Nanobots In Covid 19 Unvaccinated Blood Darkfield Live Blood Analysis 4000x Magnification

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 31, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Area of micelles filled with nanorobots. Magnification is 400x.

I was looking at this area of micelles in COVID19 unvaccinated blood. To determine if the micelles are filled with nanorobots I went up to 4000x magnification. All videos below show the same magnification but different micelles. They all contain different nanorobots which are emitting light in different frequencies.

In order to see better, open the videos up in full screen. A red blood cell is 5-6 micrometers in diameter. Some of these small dots are several hundred nanometers or less.






Support your body with detoxification of metals, since these metals are important for the semiconductor antenna created, nanobots and Quantum Dots contain metals.

Metals have been key ingredients of the COVID bioweapon shots and all other vaccines, since they support the self assembly nanotechnology.

Discussion of Argentinian C19 Bioweapon Analysis Finding Building Blocks Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology

1500mg EDTA pulls out this much metals in a urine metals test in 6 hours as shown in below test result - by which all of these metals have been cleared out of the body. Here you can learn about its effects on Graphene detoxification with EDTA:

EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

If you see below, in order to get the amount of Aluminum that was excreted you calculate 2200 times the creatinine number (25.6) which is 56320 micrograms of Aluminum alone that was excreted within 6 hours of taking the IV EDTA without any side effects.

All the EDTA from a single dose leaves your body within 24 hours - the majority leaves within 6 hours. This test was done by DOCTOR’s DATA a renown heavy metals testing company. You can find sample testing as I am showing you below here: Doctors Data Urine Toxic and Essential Elements

EDTA is an excellent molecule for safe heavy metal detoxification and it is mentioned in the Moderna patent to stop nanoparticle replication. It has been extensively studied for its effectiveness and safety.

In the TACT trial published in JAMA “ Effect of Disodium EDTA Chelation Regimen on Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Previous Myocardial Infarction The TACT Randomized Trial ” - over fifty five thousand (55222) infusions were given with NO SIDE EFFECTS and amazing reduction in heart disease risk.

Here are further studies of the safety and efficacy of EDTA:

Literature Review of EDTA Chelation

Here is a metals test done at my office:

Here is the Moderna patent

Another Confirmation: EDTA Combined With Vitamin C And Other Antioxidants Inhibits Nano Particle Polymerization In New Moderna Patent

Global Healing has an excellent Calcium Disodium EDTA. You can also take EDTA that is liposomal, enteric coated, or as a suppository, whichever you prefer. Remember to take adequate mineral supplementation and of course the Vitamin C that is needed according to the patent.

Calcium Disodium EDTA

Ulitmate Methylene Blue

I also highly recommend Dr Tennants Restore Products to regenerate cellular electricity. He tests all his products for metal and other contamination. You can see our interview here. Healing Is Voltage - Conversation With Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PSc.D - Truth, Science and Spirit, Ep 24

Tennants Restore

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anna burns - Jul 31

I use ethernet the majority of the time in my house and I use cellular on my phone. I turned wifi off at home years ago because I would get vestibular migraines from it. I do have the option to turn it on when I need to, but I never leave it on when I'm not using it. Using an ethernet connect is faster, and more reliable anyway.

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Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jul 31

Ray’s Newsletter

The problem is that although I've never even worn a muzzle, got "tested," or accepted an injection, I am already halfway synthetic:
As long as nanoparticles are in the body, which are constantly replenished, 5G and comparable technologies provide full control over the individual. Even one's DNA can be "downloaded" and the person can be tracked or targeted:
Even using a cell phone or a home Wi-Fi is sufficient, because even the local electric grid can do the job:
Finally, at least 13 types of attacks on the people can converge, making the damages irreversible and impossible to diagnose:

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