Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology, Transhumanism And The Fight For The Survival Of Our Species: My Interview With Dr. Rima Laibow

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 04, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Click the image above or this link to see the video: Dr Rima Laibow and Dr Ana Mihalcea

I am so honored to speak with my friend and colleague Dr Rima Laibow again. She is one of the few freedom fighting physicians that completely understand the nanotechnological threat to humanity and is not afraid to speak about it. She also is working on a randomized controlled trial to study the efficacy of EDTA Chelation and other modalities to clear the blood. We both are certified Chelation practitioners.

We have much in common, hence speak about many subjects, like my research on nanotechnology and live blood findings, depopulation agenda, mind control, legal action plans nationally and globally against the bioweapons, and strategies of exiting the WHO, United Nations, and more…

Please visit Dr Rima’s website:

Prevent Genocide

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Morpheus - Nov 4, 2023

Rima deserves a special place among MD truthers. Who else has tutored Jesse Ventura about the deep state?

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RBI - Nov 4, 2023


Dr Rima Laibow is also a "BARA," a BioAcoustics Research Associate. LoL, she's sort of a legend in the BARA community. And definitely nailed it way back in 2009 in her Gov Jesse Ventura Interview - on the Nano-Tech agenda manifesting now. Dr Rima might be able & willing to make significant contributions to the research on detecting and deactivating Nano-Tech with Sound Tones.

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