Nano Robot Swarm Self Assembly Of…

Jun 18, 2024

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Video: C19 uninjected blood 400x magnfication Darkfield Microscopy


MW - Jun 18

MW’s Substack

Thank you so much for your work, & sharing!
As a Chemical engineer, & Physicist, who worked with Biologists & Geneticists, I understand what is happening.
It’s gone way too far.


michael janket - Jun 18

michael janket

Time to take hostages.


Rina - Jun 19

And inject them with all this rubbish 100 times over.


Rev - Jun 30

Rev’s Substack

I would love to wake more people up on Twitter/X, I'm currently debating those who keep advocating that if this is truly happening, why aren't there more peer reviewed studies showing this evil going on and why aren't there people around the world showing this happening. Please help me get on Twitter Spaces and counter these points to awaken more people.


MW - Oct 27

MW’s Substack



Roman S Shapoval - Jun 18

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Best way to fight artificial nano is by activating the melanin computer of our skin via Sunlight:


Manuel Augusto - Jun 19

Saludos, la mejor manera de destruir los nanobots y poner a salvo sus vidas con la SURAMINA, es una respuesta a la diseminación de la vacuna covid, borra toda esa plaga.


JulesUSA - Jun 21



Jenny - Jun 18


Dr. Ana you are doing amazing work! Let’s hope that people develop discernment and are able to realize who the honest people are and who the frauds and trolls are- I have seen the demons behind the targeting program go to insane lengths to slander their targets and I know they are going to try even harder to discredit someone like you who has a platform to expose them.


Linda - Sep 3

Linda’s Substack

Yes, Dr Ana is an Godsend in time like we all experiencing now , As we know it well the Devils well try to discredit her and try to hurt her Let’s pray for her safety I pray for many Angels watching over her 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻😇❤️🙏🏻


Donna Mitchell - Jun 18 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

I also am a clinical microscopist who has a background in Medical Laboratory Technology (ASCP)and since your PHd was in pathology i was thrilled to follow you. My Dr sent me your first video. I had been photographing the strange shapes and anomalies since 2020 when they started appearing in my clients blood and I simply told them I have no idea what this is but know it is not normal and attempted to clear it up with various protocols and retested 4 weeks later. Thank you for giving names to my many photographs and I clean every slide with boiling water to remove any slide artifact so you are correct this is in the blood! The nanoflowers I started seeing in March 2024 and was waiting to see what they were and how they play into the pictures because at first they appeared 2-6 hours after the blood was on the slide and then now they are there right out of the body! The yellow hue they have and the yellow hue around the rbc's was incredibly colorful and scary!


Paul Vonharnish - Jun 19

Paul Vonharnish

Thank you Ms Mitchell. I think it is important to amass these findings from many independent sources. It's obvious these structures are chemically sophisticated, are being manufactured in high end laboratory settings, and are widely deployed. There are tens of thousands of persons involved in this event... They need to be hanged...


Donna Mitchell - Jun 19

joe’s Substack

I hope there is a special place in Hell for those who feel the need to play God!


joe stuerzl 85 - Jun 19

joe’s Substack

Punishing on earth comes first ,punishment in hell comes later .


Leon - Jun 19

They just following the orders.


Marty - Jun 18

Nano Ordo Mundi

You can confirm that before 2020 you had never seen the kind of anomalies and structures that we're now seeing in people's blood ?


Donna Mitchell - Jun 18

Nano Ordo Mundi

Yes I have been looking at Darkfield since 1995. I have lots of photos but this new stuff, had no idea what I was looking at other than it was not normal.


Donna Mitchell - Jun 19

Its the 100% of everyone’s blood now that is crazy. A weird thing between 2 slides did not get my attention but when it became more apparent was probably 2020 but I should go back to my old files and look at pictures I took early on in 1995-2000, 2000-2013 when I had a car accident and then when I went back to work in 2015 I was only seeing 20 people a month.


Marty - Jun 19

Nano Ordo Mundi

Thank you, 1995, you're an expert! I asked because i sometimes read comments from people saying that this massive contamination of the blood started way before the plandemic. 21st century is pure hell.


Donna Mitchell - Jun 21

My mistake 2005 is when I started darkfield! Only 19 years!


Penelope - Jun 19 - Edited


Donna, I was told that you need an electron microscope to be able to see nanoparticles. Is this untrue?


Mark Luersen - Jun 19 - Edited

Sun Drink Shadows

I asked a blood course analysis doctor and he confirms the optical microscopes can only see up to approx 200nm. He also says some other things about what some of these people are claiming and a lot of them are already known artifacts. I am not about to spend 7k on a course only to look at my own blood out of curiosity and also to answer my own questions that are not being asked/pursued by both sides.


