I have gotten rid of them with using an ion foot bath and a rife machine (spooky2). Not the fastest, but it works. It has a graphene oxide setting that draws it out. I also did a liver function balance and that helped me when I got cancer from the jab. Frequencies 1500 and 1550 worked well for extracting the parasites. Ivermectin didn’t help, but fenBen did. I think I got a bunk batch of ivermectin though.
I’m cancer, white fibrous, and graphene clot free.
I got plenty of photos and videos showing the progress over the past 2 years of fighting to stay alive. Early on, the graphene “chips” would literally reassemble in the water.
I have Dr Ana to thank for this as well as a couple other Dr’s that were on to this from early on.
Now when I do the footbaths, metals still come out because they are in everything, but they are not assembling. It takes time to assemble and if a metal detox is kept up, they can’t form or function.
Bentonite clay is much cheaper 2 lb bag $17 and lasted over a year and a half. Plus it detoxes radiation and is good for skin.
A metal detox of any type will work, BC was the first thing a chiropractor pointed me to when I mentioned heavy metals. Instantly kept me from passing out.
You have to remember, not many were talking about this when I started detoxing. Same time Bob Saget Died.
I have always been sensitive to frequencies and I get headaches from 5g way before COVID. Back before Covid came out, I got the ion foot bath and it stopped it. This is now how I gauge if I need to do a metal detox of BC, it takes about a week to clear, but now with the rife and foot bath included, only a couple of days.
Heat makes graphene oxide replicate faster and I am a gym rat.
Glad to hear of your success! Just had a couple questions, what are the directions for taking bentonite clay? And what tests did you do to know you're fibrous clot and graphene clot free?
Just don’t use anything metal when mixing. I did a tablespoon twice a day for over a year. I still use it as needed. I use jars to do a pre mix because it is clay and it lumps together.
I had it really bad and I had 2 friends that died in the same timeframe as I was passing out. I found my batch number online and it has a high death rate before they stopped updating it. I think it’s called how bad is my batch dot com.
Look up the Bach number to see what is available. And if anyone knows of an updated VAERS database that we can see current stats, that would be great. But my batch hasn’t been updated since July 22 it looks like. Batch # 1808609 J&J.
I look at my blood under the microscope. Also the clots reform in the footbaths the way I was doing it. It is bizarre. I even have a pic of one of the clots with what appears to be actual blood on it.
The fiber ones are gone, my echocardiogram shows my heart areas are now within range. Plus, edta does chip away at it and it is obvious in the bathroom stool. Dr Ana mentioned MB and I started to use it the next day. It took a could have weeks to figure out a dose to use and I don’t have that anymore as well as my skin is clearing up and it most likely wouldn’t heal because of the clots.
None of this is quick, but I lost my job because of it, a federal contract at that and still waiting for a SSDI determination and almost at 2 years. So, I have had the time to learn
I can tell you that didn’t work for me. Most of these detox’s I had to do much more. MB I did at least 25 drops twice a day to see results after a week. The suggested part may be good to start off on, your body will let you know if it’s too much.
If I would have kept it at the recommendation, it would have taken a lot longer.
Heat makes it spread faster?! That’s terrible. I live in S. Florida and I purposely sweat for hours (electrolytes needed!) I thought I was detoxing. Am I wrong? I’ve nearly heard about the heat factor!
If you didn’t get the jab, it’s going to take years. If you did, just do a simple metal detox to be safe. I think everyone should be doing that at a minimum as they put graphene on everything and claim it to be a medical miracle. I don’t know how many placebos were put out.
I do elliptical at a decent level on random and can do a mile under 5 minutes and that is after my workout. I’m not worried and I’m just going to keep a routine with periodic breaks. I also have an awesome Dr that gets me the tests ordered that I ask for and
That has helped me a lot on what to do.
I had told two Dr’s that I would not continue under their care because of them just pushing meds and surgeries. The one I ended up with listened to my concerns and got me off of all meds including blood pressure.
You have the right to fire your Dr if you think they are not helping you, but have a Dr in mind that you want to use and hopefully they have openings.
I don't understand where you guys are getting these ion foot baths and Rife machines.. how can I do this? I don't get enough SSDI monthly to survive as it is so I certainly can't afford anything that costs any kind of money.
Same here I get SSI only about $900 cards cost me over $300 to pay each month along with food and other things. doesn't leave a whole lot for stuff like this. I buy the cheap things like a message pen that I hit my cochlea and muscles to help stop what v2k keeps doing to me. I buy vitamins and EDTA and other things but I can't afford things like that.
UH I guess that was ambiguous sorry. Card as in credit card bills... it cost's me over $300 a month and sometimes over $400 to pay my credit card bllls.
and to clear up I get about $900 in SSI sorry I guess I didn't add the comma or some other thing sorry.
I don’t want to cause issues with Dr Ana with recommending where I got everything, she has a living to make for all that she has done for us. But Amazon. I get everything there and I get it in powder form so I can add it all in a supergreens smoothie in the morning. Some things stain bad and I use pill form and that gets costly. Ion foot bath is around 80.
Now that I think of it, the rife I use does have a remote feature where you need just a fingernail clip and it can be ran from anywhere and work specifically on you by what is called quantum entanglement. The DNA is all that is needed.
Maybe a group could get together to do this as each remote can do I think 10 people at a time.
Frequency treatments are amazing but can take time. The future med beds will be much more powerful than what we can do with these.
The nice part is it can be running constantly on the detox and you’ll see the color changes when doing the foot bath when it switches frequencies.
Could you post your regimen on how you use the BC as well as what is required for ion foot bath? I’ve been detoxing spike however have yet to find anything efficacious for bots/reassembling for myself and my child. Many thanks !
Now what can poor people do to get rid of this smart dust from within us? I get $1135/mo SSDI and barely survive on that so I certainly can't afford a Rife machine (God only knows where and how you got one of those).
FASTING some week & day/week, Per Jesus at Essene Gospel Peace and doctors.
Add urinetherapy, NAC/cystein/yolks 2-3 grs with bromelain(pinepple), horseraddish (peroxidases), chlorella, rose hips (vit C), cilantro to dismantle graphene. Malic acid per dr Ana, or papain & cinammon
Ionic foot bath dramatically enhances metals detox, developed dr Griezz-Brissons
I wonder if sticking feet on mud/river/beach would equal, or barefoot. Anyway a benefit
I know. But I can't afford to live at 'Home' (Orange County - HB/Costa Mesa) anymore. Haven't been able to since the early 2000's. I need the ocean like I need oxygen so I've felt like I can't 'breathe' for almost 25 years now.
For the ionic foot bath you can order the array fromhealifeco.com. It's $100.00 for the unit and then you need to supply the basin for your feet which you can buy at a dollar store for under $10.00. It comes with instructions that say add water and a teaspoon of sea salt. I use RO water since i have the system. I just got mine. It took about a week to receive. I'm using it right now actually. I thought the photos and reviews were bunk until I did it myself. It actually works. Good luck.
I would throw in a parasite cleanse. Some say ivermectin, I used FenBen. It will be around 120, but you only have to do it I hear for 6 weeks. I did 4 weeks and it worked. Get the higher doses and cut them in 1/2 or 1/4. They will last longer. Researching how much to take and body weight will get the right dose.
Good luck!
