My Interview With Silk On Diamond And Silk…

Jan 31, 2024

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Apologetic Yankee - Jan 31, 2024 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

Continued thanks to Dr. Mihalcea for Her Nobel deserving Research & efforts in disseminating what is by far the most important narrative to be with focus on > Cross Domain Bacteria that all Life is being systematically exposed to > this & censorship are the 2 most pressing narratives to be addressing…everything else takes a backseat.


Rosalind McGill - Jan 31, 2024

Rosalind McGill

Those of us with morgellons were the canary in the coal mine.


Piotr Bein - Jan 31, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

The TIs even earlier.


kaal - Feb 1, 2024


Would you like to know who first posted? That would b ME. I had been listening to lookoutfacharlie feeling disturbed and outraged trying to understand. Then I found doc GiordnGO{wont even print his name} then i found Duncan and read amazon reviews of victims for his book. I has been watching nicholson1968 showing the cyborg agenda after hearing put my sons cross over this- his dream of 9-11 in roman numerals. When Dr david Nixon first showed the circuitry I figured G got his knowledge by testing{victims} ans posted this on Dr Anas substack way back then. as the beast system. Rosalind Mcgill Thomas Guitarman and gigahertz chimed in with knowledge and experience. It was a guess on my part. Dr Ana then read Duncans book and pursued the truth and she did great work. now im suffering but-


Piotr Bein - Feb 4, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Kudos and my empathy for you, Kaal.


kaal - Feb 4, 2024


Ty- Ty- I need to stop. Certain things 'they' dont want posted....Must disengage----try to,


kaal - Feb 4, 2024


I mean meant ty for the empathy.


Rosalind McGill - Feb 4, 2024

Rosalind McGill

Without a doubt.


Piotr Bein - Jan 31, 2024 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Cross Domain Bacteria -- Clifford Carnicom's ad hoc term he now admits means xenobio-nanotech.
Nobels nowadays are for the globalist lackeys like Poland's Lech Wałęsa (CIA's super-agent of influence) and Obama. I am happy Dr. Ana is not such.
"everything else takes a backseat" -- How right! Since joining Dr. Ana's substack forum and readings about September 2023, I cointinued in Polish e-discussion groups by posting links to Her material. Stunnerd, I found to date the group does not react al all, as if I passed nothing on. Hence PR like the interview with the charming host named Silk to match the theme is a must-do for general public eduction. Kudos to Dr. Ana for judiciously selecting her interview platforms.


Susanne - Feb 1, 2024

Susanne’s Substack

"Chi (x = ch) and Rho (p = r) are the first three letters of "Christ" or "Christos" in the Greek language. Though there are many variations of the Chi-Rho, most commonly it consists of the overlaying of the two letters and often is surrounded by a circle."
The beast has great power on earth, deception and the ability to force "everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead...which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666." Revelation 13:16-18, written by John a disciple of Christ.
Jesus taught a member of the Jewish ruling council, Nicodemus, who was curious about what Jesus was doing and of his identity, saying, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." John 3:2.
Jesus teaches rebirth, something unacceptable in atheism. Remember, Satan is a fallen angel. He and demonic powers know the power of God and of his angels and have no power over them when one believes in Jesus as God's only Son. The Book of John is treasure to anyone who will read it. The Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit that changes one from birth (born of water) to rebirth (born of water and the spirit).
“How can a man be born when he is old? Nicodemus asked He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, ?” Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised by my saying, 'You must be born again.'" John 3:5-7. Isn't life worth living when one has the Holy Spirit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no other law in Christ, the anointed One.


John Vargo - Apr 5

John Vargo

Sorry,humanity has been duped.


Roman S Shapoval - Jan 31, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

This could also be why methylene blue helps us in a blu-lit toxic world:
blue things also will be less likely to absorb anything but blue, which if you think in a light perpective - we're surrounded by blue light from LEDs etc.
Our eyes' dimmer switch (triggers melatonin release) melanopsin receptors are also blue:


Justin Coy - Feb 3, 2024

Justin Coy

In that case, wouldn't Methylene Blue be the opposite of what we would want in us?


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 3, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Good question. I don't believe so, as when we have something that is the same color, it will reflect it. E.g. plants don't absorb, but reflect green. Does that make sense?


Justin Coy - Feb 6, 2024

Justin Coy

That is an interesting hypothesis. I wonder if that is a method of action to disable the nanobots in our brains. Methylene Blue is reported as capable of passing through the blood brain barrier. I already spent money on a laboratory but just south of my new property they just erected a murder tower. Now I'm looking for a new place to set up. If we don't identify an effective method to remove the tech from the brain, will cleaning our blood really make a difference?


