Yes, and why the more of us who understand the Sun's benefit, the greater chance we have of defeating weather modification. Do you see the Sunrise where you are, or is there a haze in the morning?
There is generally always a haze at sunrise. The cover created by aerosols seems to be heliocentric they follow and block the Sun, which leads me to conclude that they are using "Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering"
I first noticed the trails in 2002 while standing on my deck with my sister,
I asked her if knew why we see these lines now, she replied it was the government some sort of mitigation for global warming, I said no way!?
This is the same response I use to get from people who knew about the trails but believed that dear ol' gov is mitigating gw now climate change. I find both sunrise and sunset and most of the day are overcast now, it's been worse since 2016, and unlike the claim they stopped in 2020, I didn't experience that at all.
Thank you for your reply and for your posts.
Me: I say that the vaccines are a lie and what we have been taught for generations, is that the vaccines and the content of vaccines make "anti bodies" against a disease and protect your body from that disease.
But the human body does NOT make anti bodies, because it has never been designed to, it does not know what anti bodies are, so whatever is injected into it, damages it, sometimes with immediate devastating results, like being given a kill shot for your injury or extermination, by weakening your immunity and making you easier to kill.
Big Pharma and vaccines are a deliberate lie to injure or kill you for money.
Do not take vaccines - I theorize that vaccines cause the injected virus to spead amongst those around the vaccinated person, causing and creating the pandemic, because there were over 250 reported escapes of dangerous viruses and pathogens last year from Level 4 BioLabs reported to the CDC and none eventuated into any pandemic - but Moderna's injected Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented 2013, is the only one that did and that is injected at the time of the vaccine, you just had and why it did.
The Great Reset is based on vaccines and deliberate population reduction, amongst other "vaccinated things".
I say: Stop taking all vaccines immediately, your life depends on it.
Does anyone have a list of O3 therapy IV locations? Nenah in Rife Frequency Handbook has a good list of wellness saunas, etc. but hard to find O3 therapy besides some people in Hollywood, CA.
Brandon there are facilities all over the US. Just use your browser to find ozone therapies. I happen to know Nenah met her at a conference and have her book.
I've been testing out vascular dialators (e.g. nitric based). Check out this study here by NIH on sports performance enhancers for athletes:
My working hypothesis is that the use of a vascular dilator when combined with chelators (calcium-disodium-edta enteric, suppository or IV) and blood anticoagulants (e.g. sodium citrate), NAC, anti-fibrolytics (nattokinase, serrapeptase and lumbrokinase with bromelain and rutin: e.g. FLCCC Alliance protocol) and capsaican (e.g. cayenne peppers) is that it will further enable removal of plaques and synthetic biology junk in the blood stream. The next focus is penetrating the blood brain barrier bbb with a molecule to get at the synthetic biology that gets past the bbb. Anybody have suggestions on this (I know methylene blue crosses bbb) to assist in electron transport to get damaged electron transfer mechanisms working again with an equivalent bypass valve. Perhaps UV is simplest in-situ way to get at it, but also scalar and rife to break it up seems to be working for me to-date (week 3 of scalar) and originally used rife to break-up a covert niBMI neuroweapon in 2022 (still whittling away at the remnants, hard to get as past the bbb).
Sodium citrate, ALA, vitamin C and bromelain all pass the Bbb. Bromelain gets many places in the body other things do not, like the reproductive system.
This is why I have talked extensively about 'vamping' fresh pineapple, in order to get the maximum amount of biologically available bromelain into your system possible. Fresh pineapple has a ton more bromlain than pills and vamping (as my wife calls it) is chewing up fresh pineapple chunks and sucking out the juice and spitting out the pulp, which gets a ton more into your system than just juicing and drinking it.
Fresh oranges are also high in bioavailable C and citrate so every day I just hand juice a few oranges into some zerowater then rinse the pulp too since C and citrate are water soluble.
Theres a lot of ALA in hempseed oil pills and all of those work with edta without binding and wasting it. You cant take nattokinase or curcumin the same time as EDTA though or they instantly bind and are wasted.
EDTA crosses the BBB as well but I havent been taking any NAC lately, maybe I will try to work it back in.
Many people are not taking EDTA correctly and are wasting it but I am very very serious about it.
Apeel does not go into the fruit of oranges, it supposedly remains in the skin which makes sense considering the multiple barriers in oranges and I havent been able to find any testing to the contrary. I am lucky in that my local store often has bad looking oranges on clearance, and the ones with Apeel are Never on clearance or seem to go bad so Im making an educated guess I am safe(r).