Hi Jesse
You really should do a video and post on YouTube about your life experiences with government torture through the years and how you cleared your body of the nanotechnology. This serve as a testament and give hope to so many who are struggling as to what they should or need to do. Thank you for posting.
Dr. Ana references Dr. David Nixon alot and I was reading his comments on fasting and drinking distilled water with food grade activated charcoal for a day. You can probably still find it on his substack. I tried it because activated charcoal is cheap and lasts a long time. It's also good for all the other contamination that ends up in your gut from everywhere (was for me anyway), don't know about parasite removal but maybe. Since everyone is different I go by my instinct and muscle testing is also good.
ok if you can wet down get that stuff all over you then rinse off if you can. You may not be able to soak much but get all that over all of you then wash off if you can.
if not try the sea salt and baking powder in some water small amounts and drink. Don't drink Borax although some say its ok but yeah I watched a guy show in a video drinking a very small amount of Borax in a water bottle but then posted he felt sick later but offered an excuse for it so I think it's most likely poison like they say it is so don't eat or drink any Borax. but do try drinking just a bit of sea salt and baking soda see if that helps any.
it pulls out morgelllons an graphene from the body.
use sparingly though or you may get diarrhea so yeah but try if you can.
Money, only the elite can afford this treatment, but for the majority its out of reach to save ourselves and the earth. FOCUS YOUR ENERGY ON THIS๐HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE TROJAN HORSE. The constitution is anti-tyranny, anti-fiat, anti-inflation, anti-central bank...the Fed Res is their honey-pot. To restore the Amercan Dream Trajectory ban the Trojan Horse that took us off course. Think of it as a peacefull repeat of 1776. We need to revolutionize, virulize, visualize this Bill to PASS at the signature of the Presidents desk.https://massie.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=395644๐We The People Can Make it Happen. Demonitize the WEF by demonitizing their Trojan Horse Honey Pot Fed Res๐๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ
You can’t vote your way out of biblical prophecy and certainly can’t vote your way out of things when BOTH PARTIES ARE JUST TWO HEADS ON ONE BIRD BOTH WORKING FOR THE SAME GOD WHICH IS SATAN!!!
"The only thing evil needs to succeed is for good people to do NOTHING". Prophecy or not, Im going to fight for this country like its 1776, I have FREE WILL, CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS and COMMON SENSE WHICH GOD GAVE ME. God said you can NOT predict the end times, so dont even try. God inspired the constitution, it aint over till its over, and when it is over, I will KNOW I stood for Gods Will over this Country and Earth, I did NOT stand idle, nor mentally neutered by things i have no control over.
You are both correct. You cannot vote yourself out of this by voting on the two corrupt parties and their puppets. One way is new organization, cooperation, new alternative for a real democracy and cooperation. The tax level, or migration level or climate hoax are ridiculous issues in comparison with this.
Obvious to me but others keep thinking with worldly minds and continence of Govt and society etc,... God know the thoughts of man and they are vanity. Psalms 94 KJV.
Babylon falls by violence we are Babylon America along with the whole world.
All these Govts get destroyed nothing less. People need to stop thinking they can violate God with more man made crap. For al that does is bring more problems that they again try to remedy through more man made crap.
Anyone Prophesying that the US is safe and that God is going to save our country and smoking weed. Not gonna happen ever. I applaud this for info as in what Ezekiel says to do is sound the alarm and if people don't heed the alarm then their blood on them. But if you don't sound the alarm then their blood is on you or who's in charge to warn for you they didn't sound the alarm.
That's all we have. Prophecy has to happen or were screwed to slavery from one generation to another. I vote Prophecy to happen regardless of the violence that has to happen.
All the presidents are stooges of the global banking elite so that won't happen. The entire system needs to be upended to end the FED. But then, the Global banking elite would just start a war and get the FED back anyway.
๏ The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank
o They are the Goldman Sachs,
o Rockefellers,
o Lehmans
o and Kuhn Loebs of New York;
o the Rothschilds of Paris and London;
o the Warburgs of Hamburg;
o the Lazards of Paris;
o and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."
- Nathan Rothschild - 1815
You can say the same thing about the US Congress that allowed the Rothschilds to seize the US banking system in 1913!
Telephone companies were never fooled.
They never put the Federal Reserve in the blue government pages of their directories, it was listed in the business pages.
If the nano-tech is also in the unvaccinated, then why are the unvaccinated NOT emitting any MAC addresses? I've tested it quite a bit over the last 2 to 3 years. I'm NOT vaccinated and I do not emit any MAC addresses, ever. I check myself occasionally for it, regularly. I've also checked some unvaccinated friends that are also not emitting MAC addresses. Yet all the vaccinated people I check are emitting MAC addresses.
If the nano-tech is also in the unvaccinated wouldn't they also emit MAC addresses from inside their bodies? But they're not. I don't believe I have the nano-tech in me, but it's possible I do. The fact remains that I"m not emitting MAC addresses, so apparently I'm not "on the wifi grid" like the vaccinated are.
Also, on phenomenon of the nose and face pores glowing orange under a 365 black light. I checked myself and have a slight bit of that. However, I found articles about that going back to 2009 or so, saying that the bacteria that cause acne, or sebum in the glands can cause the pores to glow orange under 365 UV light. I'm slightly confused on this too. I'm definitely not glowing blue or green in my veins like some of the vaccinated supposedly are. I haven't checked any vaccinated for this yet, either.
I do know for a fact that the "vaccinated" (they're not "vaccines") are emitting MAC Addresses. And most of the unvaccinated, the ones I've checked that also have not taken Covid tests, are not.
I have found macs in unjabbed untested individuals and also the tested or jabbed. I have also found all 3 without macs. Some who have had them now don't .
I believe you can do it with your cell phone by going to the Bluetooth settings and searching for nearby devices. If a weird series of numbers and letters pops up and then disappears when you click on it, then you've found one.
How about those that did NOT get injected, but HAVE had one or more SWAB ('tests') shoved up their nose; are they emitting MAC addresses?
I knew that this 'fake virus' was an Op, from day 1.....so I didn't fall for ANY of it!!
I've also stayed AWAY from the Injected/Infected.....so, hopefully, I'm not 'infected'.
Subhuman B. Gates owned the Swab test company. That is why they were 95% false positive to make $$ on vaxes. I have no doubt his swabs also had the MAC addresses installed during the swab from people explaining on this page, plus anything else deadly the subhuman could inject.
I think if an unvaxxed transfers enough bodily fluids with a vaxxed, the formerly unvaxxed can begin to emit a MAC, like in a husband and wife lets say.
I agree, I have done a good bit of BT testing myself ever since 2021 and never found any unvaxxed who had MAC IDs myself, but I have long since moved away from all vaxxed/infected and never go around them if at all possible.
I don't know many unvaxxed in my community. 95% lined up for it.
A friend started scanning his co workers and 1 had a mac but never vaxxed. We figured it was from the PCR tests he was forced take every week for refusing the free hotdogs.
I’m pretty darn sure that I’m vaxxed by proxy. I’m packed with “morgellons” and have to live a life of detox. It really sucks, but after a while the level of non organic crap my body expels becomes less and I feel better. I’ve tried a lot of different things and can share a list if it would be helpful to others. I’m only going to suggest what personally works for me. Dosages and such need to be personalized for each person.
What you say is one reason I try to speak of uninjectees, when speaking of our contamination content, as something like "vax-like" or some other term. To differentiate.
cool that means were not as bad off as they say. I pray daily and read the bible so that may be why I do as well as I do? I do get very bad v2k and it's nothing but an AI chat bot singing it's nonsensical irritating.
