Nanotech Found In Vaxx Also Observed In…

May 8, 2023

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Report: Nanotech Found In Dental Anesthetics: Nanotech Found In Vaxx Also Observed In Dental Drugs


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Thank you for confirming my old conjecturing, which makes you one of the last authentic sources on Substack. Cross-posting this.
I remember being unable to sleep all night and canceling my dental appointment late 2020, because I realized that anything injected can poison me. I also had information from November 2021 that dental Lidocaine contained graphene oxide. Oh, well, it's already in everything.
Please, keep checking "uninjected" blood repeatedly. My impression is that it makes no difference anymore.


Joni - May 8, 2023 - Edited


This all makes me so angry. I just had dental work done two week ago and they gave me lidocaine for a couple fillings that needed replaced. Now I am working to detox since I’ve learned of this. I am horrified. I look out for everyone and help anyone I come in contact with who is eager to learn of alternatives. I read so much information and never saw this until this weekend on Stew’s show.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Just wait until it turns out what's in the fillings...
Detox might or might not work.


Letsrock - May 8, 2023


Been there done that except my fillings were decades old. Mercury poisoning which manifested in Trigeminal Neuralgia. Not a death sentence although you wish it were for the undescribable pain. My neurologist kindly shared w me that ppl w this condition commit suicide, lovely man. Misdiagnosed almost 20 yrs. mercury causes permanent and secondary damage. Neurological being one. I had a filling replaced 2 or so yrs ago. Was there graphene then? In my mind I picture a scene out of original Frankenstein where townspeople banded and armed w torches and pitchforks relentlessly hunt down the criminals and monsters and burn them alive. We can do it if ANTIFA can. ✊


Okisuke - May 9, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Mercury can be removed with DMSA due to it's affinity, not by EDTA. This is topic by itself is so complex, that it might eve need it's own substack. According to my chelation practicioner, a lot of dentists are not properly trained to remove amalgam fillings. Thus, it results in these horrible symptoms you mentioned above.


Letsrock - May 9, 2023


Never heard of DMSA. I had 3 EDTA chelation treatments 20 yrs ago. I researched the dentist I had remove my fillings, he did it properly. The symptoms I had were there long before any amalgam removal. The pain took 5 gradual years to subside after that.


Okisuke - May 9, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

DMSA has thiolgroups. If you apply the HSAB principle by pearson, the elements sulphur and mercury are both considered as soft and this explains the very stable bonds between thiol groups and mercury. This is also where the term mercaptan derived from.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - May 9, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

If it’s already in EVERYTHING, how will it ever be removed even if we did manage to stop them? How do you get it out of the food supply. If it’s in the seeds & planted everywhere?


Dan Kraus - May 9, 2023

imagine peace

How do you close Pandora's Box once opened? It's a rhetorical question. They've poisoned everything to speed up civilization collapse. Now the deception is revealed to the deceived.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 9, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

I've been wondering about that, too. Last September, I published an article about it. The comments contain ideas:


dar - May 8, 2023

pity the dupes that got the sales pitch for root canal surgery, as any latent disease then becomes supercharged...'All root canal teeth are completely dead. And no dead tissue should ever be left in your body. Would a surgeon removing a necrotic organ in your body leave pieces of it in your tissues? Absolutely not! Yet this is exactly what takes place in a root canal. When a dead tooth is sealed, the environment becomes anaerobic. Bacteria can then morph into their anaerobic forms and reproduce prolifically within the dentine, creating noxious toxins. You see, a root canal is an ideal medium for this to take place by supplying warmth, nutrients, and water.The immune system is unable to deal with the problem because the dead tooth has no blood supply. Yet most, if not all, dentists still believe that leaving a dead root canal tooth stuck into your jaw will cause no problem...' - Leslie Kenton,Say NO to Root


Carmen - May 9, 2023

El Substack de Carmen

If vaxxed and unvaxxed blood are becoming the same thing as time goes by because all the toxics being spread around us and all the food contamination and radiation and even intimacy between vaxxed and unvaxxed people are provoking that to occur, then there is no point in avoiding "vaccines" anymore???
What if the solutions that are proposed to clean the blood (of vaxxed or unvaxxed people) are not available for the vast majority???
Because, if vaxxed and unvaxxed blood are becoming more and more equal, than to reject the injections means more an ethical act than an objective defense of our health.
Please explain me. Thank you.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 9, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

It has always been an ethical act, too. Last June, I published a piece against the brilliantly-evil argument of "saving lives":
It looks like graphene usually leaves the body after a while, so it needs to be replenished.
At the same time, hundreds of new "vaccines" are in the works and they will be mandated...


