National American Renaissance Board Of Directors Members On SGT Report

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 25, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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David Meiswinkle, Esq. President of National ARM, Dr. Joseph Sansone and myself discuss the grand jury petitions and the National ARM movement to serve the General Attorneys in all States with Crimes against Humanity grand jury petitions. We want the same to happen with the Ban the Jabs resolutions.

Join this movement to save the lives of all Americans - your families and children.

Please use this link for more information:

National ARM

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Bufus Alvarius - Aug 25, 2023

Dr. Ana and everyone with sober certainty that we are facing something profoundly demented - here is the most important whistleblower of our lifetime and I am not kidding :

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Bufus Alvarius - Aug 25, 2023

Criminal investigation does not work, these guys are 4 levels of clearance above law enforcement

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