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
Jesus is coming soon but not BEFORE SATAN COMES FIRST as Paul teaches in 2nd Thessalonians 2: 1 through 4.
The whole world follows him Revelation 13:3 accept those written in the Book of Life of lamb slain Revelation 13:8.
Satan comes on a white horse Revelation 6:2 with a bow in his head bow is 5115 in the Greek it's a toxic Shekinah Glory rainbow so you know it's him. He comes on a white horse Revelation 6:12 as the first Beast of the political system in Revelation 13:1
Seven heads and 10 horns come out of the sea(people)the seven heads are the seven continents, the ten horns are the 10 supernatural angles that Satan the appoints to run the one world order documented in Revelation 17:12.
Don't follow Satan that you will have the mark of the beast which is in your forehead which is behind it your brain which is to know that Satan the Antichrist shows up first wait for the true Christ and you will have the Seal of God in your forehead Revelation 9:4 and be protected of his Locust Army revelation 9:5.
Www.shepherdschapel.comor go to the Shepherd's Chapel or their YouTube channel type in Revelation 6 or Revelation 13 to have peace in today's world. God bless you all
I believe the ac is barry obummer which I got from "The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog" & "Kleckfiles" on Bitchute as well as so many people have had dreams or visions. I thought he was when he first came onto the scene, but figured I was wrong when nothing really happened then except division within this country. It's coming soon! K will be pres and this country is mystery Babylon. If you're interested in a great video laying out lots of good info on why it's barry, here it is.
Hello Maui Carrie calling Obama the Antichrist is not knowing scripture in my humble opinion there's only one Antichrist and if you look up the word in the Greek it means instead of christ.
There's only one son of perdition Perdition means to perish which Satan is already sentenced to burn and turn from ashes from within in Ezekiel 28:18 and 19 KJV.
Paul identifies the Son of Perdition and second Thessalonians 2 check the scriptures out tell me what you think? God bless you
The Man of Lawlessness
2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2Th 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
God bless you too! I believe the prophets that I cited above. These scriptures do not change my opinion. I believe these 2 people are anointed at this time and appointed to warn and help people to repent and prepare our hearts for what is to come very soon on this earth and both name him.
Masters voice and kleck are annointed end times prophets- ppl should not b trying 2 figure it out themselves. God shows us thru chosen ppl in GODS WAY. If u have 2 try 2 figure it out u dont know and should stop. God is revealing to us in HIS WAY.
Is this why the USA have a protocol in place for a zombie invasion. Scary stuff indeed. The last time man thought he could be as the gods didn’t turn out well for them at all. The stairway to heaven incident.
"ELECTRIC FIELDS REMOVE NANO PARTICLES WITH EASE" Article from 2015https://today.ucsd.edu/story/electric_fields_remove_nanoparticles_from_blood_with_ease. "Also, the electric field is designed to oscillate at just the right frequency: 15,000 times per second."
Is it possible to rig a dialysis machine to expose the blood to the right frequency, filter out the nano and return the blood to the patient?? I have no medical experience, but another poster some time ago commented about the above article.
made edit: article is from 2015 - not 2005
I see Gwendolyn has also come across the same article.
which of his pages from
do you refer to?
here and there we do see touting of e-based means for therapy, i admit to hesitation/suspicion of them all, after involvement with the likes of eg the work of Sam Milham and eg his contention that ALS is e-"therapy" induced
when I read A Killen's Berlin Electropolis (about how that city around 1880-1920 sought to be leader in e-usage of the epoch), I easily creatively "misread" it finding all manner of plausible causality for problems related to then burgeoning e-deployments, and in the midst there was recourse to unelectrified suburban sanitoria, followed by yet again resort to various e-means for cure...an old story
still 'd like to see what you refer to, if you can narrow down the reference
Thanks dyr. I am referring to FM8's triangle device which he shows how to make. The premise makes sense, that the pulsing disrupts the morgellans fibers ability to stay in the body.
After involvement with parliamentary hearings in canada 2010 re e-dangers, follow-up hearings were held re ALS specifically, i tried to get Milham actually as expert witness, MD & epidemiologist he was, it was rejected, i listened to the pitiful proceedings with the researcher pleading for funds and relatives of sufferers' emotional appeal...all beside the point, as of course even much dissidence even re covi-madness... on it goes
Dr. Mihalcea, thank you so much for keeping the community updated about important informational content and for all your research.
I was able to find the following information online:
Methods for Removing Nanobots from the Human Body:
1. Electric Field Separation: Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a technology that uses an oscillating electric field to isolate and remove drug-delivery nanoparticles from blood. This method could potentially be used to separate and recover nanobots from the human body [[2]]
2. Magnetic Field Manipulation: Magnetic fields can be used to manipulate and guide nanobots within the body. By applying a magnetic field externally, nanobots that are equipped with magnetic components can be directed towards specific areas for removal [[1]]
3. Chemical Degradation: Nanobots can be designed to degrade or disassemble in response to specific chemical triggers. By introducing the appropriate chemical agent into the body, the nanobots can be broken down into harmless components that can be eliminated through natural bodily processes [[1]]
4. Immune System Clearance: The body's immune system plays a crucial role in identifying and eliminating foreign particles, including nanobots. Researchers are exploring ways to enhance the immune response to target and remove nanobots from the body [[1]]
Learn more:
1. [Advances of medical nanorobots for future cancer treatments | Journal of Hematology & Oncology | Full Text](https://jhoonline.biomedcentral.com
2. [Electric Fields Remove Nanoparticles From Blood With Ease]
3. [Smart micro- and nanorobots for water purification | Nature Reviews Bioengineering]
OR you could get an MRI done. An MRI has a very strong magnetic pull. Nano robots are heavy metals. A full body MRI could easily destroy the technology. Doctors do not want to do MRIs if a targeted individual requests it even if you’re paying for it yourself.
Make sure you don't get the barium in there cuz they're probably putting DNA from aborted fetuses and graphene oxide with hydrogel just as they put in all the drugs vaccines and most of our food if you look up the article stop eating food with a boarded fetuses from the Constitution mobile!
My friend got three murdernas. He is losing his mind and doesn't know what he is saying. He blames me, for trying to tell him
I do not approve of having my blood and spirit contaminated, wish they will stop doing that .
The taste of things has changed, like the smells have shifted, to the metallic spectrum, away from the roses to the thorns
ChatGPT describes how an artificial superintelligence could destroy humanity using synthetic biology. @33:14https://www.thegreatsimplification.com/episode/132-daniel-schmachtenberger
Someone, aiming for eternal hell, obviously is using AI to kill us. Let me guess who!
And the beautiful Dr Ana is trying to help to remove the bioweapons inside of us, with a lovely smile, because she knows she has saved her soul, and that is why she is shining with that beautiful energy.
The good news is...we have people like Dr Ana, and a growing number of others, who are performing benevolent, ethical research and testing. And more solutions are emerging. But, yeah, walking dead is not a good look. And those of us who pay attention to the benevolent find lots of interventions that even if we can't get rid of it all, we can (hopefully) keep the nanotech at a low level and detox the heavy metals.
I am doing another chelation fast tonight, so here is what I am doing and taking.
They are all pretty mild and chelate heavy metals as well as dissolve hydrogels.
