Dr. Ana and everyone with sober certainty that we are facing something profoundly demented - here is the most important whistleblower of our lifetime and I am not kidding :https://www.bitchute.com/video/swHH3Hwv73NI/
That was like getting hit in the face with a fire hose. I got bits and pieces. On one of her "diagrams " she had the word Nephilim" in large letters. Nephiliim is found in Genesis 6. These demon human hybrids were the result of demons/fallen angels/"sons of God having sexual relations with the "daughters of man" ie human women.
Soooo, what would this term be doing in her notes...? Did anyone else catch that? Actually some Bible scholars site their existence as the reason for the flood and wiping out all of mankind except those in Noah's family saved in the ark.
If anyone could fill in the blanks...she was hard to follow, I'd like to hear it.
I saw that too.
Took screen captures as she spoke.
Wasn’t sure if she’s legit or has schizophrenia .
But after watching this I’m thinking she may be telling the truth
So you think someone with PhD & MD has schizophrenia and then turn to believe a video made by someone with no scientific degree? You might want to reassess yourself.
Did you verify she has a phd and is an MD?
With Photo of her With her credentials?
I looked and she is no where legitimate.
Credentials must always be vetted and verified before spreading a message.
And the schizo was a joke.
Nephilim: unpure DNA
The quantum dots create unpure DNA which would make people nephilim, where iron mixes with clay this time. Like in the days of Noah.
It’s time for Jesus’ return, the great physician.
Faith & spoken prayer are antidotes to nanotech. So if the WBAN is disconnected by antidotes, like the ones on this page, then the Bluetooth connection breaks and nanotech is disabled. The soul is freed.
Got it....if she referenced this comparison I missed it. Noah and his family were saved because of their righteousness and untainted DNA.I believe His return for The Body/ blood bought believers is imminent.
Though we are not vaxxed our blood contains the nanotechnology quantum dots and all...Ive seen it in my own blood.We are actively doing what we can to rid our blood of this garbage we are breathing in with every breath due to geoengineering and the food supply. However, my soul is free and saved whether the WBAN is broken or not. I have been bought with a price. The blood of the spotless lamb of God. Maranatha!
There is documented evidence in a previous post that spoken prayer sends the nanotech back into its realm. No idea on how long yet. You might pray over your blood and see if it has the same effect. My blood was contaminated too but haven’t tested my blood under microscope after prayer. I’m waiting on a new microscope.
TransHumanism is the word that makes it sound a little cool & a little passive. But if you replace TRANS with DE, then you’ll see reality.
Transhuman- DEhuman the human is killed in the process.
Transgender- DEgender- not the gender they wish, but they stop claiming what they are.
Even though they are actually reducing us just fine - I reckon they meant the machine to machine bubble of computation removed from human interference in that case
Bufus, thanks so much for sharing. What was the biggest takeaway for you from the video?
I'm all about small steps we can take each day to empower ourselves, like hardwiring our phone:
the biggest takeaway is that bioenergetic work of Wilhelm Reich and his student Alexander Lowen, is amonst the most important science we got for protection and their plan is based on a master race ideology and in the course of history, the shadow of their demented psychopathy has in fact been projected on us ... this is evidence enough for a global uprising, providence prevails!
Thank you very much Bufus for your synopsis. I appreciate it, as sometimes I don't make time to watch these videos - but this lady has a perspective that I think is well worth the time. I'll take a look. Thanks again for your reply!
The master race plan Hitler had was INSPIRED by British eugenists and especially USA programs!
These same families still want to see this plan come to fruition and are obsessed with it.
Epstein and Gates were collaborating on the same types of gene based programs.
Brave new world - is a nice little blueprint of ideas they are using.
baby farms - they choose the breeders.
Doctor Ana you must see this Sabrina Wallace (in the link). She is a whistleblower from SpaceForce (third generation DARPA!) ... She is coming out for her own children because she was experimented on for the Super Soldier program. Her knowledge of our human Bio-field (Aura) our 6th sense, is the key to our survival in this war, because the don't even need cell towers, they can use human bodies to spread their control grid (without shots). Please take a few minutes to listen to her and please do not judge the messenger, but the message. For God gives us all discernment, to protect his love and light in this world. I pray for those who can discern, as I have been able to discern from your information. God Bless everyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, in Jesus name, Amen
Your link only provides diversion from the essential issues of legality and enforcement of Lawful action by the the civilian public. Obviously, we are under attack...
Diverting public conversation unto obscure and irrelevant video, is the method by which agencies such as CIA/Mossad, Rand Corporation, and multiple "News" agencies, succeed in propaganda technique and the continuance of criminal activity.
Regarding the last part of your comment, you mention bluetooth devices. I've identified (via scanning) bluetooth devices in "vaccinated" individuals, and they're emitting data (seems to be encrypted). I don't know how their bodies can tolerate being in an EMF field 24/7. It's a naive observation, the human body can probably get used to it, but bluetooth isn't safe.
