"Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical…

Mar 8, 2024

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Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense


Adrian - Mar 8


FACTOID👈If we dont ban chemtrails and microwaves...we are doomed. Focus your attention on supporting, replicating, passing this bill in all states (Mexico banned chemtrails, so can we)...https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234👈toban chemtrails and harmfull microwaves. Call, share, lead, as if life on earth depends on it.


Danna - Mar 9

Danna’s Substack

Life DOES depend on this. We are at the tipping point. I joined SOS (Save Our Skies) to volunteer my time and do what I can to fight chemtrailing. I think it's too late though. They've already introduced the Smart Dust onto every living organism. In one of the government's own patents, they stated they wanted to be able to control and monitor all matter on the planet.
As in the Days of Noah, for sure. Our DNA has been modified.


He - Mar 9

Not sure they even could ban this if they wanted. To ban 'geoengineering experiments' is a completely different cat than banning the flights organized by international 'decisionmakers' (i.e., the puppets of their world-controlling handlers). Ban of 'experiments' is a nice but probably empty gesture and you will still see chemtrails in Mexican skies.


TreeTomato - Mar 8 - Edited

Arlene’s Newsletter

As someone who has had 'morgellons' for 10_ years, I can actually see, from the inside, the technicolour 'threads' that cover my corneasl They are the most brilliant colours - red, blue, yellow, orange, green and brilliant white. A few years back, someone did research into DARPA patents and programmes, which described the nano tubules changing colour according to the frequencies applied.
In my own case, I can tell you that when I attack the blue 'threads' with some substance to disable it (be it bicarb, salt, etc.) the thread changes colour and becomes red, brown or grey.
So I'm wondering if these colours are simply frequencies reflected off some luminous material, rather than dyes of some sort that are embedded into the material.


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 12

Coming Out of the Dark

In the summer of 2023, I started to get a rash that developed into what I believe to be Morgellons. Unfortunately, I was also mandated to receive the COVID-19 vaccines in order to work as a registered nurse. Boy do I regret that decision!
I have plucked many strange things from my epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layers of my skin. There have been white and black threads which were visible without microscopy. However, after expressing my concerns to physicians, I was eventually diagnosed with delusions and psychosis. So, I have come to distrust the vast majority of the medical community, which I was a part of for over 20 years. And now, I cannot work due to declining health conditions. I have no doubt they are a result of this massive human experiment that utterly disgusts me.
PS. Soaking in very warm water with a combo of borax, epson salts, and baking soda is a good way to draw the toxins out of the skin.


TreeTomato - Mar 12

Arlene’s Newsletter

Your situation sounds so similar to mind, except that the hard onset for me came in 2014. I also use that combo in my bath, every day!
I've lately found that Indian tobacoo essential oil and aniseed essential oil with a little castor oild softens up the skin. This hydrogel stuff does harden like glue and becomes very painful sometimes. The oils help enormously.


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 28

Coming Out of the Dark

Thank you so much for the reply. I don’t know if I will use the DMSO. The Clary sage oil sounds good. For now, I am using lemongrass organic essential oil. I mix it with either grapeseed oil, or marula oil. Soaking your skin in borax, Epson salt, and baking soda, and very hot water helps rid the toxins. I had a friend that sent me some diatomaceous earth. It’s powdery, and I can drink it, it’s Food grade, but I can also put it on my skin, as it draws outand dries up toxins. I wish I only had this skin issues, but it seems to be systemic. I’ve had many maladies of different body systems. I’ve noticed also that my memory and speech have been affected. Today, has been a very bad day. I have been strong for a while, but now, all of this is really getting to me. I just pray, that I will get the resources to help myself and others to fight. This demonic plague/poison. Oh, it hasn’t affected my eyes yet. I do have, some white particles in my mouth when I wake up and sometimes in my nose. The skin issues have come and gone in cycles. My other injuries are always there. Too much to list, and it’s almost 2 AM. and I’m finally getting sleepy. I have to take a sedative because of all of this. I do thank you for your advice, and may God bless keep and protect you.


mothman777 - Mar 30

mothman777’s Newsletter

Thankyou for your reply and kind prayers for my well-being, I have prayed to God for you too.
Be extremely careful with the diatomaceous earth by the way, I have a bag of that but have not touched it for ages. Whenever I have opened it before I have seen a mass of extremely fine powder coming up and I have not been able to avoid getting that in my lungs, and that is not good at all for the lungs and will be extremely difficult to get rid of from the lungs and could cause long term asthmatic issues for instance. I really would not recommend putting that on your skin at all for that reason, as when it dries out on your skin it is going to come off and get inhaled by you and get in your eyes too, especially from your bedding, I think it is far too dangerous to use personally.
I would instead rely more on gentle sunbathing, as that removes all kinds of toxins from the body 2-40 times faster than the body normally expels them by other methods. Also, near infrared saunas are supposed to be very good to get toxins out of the body very rapidly, followed quickly after by a quick shower of course. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), quercetin, vitamin C are good too.


