Rima deserves a special place among MD truthers. Who else has tutored Jesse Ventura about the deep state?
Dr Rima Laibow is also a "BARA," a BioAcoustics Research Associate. LoL, she's sort of a legend in the BARA community. And definitely nailed it way back in 2009 in her Gov Jesse Ventura Interview - on the Nano-Tech agenda manifesting now. Dr Rima might be able & willing to make significant contributions to the research on detecting and deactivating Nano-Tech with Sound Tones.
I don't think the Creator is going to allow His creation to disappear....all the machinations of Satan will be defeated and Christ will be victorious....believe the Holy Bible and be saved!!
True β He marks those that are his, and we know that this 'gene'ration there will be Remainers at the return of Jesus, Revelation 19. We need to be the blessed ones in Daniel that make it to the 1335 day, blessed. M
What department decided that 'all injectables' must have nano tech when [t]hey say so? β at time stamp 23:00 on video. M
β https://www.bitchute.com/video/y1z50dQgMPHT/
kaal - "Wikipedia β
DoD Seal. This is a list of Agencies under the United States Department of Defense (DoD) which was formerly and shortly known as the National Military Establishment.Its main responsibilities are to control the Armed Forces of the United States. The Department was established in 1947 and is currently divided into three major Departments—the Department of the Army, Navy and Air Force—and has ... ." M
Fleeing an Ancient Darkness β The Voice of the Martyrs, email 11/04/23. M
β She Dared to Step Inside a Church
Ever since 24-year-old Miracle Conteh left a secret society in Sierra Leone to follow Jesus Christ 10 years ago, her grandmother, who led the society, has tried to kill her.
For two years, Miracle, known as Sassa until coming to faith in Christ at age 14, performed ancient rituals that involved interacting with demons, casting spells and performing bodily mutilations. She interacted with dark spirits so often that she said she always sensed the presence of evil spirits all around her.
More than half of Sierra Leoneans are Muslims, and nearly 13% are Christians. Most of the remaining population practice ethnic religions. Despite this public adherence to religion, an estimated 90% are additionally aligned with secret societies that dominate all aspects of life in Sierra Leone.
One evening, as Miracle’s grandmother was visiting another village, a Christian pastor arrived with a projector and a small screen. He had come to the village to share the JESUS film. As she watched the film, Miracle realized that Jesus was the one who had protected Christians when she and her grandmother had tried to control them through the dark spirit realm. After placing her faith in Christ, she decided to attend a church service.
When Miracle’s grandmother returned and learned what Miracle had done, she ordered others in the society to kill her.
“Immediately, a decision was reached that for treading my foot in the church, I should be killed,” Miracle said. “I had violated the law.”
story continues
β https://www.persecution.com/2023-11-miracle/?_source_code=EM23K3l
I am contamineted with polymers andHydrogel-Graphen.Isthere anybody who can help me what to doe?In my country (Germany)I get nowhere help,I was surchibg verylong.NowI am sick,fever evry day,its like my immune system colabs.A person in my near get also infected from me I think the same massive symtomps like me.Pain in arms and legs.And my forehead is magnetic all over.Please help to save my life without help I will die.God blees u all.
Great video. I am almost certain vaccinated persons are emitting some kind of wireless signals that I can see on my own phone when doing a bluetooth search. I find loads of unknown MAC codes which should not exist (All devices have an identifier in their MAC which can be searched) THe codes I find have no known manufacturer or device ID, im almost certain they come from the bodies of the injected.
Haven't you heard (I don't recall where)? People have gone to graveyards with no, or few, live people around, and have detected MAC addresses still being transmitted from the deceased. Also, it has been found that the nanotech in dead peoples' blood is still assembling, even after embalming. Makes me wonder if all the abundance of these zombie shows and movies for awhile have been preparing us for real-life zombies, and if some of these nanotech-filled people are going to rise from the grave as cyborg, programmed to take out the "stragglers", the dissenters and unvaccinated, who haven't already died. Perhaps folk can't be turned into borg until they die, just as people in fictional movies and TV shows aren't turned into zombies until they have died?
Its difficult on an Iphone as the OS wont let you search for these "bluetooth devices without a name" like an android phone will.