Donna Mitchell - Jun 20 - Edited

Sun Drink Shadows

Mark I have a special Olympus microscope that had maximum magnification of 400x with 10x opticals and 40x objective. I replaced my occulars with 15x and I could get an oil immersion objective that is 100x 15 x but as a former lab tech it is hard to keep the oil objective from contaminating the 2x, 4X, and 10x and 40x. My microscope also does 3D and Phase contrast at those magnifications but it easily can see polymers, and hydrogels and with the magnification of the camera I can see the large nanobots as Dr Anna calls them and the nanoflowers are much bigger. I have been looking at live blood for quite some time.


Mark Luersen - Jun 20 - Edited

Sun Drink Shadows

That's great, you skirted the nm size issue, but if these things are larger than life and new, can you please put some pictures/videos of your own blood (date and time), try different modalities (infrared, rife, green laser, supplements, whatever) and then post the follow-up pictures at various times (5 minutes, 30, 1 day, etc...) to see what works and holds! Please no patient pics because honestly we do not know what they do, eat, drink, or even think of. Our thoughts are magnetic too, and God only knows what's in fast food these days- a lot has changed since 2020! If you don't have a substack, maybe just let us know in the comments of one of Ana's future repetitive posts. Thanks!


JulesUSA - Jun 21

What protocols seemed to work well?


Paul Vonharnish - Jun 18

Paul Vonharnish

Nice of these technologists to assume the entire planet as their personal test laboratory. These mechanisms are now being dispersed into Earth's soils and water. The chemical age will end with long lanes of dead bodies rotting on the roadside...


NK - Jun 18 - Edited

I wonder if grounding/earthing the person would effect the nano swarm


Donna Mitchell - Jun 19 - Edited

I think because of Dr Annas' connection the nanobots activation to the EMF's and 5 G that Earthing is a must and getting a mattress cover or grounding sheet or throw is definitely helpful to symptoms I have since I am in front on electronics all day long. The Healing for the A.G.E.S conference suggested that it is necessary to ground at least one hour more than we use electronic 5G wireless devices.They have a free EMF guide on their website. I have started that and have grounding pads under all my electronics now including my router and cordless phone. I also have a throw, and/or grounding mattress pad or sheet on all my beds. Not to mention the tiktock video of the pulsed EMF waves that started on April 16th affected my client and he thought he was having a heart attack. he found the video and sent to me and that is really scary since it happens when we are sleeping. I have no idea what this is all about other than to depopulate us.


Christine T - Jun 19 - Edited

Look into metasurfaces/hydrogel. Study whatever you can find. They’re attacking our reality, the ultimate mind control. Seamlessly delivering us into the metaverse. It’s horrifying. I watch Revolution1 live on Rumble to learn as much as I can. He’s the only one I see studying metasurfaces and nanotechnology


JulesUSA - Jun 21 - Edited

Christine, have you watched anything by Sabrina Wallace? Psinergy? She is mostly on Odysee but her videos are mirrored most places except probably YT. I think actually her channel on rumble is called "non vaxer 420".


Christine T - Jun 30 - Edited

She’s an agent provocateur. No I don’t follow her.


JulesUSA - Jul 2 - Edited

May I ask what you mean? About her? I continue to watch what I can from her, I find her information fascinating.


AJR - Jun 19


“Hence you could say, my work is in its unique league.”
Dr Ana, your work is the
“Unique-league” the only “league” Uniquely yours Dr Ana.
You’re astoundingly talented!
You, Dr Ana, are in an”league” all by yourself!
In fact Dr Ana, not only are you in a league all by yourself, you’ve open the gates for everyone to “look up to you”!
Your work for humanity and your God given strength to fight back against anyone who may try and silence you!
There aren’t any words to describe and express my gratitude for you and your work!
“Once in a lifetime”!
“Only one in a million”,
Dr Ana.
“One of a kind”!
Thank you so very much, for your tireless and generous work!
May God bless you and your family Dr Ana!
May God bless America and the Entire World!


Anonymous - Jun 23




Anonymous - Jun 23

God put her her for a time just as this and she has really stepped up!


AJR - Jun 23


Thank you Anonymous, I greatly appreciate your kind comment.