Pineapples are not GMO (unless you have a death wish and get the weird pink ones) and are one of the lowest pesticide fruits due to the thick skin but we just need the fruit/juice anyway.
Besides I am far far far far far more concerned about the shedding we have and that unvaxxed people are actually Dying from daily rather than the long term effect of pesticides.
EDTA, ALA, sodium citrate, regular natural citrate, Vitamin C and Bromelain seem to be the best mix I have found, all easy to take often and in high amounts with no interactions... nattokinase and curcumin help a lot too but they just screw up the EDTA and instantly bind so it makes effective dosing a huge pain.
IMPO apeel oranges arent going to kill you next week, but the shedding stuff thats replicating in our blood? Who Knows.
I plan on living until I can't anymore though.
Blood treated with UV LIGHT crosses the BBB. The photons and energy they carry along with increased O2 stimulate the mitochondria and up or down regulate organ and other functions including immune function.
It's original name was Ultraviolet Blood Irridation Therapy first used on a human in 1928 in the US. There is a book written by Dr Wm Campbell Douglas MD who compiled it's history from that time into the 1990's. It's called
Into The Light. Has a lot of research in it along with studies and what it has been used for. There is also a list of clinics that provide the services.
will dig into further, signals is an expertise of mine as well as key signals for unlocking nanotech payloads (e.g. neuroweapons). rife frequency transmitters can target to this precision level and deliver the appropriate harmonics (via longitudinal wave and EMF waveform). Keep in mind the use of a scalar transmitter can also help to reverse damage.
Indeed! I took a peek and will likely subscribe:
However I am hesitant only because I already subscribe to Drs Ana Maria MIHALCEA and Robert Wallace MALONE. The time allotment is a concern. You look quite expert and draw my attention.
Please let me know what you think of the vaccine (my natural oroxylum indicum/waggle approach) and The Trigger too. Your channel is very tempting.
P.S. I doubt your scalar remedies are very effective against direct injection of DNA vectors like Dr Phillip BUCKHAULTS describes at the 5:45 Minute Mark:https://www.https//
Recall that the Rat Studies of the lipid nanoparticles disclosed an affinity to both ovaries and bones. Both are bad news for DNA transcription/transfection.
I find that targeting is reduced with UV Whether it's because there is so much light everywhere that the perps can't focus easily on the nano, I don't know.
Great show, again. Thank you.
Dr Ana, is it possible that the recorded clip be on another platform? The Spotify platform does not offer us option to stop the clip when we might have to go away for a while, or if we wish to snip certain screen shots to send to our friends.
Speaking of therapy. I began the Joe protocol last week. Early this morning an acquired a raised rash over 50% of my body. No itching to speak of, not painful….
I am asking for a little directive critique if you will. The ER gave prednisone and Prilosec
I have not divulged info concerning my private med protocol ( Joes stuff )
I have an aggressive cancer that I begin Keytruda for in two weeks….
Any suggestions please
I've had friends who recommend, as well as to others sent home to die by their Oncologists to die, that you should chew/eat up to 8 Bitter Apricot Seeds per day,! It is B17, actually Laetrile in organic form.
The 1st friend is now into his 14th year, having had Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. After one round of Chemo, he went on his own, with the Almond Seeds and a diet change. He is nearly a Vegetarian, but does eat Buffalo a few times a year, besides various fish, etc. for protein.
The 2nd friend, until finally retiring last month, owned one of the best Supper/Steak Restaurants in the area. 8 years ago this Spring, he was diagnosed with Rectal Cancer, had 18" of his Colon removed from the Anus, with no other of the normal Cancer poisoning, or major changes in his diet. He has informed numerous customers over the years, sent home to die by their Oncologists, to take the Apricot Seeds. I do not know the results, but anticipate that those who followed the protocol, are still alive and kicking.
I believe it also aids your health in other ways, as a side effect. Have some myself, and a Church member who just likes them for a snack.
Not that I know of? The 2nd friend gets his in capsule form, and more expensive to boot! And, both shy away from any radiation. Mine are in a 16 Oz aluminum resealable bag.
The reason for the radiation question was for the seeds. It is my understanding that any apricot product that contains any part of that seed must be go thru a radiation type process that renders the seed itself inert. It kills the arsenic within the seed.
From everything I've read on the site, they are Raw Seeds, with no Radiation. they now even have Seeds from other countries, including Africa. On the package, it even states that they are "Raw" Seeds!