They also cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain gets into closed organs systesm others cannot, like the reproductive system.
Oral EDTA (Arizona & MedFive)
ALA (via organic cold pressed hempseed oil)
Sodium & natural Citrate
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
- all every 12 hours
I only eat once a day anyway but I ate last night at around 9pm so I wont have eaten in around 24 hours when I start. I did have coffee with some heavy cream this morning, and have been drinking orange juice in zerowater all day.
I just took 3 Arizona Naturals EDTA pills (1800mg) and one Medfive (500mg-ish) with a big glass of zerowater.
I will wait an hour or so and then I will take 3 1-gram pills of hempseed oil, a tablespoon of sodium citrate in water, one bromelain pill (500mg), one vitamin D (5000 iu), one vitamin E (180mg), 1 pill/1200mg of NAC and 2000-4000 iu's of vitamin C.
Then I will do the same thing again every 12 hours for 3 full days, drinking gallons of zerowater. I wont eat any food or drink any coffee again for 3 full days, although sometimes we stretch it to 4 since we feel great.
I personally want to get the maximum intake of Bromelain and Vitamin C possible so I also bought 8 pineapples and maybe 15 pounds of clearance and regular price oranges. I will vamp a whole pineapple or more per day and juice all of those oranges too. I strain the orange juice using a coffee filter and then use zerowater to rinse the pulp into my glass, since C and natural citrate are water soluble.
That way Nothing is interfering with the oral EDTA chelating out metals and nanotech from my body and 100% of the EDTA is doing what I want. We do this about once a month, because Everywhere you go, the infected are shedding. Everywhere and Anywhere, all the time, and it transfects in Seconds through the air.
Im not giving anyone medical advice and always look up all of the above in a drug interaction checker with anything else you take but there are multiple reasons these help. And oral EDTA makes it very easy to fast anyway, much much easier than fasting without it, even when you arent drinking juice. I think if you're gonna fast, you should probably be doing a EDTA chelation fast, but thats just me.
I have known shedding was real for a while now and I am not messing around in the slightest in trying to get rid if it.
Many of the health effects that happen to the jabbed/infected can happen to us too, so I am serious as a heart attack and I plan on Living. And I'm in charge of my wife's chelating so shes living too but then I hope everyone does.
And stop taking Anything with Zeolite or other clays or earths, I used to take them occasionally too but they All Have Metals in them, Look It Up. We need to Remove Metals and hydrogels, many of which use metals as a catalyst.
if nanobots can recieve 5g signals ,,, an emn pulse wave should knock them out,,, instructions for making a em pulse generator from a camera flash ,,, on utube... nanobots should be subseptable to micro electtrical currents naturally present in our bodies ie eeg ,we may may be able to influence nanobots with our nervious and brain microcurrents and our own bodies natural Tesla waves ? ANY LEADS?
Jesse - Jul 28
Marten’s Substack
I have gotten rid of them with using an ion foot bath and a rife machine (spooky2). Not the fastest, but it works. It has a graphene oxide setting that draws it out. I also did a liver function balance and that helped me when I got cancer from the jab. Frequencies 1500 and 1550 worked well for extracting the parasites. Ivermectin didn’t help, but fenBen did. I think I got a bunk batch of ivermectin though.
I’m cancer, white fibrous, and graphene clot free.
I got plenty of photos and videos showing the progress over the past 2 years of fighting to stay alive. Early on, the graphene “chips” would literally reassemble in the water.
I have Dr Ana to thank for this as well as a couple other Dr’s that were on to this from early on.
Now when I do the footbaths, metals still come out because they are in everything, but they are not assembling. It takes time to assemble and if a metal detox is kept up, they can’t form or function.
Marten - Jul 29
Marten’s Substack
And do not forget to take Lumbrokinase to get rid of blood clots,,,Highly effective !!!
Jesse - Jul 29
Honeybee’s Substack
Bentonite clay is much cheaper 2 lb bag $17 and lasted over a year and a half. Plus it detoxes radiation and is good for skin.
A metal detox of any type will work, BC was the first thing a chiropractor pointed me to when I mentioned heavy metals. Instantly kept me from passing out.
You have to remember, not many were talking about this when I started detoxing. Same time Bob Saget Died.
I have always been sensitive to frequencies and I get headaches from 5g way before COVID. Back before Covid came out, I got the ion foot bath and it stopped it. This is now how I gauge if I need to do a metal detox of BC, it takes about a week to clear, but now with the rife and foot bath included, only a couple of days.
Heat makes graphene oxide replicate faster and I am a gym rat.
Honeybee - Jul 29
Honeybee’s Substack
Thank you so much for your testimony and references. Am so happy that you were able to overcome your cancer.
Bellheezy - Jul 29
Glad to hear of your success! Just had a couple questions, what are the directions for taking bentonite clay? And what tests did you do to know you're fibrous clot and graphene clot free?
Jesse - Jul 29
Pamela Raditsch
Just don’t use anything metal when mixing. I did a tablespoon twice a day for over a year. I still use it as needed. I use jars to do a pre mix because it is clay and it lumps together.
I had it really bad and I had 2 friends that died in the same timeframe as I was passing out. I found my batch number online and it has a high death rate before they stopped updating it. I think it’s called how bad is my batch dot com.
Look up the Bach number to see what is available. And if anyone knows of an updated VAERS database that we can see current stats, that would be great. But my batch hasn’t been updated since July 22 it looks like. Batch # 1808609 J&J.
I look at my blood under the microscope. Also the clots reform in the footbaths the way I was doing it. It is bizarre. I even have a pic of one of the clots with what appears to be actual blood on it.
The fiber ones are gone, my echocardiogram shows my heart areas are now within range. Plus, edta does chip away at it and it is obvious in the bathroom stool. Dr Ana mentioned MB and I started to use it the next day. It took a could have weeks to figure out a dose to use and I don’t have that anymore as well as my skin is clearing up and it most likely wouldn’t heal because of the clots.
None of this is quick, but I lost my job because of it, a federal contract at that and still waiting for a SSDI determination and almost at 2 years. So, I have had the time to learn
Pamela Raditsch - Aug 1
Pamela Raditsch
MB is methylene blue for anyone new here
Stephane Roy - Jul 30
Stephane Roy
MB@12mgs per ml of solution - the dose equals 25 standard drops in 200mls of distilled water once per day
Jesse - Jul 30
I can tell you that didn’t work for me. Most of these detox’s I had to do much more. MB I did at least 25 drops twice a day to see results after a week. The suggested part may be good to start off on, your body will let you know if it’s too much.
If I would have kept it at the recommendation, it would have taken a lot longer.
Laura - Jul 29
Heat makes it spread faster?! That’s terrible. I live in S. Florida and I purposely sweat for hours (electrolytes needed!) I thought I was detoxing. Am I wrong? I’ve nearly heard about the heat factor!
Jesse - Jul 29
If you didn’t get the jab, it’s going to take years. If you did, just do a simple metal detox to be safe. I think everyone should be doing that at a minimum as they put graphene on everything and claim it to be a medical miracle. I don’t know how many placebos were put out.
I do elliptical at a decent level on random and can do a mile under 5 minutes and that is after my workout. I’m not worried and I’m just going to keep a routine with periodic breaks. I also have an awesome Dr that gets me the tests ordered that I ask for and
That has helped me a lot on what to do.
Laura - Jul 30
Thank you! You’re fortunate to have a good doctor. I sure don’t know any.