Carmen - May 22, 2023

El Substack de Carmen

Thanks for your answer.
I made you the question because sometimes I have the impression that they want to send to us, the unvaxxed, this message: "So you didn't take the jab, uh? Well, that was an useless measure, because we are 'jabbing' you anyway through all the means we can: food, water, chemtrails, cosmetics, medicine... even through sex or routine encounters with vaccinated people. Being that way, then why don't you just consent and live your life calmly, without messing with us, your overlords? Because we'll get away with it, anyway..."
In view of this, refusing the jab to protect our health no longer makes sense and, sadly, some people are tempted to fall in this type of "logic"...
But you are right: it has always been (and it will always be) an ethical decision rather than just a health one.


jacquelyn sauriol - May 9, 2023

I am so glad you cancelled that appointment.


Honeybee - May 9, 2023

I'm well aware of La Quinta Columna but haven't watched this particular video. I am watching and wanted to thank you for posting the link.


420MedicineMan - May 9, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Well, my step Dad will be alright, he has all his dental work without anesthetics.
Dig this, so he can save some money.
He had 2 jabs though. My mum and he have aged in the last couple of years, and their immune systems are compromised, which they admit to. 😥


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 9, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Let's hope the swabs and/or the fillings. don't contain graphene.
When I asked a dentist for no Lidocaine and offered to pay cash, he still wanted verification of my home address. That alone showed tracking intent, so I left.


jacquelyn sauriol - May 10, 2023

I can relate, what the hell does it matter to him what your home address is, any more than a regular patient. You should have asked him what HIS home address is, I bet that would go over (not).


Charlene Jones - May 8, 2023 - Edited


Please let’s not forget God. But God… Watch Julie Green on Rumble, Amanda Grace at Ark of Grace on Rumble or YouTube, Diana Larkin on YouTube. The ReAwaken America Tour gives much hope. Pray for the failure of these Satanic actions against us. Read your Bible! Never give up hope. God can change things in a day, and I believe He is going to do just that. ✝️🙏


kaal - May 8, 2023


Those women are false. reawaken tour i have some suspicions. if u r a christian wake up from the hopeium. celestial from masters voice prophecy blog has prophcy dreams w scripture from GOD over 350. go back over 2 yrs ago in a dream she said a tracking code is not only in vax but under crowns and pain injections. she said chemicals from planes cause rashes in children thats not allergies as drs may say but RADIATION. There is no rapture- once saved always saved is false. USA is BABYLON. China/ russia Americas horrible sins. Kamala destroys the constitution. BHO the AC returns. The US destroying Damascus will turn the world against USA. civil war. ppl will flee. i cant flee myself. she calls out false idols and false pastors. Hybrids Zombies from those vaxxed. {not every vaxxed person} Dystopia after being destroyed in 1 hr. Ppl will b slaves to china/ russia. Sorry its the APOCALYPSE.


Charlene Jones - May 8, 2023

You do you. I always have hope in God no matter who says what. Giving up is exactly what they want which is why that’s not an option for me.


kaal - May 8, 2023


I am not saying give up hope in God. Rather in false pastors. Celestial from masters voice prophecy blog has called out 2 of those women you mention. USA is Babylon. - which will not be "turned around"


Capt. Roy Harkness - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Capt. Roy Harkness’ Substack

"He prayed so hard that he would see Mischa again, the prayer consumed his six-year-old mind, but it did not drown out the sound of the axe. His prayer to see her again did not go entirely unanswered—he did see a few of Mischa's milk teeth in the reeking stool pit his captors used between the lodge where they slept and the barn where they kept the captive children who were their sustenance in 1944 after the Eastern Front collapsed...
Since that partial answer to his prayer, Hannibal Lecter had not been bothered by any considerations of deity, other than to recognize how his own modest predation paled beside those of God, who is in irony matchless and in wanton malice beyond measure."
Don't bother looking to God for any help in any of this. He isn't going to be there for you.I speak from bitter experience.


