Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 08, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Report: Nanotech Found In Dental Anesthetics: Nanotech Found In Vaxx Also Observed In Dental Drugs
People have been reaching out to me for comment about the recent Stew Peters interview with our colleague Engineer Mat Taylor. You can also see this discussion of my colleagues Dr. David Nixon, Engineer Shimon Yanowitz and Engineer Mat Taylor on the same topic:
David, Mat, Shimon, Nanotech in dental anestaetic
It has been well known, that the hydrogel nanotechnology is in all injectables, all drugs, all foods and in all humans vaxxed or unvaxxed. This is what we have been documenting in live blood around the world.
The filaments we have been seeing in everyone’s blood ARE NANOTECHNOLOGY AND SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY.
Image: Dr David Nixon C19 Pfizer Vial hydrogel filaments and microchips
Image: unvaccinated live blood showing the same hydrogel filament
La Quinta Columna reported and showed different vaccines and injectables all have this in them.
Conference of La Quinta Columna: The game is over
I have seen these in Insulin injections in my practice. I have seen this in meat. It is in every person who’s blood I look at. I have been sounding the alarm that this is an extinction level event for humanity because our entire biosphere, our food, our medicines all are contaminated - to vaccinate people by every means.
Someone asked what they can do to clear their medications of this. Nothing. You cannot clear it. People ask me about Chlorine Dioxide - it does not clear the filament structures in our experiments.
The EDTA that I have been talking about can verifiably clear the blood. You cannot put EDTA in your medical supplies though.
Until humanity rises up against those who want to poison us, they will continue to put this in everything. People ask is it not in the medical supplies you use for EDTA infusions - yes, it likely is. But it still is able to dissolve it and it has helped people -verifiably so. I believe if people do not clear their blood of these large structures, they will find not just accelerated aging, chronic fatigue, debilitation, cognitive decline, turbo cancers, but early death. All of those I have seen.
Image: Unvaccinated Live Blood before IV EDTA Chelation
Image: Same person as above 3 days later - received 2 IV EDTA Chelation and 1 IV Vitamin C 20000mg as well as Epithalon.
I have shown more evidence of IV EDTA working here:
According to Celeste Solum’s recent interview with Maria Zeee, the military has a document with plans to not have a single natural human living by 2025. The UN had plans to put the vaccine platform into the food supply and by 2022 they succeeded. Please watch this important interview where she reviews this information.
The question is when will people realize that what we have been warning about is really happening… an extinction level event for humanity. Unless people wake up and stand up against this entire global satanic system, this will be the end of natural humans. Please see our warning here:
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Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 8, 2023 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
Thank you for confirming my old conjecturing, which makes you one of the last authentic sources on Substack. Cross-posting this.
I remember being unable to sleep all night and canceling my dental appointment late 2020, because I realized that anything injected can poison me. I also had information from November 2021 that dental Lidocaine contained graphene oxide. Oh, well, it's already in everything.
Please, keep checking "uninjected" blood repeatedly. My impression is that it makes no difference anymore.
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Charlene Jones - May 8, 2023
Please let’s not forget God. But God… Watch Julie Green on Rumble, Amanda Grace at Ark of Grace on Rumble or YouTube, Diana Larkin on YouTube. The ReAwaken America Tour gives much hope. Pray for the failure of these Satanic actions against us. Read your Bible! Never give up hope. God can change things in a day, and I believe He is going to do just that. ✝️🙏
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