How did you isolate the environment to be sure the BT signals were coming from vaccinated individuals? Class 1 BT signals can travel up to 100 meters. Which exact BT scanner did you use? Did you check the MAC addresses against a MAC database to see if they were registered? How could you tell those MAC addresses were "emitting encrypted data"?
https://rumble.com/v2eel9y-disclosurehub-the-news-world-order.-a-massive-documentary-over-2-years-in-t.htmlLots of relevant points - its long but worth watching
This is useful on tests conducted on MAC addresses emitted from Vaxed persons.https://www.bitchute.com/video/CrvwIWz3qGiW/
They went into a field away from cities and removed all phones and tech to test. They had IT guys running the tests.
I think only Android phones (google) will work not IPhone BT for MAC detection.
I’m still on the fence about this issue…
I've seen that documentary. You said YOU produced the same results.
I asked what equipment/apps YOU used and how YOU performed your tests, especially how you secured the area to be sure the BT signals were coming from vaxed individuals.
Negative, and i can tell by the payload's pattern. Look at the documentary "BlueTruth", for me it's not even up for debate at this point, these devices are active and use the body's cells for energy, no idea what's the purpose.
Tracking and possibly a power source ?
WEF puppets keep saying how we will be “in the grid” and “hackable animals”. Harari sociopath
I think we know now.
They seem to be compelled to tell you what they’re doing ahead of time. Or its just their hubris to boast to one another mocking us.
Criminal investigation does not work, these guys are 4 levels of clearance above law enforcementhttps://odysee.com/@psinergy:f
I [w]atch ■ Jesus returns to 'judge and make war' with the nations, Revelation 19; therefore, I occupy. No fear, no cowardice, keep the faith to the end.
There is no such thing as being above the clearance of law enforcement or criminal investigation. Your link serves no purpose other than derailing the stated intent of the National American Renaissance agenda, which is to initiate Lawful resolution and provide a legal template for other State and local individuals to pursue the same objectives.
The National American Renaissance Movement has presented anhttps://nationalarm.org/covid-19-grand-jury-petition/(82 page Grand Jury Petition) with Exhibits and anhttps://nationalarm.org/executive-summary/(Executive Summary) to the Governor of New Jersey, his Attorney General and twenty-one county Prosecutors requesting a criminal investigations into the crimes of Covid-19.
Read the petition prior to negating its intent and purpose.
honestly, this should by no means derail anything- I am one of Anas biggest supporters! Make all that enforcement happen, I am just saying ... watch the whole video please
there is people playing sims with us as we speak through the WBAN 802.15.6 Wide Body Area Network, there is a documentary Bluetruth recognizing encrypted data packages in and out of the body
Ocean of lies nails it pretty good Bufus,Been many yrs since watching this video.Just watched it again.This will supply some answers,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwc9lVIXe0U
Well, there's so much information hard to keep up with all of it so some paralysis by analysis maybe.For months I've had the feeling we are fast running out of time.Just read about the Brics nations scheduling a meeting for Nov.!st I think where they will denounce the U.S.dollar as the world's reserve currency.Our current situation is going to get evenworse.Asit is no human has found a way to eradicate the nanotech which has infected the entire human race.I'm sure it exist but may be beyond human capability.The lawsuits are great but even if they come to fruition who in the federal corporation is going to arrest their buddies?Richard Mack created the constitutional sheriffs organization,has anyone contacted him?If Nov.!st happens that's a big game changer,hyperinflation along with the next lockdown and worthlessfiat.Now's the time to prepare.They can do any damn thing they want to us now as just witnessed in Maui and of course MSM has lied and covered it up. The thing is you can't tell people,they mostly don't want to know because they have all their other beliefs.They don't want to talk about it or won't even read or watch it.Silence is considered consent you know.I keep saying the truth is the truth even if no one believes it and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes itThere is no such thing as being above the clearance of law enforcement or criminal investigation.Yeah right,you really believethat.Here's your wake up call just like Paradise,Ca.https://www.bitchute.com/video/eDbVSGt2dhUY/
Yeah I know,boron has not been proven except for arthritis and they are treatments.Many more treatments exist.Quantum Realm,can you post an example?It's possible mule team borax started with Terral Crofts interview with Dana Ashlie.I know both places that carried it in my small town don't carry it right now.i've always had expectancy that whatever I do as treatment works.EMF protection has helped and is maybe as or more important.Jeff Rense wrote an article about 4 yrs ago about Scalar energy,researched as a laymen months before he posted it.Tesla suppressed technology,Tesla called it Radiant energy.Jeff Asserted it could cure all diseases,it's been weaponized instead.I sleep with a orgone pyramid a couple feet away from me but it just dawned on me I don't know the difference between orgone energy and Scalar energy.Maybe you might want to research that for your substack,Isubscribed.Here's his website,Fresh and Alive.https://www.freshandalive.com/
I followed the link, and conclude it was simply another diversion from the intent of this page. Everyone has been damaged by these technologies... Get a grip.
