"Nanorobot Extraction From The Body" by Nanotechnology and Nanorobotics Expert Robert A. Freitas Jr, JD

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 28, 2024 βˆ™ Paid βˆ™ Source

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I have received so many questions about how do the elites protect themselves from the self assembly nanotechnology? I have been reading a lot of their books, including those of Robert A Freitas who is frequently referred to by Ray Kurzweil. Who is he?

Robert A. Freitas Jr. , J.D., published the first detailed technical design study of a medical nanorobot ever published in a peer-reviewed mainstream biomedical journal and is the author of Nanomedicine , the first book-length technical discussion of the medical applications of nanotechnology and medical nanorobotics. Volume I was published in October 1999 by Landes Bioscience while Freitas was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing (IMM) in Palo Alto, California. Freitas published Volume IIA in October 2003 with Landes Bioscience while serving as a Research Scientist at Zyvex Corp. , a nanotechnology company headquartered in Richardson, Texas during 2000-2004.

Freitas latest book is “Cryostasis revival” - which discusses how to reanimate frozen corpses via self assembly nanotechnology to revive these individuals back to life. He discusses many approaches including sowing a human head to a robot body with a picture of the “Borg” Queen and he discusses the viability of these different modalities of reanimating the dead. There are many people who find cyogenically preserving the head only and then reconstructing the neural brain networks is less challenging than whole body preservation.

Image courtesy: Alice Krige as the Borg Queen from Star Trek: First Contact

Interestingly, the Borg used nanoprobes to assimilate other organisms into the hive mind.

Nanoprobes were microscopic robotic devices used by the Borg for the primary purpose of assimilation , as well as to help maintain and even repair their mechanical and biological components on a microscopic level. Injected into a target's bloodstream via assimilation tubules , the nanoprobes immediately began to take over the host cells ' functions. To ensure that the target could tolerate the nanoprobes, stabilizing metals such as lithium ions were also injected. Nanoprobes could also be modified for a variety of medical and technical tasks.

In the future, I will write other substacks on his extremely detailed nanorobot research, his minute mathematical calculations on the blood flow velocities and how the nanorobots maneuver through the entire vascular system to enter every organ and the brain. More for later, or if you want to know more now, get his 703 page book. Once you read it, you will never again think that what I have been finding in the blood is science fiction. In fact, you will find on page 527 an extensive list of cryopreservation, corpse revival, space exploration and time travel in Science Fiction literature, including the Borg from Startrek. Why would reputable scientists study science fiction and recommend it in their scientific books? Because it is known from the testimony of Government whistleblowers as complied by Dr Steven Greer in his UFO disclosure book “Unacknowledged”, that science fiction writers and producers like Steven Spielberg were shown actual events, recovered technologies and alien bodies concealed from the public in dark military projects which then inspired science fiction movies like ET.

This then explains that future technology that the military already has from reverse engineering alien spacecraft and analysis of retrieved alien bodies is portrayed in science fiction and now looks like predictive programming. I told you that microelectronics have been recovered from downed alien spacecraft as well - and I told you for the last 3 years that this technology I am finding is not from here.

The information has been released to the public but in a way that allows plausible deniability. Freitas book contains 27 pages of science fiction titles that he has read from 1846-2021. What does that tell you?

Part of the population mind control operations is the psychological warfare of making fun of disclosure of real government black projects. This method of ridicule is a powerful social pressure.

Here you can read how its done in the Military Review - The Professional Journal of the US Army Weaponizing Ridicule

The fifth rule: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.

—Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals”

The more you are controlled by social pressure the more stupid you are kept. This is why so many academics are so closed minded, since they have their reputations on the line, which is everything to them - the small mind prison of social status. You will not find Genius in those ranks, neither will you find truth.

On page 665 Appendix M. it states:

Nanorobot Extraction from the body.

“Once a diagnostic or therapeutic mission is completed by blood borne nanorobots, it is necessary to extract them from the circulation.”

He discusses two modalities in specific 1. nanaphoresis ( centrifugal blood component separation) and transfusion ( nanorobot washout)


Active ballast control allows exfusion from the blood by early immotile nanorobots such as respirocytes that are incapable of removing themselves from the body. Blood to be cleared of nanorobots may be passed from the patient to a specialized centrifugation apparatus analogous to an apheresis circuit as is used in erythrocytapheresis, plateletpheresis, leukapheresis, plasmapheresis and cytapheresis systems.

Please note that the other thing to consider is the temperature drop for the polymers in the blood. You can see that with EBOO the rubbery clots coagulate even in the C19 unvaccinated individuals. Extreme caution is warranted with such systems as nanorobots are not the only problem, polymerization kinetics must be considered.

