny amounts ingested) disabled nanobot activity. In some countries borax is not allowed for sale only BORAX (substitute) be sure to read any small print on the label.
Marty - Oct 5, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
That's the case, that's why it's a good detergent, when ingested, it destroys the nanobots in the digestive tract (what you get from the chemtrails), i take it almost daily. See terral's substack for more infos on the protocol.
Odessa - Oct 7, 2023
Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate (Pure) not substitute
Sometimes sold as Slime Activator
20 Mule Team Borax
Carefree Toiletries .co.uk
Odessa - Oct 7, 2023
You can still get it but you have to look a bit harder because sellers are listing it under different names to get round the imbargo (but calling it Borax in the small print)
I recently bought 3kgs, I take Boron but will be adding the Borax Salts too
Tony J - Oct 3, 2023
Doc have you looked into chlorine dioxide? People do call it the universal antidote which you say there isn’t one, but it did wonders for me, saved me from shedding injuries and put me back on my feet.
Fanta Sea - Oct 3, 2023
How did you use it?
Tony J - Oct 3, 2023
21 drop solution(22.4% sodium chlorite solution I made myself + 5% HCL) daily for three weeks, 30-40 drops in bath ~once a week, now I do a maintenance routine a few times a week by drinking 10-15 drop solution. I also take oral EDTA daily that helped but not as much.
Tony - Oct 4, 2023
Have u live blood tested before and after administration?
Tony J - Oct 4, 2023
I haven’t because it isn’t available near me. During my worst, I was heavily fatigued and weak, with bruises on my limbs and a clot on my arm vein I had to massage loose. They have since been gone and my veins feel stronger and no longer collapsed. I understand this is anecdotal, but the fact that I no longer feel like everything is wrong is proof to me my blood is much better. It might be contaminated again like Doctor said here, but I’ll keep using my protocol if it had results.
Tony - Oct 5, 2023
Which country are u in?
Tony J - Oct 5, 2023
Fanta Sea - Oct 3, 2023
Thanks :)
Tony J - Oct 4, 2023
Comment removed.
Tony J - Oct 4, 2023
There are premade solutions on Amazon, but making it myself is way cheaper using sodium chlorite flakes(also sold on Amazon). There are how-to instructions in the telegram channel I posted, as well as on a site I trust:https://eartheracademy.com/course/making-cd-for-pathogens-and-parasites/(takes money to see some content)
wilson - Oct 4, 2023
Comment removed.
wilson - Oct 5, 2023
nothing complicated about trying it for yourself. Buy online a kit consisting of one bottle of sodium chlorite and one bottle of hydrochloric acid. take the sodium chlorite and put 5 drops in a glass then put five drops of hydrochloric acid in the same glass. Wait twenty or thirty seconds, add 4 oz of water (some use distilled water) and drink it. There are different prescriptions of use and amounts for different maladies. There are books by Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble and a lot other stuff on the internet.
Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023
Margie Chism
Just bought some β Dr. Carrie M. explain how to mix it; it will be my go all as an artist. M
james feraca - Oct 3, 2023
james feraca
If we focus on it it becomes reality says the physics. We bring it to life. What about if we attract the technology with high frequency like. A trap. See if it gravitates toward it. I’ve read posts that are. Saying they put high frequency hemp with other natural herbs in the tub for detox and it’s attracting black sludge and other matter like long strings and other hard to describe stuff.
Give it something better than red blood cells. ???
Everything has a frequency let’s find its and cancel it out just like your headphones.
jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 3, 2023
james feraca
That makes sense james. I would think all decently grown cannabis is 'high frequency' but I will do my due diligence. Best from OR
james feraca - Oct 3, 2023
james feraca
Victory oil.
kaal - Oct 4, 2023
gov approved cannabis/ graphene quantum dots- nonvaxxer420 on rumble
Nesho - Oct 4, 2023
This really requires much prayers and innovative thinking to resolve!
Has anyone look in to using Chlorine Dioxide to see how effective it keeps blood clean?
David Merrill - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Gold is fine white powder. Carbon 60 seals the DNA against the poisoning. My Doped C60 Nanoparticle Pump is for injecting transition metallofullerenes into the third ventricle.
I would like to show you my blood. I am nearby but your receptionist says I must show you my driver license and give you a SSN. Since I am paying cash and leaving the car in the parking lot I fail to see what those credentials have to do with the blood situation you describe.
I love the beautiful photography! That one photo looks like a little nanoweaponry angel of death.
Michelle Lester - Oct 4, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Needing that info would concern me too. Especially the social. Why??
David Merrill - Oct 4, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
I am sure it has to do with (malpractice) insurance. Just the same, I feel great and think that being inedic has a lot to do with it. I only eat about once every ten days or so, for enjoyment. Jesus said, "Man cannot live on monatomic transition metals alone." Since the poisons are getting into the food supply it pays not eating at all.
Look at pages 99-100 of the text numbering:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_xc1VOxgOWhnG6Y34gltvjIApEOilToH/view?usp=sharing
Spoken of by Sir Laurence GARDNER:
Part 2:
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