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 13

Coming Out of the Dark

Awesome, thank you for sharing about the oils, etc. I also am using a combo of grape seed oil and lemongrass essential oil. It seems to be helping.
Oh, I just recently started taking food grade diatomaceous earth. Two tablespoons mixed with water in the morning. You’d be surprised what it encapsulates.


mothman777 - Mar 18

mothman777’s Newsletter

Regarding itchy Morgellons rashes and red lumps on the skin, which I have had for over two years on my lower legs, apart from the occasional limited resurgences I still get, I seem to have got rid of the worst constant itchy crawly feelings in my lower legs by first applying liberal coatings of neat tea tree oil, and power-blasting that right through the upper epidermis into subcutaneous levels with several liberal coats of neat DMSO, the next day the red rashes and itchy crawly red lumps were gone, and in the morning on the bed sheets around where my feet had been, I found clusters of many tiny fibres around 1.5 mm round, each with a single right-angled single fibre sticking out apparently acting as an antenna.
When I looked through a jeweller's loupe at 18 x mag, on one of the clusters I first looked at, a very fine hair jutted out, with a right-angled bend in it, so that the upper arm was more or less parallel to the ball of fibres, and this upper arm like in other specimens I have viewed over several years was not straight, but had a slight angular dip in it at a specific place along its length, and this horizontal piece repeatedly bobbed up and down in front of me, I thought at first this is my breath or some electrostatic force, so I held my breath, and this fibre just continued bobbing up and down, then abruptly stopped bobbing up and down, and then the whole right-angled arm started swivelling left to right and back several times through a full 180 degrees quite precisely, exactly like a little antenna trying to locate another signal, and a whole bunch of these tiny fibres had vacated my legs after I applied DMSO and tea tree oil, and they had obviously all signalled to each other to gather together in these little balls, each with one single little right-angled antenna fibre sticking out to call all the others to gather together.
I have also had 4 cm long by 1 mm wide transparent, perfectly formed, perfectly uniform glass noodle worm like objects coming out of my nose and throat for years, and have even seen one waving its head up and down from the front of the surface of the white of my eye (like something out of the TV vampire series 'The Strain', haha), which I photographed and when I have been blowing them out of my nose each morning, they often have a bloody end where they have been dug into mucosal tissue, and what appears like an alimentary tract filled with blood also, I showed these to a top expert professor in parasitic microbiology at a leading hospital specializing in tropical diseases, he said they are not biological worms, but noted they had minute red and blue fibres in them, which is exactly what I myself also saw before I presented a few of them to him for analysis sandwiched between glass microscope slides, having studied them myself already to a limited degree, so these things look like worms, but are not, they are hydrogel as Dr Anna Mihalcae has very kindly researched and shown photos of exactly as I have described them here in another article of hers.
I get these wriggling around in my eye sockets too, and you know the score, 'they're everywhere' haha. Tried the sodium citrate a couple of times a week or two back, and I must say, I am not constantly making masses of really thick catarrh since then, so there is improvement there, and I seem to be making far fewer of the hydrogel worms, as I have not blown those out of my nose much since then either, though I used to be able to do that every single day for years without fail before then, I had been thinking they were actually trichuris worms (whipworm) at first, as they would be around the same size as these, and trichuris used to be extremely common in human beings, round 40% to 60% of all people in England used to have them up till the 1880's or so, they are zoonotic and ubiquitous to all herbivore animals like goats, sheep. horses, cows etc., so they are very easy for humans to get.
Several medical sites show how they are 'trying to develop' nanorobotic surgical tools with which to do heart surgery, but say their research is still in the developmental stage. In reality, Iike with other technologies that are really 30 years in advance of what they publicly reveal, I think these 'nanorobotic surgeons' are really responsible for much of the damage of 'COVID 19', as they have only just disclosed that COVID 19 makes holes in people's hearts.
I had just had a heart check a year before I spent nearly 2 months gravely ill in ICU with 'COVID 19' (more like a heavy microwave attack that was more like a very strong and disabling LSD trip nightmare trip on a military weapons level which reduced my blood oxygen to 50% with me coughing up jugfuls of manila-coloured phlegm for 2 weeks at home and my lungs failing completely in a 4 week induced coma on a mechanical ventilator, so they kept my body alive by surgically inserting thick tubing into my jugular vein and pumped blood out into an ECMO unit to oxygenate it and then back in.
Bottom line, I now have lesions in my brain and a hole in my heart that I never had before, all medically diagnosed and confirmed, I think they are loosing self-replicating nanorobotic surgical weapons inside people and later activating and directing them with 5G type EMF frequencies to cut holes in people's hearts and brains, and likely dropping people on TV like sports people for kicks to see how effective their bioweaponry is in the field so to speak, 'great for public demonstrations', and against people like newsreaders, numbers of whom have been filmed keeling over dead in front of the camera live on TV very likely as a warning to other newsreaders that they too can be dropped on the spot if so desired by TPTB if they even start to get any ideas about using their public platform on air to speak out about what they know. And a directed AI ultimately controlled by TPTB knows exactly what they are thinking 24/7, as nanofibres which don't even have to directly connect physically, just to be in proximity to each other inside the body and brain, form a synthetic computer brain overlaying our own brain and nervous systems that transmits everything going on in the brain and body in real time and also downloads any program they want into the body and brain at any time.
Soon I may try more sodium citrate and DMSO with tea tree oil when the load gets too heavy again.