Patients Using EBOO/RHP/ Ozone Recirculatory Hemoperfusion Treatments Are Seeing Strange Blood Clots

Also please review the polymer viscosity chemistry that is tied to time and temperature and I have described here:

Correlations Between COVID19 Bioweapon Contents, Polymer Chemistry And Nanosensors For WBAN

Buoyancy Control and Nanapheresis .

The concept of nanapheresis - originally proposed for use mainly in the early years of medical nanorobot implementation - acoustic transmitters would command passing nanorobots to establish neutral buoyancy. No other solid blood component can maintain exact neutral buoyancy, hence those other components precipitate outward during the gentle centrifugation and are drawn off and added back to filtered plasma on the other side of the apparatus. Meanwhile, after a period of centrifugation, the plasma, containing mostly suspended nanorobots but few other solids, is drawn off through a simple filter, removing the devices as residue. Plasma filtrate then is recombined with centrifuged solid components and returned undamaged to the patients circulation.

The conventional apheresis procedure takes 2-3 hours. The process is not entirely comfortable. Nausea, cramps, and tingling in the fingers and around the mouth may be experienced, usually caused by the sodium citrate that is infused to prevent the clotting of the blood that is exiting the body. After the procedure the patient can feel cold, dizzy, lightheaded or tired. Light anesthesia during and immediately after nanapheresis should alleviate most patient discomfort.

Let us consider a simple mathematical blood filtration model for nanaphoresis. The Spectra Optica Cell Separator is a typical commercially available continuous- flow centrifugal apheresis system with a whole blood processing rate of -88cm3/minute and a plasma- removal efficiency of - 93%

He then proceeds to calculate the apheresis times for numbers of injected nanobots 50 million, 50 billion and 50 trillion robots.

I would like to inform people that I have had patients who underwent very expensive apheresis procedures, but their benefit was short lived due to the extreme recontamination exposure from COVID bioweapon shedding, geoengineering operations, food and water contamination.

Transfusion ( Nanorobot washout)

Extracting nanorobots for 1-2 days would be viewed as too long of a medical procedure. Hence he recommends:

“Better yet, the fastest extraction of nanorobots from the blood would occur if we didn’t bothe rto filter the blood at all before returning to the patient, but instead performed a whole- body transfusion that exchanged fresh nanorobot- free blood for all nanorobot rich blood.”

Note that the context here is that the nanorobots were injected in cryogenically frozen bodies and the nanorobots were used to repair and regenerate the tissues to revive the dead. Hence these people do not care if they have to replace the entire blood volume with “fresh nanorobot free blood.” This is not really feasible for us at a large scale, in particular since we know the blood supply now is contaminated, since all humans have these nanorobots in their blood either from the COVID bioweapon, other vaccines or injectable pharmaceuticals or from smart dust sprayed via geoengineering operations.

Freitas mentions the cryonic association called ALCOR , the most technologically advanced cyonics association.


Medical Nanotechnology expert Robert Freitas describes getting rid of nanorobots in the body. Nanaphoresis could be applicable, while extremely expensive. Kinetics of neutral buoyancy of nanorobots need to be considered as described via acoustic transmitters.

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Jesse - Jul 28

I have gotten rid of them with using an ion foot bath and a rife machine (spooky2). Not the fastest, but it works. It has a graphene oxide setting that draws it out. I also did a liver function balance and that helped me when I got cancer from the jab. Frequencies 1500 and 1550 worked well for extracting the parasites. Ivermectin didn’t help, but fenBen did. I think I got a bunk batch of ivermectin though.
I’m cancer, white fibrous, and graphene clot free.
I got plenty of photos and videos showing the progress over the past 2 years of fighting to stay alive. Early on, the graphene “chips” would literally reassemble in the water.
I have Dr Ana to thank for this as well as a couple other Dr’s that were on to this from early on.
Now when I do the footbaths, metals still come out because they are in everything, but they are not assembling. It takes time to assemble and if a metal detox is kept up, they can’t form or function.

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Adrian - Jul 28


Money, only the elite can afford this treatment, but for the majority its out of reach to save ourselves and the earth. FOCUS YOUR ENERGY ON THISπŸ‘‰HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE TROJAN HORSE. The constitution is anti-tyranny, anti-fiat, anti-inflation, anti-central bank...the Fed Res is their honey-pot. To restore the Amercan Dream Trajectory ban the Trojan Horse that took us off course. Think of it as a peacefull repeat of 1776. We need to revolutionize, virulize, visualize this Bill to PASS at the signature of the Presidents desk.https://massie.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=395644πŸ‘ˆWe The People Can Make it Happen. Demonitize the WEF by demonitizing their Trojan Horse Honey Pot Fed ResπŸ‘ˆπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

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