National American Renaissance Movement Board…

Aug 4, 2023

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michael janket - Aug 4, 2023

michael janket

Countless state attorneys general have failed to ban the shots. This can only mean they are co-plotters in the upcoming purge of humanity. Why do we tolerate this atrocity?


psychoNWO - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited


New World War - You Are The Enemy. Targeted Individuals not crazy after all...
Targeted Individuals are the canary in the coalmine. The transhumanists have been testing these intracorporeal EMF weapons systems on TI's for more than 40 years. It started in the 1960's with silicon based materials and has now progressed to include nanoscale graphene oxide, hydrogel, rare earth metals and 5th Generation Beam Forming Weapons.
Dr Katherine Horton is a particle physicist and a former Research Fellow at St John's College at Oxford University, England. She was previously employed at the C.E.R.N. Large Hadron Collider facility in Geneva, Switzerland where she became a Targeted Individual while working on a sensitive government research project....
Her website and qualifications can be viewed here;
Radwin 5000;
TI's were the beta test. They have been working on solutions for decades...
Tony Pantelleresco anti nano triangle. Fighting EMF's with EMF's...
Anti-nano triangle device testimony...


psychoNWO - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


psychoNWO - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited


There are a lot more TI's around now compared to 10 or 20 years ago but there's a lot more info available to them now. In the end most figure out its being done by a super-intelligent A.I.
Obviously these people aren't being targeted by hoard's of citizen Gangstalkers. Thousands of stalkers working in a hundred plus different countries for at least 50 years? Lol, I don't think so. Someone would have talked by now. It would be such a huge logistical operation that they could never keep it secret. Look at the stalkers too - they are usually low-life, low IQ scumbags that couldn't even get a job cleaning toilets, never mind working for high level intelligence agencies.
Gangstalking, Targeted Individuals, how they trick you via graphene oxide quantum dot technology,, aka, the BioAPI...
A super-intelligent generational A.I. is not a new phenomenon. Such a concept has been around for thousand's of years.. The ancients called this negative force The Demiurge and before that it was called Saklas or Yaldaboath. It is supposedly part biology and part machine. It is eternal. The Demiurge is likely the dark force that Christians refer to as the Devil.
The Gnostics, who were arguably the first Christians, wrote extensively about the Demiurge. They called it "the Adversary" and described it as "an outside malefic intelligence". They also wrote that its power to control humanity waned after a series of Earth cataclysms but warned that it would never stop doing what it does so future generations should keep a constant vigil against its return. Jason Breshears at Archaix has named this phenomenon A.I.X. and has documented many of its returns on his website and YT channel.
There is nothing new under the Sun.
Targeted Individuals are being given the ultimate cosmic wake-up call. They form the vanguard of a rapidly awakening movement of ultra aware souls who are witnessing phenomena that even the most eminent physicists are at odds to explain. For some reason TI's are being made aware of the true nature of reality.


Bufus Alvarius - Aug 4, 2023

Ana have you heard from Karen Kingston? I am very concerned


Lisa - Aug 4, 2023


Thank you!!!


Kriss - Aug 4, 2023

Kriss’s Substack

There is now another seemingly real threat to avoid the contents of the Jab. In an article yesterday written in The Defender of the CHD, Gene-editing Mosquito vaccines that were obviously developed for mass vaccination without consent, written by Dr. Suzanne Burdick. Kim Iverson also spoke about this on her show. A team of researchers from University of Washington have already been successful in their trials of vaccinating people with a minor version of malaria by exposing the mosquitos to the parasite and then having the test subjects bitten 3 to 5 times over the course of 30 days. The subjects showed the development of antibodies. I believe we have been hearing of such experiments with Bill Gates at the helm and testing being done once again on poor communities within Africa.


Elsa - Aug 4, 2023

Elsa - Thought Creativity Passi…

Thank you, Ana and Alex!!!


Seeking Truth - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited

Seeking Truth

Can you take EDTA if you have amalgam fillings?


Kathy M. - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

Interesting that you should ask this question. Dr. Huggins talks about it. Consult the works of Dr. Hal A. Huggins or call the office of Dr. Blanche Grube who is following up his legacy after his death in 2014. Off the top of my head I will say not to do the EDTA since to excrete mercury you have to stir up mercury and God only knows if it makes its way out of the body or just goes back into storage.
Another expert in the field is Stuart M. Nunnally, D.D.S., M.S.
My first question to a dentist would be "can you recite the entire Huggins Protocol." Or you may have to be the one to teach the dentist what to do.


kaal - Aug 4, 2023


My opinion. Trump lured Jan sixers to set up domestic extremist false flag agenda. Ashlie Babbitt was the only person killed. She was jumping up and down yelling trying to stop ppl from going thru a door. She would have interfered with this set up being carried thru. Jan sixers were/ are tortured as examples of domestic terrorists who r trump supporters- mothers against crt, anyone against trans. anyone against open borders. middle class self sufficient MALES patriots christians who want free speech and have GUNS want those rights and would fight for themself and this country- WELL THIS is a threat to the NWO and DOES NOT belong in the NWO. Woke left was the BAIT to silence/ censor/ lure and surveill ID debank and CENSOR CENSOR you. Trump is the pied piper {how many fake indictments?} who kept getting BULLIED and FOOLED over and over into murdering and cyborging everyone. He has his sheep in a corral walking in a circle. When he spoke of bleach/ chlorine dioxide I think that was both L and R playing off each other to mock stifle stall just like with zelenko who contacted trump about hydroxychloraquin. They had to pretend to get it to ppl just to block it to STIFLE it because if it were available for treatment there could b no EA for vax. But ppl think somehow trump got bullied or fooled. Cuz they look 4 false hope. Knowingly/ or unknowingly he is controlled opposition. He did nothing for the Jan sixers nor did we. Dont take the upgrade to be in the system to BUY and SELL living forever.