Jesse - Jul 30
I had told two Dr’s that I would not continue under their care because of them just pushing meds and surgeries. The one I ended up with listened to my concerns and got me off of all meds including blood pressure.
You have the right to fire your Dr if you think they are not helping you, but have a Dr in mind that you want to use and hopefully they have openings.
Jesse - Jul 30
Here’s where I learned about it.
Another conspiracy๐https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/12/07/dr-noack-on-how-graphene-hydroxine-nano-razors-destroy-the-vaccinated
Jesse - Jul 30
I can’t find the full video, this one is condensed and is quicker to go through. A couple years ago, the video was easily found.
Tasha W - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
I don't understand where you guys are getting these ion foot baths and Rife machines.. how can I do this? I don't get enough SSDI monthly to survive as it is so I certainly can't afford anything that costs any kind of money.
Doug - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
Same here I get SSI only about $900 cards cost me over $300 to pay each month along with food and other things. doesn't leave a whole lot for stuff like this. I buy the cheap things like a message pen that I hit my cochlea and muscles to help stop what v2k keeps doing to me. I buy vitamins and EDTA and other things but I can't afford things like that.
Tasha W - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
"Cards"? What does this mean? "$900 cards cost me over $300 to pay each month"?
Doug - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
UH I guess that was ambiguous sorry. Card as in credit card bills... it cost's me over $300 a month and sometimes over $400 to pay my credit card bllls.
and to clear up I get about $900 in SSI sorry I guess I didn't add the comma or some other thing sorry.
Jesse - Jul 30
Sorry Tasha, I responded to the wrong post. I’m on VA disability and waiting on SSDI, it is hard, but there is hope. Don’t worry about the rife, that is something I was experimenting with and it speeds everything up.
Jesse - Jul 29
I don’t want to cause issues with Dr Ana with recommending where I got everything, she has a living to make for all that she has done for us. But Amazon. I get everything there and I get it in powder form so I can add it all in a supergreens smoothie in the morning. Some things stain bad and I use pill form and that gets costly. Ion foot bath is around 80.
Now that I think of it, the rife I use does have a remote feature where you need just a fingernail clip and it can be ran from anywhere and work specifically on you by what is called quantum entanglement. The DNA is all that is needed.
Maybe a group could get together to do this as each remote can do I think 10 people at a time.
Frequency treatments are amazing but can take time. The future med beds will be much more powerful than what we can do with these.
The nice part is it can be running constantly on the detox and you’ll see the color changes when doing the foot bath when it switches frequencies.
Gypsy Queen - Jul 29
Gypsy Queen
Could you post your regimen on how you use the BC as well as what is required for ion foot bath? I’ve been detoxing spike however have yet to find anything efficacious for bots/reassembling for myself and my child. Many thanks !
Jesse - Jul 30
Sorry, I thought I answered this, but it was someone else’s.
Ion foot baths are on Amazon around $80.
Laura - Jul 29
BC can be used both internally and externally. Quality check needed though.
Jesse - Jul 30
They sell food grade BC on Amazon.
Tasha W - Jul 29
Now what can poor people do to get rid of this smart dust from within us? I get $1135/mo SSDI and barely survive on that so I certainly can't afford a Rife machine (God only knows where and how you got one of those).
me - Jul 29
FASTING some week & day/week, Per Jesus at Essene Gospel Peace and doctors.
Add urinetherapy, NAC/cystein/yolks 2-3 grs with bromelain(pinepple), horseraddish (peroxidases), chlorella, rose hips (vit C), cilantro to dismantle graphene. Malic acid per dr Ana, or papain & cinammon
Jesse - Jul 29
I add the stem of the pineapple to my smoothies, that’s where the bromelain is concentrated.
Tasha W - Jul 29
It's actually called 'Urotherapy'. And I do all that but there's no way in hell I'm eating horseradish. Malic acid?
me - Jul 29
Try horseradish powder. Malic acid & folic acid (vitamin( at health store
me - Jul 29
Ionic foot bath dramatically enhances metals detox, developed dr Griezz-Brissons
I wonder if sticking feet on mud/river/beach would equal, or barefoot. Anyway a benefit
Laura - Jul 29
I find the ocean very, very healing.
Tasha W - Jul 29
Thru’s Substack
I know. But I can't afford to live at 'Home' (Orange County - HB/Costa Mesa) anymore. Haven't been able to since the early 2000's. I need the ocean like I need oxygen so I've felt like I can't 'breathe' for almost 25 years now.
Jesse - Jul 30
My wife is from the HB area, we are settled south in OB now. We love the hippy vibe.
Thru The Veil - Jul 29
Thru’s Substack
For the ionic foot bath you can order the array fromhealifeco.com. It's $100.00 for the unit and then you need to supply the basin for your feet which you can buy at a dollar store for under $10.00. It comes with instructions that say add water and a teaspoon of sea salt. I use RO water since i have the system. I just got mine. It took about a week to receive. I'm using it right now actually. I thought the photos and reviews were bunk until I did it myself. It actually works. Good luck.
Angie Renee - Jul 30
Angie Renee
Thank you for your suggestion of B clay and ion foot baths.
Jesse - Jul 31
I would throw in a parasite cleanse. Some say ivermectin, I used FenBen. It will be around 120, but you only have to do it I hear for 6 weeks. I did 4 weeks and it worked. Get the higher doses and cut them in 1/2 or 1/4. They will last longer. Researching how much to take and body weight will get the right dose.
Good luck!
GeeCee - Jul 29
WOW!! There's so much we don't know about what's going on...
m cameron - Jul 29
m cameron
Good for you, that's very brave! Thanks for sharing.
Jesse - Jul 30
I just hope others understand most of this can be reversed for cheap.
I was dying and had nothing to lose.
Gwendolyn Jones - Jul 29
Gwendolyn’s Substack
Hi Jesse
You really should do a video and post on YouTube about your life experiences with government torture through the years and how you cleared your body of the nanotechnology. This serve as a testament and give hope to so many who are struggling as to what they should or need to do. Thank you for posting.
Jesse - Jul 30
I do have the material, just not good at putting stuff together.
Tasha W - Jul 29
m cameron
And what is an ion foot bath? Epsom salts?
m cameron - Jul 29
m cameron
Dr. Ana references Dr. David Nixon alot and I was reading his comments on fasting and drinking distilled water with food grade activated charcoal for a day. You can probably still find it on his substack. I tried it because activated charcoal is cheap and lasts a long time. It's also good for all the other contamination that ends up in your gut from everywhere (was for me anyway), don't know about parasite removal but maybe. Since everyone is different I go by my instinct and muscle testing is also good.
Maui Carrie - Jul 29
Maui Carrie
It's a device you can purchase. I've used one before at a health expo. I don't know how much they cost tho.
Doug - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
NO clue but I do use Epson salt borax and sea salt and baking soda to bath in. I soak for a long time in it seems to help...
Tasha W - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
I WISH I had a bathtub, but I can't afford to live anywhere with one, I live in my travel trailer and it only has a tiny shower.
Doug - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
ok if you can wet down get that stuff all over you then rinse off if you can. You may not be able to soak much but get all that over all of you then wash off if you can.
if not try the sea salt and baking powder in some water small amounts and drink. Don't drink Borax although some say its ok but yeah I watched a guy show in a video drinking a very small amount of Borax in a water bottle but then posted he felt sick later but offered an excuse for it so I think it's most likely poison like they say it is so don't eat or drink any Borax. but do try drinking just a bit of sea salt and baking soda see if that helps any.
it pulls out morgelllons an graphene from the body.
use sparingly though or you may get diarrhea so yeah but try if you can.