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 27

Coming Out of the Dark

Wow, you have really been through a lot! I’m glad that u persevered. For me, I’m out of tea tree oil, but I have lemon grass oil, which seems to help. I have those antenna things too. I loathe them! Even my sweater fibers act like that!
Question- what is DMSO?
I have all sorts of new medical issues from my kidneys to platelets, immune system, GYN system. Also, I pulled a large strange object out of my left inner thigh near my knee. I saved it in some alcohol. That was over 6 months ago. So, lately I’ve been having these horrible shooting pains in my left leg. I know that it has something to do with that weird object. Part of it was as hard as a twig. I am so disgusting and angry that this is happening to us. It’s just plain evil. But I’m so glad that I discovered this platform where we can exchange information and ideas. My family thinks I’m crazy. That hurts. But I want to join in the efforts to help spread awareness and hopefully raise money to support some of the organizations that are fighting this issue legally.
I am a strong believer in my God! Through Jesus Christ, I will help many suffering with this evil plague and be protected and avenged. You don’t mess with a child of God!


mothman777 - Mar 28

mothman777’s Newsletter

Hi, thankyou for your reply, it is really good to read the great work of Dr Milhalcea here and it is great to meet others like yourself to communicate with here.
DMSO is Dimethyl Sulphoxide, (called Dimethyl Sulfoxide in the US). It passes right though the skin and takes anything on the skin with it right through it, so your hands and where you apply it must be really clean and as free of chemicals from soap etc. as possible before you touch the stuff.
DMSO really dries out the skin, so maybe if you decide to experiment with using this yourself you could spread it on your skin while wearing surgical gloves as the skin does tend to crack on hands after using it sometimes.
If you decide to try DMSO, only buy it in glass bottles, never any kind of plastic, as it dissolves anything. It is highly remarkable stuff. I have actually drunk DMSO in slightly diluted form, so it is not toxic, it can even be drunk in some situations like just after someone has had a stroke involving blood clots, as it provides extremely rapid help in dissolving blood clots and preventing brain damage by very quickly allowing oxygen to reach damaged tissues but it must not be taken internally neat without being diluted, it tastes a little weird a little like a very mild petrol taste and produces a mild exothermic reaction when mixing with saliva, so you feel a mild warmth in the back of your throat as soon as you swallow it, and the taste is not very good, so orange juice afterwards to wash away the taste is a good idea.
Anyway, that is just a little bit of extra information as regards drinking DMSO just to say how safe and non-toxic it is, but I am not suggesting here for anyone to drink DMSO for 'Morgellons', but rather to rub it on the skin after first applying a relevant essential oil such as certified organic medical grade neat tea tree oil for quick relief of very persistent raised red lesions and rashes caused by Morgellons.
Non-organic essential oils have very high concentrations of pesticides in them, due to the enormous amount of plant material that goes into producing each small bottle of essential oil, this is why only using organic essential oil is so very important here.
Rashes can be caused by DMSO itself with prolonged use, as rashes can even be caused sometimes by certain essential oils, as the drying action of DMSO and also the drying action of essential oils themselves can lead to irritation of the skin, so bear that in mind.
Some basic backround information on essential oils;
Normally, one is advised not to apply neat essential oils to the skin, though neat tea tree oil did not cause my skin on my legs any harm or irritation, but quite the opposite. But if I had used neat oregano essential oil instead for instance, that is a highly caustic 'hot' oil when neat and would have taken my skin right off and scarred me for many months and so any hot oil like that must most certainly be well-diluted before use, and tea tree oil itself can very severely burn sensitive tissues like the eyes, so never ever let essential tea tree oil IN ANY DILUTION AT ALL, NOT EVEN 5%, anywhere near your eyes or that can cause WEEK-LONG severely agonizing burn pains to the eyes, as the eyes have 12 or 14 times more nerve pain receptors than skin does, and if higher concentrations of tea tree oil are used and they get into the eye even by permeating right through the eyelid as they can, they can cause permanent blindness.
I have found clary sage essential oil quite mild when used near the eyes though and even on the eyelash roots to kill demodex mites whenever their numbers get to be a problem, and clary sage essential oil does that without causing any burning sensation or real discomfort, you can even dilute clary sage essential oil to 50% to be safe (any injury to the eyes from any type of physical trauma injury such as a punch or an acid or alkali chemical burn may take weeks or months to show up as cataracts much later, so do not get too over-confident applying anything at all near your eyees, always use extreme caution in that region). I have used essential clary sage oil much stronger than that on my own eyelash roots, and essential oil applied there of course touches the eyelids themselves and does naturally get into the eyes.
I have actually gone so far as to use neat clary sage essential oil on the roots of my eyelashes, but this is not actually neccessary to kill demodex mites very quickly as lower concentrations will be quite effective. No harm to my eyes has shown up even years after using clary sage essential oil.
But I would seriously recommend to others that they only use 50% maximum dilution clary sage essential oil if they use it at all for demodex on eyelash roots as it is highly effective and is really the only essential oil you will ever need in suppressing demodex mites, and that can also be applied inside the nose and wiped on (not dripped into) the outer reaches of the inside of the ear canal, or anywhere else on the body itself, as demodex mites, which are not actually a parasite, more of a harmless but slightly irritating passenger at times, looking like a cross between a water bear and a mini lobster with teeth, live anywhere where they can feed on natural oil in your skin, especially deep inside eyelash roots, and their digetive waste is the white frosting you get around your eyes and on your eyelashes when they travel about while you are asleep, though no essential oil should ever go anywhere near the delicate ear drums as essential oils might dissolve through them.
Some very dangerous people posing as experienced alternative therapists 'advise' people to treat demodex on their pet's eyelids or their own eyelids with 50% diluted teatree oil, but if those therapists tried that themselves on their own eyes first they would be crying in the most severe agony for a whole week afterwards and almost certainly be left partially sighted or totally blind for life afterwards.
Attempts by myself to mention this danger in the comments sections of such 'health' articles are always deleted by the authors who never correct their mistake, which I must assume is highly deliberate. Some even 'advise' people to use something like novocaine or lidocaine etc to numb the pain when they apply 50% diluted tea tree oil to the roots of the eyelashes, but extremely serious permanent damage to the eyesight will almost certainly result if anyone follows their so-called 'advice'.
Some Chinese researchers found through various no doubt extremely agonizing animal experiments with varying strengths of essential tea tree oil that a 5% dilution of tea tree oil can be applied to eyelash roots to kill demodex mites but they say it needs to be applied to humans after first using a painkiller in the eyes, but this is also foolish advice of theirs, as long term burns injuries in the form of delayed cataracts may possibly show up weeks or months later on even when 5% dilution is used, and the fact they say a painkiller is needed should tell anyone that pain is resulting from injury to the eyes.
Clary sage essential oil kills demodex in 11 minutes or so, while tea tree oil kills demodex in 7 minutes or so, but taking into account that diluting tea tree to 50% or even 5% is simply not at all safe near the eyes it is absolutely pointless to use that with such risks of grave harm to the eyes when clary sage is apparently harmless to the eyes as I have seen in myself, and clary sage essential oil at 50% concentration will kill demodex mites faster than a 5% tea tree oil dilution will do anyway and will kill demodex more quickly and more safely than tea tree essential oil or even peppermint essential oil, which others also recommend for demodex in the eyelash roots, though peppermint essential oil itself is extremely unbearable anywhere near the eyes anyway so one can also similarly ignore anyone's 'advice' to use peppermint essential oil for demodex mites in the eyelash roots.
In conclusion, clary sage essential oil is totally effective in killing demodex mites and will not cause extreme irritation to the eyes like tea tree or peppermint essential oils will undoubtedly cause to the eyes if they actually touch the eyeballs, and some essential oil will inevitably touch the eyeballs even if the intention is just to touch the roots of the eyelashes, but I have never found clary sage to be really irritating or harmful at all when it does, though it does make the eyes water a little very briefly.
I chose tea tree oil to use on my legs because tea tree oil is so lethal to pathogens and parasites, and really wanted something that would seriously mess with whatever it was inside my legs that felt like wriggling, crawling and itching all the time as if tiny worms were breeding and moving inside my legs under the skin, essential oils by themselves just had not reached deep enough to accomplish any effect at all on the problem, but the tea tree oil combined with DMSO does the trick by providing massive penetrating power.
I am sorry to read you are having it bad yourself too, they are really trying to do things to us that we will never be able to tell mainstream doctors about, and those doctors literally just don't want to know, either they are infiltrated perps themselves, and often likely are, or they are simply too scared of peer pressure to dare to speak or to offer any kind of real help at all.


