Nanobots in Humans - Interview with James…

Aug 15, 2024

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Unrestricted Warfare Ep.


Catherine - Aug 15 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

I wish you would also provide a warning for these products you say are to detox with. There are some pretty nasty side effects from Meth Blue that I experienced. Please provide a warning. Looking up these products on the net will provide the warning, so should you. I personally will never use meth blue since what I experienced was the horrible side effect from only 5 days taking it at the lowest dose. Many take it with no side effects but it can be life threatening for some. You dont provide dosages or times or for how long or for what age or for people with conditions of illness. Come on Dr M..... My suggestion is to use natural products to detoxify naturally and slowly and safely. Hawthorne tea is a good detox!


Christian - Aug 15

Ar’s Substack

What kind of side effects ? and how many drops a day ? I take 5 drops a day, if i take more i feel a pressure on my chest...


Patrick Glennon - Aug 15

Patrick Glennon

Alkaline diet is recommended, what do you think about this,there is a lot of misinformation out there, I am targeted with direct energy weapons.cheers


Christian - Aug 15

Ar’s Substack

How do you know that you are targeted ?


Kim - Aug 15 - Edited


Why do you suppose that Dr. Ana is no longer recommending the Med Five EDTA and is rather recommending the Global Healing EDTA?


iya - Aug 15 - Edited


Don't know, but I've always thought of Dr Groups Global Healing products as top notch.


Kim - Aug 15 - Edited


Absolutely, Global Healing is top notch. It is one of the only places I get my supplements from because I trust that Dr. Group is very meticulous in producing the supplements, and they have great shipping and customer service. Still, though, I want to know why Dr. Ana is no longer recommending Med Five, which is what I take. I think Med Five is great because it also has Vitamin C in it, as well as a few other things. Rick from Med Five also does a great job in fulfilling the orders speedily. Maybe Med Five is a little too pricey, though. Maybe that's the reason. Dr. Ana wants everybody to be able to take the EDTA and Global Healing is more affordable.


Christian - Aug 15 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

Ma réponse ci-dessous...


Christian - Aug 15 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

The question is : why do Ana recommend oral EDTA when she said before that oral edta is not strong enough. ?
On my side I am fed up! ! No vaxx but a lot of dental anesthesics in may 2020 and problems starting in 2022. (high blood pressure, fatigue...) From France to a German chelation clinic in january 2024, rouleaux, fibrin, etc. then clean blood . Then chelation clinic again in march mesogens in the blood... back in june in the same clinic rouleaux and fibrin again, so, ozon therapy... clean blood... for how long... ? I am supposed to go back in september/october...
hotel restautant+ cliniic = 20 000 euros... this year.
My every day protocol : Nac, Vit C, MB, vit B.... Cats'claw, Ivermectine...


Yowza - Aug 16

Yowza’s Substack

I have nanobots in my eyes from dental anesthetics, presumably. Several different kinds/shapes. I have had no other kind of injection in at least 20 years prior. You can see it clearly when looking into a microscope. Get one from your local library for free!


Kim - Aug 15


Wow! Unbelievable that you have had to go through all of that JUST from having your teeth done! I am so sorry that you are having to go through all of that. I would be spitting mad!!
Dr. Ana recommends (and I am just going from what she says in her Substack) 450mg/day of EDTA. The ORAL EDTA needs to be able to bypass the stomach acid so the oral form must by either enteric coated or in a liposomal delivery. Med Five is enteric coated and it supplies 400mg/tablet and the suggested usage on the bottle says to "take 1 tablet in the A.M. and 1 tablet in the P.M. so that would be the equivalent of 900mg/day. So, technically, you could only take 1 tablet a day and meet Dr. Ana's recommendation. The reason the instructions on the Med Five say to take 2 tablets/day is because it was developed originally for athersclerosis and to help clean the blood of plaque.
Now, the amount of EDTA in the Global Healing liposomal (they call it "microsomal" but I think it's the same as liposomal but I could be wrong about that) Calcium Sodium EDTA is 225mg/1 ml and the instructions on the bottle say to take 1 ml twice a day for a total of 450mg/day. Probably why Dr. Ana is recommending a 450mg/day dose.
I hope this info helps, and I think it is worth a shot trying to start taking things orally because it is not practical to keep going for IV chelation. I really hope that everything gets better and EASIER for you!