Adrian - Jul 28
Money, only the elite can afford this treatment, but for the majority its out of reach to save ourselves and the earth. FOCUS YOUR ENERGY ON THIS๐HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE TROJAN HORSE. The constitution is anti-tyranny, anti-fiat, anti-inflation, anti-central bank...the Fed Res is their honey-pot. To restore the Amercan Dream Trajectory ban the Trojan Horse that took us off course. Think of it as a peacefull repeat of 1776. We need to revolutionize, virulize, visualize this Bill to PASS at the signature of the Presidents desk.https://massie.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=395644๐We The People Can Make it Happen. Demonitize the WEF by demonitizing their Trojan Horse Honey Pot Fed Res๐๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ
GodsChild17 - Jul 29
You can’t vote your way out of biblical prophecy and certainly can’t vote your way out of things when BOTH PARTIES ARE JUST TWO HEADS ON ONE BIRD BOTH WORKING FOR THE SAME GOD WHICH IS SATAN!!!
Adrian - Jul 29
"The only thing evil needs to succeed is for good people to do NOTHING". Prophecy or not, Im going to fight for this country like its 1776, I have FREE WILL, CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS and COMMON SENSE WHICH GOD GAVE ME. God said you can NOT predict the end times, so dont even try. God inspired the constitution, it aint over till its over, and when it is over, I will KNOW I stood for Gods Will over this Country and Earth, I did NOT stand idle, nor mentally neutered by things i have no control over.
E.C. - Jul 29
Yes Adrian!!!
Webe1 - Jul 29
Damn, well said!
m cameron - Jul 29
m cameron
I agree, for what is the alternative? Total domination.
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Jul 29
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
You are both correct. You cannot vote yourself out of this by voting on the two corrupt parties and their puppets. One way is new organization, cooperation, new alternative for a real democracy and cooperation. The tax level, or migration level or climate hoax are ridiculous issues in comparison with this.
Doug - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
Obvious to me but others keep thinking with worldly minds and continence of Govt and society etc,... God know the thoughts of man and they are vanity. Psalms 94 KJV.
Babylon falls by violence we are Babylon America along with the whole world.
All these Govts get destroyed nothing less. People need to stop thinking they can violate God with more man made crap. For al that does is bring more problems that they again try to remedy through more man made crap.
Anyone Prophesying that the US is safe and that God is going to save our country and smoking weed. Not gonna happen ever. I applaud this for info as in what Ezekiel says to do is sound the alarm and if people don't heed the alarm then their blood on them. But if you don't sound the alarm then their blood is on you or who's in charge to warn for you they didn't sound the alarm.
That's all we have. Prophecy has to happen or were screwed to slavery from one generation to another. I vote Prophecy to happen regardless of the violence that has to happen.
Proton Magic - Jul 29
Proton Magic & Co.
All the presidents are stooges of the global banking elite so that won't happen. The entire system needs to be upended to end the FED. But then, the Global banking elite would just start a war and get the FED back anyway.
Nostradamus X - Jul 29
Nostradamus X
๏ The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank
o They are the Goldman Sachs,
o Rockefellers,
o Lehmans
o and Kuhn Loebs of New York;
o the Rothschilds of Paris and London;
o the Warburgs of Hamburg;
o the Lazards of Paris;
o and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
Vonu - Jul 29
The Federal Reserve is a private corporation masquerading as federal agency.
The Constitution is intrinsically pro-central bank.
Nostradamus X - Jul 29
Nostradamus X
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."
- Nathan Rothschild - 1815
You can say the same thing about the US Congress that allowed the Rothschilds to seize the US banking system in 1913!
Vonu - Jul 29
The seizure took place in Lincoln's administration.
Webe1 - Jul 29
Agreed - many seem to believe it’s governmental simply based on its name.
Vonu - Jul 29
Telephone companies were never fooled.
They never put the Federal Reserve in the blue government pages of their directories, it was listed in the business pages.
Mark Jones - Jul 28 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
If the nano-tech is also in the unvaccinated, then why are the unvaccinated NOT emitting any MAC addresses? I've tested it quite a bit over the last 2 to 3 years. I'm NOT vaccinated and I do not emit any MAC addresses, ever. I check myself occasionally for it, regularly. I've also checked some unvaccinated friends that are also not emitting MAC addresses. Yet all the vaccinated people I check are emitting MAC addresses.
If the nano-tech is also in the unvaccinated wouldn't they also emit MAC addresses from inside their bodies? But they're not. I don't believe I have the nano-tech in me, but it's possible I do. The fact remains that I"m not emitting MAC addresses, so apparently I'm not "on the wifi grid" like the vaccinated are.
Also, on phenomenon of the nose and face pores glowing orange under a 365 black light. I checked myself and have a slight bit of that. However, I found articles about that going back to 2009 or so, saying that the bacteria that cause acne, or sebum in the glands can cause the pores to glow orange under 365 UV light. I'm slightly confused on this too. I'm definitely not glowing blue or green in my veins like some of the vaccinated supposedly are. I haven't checked any vaccinated for this yet, either.
I do know for a fact that the "vaccinated" (they're not "vaccines") are emitting MAC Addresses. And most of the unvaccinated, the ones I've checked that also have not taken Covid tests, are not.
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 28
matt’s microscopy
I have found macs in unjabbed untested individuals and also the tested or jabbed. I have also found all 3 without macs. Some who have had them now don't .
Kieran Jaegar - Jul 29
Kieran Jaegar
Keep up the good work, Matt โค๏ธ๐ฅ
Dennis K McGee - Jul 29
Dennis K McGee
Gonna sound really ignorant, but how do you "test for" MAC addresses? I'm serious. 71yo, not tech savvy and don't know. Please respond. Thanks.
Thru The Veil - Jul 29
Thru’s Substack
I believe you can do it with your cell phone by going to the Bluetooth settings and searching for nearby devices. If a weird series of numbers and letters pops up and then disappears when you click on it, then you've found one.
Trudy - Aug 3
Thank you.
Dennis K McGee - Jul 29
Dennis K McGee
Thank you brother.
Thru The Veil - Jul 29
Thru’s Substack
You are most welcome sir.
Laura - Jul 29
DawnieR - Jul 28 - Edited
How about those that did NOT get injected, but HAVE had one or more SWAB ('tests') shoved up their nose; are they emitting MAC addresses?
Bee Gee - Jul 29 - Edited
Bee Gee
It seems some are, yes.
Maybe they are getting shedding or infected other ways as well, like bodily fluid transfer with the vaxxed.
DawnieR - Jul 29
I knew that this 'fake virus' was an Op, from day 1.....so I didn't fall for ANY of it!!
I've also stayed AWAY from the Injected/Infected.....so, hopefully, I'm not 'infected'.
Rick Zammuto - Jul 29
Rick Zammuto
Subhuman B. Gates owned the Swab test company. That is why they were 95% false positive to make $$ on vaxes. I have no doubt his swabs also had the MAC addresses installed during the swab from people explaining on this page, plus anything else deadly the subhuman could inject.