Heather Beane, RN - Apr 7

Coming Out of the Dark

You are so very welcome. I love to pray for others, especially the ones who are suffering with the same illness. Forgive the delay my response. I’m still learning how to use this app.
With the diatomaceous earth, I I have not used it in a while. What is cool to do, is mix it with water and pour it into your sink or other object, and see how many foreign particles it covers. It’s wild!
Sunbathing is the best! I’m doing it right now. When all of this started happening to me, I cried out to God for guidance. The very same day, I heard salt and light. I wasn’t sure what it all meant at first and tried different things. Now I sit outside to sunbathe I’ve noticed that it helps quite a bit. It’s just getting warm enough for me To do so. The salt, I have used as an element to remove toxins. It also will help scrub the bio film off of your skin.
A few days later, I heard iodine. I wasn’t sure if it was topical or not. However, a friend of mine in the same situation sent some potassium iodine oral drops to me. When I started using it, my symptoms were improved tremendously. Now that I am out, my symptoms have come back…. mostly my skin condition.
Thank you for recommending the supplements, etc.. Unfortunately I cannot purchase them at this time. It’s a long story but I was a nurse practice educator and had to resign after getting ill 10 months ago. I used all of my resources to try and find answers through physicians and medication, etc. After learning what this condition entails, I have a much better understanding of what will help.
I’ve been an RN for 20 years, and had everything I needed. Oh how times have changed, lol. I am now carless, and I am living with my elderly father. I’m not saying this in self-pity. Despite the circumstances, I have so much joy and peace through God!
This disease, or whatever you want to call it, is definitely a spiritual battle as well as a physical battle. I want to encourage you that our God is the great physician, and still is in the business of healing! He also talks to us in our hearts and guides us. no weapon formed against us shall prosper! We have the creator of the universe on our side. Evil shall not overtake us, and light always prevails over darkness!
I’m actually watching YouTube videos and hoping to start using Substack for publications , notes, etc. I’m praying that I will get some subscribers to help out with costs of healing, and donations to organizations that are helping in this war.
May God bless and keep you safe.. remember greater is he that is in you then he that is in this earth!
Sincerely - Heather
PS. I’m from North Carolina. I was wondering where are you from and your name. I’m not trying to interrogate you, lol. If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine.