JulesUSA - Aug 15

Sabrina Wallace - Psinery, Odysee


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 15 - Edited


Do believe Dr. is proclaiming it to be necessary to continually disrupt the endless self-constructing and replicating of the SynBio within everything now. Also, to give it to all the organic life around us for their health. Beyond the products to take to enable this...It's also important to perform activities raising our natural frequencies to a plane where this alone inhibits the SynBio from functioning as well. Praying, meditation, listening to Classical Music (Not so much Classical Rock)...All are very positive for maintaining health and elimination of the SynBio form our systems.


Skupe - Aug 15


What a drag life will be without rock music and having to eat veg and listen to classical.


Christian - Aug 15

Ar’s Substack

Lol ! I do not like Rock at all. but you made me laugh !


Christian - Aug 15 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

Mozart and Bach are sooo boring ! I listen to la Chanson Française and La Canzonetta...


Skupe - Aug 15 - Edited


You like opera, or that's what the title La Canzonetta sounds like to me, though I have never heard it. The only classical I like is when they play rock music with a symphony orchestra in the background. I like lyrics, better than music, or songs that tell a story with the music in the background.


Christian - Aug 15 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

Non non Je suis français, and I speak italian and english and I am learning german... La Canzonetta = the italian song... Not opera... I hate it because actually, I used to learn opera, but I got fed up !


Christian - Aug 15 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

What I like, the french songwriter Barbara or the italian Mina ! Barbara is a pure poet and musician. Many R and R french groups have covered her song.


MG Piland III - Aug 15

MG’s Substack

🙏🙏🙏💁‍♂️❤️ thanks for your noble work !


Charlie - Aug 15

It has become a literal race to a conversion of critical masses becoming merged or simply transformed to chattel property.
Monsanto seeds! Imagine the ramifications. If enough umans vote a certain way w/o their own cognitive thinking, there will be need for outright cheating. Without free organic thinking what is reason to be alive from today’s perspective. The most interesting aspect is I for example would have zero recollection of any past and relatively speaking my existence would be whatever is programmed! I’ll let you give some thought to that concept. Kill your self, for example…