US Plan Revealed: ‘No More Than 20 Million Residents In Ukraine By 2030s’
First Prime Minister of Ukraine Vitold Fokin described interesting dialogue with an American national security adviser and chief ideologist of the Cold War Zbigniew Brzezinski in the early 1990s.
When I passed, saw Brzezinski sitting, so our eyes crossed and I sat down next to him. We talked very little, but I got the main idea for myself. He said: “In the 30s, in 2030, no more than 20 million residents should remain in Ukraine!”
I laughed in his face: “You are a fantasist! Where did you get it from? Why did you say that?”
He says: “Because we will not be able to feed more no way, although we don’t need more!”
(0.47 min)
This is not a hidden agenda. H. Kissinger spelled out clearly how to depopulate 13 countries that were then the most populous ones. (NSSM-200, Kissinger report 1974, declassified in 1989).
We then saw AIDS hitting the globe out of thin air!!
1994 | 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population to 800 Million by 2030 (6minutes)
The World is Over-populated but we want to save Lives by Vaccinating the entire Planet!
Good seeing David Mieswinkle's name surface again (President of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth) > He also participated in Part 3 (of 3) along with Drs. Judy Mikovits & Robert Young in the initial 2020 Carnicom Disclosure Project produced by Transparent Media Truth (another heavily censored Source) > all in discussion with Carnicom focusing on his heavily censored Nobel deserving Science.
Unfortunately proactive momentum from the general public has been an exceptional challenge...& that of course is paramount for any truly meaningful progress to manifest.
Thank you dana ciancimino for your astute question. The above Grand Jury Petition is a reasonable legal templet for Grand Jury filings in all US jurisdictions. See:https://nationalarm.org/covid-19-grand-jury-petition/
There are also these templets available: >>> Call For Indictments Letter >>> Dr. Richard Fleming >>>https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us/a-call-to-action-against-covid-crimes/
Also: Templates defining proper procedure and sample texts can be found under “Department of Health Templates” found on this page:https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us/actions-for-freedom/actions-against-public-officials/
Modification of texts applicable to your local situation are recommended. Affidavits of Civil Notice are legal constructs. If you sense the need of further advice, please consult an attorney trained in contract law.
There is a Substack called Matt’s microscopy where he claims he has found that s technology is n Ivermectin and other oral substances. People need to be aware that the FDA apart from trying to get natricucals banned are taking over many companies that produce them. Make sure any supplements you take are from a reputable source. If you’re taking vitamin C make sure it’s non GMO. Maybe st Vit C comes from China and is made from GMO corn
Great. Let's just slash our wrists and sing Kumbaya...
Legal actions such as those defined within thehttps://nationalarm.org/executive-summary/to the Governor of New Jersey, are appropriate and necessary. Who are you working for?
I am a born & bred NJ citizen & I know Murphy is not one of the good guys. Far from it. Just sayin. This unfortunately is not Texas or Florida. So please Paul, we are in this together , no need to get snarky.
I pray he will do the right thing but right now he’s too busy taking away parent’s rights & killing whales.
I'm trying to replicate the Dr's work with bright microscopy, my darkfield adapter is on order. Are there any input to the blood sample, ie frequency, magnetism or UV? I'm not seeing any of this
Hi Rick,
It depends what you are looking for. The fibres are easy to see with bright field for a starter. There are examples on my sub of this. Simple patch kits for darkfield are a cheap way to go in the interim too
Thank you. I used some shading and produced some different results. Is it necessary to induce anything to activate the q dots, or I'm missing it without the DF? I did see some fibers, and have seen them for years coming out of skin surrounding abrasions, I have see these in most everyone I have checked with an 80x handheld
Good work, That backs up what I have been seeing too. Yes you will need full darkfield to see the q dots , but n need to induce them unless you want to speed them up. I have tried that with a cellphone on the deck with a movie download going on plus some small strong neo magnets at the same time. For me this negates it being a simple brownian movement...
Good info thanks, I downloaded a frequency generator from the app store and Bluetoothed it from my phone to a small sound bar, I did not notice much with BF, it was quite loud and ran 1hz to 22khz, I will try as u suggested while I'm waiting for my DF adapter. Any recommendations on a link to deal with what's in us? I have seen a few but haven't tried anything yet
Other than eating well, lots of sun, exercise, socializing and humor and no meds or supplements, not really. If you are still feeling good enjoy it and wait for more info is my best pick.
I believe this is adaptive tech and the more things we throw at it the more it adapts. waiting a bit if possible and then throwing the kitchen sink at it may be the best long term strategy and then to maintain some form of resistance for life afterwards. I think frequency will play a large role but am happy to wait for someone I trust to provide that solution.