Heather Beane, RN - Apr 7

Coming Out of the Dark

I wrote a reply twice… and I don’t see it here!! I KNOW I SENT IT!!


Heather Beane, RN - Apr 7

Coming Out of the Dark

Hey there! So sorry for the delayed response. I am new on here and I am literally going to YouTube and trying to figure out how it all works lol. The diatomaceous earth is not something that I have done very often. If you mix it with water And put it in your sink or other areas such as plates or cups that you use, it immediately covers up the particles. It’s wild to see how many are actually there.
It’s so cool that you mentioned sunbathing, because that’s what I’m doing at this moment.
When all of this happened about 10 months ago, it was very disturbing. When you see your own hair move on its own, you think you’re crazy at first. But, I cried out to God and asked him what I should do. The same day, I heard salt and light. I’ve used both in different ways. But now I am sunbathing and using salt to scrub off the biofilm as well as draw out toxins. You can also mix salt into a solution and spray it on bedding, floors, tables, wherever, and it kills those white particles and dries them out.
A few days after he told me salt and light, I heard iodine at first I thought it was for topical use. But later, I had a friend who sent me some potassium iodine drops. For me, they helped tremendously. I ran out recently and a lot of the symptoms are coming back. Especially the skin issues.
I would love to have access to all of the supplements and treatments, but after 10 months of illness, and not working, my resources are gone. My last job was as a nurse practice educator and I was making the highest salary to date. I lost my jeep , I’m living with my father, which is another story. I try not to dwell on those things, and know that God shall supply all of my needs.
I pray many blessings upon your life and healing, in the mighty name of Jesus
This is indeed, a spiritual war, as well as physical. The spiritual realm, whether from God, or the enemy, will manifest into the physical world. Some humans are very evil. Some of us, on the side of light and truth, are at battle with those dark forces by prayer and spiritual gifting.
If you want to keep in touch, leave a reply. I’m here to listen, share ideas and encourage.
I have watched several YouTube videos on how to use Substack. I want to have my own site and publication, etc. subscribers would definitely enable me to acquire the supplements needed for healing as well as donate to other related causes. I also want everyone to know that this is spiritual, and the God who created the universe is the great physician!
PS. I’m from North Carolina in the US. Was wondering where you were from and what’s your name?


John Galt - Mar 9 - Edited

John’s Substack

Topically applied Chlorine Dioxide is good for rashes. Something about Borax too, I forget exactly.


Chris UK - Mar 12 - Edited

John’s Substack

You do realise that "corneas" are your eyeballs?


John Galt - Mar 12 - Edited

John’s Substack

I do realise that yes. Do you get rashes on your eyeballs? He described a symptom that he is getting from a 'disease' that manifests as skin rashes. I must assume that he also gets the symptoms that indicate morgellons or he would not attribute that symptom to morgellons.


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 27

Coming Out of the Dark

Just wanted to tell you that I have taken potassium iodide drops and it really seemed to help. Now, I’m out of it, and certain symptoms-especially the skin stuff is back with full force. Hope you are well. Blessings- Heather


TreeTomato - Mar 27

Arlene’s Newsletter

Thanks Heather. I'll revisit potassiu iodide, as I recall it helped me. I don't recall why I stoped taking it! Lugol's iodine also helps, but it's a bit more expensive. Another surprising thing help, too - apricot seeds. A bonus is that my nails are a lot stronger and better shaped after just one week of it. blessings to you, too.


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 28

Coming Out of the Dark

Blessings to you as well. I’ve had a horrible day. I’m registered nurse and hasn’t been able to work for close to a year. I lost my car, and am staying with my father, who is on Social Security And a disabled veterans . He doesn’t believe that the vaccine has affected me. And he mocks & antagonizes me.
I was folding laundry today, and he said a very sarcastically Watch out for the nano particles… it pushed me over the edge and I have felt like I just want to not be this earth anymore. I’ve been strong for a long time but now, everything is getting to me. The itching, sores, pains in my joints- especially my left hip. Re I have many other issues that are making my life a living nightmare. Then I can’t wake up from it
I’m so angry those evil demons that has taken my health away from me. It’s taking my money. And now it’s really a starting to affect my mi mind and emotionally


Fiona Mehta - Mar 30

Fiona Mehta's Substack - Fiona …

I can't see any posts for you, just to mention.
I know this situation the mocking etc, it's awful. I think that those closest to us are brainwashed, I have witnessed such rage when I attempt to discuss such brutal torture which on occasions leaves me unable to walk, vibrations so strong I am almost thrown backwards.
These bs are controlling our responses, they are redirecting us to replicated sites which they control.
My heart goes out to you, I know what you are going through and where you are in life. I just think it is shocking that someone as qualified as yourself is left to flounder, people are missing out on your great skills.
Here in the UK they are continually seeking nurses, however the masons and other cults control the NHS, some doctors and other medical staff abuse patients, even murdering them, yes all in the UK. Other TIs have complained of abuse and no care.
What about other non five-eyes countries? It is so difficult, I just wanted to reply because I've had enough of the brutal torture, now I will speak out! I wish you well! Fiona UK TI