If they were radiated to make the Seed inert, why would they have been selling them for so many years, and STILL working?
All they do is break open the hard Shell enclosing the Seeds, and collect the Seeds.
Ana Maria, I have followed your work for a while now. Thank you for your transparancy, your open mindedness, your enthousiasm to finding more evidence and practical help.
What if...the nanotech is a part of the evolution in and of itself. Organic ascension: crystallisation and diamantisation process. In-organic ascension or soul choicepoint of not awakening: vaxxed. So those that do choose to awaken to their consciousness still got their chance that way?
In that sense the shedding is not true 'cause and effect', just a sign of how far in ascension you are?
Same for ascension symptoms. We can blame the whole universe, sunflares, schumann resonance, but it's still our body, our energy, our higher self integrating. And we co-create it all anyway. So releasing the old that no longer serves us, on sooooo many levels, timelines and dimensions. It would be too much to even know what, so all those symptoms...not shedding...but leveling up in evolution?
Multi-dimensional; means seeing perspectives on many different levels. Also of reality/ physics. Did you realise this physics part yet? not just quantum but physics, molecularly etc. because the numbers of elektrons changes, in....everything!
This agrees with me. I see that Dr Ana Maria is expertly discerning these things that she sees through the microscope. But I find something feels off with her conclusions about what she is seeing. Some undiscovered (yet to be recovered) aspects of alchemy and quantum physics explain the discrepancies between Ana's observations and her conclusions about the observations.
I am so appreciative to be on this thread with such contributions from cutting edge research and application. I live in a high traffic corridor of chemtrails here in NC that stretches from Charlotte to Greensboro/ Spartanburg down to Atlanta. They spray us nearly every day. Ironically, it wasn’t as noticeable until February 2023 when they increased exponentially until today. I’ve been using ultra hepa filtration in my home. The research suggests this method is effective due to the Brownian motion ( zig zag pattern) and captures the majority of the nano. There are various methods to keep the blood clear but not sure what can be effective at detoxing the lungs. Any input would help. Thank you
Those are awesome stories. These stories, to me anyway, are GODs way of helping without getting involved. Most of us don’t remember or comprehend that GOD gave us free will; no questions asked. Unequivocally!!!!! These fact that you share these freely IS GODs work without being involved. Kinda like a nudge from behind. You look back and there is nobody there. That’s heaven working !!!!! Can you imagine a world in which there wasn’t true free will? Not me. Thank you for sharing I’ll share my story as it unfolds. Something along the lines of a blog or something.
I was thinking of sending this one to my senators because it covered mostly everything but the discussion towards the end made me think it would negate most of what was said before because it's a step too far from their ability to comprehend alien transfer of information. Pity
Roman S Shapoval - Mar 9
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
UV Sunlight builds melanin, our heavy metal detox pathway:
MsheArt2 - Mar 10
MsheArt2’s Newsletter
Which is why they're blocking the sun.
Roman S Shapoval - Mar 10
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Yes, and why the more of us who understand the Sun's benefit, the greater chance we have of defeating weather modification. Do you see the Sunrise where you are, or is there a haze in the morning?
MsheArt2 - Mar 18
MsheArt2’s Newsletter
There is generally always a haze at sunrise. The cover created by aerosols seems to be heliocentric they follow and block the Sun, which leads me to conclude that they are using "Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering"
I first noticed the trails in 2002 while standing on my deck with my sister,
I asked her if knew why we see these lines now, she replied it was the government some sort of mitigation for global warming, I said no way!?
This is the same response I use to get from people who knew about the trails but believed that dear ol' gov is mitigating gw now climate change. I find both sunrise and sunset and most of the day are overcast now, it's been worse since 2016, and unlike the claim they stopped in 2020, I didn't experience that at all.
Thank you for your reply and for your posts.
Christine - Mar 9
Christine’s Newsletter
Me: I say that the vaccines are a lie and what we have been taught for generations, is that the vaccines and the content of vaccines make "anti bodies" against a disease and protect your body from that disease.
But the human body does NOT make anti bodies, because it has never been designed to, it does not know what anti bodies are, so whatever is injected into it, damages it, sometimes with immediate devastating results, like being given a kill shot for your injury or extermination, by weakening your immunity and making you easier to kill.
Big Pharma and vaccines are a deliberate lie to injure or kill you for money.