Dr. Ana, please inform ARM's lawyers that they have forgotten an extremely important criminal charge in their list.
I am a wrongfully terminated postal worker (27 years) who was violently assaulted, injured and fired for my refusal to wear a mask in my rightful workplace on August 17th, 2022 when no provincial or federal mask mandates were in effect.
I have laid 39 private informations (criminal charges) against the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver, Jen Gall in her capacity as a Canadian citizen who is required by law to abide by the Criminal Code of Canada.
As a federal employee who has "Standing" I represent all federal employees in Canada and my psychopathic boss represents all corporate criminals who committed these numerous crimes against us.
I've laid 2 charges against Jen Gall under Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code. I have given sworn testimony in the Provincial Court of Vancouver on 5 occasions in a locked courtroom with numerous cameras recording my testimony as a victim of Jen Gall's crimes.
AI powered smart nanotechnology in masks, jabs and tests, when mandated by your boss who has committed crimes against you by administering the mandatory vaccination practice and mandatory mask policy also violate Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees us the protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. This is equal to the 4th Amendment in the US.
If you were extorted under threat of job loss to submit to multiple Gene Therapy Bioweapons then, you must file criminal charges against YOUR BOSS. The douchebags in policing won't help you so, don't bother calling those corporate whores. I laid 39 charges against Directing Mind of Canada Post, Jen Gall under Section 504 of the Criminal Code which allows citizens to skip over complicit police and lay those charges yourself. I'm under constant aggressive and longstanding targeted surveillance including being hit by Directed Energy Weapons. They regular zap my dog and they killed my cat with a DEW after torturing her all night long on November 17th, 2022.
I've also filed a Genetic Testing Complaint against Canada Post with the Canadian Industrial Relations Board. The file number of that ACTIVE CIRB FILE is #035709-C.
Dr. Ana, the opposite of what you expected will happen to her due to the good result she has obtained by awakening consciences ... 👀👀👁️👁️🧠🧠the views are few but rumors spread quickly ..🗣️🗣️🗣️ For me you can go on vacation ⛱️⛱️⛱️let them put their face 👥👥👤👤 to it and the head of others... people expect her to do everything but it's impossible👑👑👑 it take millions of "subversives" to change the world.🌏🌎🌍 talking is useless it's just a show... the situation is very serious but nobody takes care of it. we are not in a quiz where you win money we are against multinationals. The Kabbalah
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Dr. Ana and everyone with sober certainty that we are facing something profoundly demented - here is the most important whistleblower of our lifetime and I am not kidding :https://www.bitchute.com/video/swHH3Hwv73NI/
Jan - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
That was like getting hit in the face with a fire hose. I got bits and pieces. On one of her "diagrams " she had the word Nephilim" in large letters. Nephiliim is found in Genesis 6. These demon human hybrids were the result of demons/fallen angels/"sons of God having sexual relations with the "daughters of man" ie human women.
Soooo, what would this term be doing in her notes...? Did anyone else catch that? Actually some Bible scholars site their existence as the reason for the flood and wiping out all of mankind except those in Noah's family saved in the ark.
If anyone could fill in the blanks...she was hard to follow, I'd like to hear it.
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
I saw that too.
Took screen captures as she spoke.
Wasn’t sure if she’s legit or has schizophrenia .
But after watching this I’m thinking she may be telling the truth
Laura - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
Modern Healthcare
So you think someone with PhD & MD has schizophrenia and then turn to believe a video made by someone with no scientific degree? You might want to reassess yourself.
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Did you verify she has a phd and is an MD?
With Photo of her With her credentials?
I looked and she is no where legitimate.
Credentials must always be vetted and verified before spreading a message.
And the schizo was a joke.
Reply (1) - Aug 27, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Comment removed.
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 27, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
! BE WARE of this person - SPAM!!!! /malware
They are Using different NAMES on many substacks with same Link
Laura - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Modern Healthcare
Nephilim: unpure DNA
The quantum dots create unpure DNA which would make people nephilim, where iron mixes with clay this time. Like in the days of Noah.
It’s time for Jesus’ return, the great physician.
Faith & spoken prayer are antidotes to nanotech. So if the WBAN is disconnected by antidotes, like the ones on this page, then the Bluetooth connection breaks and nanotech is disabled. The soul is freed.
Jan - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Modern Healthcare
Got it....if she referenced this comparison I missed it. Noah and his family were saved because of their righteousness and untainted DNA.I believe His return for The Body/ blood bought believers is imminent.
Though we are not vaxxed our blood contains the nanotechnology quantum dots and all...Ive seen it in my own blood.We are actively doing what we can to rid our blood of this garbage we are breathing in with every breath due to geoengineering and the food supply. However, my soul is free and saved whether the WBAN is broken or not. I have been bought with a price. The blood of the spotless lamb of God. Maranatha!
