National American Renaissance Movement " Ban the Jab" Forum With Dr. Peter Breggin, Reiner Fuellmich, Esq

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 29, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Here is the link: NARM "Ban the Jab" Forum

In this excellent symposium we discuss the Ban the Jabs movement and the Grand Jury Investigation petition for Crimes against humanity submitted in Florida, New Jersey and Idaho and in the works in other states.

For more information and to support National ARM:

National American Renaissance Movement

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denise ward - Aug 29, 2023


I'm totally against vaccines but to ban is a stupid thing again. No - let people choose what they want. What is it with humans that think they should demand what others should do? Just live and let live. If you can ban someone then you too can be banned. Don't you see? We have to learn how to be sovereign beings. We're not even in kindergarten yet in that regard.

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Paul - Aug 29, 2023

Drs. Mihalcea & Sansone, & ET. ALs ! Great Minds & Hearts, Flock & Fly Together. Amen. "To The Good." Groups' Vision+ings.

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