Do not take vaccines - I theorize that vaccines cause the injected virus to spead amongst those around the vaccinated person, causing and creating the pandemic, because there were over 250 reported escapes of dangerous viruses and pathogens last year from Level 4 BioLabs reported to the CDC and none eventuated into any pandemic - but Moderna's injected Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented 2013, is the only one that did and that is injected at the time of the vaccine, you just had and why it did.
The Great Reset is based on vaccines and deliberate population reduction, amongst other "vaccinated things".
I say: Stop taking all vaccines immediately, your life depends on it.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 9 - Edited
Patti’s Substack
I have seen Long Covid pts recover quickly with UV/O3 therapy IV.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Mar 10
Brandon’s Substack
Does anyone have a list of O3 therapy IV locations? Nenah in Rife Frequency Handbook has a good list of wellness saunas, etc. but hard to find O3 therapy besides some people in Hollywood, CA.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 10
Patti’s Substack
Brandon there are facilities all over the US. Just use your browser to find ozone therapies. I happen to know Nenah met her at a conference and have her book.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Mar 10
Brandon’s Substack
thank you, will do.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Mar 10 - Edited
Brandon’s Substack
I've been testing out vascular dialators (e.g. nitric based). Check out this study here by NIH on sports performance enhancers for athletes:
My working hypothesis is that the use of a vascular dilator when combined with chelators (calcium-disodium-edta enteric, suppository or IV) and blood anticoagulants (e.g. sodium citrate), NAC, anti-fibrolytics (nattokinase, serrapeptase and lumbrokinase with bromelain and rutin: e.g. FLCCC Alliance protocol) and capsaican (e.g. cayenne peppers) is that it will further enable removal of plaques and synthetic biology junk in the blood stream. The next focus is penetrating the blood brain barrier bbb with a molecule to get at the synthetic biology that gets past the bbb. Anybody have suggestions on this (I know methylene blue crosses bbb) to assist in electron transport to get damaged electron transfer mechanisms working again with an equivalent bypass valve. Perhaps UV is simplest in-situ way to get at it, but also scalar and rife to break it up seems to be working for me to-date (week 3 of scalar) and originally used rife to break-up a covert niBMI neuroweapon in 2022 (still whittling away at the remnants, hard to get as past the bbb).
Bee Gee - Mar 11
Bee Gee
Sodium citrate, ALA, vitamin C and bromelain all pass the Bbb. Bromelain gets many places in the body other things do not, like the reproductive system.
This is why I have talked extensively about 'vamping' fresh pineapple, in order to get the maximum amount of biologically available bromelain into your system possible. Fresh pineapple has a ton more bromlain than pills and vamping (as my wife calls it) is chewing up fresh pineapple chunks and sucking out the juice and spitting out the pulp, which gets a ton more into your system than just juicing and drinking it.
Fresh oranges are also high in bioavailable C and citrate so every day I just hand juice a few oranges into some zerowater then rinse the pulp too since C and citrate are water soluble.
Theres a lot of ALA in hempseed oil pills and all of those work with edta without binding and wasting it. You cant take nattokinase or curcumin the same time as EDTA though or they instantly bind and are wasted.
EDTA crosses the BBB as well but I havent been taking any NAC lately, maybe I will try to work it back in.
Many people are not taking EDTA correctly and are wasting it but I am very very serious about it.
Seeking Truth - Mar 11
Seeking Truth
I cant find any oranges without Bill Gates' Apeel.
Are pineapples GMO?
Bee Gee - Mar 11
Bee Gee
Apeel does not go into the fruit of oranges, it supposedly remains in the skin which makes sense considering the multiple barriers in oranges and I havent been able to find any testing to the contrary. I am lucky in that my local store often has bad looking oranges on clearance, and the ones with Apeel are Never on clearance or seem to go bad so Im making an educated guess I am safe(r).
Pineapples are not GMO (unless you have a death wish and get the weird pink ones) and are one of the lowest pesticide fruits due to the thick skin but we just need the fruit/juice anyway.
Besides I am far far far far far more concerned about the shedding we have and that unvaxxed people are actually Dying from daily rather than the long term effect of pesticides.
EDTA, ALA, sodium citrate, regular natural citrate, Vitamin C and Bromelain seem to be the best mix I have found, all easy to take often and in high amounts with no interactions... nattokinase and curcumin help a lot too but they just screw up the EDTA and instantly bind so it makes effective dosing a huge pain.
IMPO apeel oranges arent going to kill you next week, but the shedding stuff thats replicating in our blood? Who Knows.