Laura - Aug 26, 2023
Modern Healthcare
There is documented evidence in a previous post that spoken prayer sends the nanotech back into its realm. No idea on how long yet. You might pray over your blood and see if it has the same effect. My blood was contaminated too but haven’t tested my blood under microscope after prayer. I’m waiting on a new microscope.
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 27, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
What dr did you see to get a LIVE blood study done?
Jan - Aug 27, 2023
Dr Mihalcea
Laura - Aug 27, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Comment removed.
Laura - Aug 27, 2023
Modern Healthcare
TransHumanism is the word that makes it sound a little cool & a little passive. But if you replace TRANS with DE, then you’ll see reality.
Transhuman- DEhuman the human is killed in the process.
Transgender- DEgender- not the gender they wish, but they stop claiming what they are.
Gypsy - Aug 26, 2023
I am at a loss for words.
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 28, 2023
https://rumble.com/v36yg9z-august-12-2023.htmlthis one was the hardest to watch of my life
Marty - Aug 26, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
"Get the humans out of the way" at 20:05. I feel like it's the right moment to stop the video.
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 26, 2023
Even though they are actually reducing us just fine - I reckon they meant the machine to machine bubble of computation removed from human interference in that case
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Bufus, thanks so much for sharing. What was the biggest takeaway for you from the video?
I'm all about small steps we can take each day to empower ourselves, like hardwiring our phone:
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
the biggest takeaway is that bioenergetic work of Wilhelm Reich and his student Alexander Lowen, is amonst the most important science we got for protection and their plan is based on a master race ideology and in the course of history, the shadow of their demented psychopathy has in fact been projected on us ... this is evidence enough for a global uprising, providence prevails!
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 26, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Thank you very much Bufus for your synopsis. I appreciate it, as sometimes I don't make time to watch these videos - but this lady has a perspective that I think is well worth the time. I'll take a look. Thanks again for your reply!
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
The master race plan Hitler had was INSPIRED by British eugenists and especially USA programs!
These same families still want to see this plan come to fruition and are obsessed with it.
Epstein and Gates were collaborating on the same types of gene based programs.
Brave new world - is a nice little blueprint of ideas they are using.
baby farms - they choose the breeders.
Brent Erskine - Aug 27, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
Doctor Ana you must see this Sabrina Wallace (in the link). She is a whistleblower from SpaceForce (third generation DARPA!) ... She is coming out for her own children because she was experimented on for the Super Soldier program. Her knowledge of our human Bio-field (Aura) our 6th sense, is the key to our survival in this war, because the don't even need cell towers, they can use human bodies to spread their control grid (without shots). Please take a few minutes to listen to her and please do not judge the messenger, but the message. For God gives us all discernment, to protect his love and light in this world. I pray for those who can discern, as I have been able to discern from your information. God Bless everyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, in Jesus name, Amen
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Your link only provides diversion from the essential issues of legality and enforcement of Lawful action by the the civilian public. Obviously, we are under attack...
Diverting public conversation unto obscure and irrelevant video, is the method by which agencies such as CIA/Mossad, Rand Corporation, and multiple "News" agencies, succeed in propaganda technique and the continuance of criminal activity.
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 26, 2023
You have clearly some "can't look at it" - I am afraid issue or you do not grasp the scope of her revelations
Marty - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Comment removed.
Marty - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Comment removed.
Marty - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Regarding the last part of your comment, you mention bluetooth devices. I've identified (via scanning) bluetooth devices in "vaccinated" individuals, and they're emitting data (seems to be encrypted). I don't know how their bodies can tolerate being in an EMF field 24/7. It's a naive observation, the human body can probably get used to it, but bluetooth isn't safe.
ConcernedGrammy - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
How did you isolate the environment to be sure the BT signals were coming from vaccinated individuals? Class 1 BT signals can travel up to 100 meters. Which exact BT scanner did you use? Did you check the MAC addresses against a MAC database to see if they were registered? How could you tell those MAC addresses were "emitting encrypted data"?
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
https://rumble.com/v2eel9y-disclosurehub-the-news-world-order.-a-massive-documentary-over-2-years-in-t.htmlLots of relevant points - its long but worth watching
This is useful on tests conducted on MAC addresses emitted from Vaxed persons.https://www.bitchute.com/video/CrvwIWz3qGiW/
They went into a field away from cities and removed all phones and tech to test. They had IT guys running the tests.
I think only Android phones (google) will work not IPhone BT for MAC detection.
I’m still on the fence about this issue…
ConcernedGrammy - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Comment removed.
ConcernedGrammy - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
I've seen that documentary. You said YOU produced the same results.
I asked what equipment/apps YOU used and how YOU performed your tests, especially how you secured the area to be sure the BT signals were coming from vaxed individuals.