Bee Gee - Aug 15

Bee Gee

I dont know Dr Anas reasoning but the Most Important Thing about oral EDTA is that it binds with almost everything and needs to be taken at least 2 hours away from anything else.
And thats why MedFive says to take it at those times, to try to minimize the things you intake that will waste the EDTA. It is NOT just another vitamin and if you are taking it like one, you are Fucking It Up.
Like for example if someone takes EDTA with a multivitamin, it instantly bound with those minerals and did absolutely nothing. Total Waste, you might as well not have even taken it. Or if you drank coffee with dairy in it an hour ago and then took oral EDTA, some or all of it instantly bound and the EDTA did little-to-nothing (EDTA has a metal-binding-affinity-chart so I am generalizing).
Thats the good and bad about MedFive, it takes longer to digest and may be more effective (very questionable) but its Absolutely harder to time and take effectively for most people, because many people have ate or drank something else in those two morning hours that it will bind with.
Not all of course, but Many. That includes all food, many beverages and many other vitamins and supplements.
Normal oral EDTA pills like Arizona Naturals work just fine if you follow that rule, or preferably Fast while taking it.
Years ago, people were not fasting or taking any special dietary precautions when they came up with their supposed "only 5-10% effective via oral" number and they Only looked at the amount of lead that they urinated out... so poof magic, they say that must mean that only 5-10 percent 'worked'.
Another point about the liposomal people may not take into account is that there are 20 drops in 1 ml... so the standard dose is 40 drops a day and that only gets you a Very Very small amount of EDTA. So little tbh I doubt it does anything at all but just my opinion absent evidence.
However, my wife and I just did a 5 day EDTA fast, so then you KNOW it is removing metals that are already in your body and not just things we eat or drink.
Every 12 hours, we take 1 Medfive (450mg) and 3 Arizona Naturals (1800mg) oral EDTA. Then we wait an hour or so and take ALA, NAC, Bromelain, Sodium Citrate, and Vitamins C, D and E.
They are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier and Bromelain very importantly gets into your reproductive system.
And most importantly of All, they do not bind with Oral EDTA. Oral EDTA makes it Very easy to fast, you dont even get hungry if you are taking a decent amount.
And dont listen to any of the people saying how dangerous it is, they are misinformed or lying. EDTA studies have been around like 70 years, and when you read some of them, some people were taking Massive Amounts, like 27 grams per Day.
So even my roughly 7000mg (7 grams) oral EDTA per day for 5 days seems like nothing compared to them and from what I read, they all did Fine.
No one ever died or OD'd or even got really sick from taking EDTA unless they were taking the Edetate EDTA, which no one uses anymore.
And Honestly, it makes you Feel GREAT. We only planned on fasting 3 days but then we decided to go for 5 days because we felt so good. I cant recommend it enough, and in my highly educated opinion, Everyone Should Do It. Then they Know it is working.
I myself am not switching to the drops Dr Ana has above, but then I bought a bunch of MedFive and Arizona over a year ago and still have some left. And even when I run out, I personally will not get them, its just too little EDTA and I actually take the pills right.
Time is getting short through, people are getting shed on Every Single Day and it just keeps growing in people and people keep coming up with excuses why they cant take the proven steps to Stop It.
Oral EDTA and Vitamin C is in the patent, so I think EVERYONE should at the very least be taking both of those.
Or As Soon As Humanly Possible.
Not next week, Maybe... after I do some more research or ask some people in random comments what They think I should do.
If people are unable to do the research Themselves, they should probably listen to the people that Can and Do.
Vitamin C and oral EDTA, At The Very Least.
And at least global healing mentions it is their FAQs, but I dont like their ingredient list either.
Any 'ingredients' that sound like they come from a unicorn give me pause, to say the least.


Anita Söderman - Aug 15

Anita’s Substack

We cannot get enough reminded of this in our every day lives! It is so easy to look the ot her way, and get busy with stuff, but actually to somehow counteract the constant poisoning of us and our world is of highest priority - when I see t he special sky tracks right over my country house I do wonder if I am the big target or what??


Mike Hoehn - Aug 15

Mike Hoehn

Thank you Dr Ana.

REPLY - Aug 15 - Edited

Dr. Ana still promotes methylene blue?
Watch the video:
Don't Drink Your Pee- People Promoting This Disgusting Practice Need To Be Called Out -
In this video Tim Truth talks also about Methylene Blue and how dangerous this stuff really is. In the same (or another) video he also talks about chlorine dioxide solution (CDS).


Christian - Aug 15 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

Drinking piss is great !!!

REPLY - Aug 15 - Edited

Watch Tim Truth's video about this topic. Also what he has to say about CDS and Methylene Blue…


Christian - Aug 15 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

No Rumble in France... can u sum up ?

REPLY - Aug 15 - Edited

Toxic, toxic, toxic.
I took it on a regular basis and stopped it immediately.
He is also on Bitchute und Youtube.


crapshoot farmer - Aug 15

crapshoot farmer

Does he say CDS is toxic too?


Christian - Aug 15

Ar’s Substack

And ivermectin too... so what does he suggest ? Hum ?


Christian - Aug 15

Ar’s Substack

Ivermecton too according to this TT
SO what does he suggest ?


Christian - Aug 15

Ar’s Substack

It is your point of view... some only believe in herb teas and so on, it does nothing...


Christian - Aug 15

Ar’s Substack

Many doctors say the opposite... I believe in experiences...


Charlie - Aug 15

No need for cheating ^ above correction ^



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