Nanotechnology And The Silent Holocaust With Dr Ana Mihalcea - A Light On Podcast

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 09, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Nanotechnology and the Silent Holocaust

In this interview I speak with Patrick regarding the Nanotechnology findings in the blood and the larger picture of Transhumanism.

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Roman S Shapoval - Mar 9

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

UV Sunlight builds melanin, our heavy metal detox pathway:

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Christine - Mar 9

Christine’s Newsletter

Me: I say that the vaccines are a lie and what we have been taught for generations, is that the vaccines and the content of vaccines make "anti bodies" against a disease and protect your body from that disease.
But the human body does NOT make anti bodies, because it has never been designed to, it does not know what anti bodies are, so whatever is injected into it, damages it, sometimes with immediate devastating results, like being given a kill shot for your injury or extermination, by weakening your immunity and making you easier to kill.
Big Pharma and vaccines are a deliberate lie to injure or kill you for money.
Do not take vaccines - I theorize that vaccines cause the injected virus to spead amongst those around the vaccinated person, causing and creating the pandemic, because there were over 250 reported escapes of dangerous viruses and pathogens last year from Level 4 BioLabs reported to the CDC and none eventuated into any pandemic - but Moderna's injected Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented 2013, is the only one that did and that is injected at the time of the vaccine, you just had and why it did.
The Great Reset is based on vaccines and deliberate population reduction, amongst other "vaccinated things".
I say: Stop taking all vaccines immediately, your life depends on it.

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