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 27, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
https://rumble.com/v2eel9y-disclosurehub-the-news-world-order.-a-massive-documentary-over-2-years-in-t.htmlLots of relevant points - its long but worth watching
This is useful on tests conducted on MAC addresses emitted from Vaxed persons.https://www.bitchute.com/video/CrvwIWz3qGiW/
Marty - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Comment removed.
Marty - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Negative, and i can tell by the payload's pattern. Look at the documentary "BlueTruth", for me it's not even up for debate at this point, these devices are active and use the body's cells for energy, no idea what's the purpose.
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Tracking and possibly a power source ?
WEF puppets keep saying how we will be “in the grid” and “hackable animals”. Harari sociopath
I think we know now.
They seem to be compelled to tell you what they’re doing ahead of time. Or its just their hubris to boast to one another mocking us.
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 25, 2023
Margie Chism
Criminal investigation does not work, these guys are 4 levels of clearance above law enforcementhttps://odysee.com/@psinergy:f
Margie Chism - Aug 26, 2023
Margie Chism
I [w]atch ■ Jesus returns to 'judge and make war' with the nations, Revelation 19; therefore, I occupy. No fear, no cowardice, keep the faith to the end.
Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 26, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Be not afraid.
Christian - Sep 18, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Jesus will not come back ! My God !
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
There is no such thing as being above the clearance of law enforcement or criminal investigation. Your link serves no purpose other than derailing the stated intent of the National American Renaissance agenda, which is to initiate Lawful resolution and provide a legal template for other State and local individuals to pursue the same objectives.
The National American Renaissance Movement has presented anhttps://nationalarm.org/covid-19-grand-jury-petition/(82 page Grand Jury Petition) with Exhibits and anhttps://nationalarm.org/executive-summary/(Executive Summary) to the Governor of New Jersey, his Attorney General and twenty-one county Prosecutors requesting a criminal investigations into the crimes of Covid-19.
Read the petition prior to negating its intent and purpose.
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
honestly, this should by no means derail anything- I am one of Anas biggest supporters! Make all that enforcement happen, I am just saying ... watch the whole video please
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
If you wish to support Ms. Mihalcea's efforts regarding potential legal remedy, provide that support by disseminating links to her original post.
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 26, 2023
there is people playing sims with us as we speak through the WBAN 802.15.6 Wide Body Area Network, there is a documentary Bluetruth recognizing encrypted data packages in and out of the body
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 26, 2023
John Vargo
Why could you possibly be angry about someone posting the truth in this ocean of lies?
John Vargo - Aug 27, 2023
John Vargo
Ocean of lies nails it pretty good Bufus,Been many yrs since watching this video.Just watched it again.This will supply some answers,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwc9lVIXe0U
John Vargo - Aug 26, 2023
John Vargo
Well, there's so much information hard to keep up with all of it so some paralysis by analysis maybe.For months I've had the feeling we are fast running out of time.Just read about the Brics nations scheduling a meeting for Nov.!st I think where they will denounce the U.S.dollar as the world's reserve currency.Our current situation is going to get evenworse.Asit is no human has found a way to eradicate the nanotech which has infected the entire human race.I'm sure it exist but may be beyond human capability.The lawsuits are great but even if they come to fruition who in the federal corporation is going to arrest their buddies?Richard Mack created the constitutional sheriffs organization,has anyone contacted him?If Nov.!st happens that's a big game changer,hyperinflation along with the next lockdown and worthlessfiat.Now's the time to prepare.They can do any damn thing they want to us now as just witnessed in Maui and of course MSM has lied and covered it up. The thing is you can't tell people,they mostly don't want to know because they have all their other beliefs.They don't want to talk about it or won't even read or watch it.Silence is considered consent you know.I keep saying the truth is the truth even if no one believes it and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes itThere is no such thing as being above the clearance of law enforcement or criminal investigation.Yeah right,you really believethat.Here's your wake up call just like Paradise,Ca.https://www.bitchute.com/video/eDbVSGt2dhUY/
Laura - Aug 26, 2023
Modern Healthcare
There are known antidotes.
Quantum realm: Spoken Prayer
Oral: CBD, Boron, CDS
John Vargo - Aug 26, 2023
John Vargo
Yeah I know,boron has not been proven except for arthritis and they are treatments.Many more treatments exist.Quantum Realm,can you post an example?It's possible mule team borax started with Terral Crofts interview with Dana Ashlie.I know both places that carried it in my small town don't carry it right now.i've always had expectancy that whatever I do as treatment works.EMF protection has helped and is maybe as or more important.Jeff Rense wrote an article about 4 yrs ago about Scalar energy,researched as a laymen months before he posted it.Tesla suppressed technology,Tesla called it Radiant energy.Jeff Asserted it could cure all diseases,it's been weaponized instead.I sleep with a orgone pyramid a couple feet away from me but it just dawned on me I don't know the difference between orgone energy and Scalar energy.Maybe you might want to research that for your substack,Isubscribed.Here's his website,Fresh and Alive.https://www.freshandalive.com/
John Vargo - Aug 27, 2023
John Vargo
Personally I would not buy any shungite pendant that's not Elite Shungite.Actually have one
Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 26, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Psalms 37:1-40 Amen
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 27, 2023
Please watch her videos and you know why some people are above the law, in fact - they write it
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Comment removed.