Lighted - Jun 18

Lighted’s Substack

Dr Ana, you are respected worldwide. There are too many people now with damaged brains who cannot be helped but as you said they are entitled to their opinion. Just a shame these people seem to command an audience with an ear willing to take false information.


rachel - Jun 18


Thank you for your work.
There are many ways for humans to get contaminated who were not vaxxed.
Getting swabbed through their nose is one. Another is by eating meat contaminated
with whatever the animal was injected with, such as graphene oxide. Look up videos
about "magnetic meat" on Rumble or Brighteon.
Another, less talked about, is by having sex with someone who was covid jabbed, or swabbed.
The last one I can think of, is by ingesting whatever contaminants are sprayed through Geoengineering.


dyr - Jun 18


Sad to say that breathing what carriers exhale in confined areas and/or air purposely and/or unwittingly toxified with similar, does it. I have been self-experimenting for several years now, and of late paying close attention to just this, venues I suffer telling after effects from, and where not. Last few months of this closer attention than to other factors, three times in lower-ceilinged public places (old library bldg, small village bank, little retailer) were symptom vectors for me but with the important aspect of having had to tarry inside and in one place for some minutes, as opposed to my usual in-and-out or constantly moving. Only those three vs times spent eg in high-ceilinged retailers' large shops -which i am loath to recommend over the others! - have elicited telltale symptoms. I think the ways you mention are less reliable vectors than breath.


rachel - Jun 21


That also makes sense. However, Covid particles are so small maks dont work.
But jabbed humans DO SHED in mutiple ways.
BUT, we all have to breathe, eat, and drink.
There ARE incidences of humans getting jabbed and their dog or cat becoming
exposed to them, DIED. There ARE incidences of a husband getting their jabs
and not telling the wife. They have sex, and she ends up spontaneouly aborting,
or getting very sick, or becoming infertile, etcetera. cheers.


Martha Sevcik - Jun 18

Thanks for all your hard work on this matter!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Randy - Jun 19 - Edited

Canadian Apple Pie

Hi, thanks for your work, but when you said unvaccinated blood, we need to know if he took a PCR test or not? or if he had a sexual relationship with vaccinated person?
Please, We need clarification here.


Canadian Apple Pie - Jun 19

Canadian Apple Pie

Pfizer’s documents say Nanotechnologies are self spreading byway of breath and skin to skin.


rachel - Jun 21


EXACTLY, there are other sources....


Cos - Jun 19

Yes, precisely. A bit of a broad stroke is being used.


Ellen Scott - Jun 19

I believe in what you are doing, Dr.Ana, and have followed you from the start. The problem is there aren’t chelation doctors within a hundred miles of my home, even though I live in proximity to a very large city. I don’t know where to find a a professional help that knows more than I do from reading a wide range of information. I know what my blood looked like in 2019 as I had a live blood analysis done after E. coli. Now, I don’t trust anyone testing my blood nor do I donate anymore. Why are you not showing us vaccinated blood too? Just scaring the pants off of those who did not take a shot? I don’t understand.


terri - Jun 21

Go back through her many posts and you will see vaccinated blood as well. She makes the point that there is no difference, we all have it.


JulesUSA - Jun 21

I wondered that also. Why no study of the vaccinated blood?

REPLY - Jun 19

Why is there no optical difference in the size of the objects with 400x and 2000x magnification (videos 1 to 3), or is it all 2000x?


Susan P ... - Jun 19

Susan P ...

GOD's blessings to you Dr. Ana - you're on of my favorite TRUTH Warriors. In GOD we Trust ...


Bard Joseph - Jun 18

Joseph’s Substack

Reading Dr. Sircus on Sodium Bicarbonate for removing metals. Baking soda seems awesome to balance the body.


rachel - Jun 18


Use zeolite powder, Boron (from laundry borax), and food-grade Diatomaceous earth.
Just do not but the DE from china available on Amazon. I like the Earthworks brand.


Bard Joseph - Jun 18

Joseph’s Substack

Same idea.
Also bentonite clay.


Sober Christian Gentleman - Jun 18

Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…

Alkalizing the body works wonders for healing and cleansing


rachel - Jun 18


However, it will not remove the contaminants "they" are putting everywhere...


Bard Joseph - Jun 21

Joseph’s Substack

Time will tell.


Christopher Ahrens - Jun 19

Christopher’s Substack

What are the symptoms of the nano technology doing this in your blood? I have problems of circulation but my blood pressure is fine. I hurt everywhere . Like I have arthritis, but I don’t have arthritis.. I found a tracking device as well. I never got the vaccine. It was out in there while I was under the knife having hernia surgery.


rachel - Jun 21


Blood transfusion? drugs? take care...


JulesUSA - Jun 21

Christopher’s Substack

You found a tracking device? Can you explain?


Christopher Ahrens - Jun 22

Christopher’s Substack

I had hernia surgery and after the surgery I could feel something in the area of the entry wound. I have had people gang stalking me now for years now. I’ve always wondered how they track me. A group called Targeted justice showed me how to check to see if it was a tracking device. It will out a emf signature that can be picked up by the microphone of a megaphone. You turn on the megaphone put the mouth piece on the spot where you think that tracking device might be and it will make the the megaphone squelch. Nothing should be in your body that can make the megaphone do that. They use this tracking device to store data as well. I’m no scientist so it’s not easy for me to explain how it actually works. I hope this helps answers your question.



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