Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 31, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Last night I spoke with Silk and she was so kind. She basically explained that she understands how my information is being censored everywhere and that she wanted me to have a platform to explain my findings. She specifically wanted to know about the spider silk polymer which I explained its connection with military research and transhumanist agenda.
Thank you Silk for allowing truth to be revealed!
In my own contemplation, I find the spiritual symbology about the spider interesting. When they are genetically engineering goats with spider genes - the goat is a satanic symbol of Baphomet and the spider can be a symbol of destruction and the underworld. The spider symbology was connected to black goo and the archons, which in satanism the satanist gives the demons access to his light body. Harald Kautz Vella, who works as a healer to rescue satanic ritual abuse victims, has spoken of this in his brilliant video on chemtrails and Morgellons.
I have seen tremendous spiritual suffering from the bioweapon shedding and have written about this.
I also do not think it is a coincidence that Graphene can create demons in the scientific literature:
If you do not understand that this is a spiritual war, of course none of this makes sense to you. I am speaking to those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Everything is symbolism with the satanic transhumanists. Additionally the chimeric creation of hybrid creatures, including mixing human DNA with animals is part of the defilement of the divine human is such a violation of divine natural law. Nature evolves, it does not de-evolve. A civilization that mixes human DNA with animal DNA is doomed for destruction.
Since I was a little girl, I could see things in the future. I had one recurring dream for decades - which was that at the ocean a tsunami wall of water was approaching coming towards a populated city and beachfront. I was warning people but they were enjoying the beach and the sunshine and could not see the tsunami.
The self assembly nanotechnology and the black satanic awakening and AI Cyborg transformation of society is the tsunami I saw. Millions died every time. This is not to say that natural cataclysms will not happen in the future, they have been seen. But the image of the people who could not hear my screams of warning and could not see the wall of water, that is what in some sense I am living now. These people deny shedding, self spreading nanotechnology, synthetic biology, brain computer interface and a point of no return in our civilization with the merging of humans with AI technology. Nobody who knows anything about spiritual law will mockingly wear the costume of Satan - and Elon Musk is no fool or novice to such subjects. Halloween is the ritual to become that which you choose as your symbol.
I believe that implanting humans with AI technology is a point of no return. The future is watching us now - and what decisions we make determines the continuity or extinction of our species. You cannot control AI, it is autonomous, self learning and destructive without a conscience.
The letter X is the mark of the beast. Twitter changed to X, there is Space X. Disease X. This is not a coincidence but Illuminati symbolism.
Many people still do not understand that those who lie and deceive - for they are cowards who refuse to speak the truth and willfully censor it - are also feeding the beast, the system of enslavement. AI and the technology is just the interface to feed the handlers in a different dimension and for the handlers to control humanity, our life force and our free will.
People ask why would anyone create a targeting and torture program through the intelligence communites and government. Its because the energy of suffering is useful fuel to those in power. They feed off of it.
We now have a mortality rate from the bioweapons of already 17 Million excess deaths. This is almost twice the death count for the second world war.
People do not understand that even WBAN is a satanic symbol. The micro robots feed on our life force - just like the demons feed on our emotional energy. I look at people who with all their vehemence become vindictive, blaming, aggressive, hateful. They don’t even know they are literally lunch for the handlers of the globalists. This is why they want humanity in an emotional frenzy of fear and darkness. In my near death experience, I saw the red dragon, Satan, and how he (and his legions) feed on humanity and are using the technology as the interface. I know what I am fighting because if have seen it.
In the end, nothing matters except this - are you going to survive this genocide? The tsunami of death is happening now. Excess deaths are everywhere. Most people still have their head in the sand while people around them are dying. The spider weaves a cocoon around its victims before they are devoured. People think our enemy is human. They are not. But we are their batteries.
Arm yourself with love, truth, courage. Do not be a deceiver and do not feed the beast. Part of this warfare is rising our vibratory frequency to a level of love and truth. They cannot live there and have no food there. Do what you can to detoxify the nanotechnology and support your body, mind and spirit. Connect with nature. Fight this enslavement. Give it everything you got - we are nearing the high pitch of the battle.
And one more thing: Methylene Blue is an ultraviolet blue dye. The blue frequency realm is above the infrared, which is the frequency band where demons haunt. The light emission spectrum peak of Methylene Blue is 666 nm - which is in the infrared band. It reaches and neutralizes evil things, from the mercy of the healing blue realm.
If you read my book Light Medicine, you will understand. I always use healing methods on every level of existence and I use things for more than one reason.
I just thought you should know that. Here is a quote to explain what I said - the technology can wire “satan” into you, so you become one with the hive mind of evil:
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Apologetic Yankee - Jan 31, 2024
Apologetic Yankee
Continued thanks to Dr. Mihalcea for Her Nobel deserving Research & efforts in disseminating what is by far the most important narrative to be with focus on > Cross Domain Bacteria that all Life is being systematically exposed to > this & censorship are the 2 most pressing narratives to be addressing…everything else takes a backseat.
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Susanne - Feb 1, 2024
Susanne’s Substack
"Chi (x = ch) and Rho (p = r) are the first three letters of "Christ" or "Christos" in the Greek language. Though there are many variations of the Chi-Rho, most commonly it consists of the overlaying of the two letters and often is surrounded by a circle."
The beast has great power on earth, deception and the ability to force "everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead...which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666." Revelation 13:16-18, written by John a disciple of Christ.
Jesus taught a member of the Jewish ruling council, Nicodemus, who was curious about what Jesus was doing and of his identity, saying, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." John 3:2.
Jesus teaches rebirth, something unacceptable in atheism. Remember, Satan is a fallen angel. He and demonic powers know the power of God and of his angels and have no power over them when one believes in Jesus as God's only Son. The Book of John is treasure to anyone who will read it. The Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit that changes one from birth (born of water) to rebirth (born of water and the spirit).
“How can a man be born when he is old? Nicodemus asked He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, ?” Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised by my saying, 'You must be born again.'" John 3:5-7. Isn't life worth living when one has the Holy Spirit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no other law in Christ, the anointed One.
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