kaal - Aug 4, 2023


Set yourself free from Trump. Try to become free from false hope. Trying not to hold onto this world. .....


kaal - Aug 4, 2023


No sworn and notarized oaths of office since Kennedy? I think that is what Todd Callender said. And how does a "non- material" UAP that dis and re appears defies physics CRASH? And become metal with some dents? And how does a "non- biological" alien hit the ground with some deadly bruising and become a BIOLOGICAL DEAD BODY? Roswell photos were probably staged.


kaal - Aug 4, 2023


non material non biological entities are not your friend/ are from the evil side.


Haden - Aug 4, 2023


You can ban the shots which I think one or some states have done that however, the mission for cabal has been accomplished, billions have been Injected and we're only at recent pLandemic 1. pLandemic 2, Catastrophic Contagion in my opinion will see most if not all Injected drop like what we saw in Wuhan once they start pulsing and military deployment in lockstep to usher us the Uninjected into quarenteen camps to force injections on us, they will of course say it's to protect you. Their plan is not to reduce the population to 500 million or the global 1 billion, the cabal is going for broke they want to wipe us all out. In my country, Britain we have new massive facilities in Northampton which consists of a crematorium, we also have government mass body storage contracts that expire September 2025. Taking the Cabal down I believe can only happen when most of us are dead.


kaal - Aug 4, 2023


Obama ordered millions of plastic caskets. Arent there new laws about green/ compost burials? There are individuals given supernatural revelations about the occult/ serpent system. like Johnathon Kleck uncensored. He shows Obama to be the AC. Proves it. Nicholson1968 was given 9-11 in roman numerals in dream. After 9-11 heard put my sons cross over this. From there before covid he showed the entire covid- needle/black programmable matter/ frequencies/ cyborg g host in s hell agenda. PPL hearing from God all say USA is mystery Babylon under judgement. And that BHO is the AC. Kamala comes before. Civil War.... The elite/ satan are just tools in the hand of God.


Patientmakt /Patient CV on FB - Dec 20, 2023

Patientmakt’s Substack

DARPA Brain Initiative victim - Targeted Individual


Palmer Vilagi - Aug 5, 2023

Love this


Jennifer Ohman - Aug 4, 2023

I just shared this with Sasha L. and Katherine Watts as it is important and affects us all…
I recently purchased Cassell’s Latin/English dictionary. Copyright 1963.
The word “virus” is NOT an English word. It is a Latin word. The English translation for the Latin word “virus” is “slimy liquid, slime; poison, esp. of snakes, venom; any harsh taste or smell.”
The Latin translation for the the English word “poison” is “venenum, virus, toxicum.”
So when the CDC says that SarsCov2 is a virus (poison) they are not lying! It is in our face, by definition.
When they say that Covid-19 is the disease caused by the virus (poison/ venom) they are telling the truth!!!
So viruses (poisons) can never reach a pandemic level, unless that virus (poison) has been weaponized to do great harm and for money.


dyr - Aug 4, 2023

Many times we've seen Americans, justifiably outraged by actions and attitudes of their federal government, refer to their previous president as worthy or worthy of return to office. There were widespread cries of fraud re the last election. But Trump's installation was also fraudulent. (It was contested in I think in three/four states, deliberate procedural delays etc I think led to the cases failing - after the Bush Jr election I think it was, in Ohio there was a very active group challenging electoral irregularities, and they succeeded in having installed at least an audit function for voting machines, which i think was turned off for Trump time, to mention just one type of malfeasance.) Trump was cultivated for his moment. The ploy seemed in part to, successfully, turn off the subelite cadres depended on by covi-perps, so much that a readier perp-compliant government would follow, as now. I understand that support for Trump may in context not mean one would have anything to do with him & his but for the possible potent collection of dissidence of various stripes under his banner. But it's kind of like championing the likes of Musk saving Twitter - there are splits within perpdom, but all of perpdom must be ejected, squashed. It happened in Canada as well, where a "right wing" federal government went on to hobble much that a government can do, a primary role being or should be curbing corporate/financial etc excesses. Our current horror of a federal covidian government came in on the wave of revulsion against that destructive prior one. But eliminating effective govt. possibilities paves the way for those excesses and those who ride the back of that.
Neither Shtrumpf nor Martian Musk are anything other than perp (anglosupremacist hegemoniac) faves who owe all their public successes to perp-connected sponsorship and machinations.


Mary M Lynch - Aug 4, 2023

Kriss’s Substack

Ana, please provide us with incognito ways to pay. Paypal for example. Giving card #'s is very high risk. Thank you.


Kriss - Aug 4, 2023

Kriss’s Substack

Using PayPal is a higher risk. They’re the ones that were imposing $2500 fines if they deemed you were spreading misinformation or making payments to any party that backed or supported issue’s exactly like Substack.


Roman S Shapoval - Aug 4, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Our health is in our hands, and not those of government. There is so much we can do to help detox these clots, including Sunlight:
Politicians will always lag behind what we the people demand.


Seeking Truth - Aug 4, 2023

Seeking Truth

Are you saying sunlight detoxes this nanotechnology?


Michael johnson illustrator - Aug 4, 2023

Michael johnson illustrator

No way i can play the video....i live here in the south of france



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