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
he is a disinformation bot, conscious or not haha
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Disinformation bot? Prove that any facet of my original comment is disinformation.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
I followed the link, and conclude it was simply another diversion from the intent of this page. Everyone has been damaged by these technologies... Get a grip.
Nostradamus X - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
We Use Chaos to Destroy the Globe – We’re the Empire.
-- Georges Friedman, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 2015
Nostradamus X - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
US Plan Revealed: ‘No More Than 20 Million Residents In Ukraine By 2030s’
First Prime Minister of Ukraine Vitold Fokin described interesting dialogue with an American national security adviser and chief ideologist of the Cold War Zbigniew Brzezinski in the early 1990s.
When I passed, saw Brzezinski sitting, so our eyes crossed and I sat down next to him. We talked very little, but I got the main idea for myself. He said: “In the 30s, in 2030, no more than 20 million residents should remain in Ukraine!”
I laughed in his face: “You are a fantasist! Where did you get it from? Why did you say that?”
He says: “Because we will not be able to feed more no way, although we don’t need more!”
(0.47 min)
Julie Pettiford - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Julie Pettiford
Check out Deagel CIA controlled breakdown of all population decrease’s around the world.
Nostradamus X - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
This is not a hidden agenda. H. Kissinger spelled out clearly how to depopulate 13 countries that were then the most populous ones. (NSSM-200, Kissinger report 1974, declassified in 1989).
We then saw AIDS hitting the globe out of thin air!!
1994 | 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population to 800 Million by 2030 (6minutes)
The World is Over-populated but we want to save Lives by Vaccinating the entire Planet!
PsyoP Awareness - Aug 26, 2023
Lets be aware of possible bad actors out there. These financial demons have deep pockets.
Larry Sullivan - Aug 26, 2023
L Sully's Editorials
This is a remarkable and brave venture, Doctor! Great job! Let's get the word out to support your efforts.
Apologetic Yankee - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Apologetic Yankee
Good seeing David Mieswinkle's name surface again (President of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth) > He also participated in Part 3 (of 3) along with Drs. Judy Mikovits & Robert Young in the initial 2020 Carnicom Disclosure Project produced by Transparent Media Truth (another heavily censored Source) > all in discussion with Carnicom focusing on his heavily censored Nobel deserving Science.
Unfortunately proactive momentum from the general public has been an exceptional challenge...& that of course is paramount for any truly meaningful progress to manifest.
dana ciancimino - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
How can this be done in all states, not just New Jersey?
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Thank you dana ciancimino for your astute question. The above Grand Jury Petition is a reasonable legal templet for Grand Jury filings in all US jurisdictions. See:https://nationalarm.org/covid-19-grand-jury-petition/
There are also these templets available: >>> Call For Indictments Letter >>> Dr. Richard Fleming >>>https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us/a-call-to-action-against-covid-crimes/
Also: Templates defining proper procedure and sample texts can be found under “Department of Health Templates” found on this page:https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us/actions-for-freedom/actions-against-public-officials/
Modification of texts applicable to your local situation are recommended. Affidavits of Civil Notice are legal constructs. If you sense the need of further advice, please consult an attorney trained in contract law.
Julie Pettiford - Aug 26, 2023
Julie Pettiford
There is a Substack called Matt’s microscopy where he claims he has found that s technology is n Ivermectin and other oral substances. People need to be aware that the FDA apart from trying to get natricucals banned are taking over many companies that produce them. Make sure any supplements you take are from a reputable source. If you’re taking vitamin C make sure it’s non GMO. Maybe st Vit C comes from China and is made from GMO corn
Morris M Watson - Aug 26, 2023
Morris’s Substack
A big part of the solution will be found in GROUNDING!
Seeking Truth - Aug 26, 2023
Seeking Truth
The NJ Governor is corrupt so I don’t think anything will come of this
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Great. Let's just slash our wrists and sing Kumbaya...
Legal actions such as those defined within thehttps://nationalarm.org/executive-summary/to the Governor of New Jersey, are appropriate and necessary. Who are you working for?
Seeking Truth - Aug 26, 2023
Seeking Truth
I am a born & bred NJ citizen & I know Murphy is not one of the good guys. Far from it. Just sayin. This unfortunately is not Texas or Florida. So please Paul, we are in this together , no need to get snarky.
I pray he will do the right thing but right now he’s too busy taking away parent’s rights & killing whales.