Michael - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Michael’s Substack

I stopped (2+ yrs now) injecting Enbrel for PSA and Ankylosing Spondylitis don’t trust any injections. My problems came from a vax in the 60s, a Dr in 1975 said you got a “Rockefeller cocktail”! I now know what he meant.


Nostradamus X - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

 1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger
Depopulation by injection has been planned for decades!


Nostradamus X - May 8, 2023

Nostradamus X

 Pharma Exec Privately Admits Dangers of Vaccine to Rand Paul – What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe


Melanie - May 9, 2023


One of my sisters in 1969 died fairly quickly from Leukemia. The doctor said it was caused by the two tetanus shots she had in less than a year apart. It has been known for a very long time how unsafe vaccines are.


Michael - May 9, 2023

Michael’s Substack

Melanie, I’m so sorry these things fester for a long time after.. what could have been… Once you realize the powers that should not be are trying to kill us! Everything changes heavy mental burdens and anger!!


Letsrock - May 8, 2023


My sincerest condolences.


Capt. Roy Harkness - May 8, 2023

Capt. Roy Harkness’ Substack

My reaction looking at this article? "I'm 64, there's fuck-all I can do about any of this, the sooner I'm the Hell out of here, the better." 🙄


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - May 9, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Me too.


ann watson - May 8, 2023

RE’s Zine

the people putting this into our biosphere must also have it in their blood - I don't understand


RE Nichols - May 8, 2023

RE’s Zine

Stew Peters and Mike Adams keep coming up with new scare stories each week. Once it was snake venom.
I'll do what little I can to keep "clean". But Dr. Ana can scream like a lunatic on a street corner about how "They're trying to poison us!!!" if she likes. She'll just get locked up in a psych ward.


Lisa - May 8, 2023


WEF shill.


ann watson - May 8, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

you must have all the time in the world to look at substacks you think are psycho and even pay so you can comment ???? Troll


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - May 9, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

You don’t have to pay to comment on all of them.


Capt. Roy Harkness - May 8, 2023

Capt. Roy Harkness’ Substack

They'll probably give her Rochelle's old job... 🤔


solutions - May 8, 2023 - Edited

solutions’s Substack

The people must know the strategies of the enemy, because until now they were thinking the enemy is their friend with all of the products and services offered to the people for decades/centuries but with the purpose to make a massive trap. The first step is to adquire products/services only from people from our community. We must now raise a Detox industry continuous plan,as the enemy has activated the poisonous industry plan.


Morton Winner - May 8, 2023 - Edited

RE’s Zine

I am, and continue to be, in total shock since I first read yourposts.Mymind and my soul rebel
at any attempt to assimilate all this information. Was there/ is there an escape plan that the evil ones put into motion, so that they survive?
Am I correct or in error , that EDTA infusions ,perhaps in conjunction with infusions of Vit.C, might remove SOME of the evil debris but not all? Or did I err in my confused consideration of your post?
May G-d please help suffering humanity!


RE Nichols - May 8, 2023 - Edited

RE’s Zine

Right or wrong, we are powerless to stop it.


Nostradamus X - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

The DOD uses $850 billion tax money per year for the DARPA and HAARP programs. This is a state organized crime.


Letsrock - May 8, 2023 - Edited


But don't have money to fix southern wall.


Nostradamus X - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Don't have $20 billion to fix the southern wall!!!
Bidensky has sent $120 billion to UkroNazistan to fight Russia.
NATO (USA) spent $2 Trillion in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021.
There are more than 850 military bases around the globe and the Congress has no troops to defend US borders - go figure!


Capt. Roy Harkness - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Capt. Roy Harkness’ Substack

Don't have to... 🤔


Nostradamus X - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

The government works for the WEF, not for the USA. What you see in Europe and in the US are planned migrations by George Soros Open Society. You don't have to be a genius to unmask the global predators' plans.
I've been tracking EU population growth (negative!) for more than 10 years and last year I was choked when the German population had gone from 79million to 85million.
That's magic to me when their growth rate has ALWAYS been negative since the reunification in 1989. The globalists found mass migrations as the solution to their demographic problem.
The intend (WEF) is to destroy the local cultures before imposing transhumanism.
The Great Reset in Davos:,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/


Mike Gollins, PE - May 8, 2023

Heather L. Merrell

Hospitals accept mRNA tainted blood because they want us DEAD or with turbo cancer in 5 yrs. EVEN IF JABBED, why destroy your immunity even more in an emergency if you need blood? Want to live past 5 yrs cancer free? JoinUnjectedBlood.comas a global RECIPIENT or DONOR.‬


