Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 15, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 151 | "Nanobots in Humans" with Dr. Ana Mihalcea
James had me back on his show to discuss research updates. We had a great discussion about AI, Transhumanism, Neuralink, Nanobots and the silent stealth nanotechnology warfare that is going on.
Some people ask me what is the point of trying to detox this technology and its building blocks if we get contaminated from everywhere. In my view, the point is to prolong life and maintain health against this assault. The accelerated aging process is without a doubt evident and the suggested molecules can help significantly to decrease the oxidative stress from toxic metals, inhibit the self assembly process of polymers, restore the blood flow by helping red blood cells restoring their electrical natural state.
Ca Disodium EDTA for detoxification of metals
Dr Tennant's Restore for full nutritional support
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Catherine - Aug 15 - Edited
I wish you would also provide a warning for these products you say are to detox with. There are some pretty nasty side effects from Meth Blue that I experienced. Please provide a warning. Looking up these products on the net will provide the warning, so should you. I personally will never use meth blue since what I experienced was the horrible side effect from only 5 days taking it at the lowest dose. Many take it with no side effects but it can be life threatening for some. You dont provide dosages or times or for how long or for what age or for people with conditions of illness. Come on Dr M..... My suggestion is to use natural products to detoxify naturally and slowly and safely. Hawthorne tea is a good detox!
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Kim - Aug 15
Why do you suppose that Dr. Ana is no longer recommending the Med Five EDTA and is rather recommending the Global Healing EDTA?
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