Margie Chism - Aug 26, 2023
Margie Chism
Prayers continuously ■ Amen
Rlap - Aug 26, 2023
Rlap’s Substack
I'm trying to replicate the Dr's work with bright microscopy, my darkfield adapter is on order. Are there any input to the blood sample, ie frequency, magnetism or UV? I'm not seeing any of this
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 26, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Rick,
It depends what you are looking for. The fibres are easy to see with bright field for a starter. There are examples on my sub of this. Simple patch kits for darkfield are a cheap way to go in the interim too
Rlap - Aug 26, 2023
Rlap’s Substack
Thank you. I used some shading and produced some different results. Is it necessary to induce anything to activate the q dots, or I'm missing it without the DF? I did see some fibers, and have seen them for years coming out of skin surrounding abrasions, I have see these in most everyone I have checked with an 80x handheld
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 26, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Good work, That backs up what I have been seeing too. Yes you will need full darkfield to see the q dots , but n need to induce them unless you want to speed them up. I have tried that with a cellphone on the deck with a movie download going on plus some small strong neo magnets at the same time. For me this negates it being a simple brownian movement...
Rlap - Aug 26, 2023
Rlap’s Substack
Good info thanks, I downloaded a frequency generator from the app store and Bluetoothed it from my phone to a small sound bar, I did not notice much with BF, it was quite loud and ran 1hz to 22khz, I will try as u suggested while I'm waiting for my DF adapter. Any recommendations on a link to deal with what's in us? I have seen a few but haven't tried anything yet
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 26, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Other than eating well, lots of sun, exercise, socializing and humor and no meds or supplements, not really. If you are still feeling good enjoy it and wait for more info is my best pick.
I believe this is adaptive tech and the more things we throw at it the more it adapts. waiting a bit if possible and then throwing the kitchen sink at it may be the best long term strategy and then to maintain some form of resistance for life afterwards. I think frequency will play a large role but am happy to wait for someone I trust to provide that solution.
Rlap - Aug 27, 2023
Rlap’s Substack
Have u tried any of the recommended, with any results?
John Vargo - Aug 26, 2023
John Vargo
Can't leave out EMF protection
Angie - Aug 26, 2023
Dr. Ana, please inform ARM's lawyers that they have forgotten an extremely important criminal charge in their list.
I am a wrongfully terminated postal worker (27 years) who was violently assaulted, injured and fired for my refusal to wear a mask in my rightful workplace on August 17th, 2022 when no provincial or federal mask mandates were in effect.
I have laid 39 private informations (criminal charges) against the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver, Jen Gall in her capacity as a Canadian citizen who is required by law to abide by the Criminal Code of Canada.
As a federal employee who has "Standing" I represent all federal employees in Canada and my psychopathic boss represents all corporate criminals who committed these numerous crimes against us.
I've laid 2 charges against Jen Gall under Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code. I have given sworn testimony in the Provincial Court of Vancouver on 5 occasions in a locked courtroom with numerous cameras recording my testimony as a victim of Jen Gall's crimes.
AI powered smart nanotechnology in masks, jabs and tests, when mandated by your boss who has committed crimes against you by administering the mandatory vaccination practice and mandatory mask policy also violate Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees us the protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. This is equal to the 4th Amendment in the US.
If you were extorted under threat of job loss to submit to multiple Gene Therapy Bioweapons then, you must file criminal charges against YOUR BOSS. The douchebags in policing won't help you so, don't bother calling those corporate whores. I laid 39 charges against Directing Mind of Canada Post, Jen Gall under Section 504 of the Criminal Code which allows citizens to skip over complicit police and lay those charges yourself. I'm under constant aggressive and longstanding targeted surveillance including being hit by Directed Energy Weapons. They regular zap my dog and they killed my cat with a DEW after torturing her all night long on November 17th, 2022.
I've also filed a Genetic Testing Complaint against Canada Post with the Canadian Industrial Relations Board. The file number of that ACTIVE CIRB FILE is #035709-C.
XX - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Ana, the opposite of what you expected will happen to her due to the good result she has obtained by awakening consciences ... 👀👀👁️👁️🧠🧠the views are few but rumors spread quickly ..🗣️🗣️🗣️ For me you can go on vacation ⛱️⛱️⛱️let them put their face 👥👥👤👤 to it and the head of others... people expect her to do everything but it's impossible👑👑👑 it take millions of "subversives" to change the world.🌏🌎🌍 talking is useless it's just a show... the situation is very serious but nobody takes care of it. we are not in a quiz where you win money we are against multinationals. The Kabbalah
XX - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Comment removed.
XX - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited
Alien Exorcism 👽👽🛸🛸
jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 26, 2023
they are cutting the lines as we speak....
Chet Welch - Aug 26, 2023
Dr. Ana,
I have tried to join, on the homepage of the National American Renaissance, but cannot. Why not?
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