I plan on living until I can't anymore though.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 10
Patti’s Substack
Blood treated with UV LIGHT crosses the BBB. The photons and energy they carry along with increased O2 stimulate the mitochondria and up or down regulate organ and other functions including immune function.
Seeking Truth - Mar 10
Seeking Truth
what kind of therapy? UV light?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 10
Patti’s Substack
It's original name was Ultraviolet Blood Irridation Therapy first used on a human in 1928 in the US. There is a book written by Dr Wm Campbell Douglas MD who compiled it's history from that time into the 1990's. It's called
Into The Light. Has a lot of research in it along with studies and what it has been used for. There is also a list of clinics that provide the services.
David Merrill - Mar 9 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
At the 11:30 Mark I wish to clarify:
The phase conjugation dimple is at 5.048 GHz. That is the harmonic frequency of the protein scaffolding of the COVID capsid.
See Page 53 of 61 of the vaccine:
This explains how easily the actual SARS coronavirus can be mixed up with a 5G signal.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Mar 10 - Edited
Brandon’s Substack
will dig into further, signals is an expertise of mine as well as key signals for unlocking nanotech payloads (e.g. neuroweapons). rife frequency transmitters can target to this precision level and deliver the appropriate harmonics (via longitudinal wave and EMF waveform). Keep in mind the use of a scalar transmitter can also help to reverse damage.
David Merrill - Mar 10 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Good! You understand The Trigger:
Page 8 of 21 - "The inoculated are already poisoned lethally, ergo this The Trigger." See "pdb 1a5I" this to the signal to develop rapid hemorragic tissue damage.
You will find this technique helpful:
Failing to calculate for teratogenicity means you are the counterbalance salvaging the Remnant. Begin right away please.
P.S. Agilent has redirected the registered owner by altering the inoculatum DNA:
David Merrill - Mar 11 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Indeed! I took a peek and will likely subscribe:
However I am hesitant only because I already subscribe to Drs Ana Maria MIHALCEA and Robert Wallace MALONE. The time allotment is a concern. You look quite expert and draw my attention.
Please let me know what you think of the vaccine (my natural oroxylum indicum/waggle approach) and The Trigger too. Your channel is very tempting.
P.S. I doubt your scalar remedies are very effective against direct injection of DNA vectors like Dr Phillip BUCKHAULTS describes at the 5:45 Minute Mark:https://www.https//
Recall that the Rat Studies of the lipid nanoparticles disclosed an affinity to both ovaries and bones. Both are bad news for DNA transcription/transfection.
TreeTomato - Mar 9
Arlene’s Newsletter
I find that targeting is reduced with UV Whether it's because there is so much light everywhere that the perps can't focus easily on the nano, I don't know.
Great show, again. Thank you.
Amy Lauschke - Mar 10
Dr Ana, is it possible that the recorded clip be on another platform? The Spotify platform does not offer us option to stop the clip when we might have to go away for a while, or if we wish to snip certain screen shots to send to our friends.
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Mar 9
I don't subscribe to Spotify, is this interview only available on Spotify?
Michael - Mar 9
Spotify link down on most recent lecture ( silent Holocaust)
Catheryn - Mar 10
Unable to watch this on spotify and see the video. Is there a way to fix this?
E.C. - Mar 10
I was also unable to Spotify it.
Max Headroom - Mar 9 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
Speaking of therapy. I began the Joe protocol last week. Early this morning an acquired a raised rash over 50% of my body. No itching to speak of, not painful….
I am asking for a little directive critique if you will. The ER gave prednisone and Prilosec
I have not divulged info concerning my private med protocol ( Joes stuff )
I have an aggressive cancer that I begin Keytruda for in two weeks….
Any suggestions please
Bruce Hartnett - Mar 10 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
I've had friends who recommend, as well as to others sent home to die by their Oncologists to die, that you should chew/eat up to 8 Bitter Apricot Seeds per day,! It is B17, actually Laetrile in organic form.
The 1st friend is now into his 14th year, having had Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. After one round of Chemo, he went on his own, with the Almond Seeds and a diet change. He is nearly a Vegetarian, but does eat Buffalo a few times a year, besides various fish, etc. for protein.
The 2nd friend, until finally retiring last month, owned one of the best Supper/Steak Restaurants in the area. 8 years ago this Spring, he was diagnosed with Rectal Cancer, had 18" of his Colon removed from the Anus, with no other of the normal Cancer poisoning, or major changes in his diet. He has informed numerous customers over the years, sent home to die by their Oncologists, to take the Apricot Seeds. I do not know the results, but anticipate that those who followed the protocol, are still alive and kicking.
