National American Renaissance Movement " Ban…

Aug 29, 2023

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Here is the link: NARM "Ban the Jab" Forum


denise ward - Aug 29, 2023


I'm totally against vaccines but to ban is a stupid thing again. No - let people choose what they want. What is it with humans that think they should demand what others should do? Just live and let live. If you can ban someone then you too can be banned. Don't you see? We have to learn how to be sovereign beings. We're not even in kindergarten yet in that regard.


Timothy Winey - Aug 29, 2023

Timothy’s Newsletter

What if the vaxxed contaminate the gene pool and threaten our very existence? Herd immunity in reverse?


Certiorari - Aug 29, 2023


If “vaccines” only effected those who took them, I would say no reason to ban. However, when they are shedding... we must not allow that.


Tony Ryan - Aug 29, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

If you are worried about shedding, do;'t fuck the vaxxed. Meanwhile, around 90% of kids are vaccine-injured but it is "their sovereign right" to be injured. You people disgust me. History will look at you and say, "Why did you not kill the jabbers and protect the children?"


John Vargo - Aug 16

John Vargo

I think the shedding is from breathing the same air isn't it?The vaxxed were injected with foreign DNA.Kids today get around 70 jabs of around 17 different big pharma drugs by 16 yrs old.Repetition is another form of brainwashing and got a pill for every ILL all day every day by wonderful bigpharma.Infact they just sent me another John,we care about your health.Hahaha,We have to change because they are going all in.


Margie Chism - Aug 29, 2023

Margie Chism

We have enteted the "let the let" ■ He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. Revelation 22:11, KJV, blueletterbible


Tony Ryan - Aug 29, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

We sure have. Ironically, those who behave in accordance with the advice of Jesus have no hesitation in flogging the moneylenders or protecting children, but those who follow biblical mantras, and who so fatuously describe themselves as Christians, look after number one and screw everybody else. It is curious that the investigation into the 1950s/60s theft of 65,000 English children by Christian churches, found that 20% of children in their care were sexually abused, regardless of demonination.


Margie Chism - Aug 29, 2023

Margie Chism

I have been trained by the Father/YHVH since two, now sixty. I always waited to hear him taught and preached, because I knew him. When I made my statement of faith publicly, the entire congregation bursted out laughing. ■ Still, I am having to separate the teachings from the text; some I am so fresh with that even the serious would have a hard time processing. But this I know, it has always been the best to have him as a Father and God, because he is truly the 'biggest' [b]adass I know.


Roman S Shapoval - Aug 29, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Probably what's already happened.


Cape Tribulation - Aug 29, 2023

Timothy’s Newsletter

The blood banks have also been contaminated!


Timothy Winey - Aug 29, 2023

Timothy’s Newsletter

Sadly, yes.
Hydrophobic Catalysis by L-Ascorbic Acid: A supramolecular Strategy to counter the SARS-CoV2 ADP Ribose Glycohydrolase (


Lea Craig - Aug 29, 2023

I’m in full agreement with this argument except when there’s clear and intentional harm occurring. For this reason, pharmaceutical companies should not be shielded from lawsuits. Being able to hold accountable those who intentionally harm is invaluable.


jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 29, 2023

Except that like with say glyphosate/Roundup, 'your' choice to use it ends up hurting me. Same for the jabs which transfect others, my experience personally and many are coming to the realization that the jabs transfect others, this is clear in military patents.


NMM - Aug 29, 2023


Ban all vaccines. Two out of two children vax damaged. One dead, one will never have a normal life. Enough is enough.


denise ward - Aug 30, 2023


No banning. For crying out loud - banning is the problem. The idea that you can tell another what to do is what they try to do to the ones who don't want the vax. If you want the vaccine, go right ahead. But my body is my choice. I can't believe we are still having to fight for body autonomy. This is NUMBER ONE on anyone's list. Just stand up and say no, I choose what goes into my body - nobody else. And for those that want the poison, it's their choice.


John Vargo - Aug 16

John Vargo

You've been breathing heavy chemtrails at least the last 10 years,same kind of technology.They spray glyphosate on crops before harvest,long list = soft kill.


Lisa - Aug 29, 2023


If they were vaccines that would be a different story.


Crosby Guy - Sep 14, 2023

It's NOT a vaccine for one thing, and no one consented to a military grade bio-weapon to be released by way of injection, that spreads without being injected. So you yourself are not protected, they are.... killing you. You are being murdered at this time. Hello?