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 6, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I hear you. working on it. Where's captain America when we need him? j/k let's keep in touch Justin. send me an email if you'd likeinfo@thepowercouple.caI lose comments faster than rats without methylene blue lose brain cells


Justin Coy - Feb 6, 2024

Justin Coy

Roman, I had a thought. I wonder if custom monoclonal antibodies could be used to bond to the hydrogel. If the blood is suffering electron theft by this material, could these monoclonal antibodies be used to bond to the hydrogel and assist in its removal? I have also thought about the use of hemodialysis. I doubt the machine would have much effect due to the small size of the particles, but I considered if there were an effective substance that would bond to them or if at least, the "clumping" with Sodium Citrate could increase its usefulness.


Webe1 - Jan 31, 2024


High profile individuals (trump, t carlson, etc) must publicly denounce the constant assaults against the human race. The fact that he and/or his so-called pro American associates have not done so (to my knowledge) is suspect.


Piotr Bein - Jan 31, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Fox's Carlson is controlled "opposition". Globalist cabal's lackey, Trump approved pharmafia's con artists to advise the highest executive level on the plandemic, helped hype up c19 scare, then rushed the bioweapon "vax" in military op at "warp speed".
If they dared to denounce the bankster assault on Humanity, they wouldn't be in the picture but instead marginalised, supressed or dead.


Tony Porcaro - Jan 31, 2024

Tony’s Newsletter

Quite right!


John Vargo - Apr 4

John Vargo


Webe1 - Apr 5


The video is unavailable.


John Vargo - Apr 4

John Vargo

That was his interview with the florida surgeon general that was taken down,


Webe1 - Apr 5


It’s a plausible explanation for the loss of critical thinking by growing numbers of the population.


Gary - Apr 5

Gary’s Substack

And perhaps Dr. Michael Nehls’ work on the shots shrinking the hippocampus- our biographical memory bank resides there- we use the hippocampus extensively in critical thinking.


John Vargo - Apr 5

John Vargo

The brain's limbic system,note the amygdala,,and%20fight%20or%20flight%20responses.,and%20fight%20or%20flight%20responses


Dr. Joseph Sansone - Jan 31, 2024

Mind Matters and Everything Els…

Great interview Dr. Ana!


Truth Matters - Jan 31, 2024

Truth’s Substack

Ana and all,
Spread this message EVERYWHERE!!!
CRITICAL MESSAGE for all AMERICAN doctors and their followers to push them in the RIGHT direction to…
Message to all American doctors and scientists who give a damn about STOPPING ALL VACCINES…
All AMERICAN doctors and scientists working to STOP THE VAX should be working together with the support of strategic planners. Contact…
Isn’t it way past time AMERICAN doctors and scientists UNITE???


Blaze Nathan - Jan 31, 2024

Blaze Nathan

Thank you for this important post, and for all you are doing for Humanity. I appreciate learning that Methylene Blue can dissolve evil energies ... wow! I have a good supply and will be sure to take it regularly. I knew it was effective against nanoparticles but was unaware of its power against evil! Amazing.


Piotr Bein - Jan 31, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

What is your source of MB and at what price?


Blaze Nathan - Jan 31, 2024

Blaze Nathan

I purchased mine from Amazon:
This is the brand that was recommended by author Mark Sloan "The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue"


Piotr Bein - Feb 1, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Thanks, Blaze. I can't read for poor eyes, listened to 1 hour interview with Sloan:
In Canada I can order:


Blaze Nathan - Feb 1, 2024

Blaze Nathan

This product looks good ... it is double the size of the one I use, and double the price. Same dosage per drop. Appears to be good quality and potency. Good for you!


Piotr Bein - Feb 1, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Comment removed.


Piotr Bein - Feb 1, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Great hint, thanks.


Piotr Bein - Feb 1, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Comment removed.


Piotr Bein - Feb 2, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Thanks for caring, Psz.