I believe it also aids your health in other ways, as a side effect. Have some myself, and a Church member who just likes them for a snack.
Max Headroom - Mar 10 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
The seeds sold for this purpose have not been around a radiation emitting machine have they ?
Bruce Hartnett - Mar 10 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
Not that I know of? The 2nd friend gets his in capsule form, and more expensive to boot! And, both shy away from any radiation. Mine are in a 16 Oz aluminum resealable bag.
Max Headroom - Mar 10 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
The reason for the radiation question was for the seeds. It is my understanding that any apricot product that contains any part of that seed must be go thru a radiation type process that renders the seed itself inert. It kills the arsenic within the seed.
Bruce Hartnett - Mar 10 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
From everything I've read on the site, they are Raw Seeds, with no Radiation. they now even have Seeds from other countries, including Africa. On the package, it even states that they are "Raw" Seeds!
If they were radiated to make the Seed inert, why would they have been selling them for so many years, and STILL working?
All they do is break open the hard Shell enclosing the Seeds, and collect the Seeds.
crapshoot farmer - Mar 9
crapshoot farmer
this last link eluded me. I have it written on paper but it is baking soda and blackstrap molasses in 1 c. water. and is a 12 day treatment, with dosages going up and then tapering. Need pH test strips also. Good luck
Rosalind McGill - Mar 9
Rosalind McGill
Maybe this fits?
John Vargo - Mar 11
John Vargo
Flappie - Mar 15
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Ana Maria, I have followed your work for a while now. Thank you for your transparancy, your open mindedness, your enthousiasm to finding more evidence and practical help.
What if...the nanotech is a part of the evolution in and of itself. Organic ascension: crystallisation and diamantisation process. In-organic ascension or soul choicepoint of not awakening: vaxxed. So those that do choose to awaken to their consciousness still got their chance that way?
In that sense the shedding is not true 'cause and effect', just a sign of how far in ascension you are?
Same for ascension symptoms. We can blame the whole universe, sunflares, schumann resonance, but it's still our body, our energy, our higher self integrating. And we co-create it all anyway. So releasing the old that no longer serves us, on sooooo many levels, timelines and dimensions. It would be too much to even know what, so all those symptoms...not shedding...but leveling up in evolution?
Multi-dimensional; means seeing perspectives on many different levels. Also of reality/ physics. Did you realise this physics part yet? not just quantum but physics, molecularly etc. because the numbers of elektrons changes, in....everything!
David Merrill - Mar 27
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
This agrees with me. I see that Dr Ana Maria is expertly discerning these things that she sees through the microscope. But I find something feels off with her conclusions about what she is seeing. Some undiscovered (yet to be recovered) aspects of alchemy and quantum physics explain the discrepancies between Ana's observations and her conclusions about the observations.
Matrix2008 - Mar 11 - Edited
Matrix2008’s Substack
I am so appreciative to be on this thread with such contributions from cutting edge research and application. I live in a high traffic corridor of chemtrails here in NC that stretches from Charlotte to Greensboro/ Spartanburg down to Atlanta. They spray us nearly every day. Ironically, it wasn’t as noticeable until February 2023 when they increased exponentially until today. I’ve been using ultra hepa filtration in my home. The research suggests this method is effective due to the Brownian motion ( zig zag pattern) and captures the majority of the nano. There are various methods to keep the blood clear but not sure what can be effective at detoxing the lungs. Any input would help. Thank you
LM2 - Mar 10
No sperm No egg cell creation
Max Headroom - Mar 10
Those are awesome stories. These stories, to me anyway, are GODs way of helping without getting involved. Most of us don’t remember or comprehend that GOD gave us free will; no questions asked. Unequivocally!!!!! These fact that you share these freely IS GODs work without being involved. Kinda like a nudge from behind. You look back and there is nobody there. That’s heaven working !!!!! Can you imagine a world in which there wasn’t true free will? Not me. Thank you for sharing I’ll share my story as it unfolds. Something along the lines of a blog or something.
REPLY - Mar 10
I was thinking of sending this one to my senators because it covered mostly everything but the discussion towards the end made me think it would negate most of what was said before because it's a step too far from their ability to comprehend alien transfer of information. Pity
Brenda Prins - Jul 9
How much methylene blue should I take?
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