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 8, 2023

Heather L. Merrell

There is no un injected blood. They look the same. Blood banks need to do live blood analysis


MayFlower2 Matters - May 9, 2023

Heather L. Merrell

The Morgellons was never dealt with or addressed. They instead created a fast track bridge through Mrna to bypass the body's natural defense.
It's in the sky, the food supply, the grass the animals eat, and it's mutating.
You can, however control it in your body somewhat. You're a living battery now. We always were, but It's amplified. The organism is alive in you and wants to live also. You are the energy source.
It's the trans-humanist version of a Transfiguration, AKA Christ resurrection.
It's watching what tech is around you that can manipulate the morgellons. Different frequencies, etc. If you're chipped via covid swab in the nose, then you'll have satellite, etc controlling you. The only thing we can do is mutate it within US at this point.
Pray...get in the sun...if it isn't being purposefully blocked. The sun activates old dna and mutates us naturally along with our surroundings. I'm not trying to sound superstitious here.


Domcrin - May 9, 2023

Triumph Over Absurdity

Have you seen the results of frequency generators (rife machine) on tackling the nano particles? There are graphene hydroxide removal and myeloperoxidase Emulate programmes which I've read have been v successful in eliminating the graphene, shown by an elimination of symptoms and ridding of the magnetism on the skin. There is a practitioner here in Australia who is pinpointing the exact location of spike proteins using a type of frequency scanner showing that they are mainly located to the left side of the heart. He is also having success eliminating them. I'd like to get your knowledge on this.


Letsrock - May 8, 2023


I need foot surgery but have put it off due to all off the above.


The BarefootHealer - May 8, 2023

If you need surgery, then don't put it off. You need your foot more for anything in the future. You want to be mobile and as fully independent and functional as possible. Respectfully if you need the surgery, get it.


Dosha - May 8, 2023

Exactly, don't put of needed procedures. You are aware of the pitfalls and can deal with them as they may or may not arise. I had a couple of eye surgeries in the last year and wasn't aware of all of this ugly ugly acts being worked against those of us who take care to avoid the crap they offer. I'm fine and without I would have been blind in one eye. Not jab related btw as I avoided that crap. Even though this awful stuff may be in our food, air, water, etc at least those of us not unjabbed have avoided a large dose shoved directly into our bodies on top of all of this. Be well.


Dosha - May 8, 2023

meant off not of. oy


John - May 8, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Dr. Ana mentioned not only EDTA chelation as a means to cleanse the blood. She also mentioned Vit. C, D, and B vitamins as well as Fulvic Acid and the use of Methylene Blue, ionized foot baths, and other measures to support the blood. Is chelation therapy the only measure than can cleanse the blood? Dr. Ana seemed to indicate that the filament structures found in the blood analysis seem to be dependent on heavy metals present in the blood. If that is correct then why not use every possible method to cleanse the blood of the heavy metals? Does not Cilantro and Chlorella remove heavy metals? If the nanotechnology / synthetic biology is in all of the biosphere then we can find a way out of this dilemma until a way can be found to screen all sources of food, water, drugs, injectibles, etc.


Okisuke - May 9, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

I got 4 EDTA chelations my self and it really works. Chelation is the most effective treatment to remove the metals from your body so far. You are comparing an oral supplement (chlorella) with an infusion. Of course infusions will be more effective as they are bypassing the gut (parenteral).


Maha - May 21, 2023


What was the cost?


Okisuke - May 22, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

160 € for my chelation practitioner.


Maha - May 22, 2023


Thank you.


Noel Maxwell - May 8, 2023 - Edited

solutions’s Substack

I am trying to figure out detox approaches besides just EDTA chelation which is not available in many locations ( & besides all the available things like the supplements). The Conference of La Quinta Columna showed that the hospitals in Spain provided some help in symptoms using magnetic bandaids. Would there be any benefit of using a magnet to pull this stuff into one area of the body and then applying EDTA cream? Also they show a researcher using an EMF pencil detector showing readings on a person's head. Is it possible to detect these things in the blood with an EMF reader?
Are there other suggestions?