And since 2021 that android setting "Show bluetooth devices without a name" has been hidden away in the developer options menu. They really dont want people doing "the bluetooth challenge" Have a look on rumble for the bluetooth challenge, lots of vids there
You do not understand my point.
Nanotechnology does not have to include transhumanism. But is a threaten to the ones that are using it with transhumanism because destroys Pharma and there other nasty business. They are covering the other side of Nanotechnology that is why they say what they are doing, but they do not say what can be done to REALLY improve our lives. They are in a hurry before someone realize their game and then will be harder for them. They need to use transhumanism because with the right nanomedicine THERE IS NO BUSSINESS for Pharma!!
În my initial comment I stated that the point is not only in programing, is that nanotechnology and nanomedicine can destroy the status quo of who is now in economical power, aka who is behind pharmaceuticals, as well as ruin the business behind "organ donation" killings in the western world disguise by the medical professionals, no dead organs can be transplanted, they are not viable, meaning there are high chances of many donors being alive when they extract the organs :(..
Nanotechnology and nanomedicine do not need to use transhumanism to make possible that our health improves drastically and chronic illness would dissappear.
These technology needs to end up in good hands... If you realize there are no mention on those others possible advances on nanotechnology without including transhumanism
Morpheus - Nov 4, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
Rima deserves a special place among MD truthers. Who else has tutored Jesse Ventura about the deep state?
Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 4, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
The banned episode from "Conspiracy Theory."
Even a show like THAT wouldn't allow it;-)
Grandpa Castorini - Nov 5, 2023
Exactly. Like the famous quote. To find who your masters are, discover who / what you cannot speak about. (Or they WILL not speak about)
RBI - Nov 4, 2023
Dr Rima Laibow is also a "BARA," a BioAcoustics Research Associate. LoL, she's sort of a legend in the BARA community. And definitely nailed it way back in 2009 in her Gov Jesse Ventura Interview - on the Nano-Tech agenda manifesting now. Dr Rima might be able & willing to make significant contributions to the research on detecting and deactivating Nano-Tech with Sound Tones.
Marilynne Mellander - Nov 4, 2023
Margie Chism
I don't think the Creator is going to allow His creation to disappear....all the machinations of Satan will be defeated and Christ will be victorious....believe the Holy Bible and be saved!!
Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023
Margie Chism
True β He marks those that are his, and we know that this 'gene'ration there will be Remainers at the return of Jesus, Revelation 19. We need to be the blessed ones in Daniel that make it to the 1335 day, blessed. M
John Burnley - Nov 4, 2023
I agree, God IS coming when the time is right --
Seeking Truth - Nov 4, 2023
Seeking Truth
Wolf-Steppen - Nov 6, 2023
ANA: Have you tried adding/applying Natto, etc., to the synthetically-clotted blood and letting it sit?
Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023
Margie Chism
β https://www.brighteon.com/eefe7df8-8265-4fa0-8baa-7f72d63cdd2a
Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
What department decided that 'all injectables' must have nano tech when [t]hey say so? β at time stamp 23:00 on video. M
β https://www.bitchute.com/video/y1z50dQgMPHT/
Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023
Margie Chism
Comment removed.
Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023
Margie Chism
kaal - "Wikipedia β
DoD Seal. This is a list of Agencies under the United States Department of Defense (DoD) which was formerly and shortly known as the National Military Establishment.Its main responsibilities are to control the Armed Forces of the United States. The Department was established in 1947 and is currently divided into three major Departments—the Department of the Army, Navy and Air Force—and has ... ." M
SoCalGal - Nov 4, 2023
Sharing this excellent info.
Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Fleeing an Ancient Darkness β The Voice of the Martyrs, email 11/04/23. M
β She Dared to Step Inside a Church
Ever since 24-year-old Miracle Conteh left a secret society in Sierra Leone to follow Jesus Christ 10 years ago, her grandmother, who led the society, has tried to kill her.
For two years, Miracle, known as Sassa until coming to faith in Christ at age 14, performed ancient rituals that involved interacting with demons, casting spells and performing bodily mutilations. She interacted with dark spirits so often that she said she always sensed the presence of evil spirits all around her.