Michael Menno Mackenzie - Feb 1, 2024

God bless you Dr. Ana. You are a hero of humanity. Most have no idea, they simply cannot fathom what we clearly see. As a T.I. of 10 years, I do know. I see all of this coming together. The enemy has prepared and we must as well. I don't know if I'll make it to the end, but my last gasp of oxygen will be energy used against them. I suffered significantly from their relentless attacks. From the loss of employment and career as a secondary teacher and college instructor to the loss of my belongings. My children have been taken, my marriage failed. The Lord allowed this as he is guiding me in assisting others. They have taken their toll on my health. The cardiological attacks have been significant...stage 4 hypertension, palpations, irregular heartbeat, enlarged heart, Coronary Artery Disease, Eischemic Heart Disease, heart attack, etc. Mentally, an "accident" left me with a traumatic brain injury, PTSD, encephalitis, cerebral small vessel disease and epilepsy. My lower four discs have all herniated, I'm bone on bone, the vertebrates are crumbling. I will soon undergo a quadruple spinal fusion. I've experienced 36 fractures. I fight on. Our Christian church of Deliverance is strong. We podcast three times a week. Ive given sermons on gangstalking and nanotechnology. More and more people are seeing the reality. Stay strong my fellow T.I. You keep me and many others going. The Lord created man in his own image. I believe that he is not to supportive of the enemy's transhumanist agenda. They will soon feel the wrath of our God. "May no weapon formed against you prosper"


Brent Rice - Feb 1, 2024

Brent Rice

Why would Nestle bottled water contain graphene oxide? What other products wonder by globalists contain graphene?
To build up immune tolerance?k


David Rinker - Jan 31, 2024

David Rinker

Shamans and oracles have long used mind altering drugs such as huasca, peyote, and Khat as means of opening the door to the spirit world. The key to control of an animal, and biologically Homo sapiens are animals, with same basic physiological makeup as lower animals, is control of the brain-mind. When we renounce control of our mind, as when under the influence of mind-altering hallucinogenic drugs, we open the door to influence and control by outside entities. The same process will occur with brain chip implantation. We are renouncing our autonomy, and relinquishing control of ourselves to outside forces. Chips are an ideal medium-means of control of Homo sapiens, as are mind-altering drugs by demonic forces.


Piotr Bein - Jan 31, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

We also have the heart, to where God communicates (Holy Spirit in Chriistian dogma). Does it matter -- do you know, David?


kaal - Jan 31, 2024


God pouring Holy Spirit out to some in this country{usa mystery babylon} search dalton travis gray on yt and johnathon kleck on yt- most pushback when he is mentioned. much symbology/ revelations. Dr Ana now onto symbology. wont leave this up long-


kaal - Feb 1, 2024


narrow road79k on yt- HARSH words of judgement from GOD to the ppl of the USA.


WuWu - Jan 31, 2024

Thaddeus Robinson

There's clearly a reason why we've been bombarded with the super"hero" Spiderman in graphic( very) novels[ not-so comedic "comics"] and movies for decades.
On another, and more occult, note, in the matrix-etheric we are surrounded by a chickenwire-like enclosure in which spiderlike beings that drip poison "live". They are very real, yet of course avoidable to some extent.
Oh, and X is NOT a "bad" letter; often it simply denotes Experimental( though the baddies prefer to Mengele-mangle the purpose of it..) . But we of the Positive realms can also use it, for example in its most recognizable form, × , known generally as the Solar cross.
"Be not a poison upon others; Be veracious, be true, be receptive; - Be ruthful and nutrify" :
- - author: myself.


Thaddeus Robinson - Feb 1, 2024

Thaddeus Robinson

for your quote


Theara - Feb 21, 2024

Theara’s Newsletter


Harold Saive - Feb 3, 2024 - Edited

News Paradigm

Without giving me credit, at 2:24 in the video, Harald Kautz Vella shows the last page of my Chemrtrails Manual reconstruction uploaded toArchive.orgin 2012. He also misdirects the audience by claiming it does no good to look up to see the trails. This is a lie, since the aircraft type, number and destination can be determined from FlightRadar24. Mike Decker reports this data on most of his high powered Nikon camera videos that clearly show aerosol spraying and other aerosol releases not associated with the engine that cannot been noticed by observers on the ground without high magnification. These high-zoom videos defy scientific observation. Finally, Chemtrails have been scientifically differentiated from contrails using radiomentry analysis in a study by Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD. This information is available on my substack -


kaal - Feb 4, 2024


he says black goo/ graphene is the remains of spider archon species after they had to had no choice but to merge with AI.


Justin Coy - Feb 3, 2024

Justin Coy

"The light emission spectrum peak of Methylene Blue is 666 nm"
This bothers me.


pampass - Feb 2, 2024

Ana, pls explain us: is QDots = CDB ? -or are they 2 different things?
What is delivered by vaccine: QDots, CDB or both?


Shona Duncan - Feb 1, 2024

Shona’s Substack

What I know is in this document on slide 34, "spider genes in goats milk allow spider silk spinning in goats milk for "Biosteel" 3X strength from amarid fibres for amour."
Denis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Centre
Briefly uploaded to NASA website in 2001.



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