Heather Beane, RN - Apr 7

Coming Out of the Dark

Hi Fiona!
I’m so sorry that I am replying in a late fashion. I just started browsing around Substack by happenstance recently. I think God led me here for a reason. It’s wonderful to be in communication with others that experienced similar things.
As far as me posting, I am actually looking into that and starting to research how to use this platform. It’s all new to me. The only social media use right now, is TikTok and they have banned several of my videos. Now I’m shadow banned and do not have the high number of views on my videos.
You spoke about vibrations. I feel them too sometimes. They are occasionally effecting my heart. It feels like something is vibrating in my heart and it’s not comfortable.
You are definitely right about the brainwashing aspect. What’s so funny is that they think we’re the ones that are crazy, lol. I guess ignorance can be bliss! 😂
My heart goes out to you as well. I will definitely pray for you, Fiona. The joy that I have in my life is supernatural. I do have bad days where my body is hurting and itching, etc. And the weird hairs that moved by themselves. However, for the most , part, I feel very at peace, blessed
And protected by Jesus Christ.
Make no mistake, this is a spiritual war as well. It is manifested in the physical. But I know, who wins in the end! ❤️
Light always, always will defeat the darkness.
I believe that my nursing days are over. I doubt I will renew my license. I refuse to work in the system that injects innocent people with poison. And yes, I have seen the neglect and abuse firsthand. I’d like to write about that in addition to other things.
I thank you for reaching out to me. I feel your heart is kind. I don’t know what will happen next in my life, but I’m glad that I found other people that empathize with myself.
I know about the dark forces of this world. Believe me. I don’t even focus on all of that anymore. What helps me is to know that my God will make all of this evil targeted to harm or kill me, will ultimately work for my good.
I apologize for the long message. I can be a bit verbose at times lol. If you’d like to chat or leave a reply, I’m available to listen, share information and encourage you!
May God bless and keep you safe! ❤️
Heather- North Carolina, United States


TreeTomato - Mar 28

Arlene’s Newsletter

I'm so sorry, Heather. I have days like that and they are very hard to bear. I tell myself that "this too will pass". I have accepted that every relationship will give me trouble, that everything will be tampered with and I grit my teeth. There must be better ways of dealing with it, but it inoculates me to some extent, so that I can just keep putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that I will make it to the light at the end of the tunnel (which is not there yet) if I keep going.
In my case, joint pain arises when there is an excess of nanotech on my skin i thos areas (your case might be different). I deal with this by rubbing coconut oil and bicarb into the area, and some wormwood powder. The wormwood kind of unclenches the area.
Hang in there. What doesn't kill, tends to make you stronger. Maybe think of it as a learning opportunity for ironing out any emotional issues.
Anyway, that's how I deal with it. God Bless you.


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 29

Coming Out of the Dark

Thank you for your advice and the kind words. I guess we will all get through this one way or another and come out better than before. Trials and suffering tend to make us stronger.
As always, God bless and keep you safe


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 28

Coming Out of the Dark

Sorry for the grammar. I was using voice to text.


Joe - Mar 8

Joe’s Substack

There’s nothing that we can do to remove these nano robots completely because it’s in the air and water and food so how r u planing to stop this exactly and we are all contaminated 24/7…what exactly are the super rich doing to prevent themself from getting this shit in their body


Lisa Nash - Mar 9

Lisa Nash

There is nothing we can do but trust in God! We can focus on this and let it destroy our mental ability to function from worrying about it. Leave it with God! Do the best within your power to take care of your temple and God will do the rest. This is all WAY to big for us to solve but God that sits on the throne in heaven can and will deal with this evil. Stress in and of itself can kill! We need to focus on positive things and helping those in need that are worse off than ourselves. God will bless! Don’t mean to preach to you but I’ve let this all go and it feels good. Let go and let God!


Joe - Mar 27

Joe’s Substack

I understand not wanting to worry and let god do the work but god created life with the freedom of humans doing what ever they want to eachother for decades. So many genocides has occured over the last hundreds of years, why would this time be any deferent, god did not save the people we are still in a cruel and beautoful world...


Lisa Nash - Mar 27

Lisa Nash

I agree! I do believe in all the bad times of history that God had His people in the midst of the peril and He protected them. Look at Noah, Daniel, Elijah and so on. There are many that God protects today that have been faithful. There are also those martyrs that were faithful but fulfilled God’s plan in bringing more souls to Him. In these last days, as things are closing up, God still has faithful people. Some may die at the hands of these evil men (in a way we would have never expected) but God is in control and I pray because many are waking up to this evil and will turn to Him. People have been in a Laodicean state and this is their wake up call I believe. Evil will end one day and unfortunately we are caught in the middle of this controversy between Christ and Satan.


Joe - Apr 6

Joe’s Substack

Also Noah was 1family out of millions or thousands..it’s like winning the lottery…many Christian’s also believe when we die we go to sleep until judgement day which is ridiculous that a soul can even sleep and for those who believe our body is our soul is even more funny because animals are very similar to a human body


Lisa Nash - Apr 6

Lisa Nash

When God breathed into Adam he became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7). The body and the breath = soul. When a man dies his breath goes back to God and his body goes into the grave until either the second coming (1 Thessalonians 4:16) or the judgement after the millennium. (read Revelation 20:4-6). When Lazarus was raised from the dead he didn’t remember anything! Death is like a sleep.


