National American Renaissance Movement Board Members Interviewed by Alex Newman On Liberty Hour -AMP News

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 04, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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How to ‘Ban The Jab’ & Take Down the Criminal Cabal Behind it | Liberty Hour Ep. 42

In this extraordinary episode of Liberty Hour on AMP, host Alex Newman spends time with an amazing panel of experts in law, medicine, pathology, psychology, and law enforcement working together to “ban the jab” and take down the criminal cabal behind it. 

Panelist Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD breaks down her incredible findings about the terrifying substances and technologies she found in the injections, even giving information on how others can replicate the results. Dr. Mihalcea also offers hope for those suffering from this.

Next, panelist David Meiswinkle, a criminal defense attorney and former law-enforcement officer, explains his report documenting numerous crimes perpetrated by those behind the jab. Meiswinkle is the president of the American Renaissance Movement, which is informing law enforcement and prosecutors nationwide about their duty to act. 

Finally, Joseph Sansone, M.S., Ph.D., an expert in psychology, warns that the Great Reset is an “extinction-level” event that must be dealt with to preserve humanity. He says humanity will win this battle, and that there is no alternative. 

Joseph also spoke at the Lee County Commissioners meeting for the Ban the Shots movement. He also mentioned the self assembly nanotechnology in his Insulin that I found. He notified me today that the police, general attorney and the FBI have been notified and sent the findings.

I do not have much faith in the corrupt justice system that has been weaponized against the people. I am aware that the FBI raids doctors offices for giving healing measures like Vitamin C infusions to healthcare workers on the frontline, as happened in my state - where SWAT teams with fully loaded guns drawn on innocent doctors, nurses and patients violate all standards of justice and goodness.

This is a tyrannical abuse of power - truly disgusting cowardly actions devoid of any honor - and we see this weaponized system in action every day, just look at what is happening to our former President Trump - while a criminal demented pedophile is in the White House.

I commend Joseph for his courage and you should watch this 18 minute video. I agree with him, we either win or die. There is not much else in between, given the state of the human blood. Shawn from SGT report was horrified when I shared my presentation, and it seemed to dawn on him what escapes most people - the dire situation all humans are in, having this self assembly nanotechnology in their blood.

If people think we have time to wait for another rigged election, you are mistaken. If you think you can wait for some imaginary white hats or savior who somehow are taking their good old time to save humanity, because someone has a plan - you can’t wait any more. People are walking around with ticking timebombs in their body.

If you have any question weather what I am saying is true or pure science fiction, do this simple test:

Image: Red Circles show hydrogel rubber developed in human blood after 4 hours - happens in vaccinated AND unvaccinated blood now due to shedding.

Have 30 ml of your blood drawn in a syringe and let it stand for 4 hours - you can ask any doctors office to do it. If they are not brainwashed cowards, they will want to know too. Watch the hydrogel rubber clot develop - and then tell me if I am exaggerating or if you still think I am wrong. Do the same for your children and ask yourself what kind of a life will they have with this in their blood? And what are YOU going to do about it?

The easiest way to find out the truth is to do the test yourself.

Here is Joseph’s courageous presentation:

To get the Ban the Jabs resolutions adopted in your county, here is the resolution template:

Start fighting and become active in National American Renaissance Movement.

If you want to support National ARM

Please Donate here: Donation

Please contact here if you want to bring the grand jury petition to your state or start a state chapter: Contact

A Message from the President of NARM, David Meiswinkle, Esq:

Dear Friends:

These are gloomy days with a silver lining, however.  Horrific evil has been festering for many years waiting for the right time to launch their attacks and seize complete control of Earth and its inhabitants. 2030 is their global Agenda which they are preparing us for…a world devoid of freedom, sovereignty, integrity and love.

We are honored to have been born and live at such a pivotal and important time as now, at the cross-roads where the fate of the human race is in the balance and will be decided. We have a say either thumbs up to humanity, our Constitution and Bill of Rights or thumbs down. Peaceful action is necessary through engaging our mind and our imagination. WE can say No to them. And as spiritual warriors we must!

In the midst of so much turmoil, welcome to our web site.

The National American Renaissance Movement is a 501 c (3) non-profit tax-exempt corporation. We as members of the Board of Directors have come together to address a great need in our society. That need is to objectively evaluate the organizations and institutions which run our lives and determine which are beneficial to mankind’s prosperity allowing us as the human race to move forward. If the organization does not function in the People’s interest, is corrupt, unethical, immoral then to do away the organization and utilize new ideas to replace it with a new organization which will allow mankind to prosper. We propose to create through our combined ideas a New Society which will be counter-posed to the Great Reset being planned for our country and the world.

Cure cancer. Why not? It has been done before but each doctor or scientist was persecuted as a threat to pharmaceutical profits, and the cures discarded.

We create the New Society, not international Bankers, billionaires, or unelected global foundations.

We ask you to use your right brain, the seat of Vision, dreams and imagination and imagine a better way of living where poverty and disease are eradicated for everyone. Where cooperation is emphasized over competition, and where as human beings we embrace each other in this mystery called life, thank God for our being, and pray for our success.

Please join us as peaceful warriors for Truth and Justice in assisting in the creation of a New Society.

Thank you.

David R. Meiswinkle, Esq.
National American Renaissance Movement

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michael janket - Aug 4, 2023

michael janket

Countless state attorneys general have failed to ban the shots. This can only mean they are co-plotters in the upcoming purge of humanity. Why do we tolerate this atrocity?

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psychoNWO - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited


New World War - You Are The Enemy. Targeted Individuals not crazy after all...
Targeted Individuals are the canary in the coalmine. The transhumanists have been testing these intracorporeal EMF weapons systems on TI's for more than 40 years. It started in the 1960's with silicon based materials and has now progressed to include nanoscale graphene oxide, hydrogel, rare earth metals and 5th Generation Beam Forming Weapons.
Dr Katherine Horton is a particle physicist and a former Research Fellow at St John's College at Oxford University, England. She was previously employed at the C.E.R.N. Large Hadron Collider facility in Geneva, Switzerland where she became a Targeted Individual while working on a sensitive government research project....
Her website and qualifications can be viewed here;
Radwin 5000;
TI's were the beta test. They have been working on solutions for decades...
Tony Pantelleresco anti nano triangle. Fighting EMF's with EMF's...
Anti-nano triangle device testimony...

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