solutions - May 8, 2023 - Edited

solutions’s Substack

I have defeated this luciferian bioweapon many times using natural products with my knowledge of biomedicine. Now I am manufacturing highly advanced wearables that could provide a more continous protection, without the need to detox with natural products every 3 days


Julie Stander - May 9, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

My report following receiving dental work in the last few years, including anesthesia. I was able to have a Darkfield analysis of my blood about 6 weeks ago, with many undesirable features (rouleaux, fibrin, fungus and possible "parasite"). I began aggressively detoxing, eliminating my 1 cup of coffee and eating more fruit and vegetables to bring PH into alkalinity of 8.0. Zeolite, C-60 and many more supplements recommended by various doctors became my protocol. A week ago, my blood was analyzed again. It was clean, without filaments seen in Dr. Ana's samples.


Elizabeth Lucy - May 13, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Good show! Was EDTA one of the supplements you used (capsule form)? I see much mention about the intravenous EDTA... hoping the capsules are effective too.


Julie Stander - May 13, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

My partner took liposomal EDTA and had the same successful results. We have dermal EDTA, but haven't used it yet. I take barley grass juice powder, wheatgrass juice powder, spirulina and chlorella, plus fresh cilantro, lumbrokinase, NAC, quercetin, PQQ, shilajit, tri-methyl glycine, CoQ10, ashwagandha, and more. Plan to start bentonite clay when bottle of Zeolite is finished. I keep alkalinity of body at 7.5 (test strips from Dr. Young) and eat vegetables, raw and cooked, and fruit. Meat, eggs and canned Sockeye salmon are in my diet, the best quality I can find. Some whole grains, raw butter too.


Okisuke - May 9, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Even my naturopaths for chelation and live blood analysis were sceptical towards nanotech such as PEG functionalized with reduced grapehene oxide. I've shown them the papers, videos (Dr. Campra, Dr. Noack) and they have seem my results. Now they seem to be more open about this. So I'm doing my best to spread the knowledge, because I'm affected by myself to a degree that it could kill me anytime.
Btw. La Quinta columna released a video where they removed the ferromagnetic components of injectable drugs with a magnet. Certainly it doesn't remove the polymers in it.


cathy - May 9, 2023

ShortOnTime Newsletter

I had a tooth pulled in late 2021, was barely able to walk home. That winter was spent sleeping and barely eating. Gradually my ability to walk deterioriated and I now have MS like symptoms, no quality of life whatsoever. I've been trying to find a doctor that will administer EDTA, with no luck so far. The doctors in Ontario Canada are sold out to big Pharma. Have recently been taking ozone treatments, but I wonder if hemo-dialysis would clean up the blood or apherisis?


Mike H - May 9, 2023

ShortOnTime Newsletter

I meant to add....the bacteria going systemic would be a good guess...BUT...with this nanotech in the injectable Lidocaine anesthetic it makes it more complicated because it adds another variable.


Mike H - May 9, 2023

ShortOnTime Newsletter

That is weird. I was in dental sales for 12 years. I was in and out of dental operatories hanging out every day. I learned a LOT about dentistry. I never heard of anybody getting that incapacitated from a tooth removal.
I'm wondering what went wrong? Maybe some bacteria from the rotten tooth went systemic in your body and colonized you?


Nichole Dismuke - May 8, 2023

Hello I am not a doctor but have been sick with what has been renamed to "long covid" since 2012 and excepted into a governmental trial. The bio weapon in the injection may be within Deep Carbon, the research facilities are funded by Rothschild and the research documents are hard to access, these materials are very highly intelligent and used in A.I. I just finished my documentary where I mention this. The video can be found in rumble at-- "JustBeingHonest". I hope this helps


M. Sterling - May 8, 2023

There are numerous manufacturers of these anesthetics...
It seems logical to me that there would be some way of starting to get to the bottom of which ones are doing this and which ones could be by some miracle validated to be "clean."
There MUST be path toward getting to the bottom of it when it comes to sources outside the jab.


M. Sterling - May 8, 2023

Now that there is evidence of nanotech in blood to the degree that avoiding it is impossible, there MUST be a treatment network established. Dr. Ana has successfully established her treatment and protocol with results. Could her clinic and methodologies serve as a template for others to quickly get up to speed?
I'm a few hours away from you, Dr. Ana... Is there any chance of being seen soon in light of the obvious demand?


thePM - Feb 5, 2024

These are not transhumanist, they are from Oumuamoua you stupids.



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