Joe - Apr 21

Joe’s Substack

Lastly for thousands of years before Christ, humans naturally belived in the spirit and afterlife..yes some were odd but it’s in us naturally..we would have that instil or though if all we did was sleep..and wait for the unknown and if that’s the case then we can through the afterlife to trash as there isn’t much of a point bc u believing that and Egyptians believing in bird gods is a bit similar,


Joe - Apr 21

Joe’s Substack

If that was true then there wouldn’t be much of a punishment for the evil people and they wouldn’t care less to be put a sleep at rest


Joe - Apr 21

Joe’s Substack

U shouldn’t believe only what some say and cherry pick as it’s controversial


Joe - Apr 21

Joe’s Substack

The truth is 50% beloved what they think some texts say about the after life and take bits of information then the other 50% beloved we go to a another realm until judgement and many people die for hours and say there’s more to it..even a big believer of Christ who died for 45minutes “Lee Stoneking” said he fet the presence of god and felt at peace..so there’s. A 50/50 chance your wrong or right


Joe - Apr 21

Joe’s Substack

That’s the only verdict some Christian’s have but in the bible other priest can prove that other testaments proves they go somewhere else


Joe - Apr 1

Joe’s Substack

Well both of them hide the truth and expect us to believe in something that may be true..odd how it all works…maybe god is an advance species that created us as we are the only animal on earth that don’t have what it takes to survive on our own…we need for people to survive or we just die in nature


Heather LibertyCricket - Mar 9

Heather LibertyCricket

what does that look like then? if your blood looks like this, you ignore it or you try to treat it? if you have symptoms of this do you try to find out the cause and treat it or you ignore it? not trying to be sparky at all. wondering at which point letting go and trusting in God starts and you doing things to support your body starts? thanks


Lisa Nash - Mar 9

Lisa Nash

I totally support trying to do whatever is in OUR power to clean and support our bodies. That’s why I said “Do the best within YOUR power to take care of your temple and God will do the rest!” Some of this technology that Mihalcea says they’re using is mind blowing! It’s beyond most of our pocket books to be able to realistically fix things the way she is recommending! I say use whatever method you can afford and leave the rest of it with all the worry and stress to God. The same God who created this world can clean our bodies and protect us if we ask! If we do our part by taking care of our body, God will do the rest. It really is that simple! Satan is as a roaring lion and he is seeking our destruction. This is a spiritual battle and we’re caught in the middle. God will deal with these evil men who are doing this to us in His time.


TreeTomato - Mar 9

Arlene’s Newsletter

The nanobots are made of material and rely on comms and energy to propagate. We can attack or degrade the material ad interfere with the comms and the energy. The only thing is most of us don't know how to do that. Dr M is doing her best to finds answers to these problems.
I agree that we should find peace in God, but we need to direct our thouhts at finding solutions. All is not lost. The solution might even be in your kitchen, right now.


Lisa Nash - Mar 9

Lisa Nash

Totally agree! I’ve been experimenting with essential oils and nebulizing them. I never get sick, I eat organic and healthy, work out, do my full spectrum sauna, herbs, vitamins, etc. and I’ve really been struggling with colds that target my lungs. I keep telling everybody around me (who is having the same thing happen) that this is biological warfare. God said let the herbs of the field be medicine to us. It’s ironic that most pharmaceuticals are chemically altered herbs. Satan is trying to counterfeit everything good God has given us. I think essential oils hold promise.


Lisa Nash - Mar 18

Lisa Nash

Here’s a good article!


HIlan - Mar 16

HIlan’s Substack

Which oils do you recommend?


Lisa Nash - Mar 17

Lisa Nash

I’ve been nebulizing Eucalyptus and Peppermint! It’s really hard to find articles about nebulizing them because Google has just about scrubbed everything healthy! A diffuser is similar to nebulizing but the nebulizer delivers a stronger dose directly to your lungs. Those two oils are the ONLY 2 oils that finally cleared up my congestion and cough. My 2 year old grandson has also been struggling for quite some time with the same thing. I finally got his mother to try it with him to see what happened and it’s clearing up his lungs also. If you can diffuse it and smell it then my theory is you can nebulize it. They have articles about how to use essential oils and which ones you can ingest (nebulize)! Start with 2 drops of Eucalyptus and 2 drops of Peppermint. Make sure they’re truly organic and if good quality. Nothing from Walmart. Mountain Rose Herbs and Plant Therapy have really good oils.
I read articles before Covid of where they were starting to do research on nebulizing vitamins and minerals and other natural substances because when it’s inhaled it goes directly through your lungs into your blood. It makes sense! Heck, they’re spraying us with chemtrails and we’re alive. Why not try natural essential oils.


HIlan - Mar 18

HIlan’s Substack

Thanks for the great tips! I will try a nebuliszer sometime as i have never thought of that! I usually just use a diffuser and sit by it. Sometimes i will do a pine ESSO.
Yes, those are also my two favorite places to get oils too!
...good point about the chemtrails too UGH


Lisa Nash - Mar 18

Lisa Nash

I had never thought about nebulizing them either but I got desperate to try anything to get rid of my congestion and cough. Nothing else natural that I usually use was working. Not even nebulizing hydrogen peroxide which is supposed to kill everything. That spoke volumes to me! I say don’t be afraid to try different ones for different ailments.


HIlan - Mar 18

HIlan’s Substack

Are you in OBX? Im in the mountains!