Bee Gee - Jul 29
Bee Gee
I think if an unvaxxed transfers enough bodily fluids with a vaxxed, the formerly unvaxxed can begin to emit a MAC, like in a husband and wife lets say.
I agree, I have done a good bit of BT testing myself ever since 2021 and never found any unvaxxed who had MAC IDs myself, but I have long since moved away from all vaxxed/infected and never go around them if at all possible.
Gas Axe - Jul 29
Gas’s Substack
I don't know many unvaxxed in my community. 95% lined up for it.
A friend started scanning his co workers and 1 had a mac but never vaxxed. We figured it was from the PCR tests he was forced take every week for refusing the free hotdogs.
Laura - Jul 29
I’m pretty darn sure that I’m vaxxed by proxy. I’m packed with “morgellons” and have to live a life of detox. It really sucks, but after a while the level of non organic crap my body expels becomes less and I feel better. I’ve tried a lot of different things and can share a list if it would be helpful to others. I’m only going to suggest what personally works for me. Dosages and such need to be personalized for each person.
dyr - Jul 28
What you say is one reason I try to speak of uninjectees, when speaking of our contamination content, as something like "vax-like" or some other term. To differentiate.
m cameron - Jul 29
m cameron
Such great info, thanks!
Laura - Jul 29
Ugh. New flag flying “Don’t Shed On Me!”
Doug - Jul 29
Doug’s Substack
cool that means were not as bad off as they say. I pray daily and read the bible so that may be why I do as well as I do? I do get very bad v2k and it's nothing but an AI chat bot singing it's nonsensical irritating.
Key of David - Jul 28
Key’s Substack
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
Jesus is coming soon but not BEFORE SATAN COMES FIRST as Paul teaches in 2nd Thessalonians 2: 1 through 4.
The whole world follows him Revelation 13:3 accept those written in the Book of Life of lamb slain Revelation 13:8.
Satan comes on a white horse Revelation 6:2 with a bow in his head bow is 5115 in the Greek it's a toxic Shekinah Glory rainbow so you know it's him. He comes on a white horse Revelation 6:12 as the first Beast of the political system in Revelation 13:1
Seven heads and 10 horns come out of the sea(people)the seven heads are the seven continents, the ten horns are the 10 supernatural angles that Satan the appoints to run the one world order documented in Revelation 17:12.
Don't follow Satan that you will have the mark of the beast which is in your forehead which is behind it your brain which is to know that Satan the Antichrist shows up first wait for the true Christ and you will have the Seal of God in your forehead Revelation 9:4 and be protected of his Locust Army revelation 9:5.
Www.shepherdschapel.comor go to the Shepherd's Chapel or their YouTube channel type in Revelation 6 or Revelation 13 to have peace in today's world. God bless you all
GodsChild17 - Jul 29
Amen ๐ not many people are understanding the time and season we are in. God bless you ๐
Key of David - Jul 29
Key’s Substack
God bless you as well and May the Holy Spirit leave guide direct and protect you and your family in Jesus name amen
Maui Carrie - Jul 28
Maui Carrie
I believe the ac is barry obummer which I got from "The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog" & "Kleckfiles" on Bitchute as well as so many people have had dreams or visions. I thought he was when he first came onto the scene, but figured I was wrong when nothing really happened then except division within this country. It's coming soon! K will be pres and this country is mystery Babylon. If you're interested in a great video laying out lots of good info on why it's barry, here it is.
Key of David - Jul 29
Key’s Substack
Hello Maui Carrie calling Obama the Antichrist is not knowing scripture in my humble opinion there's only one Antichrist and if you look up the word in the Greek it means instead of christ.
There's only one son of perdition Perdition means to perish which Satan is already sentenced to burn and turn from ashes from within in Ezekiel 28:18 and 19 KJV.
Paul identifies the Son of Perdition and second Thessalonians 2 check the scriptures out tell me what you think? God bless you
The Man of Lawlessness
2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2Th 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
Laura - Jul 29
The first time I heard the name, all I could hear is Obamanation. Abomination.
Kamala Kabbalah Harris.
Maui Carrie - Jul 29
Maui Carrie
God bless you too! I believe the prophets that I cited above. These scriptures do not change my opinion. I believe these 2 people are anointed at this time and appointed to warn and help people to repent and prepare our hearts for what is to come very soon on this earth and both name him.
kaal - Jul 29
Masters voice and kleck are annointed end times prophets- ppl should not b trying 2 figure it out themselves. God shows us thru chosen ppl in GODS WAY. If u have 2 try 2 figure it out u dont know and should stop. God is revealing to us in HIS WAY.
Effra - Jul 29
Ask Celestine why she wears an Apple Watch.
kaal - Jul 29
yes. both end times prophets. also check josephaquaviva2222- true.
Maui Carrie - Jul 29
Maui Carrie
Where do you find him?
kaal - Jul 29
type in joseph... on yt news is scripted coded to reveal the ac-
Maui Carrie - Jul 29
Maui Carrie
Thanks! Will check him out!
Laura - Jul 30
Obamanation of the temple is all I can think when I hear his name
Effra - Jul 29
The Antichrist won’t be someone we’ve seen for years and years, like Obama, Trump, or Prince Charles . . .
Aminata Diouf - Jul 30
Aminata Diouf
Is he coming as sombody new on the stage?
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jul 28
Ray’s Newsletter
The problem is that although I've never even worn a muzzle, got "tested," or accepted an injection, I am already halfway synthetic:
As long as nanoparticles are in the body, which are constantly replenished, 5G and comparable technologies provide full control over the individual. Even one's DNA can be "downloaded" and the person can be tracked or targeted:
Even using a cell phone or a home Wi-Fi is sufficient, because even the local electric grid can do the job:
Finally, at least 13 types of attacks on the people can converge, making the damages irreversible and impossible to diagnose:
TimeIsNear - Jul 28
Now, all the predictive programming about black goo makes sense.
Ronda - Jul 29
I thought that too about the black goo…
Mark.Kennard - Jul 28
Healthcare, not Medicine
Is this why the USA have a protocol in place for a zombie invasion. Scary stuff indeed. The last time man thought he could be as the gods didn’t turn out well for them at all. The stairway to heaven incident.
Politico Phil - Jul 28
Politico Phil
Yup, scary BUT I have no doubt that ultimately it is doomed to failure.
Karenvusa - Jul 29 - Edited
"ELECTRIC FIELDS REMOVE NANO PARTICLES WITH EASE" Article from 2015https://today.ucsd.edu/story/electric_fields_remove_nanoparticles_from_blood_with_ease. "Also, the electric field is designed to oscillate at just the right frequency: 15,000 times per second."
Is it possible to rig a dialysis machine to expose the blood to the right frequency, filter out the nano and return the blood to the patient?? I have no medical experience, but another poster some time ago commented about the above article.
made edit: article is from 2015 - not 2005
I see Gwendolyn has also come across the same article.
jacquelyn sauriol - Jul 28 - Edited
See FM8 on Substack, pulsing device to remove morgellans fibers, any thoughts?
dyr - Jul 28
which of his pages from
do you refer to?
here and there we do see touting of e-based means for therapy, i admit to hesitation/suspicion of them all, after involvement with the likes of eg the work of Sam Milham and eg his contention that ALS is e-"therapy" induced
when I read A Killen's Berlin Electropolis (about how that city around 1880-1920 sought to be leader in e-usage of the epoch), I easily creatively "misread" it finding all manner of plausible causality for problems related to then burgeoning e-deployments, and in the midst there was recourse to unelectrified suburban sanitoria, followed by yet again resort to various e-means for cure...an old story
still 'd like to see what you refer to, if you can narrow down the reference
jacquelyn sauriol - Jul 29
Thanks dyr. I am referring to FM8's triangle device which he shows how to make. The premise makes sense, that the pulsing disrupts the morgellans fibers ability to stay in the body.