2FollowHim - Aug 30, 2023

2FollowHim related topics

They've shown their jab can hurt the unvaxed.
There ARE ...NO VIRUSES. A placebo that doesn't work.
Remember the vaxed were ready to incarcerate the unvaxed for endangering them.
Now that it's THEM, what's next?
Live and get dead?


Tony Ryan - Aug 29, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

You have just implied that government is unnecessary and that parenting and protection of children is wrong. All human communities have engaged in group protection for the past half-million years. But you know better.


Paul - Aug 29, 2023

Drs. Mihalcea & Sansone, & ET. ALs ! Great Minds & Hearts, Flock & Fly Together. Amen. "To The Good." Groups' Vision+ings.


Full Spectrum Domino - Aug 29, 2023

Full’s Substack

I thought Fuellmich got funny with the money in his prior assiciation involving numerous interviews? You really need a venn diagram for all our alt-saviours and their degrees of beholdenness to undisclosed causes.


Margie Chism - Aug 29, 2023

Margie Chism

Dr. Ana - You have the proof. Please continue to tell us what to not use that could corrupt ourselves ■ I hope to be a [r]emainer; Revelation 20.


Daniel Peck - Aug 29, 2023

PuzzlPEACE Substack

Onward Christian Soldiers !!!🙏✨😁


Roman S Shapoval - Aug 29, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Why it's so important to get the right amount of light exposure, to build our stores of subcellular melatonin through infrared light, followed by melanin buildup with UV. Melanin can detox lanthanide, one of the heavy nano metals found in the injections:


Marty - Aug 29, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

I have an important question to ask ... what toxic material HASN'T been found in the injections ?


Eugene - Aug 29, 2023

Eugene’s Substack

32 venomous snake venoms and 1 toxic shell fish venom have been found in the vaccine.


Roman S Shapoval - Aug 29, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

The ones we don't know about...other than that... nada. Great question btw, made me stop and think (:


Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023

Margie Chism

Instrumental, Robin Adair ■ Jefferson's Fiddle


Crosby Guy - Sep 14, 2023

Still with you my friends.


jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 2, 2023

Dr. Ana, I think it would be a great idea to have a series of 'art' photo exhibits and perhaps videos, of your dark field images. We need to put the images in front of as many people as possible. We could simply portray them as 'modern' 'art' (modern catastrophe). What do you think? I would coordinate a few here in Portland OR. Just have to find the galleries that would be all in.


2FollowHim - Aug 30, 2023

2FollowHim related topics

Biden's ready with the next vax.


David Moore - Aug 30, 2023

People often do not want to know what is true and are not truthful about that with themselves. In the same vane , playing the self riteous citizen will go nowhere especially in the world of litigation. Time to wake up and stop allowing ourselves to be led down the garden path. Time to grab your true strength at least for a little while before you're dead. Being on the dairy crew seems great until we find that all that cream clogged our arteris. Ha!


Tony Ryan - Aug 29, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Has it occured to anybody here that there has not been one single act to end the ongoing democide. You are all studying feverishly to add more details to the injuries and death, but doing absolutely nothing to prevent more. "Nonviolent peaceful protest" is a programmed response, promulgated by the perpetrators. Just how stupid can one adult be? The entire democide has been orchestrated by the media and you let it be. Writing and talking is purely incantational and achieves nothing. Later, when I hang the guilty, I will also hang those who stood by.


Niclas Henschen - Aug 29, 2023

Niclas Henschen

It seems as if your video presentation has been manipulated. Things does not show up on screen as expected, no blinking dots, and your voice is slowing down.


Niclas Henschen - Aug 29, 2023

Niclas Henschen

At 1:34:43 picture starts moving for a second.


NMM - Aug 29, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Has anyone heard what happened to Karen Kingston? When I searched for news about her, there were a few msm news articles that had her picture, with the name 'Nekendra' Karen Kingston that she was reported missing in Mexico. Does anyone know what's going on?


Rosalind McGill - Aug 30, 2023

Rosalind McGill


Rosalind McGill - Aug 30, 2023

Rosalind McGill


Timothy Winey - Aug 29, 2023

Timothy’s Newsletter


kaal - Aug 29, 2023


Comment removed.


kaal - Aug 29, 2023





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