Joe - Mar 27

Joe’s Substack

exactly so there is no actual way to neutralize the polymers-we can only shrink them which means with enough poison and time our bodies wont have the time to clean it self out and we will be overloaded and die probably


Charlie - Mar 9

Pray, maybe Elohim cult worshipers will stop. Lol


Pamela Burns - Mar 9

Pamela Burns

May the Peace of God’s Grace & Love be with you all! 🙏


TheFrontPorchMedia - Mar 8

There. It. Is.


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Mar 8



Lucinda - Mar 9 - Edited


Thnx for your research & work on revealing the nano tech research/shenanigans deployed against us.
The info you are providing is not only mind-boggling & infuriating but must be fought on all fronts.
Sending love & appreciation to you on your hard work on this. Just sharing more references below.
Information about nano tech in our dental anesthetics/procedures came to my attention about 6 months ago. Below are some ss articles on the nano/graphene/pollution issue including recent ones.
( I added just a few of your links below since folks can search here for all of your nano stacks here. }
> Mar 6 - Tell your Dentist - Remove nano technology! Enough! - Targeted Justice, Inc.∙
Exposing The Darkness - Feb 23
> What Would Happen if Graphene Was Injected Into Humans? – A Short Documentary on Graphene Oxide - “…consequences of Graphene Oxide entering your bloodstream might be dire…" - Lioness of Judah Ministry -https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/what-would-happen-if-graphene-was
Shawn Paul Melville’s Substack -Feb 9 -
> Iron Will Deactivate Graphene Oxide, Repress Luciferase and Reduce COVID Related Aging
The Vitaliano Graphene Quantum Dot neural interphase patent specifically uses Bacterial Luciferase named vibrio Harveyi which is activated by Flavins, Flavonoids, Vitamin B2. This is why the American Frontline Doctors are pushing those supplements! -
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 9
> Torsion Spectroscopy Analysis Of Dental Anesthetics And Vitamin B12 Injections By Diana Wojtkowiak PhD - 10 Out Of 13 Batches Contain Graphene
Image courtesy: Graphene Oxide TEM Substrateshttps://aisthesis-products.com/graphene-oxideMany people ask about nanotechnology in dental anesthetics. I hear of some people who ask their dentist and are told there is no mRNA in the anesthetics. Yes, that is correct, but that is not what we are concerned about. We are concerned about self assembly nanotechnology that can create a human machine interface. Its components are hydrogels made from many different chemical compositions, quantum dots, micro robotics for biosensing applications, toxic heavy metals, graphene, polymer plastics and more. Remember many teams did not find mRNA in the C19 shots. But we did find self assembly nanotechnology.
Brandon’s Substack - Feb 2
> Neurohacking 427: Synthetic Biology Concentrated Channels, Cybersecurity & Biological Waveguides - So, you've been neurohacked by ChinaCCP or some other group's neurotechnology platform or are getting spied on without your cybersecurity detecting it... here is how that works.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.∙https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/neurohacking-427-synthetic-biology
And there's so more evidence of this chemical/bio-security hacking as Dr Ana as shared previously.
It's a science fiction nightmare that we have to defeat asap.


Alien Morphology - Mar 8

Alien Morphology’s Substack

Excellent microscopy!


Heather Beane, RN - Mar 12

Coming Out of the Dark

This is almost funny if it weren’t true.
But do you guys see the correlation with movies and reality?! The human battery part reminds me of The Matrix.
The movie Venom depicts a black space “goo” that adheres to, and changes the main character’s personality and appearance. This black goo sure does remind me of graphene oxide.🤔


Interest of Justice - Mar 11

Interest of Justice

Was thinking about smart dust recently because Assange was in court. His very last interview before arrest was to say they are coming for us all with smart dust… He exposed the smart dust horror show and he was immediately taken down. Crazy stuff here Dr. Ana!!! It affects DNA according to the docs and they made it that way! Nanorobots in humans for epidemic control is just so wrong...


Adrian - Mar 9


I agree...we are at the tipping point. This bs plan (agenda 2030) is totally unconstitutional, and we do have the legal and constitutional power, and the remedies to stop this crap, if only Americans could wtfu. As hopeless as it seems, we gotta do everything we can to save the planet and the future from the global malthusian banksters. Ignorance is the hurdle, knowledge of the constitution is the remedy. In motion, ban the jab, HB2775 Restore the Constitutional Republic (👈this one move can save us), Ban Chemtrails, Ban Microwaves (landline is the remedy), ban cbdc, ban vax passports, TEXIT (👈gaining momentum, secede from DC is a real solution), decentralize power...it looks impossible, but this country was built on impossibilities. One day, one step...a paradigm shift is in the making.


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Mar 8

Spot on. Golden ref. find Dr M !


Lenmor1776 - Apr 30


I think John is referring to the chlorine dioxide to rid of the toxins in the body. So the symptoms don’t continue, if I understand correctly.


Deanna Kline - Mar 15

Deanna Kline

Perhaps this will finally convince some loved ones… thank you Dr.


quinn - Mar 13

quinn’s Substack



Lucee - Mar 11

perhaps we could stop supporting a system that is killing us? end the funding to these psychos thru taxes and 'crap' you buy or donate. Stop paying people to abuse you?


GabEsp0369 - Mar 10

I'm guessing the cell phones still able to connect without a sim card? or is it only way to remove the battery?



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