Laura - Jul 30
My grandfather had ALS!
dyr - Jul 30
After involvement with parliamentary hearings in canada 2010 re e-dangers, follow-up hearings were held re ALS specifically, i tried to get Milham actually as expert witness, MD & epidemiologist he was, it was rejected, i listened to the pitiful proceedings with the researcher pleading for funds and relatives of sufferers' emotional appeal...all beside the point, as of course even much dissidence even re covi-madness... on it goes
Anita Söderman - Jul 29
Anita’s Substack
I just pull mine out when it reoccurs as it does... the area.on my high chin aches a bit especially when touchin but gets better after the pull out
Gwendolyn Jones - Jul 29
Gwendolyn’s Substack
Dr. Mihalcea, thank you so much for keeping the community updated about important informational content and for all your research.
I was able to find the following information online:
Methods for Removing Nanobots from the Human Body:
1. Electric Field Separation: Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a technology that uses an oscillating electric field to isolate and remove drug-delivery nanoparticles from blood. This method could potentially be used to separate and recover nanobots from the human body [[2]]
2. Magnetic Field Manipulation: Magnetic fields can be used to manipulate and guide nanobots within the body. By applying a magnetic field externally, nanobots that are equipped with magnetic components can be directed towards specific areas for removal [[1]]
3. Chemical Degradation: Nanobots can be designed to degrade or disassemble in response to specific chemical triggers. By introducing the appropriate chemical agent into the body, the nanobots can be broken down into harmless components that can be eliminated through natural bodily processes [[1]]
4. Immune System Clearance: The body's immune system plays a crucial role in identifying and eliminating foreign particles, including nanobots. Researchers are exploring ways to enhance the immune response to target and remove nanobots from the body [[1]]
Learn more:
1. [Advances of medical nanorobots for future cancer treatments | Journal of Hematology & Oncology | Full Text](https://jhoonline.biomedcentral.com
2. [Electric Fields Remove Nanoparticles From Blood With Ease]
3. [Smart micro- and nanorobots for water purification | Nature Reviews Bioengineering]
Gwendolyn Jones - Jul 29
Gwendolyn’s Substack
OR you could get an MRI done. An MRI has a very strong magnetic pull. Nano robots are heavy metals. A full body MRI could easily destroy the technology. Doctors do not want to do MRIs if a targeted individual requests it even if you’re paying for it yourself.
Key of David - Jul 29
Key’s Substack
Make sure you don't get the barium in there cuz they're probably putting DNA from aborted fetuses and graphene oxide with hydrogel just as they put in all the drugs vaccines and most of our food if you look up the article stop eating food with a boarded fetuses from the Constitution mobile!
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jul 29
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
My friend got three murdernas. He is losing his mind and doesn't know what he is saying. He blames me, for trying to tell him
I do not approve of having my blood and spirit contaminated, wish they will stop doing that .
The taste of things has changed, like the smells have shifted, to the metallic spectrum, away from the roses to the thorns
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Jul 29
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
ChatGPT describes how an artificial superintelligence could destroy humanity using synthetic biology. @33:14https://www.thegreatsimplification.com/episode/132-daniel-schmachtenberger
Someone, aiming for eternal hell, obviously is using AI to kill us. Let me guess who!
And the beautiful Dr Ana is trying to help to remove the bioweapons inside of us, with a lovely smile, because she knows she has saved her soul, and that is why she is shining with that beautiful energy.
janet kessler - Jul 29
janet kessler
One group - working to bring back the dead; the other - to kill us off as fast as possible. Interesting...
NewAmericanPioneers - Jul 29
The good news is...we have people like Dr Ana, and a growing number of others, who are performing benevolent, ethical research and testing. And more solutions are emerging. But, yeah, walking dead is not a good look. And those of us who pay attention to the benevolent find lots of interventions that even if we can't get rid of it all, we can (hopefully) keep the nanotech at a low level and detox the heavy metals.
Bee Gee - Jul 29
Bee Gee
I am doing another chelation fast tonight, so here is what I am doing and taking.
They are all pretty mild and chelate heavy metals as well as dissolve hydrogels.
They also cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain gets into closed organs systesm others cannot, like the reproductive system.
Oral EDTA (Arizona & MedFive)
ALA (via organic cold pressed hempseed oil)
Sodium & natural Citrate
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
- all every 12 hours
I only eat once a day anyway but I ate last night at around 9pm so I wont have eaten in around 24 hours when I start. I did have coffee with some heavy cream this morning, and have been drinking orange juice in zerowater all day.
I just took 3 Arizona Naturals EDTA pills (1800mg) and one Medfive (500mg-ish) with a big glass of zerowater.
I will wait an hour or so and then I will take 3 1-gram pills of hempseed oil, a tablespoon of sodium citrate in water, one bromelain pill (500mg), one vitamin D (5000 iu), one vitamin E (180mg), 1 pill/1200mg of NAC and 2000-4000 iu's of vitamin C.
Then I will do the same thing again every 12 hours for 3 full days, drinking gallons of zerowater. I wont eat any food or drink any coffee again for 3 full days, although sometimes we stretch it to 4 since we feel great.
I personally want to get the maximum intake of Bromelain and Vitamin C possible so I also bought 8 pineapples and maybe 15 pounds of clearance and regular price oranges. I will vamp a whole pineapple or more per day and juice all of those oranges too. I strain the orange juice using a coffee filter and then use zerowater to rinse the pulp into my glass, since C and natural citrate are water soluble.
That way Nothing is interfering with the oral EDTA chelating out metals and nanotech from my body and 100% of the EDTA is doing what I want. We do this about once a month, because Everywhere you go, the infected are shedding. Everywhere and Anywhere, all the time, and it transfects in Seconds through the air.
Im not giving anyone medical advice and always look up all of the above in a drug interaction checker with anything else you take but there are multiple reasons these help. And oral EDTA makes it very easy to fast anyway, much much easier than fasting without it, even when you arent drinking juice. I think if you're gonna fast, you should probably be doing a EDTA chelation fast, but thats just me.
I have known shedding was real for a while now and I am not messing around in the slightest in trying to get rid if it.
Many of the health effects that happen to the jabbed/infected can happen to us too, so I am serious as a heart attack and I plan on Living. And I'm in charge of my wife's chelating so shes living too but then I hope everyone does.
And stop taking Anything with Zeolite or other clays or earths, I used to take them occasionally too but they All Have Metals in them, Look It Up. We need to Remove Metals and hydrogels, many of which use metals as a catalyst.
alexxxxxxxx - Jul 29
if nanobots can recieve 5g signals ,,, an emn pulse wave should knock them out,,, instructions for making a em pulse generator from a camera flash ,,, on utube... nanobots should be subseptable to micro electtrical currents naturally present in our bodies ie eeg ,we may may be able to influence nanobots with our nervious and brain microcurrents and our own bodies natural Tesla waves ? ANY LEADS?
Thomas A Braun RPh - Jul 28
Don’t believe it! Sci-fi! Neurons biodegrade. Period.
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