More than half of Sierra Leoneans are Muslims, and nearly 13% are Christians. Most of the remaining population practice ethnic religions. Despite this public adherence to religion, an estimated 90% are additionally aligned with secret societies that dominate all aspects of life in Sierra Leone.
One evening, as Miracle’s grandmother was visiting another village, a Christian pastor arrived with a projector and a small screen. He had come to the village to share the JESUS film. As she watched the film, Miracle realized that Jesus was the one who had protected Christians when she and her grandmother had tried to control them through the dark spirit realm. After placing her faith in Christ, she decided to attend a church service.
When Miracle’s grandmother returned and learned what Miracle had done, she ordered others in the society to kill her.
“Immediately, a decision was reached that for treading my foot in the church, I should be killed,” Miracle said. “I had violated the law.”
story continues
β https://www.persecution.com/2023-11-miracle/?_source_code=EM23K3l
Aminata - Nov 11, 2023
I am contamineted with polymers andHydrogel-Graphen.Isthere anybody who can help me what to doe?In my country (Germany)I get nowhere help,I was surchibg verylong.NowI am sick,fever evry day,its like my immune system colabs.A person in my near get also infected from me I think the same massive symtomps like me.Pain in arms and legs.And my forehead is magnetic all over.Please help to save my life without help I will die.God blees u all.
RyAn DeCarmine - Nov 8, 2023
RyAn’s Substack
Awesome as always
Seeking Truth - Nov 5, 2023
Seeking Truth
Any thoughts on this?
Nathan - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited
Great video. I am almost certain vaccinated persons are emitting some kind of wireless signals that I can see on my own phone when doing a bluetooth search. I find loads of unknown MAC codes which should not exist (All devices have an identifier in their MAC which can be searched) THe codes I find have no known manufacturer or device ID, im almost certain they come from the bodies of the injected.
Wolf-Steppen - Nov 7, 2023 - Edited
Haven't you heard (I don't recall where)? People have gone to graveyards with no, or few, live people around, and have detected MAC addresses still being transmitted from the deceased. Also, it has been found that the nanotech in dead peoples' blood is still assembling, even after embalming. Makes me wonder if all the abundance of these zombie shows and movies for awhile have been preparing us for real-life zombies, and if some of these nanotech-filled people are going to rise from the grave as cyborg, programmed to take out the "stragglers", the dissenters and unvaccinated, who haven't already died. Perhaps folk can't be turned into borg until they die, just as people in fictional movies and TV shows aren't turned into zombies until they have died?
Seeking Truth - Nov 5, 2023
Seeking Truth
how do you search for that on an iphone?
Nathan - Nov 6, 2023
Its difficult on an Iphone as the OS wont let you search for these "bluetooth devices without a name" like an android phone will.
And since 2021 that android setting "Show bluetooth devices without a name" has been hidden away in the developer options menu. They really dont want people doing "the bluetooth challenge" Have a look on rumble for the bluetooth challenge, lots of vids there
jeffrey p lubina - Nov 5, 2023
jeffrey p lubina
Shawn Paul Melville - Nov 5, 2023
Shawn Paul Melville’s Substack
Ana's mischaracterizations are dangerous.
Orli and the team - Nov 5, 2023
Orli’s Substack
You do not understand my point.
Nanotechnology does not have to include transhumanism. But is a threaten to the ones that are using it with transhumanism because destroys Pharma and there other nasty business. They are covering the other side of Nanotechnology that is why they say what they are doing, but they do not say what can be done to REALLY improve our lives. They are in a hurry before someone realize their game and then will be harder for them. They need to use transhumanism because with the right nanomedicine THERE IS NO BUSSINESS for Pharma!!
Orli and the team - Nov 5, 2023
Orli’s Substack
În my initial comment I stated that the point is not only in programing, is that nanotechnology and nanomedicine can destroy the status quo of who is now in economical power, aka who is behind pharmaceuticals, as well as ruin the business behind "organ donation" killings in the western world disguise by the medical professionals, no dead organs can be transplanted, they are not viable, meaning there are high chances of many donors being alive when they extract the organs :(..
Nanotechnology and nanomedicine do not need to use transhumanism to make possible that our health improves drastically and chronic illness would dissappear.
These technology needs to end up in good hands... If you realize there are no mention on those others possible advances on nanotechnology without including transhumanism
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